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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 159 KB, 960x640, alt-right-uniform-polos-khakis-main-960x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12856887 No.12856887 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.12856894

Probably because Polos and Khakis represent order and social norms. A clear reaction to the punk-eccentricism of the far left.

>> No.12856901
File: 40 KB, 510x525, MjCfO84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty much this. Khakis and polos were chosen because they're just normie, clean-cut basic bitch stuff.

They want to communicate to you that they're just normal guys. They have a term for the skinhead look "Hollywood Nazi."

>> No.12856904

Probably because they're all cell phone kiosk types working on their business degrees.

Ah yes, the order of a dead end job.

>> No.12856929

You understand that even if these guys were all rich, fit and /fa/ dressing up would go against the whole purpose of the normie pleb outfit, right?

>> No.12856932

Also, would you wear your best outfits to an event where you can expect to get hosed with pepper spray, spat on, covered in HIV+ blood etc.

>> No.12856934

There's something to be said for looking presentable at a protest. Regardless of what you're protesting, someone will probably generalize your side as "a bunch of violent _____ people" with some heavy implications that everyone involved is lower class. I've seen lots of groups of doctors in their scrubs and researchers in their lab coats with goggles on their heads, and while protesting in a suit and tie has fallen out of fashion, I think the presentability of civil rights leaders like MLK Jr. was a good thing for the movement.

Ironically, the Charlottesville protestors managed to fail miserably at actually looking put together, despite adapting this uniform of white, middle class put-together-ness. Goes to show that fit is always most important.

The article said most of the rest of my thoughts.

>> No.12856948

Alt-right is more working-class. Unless you mean "American Middle-Class" where you're middle-class because you have a minimum wage job, lel.

>> No.12856962
File: 20 KB, 600x315, 5c5d862c0c10da4dc95bf893466c06a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire article about how the evil alt right conspiracy's official uniform is white polo shirt and khakis to infiltrate the mainstream
>can only find one single actual picture of this, some douche wearing a white buttonup, and a screenshot from a movie that doesnt even have the type of fashion being described
>has to fill in the space using pictures of the stereotypical neonazi that isnt wearing these and of course a still from a Trump speech where he happens to be making a silly expression

Am I supposed to be surprised that people are wearing an incredibly generic and typical choice of clothing? Woah. Popular shit is popular! Neo nazis are supposed to wear all black and leather and skulls and fucking stahlhelms and shit, why are they dressing the way most people dress?! They should dye their hair rainbow and wear teardrop glasses

This article is retarded

>> No.12856966

They idea was to look respectable. Unfortunately, the alt-right is super normie, so their idea of respectability is "part-time mall job" or "pledge week with the frat." None of them dress respectably, and that's the whole point.

>> No.12856973

>Alt-right is more working-class.
It's more edgy college republican than anything. Sure, they've got the working-class vote locked down, but the faces of the movement aren't working class.

>> No.12856981
File: 400 KB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20171023-212044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypebeast is the superior streetmeme site. Less politics and more interesting shit.

>> No.12856984

The faces aren't, no. But Richard Spencer does not reflect who is in the rank and file.
Polo and khakis is respectable to normies without being alienating. If they could manage to get hundreds or thousands of men in well-fitting suits that would be alienating. The normie would not see these guys as one of them.

>> No.12856997 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1024x683, 1503151807980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alt righters are just disgu-

>> No.12857003
File: 63 KB, 394x379, sir-oswald-mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want the alt-right to embrace the turtleneck for fall. It looks so cool, imo.

>> No.12857014

I don't Mosleycore works without low body fat.

>> No.12857015

The alt right is pretty working class but it desperately wants to be taken seriously as middle class, hence the polo and khakis.

>> No.12857028

>still have my white fencing jacket from high school
Should I dye it black and go full Mosley?

>> No.12857045
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, 439866212_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the white polo and khaki thing is specifically a TRS/Identity Europa thing, I think its fine as a uniform, and I know they do volunteer work in it.

I personally prefer veilance, prada sport, lemaire, and other fashiony minimal stuff to kind of Alt-Right field uniforms.

>> No.12857063

polos khakis are also a signature of the prep/frat boy identity. and because most modern alt right are higher educated it reflects that.

>> No.12857118

I'm not a fan of the white polo/khaki thing, reminds me of bad salesman. Plus any gut that isn't a 6 pack looks twice as bad in white. Can you dump some Inspo from the labels you mentioned?

>> No.12857215
File: 551 KB, 2048x1365, Haven-Arcteryx-Veilance-Editorial-4-2048x1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I told some of my IE buddies and ppl I know from TRS that if they were going to do the whole White Polo/Khaki thing...mind you this was back before Trumps Inauguration...that they needed to get a uniform fit, from the same supplier/brand. They also needed to tailor stuff to make sure it fit well. I offered to do some consulting on clothing optics but they didn't seem to interested. What you ended up getting were a lot of out of shape guys wearing Marshalls or Walmart brand khakis with a polo or overally tactical 5.11 type stuff.

Will post a few inspo photos.

>> No.12857218
File: 26 KB, 600x793, Lemaire-Kaftan-Coat-20170913104104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12857223
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>> No.12857224

I'd rather wear tacticool 5.11 gear than this trash

>> No.12857225
File: 91 KB, 1080x720, 1506436566632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern alt right are higher educated it reflects that


>> No.12857227
File: 51 KB, 432x1407, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this thread is up tomorrow ill post some actual inspo

>> No.12857228

ok then lol thats fine, ill look good over here in my veilance and prada in pursuit of aesthetics

>> No.12857232
File: 106 KB, 993x882, 1508395745600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt right are cringey suburban white losers who think sucking rich white chad dick makes them rich white chads they pathetically emulate their style even though they act against their interests and would probably be disgusted to be associated with such losers

>> No.12857233

yeah you're going to be looking really great with your dumpster diver aesthetic, you should make tons of friends from people asking if they can buy meth from you

>> No.12857236

The article was just some jackoff pseudo-journalist running at the mouth. The notion that skinheads aren't racist is 100% ignorant. I know and have known an awful lot of skins, ranging from the currently quite young all the way to guys in their fifties who were second or third generation skins beginning in the early eighties. I've also met two elderly ones who began in the very late fifties. All of them without exception are racist toward blacks. They all listen to black music, as does virtually everyone on planet earth, but they talk plenty of racist shit when they're with themselves and friends. You see, they're convinced that political correctness is the ultimate form of cool, and so they put up that front, but behind closed doors the talk inevitably degenerates to discussing the relative merits of having at least one "nigger" in your band for appearances sake alone. Some of the northern soul-oriented, shitty Commitments-esque bands blatantly discuss having a "nigger" chick for cred's sake, but repeatedly laugh and bemoan how would NEVER in a million years have a black dude in their band, etcetera, etcetera. Skins are just lame fucking children, regardless of their age. The grubbiest hippie has a million times more dignity and character than any skinhead does, and THAT'S saying something!

As far as white polos and khakis are concerned, right-wingers have always valued and placed an emphasis on a clean-cut appearance. It's just that simple.

>> No.12857237

>traditionally more right-leaning people tend to not have sex in their teens
really activates the ol' almonds

>> No.12857244

>he thinks the alt right are the hollywood nazi types who do meth

wow haha, no wonder you people cant seem to understand why we grow in numbers everyday

>> No.12857245

>tfw we are the rich white chads

western civ is mine paco stay assmad go wear your fake yeezys in mexico city

>> No.12857250
File: 62 KB, 1280x474, neverpopularvote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow in numbers
>lost popular vote
>low approval rating
>get fired and stomped on each day

daily reminder the intelligent level headed majority of this country is liberal

I'm glad that by voting trump all you have achieved is that white males will never be seen as the good guys ever again.

>> No.12857251
File: 465 KB, 1000x1050, 0c6a427cc345429fe3bd0ae2f572e4b1e9d797de41e27360ee7a3fa45b447819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole alt right """"""""""movement""""""""" is just white male losers wanting to bring back racism and sexism because white women (or anyone else for that matter) wouldn't pick them otherwise

>> No.12857260

t. white male

>> No.12857267

>and because most modern alt right are higher educated it reflects that.
Prove it. Their clothes tell a different story.

>> No.12857288

because the alt right is full of and lead by preppy white college students and intellectuals. they same chad douche bags who made fun of you in middle school for wearing skinny jeans now make fun of you for being jewish

>> No.12857297

polos have been a part of skinhead fashion forever, going back to when skinhead wasn't a synonym for nazi and they pretty often had leftist sensibilities. skinhead fashion was pretty much just a mash of cleancut shit and workwear, so it worked pretty well for that purpose.
racists then became drawn to the skinhead movement and slowly took it over while keeping the look for themselves because obv right wingers generally like cleancut preppy fashion in the first place and it wasn't a far cry from that.
the actual skinhead subculture has pretty much evaporated in the modern age and is only old people and edgy kids, but the polo part of their fashion remains, mostly black and gold fred perry shirts which i think were adopted by proud boys.
the more workwear inspired parts have more or less been phased out by office worker tier clothing because the modern far right is pretty bad at the whole dressing well thing but desperately wants to be seen as "classy," so the khakis are probably a weird attempt to look more upscale.

>> No.12857300

This is a "you're close, but you're WAY OFF" sort of opinion.
White people have either been deliberately "hacked" so they stop breeding like they should or it just coincidentally happened but contemporary politics is in the way of that being corrected.
A big part of this is that white women delay reproduction and refuse to marry. It's not that they're all dating outside their race, though.
It's that they're all trying to get high status white men that they are not attractive enough to stand a chance with.
If white people had a healthy birth rate all the other problems probably would not exist or be severe enough to have created the Alt Right.

