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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 213 KB, 777x970, Marlon_Brando_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12902534 No.12902534 [Reply] [Original]

How do you measure your attractiveness? Symmetry?

>> No.12902537

How people respond to you.

>> No.12902543

Go to a bar and ask a hot drunk slut if she thinks you’re handsome. If no, your ugly. If yes, ask her if she wants to fuck outside, if she says no, your average, if she says yes, your attractive.

>> No.12902547

Why do I keep seeing these threads everywhere? Stop making these threads you fucking faggot. No, there's no way to objectively tell. Different people find different things attractive.

Being physically attractive means nothing when you're this insecure.

>> No.12902559

>How do you measure your attractiveness?

If girls walk up to you and hit on you with no effort by your part then you are attractive.

>> No.12902571
File: 182 KB, 1720x2288, 1480368797775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Be well-groomed; have a sense of style and pride in your appearance without resorting to ostentatious clown apparel

2. Convey a feeling of confidence, not meekness nor arrogance, to those around you

3. Possess reasonable genetics; no asymmetrical deformities, no sanpaku, no being black, not a lanklet or manlet, etc.

4. Excel physically; people respond better to a strong upper body, broad shoulders or chest, general fitness without looking roided or "working class"

tl;dr - it's all about balance

>> No.12902626
File: 136 KB, 546x700, c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no being black

>> No.12902633

>muh "facts are racist"
I want science deniers to leave.

>> No.12902642

Well, prove it's a fact. Bonus round: don't whip out cherrypicked crime statistics.

>> No.12902683

I have never asked a girl out. Yet have had multiple girlfriends and have had girls give me their number/snapchats. I swear on my moms grave I am not larping, im just an ugly duckling who is autistic.

Does anyone know how to approach sluts at bars or clubs? I have never been and want to start having degenerate one night stands. Also how to dance?

>> No.12902705

iCupid says it all desu, blacks are responded to less by a wide margin

>> No.12902706

>Different people find different things attractive

Incorrect. You're confusing
>i like red hair better than black hair
>EVERYTHING is subjective, man

>> No.12902723

No I'm not you moron. Saying I like red hair more than black hair is exactly what I'm trying to say.

There's varying physical traits we find preferable depending on what we want. This isn't a difficult concept to grasp.

>> No.12902725

Just look in a mirror faggot

>> No.12902737
File: 87 KB, 1075x700, 1440552067992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent metric

>> No.12902778
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>> No.12903073

That's my point, you cretin. Beauty is not subjective. People go for the same baseline things with some unimportant preferences sprinkled on top.

eg. Symmetry and high-cheek bones.

That's why when people are fucking ugly everyone agrees. That ugly person doesn't find some girl that gets dripping wet when she sees how he looks.

>> No.12903079
File: 34 KB, 736x414, keithapecohort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think im attractive but girls like me so i know i'm attractive. you do know if you are, i think. if you're not sure, you probably aren't that attractive. not trying to hate.

>> No.12903086

Wrong you thick cunt. High cheek bones aren't attractive on everyone, and symmetry is, at the very least, a prerequisite for physical appeal.

>unimportant preferences sprinkled on top

Those preferences are literally what determine whether or not Person A is attracted to Person B.

If 99 people find you ugly, and 1 person finds you attractive, then you ARE attractive, to that person. Different people are attracted to different things.

>dripping wet

Good job confusing lust with physical appreciation retard.

>> No.12903113

My mistake, bro. I'm sure you'll find your lady that thinks you're super attractive. Any day now it's going to happen. Are you up to 99 rejections yet?

>> No.12903119

(You) 0
(Me) 1

Funny post Anon! :)

>> No.12903270


>> No.12903277

physicall strong body, good posture, clear skin, etc

>> No.12903280

Beauty and attractiveness changes over time. Even in the same time frame you have different groups looking for specific traits in people they deem attractive that differs from other groups.

Some people transcend through charisma or media bombardment.

>> No.12903282

this. Go to India or China If you are black. Then go to New York. You will find more pussy in NY I assure you that

>> No.12903288

Women smiles per day.

Female coworkers touch you "casually" or at least are not overconcerned about avoiding contact.

People is friendly to you in general and treats you respectfully.

>> No.12903295


>> No.12903544

ah yes, a truly extensive study on human interaction

>> No.12903661

what's wrong with sanpaku? i thought they were supposed to be sexy

>> No.12903697

growing up until about 16 I was always called ugly "jokingly" by friends and saw the way girls reacted negatively to me. Idk what happened but now women smile at me and I'm able to get numbers and get compliments

I've been called "cute ugly" before so yeah I think attractiveness is pretty subjective. Look at all those models with weird faces that are still attractive

>> No.12903700

>normal women go on dating sites

>> No.12903704

Haha loser tried to argue and lost you pathetic scum try harder next time

>> No.12903725

Yep unlike your lmao no sources

>> No.12903836

just be yourself

>> No.12903850

your life is your rating

do you find it easy to make friends and lovers? you're attractive

>> No.12903851
File: 67 KB, 327x347, 1508426882186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're asking this question in the first place then chances are you're unattractive.

