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12888742 No.12888742 [Reply] [Original]

how are you holding up anon?

>> No.12888752

not bad, cheers
reckon my socks matching my jumper was a terrible call today though. glad nobody can see that blunder below my desk

>> No.12888760

Im pretty sure my freinds dont actually like me and wont tell me to fuck off because i havent done anything that warrants cutting me off but they ignore my texts alot now and i also live with my parents and have a 9pm curfew at age 18 and im too pussy to stand up to them and i have no social life all i do is go to school and work and im like a shut in other than that and i fucking hate the way im living my life but i dont know how to change

>> No.12888819

im really lonely desu anon
Dressing well can only give me so much confidence.
i just want a gf so bad ;_;

>> No.12888832

Benzo withdrawal is so fucking long, I'm like a low key mess and fighting it every second. And my doc says its gonna be a while...


>> No.12888841

>Developed Body Dysmorphia
>Young and poor
>Family doesn't believe me even though doctors say I have it
>Hate being in pictures and hate having them posted
>tell family "hey dont do that i dont like it"
>Do it anyway
>Doctor said he's concerned
>Getting $30,000 of plastic surgery next year


>> No.12888874

>r/streetwear is starting to pick up on my favorite brand that I’ve been wearing for years
Hold me.

>> No.12888875

get off that shit anon

>> No.12888879


>> No.12888882

Same old.
Failed to make friends in college
I don't know what this summer's gonna look like, since the friends I went to the beach with, I practically don't talk to anymore.
I don't even enjoy videogames anymore and I feel the internet's getting stale too. This summer has a real potential to be depressing.
southern hemisphere btw in case anyone's confused

>> No.12888934

Every two days I'm dropping a quarter mg. started at twelve mg's, down to 1.

Fuck Benzos.

>> No.12888969
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positive lad hbu?
>music production is improving a shit tonne
>have people interested to help plan a monthly techno event
>my commuter bike is finally fixed after months and have put in at least 300km volume the last 2 weeks
>date tomorrow arvo, hopefully she doesn't bail this time

but, hard to stay consistently happy when your in a constant state of paranoia with uni/friends and being broke/unemployed

>> No.12888998

spend less on cluthes and more on going out and meeting new people durr. unless you live in the middle of nowhere then you have my condolences

>> No.12889006
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>Wake up 2 pm yesterday
>Got several big assignments due soon and a mid-term on Tuesday
>Work and study from like 6pm until 2am
>Afterwards feel determined to get started on work for other classes
>Instead spend 7 hours on a netflix and coke binge
>Notice daylight
>Got class in an hour

Today's gonna be interesting.

>> No.12889013

Not doing the greatest, I don’t really connect with the friends I’ve made so far at college. My roomie is a fat, flamboyantly gay, literally autistic greaseball who farts all the time and has no social skills. I’ve been feeling like a cynical asshole for the first time since middle school. The only things keeping me afloat are music, exercise, and this qt boy I’ve been flirting with.

>> No.12889020

Fucking shit, balding as fuck
Shitty job
Shitty education, will give me job after but fuck that I hate working
Calcaneal spur so i cant run
No money so no gym or clothes

why even bother mates, thinking about going full neet/hiki and live on bets.

>> No.12889035
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stay strong anon i feel u

>> No.12889036

>My roomie is a fat, flamboyantly gay, literally autistic greaseball who farts all the time
i feel for you anon i really do, but fuck thats funny

>> No.12889040
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>this qt boy I’ve been flirting with.
What's he like?

>> No.12889088
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18 yo here from Argentina, lost all the friends i had since they were fake af, also they got into weed and the fact that i get bad trips everytime i smoke they dont invite me to meetings anymore.
Starting computer eng next month and hoping i find some new friends which are not weebs.
Overall im happy, hitting the gym, yesterday was our 10 month aniversary with my gf (pic related)
and we both model as a hobby (we have another photoshoot this friday).
2nd month of Accutane trying to get rid of the little acné i have left.
Working at my fathers restaurant as a cashier until i start studying.
Im fine rn and im sure better days are just around the corner.
Thanks for reading anon, hope you the best.

>> No.12889105

No, CE. I know it’s not the most low-key, but it really sucks seeing people discuss it next to ASS Club.

>> No.12889111
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>Starting computer eng
> hoping i find some new friends which are not weebs.

im so sorry anon

>> No.12889121

are you me : (

>> No.12889129

no i hear you anon
ik its pathetic but asap rocky has ruined raf for me

>> No.12889132
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I know right?? hoping i get at least 1 dude who is not soo weeb, at least im not interesed in girls studying with me, is 1 friend whos not weird too much 2 ask for??
anyway i have to admit that modeling and studying computer eng is kinda weird mix

>> No.12889134

no gf
shit job, always broke
like 2 friends, grateful for that at least
my best friend is dead
think abt killing myself every day

>> No.12889137

Post pic

>> No.12889140

does fake it till you make it really work for social anxiety?
i wanna be confident and happy like i used to be

>> No.12889143

Be strong m8, we're all gonna make it soon and get everything we ever desire. I believe in you.

>> No.12889150

Yes, well, at least fake it enough where you can get get enough confidence that you won't even realize you're being yourself. I believe in you my good lad, you'll be happy again, soon.

>> No.12889151
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No nut November is really taking its toll on me, and it’s only the 6th

>> No.12889157

developed turbo autism in the past year and a half and now can't interact well with people anymore, spiralling into loneliness with animu, maths, and my computers as my only friends

>> No.12889200
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Ever since I transferred from community college to a 4 year University and moved from my parents house, things have kinda fallen apart.

I've become paranoid about hair loss, I sometimes spend hours in the evening inspecting my hair for signs of it. Everyone around me insists I'm not balding, even when I show them what I take as signs of it. I think I might have body dysmorphia.

I'm 22, still no GF but not a "khv" because I've at least hugged female friends.

I tried tinder out of curiosity, I might have swiped right more liberally than I should have. Most of my matches unmatched immediately or after I tried messaging them, so I guess they swiped right by accident. The rest were chubby Latina art hoes, who I have zero attraction towards. I might be a choosing beggar here, but I guess I'd rather be single than date someone I'm not really attracted to.

I don't really have any close friends at this school, I feel like I'm at a disadvantage as a transfer student. I get along well enough with my classmates but idk what they do on the weekends and stuff.

Academically, things are better than ever but the rest of my life has gotten pretty JUST.

Someone help me.

>> No.12889201

Rap is responsible for a lot of bad things in fashion :(

>> No.12889212

I finally decided to give psychotherapy another shot after trying to off myself last week, I made amends with all my friends and told my family that I needed professional help, got an appointment for saturday and will talk to my prof about how to plan out this semester, I honestly don't care if I lose this semester, I just want to get better. I actually have hope for the first time in years. I'm sick of being barely functional and miserable the whole time while pretending everything is alright, it feels like a thousand tons of weight has been dropped off my chest.

>> No.12889219
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>i just want a gf so bad ;_;

stop this. You will feel a complete 180 if you don't give a shit about them.

>> No.12889239

>about 8 years ago
>childhood friend died of cancer
>gf committed suicide
>got kicked out of two unis because I can no longer concentrate on studies
Idk anon you tell me.

>> No.12889242

sorry to break this to you anon but CE has been hypebeast status for quite a while now

just wear the cooler stuff that they can't afford

>> No.12889247

rough, desu

University is getting stressful now and my non-major classes are slipping and i don't really feel bad about it even though i need to keep those grades up too.

otherwise social life is kind of boring, hopefully next week is better

>> No.12889253

gf isn't going to solve your problems and the more you think about it like this the more difficult any relationship will actually be

>> No.12889254

i suffer from oneitis for one of my room mates, liking people is shit.

ive started exercising to reduce the feels and its working

>> No.12889272

I was going to write this. Almost word for word

>> No.12889294

Horrible, my hoodie is too small and people probably think i look like shit ;_;

>> No.12889305
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unsettled. i just got hit on by a creepy professor. i had to go through him to access special equipment - he was condescending, called me beautiful, and offered "free private lessons" during his lunch hour. gross. everyone loves this guy but i felt like a piece of meat. yall might not read this as a problem, but it's still upsetting. maybe he meant to be ""nice"" but I'm a good musician and I shouldn't be treated like a ditz

>> No.12889327

Good, keep at it bruh.

>> No.12889350

He's a piece of shit senpai. Don't let some dongus ruin your college experience

>> No.12889353

Get some good hobbies that can get you out the door and to meet new people.
Work out in any shape or form to keep you from just looking at depressing things, either online or close to you.
Explore new places just for the heck of it and try writing notes or taking pictures so you can either, remember what you liked about it, or to show someone down the line how, and why you liked it.
If you think you're going bald, or if you're balding, just say screw it and embrace it, since I'm going bald since 19, and I'm like, fuck it, can't do anything about my shitty genetics.
There's so many things one can do to kick life's arse, just don't let these things get to you, cause it will take control of you, and all that are around you will start to get distant, only because you, yourself are getting distant.
I believe in you anon, you're one smart cookie for asking for help, don't let life get you down, and hopefully, your days can get better each day. You can be surprised who can show up in your life, and become your friend out of nowhere.
Good luck, and don't you dare give up my good pal.

>> No.12889360

eBay is having a sale on on Adidas superstar for 48 moneys, should I cop em?

>> No.12889361

what should i do then anon?

>> No.12889367

thanks man :) don't feel comfy acknowledging this irl so i really appreciate it

>> No.12889370

Kinda bad. I feel very alone, i barely have friends and i never hang out with them, the summer is about to start in Australia and i don't have nobody to hang out with, it's just horrible, and on top of that, i'm depressed as fuck

>> No.12889387

sup, Yo también soy de Argentina. wanna talk?
I might need a friend lol

>> No.12889470

dont think so

>> No.12889474

I was doing very well until last weekend. just graduated college, got a promotion at work, awesome gf, gotten in shape recently, copped some good fall/winter clothes, plans to move to LA after the winter. i got a dui cause i'm a retard and now thats gonna fuck my life up pretty bad for the forseeable future. it wont be on my record but i will probably lose my license for a year which will affect my job and $$ situation prettttty bad. its all i can think about every day right now im just waiting for shit to get real. fuckkkk

>> No.12889482

Oh I forgot I also have never made any kind of sexual advance on a girl ever and I'm not even sure how it works. I really liked this girl in high school for the whole 6 years and I never even tried to kiss her. I'm the biggest sperg in the history of mankind. Worst part is she liked me and I knew it.

>> No.12889484

I meant to reply to my own post but I failed

>> No.12889520


at least you realise it anon and that means you know what to change. There could be people out there who get strong signals from women and they don't even realise it.

