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File: 462 KB, 1241x1637, IMG_3486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.12815921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So Wilguen is apparently sexually harassing women?

>> No.12815924

how about posting some sources instead of image with text on it

>> No.12815934

a hot model named Taylor Allard tweeted it. They used to follow each other so idk if something happened

>> No.12815990

i saw this earlier too lmao

so this fucking dork is not only out there shoplifting but sexually assaulting people too lol this is like when we found out poet beat up his wife

i think she implied that she was one of the people he targeted

>> No.12816688

I know from about 10 different girls first hand that he is a serial sexual abuser. he deleted his @felixguattari instagram. anyone know what his other account was called?

>> No.12816694

He's absolutely a rapist.

>> No.12816704

I don't know who that is but I'm here for the... fashion of it all, am I right?

>> No.12816710

whats wrong with shoplifting? really son

>> No.12816763

Who the fuck is this? Is he somehow related to fashion? Or is this just a reputation assassination of some kid?

>> No.12816767

he used to trip on here i think

>> No.12816771

Hahaha, so this fairly attractive kid rejected some fatty after he fucked her rawdog?
The state of women today. I bet there's at least 100 numales who shared this to signal too

>> No.12816775

haha sexual assault is so alpha!

>> No.12816791

literally /ourguy/

>> No.12816809

How many girls did this guy fuck to warrant a PSA?

>> No.12816810

Used to? He looks like 18. What was his trip?

>> No.12816815

He's born in 96 just go on the archive and search "wilguen" as name

>> No.12816817

he did trip on here his name was Wilguen he posted mostly in WAYWT

>> No.12816826

they are saying 20+

that's not what sizist means
apparently it means
>Someone who identifies someone insecure about their size, makes insulting comments, uses the low self esteem too manipulate take advantage

>> No.12816832

>he posted in WAYWT
lol, what a loser

>> No.12816834

now that i re read it that's exactly what sizist mean lmao whoops u right famala >>12816771

>> No.12816836

he had a few okay fits, mostly cuck core though

>> No.12816839
File: 173 KB, 1082x1296, Screen Shot 2017-10-08 at 7.19.00 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fuking weirdo lmao

>> No.12816847

>he should not be allowed to live a normal life
It's nice in a way that they're not really hiding their ambition to just crush those they hate anymore.

For my part I'll defend fifty thousand rapists before I side with one bitch who uses the word "sizist".

>> No.12816860


>> No.12816899

The fits on WAYWT are the real crime. Sexual assault pales by comparison.

>> No.12816900

Obese roastie detected

>> No.12816917

>defending rapists

>> No.12816923

>being accused of something is the same as being guilty of it
Mattress girl pls go

>> No.12816928

>thinking the destruction of the social fabric with repressive accusations of thoughtcrime is less bad than some physical crimes against individuals
What's it feel like to be retarded? Is it tingly?

>> No.12816934

>So Wilguen is apparently accused of sexually harassing women?

>> No.12816944

he literally said he would rather defend an actual rapist i wasn't even talking about cameron go back to >>>/r9k/ you will never be effay.

>> No.12816950

Wow. I know you've been told by Hollwood that in order to be a real nazi, you have to be evil and misogynist and all that, and in a real conservative society those women would be scorned, but you would get executed together with those fifty thousand rapists of yours.

>> No.12816958
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>> No.12816973

what a manifesto

if all this is because you don't want to wear a condom and said some things someone took offense to, I quite frankly dislike whoever wrote this and not the guy in the pic

>> No.12816976


>> No.12816978

>against repression, thoughtcrime
>you're a n-n-Nazi!
Just answer the question: >>12816928

>> No.12817005

> i wish I could hurt people who don’t agree with me
How does it feel to be upset all the time
It looks exhausting

>> No.12817015

Don't misread me, I am a literal Nazi, and as such I find the hanging of rapists to be a beautiful, wholesome contributon to society.