>> No.12903854

Just be yourself

>> No.12903862
File: 30 KB, 320x427, stblackops2cel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually think there is a single female out there who finds pic related attractive because "beauty is subjective xDD", you are one dumb gasoline huffing bluepilled retard lmfao.

>> No.12903957
File: 78 KB, 640x933, AdamDriver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly there's a limit but the fact that so many chicks find this dopey looking fucker attractive proves that there is a fair amount of subjectivity to it.

>> No.12904018

Well, the Force might not be strong within him, but he does have determination to conquer all, so...

>> No.12904172

Fame and money blind women admirably.

>> No.12904200


had the girls seen him on the street without knowing who the fuck he is, he wouldn't get any pussy

>> No.12904238

So many chicks? Literally ALL my girlfriends agree he's kind of weird-looking.

>> No.12904244

>on 4chan

>> No.12904248
File: 55 KB, 550x716, MonkeysInClothes8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12904254
File: 198 KB, 450x325, CN3BOSn68pEq-GLMtQS8GpOleqzeEQAU1gGQhOXwEfU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this board really has gone to shit, i expected a better answer from /fa/
The most important parts that determine how attractive you are
>hunter eyes

Most of your how your face looks is determined by hormones, Symmetry is essential to being attractive however, it means nothing without good proportions of those 6 things. The best way to tell if you are attractive or not is how your tongue sits on in your mouth, correct posture usually means a good looking face. if your tongue sits on your lower teeth you are probably not as attractive as someone whose teeth sits on the roof of the mouth.
If you arent familiar with mike mew then i would reccomend you check him out
Full length presentation
Shorter presentation

basically how attractive you are is determined by high estrogen in women and high testosterone in men. Combine that with good facial posture and thats what makes some people more attractive than others



>> No.12904256

I'm a girl you dense fuck.

>> No.12904265
File: 145 KB, 626x399, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you havew good bone structure i.e hollow cheeks, prominent cheekbones, a good browridge, a large prominent chin, a wide well defined jawline and a fairly large skull. Do you have eyes that are arched like a cat and hooded like in pic related or droopy bug eyes, do you have a nose that fits your face or a big crooked or even hooked nose. do you have a nice complexion or is your skin terrible, do you have nice hair, do you have a impressive body, are you tall, do you have good colouring. all of this factors in

>> No.12904267


When you walk on street women wil literally turn around to look at you.

Source: My friend is attractive.

>> No.12904280

Considering a decent skin, height and weight and no hideous defects, I still think facial definition, eyes genetics and jawline are the most important factors

>> No.12904293


I've had girls pinch my bum. People tell me I'm good looking. Grills have had crushes on me. I have a pretty cancerous personality (thus not many friends) but I know I'm at least a solid 7/10

Anyway this is more of a /soc/ thread. I only responded because of my narcissm.

>> No.12904549
File: 90 KB, 900x900, tomdatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How *****good looking people***** respond to you.

>> No.12904706

You gotta admit he’s like the Gooseman where their ugliness is very unique and makes them attractive.

>> No.12904728

If you're attractive (based on looks alone), you know. However, despite what people on here will say, looks are not everything.

>> No.12904739

poor butthurt nigger. I honestly feel bad for you guys. you are horrific, but it isn't your fault.

>> No.12904742


>hunter eyes
what's this?

>> No.12904746

You can tell I'd you're good looking by the general proportion and symmetry of your features.
But good looking =/= attractive.
Lots of things like personality, skills, talents, fitness, wealth, fame, etc contribute to attractiveness.
Unless you're 10/10 rock star model gorgeous you need to work on other things about yourself that indicate you're a desirable person to be around.

>> No.12904768
File: 64 KB, 736x856, 6488a7348a30b954a39b7a6fe982e423--drawing-faces-face-proportions-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Symmetry is a meme and doesn't matter unless your eyes are NOTICEABLY asymmetric. Small differences are normal and most things that you notice in the mirror are virtually invisible to others. Someone could have almost perfect symmetry and still be ugly as fuck because of shitty features. The main indicator of attractiveness is facial HARMONY. Pic related. In the most basic terms you want to divide your face up into 3 sections and those sections should be roughly equal in size. This ensures that the midface is not too long and the lower third is not too short, both of which are the case for the COD virgin, thus ruining his harmony.

>> No.12904777

he's right though. It's all about being WASP

>> No.12904778

Retardspeak for Brad Pitt squinty eyes

>> No.12904784
File: 19 KB, 313x326, 1501766304001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Droopy eyes with crooked hook nose.

>> No.12904794
File: 77 KB, 720x488, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12904873

If you have to ask, you're not a "one night stand" kind of guy.

>> No.12904879

The best is when you catch some other dude's girl checking you out.
It's low brow as fuck, but damn it's a nice bump to your ego.

>> No.12904887
File: 406 KB, 570x489, 1448962248481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, there's no way to objectively tell. Different people find different things attractive.


>> No.12904904

harmony doesnt mean shit if whole face is recessed

a wholy recessed face would come up as attractive with that method while still being ugly irl

>> No.12904911

By what everyone else thinks. If 10% of the population changed their opinions on what's attractive or not tomorrow, every study and every program would have to adjust.

At the end of the day, they're just measuring the opinions of the majority of people.

