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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.52 MB, 1983x930, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12888801 No.12888801 [Reply] [Original]

For once i thought i dressed well until i saw this picture basically depicting me and i lost all my confidence. I need to buy new clothes, any tips ?

>> No.12888829

>he gets insecure because of a meme

>> No.12888857

Its a meme.

>> No.12888862

If that's how thin your confidence is, nothing you wore looked good

>> No.12888870


Yes, techwear is a meme.

>> No.12888883

Seriously its like a cosplay for anime characters that dont exist yet. Its next level autism to wear that shit in public.

>> No.12888912

The thing that pushes a lot of ”techwear” into cringe territory is that a lot of it is driven almost entirely futuristic dystopian fiction media, rather than taking minor subtle cues and influence, people go out wearing a costume dedicated to looking like an extra from this media.
I can understand the need for having waterproof items and a durable backpack (outdor gear) in a cold rainy climate, but paying thousands of dollars to look like you chase a rogue android police force through a 2088 sewer system in while living in the sunny desert of southern California is ridiculous.

>> No.12888916

Ye I'm sure people could pull it off with techwear items and be more subtle with it, maybe incorporate it into more standard fashion to give a twist. Instead we get this Blade Runner lookin spacs trying to be triple black naruto

>> No.12888924

it'd be one thing if they actually looked like they wore the clothes while doing ANY physical activity, you know, what the clothes are actually made for. (as opposed to sitting in a drawer and wearing it out once a month for a fit pic)

>> No.12888926

Blame Errolson for these people.

>> No.12888927

Yeah, techwear is kind of rooted in practicality and yet its just become a fashion meme for pasty 6st white kids to take fit pics.

>> No.12889214

get some faded baggy blue jeans, some wool sweaters and natural leather shoes

>> No.12889238

I think the sneakers and pants look good. everything else is a bit much. you could also add some color

>> No.12889241

you dress alright dude, just fix your posture

>> No.12889279

The message of 'dressing for your environment' was basically perverted by the culture of streetwear into flexing a style as much as possible.

Look at Hugh and Acronym. He's clearly not into fashion, quite in fact he's in love with streetwear. His ideal of techwear is to flaunt a hyped up perversion of post-cyberpunk culture.

>> No.12889286

damn this is perfect

I love it when techwear kiddies cry and whine about having functionality and its "functionality first" but none of them are outdoorsmen, gym goers, or physically fit.

Its laughable.

>> No.12890491
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I want to /techwear/ but don't wanna look like an autist.
If i was to wear it in snow, rain and during snow sports is it fine?
I would never go full ninja in normal setting tho, pic is prob the maximum anime i could do.

>> No.12890495
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Also this but less 1 less layer.
Normal hoodie or ditched entirely
Nike SFB 6 instead of owens

>> No.12890563
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I think it's sad people are so terrified to go all out and enjoy an aesthetic. I don't much like pic related (Rivethead goth, died out a decade ago) but damn if she isn't having a good time really embracing her aesthetic.
She listened to the music, engaged with the media (films and books exploring a cyber industrial dystopia future) and one day said "fuck it" and embraced the full look. I really admire people who commit to a look, whether it's a fedora lord dressed like Reviewbrah or a Texan dressed in cowboy finery, it's so much more invigorating than mild permutations on the current acceptable zeitgeist of shitty cuck fashion.

Wear what you want. If you loved the 80s and synth wave, wear varsity jackets and neon and dress like someone from Hotline Miami, if you like fascism and European tradition dress like a 1930s Italian or German or Oswald Mosley.

Just have the fucking balls and character to dress how you want. If you enjoy something, don't be ashamed of it, as long as you aren't a numale or a fedoralord or a shitty person it should just add to your confidence and security in yourself

>TL;DR just bee yourself, I lament the death of proper subcultures, making your own clothes, creativity.

I genuinely think part of the issue is multiculturalism. We can't abide kooky eccentrics within our ethnic groups now that we seriously have to compete with other ethnic cultures, it puts us on edge and we start getting angry and bitter at our own weirdos and eccentrics.

>> No.12890575


>> No.12890590

more goth inspo pls

>> No.12890621

this is mostly asian males though. desu. underneath that hood you just know it's an asian male. young asian males are obsessed with samsung phones and all are obsessed with little gadget things, things with no real intrinsic value, they are like souless bug creatures literally, never trust an asian. an asian guy sold me shoes once, and they were too small, these were 500$ shoes, and of course I didnt wear them out, and realized they were too small. but this little insect fucker, he either knew they were too small for me, and let me walk out with them anyway, or he literally just doesnt understand how a normal size male feet fit, they are like insect creatures, they dont have any real soul inside, its their entire culture, their genetics, they obsessed with quanitities and making things smaller and smaller. asians all have smaller hands and feet.

>> No.12890675
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>> No.12890690


Honestly just follow Xeoniq on instagram, look at his posts and product reviews. He does non-hype faggot (as seen here>>12890495) techwear stuff. Actual functional and useful clothing that takes cues from cyberpunk opposed to full on faggot hypebeast larp that will make you look like a school shooter and u wont get laid.

>> No.12890840
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Asians are generally small so it would make sense that they'd have small clothing size. Have you ever tried wearing the shoes or clothes in general before buying it? It may help prevent individuals like you from generalizing an entire race based off one experience.

