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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 114 KB, 1456x970, bpDUbkur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12868040 No.12868040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They get out of speeding tickets.
They can cut in line.
They can harass and judge others without consequences.
I wish I was one of them....

>> No.12868054
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And the standards for ugly people are the opposite:
They don't catch a break.
They get yelled at for breaking the rules.
They literally CAN'T harass or judge others.
They usually stay at home.
I'm glad I'm not one of them.
I'm just average :/

>> No.12868059

Time to slaughter the normies

>> No.12868065
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And don't forget; they have the best orgasms ever.

>> No.12868086

that's some pure Elliot Rodger-speak there buddy
Let's just hope your dad didn't forget to lock his gun cabinet.

>> No.12868131

They pay in other, deeper, more lasting and often flat out terrifying ways.

>> No.12868147

>driving irresponsibly
>not being able to wait for your turn
>wanting to harass people
>being embarrassed by what you think
time to grow the fuck up OP

>> No.12868167

Just being observant. I see it, I say it.

>> No.12868190

no it's not an observation
it's wishful thinking coming from a very immature point of view

>> No.12868194

why does it feel like a shill or ai typed this

>> No.12868212

OP is right, I see it a lot. I saw acre of it when I was with certain girls. I would get theater tickets, clothing, discounts, all sortsa shit. As long as I was directing the game, granted intelligence seems to take the day off a lot, but what i'm saying?

it's true. Beauty is POWER, and as we all know? Power CORRUPTS.

Some of these ppl have been sliding through they entire lives on looks! They're so empty, so entitled, so ultimately BOOORRRRINGG. They're risk averse like the worst /fa/ autist. Don't aspire to that.

>> No.12868228

who is this?

>> No.12868238


>> No.12868347
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No. I see it. Year after year, the same type of people are special. Free passes, golden tickets, lucky charms...They have everything.

>> No.12868360

they don't have you anon! you see right through them. you're not average... you are special ;^)

>> No.12868366

And you are cynical and defeated.

You can hijack that, I don't care how tall you are or what. You can harness that golden ticket. I gotten into more private parties and clubs and shit than I can count. I'm not pretty or super handsome. I'm interesting and a conversationalist. Enough.

>> No.12868407


It will fade. Ugly people have more incentive to develop yourself.

>> No.12868412

YESSS! And as a man, your market value is gonna rise while the beautiful pass their little primes and realize they are incapable of shit.

>> No.12868413
File: 310 KB, 800x1217, Pretty-girls-with-long-hair-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your method, and it works (with effort).

The hotties don't have to try. There's a difference. ;)

>> No.12868458

Not trying or having to means that whatever is achieved is hollow and meaningless.

>> No.12868507
File: 125 KB, 888x1280, tumblr_mju7xej8p41rj1um2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opportunities are always available. Resources are abundant. Effortless and easy.

>> No.12868534

jokes on you, I'm handsome but didn't realize it until I was already interesting and a conversationalist.

>> No.12868543

You aint got shit on me, trust. Not in height, social, bone structure, proportions, weight, money or skill sets.

But I was once an ugly duckling. For most of HS and before.

Well put.

>> No.12868551

Obviously being beautiful is better than being ugly or average, but you are not handed liberally everything on a plate. If you don't have the right connections then you won't get to the real power.
Also most highly attractive people are viewed and contained as sex objects only.
And ofc haters will make life difficult for them if they interact.

>> No.12868556

ok i trust

>> No.12868562

VERY TRUE. Nobody takes them serious. I don't. unless proven wrong. Connects are EVERYTHING.

I'm jpshin you, holmes. I'm pretty sure we both rock shit in every department.

>> No.12868570

whats this mean

>> No.12868575

>tfw ugly and shit personality

>> No.12868585

They hit 45, lose their looks, people see past them and they are eventually about as equipped for life as a 10 year old.

