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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 311 KB, 555x297, 2017-11-07 20_15_55-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12892741 No.12892741 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread bout 300 >>12886744

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.12892746
File: 229 KB, 540x352, tumblr_oue2npXqse1wv0jlqo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally have bulimia

thanks /fa/

>> No.12892748

uh boys how do i deal with the dizziness ??

>> No.12892751

smoke a cig to get even dizzier, except a pleasurable dizziness

>> No.12892757
File: 41 KB, 540x540, tumblr_owfj7amKCp1vv1nu9o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much time should I wait after eating a sorta heavy meal to throwup?

>> No.12892773

A woman came up to me at work today and said "I'd kill to have your legs"

Feels good

>> No.12892778

was probably trying to make you feel better about having flabby legs

>> No.12892809

I'm a 6'0 dude weighing 115 pounds. I wear 27/37 jeans and have twigs for legs

Just don't get many comments about it

>> No.12892889

Lay down
Eat something (very) small to up the blood sugar

I reached the "medically underweight" bmi today, but then /thinspo/ convinced me I'm just "normie thin" and need to go full anorexic

New game 110 I'm no quitter ^w^

>> No.12892918
File: 49 KB, 499x469, tumblr_owgjy26ijw1uyjjcco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just now realizing i have 0 energy or motivation on a full stomach so this is really helping me mentally

the amount of things ive accomplished this week is amazing

>> No.12892922

yea i ended up eating a banana and 3 spoons of peanut butter, not great but its all i had lying around the house. gotta go shopping to eliminate the carbs in my pantry

>> No.12892926

Pics please! I need motivation

>> No.12893023

I think I may have low blood pressure (or anemia) from not eating enough. How do I fix this and not die?

>> No.12893026

Just dont throw up, fast the next day if you’ve eaten tol many calories

>> No.12893030


>> No.12893097

why not throwup?

>> No.12893106

It does more harm than good honestly

>> No.12893178
File: 34 KB, 600x726, 1508305873031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is hydration a meme? after drinking like 1/3 of a water bottle 10 mins later i have to pee furiously

>> No.12893209

i dont care about my health though :(

>> No.12893212
File: 41 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ns7v0bZsGy1slikmno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after drinking water I have to pee

who the fuck would have thought gee wilikers anon what a motherfucking discovery

>> No.12893223
File: 88 KB, 350x350, 1508777147302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 day fast with coffee/water/0cal energy drinks and im feeling okay so far. all i have in my apartment is ramen so thats like 400cals if i get hungry, not too bad. i think not sleeping and being depressed is helping

i used to be skinny now im a fat fuark so hopefully i can get back into it without giving up.

>> No.12893235

There's nothing inspiring about being thin people. Enjoy being unhealthily frail just so you can have someone take pictures of you that literally no one else finds "cool" except yourself and other skinny losers. IF you want to start treating your body like a ferrari, EAT MORE and WORK OUT. I feel terrible for your parents

>> No.12893236

If you're optimally hydrated you should be peeing about once an hour.

>> No.12893256
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 37d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking that there is such thing as a good looking body

imagine not being able to grasp the concept that a difference appearance can bring someone pleasure

imagine choosing health over living how you desire

>> No.12893263

stfu these people are indefensible dont come at me with this hurr durr epic IMAGINE DOING XD shit

>> No.12893325

Most of the people in these threads are fat or not impatient. They usually don't understand how to lose weight healthily and just want to lose it all very quickly which is both stupid and unsustainable and not to mention often looks gross.
If you aren't naturally thin, this thread isn't for you really.

>> No.12893332

It's really satisfying seeing that your piss is clear

>> No.12893358

So does the overly negative health guy only reply to himself or what <.<

>> No.12893371

any <30 waist man in? 28 here. 5'10

>> No.12893383

28 5'6 here, skelly

Could probably do 26 but finding jeans is too hard and I don't want to go to the kids section

>> No.12893395

>28 5'6 here, skelly
>Could probably do 26 but finding jeans is too hard and I don't want to go to the kids section
are you me

>> No.12893434

I'm 6'3, 28 waist. Shit sucks, it's hard as fuck to find good fitting jeas

>> No.12893441

t h i s

>> No.12893443

do you want to deal with a constantly swollen face/jaw and expensive dental work?

>> No.12893475

29, 6'4 here

>> No.12893490

If you secretly want to look androgynous and being proana is an outlet for all the weird gay gender feelings then yes :p

>> No.12893589
File: 2.09 MB, 2372x3648, IMG_20171107_180353_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I skelly enough yet

>> No.12893609

your arms look anorexic level so yes
cute though

>> No.12893616

lookin' swell anon, no lie

>> No.12893639
File: 892 KB, 740x998, hoody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean what you are literally being right now? you cant argue with happiness

>> No.12893641

it does really swell up my face and I never vomit when im out, usually at night

but that dental work shit kinda scares me, i always brush my teeth and wash my mouth the second after i do it

>> No.12893645

you switch out those sneakers for clogs

>> No.12893668

Post with less clothing

>> No.12893697

Cute! Stats?

>> No.12893703

I thought I was really careful with it too, in fact it's actually better to wait a bit before brushing because the stomach acid you throw up weakens the tooth enamel.

I had to get like 10+ fillings after two years of b/p so watch out, anon :\

>> No.12893707

5'3 83lbs !

>> No.12893709

>go swimming for dat cardio
>towelling off in locker room post swim
>fat old indian dude compliments my dick
t-thanks bro y-y-y-you too !!

>> No.12893719

Amazing, we’re the same height. You are definitely motivation and you look great.

What did you do to get here? Did you follow any strict diet plan or are you just incredibly lucky with god tier genetics?

