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File: 1.50 MB, 3093x2883, theorekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12825526 No.12825526 [Reply] [Original]

can he ever recover?

>> No.12825530

Thirsty betas will upvote anything a girl posts.

>> No.12825536

eyy that face is ayy lmao

>> No.12825541

cute/awkward sort of cyberpunk looking girl
short man with leaves for face wearing a dress

there was no competition.

>> No.12825556

she buys upboats tho

>> No.12825560
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>> No.12825581

do you guys actually browse reddit?

Just stay there

>> No.12825594

the first fit is better though..

>> No.12825669


>> No.12825674
File: 112 KB, 1087x1080, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas really be tryin their hardest to dress like some modern japanese techno-samurai

>> No.12825696

who is theo?

>> No.12825714
File: 767 KB, 525x841, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those jackets are lame and he looks like two midgets stacked together

>> No.12825728

the messiah

>> No.12825836

I fucking hate betas

>> No.12825922

>bringing an r/streetwear meme to r/streetwear2.0

prime example

>> No.12825948
File: 27 KB, 480x330, 21686182_1747136878631159_3504448141029074539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lookin like sigourney weaver appeasin the nerds
all adds up

>> No.12825949

The grill has a better fit anyways
But yeah she probably got upvotes from thirsty betas

>> No.12825977

theo is over rated and that fit is trash

slut showing her nipples to the teen virgins on r/streetwear

no surprize at all

>> No.12826039

This. Please stay out and don't bring your stuff here and especially don't make new threads about reddit

>> No.12826173

reddit vs 4chan is so epic xD

>> No.12826180

literally streetwear = black nike sneakers with white soles.

thats literally the entire look lmao. fucking ell.

>> No.12826182

theo is an attention whore who posts his shit all over the internet


Fuck off people are sick of you.

>> No.12826319

I can even imagine a man dressed like that cyber-goth in any social situation

like does he go buy groceries dressed that way ? Where does he go looking like that

>> No.12826323
File: 479 KB, 2016x1512, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Pogchamp!

>> No.12826445

Stay there and never come back fucking reddit cuck

>> No.12826569

theo dresses about 100 times better than you I guarantee you little cocksucker

>> No.12826779


>> No.12826913

>A Portal cosplay is one of the top fits on r/streetwear


>> No.12826958
File: 239 KB, 722x1280, rYzxUag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same girl btw

>> No.12826999

oi im looking for a "flight suit" that comes in blue and blaze orange that came out a while back.
saw a guy recently wearing one and it reminded me.
never seen it regarded as a "flight suit" before but that has helped me narrow down the search a bit.

it might have been a canvasy material or maybe pajam-y.

tied around the waist is how i always saw it

>> No.12827006

hi theo

>> No.12827007

Look for pressure suits, but as for flight suits, Amazon sells them for men and in mil-spec, Nordstrom's sells them for women, all tailored up and shit.

>> No.12827037
File: 228 KB, 543x841, likethese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, pressure suits wasnt really it.
and i want to restate that it was a specific one.
Did any runway designers put out a jumpsuit that really caught on in the last couple years.

Looked kinda like this

>> No.12827053

Yeah, go look it up
nordstrom's may have some., Supreme did one, Leith did one,Citizens 4 Humanity did one, NASA sells theirs, as does the army. These can be tailored. Current/Elliot did one, too.

>> No.12827143

Both of those look absolutely horrible.

>> No.12827160

early 2000s margiela also has quite a few flight/jumpsuits

>> No.12827183


>> No.12827189

he looks bad. shoes are autistic as fuck.

>> No.12827213

Rick Owens geobaskets would have looked 100% better

>> No.12827223
File: 238 KB, 1140x760, hayden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some ayy girls are really cute. not OP as much

>> No.12827229

anything other than an autism shoe would have looked better. ruins the entire fit.

>> No.12827387


>> No.12827650

>current year
>still calling things autistic
Sorry to break it but you're autistic

>> No.12827657

No, you are obnoxious fucking child who just learned a new cool word and now you are using this word until it utterly lost its magic and became epic awesome

>> No.12827661

so many thirstlords ITT

>> No.12827739

fuck off redditor

>> No.12827750

both suck dick. one literally haha

>> No.12827754

good thread

>> No.12827758

>implying this board isn't a perpetual menswear/rickposting circlejerk

>> No.12827765

not grossly fat/not wholly unattractive girl vs not a girl

>> No.12827777

Just post this ugly slut's nudes already.

>> No.12827806


>> No.12827839

nah her tits are way bigger

>> No.12827977

check the belt

>> No.12828018

I'm really having a hard time believing this isn't a mtf transgender, and I'm not just saying that to make a joke. Look at the face in >>12826323 and how wide her shoulders are in >>12826958

>> No.12828036

isn't theo like 5'2"?

>> No.12828061

I always think the same thing, where the fuck do people wearing extravagant shit like that go to?

>> No.12828070

he works at a clothing store

>> No.12828073

What does that have to do with what he asked?

Learn to read.

>> No.12828075

you're a fucking idiot allow me to explain

>he goes to work
>wearing his extravagant clothing

don't fret more and more people discover they're on the spectrum each every day just like you :^)

>> No.12828081

>he thinks that's 'extravagant'
oh honey

>> No.12828088

Compared to a regular person, not from the eyes of a head-up-ass fashionista, he looks like an idiot

>> No.12828095

>posting on a fashion board
kys my guy

>> No.12828112

Face doesn't look manly. Just not super pretty. I think she looks fine though. And some people have genetically wide shoulders, even women. My mom has wide shoulders and passed it to me.

>> No.12828116

she looks like a guy desu

>> No.12828119

So we're just supposed to just post our photos online to circle jerk and never walk outside? If you look like an idiot to 99% of people then you've failed. Take a step back and try again

>> No.12828138
File: 47 KB, 635x352, :fa:ggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related its you

>> No.12828148

dude its a fun site if you can find a community that you are interested in, and theres no denying that it has way more content than 4chan.

>> No.12828151
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>> No.12828155

There's plenty of middle ground between "basic" and "looking like an idiot". Theo is not in the middle ground. Not even close.

>> No.12828161

but you still know his name and more about him then he'll ever know about you and talk about him on an internet board :^)

>> No.12828168

Literally never heard of him until today. Writing "theo" was less typing than "the guy in OP's pic".

>> No.12828209

I upvoted it because it was one of the first girl self-posts ive ever liked

>> No.12828370

lol sure dude

fucking assmad bitter kids like you are so funny

>> No.12828488

Ummm we all know why no one upvotes theo's fits anymore...

>> No.12828513 [DELETED] 


>> No.12828542

of course you're a newfag

>> No.12828544

this is what happens when you get too deep into the tranny hole

>> No.12828549

When that ugly chick got more upvotes than Theo, but of couse she didnt get votees because she was a girl....

>> No.12828554


>> No.12828911
File: 816 KB, 1068x652, 2003936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12828968

Both fits are embarrassing garbage.

>> No.12828976

ngl her fit is actually really good

no thirst here cause she's not very hot, but the way she's dressed makes me think of a cyberpunk mechanic or some shit

>> No.12829018

she looks better naked

>> No.12829134

>going on reddit ever