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12911440 No.12911440 [Reply] [Original]

10 lbs to go edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.12911441

Prior thread

>> No.12911449

Could drinking too much water be a bad idea? The last few days I've been drinking enough that I feel uncomfortably full after eating food. Is it true that this will cause my stomach to expand and just make me more hungry later? How should I go about drinking water before meals if I don't want to starve myself, just eat less, and also don't want to screw myself over in the long run?

>> No.12911465


It's difficult to over hydrate. Any more than 10-13 cups a day may be dangerous if you're using it to curb your appetite. If you think you're drinking over the recommended amount of water in a day eat more food instead. Healthy, low sugar, and low calorie snacks. I wish /thinspo/ would realize you can lose weight without starving yourself.

>> No.12911482
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I decided I want to recover today because recently has been the worst so far. But I can't get rid of the wish to stay thin. Is it realistc to live a happy normie ED free life and staying below 50kg? Or should I say chiao to that forever?

>> No.12911486

I think I may have fucked up my metabolism, idk. How do I fix this?

>> No.12911508

What do you mean "fucked up your metabolism?" Have you damaged your thyroid or somehow killed off large numbers of mitochondria? "Metabolism" is a very obscurantist term, since it mystifies the concrete uses of energy by the body.

>> No.12911527

Finally a new thread!
Finally got down to 140.2 Ibs. So far at 1110 calories today, I think I'll keep it there.

>> No.12911687
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Spooky skeleton here, I dont understand this thread or why anybody would ever want to be this thin. As someone who weighed only 120 last year I really dont like what this thread stands for (except keepping hydrated which is a rule I live by). Dont get me wrong being thin is /effay/ as fuck but when you get to the skeleton level its to time to eat some fucking food.

>> No.12911690
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male thinspo on tumblr is so dead like there's nothing

>> No.12911694
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>> No.12911695

idk dude I'm just paranoid lol

>> No.12911697
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>> No.12911700

Perfect female form

>> No.12911704

282lb 6'6"
I've been eating only veggies for the past week and i weighed myself right before I started. The only scale I have access to is at work and I can't slip away right now to go weigh myself.

Guess how much weight you think someone my size would lose in a week if I only ate vegetables with no fat or salt, water, black coffee and one apple. I'll weigh myself as soon as I can, might be an hour or two.

>> No.12911742

You understand that you do need protein to survive, yes? But I guess maybe all your hair falling out is effay.

>> No.12911758

>vegetables have no protein
Broccoli, kale, beans, lentils, etc. are all much cheaper than meat and not too difficult to prepare.

>> No.12911774
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>I wish /thinspo/ would realize you can lose weight without starving yourself.

and without putting yourself through pain. if any of you are suffering through weight loss then you should realize that masochism is involved. it should feel clean and easy if you're doing it right

>> No.12911808

do thinspo male models shave their body hair?

>> No.12911809
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hello thin folks, got a brand question for you all

i am roughly a 26-28 inch waist (UK) and a 5'11 guy... i have real trouble finding good quality trousers that fit me, especially wool pants, which is what i'm currently looking for. can you hit me with some brands that cater to a slimmer form?

n.b. i'm not looking for skinny fitted trousers, but for trousers that fit skinny people (hope that makes sense) and pic rel is the type im going after

>> No.12911816

they also have 1/15th the protein of grilled chicken if you compare them by mass. So you can eat 1.5kg of broccoli if you want I'm just going to keep eating chicken breast thank you very much.

>> No.12911889

>Is it realistc to live a happy normie ED free life and staying below 50kg
It depends on how tall you are.

>> No.12911902

manlet. 5'4. female is that matters.

>> No.12911906


>> No.12911909

>tfw went back to being fat

>> No.12911910

I bought mine all from Uniqlo.

>> No.12911914

I lost five pounds, it's a good start

>> No.12911960

You'd need to be 49.5kg to not be underweight. It's definitely possible to be underweight without an ED, but if you have one I'd say try to stay at 50 or a bit above. You'd still be skinny at 51 or 52, but you'd have a normie BMI.

>> No.12911984

I get my protein from beans. Meat is gross, dude.

>> No.12912006

No. What may happen is that you overdrink soda when you have a meal. If I do this, my stomach aches and I feel dissy for about half an hour.
As my recommendation, eat slowly and eat to about 3/4 of you full capacity. NEVER fill up, ever. There's no need to, you can eat every hour or two if you get hungry, but never eat more than 3/4.
As for drinking, drink as many WATER (not soda) as you NEED during your meals. If you have soda, I would recommend you to avoid drinking until you have finished your food.

Drinking a lot of water is not a problem provided you drink what you feel you need to drink.
For example, I am a person who drinks A LOT of water:

I start my day drinking two full glasses of water (I am really-really thirsty when I JUST wake up) and I complement my breakfast with a tea (generally a big cup).

At both day and night meals, I drink about 2 to 3 glasses of water/soda/whatever they put on the table.

In the afternoon I drink something from my country ("mate", if you want search it up, it's an infusion from argentina/uruguay), in which I share with my father, and we drink about half a litre each.
>as a side-note, this is the only thing I drink out of joy.

Finally, when I go to study at my uni, I carry a bottle of water, which I generally drink it all.

So, to sum up, let's say I drink about 3L of water each day. But the amount varies depending on the weather and if I have to do sports. Also, when it's cold I generally drink less.
Pd: yes, I pee many times a day.

