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12872077 No.12872077 [Reply] [Original]

>1.5 points added to your face's attractiveness score (on a 1-10 scale)
>15cm added to your height (roughly 6 inches for the metrically impaired)

Which would you choose?

>> No.12872084

Im already a 9/10 on the face, but a 5foot7 or 171cm manlet

Id take 10cm, because 180cm is the master race height (not a fat manlet and not a skinny tallfag)

>> No.12872085

Face. While I am just short enough to be considered a manlet (5'9) it's not severe enough to choose it over a better face imo

>> No.12872089

Well I'm already 6"1 so I'll take the attractiveness boost

>> No.12872093

This, being 6'2 is really nice when it comes to these questions

also lmao at these manlets..

>> No.12872096

Height, my face is attractive enough but I could stand to bump up from 5’ 11”

>> No.12872108

I'm already 2,07m so I'll pick the first. Will probably make me a 1.5/10 in total but at least I could still enter buildings

>> No.12872110

I’m king of manlets 5’11”, so it’s a tough call. I’d go with looks and be a 8-9

>> No.12872139


i'm a woman and have a cute jewy slavic face with wide mouth, can be otherworldly hot with a little makeup...

but i'm also 5 ft (152 cm) and have to retail in tween and child sections. mid 20s, waiting to shop in adult section my whole life.

for the effay gimme height.

>> No.12872170

Face. Not even a question.
I'm already 194cm, I obviously don't want to be 209cm.
Make me a 9+/10

>> No.12872188

15 cm easily. i'm 5'7. would put me at the perfect height of 6'1"

>> No.12872191

my face is 6/10
my height is 5'7"

but if i could, i would add more centimeters to my penis size instead.

>> No.12872194

you're crazy, 6'5 is too tall

>> No.12872196

third option
> add 3 inches of length and 1 inch of girth

>> No.12872206

post face pic

>> No.12872285

I'll take this

>> No.12872291

Height, for sure
I'm five eleven, six five would be great

>> No.12872296

face, im tall but i'm also like a 5.5/10 on a good day

>> No.12872311

>already 6'3''
>add another 6"
>become professional basketball player
>bitches don't care about how your face looks, you're rich
>you don't care about how your face looks, you're rich

>> No.12872314

How satisfied with your life would you be if you looked like Peyton Manning?

>> No.12872369
File: 130 KB, 1080x1349, ft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 points because I fucking hate eating in general and am already in skelly mode. 15cm more I would probably die as I just cant stand eating enough food to provide cals to that kind of tall body

>> No.12872371


I'm an ugly lanklet, I don't want to be any more lanky

>> No.12872382

get help

>> No.12872385

The actual distance he gave didn't even register in my mind until now
In that case, face for certain

>> No.12872388

I'm 6'3" so it's going to be slightly inconvenient finding trousers and fitting through doorways, but my face is already a perfect 10/10 and I don't want to cause any traffic incidents with my blinding beauty.

>> No.12872393

This easy

>> No.12872431

nah I'm good. not even underweight. I just force myself to eat because I never feel hunger and therefore feel that eating is neccessary but fucking annoying. It's kinda like tanking up my car

>> No.12872434
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>Im already a 9/10 on the face, but a 5foot7 or 171cm manlet

>> No.12872440

Face. I’m fine with my height ( 6’0ft )

>> No.12872615

the height would make me 6 foot 4 inches kinda too much

>> No.12872623

I'd say the height but I'm already 6 feet and I wouldn't want to be any taller than like 6'3 or 6'4

Can I take half the value of each?

>> No.12872625

>sexy manlet
>ugly lanklet

>> No.12872635

Could I go back in time so I could be an NBA prospect?

