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File: 200 KB, 844x584, HaTJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12888835 No.12888835 [Reply] [Original]

Who else /rep/ here. I've never bought an original in my life.

>> No.12888855

>S P I V

>> No.12888930

>Who else /rep/ here
I am sure there are plenty of other fuckboys on /fa/

>> No.12888944

Yo these are cheap as fuck. Got a link?
Guilty as charged.

>> No.12888975

I hope you realize how bad those look

>> No.12888987

when did start calling fakes replicas?

>> No.12889012

you mean these cheap ones or yz in general?

>> No.12889024
File: 29 KB, 600x315, s4eamxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12889191

These look awful. I have nothing against buying reps of overpriced sweatshop crap but at least try to find convincing ones. Something that isn't visibility fake from 10 feet away at the very least.

>> No.12889358

Are people really this desperate to wear these shoes?

Like if you're not impressing the hype beasts and sneaker heads who clearly know these are fake, then who tf are you trying to impress? The norms who don't even know what yeezys are?

>> No.12889611

why do you want a link.. those reps are fucking terrible

>> No.12889765

Are you retarded? Almost everyone knows what yeezys, but yeah I agree with the point you're not impressing anybody

>> No.12889791
File: 88 KB, 800x800, Shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO you got conned.
doesnt even look like the real thing, quality prob shit too.
If you want I can hit up my plug for you and get you a pic related

>> No.12890776

search the definicion of replica dumbass

>> No.12890785

No, they don't. 18+

>> No.12891106

Yes please

>> No.12891138
File: 132 KB, 1872x1296, _modules_4_infographic_desktopw2304q70-c0c7afb7f8cd5a6f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Nike is confirmed for taxscam fuccbois are we morally justified?

>> No.12891719

Pretty much anyone 25- does, Anon...
Do you interact with people in real life?

>> No.12892687

What has this board become jesus fuck

>> No.12892834

>searching for moral justification for buying fakes
Honestly just get out, you're not sleazy enough to buy fakes or self-respecting enough to avoid them

>> No.12893583

I own this one faggoty white and grey women's LV scarf with red accents that is a superfake but idgaf because it just looks nice

>> No.12893592

i've never even bought a fake, but i think it does make a difference

>> No.12893840

I buy fakes if I want an item but it's marketed to hell and back and retails for way more than it's actually worth. No way I'm going to pay $500 just to get a nice looking wallet or something. As long as the fake is passable and good quality, I am more than willing to buy them. Funny how many Chinese fakes actually are better quality than the shit they sell in western shops.

Some could argue that buying fakes is morally wrong, but I don't really care. I get a nice looking item for cheap and some social status on top of it due to the brand being well known and expensive.

>> No.12894675

Where can I cop an okay pair of yeezy fakes? Always wanted a pair because they looked really comfy but could never convince myself to dish $200-$1000 for a pair

>> No.12894734

i've been talking to guy called chan on skype but he seems to be having technical difficulties
reddit is a good resource for replicas

>> No.12894741
File: 18 KB, 668x159, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to god the SPIV written on the side is intentional

>> No.12895195

faggot, do you want to be a laughing stock? go to r/repsneakers if you want decent replica of yeezys

>> No.12895244

pls kys

>> No.12895298
File: 181 KB, 384x640, 10344366661230062006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what OP's thoughts or intentions are, but for me there's 2 reasons why I get reps..

1) (the most usual one) is I like the design itself but don't give a shit about the brand or the ridiculous markup for the retail version, and yes I agree you should probably try to find decent quality reps not just so it looks better and not "weird" or "off" but also so they dont fall apart after 2 weeks of use

2) is sometimes for shoes that are RIDICULOUSLY popular or Hypebeast I obviously don't want to pay a 1000% resale for shoes I may or may not like, and if I see ultra cheap reps of them like 350s for example I'll get curious and want a cheap comfy shoe to wear at the gym or for running groceries or getting gas or walking around the neighborhood etc, I'll order them and try them out

and remember for a shoe like a 350 for example the silhouette is INCREDBLY simple compared to most tech runners and sneakers in general, they're essentially like a sock or moccasin or something, so finding a decent looking rep isn't usually too hard to find and considering that most ppl that wear them in public usually have the fakes, it's pointless to even bother getting real ones, because everyone will think they're fake regardless, so it's a lose/lose situation, least with reps you don't have to spend an arm an leg for "meh" quality shoes

I never understood the whole "what will they think" mentality anyway, I see a cool design and Intead of spending shitton of sheckles I just get a decent quality reps for 1/20th the price.

FFS I wear these $35 field boots like every day and no one has bitched at me or anything and they're sure as fuck cheaper and better looking than that hack Kanyes stoopid looking "field" boots
And since at least one anon ALWAYS asks w2c these boots, here Amazon sells them.


