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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 175 KB, 1080x1080, 1501701198594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12814767 No.12814767 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever dated anyone more effay than you?

>> No.12814773

No but I have dated girls more attractive than me

>> No.12814877
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>have you ever dated anyone

>> No.12815040


>> No.12815051


she's cute

>> No.12815065

My thoughts exactly anon

>> No.12815066
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>> No.12815179
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>> No.12815254
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>> No.12815288

yes. this freak-ass attention whore https://www.instagram.com/lupaleon/?hl=it
liked her outfits though

>> No.12815314

yeah, she had become the epitome of "effay" term and committed suicide :'^)

>> No.12815317
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>> No.12815332

milk my prostate

>> No.12815341

Now plese D E L E T E

>> No.12815352


rule number one of men's fashion is basically not to outdress women

>> No.12815353

yes. she looked like OP pic and broke up with me via text message.

my current gf is a bit basic and likes generic girl stuff but she is a catholic girl with wide hips wich I like. Overall she is a good girl, except too loud at times

>> No.12815355

>more effay
she looks like she's a prop from a mumford n sons video.

>> No.12815452
File: 13 KB, 400x321, 859817cd70db7de5d8e47dad1bf7ac17--frog-meme-the-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my ex gf was a model

>> No.12815464

pics faggot

>> No.12815479
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came here to post this

>> No.12815517

What the fuck is this squatting and gesturing at shit that all indie girls do?

>> No.12815553
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>> No.12815635

I just now realized that didn;t say DR MILK

>> No.12815641

Everyone I've ever dated has been super nerdy and the second we break up they decide to have a complete makeover and look amazing.

>> No.12815830

wouldn't you mean yes then?

>> No.12815851
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>> No.12815856
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not possible

>> No.12815903
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Came here to read this

>> No.12815935
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>> No.12816588
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>> No.12816595

yes but she was fat so no

>> No.12816607
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>> No.12816617

I never date down.
What’s the point in being with someone who isn’t at least as good as me?
If you need to feel superior, get a pet.
The only area I’m better than the girls I date is faking it.

>> No.12816618

I've dated a rich girl. At first it was kind of a challenge since her family was really classy and formal. She had her casual days, but whenever there was a formal or semi-formal gathering she would basically wear the fanciest dresses and outfits which was really intimidating. I took it as a wake-up call that I needed to mature my wardrobe a bit, even if I couldn't afford the more expensive formal clothes, and formal stuff wasn't my style.
Now I get pretty excited when I shop for blazers, dress shirts, sweaters, etc.

>> No.12816627

I had a similar experience. Except it was more like a wake up call for my entire life. Clothes, aspirations, motivation, knowledge of arts. It's quite scary hanging out with people who are clearly above you in every way from a class perspective.

>> No.12816631
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Stop making me feel these feels

>> No.12817148
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>> No.12817176
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>> No.12817179
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I've never dated anyone.

>> No.12817192
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>> No.12817284

Ewwee she has the distance of my fist between her eyes. /fa Shih tzu

>> No.12817485
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>> No.12817547

Same. People would actually act shocked that I was dating her. Overall better for it - i now have much higher standards that I try to raise myself to meet, the breakup really fucked with me but made me stronger, plus when people see my old pics or ask about my exes their opinion of me rises a little.
Models are overrated. Find someone whose genetics will compliment yours and your kids can be models instead, which is much more satisfying I guess

>> No.12818412

kore desu ne

>> No.12818422

Truth right here. It's hard to move past one, but that's just your ego talking. Unless you like the largely vapid cocaine and old man money that is their very life force. My time showed me a woman who had not a single book in her apartment or life, a face in an iphone 18 hours outta the day. and then there's the ENTITLEMENT. I really don't miss anything but the sex and the ego boost and her endless money.

Them 3 things aint shit tho, trust.

>> No.12818426

she also dressed like, 95% fucking CLUB MONACO when free from work. Laugh, I laughed.

>> No.12818440


all the fashion fitness and money in the world won't save you when you have shitty social skills

sure they can get you a lot further but being social will always be the prerequisite

>> No.12818465
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not anymore

>> No.12818993
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>> No.12819011
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>> No.12819037

stop posting this disgusting leftist whore

>omg look at me posing next to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s name, isn't that so progressive?

>> No.12819099

these are the fucking dorks giving you fashion advice LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.12819107
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yeah, she was from NYC

>> No.12819115


>> No.12819128

Lmao I thought it was Dr. Milk hehe

>> No.12819135

I have never had dated somebody longer then one month.

