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/fa/ - Fashion

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12850816 No.12850816 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, help me out, as my bf dresses like shit. I am not going to leave him because of it, but instead want ways to at least improve his appearance to the point he gets more confidence in himself? He is pretty skinny and has a great bod, but dresses like shit so he doesn't really show it

>> No.12850835

>get his measurements
>buy cloths you like
>dress him up like the living doll you want him to be

>> No.12850838
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>> No.12850842

you'll have to go into detail. why does he dress bad?
Is he a nerd? Get him into the technical aspects of dressing well. Proportions, price/quality ratios, the fun of researching the best kind of clothing online, that kind of stuff.
Or is he just an idiot?

>> No.12850849

He doesn't show his body because his clothes are too big? Then get more fitted items

>> No.12850861

He dresses like a bum and not even the fashionista version of one (a la Kanye), but rather, like J.Cole. He is currently studying his pHd, and on top of that he has plenty of cash to dish out but just doesn't care and is apathetic. Proportion wise, he is 5'10", neck around 15/5 inches, chest 36, waist 28 (his waist is fucking tiny). Some friends tried to talk him into changing and tweaking his style, but they didn't succeed in doing so. I am trying to see whether he would listen to his new gf or not. I want to show him how important dressing up is, because it is primarily a confidence booster (which he will need to have for his future job interviews)

>> No.12850871

Where did you get those slp catalog pics?

>> No.12850880

>has great bod
>has no confidence

>> No.12850882

Men love it when you try to change them and their lifestyle without their consent, especially when it's their girlfriend of three weeks doing it, this is gonna work out great for you.

>> No.12850894

Niiga, tell us ~why* he doesn't dress well or why you think he doesn't dress well or we won't be able to help you!

>> No.12850902


Here's the deal.

You're fucking mental. A new girlfriend who is trying to change a man who is studying a phd. He can run rings around you, mentally and by the sounds of his proportions, physically. His objective lies in a phd. Yours lie in pretty clothes.

He is not interested in some new girl trying to change him. He will activelly rebel against your ideas as they aren't his. Then he'll call you clingy and obsessive. Then he'll leave you.

Don't even try.

>> No.12850906

where in the OP did it mention a PHD?

>> No.12850913


>> No.12850916

He dresses like a hobo. His pants are usually 2 to 3 sizes too big, he has no taste when it comes to shirts (usually they are the kind one would use to workout), for some reason is always wearing work boots, etc.

>> No.12850921


See >12850861

>> No.12850925


why are you guys living in a fantasy world where every dude is a chad? can't you see some men need guided by a woman just like children do their mommy?

the reason this is retarded is if your gf was a better cook then you were, would you stand up angrily and start shaking your fists about "changing your lifestyle" and "doing it my way" and refuse to eat?

Lol no, it's called skill. design is a skill like any other. dress is design

>> No.12850931

you don't understand anything about life. you're not qualified to tell us anything

>> No.12850936

oh good you read that post, which then you would also know the objective lies at least partially in gaining confidence for success in interviews. not just "pretty clothes"

nice lame attempt at twisting some words around though

not OP btw, don't want you all thinking she's a jerk

>> No.12850939
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if i was him i would dump you if you started pushing too hard with this shit. mention it a few times, if he doesnt seem keen on trying it, drop it.

>> No.12850942

their long time friends already tried to do the same thing you will and he just said no, what the the fuck do you think is gonna happen honestly? sounds like this guy has got his life together and you're trying to compensate by focusing some stupid shit he doesn't even care about because it's the one area of life you're better at than he is (allegedly). you're the one who comes off as pathetic and insecure not him.

if you ever had a gf you'd know women have no fucking clue regarding male fashion, they just try to dress their boyfriend in an exact outfit they saw on pinterest like OP's pic

>> No.12850944

nice way to completely avoid what I said

if you were shit at cooking, and your gf was good at cooking, would you get pissed she was trying to feed you better tastier food?


>> No.12850964

cooking is a skill
wearing clothes is not a skill
fashion is not a skill, it's self expression
your basic bitch sense of fashion is not an "improvement" over his clothes because that's what he enjoys wearing

>> No.12850965

Are you shitting me?
The comparison to draw here would be more like: someone wants to cook himself a toast and the other person stops the action with the argument: "I'm the better cook. So I have to be cooking for us both."
Your reasoning is shit.
If he gets the offer from multiple friends and doesn't want to accept it, he obviously doesn't want it as a whole.
Ask him again and offer to buy him stuff if he doesn't want to go shopping. If he says no, then it's a no.