>> No.12857302


the elite don't give a fuck about you trailer racists

trailer racists just think wearing po-low ralf lowren will make them into white elite

>> No.12857308

You frame it that way because you can't conceive of doing anything unrelated to status climbing.

>> No.12857429

These are great, much better than tacticool

>> No.12857457

>s-stop looking good! >_<
The Alt-Left is pathetic

>> No.12857529

damn mosley flyest motherfucker of previous century

>> No.12857535

>most modern alt right are higher educated
o i am laffin

>> No.12857554

This. Lmao.

People are literally living in a personal bubble it seems.

>> No.12857563
File: 55 KB, 620x526, IMG_9586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of faggots in this thread

>> No.12857565

We're not in such a polarising time that style links that much with politics. The only political 'uniforms' where I live are either:

1) Prep (specifically chino shorts and boat shoes) for ordinary conservatives and centrists


2) Doc Martens and unnaturally coloured/bleached hair for the far left

The skinhead aesthetic is pretty rare and almost exclusively worn by the ultra-fringe neo-nazi groups that haven't figured out how to relate to popular far-right movements and to those not yet convinced of nazism or by far-left SHARP skinheads who dress basically the same but wear a ton of left-wing, anti-racist patches/t-shirts/etc. in the hope that people don't think they look like nazis

Honestly everyone I know who dresses like this is a communist.

>> No.12857567
File: 768 KB, 1040x579, IMG_9585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly don't understand the alt right, so you go with the strawman given to you by the media. Pathetic!

>> No.12857573
File: 220 KB, 1113x1200, polirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w-why are you laughing

>> No.12857575
File: 41 KB, 460x273, IMG_9592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last few days 11 bombs have gone off in Sweden and your media has told you nothing of it.

You can't stop us. Fighting against us means fighting against your people.

>> No.12857577
File: 54 KB, 460x324, IMG_9589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have Jews in our movement. Nice try, wrong flag, faggot.

>> No.12857580
File: 52 KB, 640x430, IMG_9587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the state of young men today, it's no surprise nationalism is growing and growing across Europe - and for all their trillions of dollars, Antifa and the state can't do anything to stop us

>> No.12857586
File: 113 KB, 1200x687, IMG_9590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future. We're taking it back. With men like these in our ranks, we don't need the entire power of universities, corporate H.R. Departments and the media, unlike leftists

>> No.12857588

Cristophe Lemaire as a person is quite far from your ideals..

>> No.12857590


>> No.12857594
File: 438 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_9577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, smoothbrain.

>> No.12857602
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 1505804480774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what /pol/ actually looks like

>> No.12857604


These are kekistanis, not alt right.

>> No.12857607
File: 286 KB, 900x1200, 1503774767904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12857609
File: 268 KB, 960x652, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12857611
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>> No.12857613
File: 929 KB, 2452x2839, 1488115899097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of /pol/ isn't even white lmao

chances are that /pol/ shitposter is just a retarded memer nonwhite kid

>> No.12857620
File: 90 KB, 721x713, IMG_9504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12857622
File: 106 KB, 800x792, IMG_9501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of strawmanning in this thread

You people are really afraid of the Alt Right, aren't you? It's hilarious

Can anyone link me a video where a centrist or leftist actually debates someone like Mike Enoch? So far I haven't seen a single one, and Enoch constantly invites people to challenge him.

>> No.12857632

oh wow you totally got me there, what a witty picture

>> No.12857791

i'm thinking i'm glad i unliked highsnob.
they really turned to shit

>> No.12857863

NSM isn't alt-right
These are just low iq trailer plebs who will be in the gas chamber as soon as we gain power

>> No.12857875

It's threads like these that solidify the fact that /fa/ is in fact the most underage and most minority board on this website.

>> No.12857929
File: 117 KB, 800x1200, Meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12857932

sounds like the alt-right to me

>> No.12857985
File: 107 KB, 300x300, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the alt-right

>> No.12857996
File: 83 KB, 527x545, IMG_6447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Dalai Lama a Tibetan Supremacist Neo Nazi?

>> No.12858002
File: 82 KB, 965x579, 5334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also

>> No.12858089

just a realist

>> No.12858097
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-as-far-as-social-economic-theory-is-concerned-i-am-still-a-marxist-dalai-lama-84-31-78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.12858114

Tfw I have bleached hair and Docs but I'm also a natsoc. Rip.

>> No.12858116
File: 59 KB, 371x378, IMG_9622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realise old school Socialists from the 1930s would agree with the Alt Right?
Unlimited immigration from third world nations, especially ones where the locals don't pay their taxes and sit around unemployed or do gang shit, leads to complete subjugation of the worker and breakdown of the state support.

t.grandparents were Marxist professors

>> No.12858118

>alrighters aren't degenerate

makes me think

>> No.12858132

Is it true that Marx wanted to genociede cerataain lesser races?

>> No.12858164

Yeah they would have pepes instead of hammers and sickles. Kek bro xxD!!!

>> No.12858169

Yeah some american old cunts maybe. Read Stalin, kid.

>> No.12858178
File: 29 KB, 564x496, IMG_9627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahaha, I really hope you don't want to repeat Stalin's rule

Name one alt right figurehead that has called for genocide of anyone

Confirmed for not knowing what Socialism is

American education and politics, lol. Come to Europe and learn about true socialism and nationalism. Fuggin teenagers

>> No.12858181

>recommending Joseph "imperialism under the guise of anti-imperialism" Stalin

>> No.12858188

me too, do people really think I'm a leftist?

>> No.12858191

Better idea, don't read Stalin as per the request here >>12858169. Instead, read Marx and Trotsky. Then read Gramsci and Althusser and all their spiritual progeny. Hebdige, Hall, Haraway, Spivak, and (of course) Zizek are all worth the time, at least.

>> No.12858196
File: 59 KB, 418x474, IMG_9625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alt right has moved on from Pepe after trump won, then revealed himself to be another shabbos goy. Keep imagining white nationalists as Milo and T_D fans or something, you're out of touch bud!

Between you and that fag praising Stalin, it's painfully obvious that the average alt righter understands leftism far more than you understand huwhite nationalism. I bet you think Socialism is a left wing ideology too

>> No.12858199

lol dems and shitlibs cant get any funding and their coalition of the ascendant is falling apart. They dont have enough brown and black voter turn out and desperately need white voters to lead the party. Schumer and Pelosi know this and are trying to walk their nonwhite pets back, but its too late. Everytime a shitlib, jew, or non white doubles down on anti-white rhetoric, which is everyday, we get more and more white people. White identitarianism is the future, brown bused in voters to vote for Neo Liberal Globalists, is not.

Keep pushing whites into a corner, plesse. Everytime you insult us and scoff at us, we gain more power.

I dont think anyone in fashion is inline with white identitarianism, I merely don't care and will appropriate their aesthetics as I see fit.

>> No.12858202

Political ideology is nothing more than a fashion accessory, do not judge it by its soundness or by its practical results, judge it by how ahead of the curve and stylish it is.

Or rather, stop pretending that it's not what you're already doing.

>> No.12858216

Fashion, writ large, is a function of politics; from supply chains to aesthetics, all of these things are politicized.

>> No.12858222
File: 22 KB, 400x473, IMG_9619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao! We got a big brain nibba over here. Trotskyists should absolutely be purged.

Listen here bud, you and I both share a similar sadness for the commoditisation and breakdown and rape of everything sacred. But corporatocracy has ran its course, and all your modern leftist allies are engaged in is beating the rotten corpse of pride, nationalism, gender roles etc. Whatever macabre version of communism your peers want to resurrect will not be born out of a higher pursuit of virtues, because the very building blocks of desire for virtue have been completely eroded - the majority of modern communists literally just want no more responsibility and free shit, they have no connection to the pursuit and desire to escape from the destruction wrought by corportocracy and the mindless church of egalitarianism that your beloved writers and the workers movements of the 30s have. Modern communists are hollow men, just as hollow as you think the average Trump supporter is.

There's nothing to be done but to ride the tiger. You're trying to build something with rotten timber. Only a breakdown, a catastrophy, a global crash and halt, and a recconection with the value of striving for virtue and the ethereal will reset us. Otherwise, any communist movement will literally be predicated on getting free Game of Thrones episodes and not having to pay for adult fun time at university. Completely soulless bugmanites will be the new NKVD.

I'll read some of the names you gave, if you read Evola and Mein Kampf without reading some snarky spark notes version. Know your enemy. The Communists and the National Socialists both wanted to elevate their people to a higher destiny than our current soul crushing consumption and blind egalitarianism.

>> No.12858225

quality post blessed with trips

>> No.12858232

And here I thought my parenthetical would have been enough to make clear my memester purpose naming Zizek. Ah well.

That said, I named the writers I did because they are either important to understanding the impetus for Marxism or because they were writing after the revolution didn't happen as a way of explaining why it didn't. Gramsci, Althusser, and their progeny aren't writing about how to make a communist state. Instead, they're writing about how and why certain ideologies (typically capitalist ideologies) become embedded and naturalized, and I think calling them "communist" is incorrect (and calling me one or allying me with other communists is absolutely incorrect).

And, btw, I've read Mein Kampf. I'll look into Evola.

>> No.12858234
File: 51 KB, 328x362, IMG_9620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you :)

>> No.12858243

I think it´s all about appearing "supperior" as a message to the people you feel to be "inferior" and that happens pretty quick considering not many stoners, SJWs and other vermin walk around in brand shirts EXPLICITELY known to be expensive.
The whole selling point of a Fred Perry or Lacoste or whatever is that it´s fashionable cause it´s pricey.
It´s always been a little mental stepping stone for people to talk to others that are clearly more wealthy/beatiful/strong etc.
It also may be an easier way to clearly fall out of norms that are said about the "inferior" people you don´t like.
No one will think you´re a worth for nothing stoner with stupid left motives having a good haircut and a nice clean shirt of an expensive brand.
You don´t see many 40 year old white lawyers with dreadlocks and bandshirts, even though they are politically divided like the rest of all people.