>> No.12873003

15cm might be too much, 10cm would be good

>> No.12873249

>be a 6'6 lanklet or a 9.5/10

this thread is for manlets

>> No.12873298

I don't see any reason to not take face unless you're under 5'9

>> No.12873502
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Fourth option
>10/10, but 6 foot
>if above 6 foot, add the height difference in inches to dick length
>if below 6 foot, take away height difference in inches from dick length

>If your penis inverts (manlets), become a woman
>If woman and taller than 6'1", you acquire penis

>> No.12873509
File: 93 KB, 300x233, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are you choices only if you start as an ugly manlet

>> No.12873644

Sure are a lot of 9s and 10s in this thread....

>> No.12873720

Idunno man I'm 6'3 and being a 6'9 freakish giant sounds kinda cool, in reality I'd probably go for face though, depending on what they change/who's standards it improves by

>> No.12873726

Maybe you should look for foods that tou enjoy from a taste perspective

>> No.12873735

Do I really want a 14 inch dick though?

>> No.12873750

same 6'3 and want to be taller. i almost (ALMOST) know what it feels like being a manlet

>> No.12873785
File: 68 KB, 960x540, 16641041_836273893178789_2538722036554249132_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I had a 3 in dick I would become a 10/10 6ft woman?
>tfw no 3 inch dick

>> No.12873797

5'7" and it barely crosses my mind unless I'm around someone really tall.

I guess it would be different to be towering over most people instead of being in this place where I'm taller than most women but shorter than most men.

>> No.12873865

5'9" with 9/10 face
I would take height but that is starting to get too tall. All the guys I know over 6 foot 3 are lanklet betas. Would rather be 6 foot flat with the same face.

>> No.12873875

be careful what you wish for, being overly tall comes at a huge price in terms of accessibility, try bending down hunched over 45degrees to wash your dishes every night, band even more to load the dishwasher, constantly needing to have bad posture when conversing with normal heights people so u can just hear them instead of the ceiling fan. needing to dick and watch every where you r going when in unknown places, neing overly tall can make you feel really isolated unless you find really tall people to always hang out with.

>> No.12873878

ie. society is constructed for normal size people, being 6'6 is just as physically challenging as being 3' tall dwarf

>> No.12873880

I'm 6'5 so I'll take the height. I will be a God among ants.

>> No.12873881

Probably half of each, if that's an option.

>> No.12874043

tru. also doesn't help that 4 of my mates are 6'4/6'5

>> No.12874061

Definitely 1.5 points to the face. I'm 5'10" which isn't tall but it's good enough. Being 6'4" would be a pain in the ass.

>> No.12874237

6'9" good luck making the team in some euro 3rd division
if you wanna earn money playing basketball and havent played since childhood or early puberty you gotta be atleast 7'

>> No.12874244

The thing about height as a woman is it doesn't benefit you personally. I mean, unless it gets you a modelling contract or some shit but what I mean is this: at 5'0 almost every man is tall enough for you.
If you were 6'0 you'll need a guy around 6'4 to feel comfortable What is that, like 1% of men in an Anglo nation?
The 5'0 girl can feel great about almost every man.

>> No.12874257

People who pick +1.5 to face, you know there's plastic surgery right?

>> No.12874280

I'm 5'11 and I want that height. My face is above average, and its my face.

>> No.12874293

Well, I'm 5'8, and honestly I would rather be more attractive than be 6'2, If I was 6' instead I'd probably take it. I don't think I'd look right with my current face if I was that tall

>> No.12874385
File: 12 KB, 307x230, MV5BMjI3NDQ3Njk3M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjg5NjUyMjI@._CR206,337,762,571_UX614_UY460._SY230_SX307_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im already six feet tall and im pretty decent looking so I'll take the attractiveness boost and become goose level attractive

>> No.12874392

face. theres no reason i'd want to be 2m tall.