>> No.12904923
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 3edd6e2da794f606b2296ceb7d08b13d--lucky-smith-lucky-blue-smith-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier harmony trumps recession. Somebody like Lucky Blue Smith gets away with a midface clearly on the flatter side because of this. Though you could chalk it up to wide zygos and orbitals.

>> No.12904929
File: 32 KB, 400x267, 1510441934959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you guys accept that blacks are not attractive? Fuck /pol/, its common sense.

Women like those in the pic would never even look to a nigger.

>inb4 replying me with blacked.com pics

>> No.12904943
File: 345 KB, 1469x1800, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao /pol/fags are so out of touch with reality, this is why the world will be a mulatto playground in 50 years. Blonde hair palecels are eternal cucks.

>> No.12904944
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1502274610409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will you guys accept that blacks are not attractive? Fuck /pol/, its common sense.

>> No.12905022

ty senpai

>> No.12905040

He doesn't get away with this, it's the part that makes him standing out itfp.

>> No.12905062

The guy in the pic is supposed to represent black people?

>> No.12905280

Lol bone recession makes him stand out? You're pretty much harping the harmony argument at this point. Doesn't work for most people, but it does for him.

>> No.12905292


RSD Tyler is a baldy ginger manlet and he can fuck close women on sight just by showing confidence. How is this relevant ?

>> No.12905301

he's clearly not white yet attractive

>> No.12905381
File: 23 KB, 452x523, 1510448898217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12905398

Gonna ask Bhutanese chicks on a dairy forum if they find mee attractive

>> No.12905438

Is there any point to being attractive if you're a manlet?

I've had a few friends and whatnot say that I'm objectively a pretty handsome guy, and have been rated similarly on /soc/ but at 5'3" I've basically never noticed any female attention whatsoever. idk if that's purely because of my height or if I'm uglier than I think I am but regardless it just feels pretty useless.

>> No.12905536

We went to a beach for post high school graduation party. My friend said the girls were saying I had a 'hot bod'. That was before I started working out.

>> No.12905562

lol the reason this guy is considered attractive is because he looks white you fucking dumb ape

>> No.12905589

Your friend was either messing with or was trying to boost your confidence so you'd stop being a beta and talk to girls.

>> No.12905682
File: 155 KB, 588x622, 36f825ecc88cc4a2f74b814ad3babac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only white associated feature he has is blue eyes, and the only reason it halos him is because of the contrast it creates with darker skin tones. Are you going to say this guy "looks white" too? Or are you going to cope by saying he's unattractive?

>> No.12905696

He said a week or so later. I had a six pack at the time (and still do). I'm also very tall.

>> No.12905708

i love negative canthal tilts and i love big crooked noses fight me mother fucker

>> No.12905718

Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.12905723
File: 13 KB, 226x225, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a qt girl on tinder called me pretty

Should I become gay or just go full trap?

>> No.12905758

I see. Thanks

>> No.12905771

I googled that and most mentions of it say it's attractive

>> No.12905792

You're just jealous :^)

>> No.12905873

/pol/ shitting up every damn board at this point.

>> No.12906284

find a short girl / a girl your height.
find a girl who doesn't care about height.

Seriously, being tall is great but being a manlet isn't that big of a problem, it's just a meme, just like balding and 90% of the other shit people say on the internet to make others feel bad.

>> No.12906573


clearly has a majority european admixture

>> No.12906677

He's definitely not unattractive, but he's one of the best-looking black guys I've ever seen, and he's still below any moderately attractive white guy I've seen.

>> No.12906688

You would know if you were. Since you don't you, you aren't.
If you're a soft 6, you still shouldn't consider yourself attractive. Attractive should be reserved for hard 7s and up.

>> No.12906809


Shut up you autists, this isn't a get out of jail card. I'm not a pol user but without question most of the worlds most attractive people are white.

If you want "facts" the major dating sites stats put blacks way behind whites in female interest.

So what? We are all different. Learn to accept the natural diversity of different races instead of complete bigotry trying to stick everyone in the same box.

>> No.12906845

Number of attractive ladies that hav segs with u compared to other ppl

>> No.12906874


>majority of crime statistics reflect the same trends and have for decades, at least since LBJ


No sir, I believe it is you who is the cherrypicker. It requires far more mental gymnastics to try to prove to yourself that any demographic of people is "equal" with another. You're either delusional or a brainlet.

>> No.12907334

Of course they are the most attractive. It's a cultural bias caused by widespread western media domination.

>> No.12907462

t. 7/10

>> No.12907503

You're tilting your face forwards fag

>> No.12907543

If you were ugly you would know.
If you were unusually handsome you would know.
You are average.

>> No.12907605


>> No.12907658

Turn 78 and impersonate Bill gates on Nathan for you. Then when he goes to record the DVD commentary incessantly bring up how you regret not marrying a past lover. Eventually, he will decide to help you find her for a 2 hour special on his show. At one point you'll end up back in your hometown and find a picture of you and your youth. Then in the narration of the show, he will say how incredibly handsome you were when you were younger and you will know you were handsome.

>> No.12907708

Robots & LSD

>> No.12908295

post pic, maybe a Arabian oil prince will see it and rescue you anon

>> No.12908313

Ask some incel forum where they spend all their time studying mens faces to rate you

>> No.12908333

benin in vajine Tbh

I also believe other people are naturally more submissive and servile around attractive people.