>> No.12858257

well, when you walk around town telling women
you´re "alt-right" you are a fucking moron.
God damn idiots watch way too much YouTube.

>> No.12858259
File: 843 KB, 1920x1080, 1491788136688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to start a company that caters to right wing America and will entice the masses to right wing thought through employing powerful aesthetics.

You will all see

>> No.12858261
File: 83 KB, 662x564, IMG_9626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Evola is slated because he writes about Tradition, and some people are just fundamentally incapable of entertaining what this immaterial concept is. A mark of intelligence is being able to entertain an idea without believing in it, so I reccomend you Ride the Tiger. His better works are Men amongst the Ruins, but his more esoteric work is still being translated.

He's very very influential to the Alt Right, whether most of them realise it or not.

Alright, I'll look into these people. You're reasonable, so can you answer this - so many Marxists have expressed animosity towards European peoples, their nature and their tradition, whilst also being wholely in love with Judaism - many Marxists and proponents of such are Jews, who whether they believe in Israel or not, express loyalty to their diaspora and a love of their history and people - and their history and people is absolutely full of the Talmudic desire for the Goyim to lose their identity and become the servile Golem. This makes me very very suspicious and angry with the Marxists, because it seems that all they do is erode European Traditionalism, which is not what has birthed rampant capitalism. The soviet Union's original leadership was consisted of 19/24 Jews, the rest married or relate to Jews - how do they represent the Russian Worker? It's almost a dream come true for anyone following the Talmud, a subservient Golem proletariat kept in check by the (again, overwhelmingly Jewish) NKVD.

What's the deal with that? How can you trust these people to have your interests at heart? They seem to hate European tradition, and their insurrection and worldview leads to a situation Solzhenitsyn described in 200 years together - Jewish domination of the Russian Goyim. What the fuck man? I don't trust like that.

>> No.12858272

>A site literally called "hypebeast" is the best street wear site

Where did we go so wrong

>> No.12858280

Polos are stupid though. Nothing beats normal t-shirts.

>> No.12858288

I don't have a good answer to your question, at the moment; and honestly it doesn't appear (currently) that any answer I could give would be satisfactory for you. That said, do you have any examples of what you're talking about from primary sources? I can at least work toward an answer for some other time.

However, I don't want to just shrug off your post, so let's see what I can do. Marxism is antagonistic to tradition inasmuch as "tradition" is analogous to "the capitalist state," its processes, products, and ideologies (as an aside, I don't know that I would call tradition "immaterial." It strikes me that tradition carries what Bourdieu would call considerable cultural capital).

Beyond that, I don't know that I can speak to the religious thought that undergirds the work every Marxist writer, but after a quick perusal of the names I provided, I don't think I named a single Jew; and even if I were to concede to your assertion that the Jewish tradition is a monolith bent on the subjugation of non-Jews (I've read just enough to safely assume we could cherry pick primary sources for days on this point), I don't see the connection between Jewish writing and Marxist writing you're making in the literature (and certainly not in the literature I suggested). My assumption is that you've read secondary sources that make these assertions, so I might suggest you take your own advice and read some of the writers I suggested without pithy annotations from your favorite commentators.

>> No.12858312

that's a very hip and trendy ideology you've got there

>> No.12858423

I'm following your conversation with great interest, anon, but I have two questions. First, when you mention Evola, in what sense are you using the word Tradition? Could you define the word? And second, can you please tell me which is the best Solzhenitsyn title that deals with the subject of the Jewish domination of Russians?

>> No.12858428
File: 267 KB, 620x368, this_is_england_film_cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty shit taste desu senpai

>> No.12858460

It's neither hip nor trendy. It's been recognized fact for at least a century. It's what /fa/ calls "a classic."

>> No.12858570
File: 1.28 MB, 502x664, 1504900906943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish more would wear casual suits, polos and khakis just way too plain and boring, doesn't matter how /fit/ or /fat/ you are you'll look like shit, suits are hyper masculine and are the best aesthetics for voicing your revolt against the modern world in all the right ways, see: Reviewbrah, Jonathan Bowden, dicky spenc

>> No.12858663

>The fashionistic embodiment of modern capitalism is a revolt against modern capitalism
Lmao ur a dum dum

>> No.12858686

they aren't revolting against capitalism, they fucking love capitalism.

>> No.12858709

Modernity is a post ww2 thing laddo, suits were around before, it can be re-appropriated

fascist hate capitalist

no wonder /fa/ is the most shitlibby board, ppl are super misinformed on basic shit here

>> No.12858798

>fascist hate capitalist
it's just rethoric. they had policies that seemed like something social democrats would do, and did after ww2, but in essence all the great industrialists supported the italian fascist government and the german nazi government and used slave labour. the real enemy of the capitalists were the socialists and communists, not fascists. henry ford for example had a huge boner for hitler

>> No.12858799
File: 98 KB, 1320x880, IMG_5485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if you're still checking this thread, but Lemaire, even if he is a raging Pro-EU open borders liberal...there is something very Anti-Modern and Traditionalist about this excerpt form a Grailed article on him.

>But even with years of experience and involved roles at successful French brands, Lemaire felt a disconnect. The fashion world, as he saw it, was becoming too conceptual, too grandiose and too divorced from reality. What appealed to him was real, everyday, functional style—the kinds of clothes that he saw good-looking Parisians wearing for their daily routines, rather than what models wore in highly-produced runway shows. He decided to bridge that gap himself by starting his own eponymous label, beginning with a line of womenswear in 1991. Despite his young age and only a modest level of experience, Lemaire saw a small degree of success—particularly in Japan (he worked on a collaboration with Wrangler Japan during this period).

>> No.12858805

Then why did Warburg and Schiff fund the bolsheviks :thinking:

The end state of socialism and communism is a paradise for the International (emphasis on international) capitalist, desu. Central planned economy mmmm yummy.

>> No.12858842

That's an easy one. Not all capitalists think alike; since the raison d'être of a capitalist is to accumulate capital, they'll support whomever strikes them as likely to benefit that goal.

However, beyond that tangent, the alt-right at other contemporaneous movements who, in part, fetishize fascist movements of old are capitalists at heart.

>> No.12858863

Not him but you can only really understand Julius Evola's Tradition if you read his work. He's right, Ride the Tiger is such an important book and principle, it's really old as well - it comes from the Minoan concept of riding a bull until it gets tired, then killing it and winning. I see that as the only way out
>which Solzhenitsyn
He said it, 200 Years Together. Might be hard to find in English, it's not distributed because it's labelled "his antisemitic ramblings when he went senile" despite everything in it being corroborated by KGB historians. He just turned into a bad goy before he died

>> No.12858864

Wrong, a lot of alt right people support reasonable Socialism, free market socialism or corporatisation. That's not free market capitalism. However the Alt Right largely deals with social and demographic issues, believing that currently the first world can very easily support and cater for its citizens so autistic arguing over economics is not the primary issue

>> No.12858877
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I won't disagree really, a lot of them come from libertarian backgrounds, and prefer some form of capitalism. Yet, they believe only whites or asians or higher IQ individuals are capable of having socialist societies.

I will also add that Communist in their modern incarnation, seem to be tools for international capital only being activated to agitate for open borders or immigrant related issues.


Here is a good example lol, even though NYT or this writer isn't explicitly communist/antifa...I think you can get the picture there is something very wrong when they say "CEO's speaking truth to power"

>> No.12858896

This is pretty accurate for the average Alt Right supporter. Obviously smarter and better educated individuals go into greater nuance, but most Alt Right dudes have jobs or family that mean they can't read the full extent of political literature

Bretty accurate, 8/10

>> No.12858908

what if you turn alt right after losing virginity? problem solved

>> No.12858941
File: 14 KB, 480x360, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks on both counts, anon. I have to say, one of the most very, VERY effective ways to get me to pay full attention and to read a book from cover-to-cover, is to ban it. I haven't given up entirely yet on finding a physical copy in English, but you're right that it's going to be difficult or impossible. However, the full text can be found at Internet Archive dot org, and there's also a PDF available:



>> No.12858945

Are those teeth, /fa/?

>> No.12859083
File: 3.44 MB, 3024x4032, 20171015_150327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bodybuilding listed twice
other than that good image. although personally i'm quite fond of modernist architecture

>> No.12859090

Polos and khakis are what white people associate with professionalism but also comfort (more so than a suit). They're not in a business setting, so they wouldn't wear a suit but they still want to be taken seriously.

>> No.12859125
File: 198 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_9273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not. A lot of architects were commissioned by Jews, especially in the height of modernism, to build faceless, identitiless buildings to make the Semites feel less alienated by traditional European architecture, and to conform with the Jewish distaste for European aesthetics and figurative beauty (just like Muslims disdain depictions of the prophet). Case in point: Jew nest of New York. Once you learn the extent of this it sours all but the most creative and evocative of modern architecture.

In parts of Poland, when an old building becomes unsafe, they demolish it and reconstruct something in a similar traditional style.

>> No.12859138

Its that anglosaxon aesthetic. you won't find this fashion aesthetic in germany or poland but you will find it in australia, usa, canada, england, south africa etc. specifically the tucked in polo/ sunday church aesthetic is the ideal in my opinion. theres also yacht club aesthetic (popular in sydney where I am from).
this guy is close to the ideal wasp aesthetic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN5DL9LvtfM

>> No.12859149
File: 511 KB, 947x669, 1484667268516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300 pig with a jewish ex-wife who complains about jewish influence in pop culture
Gee I wonder why no one has debated this intellectual giant

>> No.12859155
File: 56 KB, 928x522, 360350_928x522_1ozoFz_vkzuBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems germanics everywhere prefer a more militaristic and uniform aesthetic. Of course these are also anti-american, anti-western and socialist in their beliefs and I suppose do not really fit the topic.

