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/fa/ - Fashion

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12827869 No.12827869 [Reply] [Original]

what your hobbies other than fashion?

has fashion helped you get better at them?

>> No.12827877

I lift weights

>> No.12827887

thats not a hobby

its personal maintenance

do you consider brushing your teeth a hobby?

i bet not

>> No.12827890

My bike is basically an extension of my fashion.
Fixies are effay as fuck.

>> No.12827892

i make music, fashion actually did help me bc i figured out that a good outfit and song have the same base. all art has it, dont know what to call it tho

>> No.12827898

Biking is fucking cool. I used to ride all the time. Shit was cash.


>> No.12827902

Considering most people fail to even exercise, I would consider it a hobby

>> No.12827908
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noh8pls i know its amature

>> No.12827915

Most people fail to floss too...

This ain't too bad.

>> No.12827918

I believe in you anon, just keep making music
Practice is the key for these sorts of things.
I would also enroll in a music theory course if you're in uni, or just watch a shit ton of videos on the subject.
It's amazing what memorizing a bunch of scales and a circle can do for you

>> No.12827933

I post on /x/ as lucky.
and I'm not feeling very lucky.
I used to lurk /tg/ more... /v/ sucked since 2012, /mu/ is too contrarian and /pol/ is just fast enough for me to not care about it.

>> No.12827947

thanks brother, means a lot

ya im working on meorizing scales. usually i just pick a key and tape off the notes on my keyboard so i known what to play but it would be a lot simplier if i just knew them lmao

>> No.12827948


t. numale

>> No.12827958

I also recommend listening to a lot of jazz.
Even if you don't like jazz; especially if you don't like jazz.
Improvisation is the purest form of music structure and theory, and applying what you learn to analyzing famous performances will make you a better musician no matter what discipline you practice.
Miles Davis and Thelonius Monk are fantastic artists to start with.

In regards to the rest of the thread, I suppose music is my hobby, listening and preforming.

>> No.12827967

Not really a hobby so much as my job but I am a war zone photographer. I'd do it even if they didn't pay me though.

>> No.12827969

i actually do listen to quite a bit of jazz already
but i haven't listened to much of those guys. ill check them out thank you

>> No.12827972

When I get inspired, I make music, but I hate everything I make.

>> No.12827978

you're not a real artist if you're satisfied with your work.

>> No.12827989

I play in a jazz trio and a bunch of other styles in my own time. I also cook, which I consider a hobby given the amount of practice and care I out into researching recipes and experimenting with food I don't actually eat. I do some writing, but mostly for /tg/ stuff.

I guess I lift weights but that's more of a health thing, Its a hobby for some just not for me.

>> No.12828000

well brushing your teeth is a kind of necessary thing (not for everyone though lol). while weight lifting isn't just as every other hobby

>> No.12828014

Photography for me, it gives you an opportunity to shoot pictures of cute girls.

>> No.12828019

Playing an instrument is a top tier hobby

>> No.12828022

jesus fucking christ this thread AGAIN

it's like there are new are more of you self-concious, no-personality, spineless fucks every week asking the same inane questions.



>> No.12828038
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Of course

These days people don't even know what career they should pursue. Getting ideas about unique hobbies to get into is no different from learning about underrated jobs. Either we are stuck with the mundane or we have nothing to do at all. This is the third option.

>> No.12828040

nice blogpost

>> No.12828041

It's interesting to hear about other people's lives anon.
Or do you not think compassion is effay enough for you?

>> No.12828043

That is cool as fuck. I've been watching the Ken Burns Vietnam docu, and I have so much respect for people like you. Putting yourself in harms way to share the truth of these foreign conflicts is absolutely selfless and highly commendable.

(Also i think i know you, if you're that guy from /p/ who had some big threads ~1 year ago)

>> No.12828047

Where do you live?
Or do you travel to various conflict areas?

>> No.12828051

if this thread was on /soc/, yeah sure whatever, but it's on /fa/, has nothing to do with fashion, and has been posted like once a week for the past 4 years. im getting real fucking tired of this off-topic bullshit.