>> No.12912036
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113 two days ago, highest was around 130
female, 5’5

I think I’ll look best at 100-105 but I think I’ll try to go lower eventually, like 90-95

I used to eat 1000-1200 calories a day but I also would burn 500 or more a day through exercise. Not exercising daily anymore, so trying to eat 500-700 calories but I keep going over that because I can’t focus without eating something. Any tips to stay between 500-700 a day?

>> No.12912060

If that's a pic of you, stay exactly as you are, or even go for a bit more weight.
Past that, you'll look unhealthy and weak.

>> No.12912062

i was 246 lbs at the end of july and i've been restricting to 1200 since then. now i'm 209.

so i would say at least 2.5 lbs of weight loss

>> No.12912071

Have a binge day and then eat nothing for a week

>> No.12912099

Sadly pic is not me, nowhere near that

>> No.12912141

Then keep going :) although you can't excercise every day, in my opinion the ideal is exercising 3 times a week, 4 times max.
What is important though is how much intensity you put into that excercise. If you spent most time doing light stuff at a slow pace, then exercising will not be significant. But, if you do the correct amount of exercise, then you should keep with your ~1100 calory diet.
Have you considered doing a sport? Something like soccer, hockey, tennis, ice skate, swiming.

>> No.12912154

You can exercises six days a week easily as long as you alterate anaerobic/aerobic.

My routine is weights monday/wednesday/friday, running tuesday/thursday/saturday.

>> No.12912230

What are the best at home exercises to burn fat quickly? I already go walking, but want to do more to speed up the progress.

>> No.12912243

During track/cross country seasons I work out 6 times a week. I never do weights, only do body weight exercises (pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats, etc) for 20 minutes before bed. Doesn’t really burn anything though, I never count that as an actual workout since it’s not cardio.

Off season right now, so my job replaces the time that would be spent working out and with school, other responsibilities, and aiming for 8 hours of sleep, I don’t have time to do a full workout everyday as I would like to :// So I’m just trying to restrict more but I’m not succeeding.

>> No.12912311

literally had less than 400kcal today and I've never been happier

>> No.12912459

Do you just lie on your bed all day? How are you getting vitamins and macronutrients?

>> No.12912799

have you tried running

>> No.12912807
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>> No.12912831

It’s help and support for people trying to get thin. You probably don’t get it because you’re already there

>> No.12912958
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>> No.12912964
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>> No.12912977
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>> No.12912985
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>> No.12912990
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>> No.12912996
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>> No.12912999
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>> No.12913021
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>> No.12913114

not a thinspo fag but i just ate 5k calories at outback steakhouse and im panicking pls help i just wanna lose 10 lbs and be lean as fuck

should i do hours of cardio tonight or cut my losses and continue on as normal

>> No.12913117

What the fuck did you order for it to get to 5,000 calories?

>> No.12913128
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Go out for a run, and don't eat like a pig tomorrow.

>> No.12913129

Throw it up.

>> No.12913137

i ate a bloomin onion and an entire entree of steakhouse quesadillas. i feel like shit because i normally only eat clean foods and i avoid dairy.

if only i were still bulking so i could slightly justify the calories

>> No.12913149

Terrible advice.

>> No.12913154

You guys have to understand something. There exists picture beauty and eye-ball beauty aka real world beauty aka every day beauty. The lens sees differently than the eye.

You'll notice a lot of modern trends cater to picture aesthetics - basically meaning anything that looks good on camera will be popular in this technological year. Many many many of the popular hairstyles all look incredible in the lens when styles perfectly but in real life ie. an undercut ONE simple wind blow or one bad cow lick will make you look a balding retard. For girls it's the bob cut. Looks beautiful in picture yet one bad shower or one change in humidity in the weather and she looks like a grandma. Where i'm going with this is that being thin is on the far end of the spectrum where it looks fantastic, riveting, refreshing and charming on camera. When the shadows reflect perfectly and when every clothing item looks like it's tailored to perfection the camera will eat that shit up and make it golden. But you look sickly, you look malnourished to the human eye. You look immature, you look disproportionate, you look silly.

I'm a big victim of picture looks vs irl looks and i've recently switched to a much more suitable everyday looking haircut than a picture haircut and i feel much more confident. Be at a healthy weight, be a little under average. Look good on and off the lens, don't go to the extreme of thinspo. The thinspo lifestyle is like a samurai life, if you made us of it for a healthier change, your willpower and resilience would make you a fit sex monster.

tl;dr: thinspo looks like shit irl, better accentuated by the lens, also people will think you're retarded. leanness is good but don't over due it.

>> No.12913161

lol no

>> No.12913162

After 5 days of eating 500 calories, I fucking binge and eat 1500.

What the fuck have I done..

>> No.12913168

Eat an average of 667 calories/day for nearly a week

>> No.12913169

Today I only ate some peanuts and a little bit of cream (like, just the tip of my finger) and its 11 pm here. I feel like eating something small but idk, should I do it or just smoke?

>> No.12913177

don’t eat, easier to continue to not eat than to stop eating, for me anyways

>> No.12913183
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Do i have scoliosis? I am 5'11/121 lbs but i am not pleased with my skelly arms/frame

>> No.12913194

Scoliosis couldn't have anything to do with that.
Just from looking at the picture, you seem pretty even. It might be easier to tell with a photo of the front of your torso, and even then you need to actually feel the back of the patient a lot of the time to say conclusively that it is scoliosis in milder cases. Assuming you aren't extremely underage, it's very unlikely that you are just now developing scoliosis anyway.