>> No.12889526


>paying 30k for surgery

youre just the average spoiler kid who thinks hes special, hit the gym or kys

>> No.12889540

if you can't be happy without a relationship you are going to ruin every single one you enter.
I know it fucking sucks to be lonely, but you have to learn to live with it

>> No.12889544


But need to lose weight so fasting for another 5 hours

>> No.12889558

Things should be great, I got a hot gf, good fits, good friends and received a hefty scholarship so I finally have money to afford the clothes I want for the first time in my life. However I greatly overestimated myself and fucked myself over by picking an incredibly hard course in college that I'm struggling with and am constantly buried under a pile of work. Feels bad, its like I never get a chance to properly relax because deep inside I feel like I should be spending that time studying or doing assignments, and live in constant fear of failing my exams, which would mean I lose my scholarship money and then can't buy nice clothes.

>> No.12889570

Not really man. They can’t afford CE. The hypebeasts just like that one pullover a lot. Now they are starting to get into the other stuff. I like what CE represents and the people they affiliate themselves with. Now I have all of these stupid techwear kids making memes of some of it. Should be techno not techwear fuck me :(

>> No.12889573
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>spend 90 bucks on new shirt
>after 4 wears pic rel happenes

This isn't even some chinese shit, fabric is italian and the shirt was sewn in portugal. Gonna take it to the tailor tomorrow and see what she can do.

>> No.12889593
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father died when small kid
probably should have had some sort of counselling for it, maybe it fucked me up more than i thought.
fast forward too 22yo
paranoid and depressed all the time.
disassociated and aloof.
barely eating.
extremely poor.
I have no idea what i want or who i really am.
spend all my time painting and on internet or music .
no friends still, last year of college in a course with almost no future job prospect.
spent so much time alone since i was young my emotional development is fucked.
zero social skills. people scare me.
I'm great at lying to people and myself.
seriously wonder if i'm on the spectrum.
cant stop letting my self down.

>> No.12889613

Friends don't "cut someone off" if there hasn't been a major event they phase out of their lives slowly mostly, but don't confuse friends being busy with friends phasing out of your life.

As for improving the way you live, it seems to me like you've listed all your problems in your own post, so try to change those aspects.

Loneliness isn't fixed by a girlfriend anon, do some soul searching, try to connect with people more in general. Become more sociable. (Don't give me the "I'm depressed" or "I'm not interested in other people" speech, that's either an excuse or a symptom of a far bigger problem)

Why don't you talk to those other friends anymore? Try to reconnect, if you were friends originally then you can always rekindle that friendship. And if you can't, no worries anon. If you stay active you'll meet new people and they will introduce you to more new people and so on. And before you know it you're smashing this summer.

GJ anon, keep going

Nice anon, but keep going. Your problems will ease up or pass with time if you stay on this path.

>> No.12889634

New to college, almost end of the semester. Haven't made a new friend since

>> No.12889636
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This is how my summer went:

>best friend of 9 years died this year in may due to a heart attack at 22
>he's made me into a person I am today
>brought me into music, lifting, helped develop my hobbies
>thanks to his support, managed to work it up and joined a successful local band
>it all happened after I performed the biggest gig of my life in a huge arena in front of several thousand people
>that show was the last time I talked to him
>still grieving
>inherited all of his instruments and when we play I imagine he's become one of the instruments
>can't find work in photography or video
>gonna try and become a flight attendant
>seems like I'm bipolar due to constant mood swings

>> No.12889646

This been my summer for the past 3 years

>> No.12889670

>Get some good hobbies that can get you out the door and to meet new people.

I've been meaning to spend more time at my school's climbing wall. I'm aiming for a couple times each week. The climbing itself is a little bit depressing but I went there more often earlier in the semester and chatted with people a few times.

I really enjoy Portuguese, but there aren't any meetups for it here. Well, there are, but they specifically don't want people who speak my dialect of it. I've thought about getting back into French and German just to meet people.

>Work out in any shape or form to keep you from just looking at depressing things, either online or close to you.

Climbing should help with that. I'm also aiming to run 75 miles this month, 100 in December, and build up to 200 in May and then start a Marathon training plan to do a race in September.

I'm also trying to figure out a strength plan because I want to get in shape to do some climbs in the Cascades in 2019.

>Explore new places just for the heck of it and try writing notes or taking pictures so you can either, remember what you liked about it, or to show someone down the line how, and why you liked it.

I live in Chicago. I'm not really in love with this city but there are a lot of interesting places here. A few weeks ago I went to this fantastic small Brazilian restaurant. Some time I might go to mass at this historical Episcopal Church, they're supposed to be big on the Anglo-Catholic tradition. I've also meant to visit the various cathedrals here. I'm not religious myself, but I really enjoy learning about religions and cultures.

>> No.12889677
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moved back in with my parents and i dont really leave the house any more after quitting a job i really liked and getting fired from another

i cant stand any of my 'friends' bc all they do is whine about each other. on top of that i'm the "new guy" who doesnt know many people to begin with and dont even speak the same language

havent really left my room in... a while, all i do is drink and sit around on 4chan and feel sorry for myself, i dont have any willpower or energy to do anything else any more

i need a hug :(

>> No.12889687

>inherited all of his instruments and when we play I imagine he's become one of the instruments
thats some anime shit brah

>> No.12889690

keep it up

>> No.12889693

>If you think you're going bald, or if you're balding, just say screw it and embrace it, since I'm going bald since 19, and I'm like, fuck it, can't do anything about my shitty genetics.

I'm 95% sure I'm not and I was just born with a high hairline. My dad has it, his brothers all have it, and their mom has it, and none of the males on that side had any early MPB and when they did it wasn't temporal recession.

My mom's brothers were all bald by 30 but it was aggressive frontal recession for them. I don't show any signs of that so I think my fears are all hypochondria and body dysmorphia.

It's kinda odd, for stuff like weight, facial aesthetics, skin, etc., I'm like "okay, that's bad and I need to change it" but it doesn't affect my confidence much. Hell, I was pretty comfortable taking my shirt off at the beach in front of a girl I've on and off had a low key crush on for years even though I know I'm somewhat out of shape.

But when it comes to hair, I'm insecure as fuck. At the very least I need to change barbers. I might try buzzing it once I lose weight.

>I believe in you anon, you're one smart cookie for asking for help, don't let life get you down, and hopefully, your days can get better each day. You can be surprised who can show up in your life, and become your friend out of nowhere.
>Good luck, and don't you dare give up my good pal.

Thanks anon. I've come a long way since my first attempt at going away for college (2013). I was barely even functional then. Spending some time at community college was a great phase for development/growth. Not only did I improve academically but I also worked part time and saved my money and got to visit Europe twice and meet with some internet friends.

I've generally been excited about the future, graduating from here, and hopefully doing a PhD somewhere out west, but since I've transferred I've felt less like myself. I think I bottomed in October and I'm slowly recovering now, but we'll see.

>> No.12889699

Who the fuck has Netflix and coke binges.

Sounds like you binged on Netflix and binged on coke, not because the combo is so great, but because you have a problem that you should address.

The first, second or third group of friends don't nessecarily have to be the last friends you make at college, keep socializing and you'll connect with someone for sure.

What's keeping you from finding another job or pursuing a different career anon? And if circumstances make this impossible short term, why not pursue this long term? Maybe the different view on life you get from your new life even Sparks interests other than running.

Good stuff anon, with that attitude you'll filter out the Weebs and end up with plenty of dope af Friends.

Get help anon, work from there on improving your life.

Do whatever you can to control your nerves, sounds like you're overthinking things way too much, which creates it's own problems in itself. Easier said than done, I know. But maybe you can start meditation, reading philosophy or whatever works for you.

Good on you anon, first steps are always the largest.

>> No.12889704
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>starting to look skinnyfat, very scrawny and slight frame but belly starting to emerge
>not very manly looking, can't quite grow beard
>drank heavily 6 nights in a row last week
>barely have any good clothes

>> No.12889721
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>Do whatever you can to control your nerves, sounds like you're overthinking things way too much, which creates it's own problems in itself. Easier said than done, I know. But maybe you can start meditation, reading philosophy or whatever works for you.
Yeah, like I said in my other response I've come a long way, but I do still have a problem with overthinking things. I might need to re-read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

When I'm alone in my apartment, I try to read books or watch Frasier on Netflix to stop my mind from wandering. It's an improvement, but I still have a long way to go.

If there's one thing I've recently learned, you're definitely not done growing up at 22.

>> No.12889729

my hair is going white and my hairline is bidding farewell, parents are getting divorced and i think my gf will leave me soon

>> No.12889738

I know this feel, one of my bandmates killed himself a few years ago. He always pushed me to play and would constantly tell me that there was "so much music in me". I was left his guitar and gear in his will, and now im trying to record a demo and do more gigs. life is weird.

>> No.12889749

>finished first year of university
>made like 2 friends
>hated basically my whole time there
>my social anxiety progressed into depression
>self diagnosed though since I was too self conscious to go to a doctor and find out I'm just melodramatic
>skipped half an entire semester to stay in my room and drop acid ~twice a week
>failed exams
>walked into resits, wrote "adios" in big 3D letteing and walked out
>didn't go back
>didn't even tell them I was leaving or have any correspondence I just never returned
>back at home living in the sticks with my dad
>literally all of my friends from back home are away at university
>no job
>no motivation to do anything
>want to go travelling but too scared to go anywhere by myself
>at least I'm a bit les depressed than I was

Sure is lonely though

>> No.12889751

Focus on the good things in life anon.

Pull through anon, sounds like you're doing allright for now, just don't get stuck in a cycle. Why are your other classes slipping?

Sounds kinda shitty, make sure you establish clear boundaries if he ever does something similar again. In the end he's on super thin ice with actions like that.

What's keeping you from going out into the world and enjoying life anon? Try to find something you enjoy, if you can't think of anything, revisit old interests or pick at random and try other things based on what you did or didn't like about the last things.

After that, find people that enjoy things you enjoy too.

Seek professional help anon. Work from there.

Rip anon, seems like he got you on a good path though.

Go out for a walk right now anon, afterwards, get a hug from your mom or dad and possibly tell them how you've been feeling. It might alleviate some pressure. Start small and try to keep working on your life.

>> No.12889757
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I was supposed to start going to the gym today

I'll go tomorrow. I'll go tomorrow

>> No.12889760

We're surprisingly similar on these fronts anon, from personal experience though: don't try to keep your mind from wandering, try to attain a state of mind where your thoughts aren't problematic anymore. Don't get swept away by negative emotions, identify them. If they're ungrounded, then you just realized that negative thought needn't be taken seriously, if it was not, try to fix the cause of the thought.

>> No.12889761

i have an unrelenting desire to cheat on my wife

>> No.12889771

Gotta be careful with how much you fake, one of my best friends faked confidence and wore a personality throughout highschool only to develop a sort of imposter syndrome and now he's in therapy. Not to try and shoot you down or anything just trying to remind you that staying true to yourself is important

>> No.12889780

insta- nico garilli add me anon
sorry im late i was busy

>> No.12889789
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if i'm being honest, things aren't going particularly well at the moment. well they've never been going that great, but recently things have gotten quite bad. my anxiety and paranoia have gotten to the point where i am unable to use social media or hold conversations out of fear of looking like a social retard, which ironically makes me look like a social retard. i don't really have any friends. i don't even have good grades, people just assume i'm smart because i wear glasses and i'm quiet i guess.

the saddest part of it all is that this is all by my own design. i grew up in a good house, with good parents, everything was going for me. and i've still fucked it all up. i saw a therapist recently and she diagnosed me with severe depression, but i can't see her again for awhile because of the waiting list. i don't know what to do, i'd kill myself but i know my parents would never recover from that emotionally and they're the only people in my life to ever love me.