>> No.12828059

of all the offtopic bullshit and bait threads this was the one you decided was the worst?
What does it matter on a slow board like this, some discussion is better than none.
It's the same problem and the same complaint on almost every board on this website. If we removed every single thread that was not exactly what the board title was, the only board left would be /b/.
Also /soc/ is just dicks and kik stalkers, nobody talks about interesting things there.

>> No.12828064

calm down
>has fashion helped you get better at them?
clearly this thread could have something to do with fashion
chill out man

>> No.12828552

Thats not too bad. Have you considered adding some mumble rap over that? Its not too hard to do and will get you popular

>> No.12828616

I've been writing music and drawing portraits for 20 and ten years, respectively. Gaining an understanding of how symbolism and iconography can convey a mood in something like a jacket or a pair of shoes has elevated my musical prowess astronomically.

I can't even begin to tell you how much deeper my understanding of all art has gotten, let alone my ability to invoke totemic shit from the cultural unconscious with synths, samplers and drum machines. I can, like... feel the time and place each sound came from, in a metaphorical sense.

>> No.12828903

I try to read, watch films, play snooker and cycle as much as I can really.

>> No.12828912
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>> No.12829140

>do you consider brushing your teeth a hobby?

No one is unique, thousands of people have the same lifestyle as yours no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you are a special little snowflake.

It's not a hobby anymore because I kind of grew out of it but I used to draw a lot. Now I only do it every now and then when I get particularly bored. But my taste in fashion has dramatically improved my skills in this area : when I draw characters, I get the proportions better, I can easily figure out how they should be dressed (and actually draw the clothes the right way), and my personal style has been heavily influenced by sketches of certain fashion designers.

>> No.12829166

i wanna get into filmmaking

>> No.12829201

playing roblox

>> No.12829394

Lifting, learning languages and reading lit/philosophy.

>> No.12829618

It really depends. I have an apartment back in the US where I can coordinate with clients or fellow photographers in a more serious manner, for instance I'm back in my home town right now because I'm working on a project with James Nachtwey, who happens to live in the same town. However, for at least 3/4ths of the year I am living in relative proximity to conflict zones, so that is to say that I will work in Afghanistan for a month or two and then go back to my spot in Jordan where I have more formal darkroom facilities, and much nicer accommodations. From there I'm able to take a range of work throughout the Middle East. That kind of all shifts around however, so after this next project I will probably be moving to northern India and setting up shop there for a while, at least a year or so.

>> No.12829634

Follow people around college campuses and watch them get into their cars from 50-60 feet away

>> No.12829636

You're insufferable.

No music theory and probably full of ego with shitty thrift store camera and out of focus shots thinking it's amazing

>> No.12830505

Literally billions of people out there.

You’re not unique.

>> No.12830963
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I find it funny how nobody said sewing or anything related to clothing. I guess that's a given.

I got into sewing recently and i've been making some dyi projects in hopes that somebody will notice my work or create my own brand.

>> No.12830971 [DELETED] 


you and every other etsy ho

spoiler alert; if you are not fucking one of the wealthiest men in the world, you are not going to have your work noticed.

If you want to create your own brand of anything, the starting point is to have a tremendous amount of money to throw at marketing.

Artistic merit has nothing to do with commercial success. Never has, never will.

>> No.12830973

Bowling, and hell no nigga bowling most least effay hobby have you seen the shoes

>> No.12830975


>> No.12831115

I collect archival clothing that's kinda why I'm here honestly.

But other than that I guess I like politics I kinda do have to care sorta since I am a voter and the decisions of others at the ballot box in way to many ways than I would like. I also like art(sorta) I like buying it frankly if its not for sale im not interested. I also buy watches usually only Swiss made ones but some French and Japanese timepieces as well if I can get a good price on them. There small and easy to store also keep value. Could be worse. Will pick up any erotica or architecture book if its there. Idk what kinda person this would make me in the eyes of the people who post here.

>> No.12831133

The OP specifically says "other than fashion."

>> No.12831139

I play music with my brother. We mostly just fuck around and experiment rather than write and perform songs. We're trying to save money for a decent DSLR to make videos, though. Fashion hasn't helped me get better, but it helps me look cool while playing.

