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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 482 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12791486 No.12791486 [Reply] [Original]

Haori, hanten, noragi is there a way to wear them without looking like a weaboo /fa/ggot?

>> No.12791488
File: 396 KB, 1366x2048, IMG_2789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is vivism's sanjuro down coat a little out of my price range but it looks comfy and I'd like to integrate something like this into my wardrobe

>> No.12791491
File: 243 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_2788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shades of grey has kimono tops and denim noragi like pic related seems like a good light jacket for fall

>> No.12791501
File: 106 KB, 736x736, IMG_2790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a white guy I want to avoid being mistaken for a weaboo, so I'm wondering if anyone has any opinion on whether if it's possible to pull this off or any experience with similar styles

>> No.12791502

Kimonos look good if you're a tall well bearded guy going for an artsy vibe

>> No.12791512

Is that kimono made of denim?
I kinda wish it was not.

>> No.12791523

Looks good to me. I doubt normies will be even able to recognise these pieces, maybe they see they have a certain eastern look to them, but i think most would just think it's just a funky jacket

>> No.12791536

stop worrying about looking like weeaboos
if you are good looking and confident no one will give a fuck
if you are "y-you too" stammering faggots who ask people in waywt threads whether you can pull a piece off, better give it a miss.
you'd be amazed at the shit you can get away with when you're assertive

>> No.12791540

>little out of my price range
understatement of the minute

>> No.12791552
File: 1.21 MB, 748x750, VISVIM-Sanjuro-Kimono-Down-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sanjuro Kimono Down is my favorite Visvim piece of all time. Love how they blended it with the more militaristic look of a bomber

>> No.12791554
File: 405 KB, 2048x1367, VISVIM-Sanjuro-Kimono-Down-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the comfiest jacket I own

>> No.12791559

I quietly chuckled at this too but I let it slide
it just turns these threads into shouting matches over who is a poorfag.

this. I hate this fusion technique. yohji hakamas in denim are also a travesty

>> No.12791605

Op here I agree denim isn't the best I'd like a more comfortable material for something like this but it's a modern cut
On the other hand though something bulky like this hanten pic related would be perfect if it wasn't so ... traditional? Maybe it the sleeve weren't quite as wide it's hard to find good pieces in this style that aren't vivism or blue blue Japan which cost an arm a leg and your first born

>> No.12791611
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Forgot pic

>> No.12791622
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I feel like this could be for you

>> No.12792028

you own a real one? dang nice job

I'm going to get a cheap rep and re-stuff it with proper down filling, redo the weathering, etc.

you can tailor the sleeves if you feel like it, take them in a bit

didn't mean to imply poor-ness, but once you're paying above 1k per item it doesn say a bit about one's lifestyle. It's a completely different life and set of priorities to be dropping that much cash on fashion items than the vast majority of people

>> No.12792461

not even just expensive. it's also rare. backin 2015 retailed for $1700.
You can find it used on rak for $4k today

>> No.12792466

yeah exactly.

>> No.12792475
File: 53 KB, 540x720, b985e5cdd1bf80c92d941866b92770c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


depends, are you a jap with god tier facial aesthetics?

>> No.12792479

go back to tumblr or /pol/ where your racial beancounting and rent-seeking mean something.
if someone is confident, good looking and in ottermode good shape, they can wear a fucking dashiki and it will look fine.

>> No.12792485

Yeah, I bought it when it released at the Visvim flagship store back when I was in Japan for half a year. Still the most money I dropped on one item of clothing but I don't regret it.
If I hadn't I think I'd buy a replica off of taobao just because the siluette is so nice haha

>> No.12792489


you sound bitter, no you can't wear one of these, you are a skinny goofy looking white twink with bad posture and will be laughed at wearing this.

>> No.12792491
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omg I run the risk of the brisbane meetup crowd laughing at me behind my back!
you're a pale poorfag overweight manlet trying to shame people who wouldn't look at you twice in the street. good luck with that

>> No.12792492

t. scarred-shitless gook gatekeeper

>> No.12792596

What's the function of that?

>> No.12792604

to encase the upper half of the human body and protect it against the elements

>> No.12792606


>> No.12792608
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how's this

>> No.12792611

blue blue japan makes them from time to time

>> No.12792616

jacket is nice. I'd go with tighter long sleeves like the guy in >>12791488

>> No.12792621
File: 1.65 MB, 2304x3456, DSC_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got that turtleneck today, it was sort of a test outfit. i wore this one to class last week

>> No.12792633

you big on kimono jackets? where do you get yours?
any opinion on the vintage kirikos?
I hit up the onsen in hokkaido about once a year and I like to go full native when I fly over there.
Keeping an eye out for a good deal on one of the visvim ones or similar

>> No.12792643
File: 1.51 MB, 2304x3456, DSC_0957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are a total ripoff, vintage tops are very cheap in Japan. If you actually do go there just hop into vintage/thrift or specialty shops that are off the beaten path

>> No.12792708
File: 1.86 MB, 640x1136, IMG_8891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you actually do go there
lol why do people in this place get so cagey when they meet someone who might be living a good life
I'm the fucking king of the kamikawa subprefecture. Going on 4 years now.

