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File: 174 KB, 962x688, 1510400476564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12908343 No.12908343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

skinhead neo nazi dr martens core

>> No.12908440


this will soon be the mainstream style

its already been seeping into the culture

>> No.12908540
File: 421 KB, 2048x1364, Alt righters are literally subhumans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12908566
File: 100 KB, 800x569, skins7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not nazi skinhead you dolt

>> No.12908576

>WW2 iron cross pin
>Not neo nazi
>Denying that 99% of neo nazis have shit genetics and would've been gassed by Hitler

K buddy.

>> No.12908586

you fucking wot mate

>> No.12908590

Yeah, that's really not Nazi. Those guys could EASILY be some edgy, anime loving, antifa, comic con, fedora bronie gamers.

Kekistanis ruined /pol/ more than any lefty shill ever could have.

>> No.12908594


Guess half the Marine Corps are Nazis, since one of their badges for riflemanship is the Iron Cross

>> No.12908596

Use your eyes m8

Methhead McGoatee behind the Al Capone cosplayer.

6/one-half-dozen of the other

They're all wasters

>> No.12908605


What makes you think they support Hitler? Lol. They look like Trump supporters who are also Fedora tier meme lords but that's it. Is that what Antifa and the left is worried about? Wow such pussies lol.

Also, what makes you think Hitler would gas his own? He has thousands of Jews, Italians, and he called Japanese honorary whites and honored his their culture, where'd you get the meme that only blonde haired blue eyed people would live?

>> No.12908606
File: 35 KB, 521x533, msm024_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except this isn't a replica of a WW2 nazi pin you should've-been-aborted waste of genetic material

>> No.12908614

>Use your eyes m8
None of those are skin heads you bumbling retard

>> No.12908615

Is the hat a Nazi hat or Something?

Because if you're referring to the Iron Cross, that has no racist connotation whatsoever. As someone else stated, even the USMC uses it till this day.

I've seen Mexican bikers use it too.

>> No.12908618

WW2 iron cross medal pin gi9ves it away, Helen Keller

>Hitler wouldn't gas his ow
He convicted thousands of gay Germans and gassed them along with the blacks/jews/gypsies

>> No.12908620


Wow so edgy, go fuck your muslim gay boyfriend homo. It's still an Iron cross, the iron cross AGAIN has no racist connotations which is why our military still uses it.

>> No.12908625


(gassed them along with the blacks)

Okay story time is over David Goldstein

>> No.12908628

Again, >>12908606 this is not the same as the pin he's wearing.

The pin he's wearing is a literal replica of a WW2 iron cross pin, only the ribbon color is wrong.

The Marine badge is not the same thing
Nor is the West Coast Choppers logo
Nor is the modernized slimline version the Bundeswehr uses now.

>> No.12908637

I'm not saying the design itself is racist, you dense fuck, I'm saying that he's nazi because he's literally wearing nazi shit.

>> No.12908641

Oy vey, muh 6 gorillion

>> No.12908649

What a loss

>> No.12908655

That Hermann Göring cosplay is effay af.

>> No.12908657


would not fuck with these guys as long as the kingpin is with them

>> No.12908664

Skinhead culture started as an anti racist movement but you wouldn't know that because you only found out what a skinhead was 2 years ago when you heard about the alt right and thought it was cool

Oi!, 69, ect.

>> No.12908676


Same applies to all you liberal fucks who shit your pants and chimp out when you see a white bald man

>> No.12908691

I don't know how that correlates to what I said but no I don't do that.
my father is a skinhead, my uncles are all skinheads, i grew up around the culture and lastly, i myself am a skinhead. I am not a racist or a facist. I stick to the roots because I am not an uneducated scared little racist faggot.

>> No.12908697

Things that have never happened for a gorillion, Alex.

>> No.12908700
File: 121 KB, 502x460, 1505770507499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universal uniform of "please stomp my dumb nazi" ass in public

>> No.12908710

dude just stop lol

>> No.12908714

>Implying this and what OP posted is even remotely similar


>> No.12908726

>neonazis aren't neo nazis

Don't you ever tire of shifting those goalposts?