>> No.12913195

Jesus Christ nigga

>> No.12913207

I am 19, i had a quick grow spurt so now i can see all my uneven bones....one of my shoulders bone is forward, my left rib sticks out and my right pec sticks out too

>> No.12913214

Maybe lordosis then? That's easier to correct. https://www.epainassist.com/manual-therapy/physical-therapy/lumbar-lordosis-or-lumbar-swayback-5-simple-corrective-exercises-tips-for-prevention

>> No.12913230

I've eaten at an average of 2500 calorie surplus for the past week. How much have I actually gained? Scale says I'm up 6kg

>> No.12913234
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r/ing thin leg inspo
also, to people who are thin already, what are the circumferences of your thighs and calves

>> No.12913267

185 lbs

Mostly eat rice, veggies and pork.

Try to hit a less gawdy punk look. Any pieces to watch out for? Making conservative use of toques and floral pats

>> No.12913270

wtf underwear is that?? i want

>> No.12913301

How is 6'3 120lbs? idk whether im unhealthy or not but i dont count calories or anything im just naturally this skinny.

>> No.12913308

get a stool transplant

>> No.12913313

(2500*7)/3500= 5 pounds of fat gained. Everything else is probably water.

>> No.12913403
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>stuck at university doing late at night
>had only eaten a banana today so I walk to the vending machine
>buy a bowl of ramen
>read the nutritional info
>260 calories
>not great but not too terrible
>heat up the ramen, stuff my face with it
>bored so I read the box again while I eat
>250 calories
>per half container

>> No.12913508

Your uni has ramen in vending machines? Lucky. At mine you have to go to a store or cafe on campus to get anything. At least it means that my social anxiety keeps me from buying anything. Anyway, 250 cal isn't that big a deal if it happens once.

>> No.12913535

The best thing I've ever gotten out of a college vending machine would have to be either plantain chips or overpriced protein bars. All of that went on an "emergency" debit card.

>> No.12913543

6'1 180 lbs and im skinny. 6'3 120 lbs must be insane

>> No.12913569

its kinda nice desu i can pull off SLP pretty well

probably unhealthy tho

>> No.12913769

You’re at 15 bmi, don’t go any lower

>> No.12914026
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>Many many many of the popular hairstyles all look incredible in the lens when styled perfectly but in real life wind ruins them

Please don't remind me of this.
Everyday I spend so long styling my hair so precisely and it gets ruined within 35 seconds of stepping out the door

>> No.12914074

Tfw my hairstyle works fine in wind :3

>> No.12914125

>had 1900 calories yesterday because I was weak willed
>gained one fucking pound
End me

>> No.12914139

Stretch marks.
I'm down about 30 lbs since the beginning of the year. I'd like to lose maybe 10 more.
I've had stretch marks for a lot of my life, but now they're a lot more obvious on my belly area.
I'm not gonna make it

>> No.12914188
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Hello, female 5'4 x 95 lb (163cm x 43kg).
My tights are 17,5 in (44cm)... as for my calves I don't know but they're too small for my taste...
pic related it's me

>> No.12914195
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looks good anon

>> No.12914250

your body is my goal

>> No.12914255

Thank you kind anons, I'm trying to go 5 lb lower, then I promised myself to stop. I'm in a plateau since a month but I guess it's ok as long as I don't gain back, I'm not in a hurry...
Sorry for blog posting :)
What about you?

>> No.12914273

I am always very succesful for a short period of time and then my body starts being weird like fainting, headaches, not being able to sleep and bad diarrhea even though Im barely eating anything
it spooks me and I lose control and fall into a a bad binging habit and gain weight very fast back
this has been going on for a year, the same cycle over and over again, and now a year later am still stuck on the same weight where I started in the beggining. I actually cried I feel like such a failure
what can I do? I want to make it but not seeing any progress is killing my motivation

>> No.12914283

What's your weight loss method?
I'm sorry anon, I think you may try to go down by steps like...you could drop some lb like you are already capable to do and then maintain for a while so you can adjust before trying to go lower, maybe...

>> No.12914295

its counting calories and logging what I eat
but it seems I can only have control over my diet if I go extreme, if I would eat a healthy amount like 1000 cals I would end up binging
doing 400 cals would be easier mentally but that results into what I wrote in my previous post :/

>> No.12914303

Losing that extra 5lbs will probably take a little time but yeah its best not to rush.
I'm pretty happy where I'm at right now, literally just stopped eating at a calorie deficit today because I reached my goal weight, and am now eating at maintenance. Down from 75kgs and my current stats are:
194cm and 70kg (6'4.5", 154lbs)

>> No.12914304

Even if you reach your goal weight with only eating 400, you'd have to eat 1000~1500 to maintain it.
So finding a way to avoid binging is important anyway. Maybe restrictive diets like keto could work? I assume eating 400 cal is easy because you know what you can only have some very few certain tings every day. Try doing that even if you eat more.

>> No.12914310

thats a really good point, thank you very much
Im going to focus on not binging instead of retsticting, thank you

>> No.12914319

I do this too and I eat 1000 kcal (but in the weekends I go higher :| ). I'm a mealchuck.
To avoid binging I usually prepare the meal, log everything and then put everything away before starting to eat. Just the dish and water on the table, so I know that is all I will eat in that moment and I'm less tempted to take more. Sometimes I plan the meals the day before, rarely once a week before I go to the supermarket.
Wow congrats anon! Also you're so tall!