>> No.12893723

nah i used to be about 130-140 when i was younger. I mostly do extended fasts and try to stick to under 1000 cal on days I do eat. I'm not super strict about what I eat though which can lead to binging on occasion but whuddayagonnado

>> No.12893756

are you the girl that was in the j-fashion community from a previous /thinspo/ thread?

>> No.12893770


>> No.12893772

how often/how long do you normally fast?

>> No.12893860

1-5 days usually depending how I feel. As often as I can.

>> No.12893902
File: 524 KB, 1600x1200, 1477514962622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'1, 155 lbs and I've been eating around 1000 calories almost a week, planning on doing it until the end of the month.
How much weight can I expect to lose?
I'm gettng very varied answers from weight loss prediction websites so I wanted to see if any anons here might have personal experiences with similiar diets.

>> No.12893911

nice hair, I'm going for something similar. what are the stats?

>> No.12893919

2-3 pounds a week. I'll say most likely two due to your right and current weight. Since your tdee is about 2000-2300 calories you'd have to eat around three days at 1000 calories to lose a pound.

>> No.12893921

Thanks, I'm pretty content with that. I want to get down to slightly above 140 lbs before Christmas, seems totally doable on this diet.
Hair stats? Honestly idk I just grew it out and showed the hairdresser pictures.

>> No.12893929

stats as in "how long is it at different points"
if you pull your fringe down, where on your face does it end.
how long is your hair at the back?
what pictures did you show the hair dresser?

>> No.12893932

no spoilers reee I spend too much time on /vg/

>> No.12893939

Also depends on your water weight and how much exercise you do. I would advise against going for such a massive deficit, but it's up to you.
I went from 165lbs down to 157lbs and lost 2 inches off the waist in the first 2 weeks of a 1000 calorie deficit diet, but I'm a few inches taller than you and exercise a lot. I dropped it to a 500 calorie deficit and am now losing weight more steadily and am able to be full from my meals, at least to some extent.
What's your goal weight at 6'1 and do you plan on working out at the same time?

>> No.12893940
File: 240 KB, 625x873, d6bf85027c4edb28b5077e69114924f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed this picture or a similiar one.
My hair basically touches my mouth when I pull it down, and it's like two inches in the back I think. Haven't had a haircut in a while.

>> No.12893941

thanks my dude

>> No.12893942

I do very exercise, maybe an hour combined of walking and cycling a day.
My goal weight is in between 145-140 lbs, and like I said, don't do much exercise but I guess I'm open to it. Only thing is that exercise increases my appetite massively so I avoid it.

>> No.12893943

<3 any time

>> No.12893947

cant wait til they snap off

>> No.12893949

but i like to be comfy

>> No.12893952

Ah, yeah 145lbs is definitely achievable by Christmas.
Supposedly a deficit of a 1000 calories will result in 1kg loss each week (I think that's roughly 2lbs).
I would suggest making sure you eat at least a decent amount of the calories from protein and carbs especially if you plan on doing any muscle toning/building.
You want to make sure you are losing fat when you are losing weight, and if you don't have a sufficient amount of protein your body can burn some of the muscle mass instead

>> No.12893962

My diet currently consists of fruit, some vegetables, hard boiled egg and a little chicken breast here and there.
I'm not planning on building muscle atm, but I don't want to lose much of what little I have haha

>> No.12893973
File: 253 KB, 637x356, 1509656672538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was 36
>tfw i can finally fit into my old 32's today
>notice some clothes feeling a little large on me
i haven't been in /thinspo/ for awhile, what happened to the hydrate pepe anon or whatever we called him?

>> No.12893981

Honestly that's a pretty good diet in terms of protein, carbs and fats.
If you are sticking to a 1000 calorie limit, I would suggest 300-350 of the calories come from protein, maybe 400 calories from carbs and the rest from fats.
You can easily get that amount of protein from probably 150-200grams of chicken breast and an egg so your diet is fine.
Only reason I'm going autistic about the balance here is because I find if there is any a decent balance between protein, carbs and fats, your mood and everything else will be all over the place.

Also if you aren't doing intermittent fasting, I suggest you do. It will accelerate fat burning and makes it easier to restrict calories

>> No.12894031

I gotcha, thanks for all the advice :))

I don't do intermittent fasting, I eat 3 meals throughout the day. How does it work and how can I use it to maximize weight loss without surrendering mental health? I have a lot of work at the minute so anything too extreme is gonna make it hard on me.

>> No.12894049

Essentially with IF you skip breakfast entirely and eat all of your meals within a 6-8 hour window. For me I eat my first meal at 2pm, then dinner later, and some sort of snack at 10pm ish.
Your body will be in a 16 hour fast.
Skipping breakfast means your body will be burning your fat stores in the morning instead of burning the energy from the food. Breakfast is the best meal to skip because your body is primed for fat burning during the morning time.
If you aren't use to skipping breakfast it might be challenging, but it's worth it to me.

>> No.12894075

That sounds cool, tomorrow I'll do it from 2pm - 8pm.

Thanks again for all the advice anon.

>> No.12894092

im really encouraged now to start being thinspo, im fat and very ugly irl but good looking in pictures, hopefuly being thin makes me pretty irl and in camera, so anyway, im really motivated, i did thinspo last year and in 4 months lost 14kg and felt fucking aweasome but then ate it all up again being stupid, i want to make it right now tho!

>> No.12894096

The best way to eat it all up again is make it a sustainable diet, it may take longer, but it was also last longer.Being thinspo is a lifestyle choice.