>> No.12817018

i didn't say i would hurt anyone what the fuck i said you're being an edge lord that needs to return to their contaminate board asap. you sound delusional. that must be exhausting as well

>> No.12817023

are you selective reading or something cause there was a lot more in that "manifesto" than those 2 points

>> No.12817042

Those were the only points that weren't completely ambiguous

I don't even know what a sizist is, so judging by the ambiguity and terms like that the person who wrote it might actually consider not using a condom to be real rape or whatever

>> No.12817043

>there was a lot more in that "manifesto" than those 2 points
Yeah, more baseless accusations as far as I can see. If you have some real shit, go to the cops with your proof. Either way stay the fuck off Twitter and don't try to rile up a lynch mob. Literally what's worst in humanity right there.

>> No.12817049

*accused rapists

>> No.12817052

> you’re rubber I’m glue
You have to be 18+ to post here. Back to Faceberg with you

>> No.12817056

No, rapists. Follow the conversation.

>> No.12817057

>Literally what's worst in humanity right there.
Some pretty fucked up white people too

>> No.12817060

I’m sorry. He’s been convicted? My bad. Can you post a link to the police report or the judge’s ruling please?

>> No.12817067

Follow the conversation, idiot

>> No.12817070

Sooooo no link?

>> No.12817075

Who do you think you're talking to?
Do you think I have any interest in proving or disproving that kid's guilt?
Have you not been following the conversation?

>> No.12817086
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x3264, 1449810586649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew there had to be a reason an attractive rich guy like wilugen would post here

>> No.12817094
File: 38 KB, 1024x392, Screen Shot 2017-10-08 at 8.55.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck his instagram is gone

should have archived his pics when i had the chance... he has great fits

>> No.12817096

Bruh is a bitch.
I'm dead ass sick of these faggot left wing pretend to be feminist ass wipes like him. Go around saying Anti Trump shit accusing him for some shit but instead he's the hypocrite fucking girls with no condom one without conscent.
Aye I'm not one of those sjw fucks neither, but come on dude ...
if 20+ women came out with this bullshit more than likely it's true.
I know some women do this intentionally and trying to ruin someone's reputation... I.e. Ian Connor but fuckers like this kid & Pwr Bttm are on some fuck shit Fr Fr

>> No.12817110

I agree with you on most accounts but the way you're typing is making me fucking hate you anyways

>> No.12817113

thats fucking terrible. hope justice is made

>> No.12817127

Holy fucking shit, when are you literal children going to realize that this is not how you deal with a rapist? There have been people trying to start this shit at my college too, the school eventually had to send out a school-wide email reminding people that a) sharing this shit all over the place can be really damaging to any actual victims, if there are any, b) there are both school and legal resources prepared to help with sexual assault, and c) vigilante social justice is never a better system than the actual law or school

Guess how many police/school reports have been filed against the alleged rapists at my school? Zero. Seeing images like this with no sign of legal action being taken just screams character assassination. In this case there are enough women that that rule of thumb may not apply, but holy fuck. If you can stand to let the entire student body of a school know you or someone you know was raped, you can stand to talk to the police

>> No.12817133

nothing you say makes sense and you have poor reading comprehension

>> No.12817140

Lmao Wtf

>> No.12817143

taking the condom off with out consent falls under sexual assault but they also said he was having sex with people without their consent or knowledge which is rape there was no ambiguity about that statement
c'mon we all know the cops won't do shit so if you want punishment and for it to actually have an impact on a mans life you will attack his social life.

>> No.12817144

Lmao Wtf

>> No.12817153

dude looks like a faggot who listens to mac demarco while getting stoned

>> No.12817157

>the justice system isn't giving me everything I want immediately, can't you see mob justice is THE ONLY WAY?!
Hope you get lynched by a mob t bh

>> No.12817158

>Guess how many police/school reports have been filed against the alleged rapists at my school? Zero.
You just made my point. Cops won't do shit the only way to get shit done is to drag their name through the mud. Just look at brock turner case even with proper evidence and witnesses he only got 3 months. Although I agree that exposing the victim can be damaging but i would risk 1 person to save future victims.