>> No.12914335
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yeah haha, best part about being tall is its easy to diet.
I can eat 1800kcal/day and still be in a 1000kcal deficit

>> No.12914373

pls b my gf

>> No.12914377

can I be both healthy and underweight?

>> No.12914422

I'm 1.8m and 62kg
I'd say im pretty comfy

>> No.12914432

Jesus fucking christ, be my mommy gf please.

>> No.12914434

W-wow t-thank you anon but I already have a bf...I wish you best luck in finding a qt gf <3

>> No.12914435

Hey there. A couple years ago I lost a bunch of weight, around 20 kg and I ended up with awful stretch marks but they are almost invisible now. They will disappear with time (maybe faster if you use cream)

>> No.12914441

I'm a guy my man
probably should've clarified that, but I thought people would just assume haha

>> No.12914477

be my long boy bf

>> No.12914478

Slightly underweight yes, if you get enough nutrients and shit, but majorly underweight no.

>> No.12914490
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also not gay anon sorry

>> No.12914543
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1.76cm(5"9) male here. Lost 10kg already and I am at 63kg right now. I barely have any muscle but I still have lots of fat around my belly. How much more until I get a flat belly. I was thinking 55kg.

>> No.12914571

I'm same height, also male, and I weigh 56kg right now, zero muscle and my belly is flat af.

>> No.12914698

oh shit same stats
what i do is when i carve for food, i just eat fruit. dont eat when its an eating hour, do it when youre starving. also, if you dont want to do this, just divide your dinner in 3 to eat at bfast lunch and dinner.

>> No.12914836

Fat buildup around the organs /gut us caused by sugar so cut that shit out!

>> No.12915005

god tier show

>> No.12915078

What are you doing to lose weight? I'm 159cm and 41kg and I'm trying to get to 38kg.

>> No.12915172

I wish you best luck and willpower anon! I just do CICO counting 1000kcal now, when i started and lost the first lbs i also used to do light cardio (using a Nike app on the phone that was good to me). Also I'm >>12914319

>> No.12915177

how do i stop gaining muscle?

>> No.12915186

Today I ate an orange and less than 100 cal worth of fish. I want to eat a bowl of lettuce for dinner but I'm not sure about it. Should I do it or not?

>> No.12915237

Thats true

>> No.12915297

why the fuck has my stomach been bloated for four days

>> No.12915307

Ur pregnant

>> No.12915310

just fast for two or three days

>> No.12915311


>> No.12915319

Why? Muscle burns calories so you get to eat more. You'll also look good.

just fast. ORRRR get a propper dinner: cook two eggs and cut some veggies. For example. Cause weight loss aside what you ate is VERY low and a little more nutrients would do you good.

Have you been eating a lot of sugar and salt?
That usually causes bloating. Maybe there's some damage your body is working on. Point is that it will go away, just wait a little. I know it can be annoying if you weigh yourself every day but it doesn't damage your progress so don't worry. If you really want it gone I'd suggest tea/coffee, abstain from sugar and salt, do some exercise, and eat/take magnesium. But I'd just let your body deal with it naturally.

>> No.12915347

currently, the only meal I really eat is lunch because I feel I have to eat when people are around. That's usually 250-350 calories.

The problem is I always have veggies or fruit for a snack while I'm studying, and I end up eating a lot because I'm not paying attention ://

The past two days have been better though, I had 677cal yesterday and 337cal so far today.

>> No.12915690
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>> No.12915753
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roommate bought dairy free ice cream just for me..

not going to eat it tonight because already at 487 calories, and it’s past 7... should I throw it away so i’m not tempted or should I eat a little and hope I don’t binge out?

>> No.12915833

eat it tomorrow

>> No.12915929
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>5'11, 134.2 lbs, male, 18
>highest: 141 lbs
>goal: 122~ lbs
>pref method: eating less
>Aesthetic: Skinny

About one week in, if anyone struggles with eating less food I recommend coffee, low fat soups and tuna cans.

>> No.12915936

the la dispute tattoo tho

>> No.12915946

buddy there's literally a HOLE in your chest.

also this. but theres a line between doing something yourself you think is nice and catering to others. most thinspo lads don't really care aboutwhat others think

>> No.12915952

>literally a HOLE in your chest
yes, i know :^)

>> No.12915953

ye, thats called pectus excavatum, nothing serious, it just looks worse than it really is

>> No.12915959

you really should get that looked at mine wasn't as severe as yours and the doctors still suggested I undergo emergency surgery because it was compressing my lungs and forcing my heart to beat more towards the left side of my body cavity. Bout 4 years post nuss procedure and never have been happier

>> No.12915964
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I dont dislike the aesthetic tho. I could look nice on a very slim body.

>> No.12916059

Hello everyone
Just a reminder to stay hydrated and be happy!
If you are feeling sad just reply to me and we'll talk about it
Me? I'm happy because I have hope once again. I have hope that something nice will happen to me if I keep this up
I'm sad because I'm on that time of the year when you have to give your best and even then it's not enough

>> No.12916096

Bruh, it looks like you're dying

>> No.12916194

Death is effay

>> No.12916200


>> No.12916203

is a gym really needed? can't i just run laps outside like an autistic person instead?