>> No.12889804

>i grew up in a good house, with good parents, everything was going for me. and i've still fucked it all up
same anon. same.

>> No.12889817

I feel u :(

>> No.12889821
File: 149 KB, 719x1280, 174CDF09-9BDC-4AE4-BDA7-4CE12C53CA63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude i see so much potential in you, you are aware of your weaknesses, you just need to work at them a little bit, if you are socially weird just try to talk with people, even if you fuck up and look like a retard, you are learning and improving, talking is a skill you just need to polish
keep it up man, dont let your emotions and negative thoughts bring you down lil bitch, MÁNDALE MAS CUMBIA CARAJO
greetins from argentina

>> No.12889846
File: 195 KB, 300x300, life.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck has Netflix and coke binges.
>Sounds like you binged on Netflix and binged on coke, not because the combo is so great, but because you have a problem that you should address.
You're overcomplicating it. It was a coke binge that just so happened to occur during a time of day when there wasn't anything better to do than clean my room and watch Drugs Inc.

>> No.12889876

heres a weird one:
>have had a rough couple months
>go out to clubs with friends every couple weeks
>been gradually getting weirder and weirder when im drunk
>like the next morning my snapchat story will be fucking retarded and embarrasing
>went out the other night, got hammered and told everyone i was bisexual even tho im not

anyone experienced similar shit?
im hoping this will fade cus i love going out and getting wasted but not like this

>> No.12889903

With help, you're gonna be okay anon. Don't blame yourself for "fucking it all up" wether or not your depression is to blame isn't important either. That's all in the past, which is now unchangeable. All that is important now is that you make most of your life.

Oh, and finally: getting, or not getting good grades isn't the best indicator of how smart you are. If people think you're smart that might be because when you do say something, it's well thought out or insightfull.

Don't sell yourself short is what I'm trying to say. everyone has immeasurable untapped potential,

>> No.12889912

you sound like a class A normie, jueputa

>> No.12889920

you can basically ruin his life if you're into that

>> No.12889921

HAHAHAAHAH Each person is a different world anon, thanks for making me laugh, hope you the best

>> No.12889942

Pretty good anon
Put college on hold and now living/working in hurricane ravaged VI. Paid vacation chillin on the gravy train.
Plus island girls love a northern boy

>> No.12889944

hope you can move to Barcelona when you finish college, this place if full of argie developers and most of them are bros, they seem to like it here too, stupid amount of them

>> No.12889950

I'm saving up all of my money, it's a financially retarded decision. fag

>> No.12889954

I hope so, i still have 5 tough years until i graduate.

>> No.12889982

thank you!

>> No.12889986
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Not super great
I'm failing two classes currently which hurts for a couple reasons.
I know I have the ability to do this shit if I put time in to study the material, but I don't. At the same time, all of my friends are doing fine, but I can't ask them for help because that would mean I would have to admit that I'm not as smart as they are and the persona that I've developed would come crashing down.
On top of that, I've recently impulse bought a lot of clothes with the money that was supposed to go towards next year's tuition.
After all the STEM shit they force-fed us in highschool, I'm thinking this isn't my thing after all. I don't want to transfer though because that would mean I just wasted a year and a half of my life and threw myself into debt for no reason. I just wanna be a music theory major but my dad was an engineer and my mum was an engineer, and all my life I've been told to go into engineering, so I feel obligated to do what's expected of me, but I can tell this isn't what I want to do with my life.

>> No.12890046

>lost virginity last summer
>long story short we banged on and off and when we went back to school we started dating seriously
>spent most nights together but both were too busy and/or depressed to go have fun together
>dynamic wasn't really the same as over the summer
>break up because she doesn't know how to make it better and feels like she doesn't have the time to do the soul searching to figure it out
>still don't know what it was
>miss her but mostly miss falling asleep with someone in my arms every night
>hook up with an art hoe from tinder
>sex was fine, hung out with her a couple more times and she didn't want to bang
>haven't talked to her in a while
>alternating between weekdays of doing 8 hours of homework every day and weekends of smoking too much weed and doing absolutely nothing
>got super high last weekend and responded to a bunch of Craigslist personals looking for sex
>now seriously considering a Craigslist hookup

Sometimes I wish I were still a khv like I was 5 months ago

>> No.12890058


>> No.12890069

Kissless handholdless virgin

>> No.12890089
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was feeling okay for most of today but I got hit really bad with body dysmorphia an hour or so ago.

Several months ago I didn't feel any of this. What the fuck happened?

>> No.12890167

I'm short, and it doesn't really affect me so much but I seem to only crush on girls who are taller than me. The girl who has been on my mind constantly for a few months now doesn't work the same shift at work and I'm really missing just seeing her. I honestly don't think I have much of a chance with her but I think I need to just fucking ask her out and get it over with. I'd be less miserable if I took her out and didn't get a second date out of it than living in this purgatory of not knowing at all. I think if the pool party I'm planning goes well and she comes, that maybe I'll have to opportunity to make my intentions known to her, but I've never asked a girl out before so I seriously have no idea what I'm doing.

All I want is a qt to hold hands with and walk through the botanical gardens :(

>> No.12890177

>>miss her but mostly miss falling asleep with someone in my arms every night
I literally had this experience with a girl too a few weeks ago and it sucks because I miss her so bad. She told me she was looking for something she didn't even know and that I wasn't the problem but herself.
>wat do
I guess I'll just have to let her go.

>> No.12890189


>>went out the other night, got hammered and told everyone i was bisexual even tho im not
Maybe you are bisexual after all but hasn't realised yet. Some drunk people say the truth.

>> No.12890194

you might know this already, but just give it some time. i lost my virginity late in life too and it made me more attached to the girl then i normally would have been because she was my first. i acted like an idiot in the few weeks/months after but i calmed down before causing too much trouble. best of luck bud

>> No.12890225

I have serious self-image issues. Literally just looking at photos of myself makes me physically recoil. It's been getting worse constantly.

>> No.12890226

It's not her now. It's just the loneliness that I used to be accustomed to. I guess I just have to get accustomed again.

>> No.12890231

Have you flirted with her at all before anon? If not you'd best start there instead of telling her you want to hold hands and walk through the botanical gardens.

If you have, just escalate things when you flirt.

>> No.12890241

same. how do i fix this

>> No.12890253

glad you're over her at least. i feel you, being lonely for so long then feeling a connection with another person was like coming up for air after holding my breath underwater and it sucked feeling myself go back down, but don't be like me and accept it. aint easy but you can find someone new

>> No.12890255
File: 62 KB, 800x554, Kilian-jornet-skyrunning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be pretty insecure about being 5'7" but I feel a lot more confident and happy with my height now.

Honestly, if I could magically and painlessly become six feet tall, I wouldn't even do it. I like being this height and it's one of the things that makes me who I am.

Feels good, man.

>> No.12890261

I promise you that you don't look as bad as you think


>> No.12890271

Thanks man. I feel like being in a relationship helped me open up to friends a little too so I guess in some ways it's not as bad as it used to be. But hey don't be down on yourself, you can find someone too. Just think about how fast it starts - that's a good reason to leave the house and meet someone new every day

>> No.12890281

yeah its all something to learn from in the end. thanks, i'm better now, was mainly speaking about my experiences a few years back. found someone i genuinely love and just waiting for financial situation to settle down so i can propose. hope you meet someone soon bud

>> No.12890284
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, side_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is from May. Just 6 months ago. Back then, I was overall fairly confident in my appearance even if I was aware that I had some things to work on.

Two months ago I got insecure as fuck out of the blue and I think it's been getting worse.

Whenever I'm at home for a few hours, I start inspecting myself and looking for faults in my face/hair. I can't look in a mirror without feeling like I'm gonna cry.

Whenever I go to class I feel like I'm being judged, yes I know most people are too busy worrying about themselves but still. I'm 22 now, I haven't felt this way since I was 15.

I know I need to lose weight and get a better haircut, but I also feel like I need to become happier with what I have at the same time, or else I'll get worse and worse over time, emotionally speaking.

>> No.12890291

Stop getting worked up over what some ledditors like to wear; The brand wasn't made for you specifically. Wear what you want and let others do the same.

>> No.12890295

Congrats dude, good luck with the financial shit. I know it doesn't seem like much but thanks for your story

>> No.12890320

>no real interests besides fashion
>can't get into music production, idea is cool but too complicated for my stupid ass in practice


>girl i'm into may very well be into my best friend
>they would prob start dating given the chance

Wat do /fa/, he knows it would kill me if they did start dating but i can't guarantee that'll stop him.

>> No.12890340

made a thread about it on another board, but tl:dr; boss is giving me raise on the sole condition i get a hair cut, from shoulder length to some normie tier hitlerjugend length or something.

>> No.12890355

if he knows it'll kill you and does it anyway, then he's making that choice, and he's no friend.

well, why not both. you can become emotionally secure while at the same time losing weight

good for you anon
being tall gives me back problems

you'll get used to it faster than you realize
when my gf dumped me i would still find myself saying something cliched like "[ex's name], I'm home". We lived together, obviously. Was very empty without her at first. Moving was the bigger help there then time though, to be fair.

at least you can avoid that one by not looking at images of you? I can also give you some assistance as to why that is. when you look in a mirror, your image is mirrored (obviously) but it's not in the images of you. Try taking an image and flipping it over the Y axis and see how you react to it then.

>> No.12890357

Not really. The thing is that when she first started working with me she was 17 and I was 21, so I canned my feelings because I didn't want to be that guy who goes after underage girls. But when she turned 18 I wasn't sure how to start flirting with her, after a few months of not really paying attention to her. The other factor is that the only time I would see her is for only a few hours on the most busy day of the week, so there really wasn't much time to go beyond the standard "hey what's up/how was your week/oh you're hungover lol same ain't it shit" I've only really seen her once outside of the work environment but I had been coaxed by friends earlier in the evening to smoke some weed which totally broke my confidence later in the night when we were out drinking. Recently I've been trying to work more on myself that think about her, things like giving up porn (which I think has helped the most) and stopping getting high every night but I really struggle with the regret of all the things I've wanted to say but haven't. There are a couple nights out planned in the next few weeks where I might see her, I just need to make sure I don't get too hammered and make sure to make the effort to talk to her, because honestly what I want most is to just get to know the girl. I've told a couple of friends at work that I want to ask her out, so I'm hoping that they can wingman me a little bit.

That was a bit of a vent, but that's what this thread is for I guess.

>> No.12890366

Oh and I know not to just go up to her and say "h-hey, wanna hold hands and look at flowers?"

I'm inexperienced, not retarded.

>> No.12890371

Sounds like you're on the right track desu. Just be honest, tell her that you're bummed that you're not on the same shift any more and you want to hang out outside of work. With a wingman or two it shouldn't be too hard to get the ball rolling on that. Once you're hanging out just try to have a good time and see where it goes.