>> No.12859172
File: 55 KB, 800x450, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've collected all the hottest takes from this thread for your viewing pleasure

>I'll read some of the names you gave, if you read Evola and Mein Kampf without reading some snarky spark notes version. Know your enemy. The Communists and the National Socialists both wanted to elevate their people to a higher destiny than our current soul crushing consumption and blind egalitarianism.
>fascist hate capitalist
>The end state of socialism and communism is a paradise for the International (emphasis on international) capitalist
>free market socialism
>Keep pushing whites into a corner, plesse. Everytime you insult us and scoff at us, we gain more power.
>The future. We're taking it back. With men like these in our ranks, we don't need the entire power of universities, corporate H.R. Departments and the media, unlike leftists
>White people have either been deliberately "hacked"
>and because most modern alt right are higher educated it reflects that.

>> No.12859188

So it should be easy to dismantle his views. He's very popular and all over the news right now - seems like Leftists are scared to confront one of the figureheads of the one group they spend all their time whining about

>> No.12859192

Haha, I love this. Old Mike Enoch looks like such a goof, then he gets up on stage and systematically destroys his opponents. His transformation from fat goof to slightly less fat debating powerhouse is pretty choice tb h f a m

>> No.12859251


Enoch is based

thank you for the 4 (you)'s

>> No.12859264

I would punch the shit out of that nazi

>> No.12859267

God damn that man was a fucking /fa/ icon.

>> No.12859268

Probably because Drumpf wore it like once to go golfing, now all those neo-Nazi shitheads are copying the look because, guess what, they know he's a Nazi

>> No.12859270

>the same thing as /pol/
you have to go back

>> No.12859290

And I would merrily dissect a communist to find out what makes them so fucking deranged.


>> No.12859299

The idea that you should subscribe to the philosophical position an artist that you like is insane. Like you should hold the same thoughts as the guy doing autobody work on your car or the nurse drawing your lab samples.

Plus it's great to take memes that the Left constructs in art and judo them to a different purpose. Death of the author works both ways

>> No.12859309

They wear normal clothes because they are normal people.

Khakis and a white polo is also very European.

The Hollywood image only exists in a tiny percent of skinheads, commonly referred to as boneheads and all right leaning groups hate them.

That "article" was total BS by the way.

>> No.12859332

ok, so what is your argument? Autobody is a false equivalence, I used to work for an auto body shop lol.

My commentary on Lemaire being more traditionalist for opting for more traditional and approachable styles VS more post-modern and hard to understand styles isn't wrong.

You just sound upset and irrational.

>> No.12859351

W2C jacket?

>> No.12859355

Not him, but care to refute it?

>> No.12859373
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>> No.12859375

why do you faggots argue about politics on the internet? nobody cares. go do something productive with your pathetic lives

>> No.12859559
File: 533 KB, 1536x2048, Your Typical Republicuck Numale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12859565

most of these alt right guys are nerds but to try and paint them as trailer trash is laughable

you're about 30 years late on that stereotype

>> No.12859569

its true. the alt-right can be boiled down to nerds larping as chad and failing miserably. what an embarrassment.

>> No.12859582

i mean yeah i guess you could frame it like that if it makes you feel better but im not sour enough

more like just average white guys from the suburbs reacting to a changing world. it was bound to happen eventually, i just hope no one gets hurt when its all said and done

>> No.12859585

you do know that mainstream conservatives aren't alt-right....right?

Most of them are veterans or college kids they are pretty explicit about keeping out the hollywood neo nazi types, but hey keep pretending they're just virgin losers if it helps you sleep at night. I went to a good UC in California and have a cushy tech job, and have been active in the movement.

t. former IE member

>> No.12859589

>cushy tech job
hello code monkey. i'm sorry girls were mean to you in school :^(.

>> No.12859595

6/one-half-dozen of the other at this point, since even your average conservative gargles Milo's cock just as much as alt righters do.

>> No.12859599

Oh, I work in Corporate Finance, but its at a tech company.

I can't understand this post really, but the alt-right hates Milo because he is gay, loves niggers, and is jewish. His politics are shit too, he even defends the Iraq war.

all this strawmanning

>> No.12859607

6 = one half dozen

I'm saying there's no difference between your average conservative and an alt-righter, as they're all sipping from the same poisoned watering hole.

The only difference between Milo and Tomi is that Tomi has the pussy Milo wishes he was born with.

>> No.12859610

this there all sipping from the same racist water fountain of genocide

>> No.12859613

hello english speaker

>> No.12859628


Get a grip bro, you sound like you're about to splooge all over your keyboard.

Mosley and the Nazis as a whole we're most certainly NOT /fa/, they were merely well-dressed. There's a difference, and that difference involves mindset and character, among other factors. Anybody can wear a uniform that looks sharp, but that in and of itself means nothing. By the same token, SOME of the more unique Nazis were definitely what I would consider effay. I'm thinking of Hitler himself, as well as some of the more dignified and aristocratic industrialists he surrounded himself with, and lots of random individuals in the party leadership and elsewhere among the Germans. Most, though, were just shitheels wearing nicely designed uniforms and doing what they were told, and had zero say in anything they did or wore. We have to take people on an individual basis, and 99% of them are too vague to really tell one way or the other. But then consider an oddball like Otto Rahn, and anyone would have to agree that he was the absolute height and epitome of Nazi effay-ness. Same with everyone else in WWII. Vladimir Jabotinsky would have to be considered pretty damn effay, if one is honest, but that certainly doesn't mean every last Zionist was. Mosley sure as fuck wasn't, in my estimation. The only World War Two group that can be called effay in their entirety, would be the pilot aces from every side. Those guys were cool as fuck all around, without any exceptions.

>> No.12859637

marinetti was without a doubt the most /fa/ man to come out of the fascist movement. his ideas about art and culture still resonate to this day and a large portion of modern fashion is a direct descendant of his ideas, all sports wear and tech wear for example

>> No.12859643
File: 31 KB, 559x263, IMG_9372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fascism will rise again

>> No.12859649

Well, you've got good taste, but personally I'm quite taken with Rahn, for any number of reasons. The romance and mystery surrounding him appeals to me, and plus his writing, too. That being said, you might be right about Marinetti's ideas; I'm not familiar enough with him to say categorically

>> No.12859651
File: 51 KB, 460x391, 1497284826697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is fucking retarded.

>> No.12859658


>> No.12859675

>daily reminder the intelligent level headed majority of this country is liberal
You mean the niggers and wetbacks, right?
Liberal arts majors do not make up the popular vote, nor are they intelligent.
It's minorities voting for gibs

>> No.12859676
File: 1.99 MB, 448x252, 1508051764086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a misguided mess of ideas. The society they envision would be literally impossible, and a complete mess. It reminds me of kids playing pretend, and coming up with a fantasy world where they add on new things at random that don't really mesh with the already established world they've created in their minds. Also, the picture says that the Alt-Right "is born out of a desire to have a grassroots rightist movement that has no ties to corrupted "conservative" parties and movements that already exist. The Alt-Right exists to separate itself fully from mainstream conservatism, such as the UK Tory party, Canadian Conservatives, and especially the US Republican party."
The problem with that, is that the "Alt-Right" has been supporting those exact parties for a while now, especially the US Republicans and Trump. They seem like a group of indecisive, unfocused, not unified role players who are only doing this whole song and dance just so they can rebel against the mainstream.

but hey, at the end of the day that picture was probably made to be bait, so fuck it. it doesn't matter. none of this matters.

>> No.12859684

>reading comprehension

>> No.12859690

"A man who feels like a woman is a woman"
>Level headed
"OMG Drumpf is literally Hitler and going to cause WW3! IMPEACH!"
"Whites don't know what it's like to be poor"

>> No.12859702

That left fit is toptier

>> No.12859710
File: 314 KB, 1454x993, 1489691974844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>r/pol strawmen

get your head out of your echochamber holy shit

>> No.12859755

do you legitimately think this a well reasoned argument

>> No.12859782

It's literally stuff said by liberals.
The last one was said by goddamn Bernie Sanders

>> No.12859792

>gender is a social construct masculine and feminine traits have changed definitions throughout human history

>twitter tantrum orange prez trump! 4d chess! DADDY! keep enabling racist assholes!

>a white person can be poor but they're never poor because they are white.

>> No.12859796

The majority of poor people in white countries by (extremely) far are white you fucking moron.
And while feminine and masculine traits have changed over the years, nobody believed that a person with a penis could be a woman until the 2010's

>> No.12859798

>They want to communicate to you that they're just normal guys
no normal people see other races as lesser beings

>> No.12859804


just take Ben Sherman or Polo Ralph Lauren or something.

>> No.12859806

White nationalism != white supremacy.
Read, you pleb
White nationalism = whites should be able to have a homeland where they are the majority, just like every other race has

>> No.12859807

>hating other races and watching hentais

>> No.12859810

racist people usually don't really make it to the top. i rarely seen racists being white collared. even EDL is pretty much filled with drug addicts who beat up their wives and daughters.

both SJWs and the alt right are the immoral extremes of the society

>> No.12859812

wtf is that a nonwhite? how is he there and not being spat on by those violent racists who want his race extinct?

>> No.12859815

Why do liberals assume that if one race has a lower IQ than another race then we must genocide them?
Seriously, you guys scare me.
I just want immigration reform.