>> No.12908393

I have eyes like both of these guys - like the guy up top when I wake up and throughout the day, and like the guy underneath after a couple pitchers of beer. There really can be quite an enormous range of appearance in a single individual. I realize the dude in the bottom half of the photo is probably half braindead and looks like that all the time, but I know people who just look like that when their allergies act up and shit. Health and positive energy levels can make a really noticeable difference, which I guess is obvious

Personally, I'd much, MUCH prefer being healthy than being handsome

>> No.12908398

is that top one Eli Reed? lmao

>> No.12908420

Pro-tip: Generally speaking, health = beauty, your skull shape in large parts reveal your genetic validity and how well your development went.

>> No.12908424

>harmony doesnt mean shit if whole face is recessed

What exactly is a recessed face? You mean someone with deepset eyes?? Because that makes no sense to me

>> No.12908456


This, this & this. If you honestly don't know & have to ask & try to figure it out, that means you're either "average", or at least you are most certainly not at extreme ends of the spectrum. You'd either get constant shit and more or less verbally tortured for being ugly, or you'd be walking around doing errands and semi-often just end up getting laid without even fucking paying attention to what you're doing. Most people are pretty fucking average

>> No.12908472

I literally have the opposite of everything you wrote and yet I've never been called ugly and have actually been called attractive multiple times

>> No.12908473
File: 643 KB, 3447x2263, Kurtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your skull shape in large parts reveal your genetic validity and how well your development went.

just curious, can you tell me what you mean by this? you mean development as in prenatal care and a smooth birth and that sort of thing? or are you sort of vaguely alluding to nineteenth century theories of phrenology and what not?

pic is another shot of marlon brando, which is quite different from op's pic. he's on the set of apocalypse now, and i guess it might be a shining example of how to pull off a bald head, 'cos he was pretty fucking muscular looking and burly for that role, and bald or not he looked pretty damn decent

>> No.12908476

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.12908480

The size, shape and placement of bones in the face are indicative of various developmental and health aspects.

>> No.12908570
File: 34 KB, 389x389, kkgmkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has a girl liked you? Fucked you? went out of their way to talk to you? Depending on her attractiveness, the average of these girls are remotely in your league. Girls will definitely inform you if you're attractive. Hell, dudes sometimes will admit if a guy is good looking in person. If you get none of these and only fat chicks or busted bitches approach or like you, then you're not attractive. I'm a firm believer that people go for whom they are most similar in looks for relationships.

>> No.12908579

love the classic photo but he had been sick for weeks in the jungle while filming this, they had to shoot his face obscured in many scenes because of the bloating and such.

even when he's down in the shits he's looking his best

>> No.12908581

Not logical.
Plenty of ugly guys hit on attractive women

>> No.12908584

well no shit. I'm talking about if a woman approaches you. Girls no need for those rule

>> No.12908659
File: 25 KB, 400x500, streetcar named desire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy! i didn't know the backstory to that film, but the way the movie was released he appeared to be extremely vital and sort of bristling with or radiating a shit-ton of excess energy and buoyancy, etc. i guess hollywood's like a factory, and they can make you see whatever the fuck they want you to see. I don't actually know a whole lot about him, but i know he definitely had a gay side to him. he was kind of tough guy but who had relationships with cary grant and james dean and some other famous leading men who seem 100% straight on the face of it. he was an interesting dude, as well as a womaniser too, but i'm mainly only familiar with some of the actual films themselves. that longshoreman one with karl malden was particularly great, i thought

>> No.12908661

General symmetry and proportion of features show a lack of obvious genetic illnesses or malnutrition. It's one indicator that you are suitable to breed with. It's not the only indicator though.
Social skills, intelligence, talents, physical strength, etc. are also indicators.
There's an evolutionary truth to the cliche that chicks dig musicians. Music requires complex thinking skills and physical coordination, both of which are desirable traits.
Basically attractiveness is someone adding up your positive traits and deciding if you can contribute something to their social group or if you're fit to have a baby with.
The balance is that they also compare their positive traits to yours to determine whether or not they have a shot with you. People will most often gravitate to someone they feel they are equal biological and social footing with.

>> No.12908690
File: 57 KB, 846x846, 1439094841112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows
who cares

>> No.12908701

Not a good way to determine attractiveness if it only works for men then is it, plenty of women take shots at men who are out of their league.
If you were attractive you would know this

>> No.12908712

Attractive people go for attractive people. Average people go for average people. Tell me how many fucking below average dudes are with complete smoke shows based on their faces? How many landwhales do you see with Brad Pitt motherfuckers? Guys settle for less, but girls are more accurate in going for guys they match with in their prime.
>inb4 settling for betas in their 30s and 40s so looks don't matter

>> No.12908715

Fuck off you cunt nobody cares who you are. Youre as miserable as a fucking tripfag at this point. Nobody gives a fuck about you. Nobody gives a fuck who you are. You pathetic miserable roastie attention whore.

>> No.12908719

how do I know as a woman if I'm ugly?

>don't get catcalled
>don't get male attention
>don't get hit on by male friends

and yet all of these things happen to girls who are objectively uglier than I am

can someone please explain?