>> No.12890454

...strangly enough, i've been through similar stuff like you (dead father when young, no counselling, stunted emotional development, paranoid and depressed). for the longest time i isolated myself from friends and family and retreated to just using art as an escape.
i came to a point where i realized it literally couldn't get worse than where i was, so i started to experiment and tried out new hobbies. some of them didn't stick with me, but i don't regret it.
but what hobby really helped me a lot is community service. it made me feel less useless and more productive in the world. i had to interact with people and it was awkward as fuck as first, but meeting new people helped me learn not to be so socially inept.

tl;dr it gets better, follow the other advice in the thread too (exercise, healthier diet, recognize mistakes and learn how to fix them). good luck anon

>> No.12890475

i know you're not retarded anon, that part of the comment was a joke.

sounds like you're on the right track, who knows what direction this will take

>> No.12890489
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>admit I'm not as smart as they are
>I didn't do the work and don't know the material
These are mutually exclusive, do not conflate.

>considering dropping STEM for gay music
Once you're an engineer, you will have so much more time to play music, and a ton more money to splurge on equipment. Think about it, you drop and become a broke ass music major--wondering what if I got that degree, I could buy all the shit I need to keep me satisfied. All the music theory stuff is way easier to self teach and do outside of college than engineering. You need that piece of paper to get a real job. You don't need shit to besides your skills to prove you're a good musician. You're desire chains you to your misery just like me. Just finish the shit anon. At least your parents have degrees and can help you with shit.

>> No.12890503

pretty good anon

autumn has set in, so it's /fa/ season for me again, i've got a fair bit of money invested in crypto currencies that are doing well and i am confident in my investments, i'm starting piano lessons soon after having wanted to do so for over a year and on top of that i'm flirting with a qt at work whilst also establishing new social circles in my new city. that combined with today's news that one of our cooks quit today and that i might be bumped up to cook from floor staff has gotten me in a good mood (working in a restaurant is my temporary job as i'm working on my own stuff on the side and a job as a cook would increase my pay by just about 40% on top of the fact that i enjoy cooking).

it's not all sunshine and daisies though. i'm constantly fighting off anxiety about my future as i've foregone finishing my college education to pursue my own goals (starting a business), have to deal with shitty working hours currently, and still have a clinical depression that i need to keep in mind (it's not severe, it's just extra easy to get caught in the downward spiral).

all in all nobody has a perfect life though, and whatever happens to me, dealing with my depression has learned me to take a correct mindset in regards to external influences.

>> No.12890508

Yeah, I think I am. I just need to make sure I grab the next opportunity by the balls.

And thanks man, I come to this site for the vitriol, but it's nice to have a break from it in threads like these.

>> No.12890710

>final exams on tomorrow, Thursday and Friday
>hairline is receding, quite rapidly all of a sudden
>I'm 18

>> No.12890731
File: 637 KB, 1600x1064, qa93hPh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my life made a complete 180 in the past 6mths and couldn't be happier

>graduate uni in summer
>30k debt, gf dumped me, start SSRI's + self medicating with benzos, weed, and anything else i can get my hands on
>feeling very suicidal and even attempt it once
>Family unexpectedly decides to move to our home country after living in the same country for the past 8yrs
>Happy for the change of scenery initially, but then my anxiety gets even worse when unable to find a job and relationship with parents worsens (as well as my alcoholism)
>Apply for easily 100+ jobs overseas
>Got an interview for a company in Tokyo, interview next day, shit went smoothly
>Get an email the next day asking me to come to Tokyo in the next 2 days.
>Literally drop everything and bag one hiking backpack full of clothes and take the next flight with the little loan money i had left
>It's been 3 months here now, couldn't be happier
>I'm a slightly above average looking aryan, getting bare attention from women, been modeling as a side hustle and even got featured in a popular japanese magazine
>yea a lot of things can change within 6mths... never lose hope senpai

>> No.12890748

Been lurking for a while now, been wanting to change my wardrobe for a while now but im too scared to spend that initial bunch of money on new clothes
Im used to dressing like shit and not spending very much on my appearance so its all still new to me
I think I'll start small and buy a cheap but decent shirt and pants

>> No.12890750

>I think I'll start small and buy a cheap but decent shirt and pants
I was you and this is the way to go. Basic pants and shirts first. Over time you will find a style right for you.

>> No.12890751

Yellow fever sexpat..
OK bub

>> No.12890754

>Yellow fever sexpat

kek japan is the worst place for sexpats desu, your best bet is thailand/philippines if that's what you're into.

being white from my experience is actually a disadvantage in most cases mainly due to the "charisma man" stereotype here. But it does help if you know the language

>> No.12890757

i am actually bout as aryan as they get though, you'd be surprised.

>> No.12890796
File: 166 KB, 723x1024, 2581CC0D-0CE7-4529-BD48-79AFCF887E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty shitty anon.
>fall in love with girl and start dating
>the most attractive person I’ve ever met both inside and out
>tells me her ex was black
>ask her if she has any STDs as a result
>tells me she has herpes

I cut it off with her, but for the time I was dating her I was the happiest I’ve ever been. Did I make the right call boys?

>> No.12890799

Genital herpes

>> No.12890800

In my opinion, no, because she's the best person you've met

>> No.12890805

I mean she was until I found about the herpes. I have to put my own health and well being first, right?

>> No.12890812

I'm into a girl who is like, too cool for me. I spend my nights getting drunk alone and playing guitar/video games. been going out more recently in an attempt to become more human but I still feel like she's so extremely social and experienced there's no way we can be together. plus she's super cute and fashionable. I wish I didn't feel so inadequate for any relationship.

>> No.12890819
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welcome to the wild ride.

it started off with "oh man, I could totally model if my ears weren't so big! maybe my nose too..." every once in a while

then it was "Fuck I wish my ears and nose were smaller. There's something else about me that's making me ugly, oh well." not terribly often, but more frequent

it became "I know what I hate about myself, I don't like it. I look mediocre, maybe if I had a couple of plastic surgeries I would be a solid 8/10, I fucking hate my ears and nose." even more often

Then it evolved into "Nose is too large and bulbous. A septorhinoplasty would help me greatly, I want macrotia surgery. I need cheekbone implants, I want jaw surgery. I would be beautiful if I just got these seven surgeries. Surgery at this point would cost $100,000 for everything I want, fuck, it'll be worth it. Maybe I could use eye surgery...badly" taking up several hours of every day. Some days I might be happy doing something and not care.

Now it's "I'm a fucking monster. I'll be a monster even if I get surgery, if I got surgery, I would be a fake plastic filled faggot. But I want it anyway" touching the flaws, examining myself in the mirror every day, EVERY day. For hours. I can't even think straight it's on my mind so much. People ask me what's wrong, I can't tell them. I can "feel" my "flaws" even when not touching it or viewing it. It makes my body feel like a prison.

>> No.12890822

In any good relationship, both people feel like the other person is out of their league. Just go for it, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.12890860

Its destiny

>> No.12890864
File: 135 KB, 1080x1350, 13731354_1065716126844551_1461724681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally drop everything and bag one hiking backpack full of clothes and take the next flight with the little loan money i had left
>It's been 3 months here now, couldn't be happier
>>I'm a slightly above average looking aryan, getting bare attention from women, been modeling as a side hustle and even got featured in a popular japanese magazine

Nice on Anon

>> No.12890899 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 600x558, 1507844451067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 2 years ago (16) mexicunt
sleep in a room that was roten to the point mushrooms grew from the ceeling
>fucked my nose and lungs
>sell drugs becouse always heard complains about money not being enough to find out my mother was spending it with her lover
>so distant from my family to the point where life the divorce didnt afect me a bit, but turnt drug addict becouse still felt like shit by the fact that i almost overdosed my at the time GF who later got in some shit and killed herself
>try to kill myself several times but fail becouse dumbfuck
>Now 17
>find new qt big tiddi goth GF, loved her so much quit taking drugs and drinking cold turkey, no one loved me like she did...she cheated on me, like all my past relationships except for the one that died
>turn 18
>back to drugs and drinking to the point i got used to stepping on broken heiniken bottles on the floor
>quit heavy drugs becouse i finally ran out of the drug money, only drink ans smoke
>still be like that

>> No.12890914
File: 34 KB, 600x558, 1507844451067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be me 2 years ago (16) mexicunt
>sleep in a room that was roten to the point mushrooms grew from the ceeling
>fucked my nose and lungs
>started being known as the smelly guy
>bullyed to the point some cunts tried to drawn me in the school's skink
>get a gf who only used me to get my dick picks but never got bullied over that since it wasnt small, eventually got revenge
>only female friend was one of the cunts (who knew boxing and want to cuba or some shit like that to fight)
>she moves and we never talked again
>get a beatdown by the boxer cunt
>sell drugs becouse always heard complains about money not being enough, to later found out my mother was spending it with her lover
>so distant from my family to the point where the divorce didnt afect me a bit, but turnt drug addict becouse still felt like shit by the fact that i almost overdosed my at the time GF who later got in some shit and killed herself
>try to kill myself several times but fail becouse dumbfuck
>Now 17
>find new qt asian big tiddi goth GF, loved her so much quit taking drugs and drinking cold turkey, no one loved me like she did...she cheated on me, like all my past relationships except for the one that died
>turn 18
>back to drugs and drinking to the point i got used to stepping on broken heiniken bottles on the floor
>quit heavy drugs becouse i finally ran out of the drug money, only drink and smoke
>masturbate 4-6 times a day
>still be like that

>> No.12890961

Uni anon here. Classes slipping because they're not as fun or engaging as my major-specific courses. I wouldn't care so much but i need to keep my GPA up to move on in my major, so im a touch worried about staying on top of them. plus they're a little harder than i originally expected them to be. HS/CC don't really prepare you for this kind of workload or intensity lol

>> No.12890970
File: 21 KB, 382x385, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this girl, she used to shit talk me all the time, at some point I realized how stupid I was, she constantly kept begging for cock and I was just blowing it off as nothing, she was pissed at me for not giving her the attention. I remember seeing her after a "party" one of our friends hosted, she straight up slurred. "I want to kiss you so bad" I just stared at her dazed dreamy eyes and said "what" and laughed, she constantly done this shit for years and my autism has left me oblivious to her advances, she fell in love with me again all over again and now she resort's to staring at my face all dazed out and shit, she literally stares for a good minute regardless of whatever I do, she always had a little crush, I've been doing "flirty" thing's with her and shit and now she's really into me I guess, I don't even know what to do man, I'm happy but it never lasts long, this shit happens to me every month, or atleast it feels like it, I always end up gf'less for some reason, I really like this girl, what do?

>> No.12890993

>be me 2 years ago (16) mexicunt

You have to go back.

>> No.12891022

i'm not but i am gonna let the department chair know. i've had classes with her, she's chill and not a reactionary

>> No.12891075

right my guy you did good

>> No.12891160

For me I thought I was balding, but I realized I just have a very high hairline.

