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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 100 KB, 600x822, 8DD14879-6680-4623-A1FE-AF852BD7FB53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12884222 No.12884222 [Reply] [Original]

How do you wear your “hair”? I’m thinking about just buzzing my head now,
>pic related
but I was wondering if waxing wouldn’t just be better and more dignified

>> No.12884294

Some dudes are just cursed with a bad head-shape as far as going full chrome-dome goes, so be careful.

That said, it's usually your best bet, especially if your hairline is receding at a decent rate.

>> No.12884325
File: 66 KB, 500x750, 2-undercut-haircut-for-men-with-thin-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a receding hairline. The receding has stopped or anyway really slowed down, and I have enough hair to comfortably style them and hide the receded temples

It's something like pic related.

If, on the other hand, you're jude law tier, my advice is to buzzcut.

>> No.12884381
File: 13 KB, 291x280, rainbow3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not receding hairline, soyboy, that's hairline of healthy adult male with proper levels of testosterone.

>> No.12884389
File: 96 KB, 500x750, 2-undercut-haircut-for-men-with-thin-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure is receding, trust me. As I said I have the same hairstyle, you can't really tell the actual hairline because of the wavy and somewhat thick hair, but in reality is something like pic related.

>> No.12884427

This happens to about 95% of males. It's why it's called mature hairline and not really regarded as part of male pattern baldness

>> No.12884468

I have a norwood 2.5, that's not really a mature hairline

>> No.12884487

No one ever thinks of the bold patriotic statement blonde hair dye and a comb forward would do for their social status

>> No.12884725

This picture>>12884325
does not depict a norwood 2.5.

>> No.12884860
File: 405 KB, 1600x1188, bal-bso-to-present-play-with-music-shostakovich-notes-for-stalin-20141111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hairline has always been like pic related and runs in my dad's family and they didn't ever have truly "receding" hairlines.

Should I just shave it or work with it?

>> No.12884885
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, side_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me from the same angle. The other side is pretty JUST because my barber doesn't know how to cut my hair.

>> No.12884940

Why are you on this thread?

You barely have a mature hairline lmao.

>> No.12885288
File: 15 KB, 352x351, 1501006300591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jeremy clarkson mode
>thinning all over top and heavily in the back

>> No.12885651

This. I don't have receding hairlines that much, but it's thin on the top and on the lower portion of my temporals and back of head. I used to love getting a buzz cut, but the last time I did it I could see the difference between thin/thicker areas of hair.

Wat do? I'm also curly so any hairstyle I attempt looks like shit, send help.

>> No.12885699

Mature hairline is a meme. It's MPB.

>> No.12885700

Finasteride usually works well for diffuse thinners.

>> No.12886524
File: 223 KB, 1072x1072, IMG_3908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously losing your hair is not ideal, but it's also not the end of the world imo.

pic related, it's me. i still like myself.

>> No.12886537

Looks better on some than others. A really tight buzz or shaving it down to a zero is pretty much always better than a power doughnut or skullet, though.

>> No.12886541

Im thinking of going on fin and minox

But i don't wanna cuck my bidy with drugs

>> No.12887155

You look like the guy from trainspotting.

>> No.12887801

>notice high temples with big thin spots right above them a few years ago
>think I'm going bald
>fast forward to now
>hairline hasn't moved at all

I think my hairline might have always been like this. Is this normal?

>> No.12887816
File: 5 KB, 238x212, 1508728791895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that u trunks

>> No.12887896

once your done with puberty, your hormones level out. might be good for a while, might slowly fall out over time.

personally as soon as i ( >>12886524 )
saw thinning as opposed to receding i shaved it all off.

>> No.12887951
File: 37 KB, 984x629, 23andmehair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 now. I've always had a thin crown as well, but I feel like a buzz wouldn't be an upgrade. I sometimes freak out whenever I notice thin spots or how high my hairline is, but I compare it to old photos and it's virtually always been like this.

My mom's brothers were all pretty bald (NW6 or 7) by 30 but they all had frontal recession instead of temporal recession or diffuse thinning.

I've been NW2ish for a long time, possibly even since before puberty, and it hasn't moved since I started inspecting it 2 years ago. My dad and his brothers have all been NW2ish since they were kids, hell, even my grandma on that side has always been NW2.

I'm assuming I'm good, so I'll keep an eye out for frontal recession.

I'm irrationally scared of hair loss so I'm thinking of buzzing it down to a 1 or even 0 for a while just so I can say "see, this isn't so bad."

>> No.12888073

i can tell you're worried by the length and detail of your post. it's clearly causing you some anxiety.

my dude. listen. it doesn't matter. you can't change your potential baldness any more than a dog can change the color of its fur. it's an evolutionary outcome. you can't run from it. just relax.

>> No.12888248
File: 42 KB, 768x511, 1509951291443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought I'll buzz my hair forever at the first sign of baldness, but then I saw Stephen Dillane rock it, so that eased up my view on it, at least if I look as good as he does with it.