>> No.12908724

trust me, if you asked any of them to fuck they all would

>> No.12908728

most well known celebs are asymmetrical though. like goose, brad pitt,

>> No.12908739

>Madeleine Fugère, a psychology professor at Eastern Connecticut University and the author of The Social Psychology of Attraction and Romantic Relationships, explains our attraction to Gosling may in fact be evolutionary. "Women tend to like things like large eyes, small nose, nicely defined cheekbones, or a good smile," she says. "[Ryan Gosling] has a lot of those features, but also, he's about six feet tall. In our evolutionary past, men who were tall were going to be better [able] to protect or find food for their mate. Women like a V-shaped torso, too—possibly linked to our preference in the past for men who are stronger or better able to protect offspring—and he does have nice broad shoulders and then a narrower waist."

>> No.12908759

>Debate me without using empirical evidence

>> No.12908764

>using internet words I don't like means I don't have to think about the contents of your argument

>> No.12908765
File: 1.41 MB, 625x801, EMGNcelebfaces16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a bunch of bs desu. it's not the complex, if you have eyes that are way too close together, or way too far apart, you are not attractive. you could be 100% symmetrical but still look very unattractive. If you have a really small head, in relation to your body, you could have the prettiest face and 100% symmetry, but you will look retarded. If you have a really big nose that is like 2x bigger than what it should be, then you are ugly, even if your face is symmetrical still ugly. If your ears are huge and stick out excessively, and you have a really tiny nose, but a big mouth, you coul dbe 100% symmetrical but be very unnattractive. Symmetry is way less important than how your features are actually sized, and the spacing of them.

>> No.12908770

Plenty of ugly/below average women don't know their own rank.
6/10's try to get with 8/10 guys very frequently.

How do you think those 6/10 single 30 year old women ended up the way they did? They believed they could get an 8/10.
If you are an an attractive guy, all types of girls will hit on you

>> No.12908781
File: 1.88 MB, 500x281, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest way to tell is just the way the way other people look at you as well as the frequency. This is something other people who are with you will notice.

Usually if girls do a double take and to look at you or try to make eye contact as they are walking past it's a good sign.
Also if you catch girls sort of staring and smiling at you while you aren't paying attention it's a good sign.
I also think if strangers treat you kindly or warmly and with respect you are good to go.

>t. 6'4 guy who has done some modelling before

>> No.12908782

>implying a 6/10 woman couldn't easily go home with an 8/10 Chad at the club.
Fuck outta here

>> No.12908802

That's exactly the point.
The 6/10 isn't in the same attractiveness but will still approach the 8/10 guy and possibly succeed

The initial point was you can determine your own attractiveness by who approaches you

>> No.12908806

FML I'll never be as attractive as this beast

>> No.12908809

>get compliments or comments about my body all the time
>always from men

my face must be ugly as shit and my mind just won't accept it

>> No.12908822

You're comparing female attractiveness compared to male attractiveness. The point given was for males to determine their attractiveness. Girls could be a fucking 4 and still get dick from a desperate good looking dude. Attractive dudes still have to put in some minimal effort to get laid. The only true pussy slayers are celebrities and CEOs that are the 1%

>> No.12908845

His point was that a guy can determine how attractive he is by averaging out who approaches him.
You agree with me that an 8/10 guy may be approached by girls as low as 5/10 and 6/10 as well as girls who are 7-8/10.
Does this mean the guy is a 6/10, because some 5/10 girl is hoping he's desperate for sex?

Of course not, therefore it isn't always the best idea to base your own attractiveness on who approaches you

>> No.12908850

I agree but I think the point was about who you mostly date and the rough estimate of the partners attractiveness is around the same as your own

>> No.12908855

Yeah, that I totally agree with. Unless it's literally your first relationship, people you date will be equal attractiveness, excluding things like fame and wealth

>> No.12908866
File: 51 KB, 400x600, _RIC0527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are generally attractive, ie. you are more attractive than the average male, in a crowd of 100, I mean, you are in shape, lean, have a decent face, dress well. You put normal Chads to shame, I mean, Chads will hate you, because you are above the Chad. A Chad has to hustle, and is basically imprisoned by their own hustle. An above average looking male, does not have to hustle, because women will be in his "space" alot. If you are unnattractive, like below the average male in group of 100, then women will not come into your space. Unless they have to.

Chads think that having huge muscles and wearing TopMan tight fitting Tshirts makes them above average. It doesn't. The Chad is like a Thot. Chad and Thot go together. Chad tries to nail down a model tier girl, no. Chad cannot compete with a naturally handsome and fit man.

>> No.12908876
File: 629 KB, 663x941, tumblr_m5q9osL01q1qa70eyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when I will never be as attractive as Marlo. just end my life

>> No.12908889

Cause if I was sittin straight I would have a negative tilt? How are you this retarded?

>> No.12908955


>> No.12909197

If you get a lot of 7/10s that hit on you on the street, does it generally mean you are not that attractive?

>> No.12909207

yeah sometimes I get insulted by the normies that approach me

>> No.12909243

It means you are in the good looking tier but not intimidatingly good looking tier

>> No.12909249

I'm the same. Had a lot of mediocre girls hit on/fall for me but never a hottie.

>> No.12909254

does the same thing apply if the genders are reversed?