>> No.12831550

i boulder/rock climb with mates, good work out and get to meet people with the same interest so its cool. also get some nice climbing shoes to go with your chalked up outfit

>> No.12831694

but flossin on these niggas is my hobby senpai.

>> No.12831760


>> No.12831844

i play and study short ring cash holdem.

>> No.12831915
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my main hobby/job is watches. its an autist hobby so it hasnt helped at all.

i used to dive but my lung got fucked so i cant anymore

>> No.12831934

>rock climbing
*tips fedora*

>> No.12831937

shit is hard as hell to do, tho. I mean, you'll be more tired than any previous moment in your life after that first 20 foot wall.

>> No.12831940

bmx is fun

>> No.12832108

im balling like an athlete but got no jumper

>> No.12832117

My hobbies are gambling and making ambient music.

Is this effay?

>> No.12832119

urban exploration/ restauranting/ attending diy shows

i basically don't contribute anything, just observe. Is that still /fa/?

>> No.12832121

The latter is.

>> No.12832122

Ambient music yes, gaming not so much.

>> No.12832129

Gambling is fun when you are on uppers, making music is good for the comedowns/offnights

>> No.12832131

Gambling's dumb. Save your speed for better and more intricate arrangements

>> No.12832133

They pair naturally

>> No.12832145 [DELETED] 

You should take up vandalism that's a sort of contribution

>> No.12832148 [DELETED] 

not joking or trlling btw you should take some benzos and just go outside at night and do it for the fuck of it BRO.

>> No.12832149


>> No.12832152 [DELETED] 

hello what do you mean by yes

>> No.12832157

Create more vandalism. I'm anti-benzo, but you aint me and I just wanna see more neighborhoods and lines ruined with 2 color fills.

>> No.12832161 [DELETED] 

whats a 2 color fill also are you the same person as execrator of florid prose

>> No.12832166

marry me

>> No.12832167

as poet, as that guy, etc.

Throwies. Fills. Bubble letters. simple shit you can kill a whole borough with.

>> No.12832176

you sound tragic

>> No.12832177

Most gambling addicts, like 4/5 who really fuck up? They really tend to off themselves rather than face up.

>> No.12832199 [DELETED] 

Yo should I buy some new shoes or a used iphone 6s lol

>> No.12832201

shoes. FUCK apple and FUCK iphones.

>> No.12832212 [DELETED] 

Why? What if I got the samsung equivalent of the iphone 6s, I got a really shitty sony android phone. The shoes aren't really a necessity cus I already bought some but they're kinda too long and ill fitting for me and I didn't realize until it was too late to return them

>> No.12832215

I play dungeons and dragons.


>> No.12832216

I hate smartphones in general. That girl I was dating who posted all that shit about me being Ike Turner? Well..... She used my samsung to empty my accounts and cards. Really.

And I hate seeing a traincar full of bejeweled zombies

I hate the lifestyle it engenders, come to think.

I use a military grade waterproof clamshell with a cradle charger or a succession of cheap burners. There's shit happening around me I want to see.

>> No.12832256
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i make beets too guys !!!

am i /fa/ .


>> No.12832459

music and lifting weights. also play a few video games but that's like the most boring hobby of all time desu

>> No.12832472

not bad shite, mayne. Nice interspersed vocal hits.

>> No.12832837

he said gambling

>> No.12832853

my best hobby is powerpoint presentations

>> No.12832866
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Fashion isn't a hobby retard. Mines are:
>learn French and programming during the week
>learn tailoring since I got sewing machine from my grandma
>go to cinema with my girlfriend (male) to watch old movies (comfy)
>play guitar (bad now, but improving)
Thinking about starting with bonsai trees. Any one has any experience and good guides for beginners?

>> No.12832959 [DELETED] 

how is fashion not a hobby

>> No.12833066

Everything that's consuming instead of producing is not a real hobby. How is fashion a hobby? Designing or tailoring or knitting - yes, definitely. Soending whole day shitposting, looking at other people fits and buying new stuff isn't.