>> No.12817159

>c'mon we all know the cops won't do shit so if you want punishment and for it to actually have an impact on a mans life you will attack his social life.
1. learn English before speaking it please
2. this is how society falls apart, you fucking moron
Read Hobbes

>> No.12817163

ahh yes lets press charges that won't go anywhere or make a difference in the end instead

>> No.12817164
File: 433 KB, 1000x1000, 1446854644089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>c'mon we all know the cops won't do shit so if you want punishment and for it to actually have an impact on a mans life you will attack his social life.
come on now

>> No.12817168

it's true though... sexual assault and rape cases rarely go anywhere or result in convictions because evidence is hard to provided and most cases are "he said she said"

>> No.12817170

They all consensually had sex with him so idk about the harassment

>> No.12817180

>You just made my point
No, I fucking didn't.
>Cops won't do shit
Yes, they fucking can, have, and will
>Just look at Brock Turner case
That was an abortion of justice but it was a fringe case and you and I both know it. Don't fall for the "SEE HOW WHITEY ALWAYS GETS OFF EASY" shit. For one, that was sexual assault, not rape. He should have had more jail time regardless, but the case was not explicit rape. Two, the judge was at fault, not the cops. Three, Brock Turner's life HAS been effectively ruined and it never would have been ruined if legal action had not been taken.

>> No.12817186
File: 581 KB, 1200x1185, Out_Of_1000_Rapes 122016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking delusional

>> No.12817206

>Just look at brock turner case
Miscarriage of justice, that guy was innocent

>> No.12817207

You are a fucking retard. Let's tear your stupid chart apart
1. that "310 out off 1000" is dubious right off the bat because it is inherently no more than a guess, given that it's impossible to get statistics on un-reported rapes
2. this chart make the fucking retarded decision to automatically automatically side with the victim in not only every reported rape case, but 690 HYPOTHETICAL UNREPORTED CASES TOO, which is so blatantly stupid and dishonest that I'm shocked you haven't realized it

This chart is working under the assumption that every single reported rape case as well as over two times more unreported rape cases are always legitimate.

>> No.12817225

If your lazy ass took time to go to the source you would see they took their estimations straight from annual studies conducted by the Justice Department

>> No.12817229

>evidence is hard to provided and most cases are "he said she said"
That's just more reason to not do anything to the alleged perpetrator, dimwit

>> No.12817244

it's goes both ways you fucking moron. I could easily say that it give more reason to believe the victim.

>> No.12817251


I seriously hope you get fucked by a vigilante mob one day you can experience the reciprocal end of what you're advocating for

>> No.12817252

>it's goes both ways you fucking moron.
No, it absolutely doesn't, fagmachine. The rule of law is founded on the presumption of innocence, if there's only word against word the suspect has to be acquitted. Are you four years old and a mean kid stole your wowwipop?

>> No.12817262

there is proof though.. of is a rapist

>> No.12817271

By the way I'm not arguing against this guy being a rapist, I have absolutely no info or opinion on this situation. I'm just trying to drill it into the mind of the retard in this thread that presumption of guilt by vigilante mobs is never a good idea

>> No.12817275

theres multiple women that have came forward and accused him of harassment (according to the girl who made the post it's around 20) but okay sure believe the rapist lol!

>> No.12817278

>theres multiple women that have came forward and accused him of harassment
That means literally fucking nothing, multiple women accused fucking Bill Cosby of rape, come on

>> No.12817283

>That means literally fucking nothing
Exactly, thank y-
> multiple women accused fucking Bill Cosby of rape, come on
Is there a single person in this threa

>> No.12817285

*thread who isn't retarded?