>> No.12916316

put the numbers in english retard

>> No.12916325

no and yes

>> No.12916471

mirin' that hole my guy

>> No.12916472

no homo ;-)

>> No.12916477

post a pic

>> No.12916506

i genetically have a bit of a stockier build i think, i'm male, 5'9" , 145 pounds , think i might have some more leg muscle than the average person. also i believe i store my fat in my thighs. is there any hope for me to get thinner? i want to be really lean. to my understanding i should be running in the morning, doing cardio often, staying hydrated and only eating lean proteins and fruits + vegetables for this kind of goal, but i dont know if i'm just blocked genetically from achieving more of the body shape i'd like

>> No.12916511

shut up

>> No.12916516

anon, why are you so rude to anon?

>> No.12916611

stop trying to make chest dents a thing...
chest dents will never be a thing.

>> No.12916666

I'm 6'2 and 150lbs, no way you're skinny. At your weight I was a chubbster

>> No.12916746

it looks ugly as fuck

>> No.12916765

>Ate 1220cal today and feel digusting

Fuck, should I purge?

>> No.12916806
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>> No.12916811

Holy shit yoh guys havesome mentalproblems if you think these pics posted are healthy or aesthetic.

>> No.12916837

Why are you wearing two different pairs of underwear

>> No.12916860

I think it is underwear + pajama pants

>> No.12916993

Whats going on here?

>> No.12916997

Nah, just go on a long walk or maybe jogging. You can easily right that amount by exercising, which is wayy better in the long run.

>> No.12917009

What kind of skirts and dresses would complement my body type? 4’11, 84 lbs with long spider legs

>> No.12917026

how could you have long legs if you're 4'11

>> No.12917037

>highest weight
>goal weight
no idea, i want to be able to wrap my one hand around my forearm,two hands around my thigh, i want a thigh gap, visible hipbones, and no belly rolls when i sit and slouch. i also want to pass the pen test
>preferred method of losing weight
hop myself up on coffee and ignore food at all costs. i try to go under 600 cal a day, i have an average of 800 cal
>aesthetic you're going for
ellen/eli from to the bone

>> No.12917052

Relative to my height, I have a really small torso. I have to buy kids sizes most of the time

>> No.12917059

cheerleader/school uniform style skirts

>> No.12917062

I’m assuming you mean like a plaid skirt for the first one? I never had a school uniform, so I’m not sure what kind of shirt or jacket you’d even wear with that

>> No.12917079

Not that anon, but you could wear long sleeve sweaters or shirts tucked into the skirt, preferably darker tones.
Or short sleeve t shirts with high waisted skirt.
Or short sleeve button ups, I would do white or or navy blue, although colours in general are dependent on your own skin tone, hair colour, eye colour etc

>> No.12917105

>recovering from oral surgery
>no appetite
i have never felt so free

>> No.12917109

Thanks, I think I might wear mostly dark tones then, I have pretty pale skin and bleached hair/blue eyes.

>> No.12917113

>eat only yoghurt and raisins
>feel lightheaded all day and dissociate even more as everything feels dreamlike and fake

>> No.12917125

>everything feels dreamlike and fake
This is part of the reason why I like restricting

>> No.12917128
File: 67 KB, 707x712, 5466655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you sound perfect for dark tones, although its not impossible to wear white if you are going full /pale/ core.
You could always go for something like pic related, but I'm not sure what styles you like

>> No.12917130

Unlucky you didn’t just become thin without effort. I feel really bad because I’ve always been thin my entire life. I don’t count calories or exercise at all, but I’m under 16 BMI. Hope you reach your goal safely. Its not worth it to hurt yourself too much

>> No.12917135

I think that looks pretty good actually. I have super defined collarbones like that, but the left side has a bend in it from where I broke it, so idk if I could pull it off.

I’ve tried palewave before but I start looking really washed out and I’m not sure if I like that.

Recommendations for watches that work well with ultra small hands and thin wrists? Also, I don’t like super feminine watches, so men’s/unisex watches are preferred.

>> No.12917141

>standing in the shower with a potted plant.
Nice, but why?

>> No.12917144

There's no full body mirror inside the shower, anon>>12917141

>> No.12917160

pretty cringe worthy pic.

>> No.12917173
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 85543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly I think slender watches look much better for girls with really small hands and wrists, not sure if something like pic related is too feminine, but I think it a slender wristband gives a sleekness thats looks very nice for a /thinspo/ look.
Maybe not a gold one though, a steel/silver one is nice too, or even an all black one.
I think watches should vary based on the other jewellery you wear. For example the type of rings/bracelets/necklaces you wear will impact how the watch fit in, assuming you wear other jewellery.

>> No.12917195

>pen test
What's that?

>> No.12917210


You don't have to do anything.

>> No.12917216
File: 80 KB, 500x375, pen-test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12917237

She's showing how thin her thighs are

>> No.12917246

dat pectus excavatum
i have it too but its not as much as u

>> No.12917252

>126 ( lot of it is muscle)
>staying at 125
>skip a meal or two
>i don't know

>> No.12917253

Post your pen test results.
See >>12917216 for reference.
I'll do mine when I get home in a few minutes.

>> No.12917259

Oh neat. Never heard of that before, thanks.