>> No.12894100

No worries, you seem like you have very good potential for thinspo

>> No.12894161

im finally anorexic thx /fa/

>> No.12894164

also 5'6 man, go to american eagle, i got 26 inch waist jeans there, theyre kind of pricy but the denim is great quality. I wish i could find 24 waist jeans these 26 are almost too big for me

>> No.12894230
File: 202 KB, 539x417, Screen-Shot-2013-10-23-at-10.15.521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my biggest problem is my curves. how do I go from looking like this to skelly proportions?

>> No.12894380
File: 122 KB, 540x536, tumblr_inline_onsxkcSnhx1u00toh_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me! We have pretty similar arms.

You're cute, congrats >>12893589. Also would be curious to know your stats.

>> No.12894396

5'3 83lbs you got an arm pic?

>> No.12894400

why would u want that

>> No.12894421

>having natural curves
>wanting to get rid of them

>> No.12894425

Don't do it.

>> No.12894429
File: 45 KB, 243x431, IMG_8024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw your comment above, missed it like an idiot.

Yeah. I'm two inches taller than you and about ten pounds heavier.

Best body is thin with curves. I don't know if Kim K's body is really considered thin.

>> No.12894448
File: 96 KB, 854x1280, 668e758e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kim K is mostly fake tho. Fake ass/hips and tits. She's disgusting.

>> No.12894450

I agree with ya. But that anon wants to go full on skelly and lose their curves entirely. Thin with curves really is the best body type though.

And Kim K is fake regardless. I wouldn’t even call her curvy.

Also your dress is very cute

>> No.12894478


You took the bait

>> No.12894499

calcium king 173cm 58kg legit fucking skeleton here who wants a xylophone solo

>> No.12894504

last time i went swimming old man sighed at my dick and then i tried to make small talk and he ignored me

>> No.12894516

i'm 5'11 158 lbs.
i just want to not look thick in certain jeans it makes me really self conscious.
i don't have much fat on my stomach it's mostly in my thighs and ass. please help i'm new to this.

>> No.12894567

mostly just have to lose more weight. can't really target fat like you would target muscles to build

>> No.12894744

I can't stop drinking orange juice

>> No.12894790

have ya tried trop50? not as sweet as most oj but it is lower in calories

>> No.12894860

Yeah I thought that must've been you after I remembered your post from a previous thinspo. Good to see youre still in these threads.

>> No.12894874

How do I keep cutting in the winter while working out. I get cravings every time I come back from gym

>> No.12894882

working out can reduce life expectancy
and eating more increases metabolism->more aging

>> No.12894886
File: 22 KB, 478x308, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve albini was pretty good thinspo but he's gotten fatter. Sort of look in going for, thin but menacing and sort of masculine

>> No.12894890

How do you guys get in enough protein?

I have chicken, lentils, greek yogurt, and protein breakfast bars as my sources

>> No.12894893
File: 14 KB, 331x445, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant tell if he has muscle or if he looks like he does just because he has so little fat.

>> No.12895039
File: 849 KB, 769x515, thin thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>63~ kg / 139~ pounds
I'm on left and want to achieve right, what do my lads folks? (yes, i have pectus excavatum)

>> No.12895072

How do I combat the bad breath from not eating?

>> No.12895104

surgery is the only solution if you want to stay thin while fixing PE.
t. thin pectusfag.

even if you do a chest heavy workout the results aren't what you're hoping for

>> No.12895118

See if you can find some sugar-free orange soda or something.

>> No.12895144
File: 78 KB, 852x500, C4jyJNBWIAE1zrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind keeping it, I just wanna be thinner, Should I start a diet?
Pic related is a Rick model.

>> No.12895169
File: 1.02 MB, 1064x597, slp store.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLP only looks good on skelet-

>> No.12895173


>> No.12895175

wow what happened to the guy from freaks and geeks

>> No.12895176

> be asian
> love white rice, eat it every day
what do i do thinspo

>> No.12895203

so after my second day i realized i cant do commit to the conditions of thinspo since the carb withdrawals are too much to bear when i need to focus on school. ive decided it would be better for me to ease myself into no carbs rather than cut cold turkey, but i have no idea how to shop for this life style. any grocery list ideas ??

>> No.12895206

whos that fat fuck and why is he ruining the brand

>> No.12895225

just, like, eat lots of veggies and shit. I'm also a student and i eat lots of tomatoes and bell peppers and those packets of tuna that come in a bunch of flavors for $1. low carb is hard, especially since my diet was legit 3/4 bread before.

>> No.12895227

He joined the best punk rock band thats ever existed

>> No.12895232

god damn I want thin arms, how do you get them?

>> No.12895234
File: 878 KB, 1064x598, slp normie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none other than michael "imaqtpie" santana, former channer turned best league of legends player in the world.

>> No.12895366
File: 252 KB, 500x684, 1471000849411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You both look lovely, thank you for sharing. Very inspirational.

>> No.12895425

Male, 6'2
Current - 151
Highest - 181

Want to know how to use nicotine to lose weight, couldn't find a lot online about it

>> No.12895439
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1501720180138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread ironic?

>> No.12895493

Nicotine makes you less hungry so it's easier to fast. Also when you smoke you look more effay, and it's easier to resist cravings when you feel good about how you look.
>tfw too young to buy cigs because state raised the age to 21

>> No.12895495

is that lilmixedhunny from ig

>> No.12895502

I'm just starting out, 5'9 156 lbs. What weight should I aim for to achieve this look?

>> No.12895507

cut your portions in half.

>> No.12895514

Sup Gucci.

>> No.12895531

so you guys actually just sit around patting each other on the back for starving yourselves and being unhealthy, huh?

>> No.12895535

37 inch inseam at 6'0"?