>> No.12909260

I don't know. Men are a lot more thirsty so even ok chicks get hit on every now and then, especially if they have a nice body.

I have a friend who's pretty attractive who cheated on his wife with a 4/10 girl just cause she had a nice ass.

>> No.12909263

Kinda figured you were a girl by the way you phrased the question, but yeah I think the same general rule applies.
Maybe slightly different I guess, considering it's very rare to see a true 9-10/10 girl hitting on anyone at all even a 10/10 guy. So maybe girls have slightly better chances at having 8+/10 guys hit on them.

However I don't know how much you should read into that, because a lot men will hit on any women regardless of their own attractiveness, because they have been taught to initiate the contact. You may still be attractive enough for 8/10 men, but 8/10 hit on girls less in the street IMO because they sit in a range where they don't have to do all the initiating

>> No.12909288

He looks like someone who does not take care of himself, which makes him unattractive. Now with a good haircut and proper clothes he could definitely look weird instead of ugly, which some people find attractive

>> No.12909307

>look weird instead of ugly, which some people find attractive
weird is only attractive when it's a rich and famous guy

>> No.12909358

Let's be clear here, you're calling Ryan Gosling unattractive?

>> No.12909394

great post anon, 10/10

bring back /SIG/.

>> No.12909427
File: 201 KB, 1370x1240, averageface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can explain it very simple:

>You're incredible beautiful/cute/fuckable (like Margot Robbie or 2009's Megan Fox) and you're so attractive that intimidate even the most 8/10 Chad. It's impossible that you don't know this, though, so you must be attention whoring or just LARPing.


>You are average. In fact, you are so so average that you are practically a ghost. You have an average ok face and ok bod so you don't stand out from the rest.
In pic related you can see the most average women's faces from regions.

>> No.12909449



>> No.12909478

What's your own opinion?

>> No.12909547


>You are intimidating because of your face expression or unusual clothing style

>> No.12909621


>> No.12909677

>In pic related you can see the most average women's faces from regions.

Better than average looking. If you layer 100 unattractive faces, the irregular features are going to somewhat cancel each other out. The final result is going to be significantly more attractive.

>> No.12909689

for me it's the opposite

objectively i'm on the uglier side and for some reason I still get attention from men

>> No.12909790


>> No.12909799

compliments compliments compliments, in person of course. anyone can hide behind a good angle and filter in pictures

>> No.12910260

I get compliments but only from people I know are attracted to me, those don't count.

>> No.12910285

That's wrong though. Good looking girls will never approach anyone unless they were top top tier man (like famous, wealthy and handsome). I'm good looking but because I don't hang out with intimidating chads and I'm not one myself, I get girls approaching me all the time. Mostly they are kinda ugly, sometimes 7/10 (never top tier girls though). I imagine most of the guys here who are good looking are the same as me.

Guys like us seem to have a very typical demographic of girls who come up to us. Somewhat attractive to plain ugly. For your everyday guy, if these girls approach you and make it apparent they want you you are good looking.

I could probably get hotter girls, but it just seems harder and I'm fine with easy 7/10s.

>> No.12910298

I've been liked by, mired on, told I was attractive, and in relationships with girls way out of my league, because I live in a small town (~100k) with a terrible selection of men, so your criteria doesn't cover all situations.

>> No.12910310

He's tall, has a nice body, has nice hair, doesn't have any skin issues as far as I'm aware, and is also really confident and rich af now
so no, obviously you only read half way through the post

>> No.12910496

give it a rest already

>> No.12910540


I remember reading something about men and women that are in "the same league" will always attract each other. Men will instinctively know who is in their league just as women.

The difference is men get courage from alcohol or just take a shot in the dark for women higher than them because why not.

Women hold out for higher than them because they are entitled cunts. They know they can go on Tinder and swipe a guy 10 times hotter than you so why bother. It creates a culture of women with high egos and inflated standards and men with low standards and low self esteem. Other than the top tier men, you will be ugly in a womans eyes.

So in short, if you're not Chad you're ugly.

>> No.12910825


>> No.12911025
File: 2.45 MB, 1610x1182, 7Qlv3NZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you need almost 20mm mouth width to not be subhuman
Sucks to have good horizontal development of the midface when your lower third is poorly developed, you can't really capitalize on it.

>> No.12911032

>hey josh, look at this guys weird outfit
>babe don't make fun of him, he's trying

>> No.12911038

He has blue eyes and only looks half brown. He's a white chick away from Mariah Carey. There are plenty of attractive black people and you parade out this light skinned mahfucker? He looks like the dude from avatar with a spray tan and a dope habit.

>> No.12911053
File: 50 KB, 550x434, eb9d02c1ea42e370a6e2120523202d74--diet-snacks-school-goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EAT REAL FOOD, for fucks sake.

Don't eat processed bullshit. You wouldn't look like that if you had grown up eating real fucking food and had been active.


>> No.12911059

That's not me lmao. But I do need palate expansion since my lower third does not match my midface despite having a phenotypical high bigonial width. My IPD is 70mm while my mouth width is only 54.