>> No.12895312

I feel ya anon. I bought 2 reps of the Balenciaga triple S because fuck paying $1000 for a trainer or even the retail asking price. I like the silhouette and think they're really interesting looking so I bought them. No one will even care and I might get a comment on them every now and again, but I live in fucking Denver so not like anyone dresses super well anyway.

How's the quality on those boots? They look nice

>> No.12895408
File: 368 KB, 1500x2579, 1368762482322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're super comfy, at least coming from someone who usually wear converse so take that for what it is
But the fabric is thin which makes it a great summer/fall boot, but now that it's winter here in western Canada they're fucking cold to wear and make my toes freeze after a few minutes of walking around in the snow

I've been looking at getting some SF AF1 sneaker boots thinking they'll be thiccer and more snow resistant, it's hard finding a cheap winter lunarcore boot/sneaker..

>> No.12895414

Oh please. You're not buying $200 chinese sweatshop shoes for "self respect" you dweeb. You buy them for that price because youre a brainwashed capitalist slave

>> No.12895929


holy fuck these might be the worst ones iv seen.

tell me you didnt actually buy these?

>> No.12896162

Same mentality here. Fuck paying insane amounts for resale for a shoe I like. Bought rep yeezys because the shape is fun and unique, and they're really comfy. But no way in hell would I pay $500 for a pair.

>> No.12896336

nigga why the fuck do you even quote me ? i just told some random guy to search a definition and you talk shit out of nowhere
btw: David is the plug

>> No.12896356

>N E C K Y O U R S E L F
>N E C K Y O U R S E L F
>N E C K Y O U R S E L F
>N E C K Y O U R S E L F
>N E C K Y O U R S E L F

>> No.12896364

Literally every single person under the age of 25 knows what yeezys are. I've never met anyone that isn't old as fuck who doesn't know what yeezys are.

>> No.12896406

Not that anon but the problem I see is that people aren't buying replicas for themselves, they buy them solely to impess others. This is a problem in and of itself. I don't buy replicas because I don't care what other people think. I buy the real thing because that's the whole reason I got rich in the first place. So I could have the nice watch, the clothes, the car, etc and enjoy them for what they are and also as a reminder to myself that I made it. Not to impress other people.

tl;dr: stop being poor

>> No.12896408

me too, and proud :^)

>> No.12896502

Not who you're replying to but I buy whichever gives me the most value for my money. Even if I were rich I'd buy a $300 replica Rolex that's 1:1 instead of paying $15k for a real one. No watch is really worth 15k, but for $300 you get an insanely good watch. Same thing with shoes, $200 for a great pair of shoes is fine but the $1000 resale price is not, so I turn to replicas for better value.

However, some things like cars, technology, houses etc. can't be replicated well so I would gladly pay premium for those.

>> No.12896813

google kickwho

>> No.12896821
File: 1.89 MB, 316x228, 1490423712466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12897250

>nigger shoes
>fake nigger shoes

found the jew

>> No.12897755

I have, and let me tell you about their CHEAP, FAKE construction..

>> No.12898122

You're already wrong at the first part, there is no way in the world you can get a Rolex that is 1:1 for 300 dollars, you can get one for 15k.

>> No.12898123

Found the poltard

>> No.12898126

I don't understand why people defend buying fakes, it's not a replica, it's a fake. There's no shame in buying Uniqlo instead of spending the same price for fake shit. It just makes you fake that you can't afford apparels in your low working class job you have and resort to buying fake shit.

>> No.12898374

Confirmed to not know what they're talking about.

>> No.12898378

It's a few pieces of cloth sown together, with a print stamped on it. It costs a few dollars to make. It has the same functions and features if it retailed for $20 or $500. You tell me why people don't want to pay the 500.

>> No.12898382
File: 35 KB, 575x575, 611RRrrs1FL._UY575_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amzn()to/2AzQfA3 - ones that actually say what they're supposed to but a bit more expensive
amzn()to/2yrGWR9 - ones that say SPIV and are a bit cheaper and have prime shipping

>> No.12898411

>Trying to justify why you spent $200 on designer version of a technology that has existed since ancient times.

>> No.12898575

Unintentionally effay

>> No.12898928

Then buy uniqlo.

>> No.12899130

Unfortunately that's not an option in my shitty country. Otherwise I probably would.

>> No.12899753
File: 125 KB, 1280x960, kaws_kanye_west_yezzy_boost_350_v2_scrawl_2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok that's a very very bad fake. Obvious even from the thumbnail.

Speaking of fakes though, I think they can be fun if they're in non-standard colourways or otherwise customised. I found a great replica in a Kuala Lumpur mall of these black belugas but with these fun designs printed all over it. Looked pretty goofy in a good way.

Sort of similar to pic related but not the same.

>> No.12899774

me too

>> No.12900192


>> No.12900337

Thats one reason why you are poor

>> No.12900455

>buy inexpensive things instead of expensive things not worth the price
>dats wy u poor lol
Alright, friendo