Fuck this touch screen laptop

>> No.12817290

Lets say things go your way and cameron gets reported. great. he goes to court and most likely nothing will happen because there is no evidence besides word of mouth so he is now released back into the public.

lets say there was no call out post either. No one is aware that he is a rapist besides the victim and law enforcement. He is now free to prey on any one.

But since there is a callout post and his entire social circle is aware of him plus thousands of other people he no longer can do those things as freely as before. You want me to believe that this is a bad thing?

>> No.12817294


>> No.12817297

okay you guys are actually defending bill cosby? alright there is no reason to continue this discourse.

>> No.12817305

It isn't about this particular case. It's about what happens when your philosophy on how to deal with these things is actually carried out. Just so far this year at my school, this poor fucking kid with Asperger's somehow got one of these "call-out" posts written about him and it got plastered everywhere. He was vilified, mocked, and threatened, and it wasn't until the school took matters into its own hands that the piece of shit that wrote the post came out and apologized for making the pic based on an off-hand rumor. No victim ever even stepped forward, the person who wrote the post didn't even claim to be a victim. That poor kid has never ever been with a girl and probably never will now. How does this seem like a good, stable system to you, you fucking moron?

>> No.12817307

I pretty clearly wasn't>>12817283>>12817285

The other retard was, though

>> No.12817319

Let Columbia know that this isn't acceptable.

>> No.12817325

>buying the Cosby meme
For FUCK's sakes

This is unwholesome levels of retarded, Bill Cosby was set up because told the truth about blacks' situation in America, that it's on the heads of black people themselves, glorifying a bad culture, refusing to man up, take responsibility, and work hard for a reward way down the line -- plus is an icon of wholesomeness so the people into "deconstruction" and degeneracy wanted his scalp

>> No.12817330

>his poor fucking kid with Asperger's somehow got one of these "call-out" posts
being a retard isn't an excuse for being creepy predator and people should very well be aware that he does not understand boundaries.

>> No.12817331

The Pound Cake speech had a lot of truth to it but has absolutely nothing to do with this. That was in fucking 2004 anyways, no one cares anymore. If someone was truly going to assassinate someone's character, there are bigger fish to fry

>> No.12817334


>> No.12817336

so the jews were behind it? really makes you think.

>> No.12817337

what school was it cause this case sounds familiar and im pretty sure he was not completely innocent. people just felt guilty after they found out he was an autist

>> No.12817344

One in Washington state
You must be thinking of someone else because I can guarantee you that he was innocent
What a fucking shock, a bunch of 18-21 year olds high on their own supply of vigilante superiority got all up in arms about something with no evidence and surprise surprise, someone got fucking hurt because of it

>> No.12817346

>highly educated guesses

>> No.12817349

u do realize these "rumors" about cosby have been around for like 15 years. he tried to get wendy williams fired when she was a radio DJ cause she was one of the few people who were talking about it back in the day

>> No.12817350
File: 34 KB, 500x547, 15079076_179544195841421_8009920016813822908_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has refused to wear a condom during sex
>has taken off condom multiple times without consent

So when this guy isn't "assaulting" women he is constantly getting them into bed with their consent? I'm supposed to care about these roastbiffs or find their claims credible?

>> No.12817354

>reading more gender theory

because the pathway to becoming a well-adjusted man that women find attractive is knowing that all attempts at courtship are harassment and penis in vagina sex is rape by default, even when the girl says she wants it and is dead sober.

>> No.12817368
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The manifesto 1/4

>> No.12817370
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>> No.12817374

was just about to post this but please continue :)

>> No.12817375
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>> No.12817379


>> No.12817381
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>> No.12817382

Is this something this guy wrote about himself of is this something a girl he burned wrote about him in first person?

>> No.12817394


>every interest i have it's for other people to at me and say "wow he's interesting"

that's basically all of /fa/ and /mu/ it's no surprise that he use to post here. what a fraud.