>> No.12888306

same, I don't think my hairline has moved since 2012, may have gotten a lil thinner though

>> No.12888316

Minox is pretty much a no-risk investment as far as side effects go

>> No.12888352

Not /fa/ at all but I lost 100lbs and my hair got fucked

How can I tell how I'll look bald?

>> No.12889312

not bad

>> No.12889793
File: 677 KB, 700x990, Stannis_Baratheon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id give my left nut to look like stephen dillane

>> No.12889836

you rock it, congrats

>> No.12889897

I noticed these thin spots above my temples 3ish years ago, not sure if they were there earlier. I was 19 then, I'm 22 now.

Based on old pictures, they haven't gotten any bigger or thinner and my hairline hasn't moved at all, either. I can't really tell if it existed before I was 19 because I had a different hairstyle and my old smartphone didn't have as good of a camera.

Is it normal to have some variation in density or is this very very slow MPB?

I thought it was diffuse thinning at first but I've read it's extremely aggressive, especially in young people, so I feel like I should be seeing changes if it's that.

>> No.12890239

>lowers collagen production

Fucking dropped

>> No.12890393

he looks like the love child of jack black and chris evans

>> No.12890416
File: 1.67 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170930-124401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm receding at the temples

>> No.12890443

you have curly hair so you can hide it easier

get on fin and minox and you should be able to save the crown pretty well

>> No.12890680
File: 59 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you

>> No.12890747

Shit bro, you're lucky as hell. You look just like Mark Renton in Trainspotting. You've got nothing to worry about, the world is your oyster

>> No.12890760

bald can be /fa/ if you own it properly, and lose/gain weight in your face as needed to get a facial shape that complements it.

>> No.12890988

i have an autistic problem

im chicano (light/med tan) and always wanted to buzz my hair. i have it buzzed now and i love it. problem is im balding and feel weirdly insecure now that i feel like there is no return.

the autism only increases when in the hypothetical situation where i have the thickest hair in the world I would still want it buzzed/close shaved.

how do i stop being this retarded? i feel it was because i lurked too heavy on r9k

>> No.12890992

you look cool af

>> No.12891031

>tfw eat soy all the time and have thick beautiful hair
>tfw grandfather had thick head of hair all his life

processed foods really are dangerous

>> No.12891035

Your hair is completely fine.

It's your skin you should be worried about.

>> No.12891036

Your hairline looks like you could still pull off the full head of hair honestly. If you wanted to - bald does look good too.

Do you have pictures of before you shaved, outta curiosity?

>> No.12891166

Not to derail the thread, but do you know of anything to deal with acne scars?

I mostly just moisturize, it keeps the acne at bay for the most part (plus my hormones have probably calmed down from a few years ago), but I have no idea how to deal with the scars. My dermatologist said that you can't treat them but I feel like there has to be something.

>> No.12891170

>mature hairline

this is what hairlets actually believe lmao

>> No.12891174
File: 638 KB, 1280x720, 104531792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can see it here

>> No.12891432

Minoxidil stopped working for me after a year

>> No.12891715
File: 65 KB, 675x704, IMG_4963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one from a couple years ago, RIP those lucious locks.

was going through a black & white phase at the time, forgive me

>> No.12891717

sometimes genetics are just too strong to fight against

>> No.12892603

Fuck. With or without you've got it made.

>> No.12893488

Give it to me straight /fa/, I'm in my early twenties and my hair has noticeably receded to about a Norwood 2.25 or so. I've been reading up on the Proscar/Minoxodil/Keto Shampoo combo

Is it worth taking the plunge for someone with a shit head shape but who looks decent with nice hair?

>> No.12893953

Going grey is a blessing for anyone who is balding. It reduces contract, which is what buzzing does, but with grey hair you can keep it longer and still get a similar effect.

>> No.12893956

My hair hit a solid NW3 at 26, and it's held there for the last 7 years. My temples disappeared entirely in that time, but the top hasn't moved. I have a Jude Law hairline minus the temples. It looks good short, but the lack of temples make it hard to pull off any longer styles.

>> No.12893965



>> No.12893977
File: 96 KB, 665x1000, MV5BNzAzNjg5MDE3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjIxNzU0OA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,665,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should try this ?
Any trick ?

>> No.12894998

How do you actually know if you're balding? I've got a widow's peak but have done for a while. My hair is thin but everyone in my family has thin hair. My hair is finnest above my forhead (I don't know what you call that area) but it's fine everywhere else, I don't have a big patch of hair missing at the back of my head

>> No.12895004
File: 160 KB, 1280x960, IMG_5310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, been about two weeks since i've shaved it

>> No.12895008

probably shave it every week then

>> No.12895018

Yeah but my question is am defiently going bald? how can you be totally sure?

>> No.12895030


Ya, thats how mine started.

>> No.12895053

Figured as much