>> No.12859817

lol good luck. racism and the drive to succeed doesn't mix. also you must despise capitalism too right?

>> No.12859821
File: 24 KB, 600x600, IMG_9578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Most European governments and just about the majority of media groups are filled with Jews, many of whom express open animosity towards European culture

>> No.12859822

i'm not a liberal like what you think. i'm down there with milton friedman.

also what kind of immigration do you want? something that is not the reflection of what the majority of the citizens want? look, do a big survey, ask one simple question to ALL american whites: "do you want an exclusively white country?" if 51% of them say yes, then you can have your white country. but don't adopt anything from the nonwhite cultures, because the reason for america's success is the bests of the world coming in legally to compete and harden your people. you CAN'T have fun with our culture and be our friends. maybe europe can.

>> No.12859823

orange hitler disproves your theory

racism always wins

>> No.12859825

i'm not talking about governments though. i believe in a stateless free market society. and i didn't get that information from news, i don't watch TV.

>> No.12859830

Trump's victory has nothing to do with racism. capitalism just makes sense and he makes a lot of sense. only idiots hate him and idiots aren't many.

i'm a nonwhite and i support trump, goddammit. i believe in western culture and i'm ready to bury my culture behind, anytime. race doesn't matter to me and i don't have any connection with my country and my race and my culture. there IS such thing as superior culture that most of the world cater to, and it's healthy like that, because deep down we're all just consumers. we pick the best culture and country we can afford. because the world runs on individuals pursuing their self interest

>> No.12859834
File: 81 KB, 637x1014, IMG_9640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahaha, I'd been looking for that speech for a minute now
Dr Michael Enoch does it again

>> No.12859837

>hitler youth

>> No.12859881
File: 112 KB, 344x320, 1504943743279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western civ is mine paco stay assmad go wear your fake yeezys in mexico city


>> No.12859898

>being this delusional

whats next you'll be letting white guys bang your wife because you love their culture? cuckold fag i bet you're a spic or asian. those are the only races who are such cucks for white acceptance

>> No.12859906

well it's not your loss, as far as i'm concerned. also, i'm not gonna be married anyway.

also that's not how it works. whites who live in asia, do you think they think like that?

>> No.12859915

whites disrespect the asian culture when they are over seas. they see your people as below them and only go over their to fuck asian women you sad little cuckold

uncle tom white worshiping gook fuck

>> No.12859927

there are bad and good people everywhere.

>> No.12859937

if Hitler resurrected he would kill himself again the second he sees these american "nazis"

>> No.12859948

thats just the outfit Vanguard America chooses to wear not the entire "alt right" stupid lefty faggots

>> No.12860042
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>> No.12860048

i'm an ancap. also no one answered my question, so how come there's a nonwhite there? or is he spanish? italian? he seems brown to me. what were he shouting? "14/88 take back our white country !!" ?

>> No.12860053

I read this in Mike's voice

>> No.12860072


>> No.12860076
File: 107 KB, 1040x1055, 1508836668030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the alt right is one group of people

>> No.12860082

okay, so are there pro-nonwhites in the alt right movement?

i'm an minarchist and hell no i'm not part of yous. the alt right is pro-authoritarianism, i'm very not.

>> No.12860124

go public faster so we can stomp your dumb nazi ass

>> No.12860144

>stateless free market society
you're fucking kidding right?

>> No.12860165
File: 230 KB, 777x585, MUHROADS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm an minarchist
You sound like a fuddy duddy.. Like really.. What year are you living in?

>> No.12860173
File: 32 KB, 676x548, muhfreemark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell.....How do you not feel embarrassed typing this?

>Muh invisible hand of the free market will save us all
>I am such an individual

Sure you didn't get your views from the news.. You got them from the (((Koch))) brothers.

>> No.12860184

It's the staunch opposite to the """quirky""" way the far left likes to dress.

>> No.12860187

>The official morality written by the “neutral” government is always right.
>the power we give to the government is just
>unjust monopoly of a commodity will NOT create bad quality products, i promise! They can run on loyalty, i promise!

Government = immunity from failures and consequences. The bests of everything were created for the purpose of profit.

>> No.12860198

First.. When you say "I am an ancap" What you mean is "I have severe autism"

There are no non-whites in the photo that you are referring to. Spanish and Italians are white Europeans. Stop trying to act like there is a purity test. White people know who they are

>> No.12860201

kek, laughed whole way through

>> No.12860207

Trump supporters are a larger demographic than /pol/, and not everyone on /pol/ supports Trump, if even most people

>> No.12860210

THAt guy behind is a nonwhite.

Also, will you also say that Milton Friedman, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are all autists? Successful and great people are always pro capitalism

>> No.12860215
File: 175 KB, 764x482, ancaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bests of everything were created for the purpose of profit.

This is simply not true in the free market sense. Almost every technological advancement the last 100 years was created because of war and governments competing with each other. whether we talk about the internet, advancements in medicine or even space.

>The official morality written by the “neutral” government is always right.
Morality is dictated by social standards.

>the power we give to the government is just
Yes, It can be

>> No.12860226

I am not anti-capitalism.. I just don't believe in some imaginary invisible hand of the free market.

>> No.12860240

>Almost every technological advancement the last 100 years was created because of war and governments competing with each other

Still, it’s competitions. Governments don’t compete anymore, and there’s no reason to. I’m NOT your enemy. I can change sides anytime. We’re not animals. We have choices. I would hate the life that has no choices. Because what was dealt for me is not what i prefer. You’re lucky, i’m not. But i will have to change that. Only stupid people stays with inferiority.

>Morality is dictated by social standards
Exactly! So the people. And you can ask any white man on the street “do you want all white country?” Most will say no. If most says no, should the country be run on the decision of the minor voice?

>Yes, It can be
Microsoft monopolizes the computer market because they’re able to, because they deserve it. Government monopolizes railways and water etc etc because we just give it to them without them having to compete with anyone. And no matter how shit their work is, they will still be paid flat. How does that motivate them to work better? What’s the motivation to work better? “”Loyalty””? Look, i’m an upper middle class thirdworlder with economic degrees up my sleeve. I’m probably better than you.

>> No.12860241

Capitalism is literally invisible hand, you idiot. Regulation is counter-capitalism. Invisible hand is not as hard as you think it is, it’s basically the demand and supply.

>> No.12860272

Typical US bullshit. Capitalism does not become socialism by implementing some kind of employment protection.

>> No.12860279
File: 147 KB, 494x1024, 1498849434581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Governments don’t compete anymore
Yes they do.

>Exactly! So the people. And you can ask any white man on the street “do you want all white country?” Most will say no. If most says no, should the country be run on the decision of the minor voice?

I am for freedom of association as are most people on the Alt-right.

>Microsoft monopolizes the computer market because they’re able to

Microsoft would not exist without government subsidies. The government heavily invested in Microsoft in the 1980s

>Government monopolizes railways and water etc etc because we just give it to them without them having to compete with anyone

Competition isn't always a good thing. I would rather pay taxes for things like water and roads than have to pay a toll every 2 miles

>> No.12860285

How can we stop people from putting bad shit in food without regulation?

>Inb4 people wont do business with them because that is bad business

European countries have much better food because they have regulation. In the US we have Monsanto... Why isn't the invisible hand fixing this?

>> No.12860291

but it become bad. why do you need employment protection? there's no justified reason for its existence.

>Yes they do.
but they don't influence the betterment of the free market. the government exists as our instrument to ease our livelihood, not the other way around. the government shouldn't dictate morality and race proportions. if i'm not welcome in the neighborhood, i will move somewhere else. someone's neighborhood is NOT your property only because they're the same race as you. fuck you, i'm still gonna move out. that's literally the only reason i live and work. not for family, or kids, but for the romanticized western life that i consume everyday on vlogs
>I am for freedom of association as are most people on the Alt-right.
so i can live in the property of a white man who are in favor of me.

>Microsoft would not exist without government subsidies. The government heavily invested in Microsoft in the 1980s
microsoft wouldn't have survived if they're not filled with competent people.

>Competition isn't always a good thing. I would rather pay taxes for things like water and roads than have to pay a toll every 2 miles
you're no different than poor nonwhite immigrants. companies don't just set prices without thinking. they have to set prices and values in a level which people would buy. if you don't buy their products, it would be their biggest nightmare. see? there's incentives. there's no incentives in government works.

>> No.12860311

It creates social and individual stability and these are a must for superior goods like those Germany used to produce. It also protects the rich from being lynched.

>> No.12860330
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What you are advocating doesn't work. Governments arose out of necessity for central planning. Earlier you agreed with my stance that morality is dictated by social standards... While guess what... An overwhelming majority of people are for government. If you don't like this you can leave society and go live in the woods.

>microsoft wouldn't have survived if they're not filled with competent people.

Okay?? your point? A nation wouldn't survive without competent people

>you're no different than poor nonwhite immigrants. companies don't just set prices without thinking. they have to set prices and values in a level which people would buy. if you don't buy their products, it would be their biggest nightmare. see? there's incentives. there's no incentives in government works.

Governments keep prices of certain things down by having a monopoly. Water prices would skyrocket in certain parts of the country without government stopping companies from price gouging

>> No.12860335

what. but it ruins competition and free market. companies are going bankrupt, goods are forced to decrease in quality, etc etc. wages need to be competitive. compensation needs to be competitive.

social jealousy exists because we have too much left wing policies that don't feel fair to rational people. they sense unfairness a lot of times. and it's easy to blame it on the riches. but in the society where meritocracy rules and everyone can sense fairness, no one will lynch the rich.



>> No.12860344
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>Yes goy...Get rid of regulation

We have already had what you are advocating. What it brought was Child labor, pollution, and poverty

>> No.12860346

It worked very well in Germany. People bought products of the most hated country in the world due to their superiority.