>> No.12833070

I make music, 50% serious stuff 50% just for fun. Fashion helped me find myself, and by extent express it through music,

>> No.12833071 [DELETED] 

youre producing a look for yourself, you make yourself look a certain way via fashion

>> No.12833079 [DELETED] 

is collecting shit not a hobby as well? i feel like most people would considered it to be one?

>> No.12833082

forgot to include, best track of mine to date

>> No.12833085

>my hobbies? Uhm, I like music, traveling, hanging out with friends and fashion!

>> No.12833086 [DELETED] 

you got some backwards and unique and onley specific definition of hobby dude lmao. Going to the cinema is consuming shit and not producing anything as well but you listed it as one of your hobbies

>> No.12833087 [DELETED] 

so you think fashion is more of an interest than hobby ?
only specific to you*

>> No.12833106 [DELETED] 

Is there really a difference between interest and hobby. Fuck it its all just words anyway

>> No.12833111

does one enjoy brushing their teeth in the same way as they enjoy weightlifting?

i bet not

>> No.12833189

use your legs

>> No.12833192

table games can be effay, so can gambling on certain sporting events but that's about it

>> No.12833193 [DELETED] 


>> No.12833205

That really depends on whether the face begets it, no?

>> No.12833232
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>go to cinema
>Everything that's consuming instead of producing is not a real hobby

>> No.12833727

I'm a porn star

>> No.12833766

Mostly would just game and fashion took over that. I skate sometimes too.

>> No.12833794


I'm the only person on the range that doesn't look like a fudd or a milsurp prepper because I know the basics of dressing myself so
That's something

>> No.12833802
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Really like this senpai. Where'd you learn? Gimme advice.

>> No.12833816

gym and taekwon-do

>> No.12833949

This is not a word, kid.

>> No.12834026 [DELETED] 

shut he fuck up loser cuck

>> No.12834122

got im

>> No.12834128
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t. Beta Cuck

Exercise is personal maintenance. Weightlifting is a hobby.

It's like the difference between tidying your house on the weekends and renovating the entire kitchen. Exercising is for little babies and limp-wristed soccer moms. "Lifting" is for Alpha males and dominant Chads.

>> No.12834130

none of it is practical. learn parkour you grounded inferior pleb

>> No.12834140

you must be one of those insufferable fags who can't even squat 4pl8 yet can't stop talking about the gym. powerlifting and bodybuilding can be hobbies. but "weightlifting" a.k.a. going to the gym several times a week, is not. it's a matter of personal maintenance.

>> No.12834142

I really, really like this picture.

>> No.12834157

I can't imagine anything less effay than having a "hobby".

>> No.12834173

This seems like a pretty crappy thing to argue about. Lifting is both a hobby and personal maintenance.
Your body is not "supposed" to be physically weak but you're not obligated to lift either.

>> No.12834179

Bull you can squat lmao4pl8s. Also, anything around 2 or 3 pl8s for reps is fine if you're going to specialize in the Effay Skill Set. Why put too many points in STR if you're not going to use too much of it as a ROGUE?

>> No.12834193

Since people appear to have trouble understanding what the other anon was saying

When you go to the gym a few times a week, try to catch healthy eating habits and so on, you are doing personal maintenance. You are maintaining your muscle mass. You could do the same by running 3 times a week. It would keep you lean and maintain your cardio, but that would not make it a hobby.

Now if you lift to get into actual competitive bodybuilding (which involves drastic management of diet and rest, personally-tailored programmes, and so on) or powerlifting, then yes it becomes a hobby. Just like running would be a hobby if you trained to compete in marathons or races.

The difference here is that you put much more thoughts and dedication into your activity, you have much more precise goals, and it requires more dedication.

>> No.12834229

my point is why talk about "weightlifting" as a hobby if you're not even that strong?
and yeah i can only squat 3.5 plates, but that's why i don't talk about the gym all the time like an autist. besides, people will always be more impressed by your physique/strength if you downplay the fact that you work out.

>> No.12834234

he would have said bodybuilding/powerlifting then. the only people who call themselves weightlifters are those who are neither strong enough to be powerlifters nor aesthetic enough to be bodybuilders.

>> No.12834241

I have no hobbies. I can't seem to find anything I enjoy that I'm not absolutely shit at...