>> No.12792714

You completely misinterpreted the content of my post, which says a great deal more about your character than mine. I have relatives over there

>> No.12792722

>which says a great deal more about your character than mine.
we went from me politely admiring your jackets to catty shit like this real quick.
Well if you actually have relatives there and you actually visit the place, you should check out Sounkyo, my man. The back country snowboarding is pretty solid even if the climb up kurodake in the winter is a bitch

>> No.12792743


>> No.12792752

Expat nips and their kids don't like to hear that waito piggu is hitting up the homeland more than they are.
Offends the honor'n'stuff

>> No.12792758

I have a dark blue hanten I copped from some etsy. I wear it moderately frequently and it's actually quite warm despite its thinness. I think it gets a few looks but it's not too out there, looking to get more into other clothing. Helps to have resting serial killer face and decent looks overall so people don't judge too much. Ofc the visvim sanjuro is amazing and I'd love to get.

>> No.12792765

I'm only a quarter japanese you dingus. I do wish I could go more, it's so expensive and i'm poor

>> No.12792769

I don't even pay my way. I look for conferences there and get work to get my ticket and hotel in tokyo and branch out from there when its over.
Fuck I love that place

>> No.12792773

same. about the hanten. not all that other shit jesus dude.
etsy has some good ones though

>> No.12792782

lmao. okok sorry. anybody found anything at brick and mortar stores though? I'm in LA and I know one 'store' that comes to the Rose Bowl flea market every once in a while but I'd like a store I don't have to pay just to look around. Also ebay is nice too but again it's all mostly vintage.

>> No.12792798

I got you, homes

>> No.12793100
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Too weaboo? I imagine if you wore it open it would tone down how hardcore Asian it is

Guerilla group has some pretty cool stuff

>> No.12793212

yooooo straw how you's doing?

>> No.12793226

wait wtf why are u here again

>> No.12793424
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Last years shit was better

>> No.12793428
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>> No.12793444
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>> No.12793455

where cop kimono?

>> No.12793458

He said at the time. It was some vintage firemen's hanten
They have them on that kiriko site the other anon posted sometimes. Yahoo.jp, rak and eBay also good options

>> No.12793468

How does nick wooster make everything that isn't thom browne suits look like shit?
That stocky manlet mikey rourke shit looks terrible with 99% of clothing

>> No.12793477

It's a firemans hanten and I know there's one on etsy somewhere for sure

>> No.12793478

Are the sizes on the smaller side?

>> No.12793482

The sizes are what they are. Don't go by s/m/l because those are relative terms.
Inches/cms are the same size regardless where the garment is from

>> No.12793527

hairstyle routine?

how long is it?


any accessories besides elastic bands? bobby pins?

>> No.12794344

this is actually pretty hip. not a fan of that fleece beneath it but would look good with a white untucked button down

>> No.12794589

Wash as little as possible, about 16in, no products, just a hairband
I post occasionally but no point in tripping anymore

>> No.12795925
File: 240 KB, 740x731, VISVIM-Sanjuro-Kimono-Down-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he doesn't dress his size, which makes him look fat. Just look how dumb this looks

>> No.12795964
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>> No.12795980
File: 163 KB, 1080x1080, 18809044_1934146336830914_1046348359377354752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love noragis especially in techwear fits

>> No.12796009

This seems about right. He wears expensive pieces that I like but he always looks like fucking gimli wearing them.
I think loose doesn't look good on manlets because it fucks up their proportions so he probably sizes down which just makes him look bloated

>> No.12796027

Big Fact: If you are white and wear traditional Japanese clothing as a fashion statement, people will think you are a weaboo and you'll just have to be cool with it. If you take that as a bad thing, then so be it.

>> No.12796163

i fucking hate this cunt
dont know why

>> No.12796222


>> No.12796299

If you're good looking and confident with your fashion choices, some badly dressed Brisbane /fa/ manlets sneering at you is just fine

>> No.12796375


>> No.12796503

that's my plan; ain't no problem with reps if the original is unnattainable

>> No.12796548

straw bb whats ur insta

>> No.12797171


>> No.12797260


>> No.12797423
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>> No.12797430
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>> No.12797438
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>> No.12797444
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End of my dump

>> No.12797512

if ur buying visvim ur already a weaboo faggot
>muh artisinal japanese denim folded 100 times
>muh dyed in japanese mud

>> No.12797520

t. poor and mad

>> No.12797524
File: 69 KB, 640x427, my bacon when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>meanwhile half the board is dedicated to yohji ripoffs

weebs on 4chan ohhh no wtf went wrong?