>> No.12895578
File: 9 KB, 46x49, IMG_3383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weight myself a few days ago

Weight myself yesterday

Weight myself today

800cals daily is a scam not gonna eat till next year

>> No.12895593

water weight

>> No.12895596

I hope

>> No.12895615

anyone else can't shit? im eating veggies every day + i put an unhealthy amount of this mixture of crushed cayenne, serrano and ghost pepper on everything I eat but I am completely blocked up
the last time I shit it took me 4 days to get it out and it was like a rock, my ass bled every day I shit for the next week
and now it's been 5 ish days since

>> No.12895665

Same problem, no even Sauerkraut juice helps

>> No.12895693

drink black coffee and catch up with those fibers somehow

>> No.12895704

Chew your food better. Eat oatmeal with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Smoke a cig and drink something with caffeine. If all else fail unscrew your shower head and fill your asshole with water, thus getting the water behind the shit making it easier to get it out.

>> No.12895733

I already smoke like I have a death wish and drink 3-4 cups of coffee every day so looks like I'm going for an enema now boys, wish me luck

>> No.12895829

I recently moved to Japan and oh boy the diet foods... also everyone here is very /fa/. Currently eating some yogurt that is 34kcal per 100grams

>> No.12895859
File: 97 KB, 620x488, don&#039;t let this be me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgustingly obese 180lb. 6'1" male here. Just wondering if any knowledgable anons here can give me the lowdown on "healthy" laxative abuse? I would be enormously grateful:) My goal is to be sitting here this time next year looking back on 2017, and wishing that I can honestly appraise myself in the mirror and say, "Well, another productive year! I shat away 40 lbs. of excess blubber, and I feel great!". Please anons, help me reach my goal. I can't bear another year of waddling around like a pudgy sack of animated meat; I'm determined to look my best

>> No.12895891

Literally why are you doing low carb? You can lose weight just the same with normal carbs

>> No.12895949

please don't. it's literally the worst thing you can do to your body and takes years of recovery to restore your bowels to functionally moving. addictiveness is almost instant, and the results are a few bouts of watery gassy diarrhea for years of gut latency.

your muscles wither, and it affects all the smooth muscle in your body, not just your bowels. so your vasculature system no longer functions well, your heart doesn't pump. you bloat up.

keeping your bowels moving is wonderful, but laxative abuse will weaken the smooth muscle in your gut and overexcite your nerves. your guts won't tell when they're full and the shit just sits there and rots. you will get yeast overgrowth, get diabetes and become allergic to everything. your colon soaks up water and doesn't pump your shit down and it just says there keeping your bloated and plugged.

your immune system is in your gut, 1/2 your neurons are in your gut. your hormones come from your gut. besides processing your food your digestive system takes about 700 calories/day to function correctly, so be nice to your gut. it controls how you think, feel, metabolize.

just go vegan, no sugar/ salt/ oil/ processed fat/ wheat/ alcohol/ processed food. limit to 3 meals/day (no sugar no snacks no seconds). stay hydrated, eat soup. eat a head of lightly steamed kale + garlic everyday and u shit on command. and exercise and muscle building helps move bowels.

feels better, works better, health keeps getting better. body telling me this is how it's meant to be.

sorry if it's not the quick fix you want to hear thinspo, but take it from someone who's been there.

>> No.12895995

So how many of you fags are legit anorexic and how many just want to avoid being (skinny)fat?

Ate a lot of shit recently so skipping lunch. Still like tgese threads.

>> No.12896014

fast, with black coffee to suppress appetite
smoke cigarettes, or weed (if you can avoid the munchies), which will lower your bmi
work out at the peak of fasting, you'll get natural energy boosts, and then at night just eat very light and stop being a fatty

>> No.12896033

Have ed (too fat still to be considered anorexic) but I am not a fag

>> No.12896034


You have to work out and eat. I know thinspo hates eating but you need to keep your calorie intake up while working out so you won't turn into a skeleton or end up in the hospital due to malnutrition.

Light body weight exercise with a clean, simple diet will help you reach that look and it won't take long at all to get that amount of muscle.

>> No.12896035
File: 122 KB, 750x866, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>height 194cm (6'4)
>weight 73kg (160lbs)
>goal weight : I'm fine around 155-165lbs, I just want to lower body fat %. Although I think something around 70kg is where I want to be.
Been on a clean diet for about 3 weeks now

>> No.12896037

legit thanks for the thoughtful response, anon. i really do appreciate your decency

>> No.12896049
File: 44 KB, 976x549, 976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrapping my teeth in aluminium foil every time i vomit to minimize acidic dental decay

am i a genius?

>> No.12896068


I resist the cold out of spite.

>> No.12896073


Looks like chest implosion to me.

>> No.12896077
File: 29 KB, 420x581, seriouslydude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on man, I went from same weight and proportions to underweight in a year without trying.

You don't have to shit yourself deaf to eat one meal a day.

>> No.12896091
File: 61 KB, 762x754, 1508353442109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to try to do IF until like 3pm today lads. Any tips? I got water.

>> No.12896150

Chew gum, and do something during the day
Or just don't get out of bed on most days until 12pm like me

>> No.12896172

Lose until you think you're there then lose some more.

>> No.12896175

Fug where'd you find the yogurt? All the convinience store ones aren't low cal

>> No.12896187

When you get the urge to snack get up and walk around a bit. And remember that the first few days are the hardest.

>> No.12896199

i wonder if that actually would work because i would considered b/p then lol

>> No.12896211

Thanks, trying to stay busy today.

Thanks, I'm hoping from today through saturday I'll be able to get into a habit by being very strict.

>> No.12896426

glad to see someone relatively near to my measures for a change. I'm 197cm and 65kg and would consider your body pretty much for a goal

>> No.12896431

Fucking perfect.

>> No.12896446
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/biz/ here. If you guys want to lose your appetite, trade some stocks. Even when things are good you lose your appetite.