I was pretty relieved to realize I wasn't balding, but almost immediately afterwards I felt unsatisfied with my hairline. Not gonna get a transplant to lower it. If I'm hit by MPB when I'm older, that would look ridiculous.

90% of my dysmorphia is hair related, though I'm not happy with my lack of jawline and puffy cheeks (I need to lose weight).

I still have features I like (i.e. my hands) so I can hopefully stop this from expanding.

>> No.12891172
File: 147 KB, 1500x1170, 81FvKO9+EKL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a hard time coming to terms with my half dark skin asian genes. thinking about copping this.

>> No.12891178
File: 79 KB, 405x429, DP5oQ6GPmaM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was in a relationship with this girl, we broke up one year ago but kept in touch all the time, start talking again, she confesses to me that she likes one of my friends, i tell her it's alright as long as you guys have some respect, we meet up sometime and odds are i'm near both of them, they make out near me for 2 hours her making eye contact with me from time to time. fucks me up real good, fast forward some time later we meet in a pub and she's super drunk and comes outside and keeps telling me to fuck her and how much of a jerk i am (while crying) she ends up coming to my place and we just sleep together, she tried to touch my dick a few times but i told her to stop, and she kept crying and telling me how she loves both me and my friend. i tell her ok and i don't want to talk with her anymore. fast forward a few weeks ago i get drunk and message her and she asks me to go out for a coffee, she tells me she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore and i invite her to my place and she comes. sucks my dick while i finger her, all the time telling me how she can't wait to finally fuck with me (i'm a virgin, she was a virgin aswell when we were together but after hooking up with my friend she straight fucked with him after like 3 days of relationship). all this time i've been missing her, wanting to get back in a relationship with her. when i finally ask her back she tells me she finally feels as if she's wanted by men and wants to be single for "at least 3 weeks" i legit ask her "so you want to be a whore" and she tells me "yes". super bummed i block her and i get really sad for a while. now i think she fucked some other friend of mine (who's the ex of a girl friend of mine and friend of hers). decided that i'm really done with her shit i started running and 3 days in it feels really good. i'm starting to feel better,i don't eat as much shit as i ate before, no more weed,booze or anything like that and the best of all i barely miss that bitch. thanks for reading this :)

>> No.12891193

"I'm sorry I'm a sperg. With no sense of romance, it seems like you have a crush on me. You wanna date? Im new to dating and shit, also fucking oblivious to social ques. If you want something be like super blunt. But yeah, let's fuck. "

>> No.12891202

Was tweaked out and thought I had bugs in my hair so I shaved it. There were no bugs, so I went from the fa short sides curly Hitler youth cut to a skin head.

Besides that, got a new job, parents are happy with me.

Only problem is I need a shit ton of amphetamines to leave bed. Most prescription, but the doc is beginning to think I abuse it.

>> No.12891218

Fuck you man, this 4chan, you don't belong here.

>> No.12891272

Have mid-terms this week but skipping them all because I spent a week in hospital and thus didn't have time to study. I have no fucking clue what direction I'm headed when it comes to school, I haven't told my parents I switched majors because I didn't want to confront them with the fact that I basically failed again.

On the flip side, went on a date with a really nice girl, easily one of the most interesting and attractive girls I've spent time with in ages. Also finally starting to create some shit and fuck around with producing, photography and writing.

>> No.12891279

stop fapping whatever kinda femdom gross gay shit and you won't have dysmorphia I can guarantee it

>> No.12891284

Maybe I'll start running too.

>> No.12891289


go for it anon there are only benefits to it

>> No.12891340
File: 40 KB, 592x490, 1509376773062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to be really miserable last year same time
>decided to shape my self up
>lost 50lbs since March
>Girls who thought i was repulsive last year talk to me now
>one girl i really like
>some fag who hates me told her that i liked her
>she didnt talk to me for the entire summer
>found out shes dating my friend
>realize I pretty much introduced them to each other
>a month of self realization

I think I'm a lot happier that theyre together, theyre happy together. I've actually become better friends with this girl because I realized that not everyone needs to be a love interest.

>> No.12891530

many psicologist defend that wanting an affair, just for the cause of it, just for the sporadic sex or for the excitement of doing something you shouldnt is perfectly normal and that sex is just that, sex. But if the case is that you no longer love your wife/husband then thats something you should discuss with him/her

>> No.12891540

4chan was my puberty and adult hood.
I ain't a normie. I'm just an anon who knows what anons need. Seen a lot of it.

>> No.12891555

>Try taking an image and flipping it over the Y axis
if i do that i just see the back of the image

i guess thats better

>> No.12891565

Unironically this. As a sperg who only recently had any romantic/sexual experience whatsoever, if you're honest and a little self depreciating about it, it will definitely be easier to navigate that shit (plus some girls think it's cute).

>> No.12891638

Does it work?

>> No.12891643

Kek I like this cause it's true

>> No.12891752

fuck, cant imagine that. keep it up

>> No.12891774
File: 270 KB, 750x728, 1510060072109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone thinks im gay beacuse im handsome and dress nice

>> No.12891790

lol post pic. you must have something more than that for people to think youre gay

>> No.12891803

Social life is shit as always. No friends since everyone graduated from college, and we all moved across the country. I don't even know how to make friends as an adult. I feel like everyone else has moved on as well, because I'm the only one who ever tries to keep I'm touch. It's pretty much the same with all my relationships. I'm always the one who has to make contact or say hello at work or start small talk in any manner. I hate it. I must be very unappealing in some manner, but I don't know how. I attempt to be pleasant.

>> No.12891827

lost most of my friends as I have dedicated my time to getting around to finishing school, and working two jobs (they're also pretty negative low lifes) I have a feeling of being burnt out, however i have 8 months to go so fuck it.
What are some /fa/ hobbies that i can take my mind of things? It seems all i do is study/work sleep.

>> No.12891963

People think you're gay because you're skinny and wear skinny jeans

>> No.12892015
File: 246 KB, 640x360, 4966bf92372ed41117dc5c8a8a1536321497098851_full[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start taking care of myself
>start noticing skin gains
>want to have sex with myself

pretty good honestly

>> No.12892041

>9pm curfew at age 18

>> No.12892042
File: 449 KB, 286x119, 1412798715971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be 20
>have a nice social life
>have a circle of very good friends who i trust
>still a virgin tho
>feel less of a man every day
>wish i would be bisexual

I feel like it's worse to be a virgin when you have a social life than when you'd be a NEET or something like that

>> No.12892209

>>wish i would be bisexual
the fuck you think. you think taht bisexuals go fucking everyone they meet?
if you are a kissless handheldless virgin you will be it being bisexual or not

>> No.12892236

You don't know if your bi until you're fucking a guy and can't get it up. Then maybe it's just cause that guys ugly.

>> No.12892249

>tfw my gf dresses like shit

she's pretty amazing in all other aspects, but still

>> No.12892270

I don't know, man. I've had a lot more attention from gay guys than girls.

>> No.12892279

>handsome and dress nice
>this is what anons believe

>> No.12892281

My chance to get laid would increase by 50%. And yeah I'm not kissless, just a virgin ;_;

>You don't know if your bi until you're fucking a guy and can't get it up
I guess you're right

>> No.12892318

exercise is key, good work anon. Hope you're doing gut

>> No.12892408

this shit burnt my face so bad

>> No.12892429
File: 366 KB, 800x800, radioeva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to thank the Mods for allowing this thread to stay up

>> No.12892432

You're an idiot

>> No.12892613

Reading this pissed me off, hope that running goes great for you anon I'm proud:)

>> No.12892714

I feel pretty empty inside so I'm trying to find a gf to make me feel good but it won't work to be honest, also focusing in a martial arts competition that I'll have soon to distract myself and have some motivation

i just want to die lmao

>> No.12892781

my friend had a stroke

>> No.12892826
File: 246 KB, 736x1095, IMG_3621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend of 15 years (inseparable, spent every day together, travelled to 5 countries as teenagers) heard second hand that I was a "racist Neo Nazi" because I went for coffee with my ex and told her I'd been to a conference in town talking about migration, and basically expressed that I think unlimited migration and demographic replacement has consequences.

My best friend rang me up, told me we can't be friends any more because "I heard you think bad things and I feel that what you think is abhorrent". I said "that's pathetic bro-" but he'd hung up, blocked me on everything. Didn't even bother to have a conversation, I would have been chill and told him my politics don't come from hate or supremacy, and that it's cool to disagree.

Feels bad man. The kid used to join in with any edgy jokes, we used to laugh at political correctness and make jokes about micro agressions. He goes off to Oxford University for two years and becomes a completely intolerant leftist, posting Jeremy Corbin propaganda and unironically talking about Safe spaces for LBTGQRP+ and misogyny. He thinks he's intelligentsia, but the guy was a complete dork when we were friends and absolutely useless at asserting himself or thinking independent thoughts, and I used to nail him in tests...

My strategy has been to tell myself he passed away and remember the good times. He's not the same person I grew up with anymore so that is half true anyway.

>> No.12892859

I want to kill myself but too much of a pussy to do it. I used to have so much fire in me.

>> No.12892862

most retarded wagecuck line of reasoning here

>> No.12892872

People who change entirely, who CHOOSE to be offended by things they previously partook in specifically for social currency are the scum of the Earth.

These people usually have slightly above average IQ but believe they're in the top 5-10%, useful idiots.

He calls YOU to tell YOU that the two of you can no longer be friends because of something you said (not to him) is mental masturbation of the highest order. Kid is a fucking loser. Bet he got a real rush from that phone call. "Sticking it to the nazis" LOL jesus christ.

>> No.12892883

> Clothing = no help

>> No.12892908
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Thank you man, I agree - it's an affectation to be offended, there is very little "injustice" against minorities in England these days, especially in his fucking Oxford uni. You're spot on about the passive agrssive power display, the guy was always physically weak and we actually started our friendship because I used to play rough and push him around on the playground and he got upset about it, so I felt sorry and took the time to hang out with him. I'd always stood up for him against bullies when he was younger, but the guy never had my back - always telling people when I'd gotten in some trouble or mishap at school like it was juicy gossip, taking pleasure in selling me out if I'd said something privately to him - I dismissed it and forgave 9/10 times because he was a little guy and pretty loveable/autistic most of the time

Fuck, now I think about it he wasn't loveable - he'd just do this self deprecating routine where he'd denigrate himself, put himself down, act like a beta or call himself a kooky goofy naive idiot whenever I called him out on bullshit. Meanwhile he had a pretty big fucking ego and thought he was a superior intellectual to most people, but if he fucked up and betrayed that No, he wasn't such a big brain Nibba, he'd do this pathetic puppy dog "I'm dumb lol" routine. I guess I was dumb too, it worked on me.

It's a lesson to think independently and expose things to critical thinking, and never take yourself 100% seriously, whether you're a commie or full fashy. I used to take this guy to the gym, I used to rib him and give him my full trust in the hopes that he would improve and become a man, I used to introduce him to girls and big him up all the time. Now he's completely changed.