>> No.12834279

Dude, don't try and downplay squatting 3.5pl8s like you're some hurdcurr pOW!erlifter.

1/2/3/4 for reps is already gym-rat mode, don't act like it's some beginner shit.

>> No.12834282

amateur boxing soon to be pro hopefuuly.

effay or nay?

>> No.12834385

I read a lot, especially philosophy, watch movies, keep up with the news, fuck around in photoshop.

I feel like fashion has overrun my life since I got into it seriously. I think a big reason for that is that its a lot easier to connect with people about in casual way than the other things I'm interested in. Also, it's so subjective and moves so fast that there's always more to learn

>> No.12834432

i've seen literal 16 year olds squat more than that. you can go from absolute beginner to 3pl8 in 6 months. you could even hit 4pl8 in less than a year.

>> No.12834461

I like your stuff

>> No.12834462
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I'm a digital painter. I post on /ic/ a lot too. Being at least somewhat interested in fashion has helped me as a character designer. pic related is a little picture I'm working on. Not super fashion related but I guess it shows I have to study clothing trends

>> No.12834463

lmao on roids maybe

>> No.12834501

Hell yeah man, im in a similar positon but for kickboxing. Maybe after 2-3 more bouts might go pro

>> No.12834523
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I head a Free Software project around info sec. Pretty un/fa/, I guess.

>> No.12834528

I'm a professional videographer, amateur musician and general shitty dude.

>> No.12834603
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You will always get the newest /fa/ stuff 4 free.

>> No.12834604

Weightlifting and Brazilian jiu jitsu (no homo)

>> No.12834649

Recent hobbies :
- Manga, weeb stuffs, and various books (mainly biographies) in general, can't stop since I was a children really
- Rhythm game since I was a grade schooler (dance / leg / finger games, almost all of it)
- Dancing (side effects of playing DDR, PIU, and now Dance Evo mainly)
- Mandarin languages

Past hobbies :
- Playing keyboard (Used to play in a band when I was in high school and college. Too busy with work now and most people are shit anyway. It's almost 2 years when I don't even touch my keyboard)
- English competitions (debate and various public performances when in grade school up until college, I'm an ESL)

I'm into /fa/ mainly because I was forced to look as good as possible because of various band / dance game / English performances, kinda weird how I turned like this despite being a massive weeb

>> No.12834677

this is chill. i like this.

>> No.12834686

selling xanax to art school students

fashion helps
doesn't need explaining

>> No.12834700

meh, out of key near the end. kind of boring. i mean, you can't please everyone kid. find some dreamy jazz scales, some dorian, lydian, locrian, otherwise known as church modes memorize the pretty ones. move from there and stay in key. not hate, just some constructive criticism. keep moving forward.

>> No.12834840

teach me senpai

>> No.12834879 [DELETED] 

ever feel like youre about to get robbed by someone whos actually with the shits and traps for real

>> No.12834880 [DELETED] 

also do you sell fake xanax lol

>> No.12834968


well idk about you but I'm not from America so those words don't translate but ill ching any man down

mozart estate w2 ygm

>> No.12835045


>> No.12835054 [DELETED] 


>> No.12835071

how do you get started diving?

>> No.12835080

i'm natty and i did it. you're just making excuses for being a weak bitch.

>> No.12835089


>> No.12835091
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Exploring, driving at night, poetry, learning secrets.

>> No.12835149

fuck off if he enjoys it it's a hobby
same here. I think it's cause we take our sound for granted, and listening to it hundreds of times you end up only hearing what's off
I think the point is to find out what hobbies ppl on this board are into

>> No.12835154

decent shit my man

>> No.12835226
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>> No.12835237

I mean, if you're buying different flavors of gourmet toothpaste all the time, then it's a hobby.

>> No.12835260

Photography and cooking. And crypto.
I'd like to get into film making, don't really know where to start though. Moreso the editing and directorial side of things, I suck at writing dialogue, too autistic to Anke it sound natural.

>> No.12836032
File: 352 KB, 1066x1600, Heather-Perry-travel-photographer-barcelona-spain-graffiti-sreet-art-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graffiti is effay as fuck

>> No.12836100

this isn't a hobby you retard
do you see other people posting "working a 9-5" or "boosting cars"

>> No.12836125

pokemon tcg. irl and onine.