>> No.12896455

Thanks man, I appreciate that
You sound like you have great potential with those measurements. Just takes dieting and minimal cardio and body weight exercises

>> No.12896509
File: 131 KB, 750x1198, DD007A58-5B11-4247-8DDD-78D1E5022C11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”I can make money faster if I invest in alts instead of bitcoin”

>> No.12896521

source on that video? couldn't find it

>> No.12896523

Ah shit m8 you get suckered into some shitcoins? Some shitcoiners do okay, but too risky for me. Even the stock market now is at such a high I'm pulling more and more out of it because I think it's going to correct in the next 0 to 4 years. I play it (too?) safe though. I'm selling my BTC before the fork, then will buy it back after I imagine there will be a dump like there historically always is. Just swing trading some play money on meme stocks is enough to cause my appetite to drop though.

>> No.12896527

is it normal to have drier lips now that i drink 2 lt of water a day? it's starting to bother me a bit

>> No.12896533

Get some chapstick

>> No.12896537
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This IF is giving me a bit of a buzz.

>> No.12896541
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>> No.12896556
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>Dress nice
>"I look like a normie"

Godsakes what a faggot

>> No.12896597

for years all he did was post on /v/ in his underwear until he got picked up for a team. he's not used to being in nice clothes, he's shy, be nice!

>> No.12896715

>wake up excited to see if I lost more weight
>check, gained 1.5 pounds
>realize my losses were probably water weight or whatever

Somebody fucking kill me why does losing weight take so fucking long

>> No.12896785

Going to an Indian restaurant tomorrow for my dad’s birthday. Is anyone familiar with Indian food? What should I get that fits within my calorie range? (I eat 1000 or less a day).

>> No.12896824

make poo in loo jokes until you get kicked out

>> No.12896844
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nice, that would be somewhere near an ideal body for me. i'm also 6'4, used to be really thin for a long time (around 130) but now i'm 160. i just need to continue to lift weights to lose some flab that i have now. i went all the way up to 180 quickly which resulted in some fat

>> No.12896985
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>binged and had almost 2500cals in mostly oats and fruit today
oh fuck lol

>> No.12896987

i'm a 5'5 girl and i weight around 114 pound
i used to weight less, but now that i'm considered normal i just feel like shit.
any tips to lose around 9 pounds, since ~105 pounds is my goal.
i still need to eat a bit, otherwise i get extremely tired and cant do anything that day.
also how do i burn some calories efficiently? i sometimes have to eat way more than i want to, due to my parents. don't want them to notice i'm throwing it up either.

>> No.12897025

Exercise is great, but, hardly efficient compared to just not eating something. Try to walk every day, it's not efficient per say but good exercise when you are pretty famished.

Also have an internet hug. You seem like you could use a hug.

>> No.12897041

You sound young desu. How old are you? Eat mostly vegetables, walk or ride your bike whenever you can (but >>12897025 is right, it's more efficient to just eat less) and don't throw up unless you want to deal with a swollen face and thousands in dental bills.

>> No.12897056

Are you a mealcuck?

>> No.12897061

Yeah it's normal, it's also getting colder/drier out. Keep some chapstick on hand

>> No.12897074

prepare your anus

>> No.12897087

Alright anons... Its time for me to actually take action and do something about myself.
Current: 5'8, 280lb, M, 21
I am my highest
Goal weight ~150 lb (I know this isn't thinspo but i gotta start losing and you guys seem to know how to do it well)
No preferred method, work and go to school so lunch times are kind of scattered.
I want to eventually get that rocker look, hopefully I'll lose before the leather jacket trend goes away.
also i'm korean if that makes any difference at all in the world.

Give me the worst you got, and tell me how do to stop being a fat shit. I got rejected again and looked at myself in the mirror and I don't even like myself.

I've never been skinny or fit so that'd be something cool to do before I die of obesity.

Lastly, going on a trip to Europe or East Asian in about a year or so and want to look good for the eventual pictures ill take when i'm there.

>> No.12897189

Hi anons. I accidently ended up at 5'9" / 88 pounds after switching to a healthier lifestyle (21/F) now I need to gain back weight, people are saying it's getting life threating and shit. How do I do that without ending up looking like shit.

>> No.12897318

Adding to this:

"Calorie restriction is a dietary regimen that reduces calorie intake without incurring malnutrition or a reduction in essential nutrients. "Low" can be defined relative to an average person of similar body type. In a number of species, including yeast, fish, rodents and dogs, calorie restriction without malnutrition has been shown to slow the biological aging process, resulting in longer maintenance of youthful health and an increase in both median and maximum lifespan.[1][2]"

>> No.12897327

nigga lmao

>> No.12897331

how the fuck do you even

>> No.12897334

You all need to be on Keto diets desu. 20g carbs + fats + protein.

Breakfast: teaspoon of butter or mix it with black coffee

Lunch: slice of cheese between ham slices + hot sauce

Dinner: roast chicken


>> No.12897337
File: 1.04 MB, 581x845, 2017-09-21 20_05_12-jonah hill - Twitter Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop eating for fucking pleasure

the ONLY reason people are fat is because they eat for fucking pleasure

eating is for survival, if you dont feel like you are starving and about to pass out, dont put shit in your mouth

and dont choose a certain food because it taste good, choose it for good nutrients and energy

>> No.12897341

sounds gross

>> No.12897354
File: 129 KB, 314x278, 1510264840102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not true. you're not a squirrel. you did not eat that much oats/fruit in a single day

>> No.12897360

You can munch other stuff too as long as it’s close to 0g carbs... cheese is pretty good, eggs etc
Www.Ruled.me has all the info

>> No.12897369

stop clothing yourselves for fucking pleasure

the ONLY reason people are worried about their weights is because they wear clothing for fucking pleasure

clothing is for survival, if you don't feel like the elements are going to hammer you, don't put shit on your bodies

and dont choose a certain garment because it looks good, choose it for the ability to protect you

>> No.12897433

hahaha, in the same boat my boy, shifted a bunch of my btc to alt coins two days before the spike a couple days ago, lost so much money.

slowly going back up though so its itee

>> No.12897441

26 or 25 waist and Im 5'2
Girls jeans

>> No.12897462
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>> No.12897483

29, 5' 10" also.