Cheers for listening brother, it's late and I'm drunk. Goodbye old friend, fuck progressives, fuck Oxford university, fuck that mulatto SJW antiwhite he hangs out with, fuck his pathetic commie friends, you robbed the world of a potentially good man.

>> No.12892934

Sounds like you've accepted he's lost which is the right thing to do, not that it's easy. I can't handle people with out of control egos, I prefer to have genuine interactions.

That's the difference between alphas and betas honestly. Betas can't interact without lies, manipulation, and projection because they have ego issues which they hide under many layers of insincerity. Instead of delving deep into his own mind to uncover and deal with these things he prefers to live life as someone he's not.

Stay strong bro, make some new friends who are high in consciousnesses.

Betas/liberals take everything too seriously, it's such a drag.

>> No.12892973

Thank you friend. I do need to make some new friends - currently pretty socially isolated working in a new town, in the middle of nowheresville. Good luck to you too, you assuaged my worries a fair amount

>> No.12892993

I can’t believe how much i relate to this

>> No.12892999
File: 1.15 MB, 4488x2458, oorakan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing ok. I started making a lot of money about a year ago and I'm buying a Lamborghini Huracan next spring so that's exciting. I'm very young so I know I'm going to get a thousand and one "hurrrrr daddies money" comments but it comes with the territory. Haven't bought any significant amount of clothing since I've been saving for the car but afterwards I'm going to fill my walk in closet to the brim.

Hopefully I'll be able to take on an employee soon and have a decent amount of free time on my hands, which is something I could certainly use considering the fact I'm working 60-80 hours a week. Then I'm going to call my exes one by one and try to catch a cheeky nut.

>> No.12893000

the only way you’ll be emotionally secure is when u start losing weight and see progress. start tommorow u got this anon

>> No.12893006

Same here. I'm working on my social retardness now, but it's tough to make up for the lack of experience. And at least I'm not a fat virgin like I was a year ago.

>> No.12893008
File: 77 KB, 584x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am failing o chm

>> No.12893011

Tell me what ails you, brother.

>> No.12893015

I am lazy as fuck and have 0 motivation

>> No.12893020

Have you no aspirations or simply no desire to pursue them?

>> No.12893043

You could invest that money in something better, like a really nice place to live or go on some adventures. That car will be a burden, you won't want to thrash it and have fun and it will depreciate massively, and it's not incredibly pretty anyway.

Plus it's a magnet for gold diggers, which will complicate and depress your life. A quality girl will be one that knows you're a manly guy capable of taking charge and making big bucks without you actually needing to flash cliche gaudy shit like a lambo

Also forget about your stupid exes man, imagine the failures they'll be and move on, purge the bad feelings and horniness from your mind. Bigger and better things. Grats on doing so well financially btw

>> No.12893058

i do, but I hate working

>> No.12893067
File: 118 KB, 1480x832, IMG_3502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether to go back to art school.
-It's a UK student loan so not a big deal for repayments (like a 1-2% tax of your earnings above £20,000)
-Gives me time to grind my art skills and build an online/gallery presence
-Lets me live near a city for cheap
-Lots of cute college girls (I do okay)
-Cheap societies, trips and Army Officer -Training
-Networking and nepotism

-I'm pretty far right so I'll have to hide that or be a pariah
-I like traditional art and most illustration/animation courses praise post modernism and tumblr bullshit
-Teaching is sub par
-have to turn up for class and lectures
-potential awful housemates
-Eternal insufferable art students
-Dumbass art students
-I'll be 21 next September

Should I go boys? I don't want to waste my waning youth but I can definitely make it and play the game in art, currently /momsbasement/ while I save up for the next step

>> No.12893070

Thank you and I do appreciate your input. I know I should do something responsible with the money and I will soon, I'm planning on buying houses with a friend of mine and renting them out to pay for themselves, but cars are one of few things that I'm really into and a Lamborghini is the one material item I've dreamed of since I was a kid. I figure I'll get it now so I can enjoy the money I'm making while I save up for the good decisions.

By the way, I don't know what you've got going on already but f you want to make some extra money, start going to yard sales (especially in rich neighborhoods), flea markets, etc, take your phone, look up the items that they have on eBay, and see if you can buy anything and sell it for a nice profit after fees and shipping (generally 25% of the sale price). This is how I started and I was making about $60k+ a year doing this alone. Eventually moved onto closeout sales of stores going out of business. It sounds too good to be true but it's very easy and you can make a good bit of money off of it.

>> No.12893075

You should get out of mom's basement ASAP. Don't go to art school if you think you'll hate the people though. You won't have a good time and then if you get a job related to art you'll be surrounded by the same people and you won't have a good time. And if you don't get a job related to art you'll still be with all the other art school kids who couldn't get a job related to art, and you won't have a good time.

>> No.12893077
File: 242 KB, 1920x1290, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art school
Well, what would you like to be? Art school isn't always a bad decision as long as you have a reasonable/achievable occupation to follow through with. Of course, you should always aspire to more than working for another man, which you could very well achieve, but most art school students are a bit too ambitious and this is their downfall.

>> No.12893081
File: 284 KB, 480x480, AD13F0BD-314A-4841-8144-2D071016A1BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12893070 thank you man, that's excellent advice. I hope you enjoy the lambo, make sure you take it down the track some day! I'm >>12893067 this anon, so I'm not sure I'll ever make much money in my life, because I'm legit a smoothbrain when it comes to money and art is my passion. Currently the art world revolves and shocking and brave progressive modern art and my style is wholely classical, so I'll either have to adapt or hope that figuratism and traditional beauty comes back into vogue if I ever want to make decent money, so your advice is very welcome.

>> No.12893092

>tfw too much of a pussy to kill yourself

>> No.12893108
File: 45 KB, 570x427, rat-playing-musical-instruments-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have too much experience with art however I do follow a few underground artists on Instagram. It's not a bad place to start. Most of them sell their works for a couple hundred dollars a piece, do commissions, have a patreon, etc, and many make a living off of it. You say your style is wholely classical, which may not appeal to the current "art world" as you say, but it would be interesting to see what you could incorporate into a classical art style to make it appealing to the "progressive" modern art crowd. Perhaps doing portraits of pop culture figures, characters in tc shows, etc in classical style would be an interesting start. Stranger things, Rick and Morty, Lil Uzi Vert, etc.

These are the trends. Follow the trends but do it in your own way. I see a lot of artists getting commissions to do their own versions of Rick and Morty and the like. I know selling out is probably the last thing you want to do but it will get attention, it may garner a following, and a following is priceless. Not to mention, I'd really like to see a classical portait of Lil Uzi and the Stranger Things kids. Got an Instagram I could follow?

>> No.12893116
File: 91 KB, 200x200, IMG_3754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, I'm incredibly ambitious, I needed to hear that. I have pretty good writing skills, won some prizes, and I have a well received style in drawing and good design and compositional sense, so I want to find a partner and write a graphic novel or even work on an animation. Neither of these will make much money, so I was also going to go down the path of grinding trying to get my work featured at galleries, go to conventions and fairs to sell prints and merch-y things, set up an Etsy shop and grow an instagram and Deviantart etc.

I need a good amount of time to finesse a style before I start any "seminal" projects like a graphic novel, I also want to design homeware and jewellery as an aside, and when I was young I was fucking kickass at modelling and sculpting (won the Golden Demon for Warhammer) so I might make sculptures and toys as a stand alone or tie in. I can't imagine making much money working for a studio and I don't think many would gel with my politics and attitude, maybe old school 2000AD would have been cool but that's all dried up a little now :( so my plan is to partner up with someone and make my own "company" or group of dudes doing their own thing and collabing, and in the mean time work on my solo stuff and take commissions / extend my services to design album art, posters, etc.

It seems scatterbrained, I want to try each avenue whilst I still have the luxury of time and see which works, I'm also considering taking a semi artistic trade like carpentry or metalwork as a consistent earner for when I have a family

Fug, its tricky.

Yes, I should. Guess I'm worried to go to the nearest city (Bristol, UK) with no actual steady income from my art, and get trapped in a miserable part time zero experience minimum wage job whilst I spend my free time in some shitty bedsit, but that's what most art anons have to do so I guess I should man up. I'd also like to join the (weekend) army reserves, which doesn't pay much. Good advice.

>> No.12893126

This was a good comment, thank you man.

Yeah, I do intend on selling out a good amount, I figure some lame cash in attempts wouldn't be so soul destroying if I viewed them as exercises to improve. Thanks bud, good perspective, and no, sorry, my IG is too personal to post here. First step is starting a new one. Good ideas! I don't think I'm intelligent enough to do Rick and Morty drawings though

>> No.12893133

Metalwork is a great idea. Welding pays great and it's something you could ultimately incorporate into your art. Carpentry is good also but the jobs in that field don't pay quite as well. Probably something to do with the fact that welding is much more hazardous.

>> No.12893140

I'm homeless and jobless but my boyfriend's parents took me in during my time of need. I want to be grateful, but his sister leaves her used tampons and piss in the bathroom daily, they're hoarders, and the refrigerator hadn't been cleaned in likely years, as there were some suspicious stains and mold in it and around it.

No one seems to think this is a problem, or the source of anyone's health issues. They're all republicans, but it's sad because if you're going to be a republican, please be well off not living like shit. It make me question white people as a whole, and then I remembered that if it was hipster whites, they would be living in a reasonable amount of filth, not fucking dust and mold everywhere. But they're doing me a favor, so I keep my opinions to myself and clean what I have to interact with for my sanity.

>> No.12893142

Follow me if you'd like @geto_horror and I'll follow back. I'm genuinely interested in seeing your art and what will become of it in the future.

>> No.12893147

Alright, it's lame and I haven't posted in a year. Followed

>> No.12893167

Cool, phone is dead at the moment but I'll check out your stuff tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

>> No.12893189
File: 114 KB, 800x460, IMG_3497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates whites and thinks they're all filfthy
>snarky comments about mentally ill hoarders or behaviourally deficient poor people
>snarky comments about republicans
>these people took in a homeless (guessing nonwhite) and let her live with them for years

I'm guessing you don't pay rent. I'm guessing you don't keep the house clean. I'm guessing you're used to a high standard of living if you get upset about piss in the toilet and the occasional gross tampon in the bathroom. You have some issues, you seem very ungrateful

>> No.12893193


lol you're dumb af and racist to boot

tons of sexually active adults have herpes. and most people with herpes don't even know that they have it, mainly because they're completely asymptomatic. it's also pretty difficult to test for.

you could have herpes and not even know it. the next person you fuck could give you herpes and they might not even know that they have it.

even if you contract it, chances are you'll never even realize you have it. worst case scenario, it's bad off and on for like a year and then you get it under control.

you left a good woman because she was honest with you about having the STD equivalent of a cold.

>> No.12893195

>complains about the place being dirty while living rent free
>prejudice against republicans
>not taking any initiative to clean or improve the living situation yourself
Yeah, adds up.

>> No.12893199

>you don't want to risk getting herpes? fucking bigot!
I mean seriously. One of the best things about a long term relationship is being able to have sex without a condom but that's out of the question here.