>> No.12817400

it's all making so much sense

ties in nicely with his cuckcore sense of fashion

>> No.12817408

Any evidence of this or are you just putting this guys info out there for lulz? And no, the accusation of a crime isnt evidence of a crime.

>> No.12817410
File: 38 KB, 507x700, poot-clothing-girls-kick-ass-1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude is a good guy, people are just hating because he broke some girls heart, also he's good looking and ivy league so easy to hate. That's life

>> No.12817412

besides the terrible manipulative and gas lighting habits most of this is stereotypical shallow millennial behavior. this is exactly how every art hoe or soft boy i've met is like

>> No.12817419

You are a charlatan.

>> No.12817427
File: 33 KB, 452x456, B2E856B8-1265-49EB-8028-15D74B2AF690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess now that he’ll be a pariah, he’ll have time on his hands to re-evaluate his choices.
It doesn’t pay to mistreat women in 2017. They have social enforcement
mechanisms to even the playing field.
The good news is all you have to do is be a decent human being and you need never learn about these tactics first hand

>> No.12817429

Lmao even assuming that everyone reports, that's still 6 convictions per 300 accusations. Now, rape is a reasonably difficult crime to prove, which is simply an unfortunate fact, but that's a 2% conviction rate. I find it pretty fucking hard to believe that a 2% conviction rate includes a significant number of falsely convicted people, and I find it hard to believe that it doesn't exclude a significant number of people who were guilty.

>> No.12817437

he wrote it about his self under "wil9" which is a spin off of his 4chan trip name wilugen u can even see him in the prof pic of the pastebin account

>> No.12817440



>> No.12817441
File: 176 KB, 1023x760, DLqiSSTWAAAVhOA (1).jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would've guessed that this man is a sociopath x|

>> No.12817445

What? You think someone would just go on the internet and LIE?

>> No.12817451

I agree with this guy fuck you >>12817096

>> No.12817453

There sure were a whole bunch of people accusing folks of being witches back in the day in Salem. That worked out real fuckin good.

>> No.12817457

>sexual assault

Sounds like they are just a bunch of stupid whores.

Nothing to see here.

>> No.12817461

If a chick wanted to fuck you and told you she wasn’t in the pill and you said yeah, but only with a condom, and she secretly pulled it off you mid sex, would YOU be okay with it?

Or if she poked holes in it and then tried to get you for child support, since that probably fits your world view better.

>> No.12817464

>defending literal witches
kys my man

>> No.12817465
File: 173 KB, 2024x506, Screen Shot 2017-10-08 at 11.17.21 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure he made this post during the first time he was accused of abuse. he told people he was going to kill himself if they kept exposing him

>> No.12817467


>> No.12817469

is this a common viewpoint that young people have? it's actually slightly terrifying

>> No.12817472

is <https://twitter.com/adobegothic> behind this post?

>> No.12817475

yes we side with the victim before the rapist because we aren't MRAs that think everything is a false accusation

>> No.12817478
File: 311 KB, 1152x2048, 9824947B-13AA-4422-85B1-E5F965A41687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another accuser

>> No.12817480

no im not her but i have been lurking her page for updates

>> No.12817481

What race is the person that posted that? What race are the people that replied.
men still have rights. Innocent until proven guilty.

>> No.12817493

Legally, innocent until proven guilty. But rape is a tough crime to prove even if there are 20 people accusing. But if there are 20 people accusing I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and personally denounce and avoid the accused.

>> No.12817496

Mugging has a 3% conviction rate when counted in the same way and there there's always potential physical evidence in the form of the stolen money/items.

>> No.12817504

>itt people *literally* blaming the victim
jesus christ you're all scum. please don't be white males. The shame by association I carry is already too great

>> No.12817507

lol did you like put your dick into a little mini guillotine? did you give it a viking funeral after?

>> No.12817512

>The shame by association I carry is already too great
Then neck yourself. Be the change you want to see.

