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/fa/ - Fashion

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12807370 No.12807370 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become /comfycore/?

>> No.12807389
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layers, knitwear, muffler and a quilted jacket

>> No.12807410

This, it's the layers. Get four of those fuckers going

>> No.12807414


does a scarf count as one?
four is hard to sustain

>> No.12808397

That's skinhead

>> No.12808500
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>> No.12808586

Dress to be and stay warm, dry and comfortable. Use layers in a way, that you can easily take one layer off or add more if weather gets warmer/colder.

Greetings from military survival excercise.

>> No.12808609

Oversized mushy shit. I don't like to wear straight jeans with those though, so I just use slim.

>> No.12808634

Four layers is for -30C at minimum

>> No.12808637

Maximum fuzzeh
15/10 would wear.

>> No.12808670

For those that have still something to put on at those temperatures. Spaniards put the winterjackets on at +-5C

>> No.12808727

What is comfycore? Are you supposed to wear clothong that feels comfortable or clothing that looks comfortable?
I really don't understand how layers would increase the comfort level.

>> No.12808742
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ideally both, but it's mostly about the aesthetic

>> No.12808765

Both, but on aesthetic side it shouldn't look lazy or sloppy imo. It isn't quite the same wearing your pajamas throughout the day, even though it should feel like it

>> No.12808792
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nigga i'm a native swede i put on mine at +10c

>see literal manlets going around with tanktops just to show everybody they are true vikings
>nobody gives a shit
>i'm warm and cozy

>> No.12808802

relaxed casual clothing with an emphasis on neutral colors and soft natural fabrics

>> No.12808894

Då hej min svenska vän! I haven't used mine in years but we in Finland are a bit odd.
Light coat with pullover or something similar has been just enough. That's 3 layers with t-shirt

>> No.12809099
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Has anyone tried pic related? Is it comfy? And most importantly can I pull it off as a 5'11 180lbs guy or do you need to be skinny to make it work?

>> No.12809159
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be them or furgettaboutit

>> No.12809186

its okay as long as you buy the right size

>> No.12809227

I work at Levi's so I have that jacket, it's comfy af, and I'm 5'11 and broad and looks pretty good on my frame in my opinion

>> No.12809244


How the fuck do u size this damn thing?

I have a Levi's trucker in size Small, but I'm perplexed by how it fits.

It is too small in the body and I cannot comfortably button it up. However, the sleeves are kind of baggy and too long for my arms. Meanwhile, the body is awkwardly short. Truckers fit weird.

Do I size up to M if I wanna buy this thing? or do I get a Small?

>> No.12809343

Looks fucking great on broad shoulders. If you size it right out will be a little snug around your delts but you'll break it in

>> No.12809378

Dude it's a "Trucker" jacket, you need more arm room to spin the big rig wheel, and you don't want to be sitting on your jacket so it's going to hit just above your waist.

I'm also a comfycore noob and want to look relaxed but I don't want to end up looking like I'm wearing dad's clothes

>> No.12809594

Jesus I want a jacket like that. Its fucking beautiful.

Could it be pulled off /fa/?

>> No.12810231

Finnes det noe faktisk verre enn Finnland? Mumitrollet var greit, men hva har dere gjort etter det?

>> No.12810317

Thanks, I think I'll buy the jacket then

>> No.12811650

I just got mine, it's great. Make sure to size up if you have broad shoulders.

>> No.12812460
File: 29 KB, 500x500, sherpa line faux shearling hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard that the female jackets at Levis can have tight shoulders, should I go a size up or will it break in with this faux shearling jacket?

>> No.12813340

How comfy is too comfy

>> No.12813705

no such thing

>> No.12813715
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Any opinions on uniqlo sweats? They look really comfy

>> No.12813744

Damn fuck that nigga looks comfy as shit

>> No.12814574


>> No.12814581
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Like this.

>> No.12814582


I feel like this is toeing the line.

>> No.12814583
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And with this, we cross that line.

>> No.12814586
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>> No.12814601
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>> No.12815141

>tfw never gets below 65 where i live
>tfw hate nice weather
>tfw can never wear anything heavier than a cotton hoodie in the middle of "winter"

>> No.12815465

>tfw winter is often -10 degrees Celsius
>tfw fashion is utterly impossible at such temperatures

>> No.12815821

>wanna get comfy
>born tropical

>> No.12815912

Winter fashion?

>> No.12815971

winter fashion is alright at 0 to -5 degrees
-10 to -20 is michelin man territory, especially with the cold biting wind we get over here

>> No.12815984


>-10c = 14f

lol what.
Where I live, I routinely see people wearing shorts in 14f. They're crazy people, ofc.

But realistically you don't need a parka until around -20f and it doesn't need to be hopelessly baggy until around -30f. Much below that and you can be as /fa/ as you want because you aren't going outside today.

>> No.12815991

>realistically you don't need a parka until around -20f
anon, -20 fahrenheit is -28 celsius
that's literally life-threatening territory
you'd probably lose your nose after a 30 min walk withou a bandana

>> No.12815997


Nah. It's fine.
I go biking & cross-country skiing in -20f weather. Lots of people do. It is not exactly what I would call pleasant, but it still beats sitting at home watching netflix.

>> No.12816190

what are the /comfy/est outer layers? would a chore coat be the best thing to put on top of hella sweaters and milsurp wool pants?

>> No.12816208

>Has literally never left the house but thinks he can lie about it
Anon pls

>> No.12816219
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>in -30 degrees celsius

>> No.12816223


When it gets cold enough, the snow starts to squeek like styrofoam.


Depends on use and conditions.

>> No.12816242
File: 207 KB, 1600x1067, crazay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol dude.
people go SURFING in this shit.

>> No.12816244

chore coats tend to be real rigid which is not comfy. I have one made of linen which is nice, but linen chore coats are pretty rare, your best bet is probably checking thrift stores. Beams+ used to make a Cotton/Linen-blend, so maybe check that out.

oh and chore coats are only comfy when oversized, period

>> No.12816245
File: 165 KB, 896x1120, yahxdwstn0vy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not a shop.
You need to HTFU.

>> No.12816279


and this is why people hold your entire generation in contempt, and refer to you as numales.

>> No.12816285

Wtf winter fashion is the best. Boots and big coats. Scarves and gloves if youre a fag too.

>> No.12816293

men from two generations ago could easily bike through siberia in winter in only leather shorts made from the scalps of their enemies
it helps that they were 3 meters tall, had the muscle mass of a small elephant and penises so long they could wrap them around their necks to stay warm during the long days of siberian biking

>> No.12816304

This is actually true.

>> No.12816329


I wouldn't make light of them if I were you.
There is a reason developers are building shitloads of retirement homes instead of appropriate housing for young people.

>> No.12816392

Tbh I'm a broke college student so I'm gonna thrift anyways. And chore coats should only be worn oversized obviously, that's how they were originally intended to be worn.