>> No.12850972


>> No.12850979


Righteous brother.

Seriously. I had an ex gf who tried to dress me up in what she thought was fashionable. It was garbage. Its assuming all women have an innate sense of fashion that needs to be put on men who are with them.

>> No.12851467

Don't listen to these r9k fags, there is nothing wrong with trying to help teach/guide your bf on how to dress better. Its not like you are subtly manipulating him to be a totally different person for self-gain.

I've always wondered myself how someone would go about helping their bf/gf dress better, have better hygiene or any other embarrassing issues. As for how to help him out, well you can't force him. Some people might say just talk to him about it but you and I both know that is easier said then done. Just give him suggestions and help him pick out clothes.

Leaving him over it is sounds fucked up on paper but if you really can't stand it then what other options are there? If you can set it aside as a flaw or downside then all the power to you but act now instead of leading the guy on and wasting time and causing heartache.

Not to be shallow but generally I consider dress, hygiene, speech and manners to be required basics for anyone before they can be taken seriously.

>> No.12851500

At least try to have fun with it. If he doesnt like it its not gonna work

>> No.12852150

>to dress better. Its not like you are subtly manipulating him to be a totally different person for self-gain.

umm thats exactly how it sounds, if you dont like the way he dresses then why are you with him. you must not be attracted to his essence as a human. clothes represent the bridge over which we traverse between the shadow self and the conscious self. without clothes, we cannot enter into society. we cannot become a member of the collective consciousness until we make this daily journey between our naked embryonic Self and our public self. For some people, this bridge is old and rickety, and it is something akin to a mindless commute. For others, it is a state of the Art suspension bridge and for them it is not a mindless commute. In fact they are the engineers of the bridge, they designed the bridge, down to the type of bolts.

>> No.12852172

This is some /fa/ggy looking shit fampi..

>> No.12852175

You're fucking dense, girl. You have told us many times that he doesn't dress well and how he doesn't dress well, but the question that needs to be answered is ~why* he doesn't dress well. That's where you have to start.

So, what do you think is the reason he doesn't dress well?
And don't say he doesn't care, that's not %why°° he doesn't dress well, that just another iteration of "he doesn't dress well".

>> No.12852176

Sounds actually very fashion forward. Are the pants waterproof by chance?

>> No.12852188

Not knowing what that faggy shit is...

>> No.12852197

Yeah I'm sure he doesn't want to dress in your shitty pinterest-core clothes because he's "insecure"

>> No.12852205

Sounds like he dresses in comfortable and practical clothes and doesn't care much about fashion. That's fine. You're not making a great case for him dressing like a hobo.

I wear work boots all the time. Unlike your boyfriend, I do match the rest of my outfit to them, but probably like him, I wear them because they're comfy and provide ankle and back support and keep me from getting painful fucking back and headaches. Wearing work boots isn't a fashion faux pas, provided he's not wearing them to fancy restaurants and weddings. Some work boots look pretty cool, really.

Really, wearing overlarge pants is the only complaint of yours that actually has merit. That's not that bad, either, but if it really fucking bugs you, feel free to make him a gift of several pairs of pants that fit correctly.

>> No.12852962

>studying for PhD
>dresses like shit
That’s pretty much high fashion right there honestly. You should be supporting his lifestyle.

>> No.12853147

1000% correct.

>> No.12853163

>tfw low confidence autist who can't dress gets a gf and I can't

>> No.12853189

>someone goes to fa for clothing advice, nobody gives it and just bitches at op

Truly the worst board on 4chins

Anyway, just get him some comfy slim fit stretch denim jeans and some nice tees from uniqlo or wherever. Clothes that feel as good to wear as they look are gonna be key with a guy like this.

Work boots are fine, I guess they're kinda popular even nowadays, and paired with something like a basic denim jacket they'll probably look p good.

>> No.12853344
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Because telling your partner that they dress like absolute shit or stink because of their terrible hygiene is totally being a manipulative and controlling cunt.

>> No.12853351

He probably just doesn't know any fucking better. Why are you trying to do some psychoanalysis of this anon's bf? You just sound like a LARPing armchair fashion detective.

>> No.12853503

>this thread
God you are all bunch of retarded little cunts

>> No.12853546

Well I was gonna make a thread but this seems relevant

What if I'm not OP's boyfriend but now interested in my presentation, how do I begin to dress?