>> No.12911064

w2c small town

>> No.12911068

>two solid 8/10s said im hot at a nightclub

surely this is verification enough right? I just went up to them and put my arms around them like we were friends

they didnt suck my dick that night because im gay but at least i know now

>> No.12911082
File: 742 KB, 954x1080, 1502672686768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody really compliments me
>tfw people just say I look like [insert actor]
>tfw people get into discussions about which actor I look like
>tfw actually get stopped randomly by people saying I look some actor/famous person
>tfw the actors they say I look like I feel are weird looking
>tfw not sure if I'm good looking or not as a result

>> No.12911084

I find it hard to believe this has as big of an influence as they suggest, since I have a normal face/chin/teeth, and my brother has a narrow face/small chin/crooked teeth, on an identical diet.

>> No.12911094

Genes still exist, but it makes an enormous difference. Listen to the entire podcast. Eat real food dude. I have been and my athletic performance has shot up in just two weeks.

>> No.12911095

post pic senpai

>> No.12911097

kek, the youngest pics are the least weird looking.

There was a kid in my high school yearbook who did the same thing. Except he also got a hunchback with time.

>> No.12911103
File: 3.59 MB, 593x333, jsanza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things start to go wrong around puberty for most. Jsanza is a real extreme example though, he's IMO one of the most offensive looking persons in the world.

>> No.12911104

What actors?

>> No.12911129


this is exactly it

>> No.12911131

Not really comfortable posting it here since /fa/ has higher standards and I know I don't meet those ideals.
When my hair was shorter, like Josh Peck after he lost weight. 1-3 months ago like the guy who played Snape in harry potter, now my hair is reaching shoulder length so I am waiting for new comparisons.

Another one apparently was some person who was on some America's talent show thing that I don't know of.

>> No.12911134

is that you?

im pretty sure you used to post on yahoo answers a lot? youd post pics and weird videos asking if you're ugly. This goes back years and years, maybe 2010? 2011?

i'd always roast you with multiple accounts because you're an ugly fag, and you've become an even uglier fag because of it

sorry man

>> No.12911160



>> No.12911243

Guys, what If EVERYWHERE I go women stare at me but none approaches me? I always think I must be one ugly mofo, but maybe it is that I am attractive? I am an autist at social skills so I don't approach any girl.

>> No.12911265

Ive never found myself extremely attractive but I get looked at by girls a bit sometimes. Maybe it's my height I have no clue

>> No.12911285

he has a cool voice

>> No.12911287

Post a pic of yourself and I'll give my honest opinion.

>> No.12911296

If they stare at you while you are not looking at them you are probably handsome, if they are looking towards your direction because you are staring at them you probably ugly and they are creeped out.

>> No.12911300

I don't know about the other countries, but that's not the average face of Peru.

>> No.12911329
File: 105 KB, 620x420, fhffh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this r/amiugly ?

>> No.12911344

what if you get both a lot

>> No.12911346

Too beautiful?

>> No.12911350

see this: >>12911329

Yeah I caught them looking at me and they panic right away. It's the same with men, anyway. Every fucking time I enter a room or just walking in the streets people look at me. I tell you, I think I am monster-tier ugly and that's why they watch me.

>> No.12911351

way too pretty.

>> No.12911354

Yeah, she looks like a latin angel. If that was the average I would travel right away to Peru

>> No.12911356

If we start doing this, this board will be officially dead.

>> No.12911367


>Better than average looking. If you layer 100 unattractive faces, the irregular features are going to somewhat cancel each other out. The final result is going to be significantly more attractive.

what this anon said

>> No.12911368


I don't ever initiate anything and I get hit on by actual models.

Live in >scandinavia though, the whole "a man should initiate-bullshit" isn't really a thing here.

>> No.12911396

>4. Excel physically; people respond better to a strong upper body, broad shoulders or chest, general fitness without looking roided or "working class"

I have the body of an Alpine mountaineer so I naturally have broad shoulders.

>> No.12911399


>> No.12911596
File: 115 KB, 1080x1331, GIGACHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a gigachad

>> No.12911685

i'm not the first to have mentioned this in the thread, but i'm very curious re: the reliability of the "interpret general response" when applied to women. obviously the results and how they're interpreted would differ between the two, but i wonder how disparate the ...scales themselves would be.
just how much attention must a girl receive in order to consider herself attractive, and is the benchmark for men diminutive in comparison?
men often claim to Love when women approach them, but more often than not, they seem to feel emasculated and uncomfy even if they're primarily flattered in those circumstances.

wow ok sorry for words. i think it might be useful to identify behaviors that can be likened to subtle social "mating calls" in both genders, for example, a male may smile at a woman he deems attractive, expressing attraction. the woman may respond with a smile, but if she leaves it at that, it's more likely the smile was a polite gesture as opposed to a ..nibble. however, if the woman were to quickly look away in response to the male's smile, or to avert her attention blatantly, or initiate more direct eye contact etc, the attention has been returned more meaningfully.
this is pathetic. but it would be very cool if somehow these silent (or not) brief, indirect language blurbs were used as the unit of measurement in these.............i give up

>> No.12911894

If you had ever gone to the gym and in some period of time you get to eat continuously junk food (let's say, for a week), you can notice a huge difference with your overall resistance and force.