>> No.12917303

thats fuckin ez

>> No.12917323

pls replace carbs with protein

>> No.12917333

show results senpai. i need inspo

>> No.12917340
File: 49 KB, 951x694, pen test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as promised

>> No.12917416
File: 65 KB, 564x635, 89F8FD9C-4D28-4ECA-8C0F-7DEF6624951A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate 496 calories for lunch today. I feel so full and bloated and disgusting.
Should I purge right now or wait 2 hours until I can go on a run and maybe burn 500cal? I hate feeling so full

>> No.12917428

ahahah bro that hole looks fucking gross

>> No.12917432

This is the cutest thing I think ive ever seen

>> No.12917565

Seek help desu, if you lack the work ethic to reach low weight without purging or unhealthy habits, you lack discipline.

>> No.12917676

Some of you are fucking sick in the head.

>> No.12917750

anyone here do drugs?

>> No.12917752

RC Stims are great for weight loss

>> No.12917754

I don't like stims, they make my hands and feet cold, and I cold-sweat and can't think straight

>> No.12917768

Forgotten where you are?

>> No.12917769


>> No.12917776
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>> No.12918110


>> No.12918140

4FA cheat code. but yeah, stims are cheat codes for fasting. took xr adderall today and barely ate a thing, no desire to either.

>> No.12918147

sounds like you just have shit posture and not enough muscle to correct it

>> No.12918180

How much do these sorts of things generally go for? I'm getting adderall right now at the rate of 10 for $50 am I'm not sure if I'm getting a good deal or not.

>> No.12918209

>reach goal weight (basically lowest weight I can be without being technically underweight)
>switch to eating enough to maintain weight instead of lose it
>get anxious that I'm eating too much, I'm freaking out
>have to go back to starving myself to maintain sanity
>end up on weekly cycle of binge eating then starving the weight back off
How do I break out of this and just eat normally again?

>> No.12918212

is it possibly to pull off thinspo while being a bit fit? I'm already doot doot skeledude but, being weak feels weak bruh

>> No.12918213

If you're over 5'11 it takes one hell of a lot of effort to appear bulky while wearing clothing, so you can't really be anything but /thinspo/.

>> No.12918215

shit it's a good thing i'm the king of the manlets

>> No.12918268

You need to bulk some muscle on your chest till that Pectus excavatum isn't so noticeable. Me and my brother have it and before I started working out we were just about the same. Nowadays you can't tell unless I tell you.

>> No.12918302

I knew someone who has a bulge going outwards, opposite of this?

>> No.12918362

What's a healthy weight for a 5'9" male, currently 160 so I'm a chubster

>> No.12918438
File: 41 KB, 450x600, 1510969013385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12918487

Your legs look strangely thin in comparison to your stomach. What the hell?

>> No.12918495

A lot of research stims suppress hunger a ton

>> No.12918499

that is a healthy weight, just change fat to muscle. go on fit

>> No.12918530
File: 44 KB, 640x640, FkrSrvF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not gay enough

>> No.12918596

>mystifies the concrete uses of energy by the body.

Are you a Hegelian/Marxist? This is good terminology but I wasn't expecting to hear this jargon in thinspo

>> No.12918646


Sounds more like anon just watched Dr Jason Fung's 6 part lecture series on diet, weight gain/loss, and modern diseases

>> No.12918729

I've read a good but of Marx, but what prompted me to reply wasn't a principled materialist philosophy but how helpless blathering about metabolism makes people feel. You could say "eating very little makes you tired all the time and thus to be less physically active which in turn causes you to burn fewer calories, slowing weight loss," and it will give people some idea of how to proceed. Or you could say "eating too little interferes with your metabolism," which tells people fuck all about what to do and is a great way to sell products.

>> No.12918737

I just had lunch in that photo meheh

>> No.12918775

Stop binging, or find some food that's safe to eat a lot of, like watermelon or cabbage soup or something

>> No.12918807

had this happen. the only way for me was stop giving a fuck. eat how you feel eating, in the range of your tdee for like two weeks, watch how your weight goes, remember if you gain that's absolutely a-ok since you can easily drop it off, since you already did so once in the past. for me i actually lost more weight that way because i no longer treated food as a "forbidden fruit" (in two senses of the word) and stopped binging ridiculous amounts. it also fired up my metabolism a little (i think). you have to see how it works. but you have to rid yourself of this slave mentality. you did it! give yourself a break and celebrate. just don't forget to log the cals and eat healthy nourishing meals overall.

>> No.12918893

5'10 / 178cm, 130lbs / 60kg

Did I make it, guys?

>> No.12918950

post pic

>> No.12918970

probably not depending on bodyfat

>> No.12918977

Post your workout routines, /thinspo/, its important to stay healthy while you get thin !!
>wake up
>50 sit-ups
>100 crunches
>3-5 minute plank

Later at the gym I work out my arms and do some pull-ups, cardio, and lift, generally in the gym for around 30 minutes or more if I get my friend saying she wants to tag along.

eating 1500 calories a day and making sure im hydrated as fuck as well

Am I doing thinspo right?

>> No.12918984

How are we supposed to know if you're "doing thinspo right" without your height and weight. You could be 5'4" and 230 lbs for all we know.

>> No.12918987

I wouldn't do that much direct ab work every day honestly, (assuming you do everyday)
It can damage the muscles/ lead to bloating.
But everything else is on point, and pretty healthy by this threads standards

>> No.12919086

Considering I eat less proteins, will the abs workout will be as effective?

>> No.12919096

sounds like youre overworking your lower back

>> No.12919135

lmao /fa/m

>> No.12919149

At what bmi do I start looking non-fat? Do I have to go underweight?