>> No.12875852

honestly I think 5'9-10 is the golden height for men, it's just right smack on average, for actual real life like dealing with other people and being successful . society is basically auto-generated with you in mind. in terms of clothes, cars, beds, doorways. you literally never have to worry about anything. you're tall enough that you can fit ergonomically with any height woman except over 5-10(<5%) and you are short enough that no one ever feels dwarfed by you. try closing a deal with a 5'5-9 man when you are 6'6. not happening

>> No.12876127
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I will take 7.5cm and an extra 0.75 face points

>> No.12876422

having done a shitload of sales in both entry and veteran positions - I've seen a shitload of deals lost because the guy was too short to command respect, than because the guy was too tall.
Height is synonymous with authority in some cultures' psyche. A salesperson with an ounce of talent can work the space to reduce their perceived height, but it's almost impossible to increase your perceived height without making it look like you're insecure.

there is a middle ground between 6'6 and 5'5.

>> No.12876431

Tough. I'm 196/6'5" so it's not like I /need/ or would even benefit from the height. But, I still kind of want it.

Rational me says face, though

>> No.12876448

Face. That much height would make me look grotesque

>> No.12876450

>5th option
>restored hairline that never thins/recedes but you lose 3 inches of height
>or gain 3 inches but instant widows peak and begin balding

>> No.12876467

I'm a 5'9 pajeet.
It doesn't matter which I choose. I'm still fucked.

>> No.12876541

Manlets are not people

>> No.12876654

face 5/10
height 176 cm

probably the face

>> No.12877383

I'm already attractive facewise, but I am the KING of the manlets. 176cm.

>> No.12877394

1.5 to face attractiveness, its ok being a short woman

>> No.12877415

face, i don't wanna buy new pants

>> No.12877421

None. Because I love myself the way I am.


>> No.12877423

The 1.5 points to my face because then I would be a 5

>> No.12877440
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>180cm is the master race height

>> No.12877605

I'll add 1ppont to my face
And add 10cm to my penis

>> No.12877624

would choose the 3 inches added to penis OP

>> No.12877626

>5’9” with an 8.5/10 face
>6’3” with a 7/10 face

Height for sure.

>> No.12877651

I'd go with face because while I am 5'1, I am a femanon so height doesn't really matter unless she's under 5'

>> No.12877668

6/10 190cm // 6'3

Not sure if i'd be too much of a freak at 6'6, i'd love it added on my dick tho

>> No.12877801

I'm prolly a 5/10 and 173 cm

So 15 cm

>> No.12877806

Height does matter though. I talked about it with a friend and he told me he can't date a girl over 5'5. I told him I can't date under 5'6 and I prefer 5'8. The difference is that all women want tall guys, while some guys like short girls, and some like tall girls.

>> No.12877820

can i lose 6 inches and get 3 points to face? being 6'8 is ass, almost 0 benefits and tons of drawbacks compared to 6'2

>> No.12877830

I want my manlet ass to feel better

If you had to choose between 5'9 and 6'8, what would you choose ?

>> No.12877832

I want to see what you consider a 10/10 face

>> No.12877837

Yeah I'm usually pretty confident about my height since 6'3 is pretty tall especially where I live, average seems about 5'9. But then I hang out with one of my fucking giant friends who's 6'6 and wish I was weirdly large.

>> No.12877881

probably 5'9 but if i were you i'd probably choose 6'8. it's all about perspective. we both see the negatives of our own situations but the benefits of others.

>> No.12877926

I'm 5'8,5 and I'd choose 5'9. 6'8 is just too much

I'd choose 6'6 over 5'9 tho

>> No.12878023

Attractiveness. 6 inches is too big of a boost, I'm king of manlets now but 6 inches would make me lanklet status (5'11" to 6'5"). Maybe make it 4"

>> No.12878043

I'll have the 1.5 in looks since I'm already 6'4"

>> No.12878803

>not taking advantage of being short to wear cool platform shoes and big heels
baka, I'm 5'7" and I'd rather be a womanlet who's actually attractive

>> No.12878807

Face. Being 6'6 would suck ass. I'd have to buy all new clothes

>> No.12878826
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Hey retards: You can get plastic surgery on your face but not on your height.

>> No.12878929
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>195 cm / 6'5''

If all the manlets here take the height I will do the same just to keep looking down on you!

>> No.12878932
File: 71 KB, 1080x716, IMG_20171023_103452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Add 6 inches
>Become 6'11"