>> No.12819379

Isn't that that dumb are hoe from that info wars video who was like 'trump stinky hahaeehooo', then when asked why her small ape brain couldn't give a legit answer

>> No.12819398
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>they call me lonely man
>because i'm always lonely, man

>> No.12820201
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Go jerk off and watch a cartoon. It' be ok.

>> No.12821213
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Yes, and it was the worst relationship I've ever been in. Can't get those years back.

>> No.12821286
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I'm willing to bet your faggot ass could use some

>> No.12821422

my ex becoming a model was basically what broke us up, she was beautiful and I didn't mind it at all but once someone starts getting money for how they look it changes a cute, shy-ish girl to an entitled, promiscuous, generic one

>> No.12822510

that's sad. money shouldn't change people like that.

>> No.12823871

maybe just level but it doesn't matter who is the most fashionable

>> No.12823897

My husband co-founded and was the editor in chief of a fashion magazine since 17 years old, we met a year later. So yeah lol. I don't really do fashion myself, I just wear what personally looks good to me, and that I like. We're planning our own small independent label within the next 5-10 years, I like designing because I never really see what I want in clothing, so I guess there's niche I can fill..

>> No.12824017

ugh, if you are over 22 please kill yourself you little tryhard

>> No.12824042
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>> No.12824068
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Daht der full squat!

>> No.12824083
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Quite the opposite actually. My Slav boyfriend can't dress himself for shit.

>> No.12824365


this many fucking losers on this board? Wow, browsing for entertainment at this point yall are fucking virgins

>> No.12824492

rich qt azn with father in clothing business.

>> No.12824495
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Hehe, good one anon, can't imagine being in that situation...

>> No.12824796


fucking savage

>> No.12824813

hard to say, both have completely different styles.

i think she's slightly better dressed though, but that's because i think she "can make almost anything work"

>> No.12824838

yeah, but her family was batshit, and she had a lot of issues with body dysmorphia and stuff.

My cuurent gf is pretty basic, but she's still a qt and her parents are nice.

>> No.12824890

I usually date up aesthetically. Most of those relationships crumbled due to general unhealthy art thot drama. Looking back I feel like I've surpassed their style/taste. The one girl who had way more fa taste, style, career, talent, etc. I fucked up by being kinda sleazy and really faded all the time. Still owe her an apology honestly.

>> No.12824966
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>> No.12825524


Hmmm, sounds like somebody has a mental illness and also suffers from some kind of learning disability. I'm sorry you had to grow up in that way, it must have been tough, but honestly it doesn't justify your bitterness and self-hatred. Grow up.

>> No.12825550
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>> No.12826203

Yes. It's not like she had better sense of style, but she put much MUCH more effort into it every time. I'd dress up when I felt like it and other times gone to stores in my pijamas. She, however, dressed up every time she went outside. Turned out to be a disgusting personality rather soon, and that's when I stopped caring what clothes a girl wears.

>> No.12826231


>> No.12826252

Kill bill

>> No.12826301
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hello darkness, my old friend

>> No.12826473
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who is she?

>> No.12826969

Not possible

>> No.12827454

.coming here for advice

>> No.12828228

My gf dresses with some really shitty/poor clothing but manages to look more effay than brandshitters most of the time

>> No.12828230

Being effay is not really a thing where I live btw, at least not in the way that you people are used to... I'm basically one of the few people who tries/cares about this stuff and people are always worried about how much i spend on it but idgaf

>> No.12828251
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No, and that's why they never want to see me again after the first date

>> No.12828276

No. My gf is a Christian girl who dresses about as you'd expect someone who loves going to bible study to dress.

But I don't care, I'm not dating her for the clothes she wears/she's not dating me for the clothes I wear.

>> No.12828558

Judging by the dense pepe content of this thread, it seems that /fa/ is only a board for the more functioning parts of /r9k/. For a split second there I thought some of you might have good taste. What a shame.

>> No.12829705

What is this style called and how do I achieve it?

>> No.12829783

Wow you really showed him

>> No.12829793
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>> No.12829832
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>> No.12829844
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I'm used to it. I don't like it. But I'm used to it.

>> No.12830301

>Been on two dates with the same girl, after second date she texts me saying that she basically thinks i want a relationship and she doesnt want that

>> No.12830552
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Just go along with it dummy. Girls change their minds so fucking fast when they're young. As long as she's not turned off by you anything can happen. Make yourself desirable to other girls and make her jealous

>> No.12830584
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