>> No.12919162

>115 lbs
>please kill me

>> No.12919172

Is there a thinspo discord?

>> No.12919176

5'7 122 pounds
im a guy tho
kill me

>> No.12919195

Around 18.5-19 is okay for most people. If you stay around fa or artsy people you need to go down to 17-17.5.

>> No.12919215

eating is a sin

>> No.12919235

Bump for this

>> No.12919271

Is eating 600 Cals a day and consuming 1500 Cals once a day /thinspo/ approved? I feel a binge coming on and I don’t want to purge :(

Stats: 5’3 124

Goal is 100 lbs (which I use to be 3 years ago ugh)

>> No.12919280

I'm 5'3" and a guy how much should i weigh

>> No.12919284

whatever feels thin enough for you try, 110

>> No.12919301


What's your age?

>> No.12919320


>> No.12919325


yeah I agree with >>12919284


>> No.12919340

People started telling me that I was thin around 19.6. I think it depends on how you carry your weight.

>> No.12919368

Very true. I look stocky because of my skeletal structure and need to go down to 17 before looking average/normal. It is a pain.

>> No.12919379

since anything under 18.5 bmi is underweight I assume that is negatively effects health. Exactly how does it do that? Girls that are 16 definetly do not look unhealthy to me

>> No.12919384

How is this even possible

I got tired of being skelly and have been eating 2800 calories a fucking DAY, for months now, and I have not gained one pound

>> No.12919483

I don't leave the house due to crippeling depression and I also don't move around. Also think I hit starvation mode.

>> No.12919497
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>> No.12919503

You guys are insane but ultra fashionable
Love it

>> No.12919504

>I got tired of being skelly and have been eating 2800 calories a fucking DAY, for months now, and I have not gained one pound

If you're a guy you'll need to bump that up a bit imo. Try to go over 3k calories a day as much as you can. At 2.8k calories that's just over the amount you need to maintain weight, you need more to gain it.

>> No.12919523

hey anon, I'm also 5'1 at 115, I started at 140! You can do it!!

>> No.12919524

I doesn't, (((they))) just like to pretend that it does.

>> No.12919534

>tfw been restricting all week
>tfw my mom buys a bunch of food
>tfw my bulimic instincts are kicking in
I really wanna b/p today, as a birthday present or something

>> No.12919572

elaborate please

>> No.12919603

Girls with a bmi of 16 are clinically sterile. They are reducing their bone density and will reach menopause faster than normal weight girls. It is not sustainable and the damage that happens is permanent. The worst effecs come on later which is why it is so easy to ignore at a young age.

The reason skinny is attractive is because the fashion industry has warped our idea of attraction. There's no evolutionary advantage of viewing sterility as attractive.

>> No.12919608

that's not what the anon I replied to said.

>> No.12919632

Post more bulge pics pls PLS

>> No.12919633

Only gonna do it with a thinspo qt, anyone here down for a suicide pact?

>> No.12919654

Fuck off jew i'l cut off your legs

>> No.12919673

exactly what I expected

>> No.12919679

hehe, maybe? What do you have in mind?

>> No.12919683

Depending on the mg that's pretty standard. I used to get 50mg pills at 5$ but that was pretty lucky. If they're 10mg they're not worth it, 20mg /5$ seems to be the standard in my area.

>> No.12919688

I mainly don't want to die alone, so it would be cool to do it with someone else. My favourite way would be just partying/hedonism till either the drugs or the comedown-depression gets me. Are you interested?

>> No.12919722

hmm...I really get the not wanting to die alone part, but partying/hedonism isn't really my thing.
I was thinking something more like mixing chlorine and ammonia and getting it over with.

>> No.12919742

In that case I would go with a heroin OD, your approach sounds sorta painful. Just driving somewhere to a beach, drink a little and then do it.

>> No.12919757
File: 54 KB, 546x896, 1509521726732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's a lot better. how failsafe is it?

>> No.12919760

If you load up a gram it's pretty much guaranteed to end you, I guess you haven't built up a tolerance so far?

>> No.12919763

That sounds good.
No, I've never tried any drugs

>> No.12919767
File: 238 KB, 692x687, 1508309351300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. Also, nice lainposting there!

>> No.12919776

What country are you in?

>> No.12919780

Middle Europe here, what about you?

>> No.12919788

you fucking nailed it

>> No.12919789

oh, that makes things a lot easier, I'm in Scandinavia

>> No.12919803

It does indeed. How old are you?

>> No.12919813

It's dead.

>> No.12919814

23, you?

>> No.12919824

21. Why do you want to end your life?

>> No.12919836

I've been depressed since early childhood, and I can't see things getting any better. Every day feels like being stuck in a waiting room,, not even knowing why I'm there. It's a drag.
What about you?

>> No.12919848

Damn, that's rough but understandable.
For me it's just that I have always fucked up and hurt people, and whenever I try to change anything about it I just end up worse. Besides that, all the dumb stuff I've done would last for more than one lifetime anyway.

>> No.12919897

That doesn't strike me as a problem that would be best mediated by dying. It sounds more like you need to get your life in order.Then again I don't know to what extent you've hurt people. Guilt isn't fun after all

>> No.12919911

The healthiest BMI is 17.5-18.5 for men and 15-16 for women. Shills have their reasons for insisting otherwise.

>> No.12919920

It's mainly guilt, mixed with some memories I can't really live with.

>> No.12919940

Do you have discord?