>> No.12897486

holy shit

>> No.12897501
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You guys watch the new Louie yet?

>> No.12897529

im 27" waist 5'10"

>> No.12897558

Yeah, anytime I go to /fit/, they always tell me to put on a bunch of weight quickly, and get up to 180ish lbs, but its definitely not what I want to do.
If you lift weights, 160-165 is a good range. Easiest way to lose fat is diet.

good or bad?

>> No.12897559


did they give up any good tricks?

>> No.12897566

Do 1k starjumps a day.

>> No.12897597

does nicotine actually make you thinner or am I about to get memed

>> No.12897607

How long does water weight last for? And how to get rid of it?

>> No.12897612
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yeah that does not sound appetizing at all. i could think of way tastier healthy foods

>> No.12897616
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cigarettes speed metabolism this is a common fact

they also reduce hunger (in most people, depends on you)

>> No.12897637
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i was really glad to see so many new louis episodes come out. these ones are very dark though, feels like the law and disorder episodes he did before. the murder in milwaukee and anorexia episodes were the most interesting to me. i felt compassion towards some of the girls in the anorexia episode. the blonde girl in particular (the one addicted to walking and star jumps) made me sad because she seemed the most likely to die

>> No.12897642
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>> No.12897646
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what a genius

>> No.12897651
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Nicotine also kills fat

believe me or not i dont care im chain smokin and stayin skinny regardless

>> No.12897653

>tfw genuinely enjoy Smoking

It's almost a hobby for me

>> No.12897658

same honestly

a cig between my lips makes me happy idk if I do it for the buzz anymore

>> No.12897659

Does anyone here vape? Cigarettes are ludicrously expensive in my country, was wondering how the cost compares to smoking.

>> No.12897664

I vape but still trying to work out how to get the taste of cock out of my mouth afterwards

Any solutions????

>> No.12897677

how the fuck is vaping cheaper

not being an ass im literally asking

>> No.12897681

Its cheaper in the long run but not right when you start

>> No.12897688

I didn't say it was, it's a subject i know nothing about but cigarettes are like $25 a pack here so it's hard to imagine it being more expensive.

>> No.12897698
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pretty simple man. you can get everything you need to vape for a couple hundred bucks. will quickly be a lot more affordable than ciggs considering how much a pack costs

>> No.12897702

Haven't watched it yet. It's in the queue. Will report back.

Yeah, the old ones had a layer of humor in them. He's my favorite documentarist though. I'm running behind in the episodes but hope to catch up this weekend.

>> No.12897723

jesus where do you live

>> No.12897729
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>> No.12897731
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>> No.12897733
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>> No.12897745
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>> No.12897752
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>> No.12897754
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>> No.12897758
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>> No.12897880

What really helps me stay motivated is completely ignoring the scale (I only weigh once at the start of the week) and wearing baggy clothing so that I don't really know what's going on in there until a noticeable change happens.

Idk if this would help everyone though I know some people need to be more strict to stay on track

>> No.12897944
File: 569 KB, 1856x2249, PSX_20171109_223940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i weighed myself today, 128 lbs (58 kg), height is 5' 6" (167 cm). i have been stagnant at around 130 for quite a while. i have hit 120 before but i couldn't manage to stay there.

>> No.12897959

Lift weights, do cardio, eat high protein, fruit and vegetables, and get fat from good sources. Get good sleep. Ideally you will gain weight in muscle mass and only a minimal amount of fat. It will help your metabolism and make your fat distribution look better. Also, muscles doesn't make you look bulky. The fat on top of muscles do. The lean look is still thinspo. Good luck with your gains.

>> No.12897968

eat at a caloric surplus of 200 for a month or two.
Get calories from a 30/30/40 split of protein, fats, carbs respectively.

>> No.12897971

enjoy your low t, low mood and low libido if you are a guy

>> No.12897972
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>> No.12897973

what material are those pants?

>> No.12897974

is that amanda bynes?

>> No.12897976

looks like satin maybe

>> No.12897979
File: 73 KB, 700x862, angelina-jolie-young-15-years-old-harry-langdon-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if you're joking

>> No.12897982

work on ur shoulders u could have a soil 7.5/10 body

>> No.12897990

7.5 on a /thinspo/ scale, or 7.5 on a /fit/ scale?
How do I move up?

>> No.12897996

7.5 objectively, which i guess would probably be more /fit/ than /anorexic/

>> No.12897998

So I would need to put on weight and muscle to improve on the scale?

>> No.12898052

hell yeah i did
And it made my cold better so I am not even that mad anymore

>> No.12898070

non vegan keto sounds so disgusting and I am not even fully vegan
however you kind of make me want to try keto out, vegan of course

>> No.12898125

what do u think of 'zero sugar zero calorie' energy drinks? and possibly diet sodas?
are they still fine to drink?

>> No.12898132

No calories so they're not directly bad for weight loss, but I always find my cravings/willpower are worse when I'm drinking diet pop instead of water.

>> No.12898212

They're worse than water but better than pretty much everything else.

>> No.12898263

Vaping also works just as well and is a lot less harsh on your lungs.
I usually replace breakfast and lunch with nicotine

>> No.12898265

If that's you right now, you already look awesome

>> No.12898269

how the fuck does that low of a weight happen accidentally

>> No.12898287

Not him but. Keeping a regime for too long? Sometimes it's difficult to stop.