>> No.12817515

lmao how surprising. this is the majority of people on /fa/ and the majority of people in the black metal threads here. fucking posers

>> No.12817525

>being this cucked still in current year

yikes anon

>> No.12817526
File: 768 KB, 881x833, 0980968957464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call out enablers

>> No.12817528

she's ugly inside and out and is the epitome of 3b and 4a of his manifesto

>> No.12817531

I refuse to believe a male human would attempt coitus with this

>> No.12817539

knowing wilguen after reading his manifesto he was probably doing it for liberal woke points

>> No.12817548

she's gotten so fat and ugly makes me almost sad for her :/

>> No.12817574

lmao I thought he looked familiar a ton of people I know posted this on their instagram story

>> No.12817582

he looks so much like le supreme gentleman in the pic on the left

>> No.12817585

his life is over i wonder if he will kill him self theres no way he can recover from this

>> No.12817596

dude comes from money. just start over somewhere people don't know you like japan

>> No.12817599

>theres no way he can recover from this
Hopefully he'll just sue the living shit out of everyone involved in spreading this libel. Really they ought to be crucified or some shit but I think that's outside the scope of a tort.

>> No.12817604
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>le read hobbes

>> No.12817605

depends on the jurisdiction. Mississippi still allows it I think

>> No.12817624


women lie. Alot.

>> No.12817628

Its easy to get away with shit in NYC, All you need is lots of different groups ofr friends, and a few people who have your back, and everything fades away eventually.

>> No.12817631

in the left pic he looks kinda like elliot rodger

>> No.12817645

from his 4chan

i did remember him posting shit about manipulating women back in the day. not sure if this is a witch hunt by a bunch of angry women who got played by the soft boy or real allegation. is there any actual testimony posted or is it just the infowarning?

>> No.12817647

>tripfag with ego the size of a sun
well color me surprised

>> No.12817650
File: 39 KB, 470x500, 1490925010172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the INTJ snaps

>> No.12817654

what the fuck, does this guy post here?
literally heard about this from my friends at school...never met the dude

>> No.12817657

>Perhaps the most profound consequence of the dress code is that it effectively puts young girls in a position to be held accountable for the actions of people of the opposite sex

>> No.12817704

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen

>> No.12817737

>columbia university suspended him for sexual assault to perform a character assassination on a kid

>> No.12817742

I'm okay with men doing it to women because no one cares when it happens to us and no one ever will.
The only way to get the law to approximate justice is a law to be made for the benefit of women that had to begrudgingly protect men as well.

>> No.12817746

>someone would willingly subject themselves to the public abuse directed at sexual abuse victims because they dont like a person

>> No.12817751

wow i am red pilled now
thot patrol

>> No.12817755

There's literally feminist authors that claim all penis in vagina is rape, lel. That vaginas aren't built to be assaulted by a penis and we're supposed to jizz on the outside and let it drip in.

>> No.12817759

wow you're right
fuck feminazis
thot atrol

>> No.12817765

Be serious, though. If some guy is a sociopathic sex offender do you genuinely believe reading feminist literature would make him into a good person?

>> No.12817772

Because my take would be, no of course it won't. I would have the sex offender executed.
It's interesting that you say "thot patrol" in response because I'm talking about a guy preying on women.

>> No.12817796

Who is she?

>> No.12817826

>we're supposed to jizz on the outside and let it drip in

>> No.12817834

If women knew what it felt like to nut inside, I think they'd have more empathy for us.

>> No.12817856

>>Someone who identifies someone insecure about their size, makes insulting comments, uses the low self esteem too manipulate take advantage
absolutely /ourguy/

>> No.12817860

>Someone who identifies someone insecure about their size, makes insulting comments, uses the low self esteem too manipulate take advantage
someone buy that motherfucker a beer

>> No.12817866

quality b8

>> No.12817876

@revirginization on instagram

>> No.12817901


>> No.12817910