Like these, what proportions do I need to know, how do I know what's quality, what's the list of who's who in brands, etc

I haven't decided what my budget is yet but I'm certainly open minded to gauging price/quality if I can have something that looks and feels like it's going to last

>> No.12853645


>> No.12853669

Just tell your bf not to dress like the guy in the pic and he should be fine

>> No.12853703

>waist 28

disgusting, just move on

>> No.12853766

Sounds stupid. It's not a skill but it is still something people wish to improve on. Look at all the threads on here, people ask for advice all the time. Sounds like youre butthurt some woman wants to work her boyfriends appearance. Honestly, I say if he doesn't budge then let it go. But I respect her intentions.

>> No.12853776


jfc, this.

>> No.12853780

Honestly alot of these people on here have a supressed hate for women because they are not given any attention by them for their looks. Thus, they are angry about the whole looks matter concept. So when a women brings up appearance or anything reminiscent of it, they all go batshit.

>> No.12853781

>implying you would be motivated to get in shape if you already had self confidence

>> No.12853790

buy him some clothes for his birthday or holiday but just dont dress him like a fag. pullover sweaters, nice jacket/coat, jeans, maybe some slacks. just dont buy him shit thats too "out there" fashionista or he will never wear it. sounds like he just dresses practically and would probably feel like hes wearing a clown suit if you get him anything too fancy

>> No.12853843

>I am not going to leave him

She's going to leave him

>> No.12853919

Maybe he doesn`t like a faggy style, he could try a classic style

By faggy i mean:
Covfefe cup
Apple phone
Skinny pants
If he has a yuuuuge back that thing won`t help him

There`s no need to castrate your man

>> No.12853926

That's maybe the gayest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.12853939

go home fatty

>> No.12853957

Nigga if you think dressing like J. Cole to an interview is not a completely retarded idea, then you shouldn't be getting a Ph.D.

I'm pretty sure he at least knows that much.

>> No.12853981

First off, the boy's getting his phd, cut him a little bit of slack. I have a feeling being fashionable isn't his top priority.

But if you're really set on trying to change him, here's a wild, off-the-wall suggestion: how about you talk to him about it? See if he'd be open to you just picking out a few clothes at first and see how he feels? He's not going to want to throw out all of his clothes just because you say so.

It sounds like he's pretty thin so buy him a pair of tapered jeans and a few cheap solid tees and see what he thinks. Maybe since we're getting into colder weather get him some flannel or sweaters, stuff that's comfortable to wear and looks decent.

But ultimately, if he doesn't care then he doesn't care. I wouldn't be too worried about him at job interviews, the people interviewing post-docs are not going to be too worried about whether the person is confident or not, they're hiring him for his research. You just gotta decide whether it's a deal breaker for you.

>> No.12853998

awww, do you think having a size 28 waist is desirable? maybe if you think looking like a little girl is cool. you can wear your size 28 skinny jeans in peace tho, i'll just be fucking your wcw in my big daddy alpha male pants (:

>> No.12854039

just telling him how you want him to dress is weird, but if you're at least buying him the clothes then it becomes mutual

>> No.12854609

why are you "partners" with someone who has "terrible hygene"?

It's almost as though you are overlooking unfathomable attributes like this in favor of other ones which you deem to be supremely important. ie. how much they earn, whether they are a "PHD" student.

what if this person wasn't a PHD student, would even be dating them? would they even be dating you if they knew you were going online and bitching about how shitty they dress themselves?

>> No.12854778

id on shoes?

>> No.12854793
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>dresses like shit
>gets gf

>dresses like shit
>doesn't get gf

why is life so unfair pals

>> No.12854894

what shoes are those tho? wavey

>> No.12854912
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best advice here

>> No.12855310

ID on shoes or WTC?

>> No.12855390

Lol, this has worked out sooooo well for every other woman in history, trying to "improve" and "fix" her boyfriend

>> No.12855766
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>> No.12857304

if yes then he is already TECH

>> No.12857305

this bitch sounds insufferable T B H. She probably hasn't even asked him if he wants to change his style. BEGONE THOT

>> No.12857463

>studying for Ph.D
Yeah, fashion is probably the last thing on his mind right now. He would probably dress for comfort and ease, and I don't blame him.

How long does he have left? If it's not long, just wait it out. You can even buy some clothes for him a congratulations for finishing, but obviously not only clothes.