>> No.12898294

Was pretty skinny already but ate junk only and did zero exercise. Started eating mostly healthy shit and light exercising. Turns out I had no idea how much I actually need to eat, got no feeling of hunger ever. Casually lost 10kg

>> No.12898302

If a manlet (<5"7') does thinspo, will he look pathetic and weak?

>> No.12898312

But how do I know how much I actually burn? Calculators are saying something between 1400 and 2200, great help. Currently maintaining at 1400-1700 without really getting anywhere

>> No.12898318

Thin manlet is better than fat manlet

>> No.12898322

Sound like you found your Tdee then. If you don't go anywhere then you eat at maintenance. If you want to gain you should eat 4-500 cal more than that.

>> No.12898343

What type of calculators are giving you such variance?
If you do exercise 1-2 times a week, and are a 21yr F, 5'9 and 88lbs, you are probably burning 1600-1700 calories per day.
If you eat 2000 calories you will certainly put weight on as long as you aren't extremely active

>> No.12898350
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What cake should I make for my birthday? What is your go-to sweet treat that doesn't fuck up your progress?

>> No.12898383

Just tried plenty of different ones, idk. Thanks anon, I'll try. I do 30 Mins of exercise basically every day

>> No.12898388

no worries, 30 mins a day means you might need a little more depending on the intensity of the exercise.
You should be gaining some weight as long as you are eating 2000-2200 calories most days.
If I was you I would try 2000 calories for a couple of weeks, if you aren't gaining enough weight, up it to 2200

>> No.12898475

Is purging okay as long as it's only occasional?

>> No.12898492

No. If you eat too much fast the next day.

>> No.12898500

Maybe a meringue with red fruits? It's made out of egg whites that are pretty low cal and it's full of air...it's not low carbs though

>> No.12898578

Think happy thoughts.
Never forget to breathe.

>> No.12898586

I almost forgot she was pretty once. now she looks like a monster.

>> No.12898588

I would suggest looking into Japanese sponge cakes, they use less sugar and no fats. Vegan/gluten free recipes also tend to be lower in calories since they don't use butter and eggs.

>> No.12898589

I've been avoiding carbs and I think it's a mistake. It does help my hunger, but exactly like you said my mood is depressed and I'm tired all the time.

>> No.12898600

fish nigga, they're my food source number one
and yeah the yoghurt

>> No.12898601

Yeah that's what I'm saying.
Don't fall for the carb meme, just eat things like potato, bananas wraps/bread.

A bowl of wedges is a great snack, even better if it's sweet potato

>> No.12898606

Eye fillet steak

>> No.12898612

I'm not positive low carb is my problem, but I'm suspecting. I've kinda always been overtired. I just struggle so much to stay under my TDEE that I'll do just about anything to make it easier on me. And carbs for sure seem to make it harder.

>> No.12898613

Oh and I should have mentioned, I'm not the keto anon. I eat pretty low carb though.

>> No.12898631

What is your TDEE, and what is causing you too struggle?
Where are you spending the calories?

>> No.12898639
File: 148 KB, 822x927, Screenshot 2017-11-10 09.47.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My TDEE is like 1940.

Here is a recent day where I tried more carbs. The beer was just being stupid but I have to eat out at all these fucking work dinners and it's brutal.

>> No.12898643

I like your turtle neck... should I start wearing my turtle neck? I havn't wore it in a year but I think my preference just changed

>> No.12898646
File: 132 KB, 798x844, Screenshot 2017-11-10 09.50.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here was Wednesday. Another high carb day I tried. Didn't seem to help much.

The "oil" by the way is because I eat dinners out so I try to add a fudge factor in there. They probably do use that much oil though.

>> No.12898658

Honestly, it looks ok, just the nut bars are wasting calories. I'd switch them out for fruit, less calories, healthy carbs.
You can get probably 40g of carbs out of 200 calories of wedges if you want and some protein, and it will be more filling.

The beer is a personal choice which is fine, just makes it a little more difficult, I personally only drink water and sometimes some milk.

Eating at restaurants can make it very tough I agree, what you could try to do as just a suggestion, is it eat something before going out (something healthier), and then have a smaller meal at the dinner

>> No.12898676

I'm going to cut down the beer. It's just at those business dinners it's nice to have one.

The nut bars are a waste, but I was eating those to try and up my fiber and fat a bit to hopefully hold me over longer because I get so hungry. That goes back to the carbs not really making me feel full predicament.

I'm so jealous of the people here who are able to do like 1500 calories or even less. I don't know how they manage it and I'd love to find out how.

I know just put the fork down and suffer, but that's not really sustainable. I want to learn how to eat less sustainably.

>> No.12898678

Australian anon here aswell, bad feel honestly :(

>> No.12898682

have you tried peeing

>> No.12898685

do carbs really not make you feel full? What about pastas?
Yeah I'm lucky my TDEE is 2500ish, I eat 2000 calories and am pretty full most days. You could always up your exercise if you have the time to allow yourself more calories to eat

>> No.12898687

Happy birthday, anon <3

>> No.12898700

A cup of pasta is 200 calories. Probably take me at least three to fill up. I eat pasta for dinner I'm absolutely starving the next morning, if not even later that night.

When I eat low carb, high fat, my energy levels are low but they are more constant and the hunger is easier. I guess because I'm burning ketones rather than glucose. When I eat a lot of carbs the hunger is sharper and more immediate, even to the point of feeling woozy.

Exercise is tough during the week, and even weekends some days, simply because of time. I have to be at my desk a lot. I'm hoping that will improve a little soon as I get a promotion into something that is slightly more active.