>> No.12836320

id fuck w this if the perc was more idm esque / complex

>> No.12836325

yes it is. It fucking is.

>> No.12836327

1/2/3/4 might be impressive on /fa/ but if "lifting" is your #1 hobby that's batman

>> No.12836335

Fashion actually got me to take some leaps musically, like expanding my range to include improvisational, sample free dub techno, performed live on gear and unique every time. That leap took about 6 months to really get flowing right, then it got me a few regular jobs because my output was much more accessible.


>> No.12836430

>has fashion helped you at it
no, but it has helped me with fashion.
getting better at art and graphic design have subconsciously made my fashion choices much better too

>> No.12836440

One hand washes the other in these situations. Like, learning to dance made my music better, my posture better, made me aware of body language, which in turn enabled me to present an increasingly seamless first impression. Of course I know shit in the big picture, but everything we work towards with no immediate benefit in sight helps us get that much closer to... self actualization or some shit.

>> No.12836453

you cant use this anon... im disappointed. amature? cmon man
dont do this now, you know you cant use that.
well, now. lets not use that. you know that you cant say that.

>> No.12836462

good shit m8

>> No.12836480

I am doing an intense degree so dont have much free time but I consider the topics I study for my minor a hobby. mainly read theory then find videos on experiments and determine if I can perform them with what I have. I will probably pick up photography in the near future, I would like to do modeling or portrait shoots

>> No.12836499
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>> No.12837786

I'm calling bullshit on your 3.5pl8 squats. Not because it's unbelievable or anything, and not because I don't doubt there are some number of powerlifters currently browsing /fa/, but just because I think you're a little bitch, and I think I'm right, and you're gonna have to prove me wrong.

>> No.12838919
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>I draw and design things (cartoons/doodles/graffiti art/tattoos/car designs/design work in general)

>And am into cars and cafe motorcycles and racing



>Learning about history, just started learning about 17th century privateering and the industrial revolution

>making/designing clothes




>industrial design

>interior design

>making and reading comix/mangu

>thinking about trying amateur electronics like making my own Raspberry Pi boii/gurrl

And cooking fun recipes

And I guess that's mostly it lol,
Ended up finding out I have adult A.D.D when I got diagnosed 2 yrs ago, which explains ALOT why I get bored so easily and pick up so many different hobbies and interests, it feels normal to me, so when I meet most ppl and ask what they're into or what their hobbies/ interests they have, they give some basic bitch answer like (Netflix n chill) and (food) (partying), which makes me sad and bored esp with most grills, they're even worse for being as interesting as a rock. :(

And has it helped my fashion? Well I think all of my interests have helped each other, like Bodybuilding and fashion has helped me draw muscles and clothes, and Bodybukding/Military/sci-fi/movies/architecture/design/ has helped my fashion design

>> No.12838927

I want one so badly, but I'm a bike messenger and on hills I need those extra gears.

>> No.12838951

I get you but c'mon man, don't call people boring because they don't have a range of interests as wide as you. If anything I envy people that have few interests but have been deeply invested in them for a long period of time.

That said, if you only meet people that enjoy partying, food (but not cooking) and Netflix/movies/other passive activities the problem lies with you.

>> No.12839144
File: 43 KB, 540x540, 1470781977948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow didn't think i'd find a producer on here. this reminds me a lot of when i was started producing, keep at it m8 it'll only get better. here's my stuff if anyone wants a listen

>> No.12839399


this is just a way of putting thought into it collaboratively. ofc most people on here are poseurs but that doesn't mean they can't try out new things to figure out what they like

>> No.12839406

what? not op but literally what is this that's not a stereotype lmao

>> No.12839638

youtube for the but 99% of it is just practice and mimicking artists i like

>> No.12839737


>> No.12839776

>Meet random ppl that have no bearing to you..
>Find out they're boring..
>"it's YOUR fault!"

Nice logic.
Not everyone lives on a college campus where everyone is well read and have depth.