>> No.12860351
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What does sex even have to do with this though

Like who cares, this is some shit that high schoolers use as arguments.

>> No.12860360

>An overwhelming majority of people are for government
fortunately an overwhelming majority of people aren't for banning nonwhites from entering the country.

>Okay?? your point? A nation wouldn't survive without competent people
microsoft doesn't become the best because of government, it became the best because they really are the best. no matter how much government subsidies they had, if they were filled with incompetent people, they would have failed. they rule the world fairly, because they can. the government rules because what? anyone, getting anything, has to deserve it. the power that the government has, the monopoly that the government has, is not justified, and they don't deserve that. there are entities out there who are able to handle electricity and water better than government, etc etc. even if they compete against the government, they might win. but they will not get the trophy. why? unjust government monopoly.

>Governments keep prices of certain things down by having a monopoly. Water prices would skyrocket in certain parts of the country without government stopping companies from price gouging
prices will not sky rocket if there's competition. if there is only one player, he can set the price all he wants, and we would have no choice but to buy it. if there are two players, if one person set the price too high, we can buy from the other guy. surely he doesn't want that, so he would have to lower the price. etc etc.

children aren't your property. what's next? imprisoning weed smokers too? imprisoning those who don't go to church? imprisoning gay people?

>We have already had what you are advocating
may i ask when?

also capitalism is not jewish. socialism and marxism is jewish.

urgghh i hate you just stop talking about superiority.

also it didn't work in a long term. nazi germany didn't live long enough to prove anything.

idk why i even bother with this. you're no one. i will still move to the US anyway

>> No.12860363

i'm tired of being mad

>> No.12860385

Superiority is the factor that is often overlooked so there is some importance to it, compare Made in Romania to Made in China. The latter are, especially in the clothing industry, the better value with higher quality standards while being similar priced. The only reason company's produce in Romania is the fact that there is a Made in EU label attached to it. The wages are similar but do not supporting a minimum living standard in Romania while doing so in China. I'm talking post war Germany, Nazi-Germany wasn't the most hated country until the war.

>> No.12860389
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>children aren't your property.
So a 3 year old can consent to sex? What about a minor selling oneself into slavery?

>the power that the government has, the monopoly that the government has, is not justified, and they don't deserve that.

Says you.. The person that think a child sex trade is totally justified as long as the kid consents.

>may i ask when?
The early 1900s.

>also capitalism is not jewish. socialism and marxism is jewish.

Capitalism isn't jewish, but libertarianism sure is

>> No.12860400
File: 79 KB, 750x424, Freemarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the free market at work boy! Doesn't that look nice.. All the child labor you could want and everyone dies at 30

>> No.12860414

you should always compare the company, not the "made in XYZ". companies have quality control, anyone who made it, romanians or chinese, will go through the quality control that is done by the person from the company. so that the quality is uniformed.

i don't hate nazi germany. but no one wants to live in nazi germany system anyway. capitalism gave us clean street and chill lifestyle, capitalism gave us gay marriage and premarital sex, capitalism gave us freedom of association and freedom of speech. who would want to give that up for extreme christian society?

i live in extremely conservative thirdworld shithole and you have no idea how depressive traditionalism is. the only reason i make money is to live the idealized life i romanticized.

>So a 3 year old can consent to sex?
idk. there has to be a capitalistic answer to this. capitalism is simple. we reward winners and losers accordingly. idk how anyone can be against this.

>The early 1900s.
i'm sure they didn't have ultracapitalism back then. only lazy losers don't want capitalism. you just want some other folks to work hard so that the government can steal their money and be given to you to buy yourself some drugs and anime pillow.

>Capitalism isn't jewish, but libertarianism sure is
libertarian IS capitalism. i don't see how it's not. is there's a limit in capitalism, it's not capitalism anymore.

>> No.12860420

caring about someone's child is like caring about nonwhites. both are noble and saintlike attitude, but you emotional people should be kept in kitchen

>> No.12860426

socialism will give you venezuela. and DON'T even say that "because they're nonwhite, they're not meant to succeed".

you're all too lucky. i can't be eternally inferior like this. i CAN prove that i can be part of the better civilization.

>> No.12860440

let me give you an insight:

there are bad companies. doing things that are supposedly bad. the people KNOW how bad it is. what do they do? if they actually care about the environment, they would stop buying the products. of course the company don't want to fail, so they do stuffs that would make the people buy their products. BUT, if the people don't care about the environment and still buying the products, maybe they deserve it. they deserve it all. they deserve the lesson.

but if you have a government who has environmental regulations, they will give you clean air that you wouldn't work on. they will give you the clean air you actually don't care enough about, they will give you clean air that you don't deserve.

you're not a hedonist are you? something doesn't become right only because it taste and look nice.

>> No.12860445

Most clothing company's produce in sweatshops that usually are producing on comparable standards within a country.

>> No.12860454

>i'm sure they didn't have ultracapitalism back then.

There were virtually no regulations. monopolies formed. people got fucked, the environment got raped. The government stepped in.. Broke up monopolies, regulated business, and created the EPA

>only lazy losers don't want capitalism. you just want some other folks to work hard so that the government can steal their money and be given to you to buy yourself some drugs and anime pillow.

Wtf are you talking about??? Just because someone doesn't believe in the imaginary hand of the free market. Doesn't mean that they are advocating for full on socialism

>> No.12860457

you don't get it do you? let's say Topman. in Topman headquarter in London, they designed everything, even the quality and stitching of each product line. they sent the quality standards to the factories in China and Romania, they ask them to make clothes exactly like in the paper that Topman people gave them. and then they sent Topman people to China and Romania, with the quality standard paper, to make sure that only the products that meet the desired quality standard are being sent to UK. so, Romania and China, both sources, in the UK warehouse, they all have the same quality standard.

it's funny that none of you are economic savvy. i'm a thirdworld nonwhite, aren't you supposed to be better than me? aren't the worst white supposed to be better than the best nonwhite? isn't that what you believe, huh?

>> No.12860458
File: 62 KB, 599x507, ChildSlaveTradeIsAlrightAsLongAsTheyConsent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not advocating socialism you fucking retard

Answer this

How without regulation/ Government would you stop a company from dumping toxic waste into a river?

>> No.12860462

>Wtf are you talking about??? Just because someone doesn't believe in the imaginary hand of the free market
what is so hard to understand about invisible hand? In a free market scenario where there are no regulations or restrictions imposed by the government, if someone charges less, the customer will buy from him. Therefore, you have to lower your price or offer something better than your competitor. Whenever enough people demand something, it will be supplied by the market and everyone will be happy. The seller end up getting the price and the buyer will get better goods at the desired price. that's invisible hand. it's not some supernatural or secret society thing lmao.

>> No.12860466

People don't always want what's best for them

>> No.12860467

>How without regulation/ Government would you stop a company from dumping toxic waste into a river?
you stop buying their products. if you don't stop buying their products, you don't care enough about the river. if you don't care enough about the river, you don't deserve clean river.

>> No.12860473

then they will not get the best of things. how much do you think you deserve something? it's easy to find out. measure, how willing you are to get it, and how able you are to get it.

>> No.12860478
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>you stop buying their products.
This doesn't work. The 1900s are proof of this. India today is proof of this.

Honestly this is just too much autism to handle.. You don't care about objectivity.. Just your retarded ideology

>> No.12860484

then they deserved it. government protection has numb them from the sense of consequences. that doesn't sound right.

i care about objectivity the most. comfort and niceness is number two. the number one is "everything has to be fair and right and just"

>> No.12860500
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>then they deserved it. government protection has numb them from the sense of consequences. that doesn't sound right.
>government protection has numb them from the sense of consequences
>government protection has numb them
>has numb them
>numb them

>> No.12860508

i don't see what you're trying to point out here

>> No.12860511
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You are fucking retarded. I cant believe I used to think like you.

>> No.12860514
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>> No.12860534
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You are so fucking retarded it is not even funny.. Cheers to the fellow anons who btfo'd this faggot

>This is now a memeball thread

>> No.12860545
File: 351 KB, 1094x771, ann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this guy is a fucking pleb... I cant believe I engaged with him for like 3 hrs

Libertarians don't care about facts

They think every societal problem can be solved by muh free market

It is just autism in its purest form.. They are like one step above communists

>> No.12860557

how do you think that would even happen? in a free market society, there are guns and military companies. instead of working without incentives, now these military companies actually have incentives to be better and better, which is profit.

idk why you're so worried about drugs. those who use drugs, will die anyway. it's not a crime to use drugs, because there's no violation of consent. sex trades, not an issue, since there's no violation of consent.

no one BTFOd me yet

what facts? please tell me. i abolished every argument here easily. yet it all always lead to "muh this and that" empty banter.

>> No.12860560
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Don't you love it when you point out how lack regulation just causes a cess pool of pollution and child labor and all he can reply is

>Well that isn't real libertarianism

lol its just like communist saying the USSR wasn't real communism

Fucking hell

>> No.12860562

The military already has incentives
Just fucking you utopian piece of shit
Power lives in a vacuum

>> No.12860566


>> No.12860583

i think the article's point was that involvement in an organized, politicized racist/nationalist movement is not an inherent aspect of being a skinhead. Because it isn't.

Like, you'll find the kind of racism you're talking about on most construction sites or hillbilly bars, but it's not like you HAVE to be racist to be a construction worker... But it helps.

Ultimately I think they were just saving themselves from autistic SHARPs hitting them with those "AKTCHUALLY..." comments.