>> No.12893205
File: 57 KB, 320x527, IMG_3384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot prejudice against whites. Don't be afraid to spot it. Most minorities and leftists fucking hate us

>> No.12893208


yeah bro i'm like you, i never change. i'm the same person i was when i was born--totally useless, fumbling infant. gotta stick to our guns, ya know?

>> No.12893221



>> No.12893226


>risk getting herpes

you risk that every time you have sex, condom or no. condoms are ineffective at blocking herpes transmission because infectious areas are not at all limited to the areas that condoms cover.

and, again, most people with herpes don't even know that they have it and you won't know either because they exhibit no symptoms.

go fuck five random strangers, odds are you exposed yourself to herpes. so unless you're only going to have sex with people who can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're clean (v hard to do--even if someone has a clean test it might just mean their STD isn't detectable yet, like they could have been exposed a week ago and their test will come back clean), then you're still taking that risk.

>> No.12893244

Yes but there's a difference between a risk and a certainty. Plus, maybe she was lying. Maybe she really has HIV but she just said herpes to warm that anon up to the idea of getting with an std girl.

>> No.12893245

Imagine being this comfortable with catching disgusting and possibly life threatening or infertility-inducing venereal disease from gross whores

You know these statistics don't discriminate by race? African American women are 50% infected with genital herpes

>> No.12893269

lol I read that as "In her commitment to creating imaginary new words"

>> No.12893305

I'm getting into photography

>> No.12893312

I have a friend that went through a similar thing. In high school he was a pretty typical apolitical teen that liked the occasional non PC joke and after a couple sociology classes in college he started to believe the whole "black people can't be racist" bullshit and became pretty leftist. Slowly though he's started getting more reasonable and I think he realizes that a lot of the social justice stuff his college professors said is unreasonable and potentially harmful. He didn't get as extreme as it sounds like your friend did, but it's possible for people to come back.

>> No.12893406


>risk and a certainty

point being, with how common it is, if you're having more than a handful of sexual partners you're going to get exposed to it regardless. odds are you'll be asymptomatic and never know.

>Maybe she really has HIV

maybe the next random partner you have has HIV also... you can never be sure, even with paperwork.


imagine being this in-denial about the reality of sexually transmitted diseases.

STIs/STDs come with sexual activity. like 80% of sexually active people have HPV. lots of people have herpes. there's no real way to protect yourself except celibacy, but that's no fun.

unless you have a compromised immune system or do something dumb to get it in your eye, herpes is not really a big deal. like of course i'd rather not have it than have it (again, even that is difficult to know as most cases present no symptoms), but it's not the end of the world if you get it. it's certainly not something to throw away an otherwise perfect potential life partner over.

>> No.12893412


i should clarify that

>like 80% of sexually active people have HPV. lots of people have herpes

are two separate thoughts. i know that HPV is a different disease than herpes, just bringing up an additional stat about STIs in general.

i'm only saying this now because i know that someone is going to intentionally misread it and say something like

>this guy thinks HPV and herpes are the same thing

as an attempted ad hominem to like try to discredit everything i'm saying or something.

carry on.

>> No.12893433

It's been taking me an hour and a half + to fall asleep lately and my shitass roommates don't know how to use inside voices even after quiet hours. It makes me feel like a piece of shit because I'm the only one ever telling people to be quiet but I need my fucking sleep because I'm doing way worse than I should be in my early classes because I keep SLEEPING THROUGH THEM. I've tried sleeping pills but my metabolism is so slow it just makes it worse and I'm drowsy all the next day.

Fuckers woke me up at midnight (2 hours ago now) and I still haven't been able to get back to sleep even after MAKING them go to bed. Probably gonna miss my 9 am and I'm fucking livid.

>> No.12893435

>dad is in hospital since yesterday because of myocardial infarction
>brother ran away from home because of a fight over his reckless spending
>we all suspect he's back on his coke addiction
>mom is left at home on her own
>I'm in the middle of my exam week
>I'm more unstable than ever, can't focus
Yeah my week is pretty shit to be honest

>> No.12893436

CE and Noah have been popular in that cesspool for like 3-4 years.

>> No.12893439

You'll be fine.
Stay strong and focused on your goals, be present for your parents.

>> No.12893619

im sorry anon

>> No.12893624

There's a German entrepreneur who did the exact same thing with exactly the same car, also because a car like that was his childhood dream. He has a youtube series you can probably easily find if you care.

Kind of interesting. He's a complete dork and balding which makes it even funnier.

>> No.12893773

Its quite the predicament m8

>> No.12893786

Stuck at 67kg for a month and a half cause I fucked up my metabolism with 5 months of sub-800 calorie dieting
Still 14kg to go

>> No.12893804

I feel like I'm losing all motivation. I can barely put in the effort to finish school work and handle most responsibilities in general. I also don't think I could pick up a job while juggling classes so I'm stuck with my shitty oversized wardrobe for the time being

I hope everything turns out well, Anon. Good luck on your exams

>> No.12893838
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>lots money

still alone as fuck as I'm living in a very rural area in italy because of my health and there are no women around, or atleast younger than 50. thanks God I can still find drugs and I have fast internet or I'd stretch my neck

>> No.12893855

so move.

>> No.12893883

that's where I have the good job, I'm kinda doomed to live in rural areas ( forest engineer)

>> No.12893887

plus I have bad lungs and living in areas with pollution makes me sick

>> No.12893935
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>People out in public keep giving me the quick glance look away move
I hate being ugly.

>> No.12893990

go and listen some videos from the golden one on youtube

>> No.12894060

> half white, so nice try
> implying you're not just standing up for them because you want to knock me down a peg because you think I'm an ungrateful colored
> don't be a fucking poor dirty republican, you're not trump, republicans should at least have their shit together if they're going to be one. You know how annoying that is to bitch about liberals and SJWs when you can't even maintain your home and your own life
I'm the only one who is cleaning this motherfucker in the first and I literally said in the OP that I clean up for my own sanity. You sound upset that a non-white could ever harbor real prejudiced thoughts about le white race beyond what you see on tumblr But no, #notallwhites if it makes you feel better..

>> No.12894079

Yeah, I feel solidarity for working class whites who are good enough to take in some ungrateful mulatto. Sue me faggot

>> No.12894083

But do you pay rent to these republican dirty white folx?

>> No.12894163
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Fuck man, that's good you went to to a therapist. Keep fighting, you got this :)

>no friends or family in the city i live in, lonely and depressed
>never have made a lasting connection with a woman
>another cold winter comes and i meet this girl
>she's great... really nice, into art, is fine with me being poor, really into politics(we disagree about stuff but it's fine)
>go on dates, sex is great, can talk for hours, sleep over her place often
>i actually like this girl
>she tells me she's leaving to study abroad in brussles in January
>ask her if she wants to actually date
>says she doesn't want to start a relationship long distance
>fine, i guess that makes sense
>she leaves to europe mid January and we keep talking.
>skype calls and texting like every day for like months
>even wrote her a letter with a fucking poem one time
>things are great, love talking to her and she motivates me to be better
>she's telling me about all the things we're gonna do when we she gets back
>the beach was our biggest plan
>daydream about going to the beach with her in california
>out of nowhere she starts getting a little distant and seems depressed
>try to help but nothing
>she stops talking
>a month and a half goes by and still nothing
>just graduated from my university
>i'm pretty mad and sad that she ghosted me
>one random day i get a text saying "i'm sorry for how i treated you, hope you had a good graduation"
>about to reply then i look on Instagram
>she just posted a picture
>it's her holding hands with this guy; she's got a boyfriend
>devastated, send a mean text and get off all social media with her
>months pass... back to being a hermit, work two shitty jobs 60+ hours a week, no social interactions and about to break any moment
>just looked her up on Instagram the other day, she's still with that guy and they look happy
>her last post is of them together at the beach in california

>> No.12894173
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>>i actually like this girl
>>she tells me she's leaving to study abroad in brussles in January

>> No.12894174


>> No.12894184
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This is exactly what happened to me.

Expect a big sense of depersonalisation and then a transformation, I went hardcore into fitness and ethnonationalism and basically started to idealise Mel Gibson as a rolemodel and as a result I feel much more confident and motivated and people notice that I'm a "better" person (in their view). You've got to get your heart broken at least once in your life, bud. The lows contrast the highs, otherwise it would all be gray. In a year or two you will be thankful for the waking up and opportunity to change yourself getting cucced gives you. Just be brutally honest about things - I bet she wasn't anywhere as good as you remember her (clearly she was a dishonourable coward cheater for starters), but I'm sure there were plenty of mistakes you made too, which allowed her to even cuck you - the ultimate Chad god never gets cucked because of his raw character and value, so work out where you're deficient or too passive or feminine

It'll be alright man. This is just a passing phase and a harsh but necessary lesson. Work on yourself bud

>> No.12894190

Same ewact situation on my end anon. Feels bad man.

>> No.12894405

t.humanities grad parasite piece of shit

>> No.12894412
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>inb4 turkshit

>> No.12894558

Thanks man, started to hit the gym last week. Shit has sucked, but gotta work on bettering myself :'^)

>> No.12894849

you wish :)

>> No.12894866
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Yeah, I hope so, but I can't realistically see that happening. He's really really gone down that rabbit hole, his whole friendship group and identity is invested in it and I think he wants to be a professor and a political activist (fug lol). It's quite an extreme change, I think he's probably lost forever, not to mention I'm quite affronted that he would treat his oldest and most steadfast mate, the guy who taught him quite a lot and built him up constantly for 15 years. I don't think there's much I would benefit from renewing a friendship with a guy that's capable of compromising a lifelong friendship over recently adopted ephemeral politics. Sad. Hope your guy comes back from the brink

>> No.12894891

he's so hot what the fuck

>> No.12894946
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A month since me and my ex broke up. We had a long distance relationship and she had different plans than what suited me. We are still friends and write with each other every day.

One day she told me she did not love me anymore. When we met she had very low levels of iron in her blood, which she noticed after about 4 months of us being together. She was very tired all the time and cried a lot. Afterwards she gained a lot of energy and "felt" a lot more. I only realized recently that that might have been a reason to breaking up.

That kind of fucks with me. She liked me cause she was weak.

Anyways we are going to a concert on saturday, I'm going to tell her that either we try again or we stop being friends. I really cannot even handle the idea of being her friend and finding out she has met someone else.
Last week she sent a photo of us from when we were together and said "Can I just say how nice we look?" And another time "I really miss you". That totally helps.

A lot more complicated than this, but something like that.

>> No.12894951

I was expecting you to say, that feel when no girlfriend like picture, good for you. >>12889247

>> No.12894953

>Last week she sent a photo of us from when we were together and said "Can I just say how nice we look?" And another time "I really miss you". That totally helps.

If she's saying that stuff she obvs wants to try again

I like the pic

>> No.12894963

My friends tell me as much about her still liking me. Thing is, I think she will move further away, and have a lifestyle not compatible with mine, she has kind of made that very clear.

YET she keeps on giving me hints like those I wrote. And I want her back so I kind of like it?
Feels like im marching right into hell because it kind of feels good.