>> No.12890858
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>> No.12890904
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except its not from one experience. that is just 1 example of the generalized pattern I noticed. and that's kind of how science works, you observe nature and draw out the recurring patterns and correlations so you can make useful predictions in the future. this is how evolution works, you observe recurring patterns to avoid being killed or eaten, or to gain some resource-specific advantage.

the opposite of this practice would be something like, "I've seen the Mountain Lion, several times near our camp, and each time it has attempted to maul my child, luckily, I was around and gathered up my child to avoid the imminent threat. Except, my neighbor, who never goes out of their hut, told me today that not all Mountain Lions are like that, because someone told them that, and they were a nice person, so I shouldn't worry about the Mountain Lion any more" so I leave my child alone to play on the outskirts of the village now. and my neighbor has been extra friendly to me ever since and respects me, so I know that since they told me this thing, and that they act nicer to me now because I believe them, that the thing that they told me, it must be true".

>> No.12891013
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>> No.12891024

The guy in that pic is actually Hispanic though, try again

>> No.12891044

>you'll look like an autist wearing that
remember when subculture meant being alt and being alt meant being an outcast and not a vocal minority on the internet?

>> No.12891098

If it's not a one time experience, then why do you keep making the same mistake and not learn from it? It's like you're kicking a dead horse and expecting it to be alive again. As for their insect-like behaviour as you described, Asians have grown in a conservative society and so, we may seem strange from an outside perspective.

>> No.12891123

>damn if she isn't having a good time
She's flat as a board, of course she wasn't having a good time.

>> No.12891147

qt tummy

>> No.12891269

w2c these kinds of pants?

>> No.12891371

Jesus you sound like you got a chip on your shoulder

>> No.12891517

sure thing ching chong bitch

>> No.12891806

?? ok ??

>> No.12891808

I think the last part about multiculturalism is very true. Most leftwing people won't agree with this, but multiculturalism brings "culturally backwards" (assuming social "progression" is two dimensioned) people into our modern western world and therefore takes us back a few decades.
It's illogocal to be against street harassment (be it sexual for women or basic harassment experienced by weaker men) and be pro-refugees, pro-uncontrolled immigration and pro-multiculturalism.
Therefore, women have to toughen up (and redirect their anger mostly towards white men as their minds won't allow anger towards ""minorities"") and men with testosterone feel the need to toughen up as well, and get depressed at the global state of masculinity.
Immigration is positive in general, but needs to be dosed properly and be spread over time in order to be properly integrated. Otherwise gated ghettos are the only solution.

>> No.12891818


>not looking like you're autistic

pick one

>> No.12891919

what jacket is that?
or w2c some other drop-shoulder leather jacket like that?

>> No.12892033

God bless
Very well put, people are becoming scared to be different and to allow others to be different.
When I look around at my university, there seems to be an almost unbreakable unofficial dress code. Khakis and a hoodie, everywhere you look.

>> No.12892127
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op on suicide watch

>> No.12892235

I definitely agree with this. I feel like social media is actually an issue too, although it can be great for keeping in touch, it’s become too corporatized and is now just massive echo chambers that only reinforce the most popular opinions.

>> No.12892255

hits the nail on the head

techwear has a lot of potential. i remember when i first heard about it and it was really just normal clothing made with expensive fabrics and cutting edge techniques. now it borders on cosplay. which is a shame bc its forward thinking, and fashion can only recycle past decades for so long before it runs out of eras to cannibalize - look at the trash on instagram nowadays, they's stuck recycling 70s pedo wear and 2000s kmart garbage. but once those trends pass in the next few years, what then?

techwear should be the way forward. the only thing keeping it back are the choices and insularity of the designers and the community.

>> No.12892266

It's the long doubled shirt that ruins it.

>> No.12892274 [DELETED] 

>a lot of it is driven almost entirely futuristic dystopian fiction media

What's wrong with that?

It just seems "cringe" because on the pictures that get posted here it's worn by awkward looking guys. No matter what they would wear they would still look "cringe". I bet you wouldn't say anything if they were handsome and confident looking.

>> No.12892344

It's pretty depressing when I start noticing. It seems my generation during HS was the last one to have subcultures. I looked at my brother's classmates who are only 4 years younger and I never saw any people in his whole class dress different from each other, whereas when I was his age we at least had identifiable groups, the skaters, the goths, the chads, the nerds, etc.
Even my own generation completely abandoned sub-identities by the time they reached university.

I feel like there's a real loss in that, it's not just losing stereotypical highschool cliques but the complete standardization of youth culture

>> No.12892358

It's a meme friend

>> No.12892373


holy shit, first time ive laughed like this in a long time

>> No.12892379
File: 37 KB, 411x354, acronym-aw-07-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to offload your techwear on grailed at half retail at most, basicboi

>> No.12892455

Fuck off back to /pol/ you deluded halfwits.

>> No.12892693
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Nice counterargument, you showed them! See you on Nov. 4th comrade!

>> No.12892898
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>> No.12893459
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You dressed like shit what did you expect? Did you dress to be invisible, soyboy, so when real man cucks you, your oneitis won't notice you staring at them, becouse if she'd notice you staring at her it could make her uncomfortable and you'd look like weirdo.

You have zero muscle and low testosterone, you look like little kid playing some game, you'll look like shit even if you'd dress like proper man, you nu-male neckbeard, either off yourself or fix yourself.

>> No.12893465

i for one dont blame you for feeling autistic, youre like a bape mask away from being a manchild or confirmed virgin.

>> No.12893484
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Take a look at these books.