If i wasn't so poor id be in industrial design school in Ottawa but it costs $100,000 for 4yrs..
So I'm stuck dealing with boring ppl with little ambition or interests..

But that's if I'm lucky to meet ppl my age at all.. everyone my age is in college or uni so any shit job I get is with boomers or HS students.
I hate being 25.

>> No.12839996


if its poker (maybe blackjack). i think its pretty /fa/ to be good at something fun and make money of it.

>> No.12840087
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I shoot things and hike with the puppers.

I also do a fair bit of woodworking pic to follow.

>> No.12840094
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This was an inlay I did on a dovetail jewelry box. This was my first attempt.

Also coffee table in pic above is of my own design. No hardware just a couple wedges holding it all together.

This winter I'll be making:
Bookshelf for sister
King size bed frame
Natural edge liquor cabinet
and hopefully a small barn/large shed in the spring.

>> No.12840286

Fuck man this sounds way off
You should learn more music theory

>> No.12840308

Pretty comfy. Quality doge. Where do you live/hike? Do you prefer using plastic-y wood finishes or natural oils? How much would you say you've spent putting your wood shop together?

>> No.12840358
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There's a 4-4 1/2 mile loop pretty close to where I love, I try to take him around that at least once a week if not two or three times if the weather is nice.

As far as finishes, it depends on the project. Most any furniture will need some for of water protection, most likely a poly (although you could go with a thick set epoxy as well to get that bar top feel). If I have my druthers however I do prefer to go with linseed oil or something similar. Feels and looks more natural, but has almost no protection from moisture.

That coffee table has 9 (I think) coats of clear poly on it, certainly overkill but I was more filling in the voids in the grain than going for protection after the 3rd coat. I did 2 coats of clear and a coat of semi gloss poly on this dining room table I made my friend.

That table is fucking heavy btw. Took 3 guys to move it in and we still almost dumped it. (It's all just lumber you can get at home depot with a stain I made from steel wool and vinegar). And like the coffee table, no hardware.

As far as my wood shop, it's my garage. I've got a 74 Corvette that sits in it during the warmer months. But Honestly I don't have that many tools. The coffee table was done with a drill driver, table saw, and chop saw, along with a hand planer, draw knife, and a few sharp chisels. So certainly under $7-800? I've got a band saw now that help quite a bit and I'll be picking up a hollow chisel mortiser when I get the money and space.

>> No.12840362
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Here's the finish up close on the table.

The coffee table is high gloss.

>> No.12840551


>> No.12840570
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there's no way its out of key, except for the arp maybe... before i make a instrumental i tape off all the notes in the scale on my keyboard and only play those

key is d major

>> No.12840605

Sorry I stopped listening after 3 seconds
It's in key, but I think the timing for the around is off, it sounds out of place
I'm not pretending that my music is better tho

>> No.12840768
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thanks boys; appreciate it

>> No.12840788

thats rly cool my dude

>> No.12840802

Get your open water brevet and rent your stuff.

>> No.12840884

oh lmao

link ya tunes brah

>> No.12840988

Nothing finished, lots of ideas, few of them work

>> No.12841027

always finish you're tracks duder

>> No.12841055
File: 845 KB, 1456x2592, 1457500134748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How effay is my guitar

>> No.12841638


>> No.12841657

>"Lifting" is for Alpha males and dominant Chads.
Most of /fit/ look and sound like beta piles of shit with toned arms and bitch legs.

>> No.12841661

this is fucking 4chan you dumb fuck.
everybody is a beta here

>> No.12841713

I'm a guy you know

>> No.12841818

shut the fuck up retard if you said this to me in real life i'd kick your ass

>> No.12841963
File: 17 KB, 400x395, 1499072948503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you would bucko

you just mad that picking heaving things up and putting them down isn't actually a hobby

>> No.12842754
File: 68 KB, 564x845, 0ffa6334a92bd3c5e15e9788a064e171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce on op pic please

>> No.12842853

Dude just get a small chainring. I can destroy this super steep climb near my apartment on a 46/17. It does make the downhill a little crazy though, you'll be riding at like 4x your comfortable cadence

Being able to do skids everywhere makes up for it though.