>> No.12860586

>The military already has incentives
they don't. their failures and success are rewarded flat. they exist just for the sake of existing or "loyalty" and all that obsessive shit. profit is the biggest driver of everything.

i'm still gonna move to the US anyway. i support Trump. that should be enough validation. i'm like those nonwhites in MAGA hat debunking SJWs in alex jones channel. what, you don't like those nonwhites as well? you still want them american born nonwhites to be forced to live in where their races originated?

>> No.12860589

>what facts? please tell me. i abolished every argument here easily.
You haven't abolished shit. I have been reading your replies and all you have done when faced with something that contradicts your way of thinking is say "but that wasn't real capitalism" Or you just make up some utopian shit about why something would work the way you say it will without providing any evidence.

>> No.12860595

>"but that wasn't real capitalism"
never said that.

>> No.12860604

>profit is the biggest driver of everything.
Resources are the biggest driver not profit.

>> No.12860607

i'm sure they didn't have ultracapitalism

>> No.12860621

my point is that something gets bigger and better because of the incentives that comes with it. people work because they need money, people work harder because they want more money.

i explained further, that people get pollution because they deserve it. what, do you just want something peaceful and nice no matter how right or wrong you get it? something doesn't become right only because they're pleasant and nice. are you a hedonist? people get pollution because they deserve it. and if they care enough about environment, they would do something about it. like boycotting the company. but if they keep buying the products, then they don't deserve clean air until they learn how terrible it is to have pollution.

government protection will numb people from the sense of consequences. does it not bother you? that people get clean air without actually caring about keeping or fighting for it?

>we deserve clean air
there's only one way to find out: ask yourself, how much are you willing to get it, and how able are you to get it?

if i'm able to move to the US and i'm very willing to, then i deserve it.

>> No.12860623

You have been completely fucked. As someone pointed out

The early 1900s were exactly what you are advocating for and it wasn't a good time

Unregulated capitalism doesn't work

>inb4 regulated capitalism is socialism
I really don't care

>> No.12860639

>if i'm able to move to the US and i'm very willing to, then i deserve it.

According to who? You act like there is some kind of objective morality in place that that dictates this. You aren't just entitled to go where ever you want

>> No.12860646

>The early 1900s were exactly what you are advocating for and it wasn't a good time
it wasn't good because the people weren't good. like i said here>>12860621


people should know what pollution is, before they know what clean air is. if they KNEW that what they're buying gets them pollution, then why did they keep buying them? because they didn't care about pollution and environment yet. if they didn't care and unwilling to do anything about it (like boycotting), why do you think they should be given clean air?

just because something is peaceful and nice, doesn't mean it's right. something has to be fair, right and justified first, before it can be nice.

>> No.12860652

>I explained further, that people get pollution because they deserve it.

Yeah... I as will most will take government which forces people not to pollute over what you are advocating. Sorry, but you are an absolute retard. Please do not come to the US we already have enough stupid people

>> No.12860656

The 1st world knows what pollution is. All we have to do is look at your country.. Poo in the loo faggot

>> No.12860666

if the property owner consents, if both of us gets what we want, then it's a deal. the only one who can decide whether i can live in a building or not, is the property owner.

but then again, i CAN move legally. i'm part of the upper class environment here in this thirdworld country, we're living in this ""elysium""ish house complex, we're all educated and raised to succeed abroad. i just need to save a little bit more, to be able to move to the US.

you aren't entitled something you didn't work for. i will work for everything i want in this world, that's how i know if i'm entitled to it. being the outlier thirdworlders, we grew up feeling unsatisfied with ourselves and our lives. like, i shouldn't be identified as this country's citizen. i belong to other country. who in 2017, can't refuse me.

>> No.12860669

>I as will most will take government which forces people not to pollute over what you are advocating
you're an immoral hedonist. taking the nice easy way that isn't just and right.

whose country? not mine anymore. race =/= culture. i'm all for conservative american culture, trust me.

>> No.12860683

You aren't speaking in terms of reality.. You understand this right? You are just stating an opinion, an opinion based on your subjective morality. For instants, You talk about a property owner consenting to you being able to come to the US, This is simply not how it works. You have to be granted a visa or Citizenship. You feel entitled to move where ever you want, but sweet heart... This isn't how the world works.

>> No.12860686

okay, then based on the reality, i can still move to the US. easily.

>> No.12860688

Says who? Morality is subjective.

>> No.12860694

You only care about what’s nice and quick, not what’s right and fair. Your ideas won’t go anywhere, you will die and by that time the world will not change into the racist world you wanted.

>> No.12860707


How would it be a complete mess, do you even know what they want? They use the Republican party as a foil to achieve things that might be good for them, but half the time its bad.

Their current strategy is working in the rust-belt and other predominately white areas hit hard by NAFTA or the Opiate epidemic and building networks by volunteering and helping fellow whites.

When the US fragments, and it will, because of non-stop non-white immigration, they will have networks and collectives set up all throughout white regions, and be government/society ready to go.

They are not indecisive, or unfocused, or not unified lol. No offense but you seem like a layman who doesn't really understand who or what the alt-right is and just injecting your 'durr it doesn't work!'. Now I understand neo-reactionary criticisms of identitarians, but your critique is not.

>> No.12860711

What are you even saying lol?

Milo and Tomi are not 'Alt-Right'.

Counter Currents, TRS, NPI, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, AmRen, Greg Johnson, Andrew Anglin, Matt Heimbach.

These people and groups are 'Alt-Right' Tomi Lahren and Milo both fuck niggers.

yeah and you're sipping from the fountain of societal conflict by encouraging more and more foreigners and non-whites to live in vicinity of each other

>> No.12860715

>You only care about what’s nice and quick, not what’s right and fair.

The world is not and has never been a fair place nor is fairness something that can ever be achieved. Your world view is reliant on morality being objective.. which it is not

>> No.12860719

What strategy? The alt right has no strategy or plan. It’s just a random burst of energy. They make conferences here and there, jerking each other off, but they’re not really doing anything. I mean nothing that moves forward.

>> No.12860720

Great post

>> No.12860724

You have a wrong view of fairness. Fairness is not equality. Actually my worldview is not reliant on objective morality. It’s simple, if you hurt other people, people wouldn’t want to trade with you, and you don’t want that to happen, so you avoid hurting other people. The reason companies are so kind to their employees and their customers is because they want to keep existing and growing.

You don’t need law.

>> No.12860727

Our growth over the last year says otherwise

>> No.12860733

Was that your “strategy”? When is the next meeting? What is the next plan? What divisions do you have in there? Who’s in charge of each division?

Your growth is not planned and systematically executed.

>> No.12860739
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Most of it relies on the acceleration of the fragmentation of American Society. As it becomes more and more diverse it begins to fragment, and the government will begin to lose legitimacy. The only way they can keep their legitimacy is through pushing bread and circus or zuck type crap to keep people complacent.

Never in history have so many diverse people been able to stay together-united. Here are some examples.

Vegas shooting- literally no one in the public believed the FBI or the official story, even a lot of my non-white friends, or friends who never really question the government. It was an interesting benchmark in the legitimacy of the US government (FBI) in a time of crisis.

Democrats Coalition of the Ascendant- In the Democrat party they talk about this concept of the Coalition of the Ascendant, essentially all of America's non-white populations voting as a Coalition against the whites. The problem is, non-white voter turnout is extremely low, and they need white voters to turn out in the Midterms to win, but whites are fleeing the Democrat party in droves every time the Democrats doubledown on an anti-white or degenerate narrative. They are in complete disarray and cannot decide on someone to run in 2020 or lead the party...

With these two things coming to fruition, Lack of government legitimacy and non-white agitation, the Alt-Right has a massive opportunity to awaken the consciousness of American whites. This is important this is what they are doing-I have set the stage. 1) They bait leftist to react to their talks or events with violent protests and for the media and leftist journalist to react and castigate all white people. 2) They do volunteer work in rural white areas building networks of normal working class whites. 3) They are flooding the institutions, a lot of them are college aged and getting government jobs to be in place.

To say they have no vision is retarded lol.

Check out Robert Putnam's "Bowling Alone" for diveristy.

>> No.12860743

TRS, IE, and TWP all work in unison with each other depending on the event, and each group has their own outreach and series of events.

Like I said in post above, the MO is awakening consciousness, baiting leftists, and building networks of whites.

>> No.12860745

Lmao I love it. On any board, youtube comments, media articles the most popular threads are always about the pro-white movement.

We are really winning. We are going to claim what is rightfully ours given by the blood of our ancestors.

It's going to be a fashy future, lads. The future looks bright.

>> No.12860751

Multiracial =/= multicultural. To dislike multiculturalism is rational. To dislike multiracialism is just pure childish hatred.

>> No.12860753

Pro-white is not anti-nonwhite

>> No.12860754
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I'd also like to add, the more of a minority we become the stronger we get. It's basic fucking math. To make things worse, the majority of the future white minority will be people who grew up in Multicultural societies and saw how it didn't play out well for them.

Keep thinking we're just a blip on the radar, heh the more you don't acknowledge us as a real threat, the easier it is for us to operate.

>> No.12860755

What do we do about the american born nonwhites?

>> No.12860757

You act as if fairness is something that is objective.

>It’s simple, if you hurt other people, people wouldn’t want to trade with you, and you don’t want that to happen, so you avoid hurting other people.

Who is going to enforce this? again what you have just written is based on your subjective view of morality

>The reason companies are so kind to their employees and their customers is because they want to keep existing and growing.

This isn't true at all. Apple treats its employees like complete shit, but mindless plebs continue to buy their products.

Why isn't there a libertarian country? You seem so sure about how the world works.. You would think that what you are advocating for would exist somewhere.. I mean Somalia is pretty lawless.. Would you consider Somalia libertarian?

>> No.12860760


>> No.12860761
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I don't mind multi-racial if we are all separate? I don't get what you're getting at here?