And thanks man, she took the pic :')

>> No.12894964

>lost all the friends i had since they were fake af,
Want to do something similar to this, not necessarily "loose" friends, but i feel inadequate within my current friendship group. Maybe its a phase

>> No.12894972
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If you want it , go get it. Hopefully she's being honest and wants you back too.

>And thanks man, she took the pic :')
Is that you? Damn, you look attractive as fuck. I love the fit too.

>> No.12895068
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Cut her out of your life bud. She's messing you around, you're just rationalising and latching onto the pathetic iron level excuse. Can you imagine your wife breaking up with you, going off and hanging out with who-knows how many guys, then coming back because she was a bit lonely and wanted companionship from her lapdog?

Grow a pair and tell her to jog on, and find a loyal girl who would stick with you til the end. Chances are you are a fucking pussy and a pushover, letting her treat you like that. Don't worry though, we all have to go through this phase, it's part of developing and learning the nature of some women.

Dump. Her. It will be tough not to keep trying with her but you're going to get yourself into a world of hurt and waste a huge amount of energy and time on a girl who isn't really even sure about you, life isn't an anime - she doesn't want you, she wants an orbiter companion who maybe, maybe she'll give some affection to.

Move on. Be a man.

>> No.12895071
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I have OCD that's been getting worse with the stress of school. I want to dress nice but a lot of days I just dress in sweats because it'll take take me hours of putting on and taking off every piece of clothing in my closet. The other day it took me half an hour trying to keep my socks at the right height. Recently, I was hospitalized for the first time because of a panic attack i had. Being the OCD autist that I am, I hate hospitals and all the potential to catch something from one of those places. Now, I'm behind on a lot of schoolwork and I have to bust my ass to study for finals next month. I'm planning on getting professional help as soon as I can, and my parents are helping me with that. I just feel really disillusioned with every aspect of my life right now and all I want to do is graduate and get the fuck out of my shitty, dirty college town. The thing I hate most about OCD is knowing how stupid I look when I have to do my "rituals", and I've realized that no amount of designer clothes will make me look like less of a weirdo than I already am. I've noticed myself gradually becoming more and more angry at everyday things, and it's getting harder and harder to calm myself down. I'm worried for myself and the people around me. Hopefully, the therapist I'm going to see soon is going to help me work through this. Sorry for the long post, but I just needed to vent. I don't know if anyone will relate to this at all, but I just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks /fa/, you've been helping me gain confidence in myself for the past few years.

>> No.12895296

>>can't get into music production, idea is cool but too complicated for my stupid ass in practice

Just start by fucking around on a software like FL or audiotool and then you'll start to gain an understanding, thats what i did and I can guarantee that im dumber than you

>> No.12895302
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>Don't feel confident in the clothing I love

>> No.12895407

I had a early twenties crisis of hating my corporate job.
Became and alcoholic and now developing a double chin.
I think i am dying because my lungs slowly are getting less air becaise i smoked for years.

Atleast i have food, a family, clean drinking water, and a moderate sense of fashion.

>> No.12895412

Can confirm i have produced multiple albums from just origins of fucking around.

>> No.12895415

Got in trouble at work
Like, corporate for involved
Oh and I'm broke
Need some good news tbqh

>> No.12895422

tfw trying to deal with the loss of a decade of your life

>> No.12895427

I still think 2010 was the best year of my life and am waiting for things to go back to that

>> No.12895432

I deadass thought this was a pic of young Leo Dicaprio when I first saw it

>> No.12895434

I've always struggled with discipline. I'm an all around happy and successful person, but I always wished I could be a harder worker. The last week I really busted my ass in school, kept up with cooking for myself, went to the gym, kept my apartment organized and such. I'm really proud of myself, but at the end of the day I still feel like I'm missing something. It's kind of like a craving, but I don't have the satisfaction I feel like I should have of a day well spent. I'm just chilling listening to some Miles Davis and smoking a bowl and it's helping. Hoping that I'm not dependent on weed.

Good luck man. Have had friends go through that. It's hell, but you'll look back on it and thank yourself for every second of agony.

>> No.12895468
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Tfw body dismorphia and want several tens of thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery but should probably invest it in a business, stocks and property

I just want to look good to power through my youth and find a good woman for strong, handsome kids

Should I spend some time in South Korea and get the surgeries there? They're the best in the world, apparently.

>> No.12895473

You should gain confidence and realize that good looks alone won't get what you want.

>> No.12895538

Pointless unfulfilling cashier job, no car, no friends, stupid, hate my body, pretty sure my bf is autistic, almost never wants to spend time with me, 90% of family is dead, none of my hobbies interest me right now because im pretty sure im depressed, incredibly lonely.

>> No.12895548
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I am pretty confident, I guess I want my outer body to match my mindset. I just have some deficient, easily fixable features warping an otherwise harmonious and fairly attractive face and good build, some of my features are from a shitty lifestyle. The way I view it is like this - in the pursuit of improving your avatar, fat people lose weight, skinny people build muscle, people with acne sort their skin out, people with bad haircuts get good ones. Do these changes get them what they want? No, but they certainly contribute to it. Ty tho bro

>> No.12895562
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I had the same issue my first two semesters at college. I made some acquaintances but I felt like I didn't meet anybody that I was really friends with. Try your best to find people with mutual hobbies, that's what everyone else says to do. I kind of did that for a bit and had a couple of gym friends, but I kind of like working out on my own more so that kind of petered off. I'm on my third semester rn and it's gotten a little better, but that could be due to any number of factors. I wish I could tell you a cheat code or something anon. I'm sorry your going through it. Just try your best to keep your fits tight and be a friendly amigo. Hope you're feeling well.

>> No.12895576

Different fag
I appreciated the lack of friends when I first started college, gave me an opportunity to focus on working out, studying, and work
Then I took some tough classes later on and started studying in a group, became good friends with one of the guys and now we're best friends. My study group from college was actually really important to me, but that time alone was too
Now everything sucks
I-i'm not gonna make it

>> No.12895581

Man anon I'm so sorry. The beach was something special for me and my ex and hearing your story hits it hard. Just do your stuff and find something that makes you happy. The world is full of a lot of shit and it overwhelms you if you don't take charge. I'm sorry amigo, I really hope you find away back to being happy. I'm rooting for you.

>> No.12895586

Hey look here anon
I get that feeling of not thinking you'll ever make it. It feels like everything is just getting more unhappy as I move through life, and I guess that's natural as you lose childhood naïveté and stuff, but man it seems bleak. There's no good answer to the ish. I hope you're doing well my man and I'm here for ya.

>> No.12895599

I think I'm gonna start hitting the gym again. Maybe it'll help my mood.
Thanks, man

>> No.12895634

>I'm quite affronted that he would treat his oldest and most steadfast mate, the guy who taught him quite a lot and built him up constantly for 15 years.
You should tell him this gently. The friendship may be over but at least he will know why and perhaps be influenced to change his behavior at some point in the future.

>> No.12895684

>you risk that every time you have sex, condom or no. condoms are ineffective at blocking herpes transmission because infectious areas are not at all limited to the areas that condoms cover.

You know what is 100% effective against herpes? Not fucking people with herpes.

>> No.12895688

You sound like a retard
>hey man people die in car accidents while wearing seatbelts all the time so there’s really no point in wearing a seatbelt lmao

>> No.12895692
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Yeah, it's this kind of logic

>> No.12895721

3 semesters left and still no friends from classes :^)

>> No.12895735

Hey man I really hope you're doing well - I'm truly sorry to hear about your loss.

It sounds like he was a genuinely good human being who made a profound impact on your life. Even though that relationship was short lived it was the kind of relationship that many people will never experience in their entire lives. Remember that and try to be that kind of a person to others -- being kind to others is such a wonderful thing and can really change someone's life if you're genuine about it.

I wish you the best of luck in your future. It sounds like you're a great person with great prospects -- it doesn't matter what you end up doing in life, if you make the effort and put in the time to be good at it you'll have a great life I promise.

Please never stop making music.

>> No.12895932


Don't go back anon. Please. Exactly what >>12895068 said

>> No.12895955

omg that's why you are the way you are. ;)

i was on benzos for a few months. it took me about 1.5 year to get stable enough levels of okay-ness to feel like life was worth it. don't give up, it gets better. exercise helps the most.

>> No.12896041

Where in Australia you at anon?

>> No.12896044

I didn't leave r9k for this.

>> No.12896056

Theres nothing wrong with getting back with an ex

>> No.12896100
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Its too late at this point, its probably all over for him.


>> No.12896108


Hey man, I am on the spectrum, and I couldn't pass gen ed even if I wanted to. I know the feeling of not knowing what to do or who I am.

Don't let yourself down. You just have to find a happy way to live, even if it doesn't seem that good.

>> No.12896113


Listen man, you gotta lay down the law. You didnt even want those guys, and they probably arent even doing that. If your parents are dumb bitches, then laugh at their overbearing retardation.

You only listen to retards when I'm talking

>> No.12896119


Smoke some weed man, but not too much. Works like a charm.

>> No.12896127
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everyone says I look like Harry Potter.

>> No.12896134

Your story hits a little too close to home. I have nothing but regret for the time I spent wallowing in self-pity though. It's not yet too late anon. If you feel you may be actually depressed then it's always best to actually suck it up and just go to the doctor.

What were you doing in uni, Anon?

>> No.12896164


Nice job dude! ( :

>> No.12896169


Come on man! Its not like your dick is going to slough off.

>> No.12896177

I started running too after a breakup. Shit helps man.

>> No.12896181

Seconded. If you're in Melbourne, hmu. I just finished my exams and I'm bored too.

>> No.12896182
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I didnt even realize you were black, and I still thought you were an ass. Now I know you are a black ass white negro who has a problem.

Please stop.

>> No.12896186


>profile pic in same pose as pic only mouth is closed

>> No.12896689

do some pushups at home right now instead

>> No.12896733
File: 17 KB, 346x473, not too crazy anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in remote location and cant get good job
>starting redoing my wardrobe in 2015, thanks to /fa/ of course, but very slowly because all my money goes to bills and food
>now stuck inbetween cringey old shit I wore in high school and the clothes that actually look good on me

Gib muni pls.

>> No.12896944

maybe you can cut down on some expenses that you do without thinking about it and use the money you save for some cheap basics.

i don't know your financial situation of course, but most people have at least 1 money sinkhole they are/aren't aware of. maybe it's coffee, maybe you smoke alot, possibly you go out for lunch every day, things like that.

gl anon

>> No.12897011
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im broke

>> No.12897115

It'll be okay Anon, focus on yourself and live your life to make yourself happy. I know how much it hurts at first

>> No.12897235
File: 50 KB, 654x960, 18765586_824797394349369_3597993071021979077_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these feels threads. We gonna be alright lads.

>> No.12897473

that image lmao

idk about being ok hope dies last i guess

>> No.12897725

once you see the obvious retardation, it's not hard to skate by the tragedy..

the real question is WHY AM I STILL NOT GETTING LAID?