>> No.12898733
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Yeah fair enough on the pasta. I spent a while on sub 1700 calories, and I eventually upped them, but I managed to be kind of full during that time.
I do intermittent fasting though so I eat all my calories between 3 and 10.
Pic related is a sub 1700 day for me

>> No.12898742

The IF for sure helps. I wish I could eat lunch later but always have to take it middle of the day because of work. I can take it later some days, I'm not on the clock or anything, but it helps if I eat lunch while everyone else is.

>> No.12898927
File: 2.14 MB, 320x218, 1475889507451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end of august
>finally hit my original (high, cautious) goal weight of 115
>scale does not budge even 1 pound for over 2 whole months despite constantly thinking about food
>double down a bit harder during midterms weeks despite overwhelming stress
>still stick around 1000, fucking up a few days
>small binge after work (maybe 200 over my tdee, but all chocolate and candy)
>feel bad
>weigh myself this morning
thank fucking christ

>> No.12899011

is wheighing yourself only in the morning a meme?

>> No.12899017

>I'm so jealous of the people here who are able to do like 1500 calories or even less. I don't know how they manage it and I'd love to find out how.
My TDEE is around 1500 so most days I eat <800. Right now I'm finishing up a two day fast, and I'll try a three day one next week. I eat mostly vegetables and soup and occasionally a small sandwich (half a slice of bread with a bit of cheese or jam). I drink lots of caffeine and smoke sometimes, both of which surpress appetite. And I drink lots of water - 65-70 fl oz per day, even though with my stats I only need about 44 oz.

>> No.12899020


i eat less than 1500 a week???

>> No.12899029

Share your secrets senpai. How long have you been doing it? Stats? Favorite recipes?

>> No.12899037

I eat a lot of light greek yoghurt and cherry tomatoes!!!! sometimes drink coffe too and it helps me pee. i rarely drink water so its a good option for me. ive been eating like this since 2 weeks and i kinda feel like throwing up when i eat more,, so its really easy to adapt lul

>> No.12899042

OH ANd my stats are 163 cms and 43 kgs!!

>> No.12899051

you should switch to regular fat yogurt. "light" usually means less fat but more sugar. Better to supply your body with more fat rather than sugar if you're already limiting your diet to such an extreme.

>> No.12899149

Thanks, but if your TDEE is 1500 and you eat 1500 it's about the same as mine being 1950 and me eating 1950... when I really want to eat 1500 so I lose weight. Make sense? It's like you eating 1100 or something.

>> No.12899226

Unless I'm reading wrong, both of them eat below their tdees.

>> No.12899231

Oh, yeah, I misread. Sorry!

>> No.12899252

Couldn't you just buy cigs online? I'm sure there are cheap places that will ship to Australia unless that's against the law.

>> No.12899344

try adding like hemp seeds and vegan protein to shakes and whatnot

>> No.12899354


>> No.12899361

Wat excercises do you/ did you do

>> No.12899451

What BMI do thin people have?

What counts as normal/ underweight/ fatty is different on different websites, at least as far as I can tell

I'm at 18

>> No.12899602
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>> No.12899635
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>tfw 17.4

one day I'll be /thinspo/

>> No.12899644
File: 1.59 MB, 1144x1188, Screen Shot 2017-10-27 at 7.57.50 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah boi. 5ft 11, 145lbs

>> No.12899670

> >16.9
> >

>> No.12899686

there is not fucking way you can go from thin to chubby with that little difference this is retarded

>> No.12899899

in high school i did a balanced workout as an athlete assisted by my coaches. pretty much what you would get from following good /fit/ guides or something. however, I don't think that my muscle definition comes from weight training. a lot of it is being short and having a low body fat % (9%).


thanks :3

>> No.12899908

God i hate skinny pants

>> No.12899910

I'm 30. All my high waisted wool pants have 30 as marked size, tts all of them. jeans are 28

>> No.12899936

you know your jeans are too skinny when you can see your socks through them

>> No.12899966

they probably meant chubby to us, normal to others
it's just for reference relax

>> No.12900078

Good idea. It sounds delicious.

Thank you.

Thank you <3

>> No.12900129
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5'8 110lbs
goal weight: 105 lbs

>> No.12900312

I'll have to give that a shot.

>> No.12900602
File: 19 KB, 316x400, F4E21307-1707-41F7-AB70-A75FB1B87929-238-0000001DB575D1C1_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished a 12,5km walk, going on another one (~10km) later.

How's your weekend going?

>> No.12900715

I'm below 66 kg (that's 145.5 pounds) as of today

Can't remember the last time I didn't weigh more, literal years

>> No.12900721

oh and walking sounds nice
do you just sort of walk around or do you have a route where you take a walk through the woods or whatever?

>> No.12900796

wtf i want bulimia too. except i like my enamel. ):

>> No.12900959

I had 980 calories so far, gonna have a beer and a smoke now and that's it. A good day.

>> No.12900988
File: 109 KB, 209x193, screm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAAA i dont have a gag reflex, how do i throw up???

>> No.12901018

I live in an area where I have very long roads between lots of flieds so that's where I usually walk
I'm already very paranoid when walking on these kinds of roads alone hence why I haven't visited the forest yet but soon I may

>> No.12901025


>> No.12901097

please man i ate a lot today

>> No.12901225


>> No.12901346

Why are people in these threads so damn lazy? No one ever seems to want to exercise, just starve themselves. Exercising is good for you and you feel good afterwards. I was able to up my daily calorie intake by 300 calories just by going for a run every other day and I lose weight even faster than when I was eating only 700 calories a day.

>> No.12901487

Even a long walk or something fun like ice skating will do if done often
Best is building and toning muscles of course, but people seem to get turned off by the idea of it and having to do it daily for hours which they don't have to obviously