>> No.12911969


he has a cool voice, he's tall, and not a scrawny faggot

>> No.12911981
File: 288 KB, 969x1222, lena-dunham-travis-fimmel-short-film-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be GSP

>> No.12911993

This is a SMVmatch in 2017

>> No.12911999

Lena Dunham is an ugly child molester.

>> No.12912002
File: 20 KB, 500x806, 1481683800530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download tinder

if you get a lot of matches you're attractive, if you match with ugly chicks - you're okay looking, if you get no matches - you're ugly

>> No.12912004 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 446x299, travis-fimmel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she is a child girl molester then that makes her hot af

>> No.12912027

That claim is only valid for the first week, which tinder gives you a noob boost.
After that, anything may happen.

>> No.12912031

but again, what if you’re female?
i am extremely picky on that app but still somehow my match rate is near perfect. i think tinder is like that for almost women. so how do i determine my attractiveness without conceding bias at every turn

>> No.12912049

I understand what you are saying bro. My ex and her circle said I have a basic white face and how they would never agree to go out with me. Yet I ended up getting my girlfriend and my ex from the same group calling me basic and ugly. So sometimes I have trouble believing what women say.

>> No.12912053

Same as they said in a post above, think of the ratings of the guys who approach to you, take an average and there you have your magic number.

>> No.12912061

Most women are fuckable but also complete and utter subhumans, I don't think I can think of even 5 genuinely beautiful females.

>> No.12912066

Post one, I too want to compare. If you are good looking skin color should not be a factor. This black dude is handsome, very few people beat this guy. Top tier.

>> No.12912269

You store images like this in your computer? Gay alert.

>> No.12912328
File: 85 KB, 697x480, 1509187597272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He >>12905562 is not wrong, fools. That jail dude is obviously a mongrel and has heavy europoid genes (and that's why he is obviously more beautiful than other black dudes). I am not from /pol/ nor a white supremacist/nazi, but as fashion enthusiast one has to agree that european women and men have the lead in overall beauty.

>> No.12912463

Fake your death. See how many people show up to your funeral. 0-5 = ugly, 6-50 = average, 50+ = attractive.

>> No.12912495

If you have a crooked nose could you just get a bat and break your nose and make it straight? Isn't that what Egyptians did lol

>> No.12912625
File: 20 KB, 427x640, 272957e3e8d4e7b10d46d95892c92f6f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is better looking than those 2 girls

>> No.12912801

it doesn't matter, my personality scares them off anyway.

>> No.12912878
File: 331 KB, 2048x2048, F126D2C0-1734-44AD-8E03-34F7FD65A8BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it’s an good feel anons. It’s an real good feel

>> No.12912914
File: 123 KB, 800x1001, jordan_barrett_buro_magazine_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High cheek bones aren't attractive on everyone
i can't think of a worse physical trait than low cheekbones

>> No.12912930
File: 71 KB, 634x636, 340636D100000578-3584010-image-m-29_1462929659833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hollow cheeks, prominent cheekbones, a good browridge, a large prominent chin, a wide well defined jawline and a fairly large skull.
tfw all of this except i have creepy bug eyes like bieber
... not fair

>> No.12912953

these are the average faces of models from different countries. not from regular people of average attractiveness

>> No.12913146

I get what you're saying here but if it was better articulated and more concise, it would've gotten more attention

>> No.12913406

Thin lips, I'm talking like pin head thin.

>> No.12913763
File: 263 KB, 720x1280, 1498079216357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12913977

what the fuck looks like a comic book drawing.

>> No.12914061
File: 46 KB, 320x320, 1509961759834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you

>> No.12914719


>> No.12915059
File: 145 KB, 228x269, 1482015109477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about when people look at you when passing by? it happens often to me and i don't know if they look at me because im handsome or because im ugly as fuck

>> No.12915103

Your going to love this
>beauty is a social construct
That's why ideals of beauty change much more rapidly than generics. There is no objective ideal beauty but there is an average ideal beauty that most people agree on.

>> No.12915113

7.4 billion people on Earth. One may find him attractive. But that isn't the point. Morality is also subjective but people tend to agree. Music taste is also subjective but people can agree that amateur music sucks. Being subjective doesn't mean that opinions are uniformly distributed.

>> No.12915117

>That's why ideals of beauty change much more rapidly than generics
they only change to a degree, basic stuff like symmetry and a pronounced jaw (in men) is biologically attractive

>> No.12915126

What's a mascfag?

>> No.12915132

Beauty marks are asymmetrical and were considered beautiful. I do think you are right to some degree.

>> No.12915293

If making a thread like this never crossed your mind, once, and if you're tall & thin.

Got these 3 things under wraps? You;re attractive, OP.

>> No.12915476

Take a wild guess (It's masculine guys)

Everyone knows, though, that appreciating all that is aesthetic, in one way or another, is the best way to live life.

>> No.12915829

I feel I have the ability to be handsome if I could ever lose some fucking weight. I’ve had girls interested in me that weren’t uggos of all races except latinas (blacks really like me). I’ve been with a blonde blue eyed girl with big titties and now I’m with a 7/10 Vietnamese girl. But being husky def hurts my ranking fuck. Only way I balance it out is humor. I’ve also been hit on by a gay black dude. Idk what that means

>> No.12917204


>> No.12917295

Falling for le PUA meme in the current year