>> No.12919960

Just made one, no idea how it really works though.

>> No.12919966

It's pretty straight forward, tell me your username and #, and I'll add you

>> No.12919969
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20171011_18_25_46_Pro_LI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thank you anon!! :,^)

>> No.12919970

Alright then, look for sticcboy, #0143.

>> No.12920017

Does anybody have that infographic on fatness and promiscuity, or the one with the average height and weights of women in the US by region in 1900?

>> No.12920019

you're just skinnyfat lmao

>> No.12920025

don't kys faggot

>> No.12920037


>> No.12920088

well state your science then, were all these health reports wrong all along? what makes you say otherwise?

>> No.12920089
File: 2.63 MB, 3921x4031, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comment/Critique/Roast anyone?

>> No.12920096

Cute c:

>> No.12920098
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>> No.12920103
File: 71 KB, 1080x607, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting food in a thinspo thread

>> No.12920106

shave your fucking armpits you animal

>> No.12920108

Forgot to include stats:

120 lbs
Treadmill powerwalk 4 times a week (burns 450 cals on average)

>> No.12920113

Unless I'm going to start posing nude, does it really matter? Is this something /fa/ usually does? It's enough of a pain trying to keep pubes under control while dealing with nicks and razor burns. Kinda don't want to risk nicking an artery

>> No.12920147

it's basic hygiene what the fuck

>> No.12920149

>tfw 5'7' 125 but want to be /fit/

my appetite is shit
is there a pill that makes you hungry?

>> No.12920160

Not for men.

>> No.12920162

yes, for men and women

>> No.12920375

i'll fucking nail u daddy, got kik

>> No.12920383

At what point do you need to buy new clothes? I've lost about thirty pounds and while my shirts are still looking good, some of my pants slide right off without even unbuttoning them. I've lost about two inches on my chest and waist

>> No.12920616

When your clothes doesn't fit well....

>> No.12920660


Stop eating so much soy.

>> No.12920672

5'4, f, ~98-103lbs

my arms are still really fat looking. i hate them. i know its like a body shape thing but will losing more weight help? i like the way thin arms look a lot

>> No.12920677

Arm size is probably related to frame

>> No.12920695
File: 95 KB, 1080x1212, Snapchat-121548971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4st 7lb song is the ultimate thinspo song been listening all day

How tf do I slim my waist

>> No.12920701

wear a corset

>> No.12920710

Used to swim a lot so i have muscular legs. Any way to make them more slim?

>> No.12920723

Men have no cultural expectation to shave their armpits

>> No.12920726

shave them you ape

>> No.12920732

hairy armpits on men are arousing

>> No.12920745

I wanna be so skinny that I rot from view

>> No.12920754

lower bodyfat percentage is the only way, you can't target certain areas

>> No.12920757

Well shit, it's only coming off my legs atm hope that changes soon

>> No.12920787

take lax. youll be fine.

>> No.12920798

r u ftm

>> No.12920799

I believe waist/stomach takes the longest time to come off

>> No.12920800

Bump for this

>> No.12920803

I lost weight from my stomach first

>> No.12920808

Me too desu.
It honestly depends on the person, over the past two months I've lost four inches off my waist but barely an inch off my thighs and nothing off my calves.

>> No.12920906

Ayy, good to see another pectus bro on here. Keep it up anon, looking good.

>> No.12920908

>cultural expectation
it was never about that you ape
I said "hygiene"

>> No.12920912

I've finally reached my first goal weight, I'm so happy :')

>> No.12920915

there is literally nothing unhygienic about hairy armpits

>> No.12920921

5’4 135lb male here

How do I become skinny how much should I lose

>> No.12920936

>smelling good isn't about hygiene
did you know that sweat smell is product of bacteria pooping in your armpits?
stop being a bitch

>> No.12920939

>what is showering
>what is deodorant
shaving armpits isn't necessary

>> No.12920942

>he thinks hairy armpits are /fa/
>he thinks it's better to have to shower and use deodorant rather than just shaving
stop with this "cultural expectations" meme
nobody gives a shit about that

>> No.12920947

dude do you not shower? just bc you shave your pits? you smell like shit

>> No.12920948

>shaving your armpits stops you from sweating

>> No.12920959

you are still wrong though
if you do not shave because "cultural expectations" you are missing out too much just cause you are insecure

>> No.12920964

Because itchy armpits from the hair growing back is such a valuable experience

>> No.12920967

because spending 30s when you shower to shave it is so hard
you can always just trim to .3 instead

>> No.12921094

>>12920701 yah what they said I've been wearing one for almost a year now good results so far

>> No.12921106

Your waist already looks thin. You just have narrow hips.

>> No.12921146

Nah, just unfortunate. Why do you ask?

>> No.12921156
File: 402 KB, 1080x720, ^650C2E2CCF6E944C632414737361D84C09EFC20521DF0E37EE^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hannah, is that you?

>> No.12921222

do drugs really make you thinner?

>> No.12921226

they just curb down your appetite, mostly stims and opios

>> No.12921290

there is a weed.

>> No.12921330

How often do you wear it? How are the results?

>> No.12921534

Dealing with the breakfast buffet of my hotel. fuk

>> No.12921659

reminds me of keyhole top surgery

>> No.12921677

is there an active discord server?

>> No.12921922
File: 673 KB, 595x559, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curious about this too

>> No.12921976

Pectus Carinatum. I also have this.