I don't hand Indians, Asians, Mestizos, and blacks. I just wish we lived in our own societies. Where did you get the idea that I hate people? I think you're projecting your own hollywood neo-nazi narratives by nitpicking one little thing and not even addressing the bulk of my post (alt-right strategies)

>> No.12860762

LOL operate? I’m not saying you’re failing, it’s just hilarious how you act like you’re all some type of spy organization lol all we do is post on 4chan randomly.

>> No.12860766

This. My biggest redpill was going to a middle school that was 90% black

>> No.12860767

That Trump University picture kind of hurts that picture, but otherwise its pretty damn close to being correct.

>> No.12860769
File: 291 KB, 634x1013, 1486443766301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hilarious you think the Alt-Right is only on 4chan, shows how little you know about the actual movement. Sure they share a userbase with 4chan, but go on /pol/ and they will talk about how much they 'arent the alt-right' or whatever bullshit. I listed organizations, I will do it again.

American Renaissance
Stormer Book Clubs
Identity Europa
Traditional Workers Party
American Vanguard
National Policy Institute
Hestia Society
Counter Currents

and within these national groups there are local and state level groups. Honestly, just stop posting its obvious you don't know what you're talking about and you're just looking stupid.

>> No.12860773

Did I say that?

I am pro-white and believe everyone should be pro-their own race. I just think flooding indigenous European homelands without anyone's consent is a really, really bad idea.

You have to understand most of the movements are always European. I am European. I think a white ethnic state could be created in the USA though with those of European heritage.

>> No.12860783

A lot of them will deport themselves when the heat turns up desu. Look at what Trump did to border crossing numbers and immigration numbers, just by saying he would enforce the laws on the books!

You saw a rise in self deportations, drop in border crossings, and opinion on immigrating to the US drop. Imagine if we actually made a few more laws? Imagine what happens when things start to heat up as the US government loses legitimacy?

The thing about all the immigrants here, is they don't love america. They don't give a fuck about it really or its history, some do but the majority don't. If they did they would act like good guests in their host country.

American in its modern incarnation is a SHOPPING MALL. These people will leave the mall when it becomes unsafe to shop or uncomfortable to shop. They left their countries for economic comfort, they will leave here for economic comfort.

Though, as a Californian, its a lost cause. Keep it a Multi-Cultural Utopia, as an experiment in what not to do.

>> No.12860788

As a European, what I see from American blacks is that they hate American, it's founding, its roots, its history and white people.

Isn't being re-homed in Africa what they want? I don't get it. They say they hate America but rage if they have to leave?

>> No.12860791

Fairness is basically a ‘deal’ in an interaction between two entities. Who knows if $15 for a blowjob is ‘fair’? Both people who negotiated and came to a ‘deal’

>Who is going to enforce this? again what you have just written is based on your subjective view of morality

What needs to be enforced? If you’re okay with people not willing to trade with you, fine. But you won’t survive for long. It’s worse than prison desu. In prison you still get toilet and food.

>This isn't true at all. Apple treats its employees like complete shit, but mindless plebs continue to buy their products.
If that’s true, then those employees would have left the company, and apple would have a hard time competing in the labor market.

>Why isn't there a libertarian country?
Idk really.

>I mean Somalia is pretty lawless.. Would you consider Somalia libertarian?
I linked a video above. Basically there are countries for losers and countries for winners. Loser society will stay loser, until either they extinct or they change.

>> No.12860796

But you all already have your own neighborhoods, i think that’s enough? Ancestors didn’t fight for anything deep, they did all that because they need to be paid.

>> No.12860814

LOL what are they?? They’re just hobbyist youtube channels. This all is just political hobby.

I think people should have freedom of association and if one neighborhood in Portland consents to have a nonwelfare indonesian immigrant (office worker, college graduate) in their environment, then the indonesian should be able to stay there. The poor guy doesn’t feel satisfied living in a country that is more stupid than him.

America has been the center of pop culture and technological innovation. Sad that you want it to end. Because the best western country in the world is also the most multiracial. We will not see cool hipster shops in NYC and Portland anymore. The US will become grey, unenergetic and depressing again, like the rural south. Remember that the best of the US, NYC, is fun, happy, optimistic, energetic. But the alt right wants a different future for the US. It’s okay, at least i will feel less bad about not being american.

>> No.12860821

>If that’s true, then those employees would have left the company, and apple would have a hard time competing in the labor market.

Says who? A lot of companies treat their employees bad and their consumers bad. People don't always have a choice.

>Why isn't there a libertarian country?
>Idk really.

You view the world in Black and white terms. You aren't going to convince me of your utopian nonsense.. As I said earlier I used to think like you when I was 17. I have since grown up

>> No.12860832

>Says who? A lot of companies treat their employees bad and their consumers bad.

Do they still exist until now? Can you link me to something that proves that the company is still doing good despite all the bad stuffs?

It’s their money. They can do anything they want with it. You and your money, can be spent on anything you want too. If the government interveres, well i can just sell my company, fire 500 people, and move my company to China. Why not? I can, it’s my money.

>You view the world in Black and white terms
Lol ok. You don’t make sense but it’s ok i don’t care

>> No.12860852





Its funny that you called me "Immoral" earlier, Yet you will justify this because "Its all muh voluntarism" and these are just low ball examples

>> No.12860866

Do they still exist until now? Can you link me to something that proves that the company is still doing good despite all the bad stuffs?

Bank of America you dumb cunt. Your world view requires too much faith in people. People are really stupid which you cant see because you are one of them. People aren't just going to become smart consumers once we get rid of government..

>> No.12860867

They have the choice to resign. Tell me, which one is more evil for you, me treating them badly, or me pulling out all jobs from China? You have choices. We had a deal.

>> No.12860875

Tell me about them.

It’s not about faith. It’s about consequences.

You can’t have empathy and be right wing. The only reason you’re against me is you’re feel bad about people who are “hurt”. They have choices to resign. No one forced them.

>> No.12860881

The world doesn’t run on kindness and empathy. The world runs on individuals pursuing their self interest

>> No.12860897
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I don't feel bad about people who hurt.. Who do you think you're talking to? I literally wouldn't have a problem if your race of people ceased to exist you poo in the loo. I am advocating for my peoples self interest which is not unlimited deregulation so corporations can rape consumers.

>> No.12860899

Settle down, Ayn.

>> No.12860911

>They have the choice to resign. Tell me, which one is more evil for you, me treating them badly, or me pulling out all jobs from China? You have choices. We had a deal.

It is so funny that you view yourself as the rich capitalist.. Like you are going to be the dude running the corporation with your private army and not just the brown wage slave making pennies a day in a sweat shop...looool

>> No.12860915

Individualism is weak. a stronger collective will always dominate an individualistic society

>> No.12860940
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Hopefully the fedora bro lolbertarian is gone for good now

>> No.12861701

I’m still gonna move to the US. I have nothing else i want in life here.

Give me one example. The strongest nation on earth right now is the individualistic one. You want collectivism? Look at thirdworld countries. Trying to protect and practice their nationa and cultural pride but they’re still inferior to the individualistic society.

You are not normal. No normal people think like you

>> No.12861703

I’m talking objectively here. It’s not about what i like or what comforts me. It doesn’t matter if i make it or not, this is about what is right and fair.

>> No.12861714
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I thought punk was a far right thing?

>> No.12861721

Skinheads weren't "alt-right", dumbass.
There were even black skinheads.

>> No.12861725

I know you fag but it became a fashy thing in the 70s and 80s due to punk

>> No.12861915

Far right means order. That's why people consider fascism far right.

That's why you can't have a far right terrorist - bringing disorder and chaos is not right wing.

>> No.12861922
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That's because we pay them trillions in handouts, "gibs me dat" or gibs is the primary reason blacks who hate whites haven't gone back to their shithole homeland.

This goes for all races: if you took away the awesome infrastructure, amazing economies and great opportunities of white countries, no brown person would be found there unless they were trying to rape white girls or convert them to their religion. They don't give a shit about us as a people, they just want access to the things we built, the resources and society we made for our children and the opportunities we've created. They are rentseekers.

>> No.12862154


Absolutely not.


>> No.12862276

Just looked him up and his philosophy sounds like something I vibe with. Any recommended readings? So far I think I'll look at the futurists manifesto

>> No.12862416

You said the other anon wasn't normal.. Yet you are advocating a dead ideology. No one thinks like you anymore thankfully. As for America being the strongest nation on earth.. You are wrong. America is completely fractured. 20 trillion in debt and everyone hates each other. You wouldn't know.. You're not American. China is much stronger and they are a collectivist society. You just say a bunch of stupid shit without providing any evidence. You say you are about what is fair and what is right... Yet you fail to realize "fair" and "right" are just subjective feelings. Your ideal society would never work. That's why there ZERO libertarian countries. Not one. And now back to collectivism.. Why aren't there any football teams that work individually? Why do they work as a team?

>> No.12862419

"Right" and "fair" are not objective feelings.

>> No.12862445
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>Give me one example.
You ask me for a lot of examples yet you have failed to provide proof on why total deregulation and exonerating boarders will be a good thing. I've given you example after example and you just say "muh free market will fix it because of muh feelings" or you link me to a pragU video...

You've said you are coming to America over and over... Like that somehow hurts me.. Guess what.. No one cares. You will not find what you are looking for anyway. Most people wont be tolerant unless you live in LA, NYC, or Boston.

You do not have all the answers. You are just driven by an religious ideology.. but hey! if that gives you comfort so be it.

>> No.12862886


love it

>> No.12862891

Highsnobiety is like Hypebeasts little retarded SJW brother that is written by bunch of filipino slaves

Not saying Hypebeast is good