>> No.12908731

but is this skinhead fashion? As in relation to OP's post, why the fuck are you even bothering

>> No.12908743

>Original post specifically mentions neo nazi fashion
>Person comments on said fashion being a calling card for "please kick my ass is public

Gee willickers Batman, that was so hard to figure out.

>> No.12908748

>shit genetics

Most people with "shit genetics" would have been perfectly fine with the benefit of good parents, good nutrition and good environment.
People don't just all mutate to become soyboys and fatties in a generation.

>> No.12908752

>Good diet and good environment can magically fix actual genetic problems

And I'm sure you believe essential oils cure cancer too

>> No.12908755

You misunderstand. What I am saying is that their genes are actually fine. Their ugly, deformed bodies are caused by things like poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.

The alternative would be that you believe a very significant amount of people in first world countries all mutated into numales at exactly the same time.

>> No.12908778

iron cross is older than the nazis btw. u fukin mongrel. and it wasnt a medal given especially to nazis or something like that. kys

>> No.12908783

cry more, nigger

>> No.12908789

The one he's specifically wearing is a nazi one, that's why I pointed it out

All other versions are irrelevant as they're (drumroll) not Nazi-affiliated.

Please try engaging your brain before being a triggered fuckwit.

>> No.12908936


>scared little

Thats the word I always hear you guys use. That's a lot of projection. I'm sure you'd shit your pants next to some hardcore Nazi you little virgin antifag

>> No.12908939

Except there's no such thing as a Nazi iron cross. It's just an iron cross.

>> No.12908957
File: 45 KB, 640x339, 84535781-E8AC-4D4C-90B0-4ED9CBCF0CB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 9 9 2

>> No.12908967

It's a German iron cross yes, but it was used before the Nazis. It's not a nazi symbol, just how black leather boots are not.

The German iron cross is popular with biker gangs too.

It's the same with the skull Totenkopf (death's head) that was also used long before the Nazis in Germany.

Ignorance is dangerous in that you will attack someone or insult them for things you know nothing about.

>> No.12908969

Bitch the sperg is wearing a WWI iron cross from the empire over a british jacket.

>> No.12908972
File: 143 KB, 215x353, iron cross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the right rises because people like yourself are so ill-educated and think everything is DA NAZIS!!!

Then you call others stupid.. village is looking for its idiot.

>> No.12908979

A lot of the "genetic" trash of today is just xeno-estrogen, BPA, DDT, atrazine, and so on fucked. There's a lot of endocrine disruptors pumped into foods today because it's more cheap and efficient than coating stuff in wax and letting birds eat the insects like in the olden days.

Most of this hit in the late 80's, and at the same time we started eating fuckloads of quick carbs, uncultured plastic pasteurized milk (vs stuff like unsweetened yoghurt and cheese), less protein, less fibre, and most importantly video games and the interenet started entering society. In total, Alex Jones is right they ARE putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay. The western male post pubertal T serum avg has dropped by about 20% in a bit over 20 years from the early 80's to the early 00's.

>> No.12908986
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left: Non-nazi
Right: Nazi era

>> No.12908988
File: 48 KB, 533x800, 5-The-Sexy-Hitler-Youth-Haircut-Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi aesthetics > neonazi skinhead shit

>> No.12909057


people were literally being nazis TO this guy. That shit was the height of irony. We live in sick times.

>> No.12909164

It's a maltese cross, you dimwit

>> No.12909167

I would happily be nazi to nazis. Fucking gas them all

>> No.12909233

implying this wasn't staged

>> No.12909688


You deserve those dubs.

>> No.12909718

>No such thing as something that is explicityly associated with nazis

Yes, and I'm sure you think of Hinduism while jacking it to the hackenkreuz

Well, I thought it was a mis-ribboned WW2 version

Admittedly, WW1 isn't my forte, WW2 is.

Tho in the given context, of an alt-right rally one can assume he's using it in lieu of the other version.

Most of the biker gangs using the WW2 era design are neo nazi clubs.

West Coast Choppers kinda counts as nazi too, considering Jesse James liked having his nuts stomped on by Naziboo dominatrixes.