>> No.12868588

Stop blaming every failure in your life on looks. There is way more to it than just looking good

>> No.12868710

your insecurities are visible from two miles away

>> No.12868714

>People in the thread actually judging others for looks and blaming them for their defects instead of working themselves to solve them for being a normal human being

>> No.12868718
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No faggot, yours are. I figured out the game. You threw shade. Go suck a hobo.

>> No.12868735

>no YOU!
>edgy reply
>meem image
>projecting at it's finest

>> No.12868736
File: 77 KB, 634x909, 4300AB8500000578-4764558-Her_pooches_During_the_debacle_Australian_politician_Barnaby_Joy-a-28_1501983270329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see their power. They have resources around them at all times. Their logic: "someone says no to me? I'll get 10 people that say yes instead".

So naive to think hard work is the ONLY way. This thread is to acknowledge that the good looking people have it much much easier than others.

They seem a lot smarter than the movie portrayal of them. With their experience, they know. They know how to get what they want. It's their game.

And I envy that. I want that one day.

>> No.12868747

jesus christ you write like one of those fucked in the head facebook moms, take a hard look at yourself, youre fucked in the head

>> No.12868753

keep quiet, beta

>> No.12868755

You're an IRL pussy and a second stringer, get used to it.

>> No.12868801

yep, still at it

>> No.12868802

I remember in high school it seemed to be the case that the best looking girls were also some of the nicest, generally.

The ugly or autismo girls were indeterminate levels of nice because they were quiet and kept to themselves. From the outside you could have believed they were snobs.

The bitches of the school were generally the lower-middle looking girls. They were "in the game" but ugly enough to be insecure and/or bitter.

I only remember one "mean girls" girl that was both attractive and a massive cunt. But the thing about her was she was white trash and probably being molested and/or had personality issues.

>> No.12868836

whatever i just hope you get to realize how much of a wimp you are sometime, then maybe youd start to change

>> No.12868864
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Looks don't matter when the Taser hits home.

>> No.12868946
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Live in NYC? You can judge my wimp status in person.

>> No.12868949


>> No.12869470
File: 37 KB, 640x960, i8NIOF9_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone gets old, true, but the good looking people get older LATER than everyone else.

>> No.12869603
File: 28 KB, 720x406, 15326434_1262133113845364_5742454916588196783_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't matter if I got the cash, the land and the education, plus a basic understanding of fuckwit psychology and a loosely defined ethical platform wherein fading goddesses from last decade get regular deliveries of reassurance, false hope and tube steak

>> No.12869803
File: 40 KB, 640x928, 7u0qaWI_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False hope?
They're always happy. They don't care about hope.

>> No.12870366
File: 64 KB, 640x810, sIuctdk_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Envy isn't blame. More like admiration towards them. And I don't fail, I succeed.

>> No.12870517


Former ugly teenage here turned hot adult, none of this is true. The only thing is that people (both genders) flirt harder and talk to you more, but then if you're like me and super picky about who you stick your dick in then it truly amounts to nothing.

>> No.12870518


>> No.12870531
File: 35 KB, 640x640, JU8kJlG_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't go to the right places to fully enjoy your gift.

Because you're not in the "club", you don't know.

>> No.12870546


What are those places anon? I'm turning 30 in a few months, I've lived a fairly eventful life and I don't think I've missed out on much. I mean, I politely skipped out on the hard drugs and gay sex but I've got everything else checked off.

>> No.12870592
File: 37 KB, 640x962, KlmkTpi_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't get out enough. You'll know you're in the right place when people are throwing happiness and joy at you...And more invitations to come back...And gifts of all sorts of goodies...

>> No.12870711
File: 14 KB, 640x670, c36f3JA_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing through them doesn't give me any advantage, unfortunately. My envy grows, and so does my motivation to become one of them.

>> No.12870723
File: 62 KB, 1133x696, cruel-intentions-starring-ryan-phillippe-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of the advantage they have. They go somewhere they can be seen, EFFORTLESSLY drawing people to stare and approach them.

Ugly people can grow in many ways, but we are visual creatures.

In the end, you know exactly who comes out on top. ;)