>> No.12797525

lol why would i be mad, you wanna wear ur denim sharp like katana it's your business, i just find it funny now
i used to spend a lot on fashion a few years back actually, never visvim though, step away for a while and you'll realize how ridiculous it all is, you'll rationalize spending 400 on jeans now as "appreciating design" or "higher quality materials" to hide what it really is

>> No.12797539
File: 59 KB, 200x200, 1428945293706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i used to spend a lot on fashion a few years back actually
you splurge on the good banana republic jeans, did you?
>you'll rationalize spending 400 on jeans
lel $400 for visvim jeans. maybe end of season sales in Japan or second hand.

>> No.12797542

see, you exemplify exactly what i'm talking about, your self worth is wholly tied to how exclusive your clothes are and it comes through in what you say

>> No.12797544

sounds like something someone poor would say

>> No.12797548

some people like owning shit simply because others can't have it
it's about as legitimate as anything else you'll use your money for beyond basic necessities.
A few good ways of making something more exclusive is limiting supply and charging high prices.
Visvim does both of these things. The quality itself is in line with that of most high-quality clothing.

>> No.12797555


maybe that's what YOU did. because you're a tool.

myself, I'm equally happy making purchases from thrift stores, neiman marcus, or actual high-end boutiques.

I don't care what the piece costs as long as I like it and enjoy wearing it.

>> No.12797557

it's identity based on what you own instead of who you are, the ultimate conclusion of which is to become the perfect consumerist whore
see: >>12797544
for the record i do think visvim puts out quality items, some with interesting design

>> No.12797559

you don't get it and you never will mr. reddit

>> No.12797572


haha holy fuck
way to prove my point!

There are certainly people that behave as you have described. They are idiots, and you are simply one of them. That's OK. It is okay for you to be an idiot, but it is important for you to recognize that about yourself.

>> No.12797585

>mr good taste
>proud owner of 5000 karma on r/malefashion
>consistently top 5 fit of the month in fit battle tournaments
>not confined by ur standards
heh yeah i guess u could say im a wild guy, sometimes i shop thrift ya know really slumming it, other times im at neiman, guess you wouldn't know that baka

>> No.12797595

Thanks for shitting up the thread poorfag. Go thrift some pissed in Champion joggers

>> No.12797597


Fuck no
I'm barely adequate on my good days

You just take this shit way too seriously, like you take your self waaaaaaaaaaay too seriously. But here you are on 4chan on a Saturday night.

I just do it because playing the fashion game is marginally less boring than not playing.

You can enjoy /fa/ and fashion and the possibilities of clothing without doing any dragon chasing. Well, maybe not YOU...

>> No.12797606

lmao this bald 30 year old fag trying to rock a noragi

>> No.12797620

i'll help you along on your journey then, anyone who takes high fashion seriously unless they're in the industry are the prey, anyone who's played the game for some time should realize it, those who haven't well, they're the prey

>> No.12797636

ok mr sovereign man. I have enough money that splashing some of it into clothes is no skin off my ass
Go live off the land in some cabin in alaska so you don't give any money to the corporations by mistake.
You sound really enlightened and a joy to be around in parties.

>> No.12797653

u mad u didn't get my approval or something? see, anyone can read a lot into your mindset from the way you talk, to you there's a specific in group (high fashion connoisseurs) and everyone else must be a poorfag
why would someone with the resources NOT consume what capital I consume?? that's an attack on your entire worldview, and so you reconcile it by saying they must be poor
you have low self confidence and thus find your self worth from your expensive clothing, I'm not even generalizing here, I know for a fact that that's the case for you based on what you say
i think you have the right attitude, poor students and wageslaves on this board (easily 95% of /fa/) think it's a lifestyle rather than a game

>> No.12797658

consume what goods* I consume

>> No.12797667

Is that Visvim too? Fucking nice

>> No.12797693

>i think you have the right attitude, poor students and wageslaves on this board (easily 95% of /fa/) think it's a lifestyle rather than a game

they're kids. wtf do you expect?

anyway, it's just clothing. get older and you start seeing people get into the same status/identity trap with houses, boats, airplanes. don't sweat the little stuff.

>> No.12797701

No! visvim is a huge ripoff. The tops just regular vintage

>> No.12797705

>No! visvim is a huge ripoff
straw don't be cheeky now, you were just starting to grow on me

>> No.12797709

There's nothing cheeky about calling out visvim for the price gouging crap it pulls, I do like some of the designs they put out but there's absolutely no point in paying the prices it usually fetches on retail or secondhand markets. And this is coming from someone who owns a 15L e-cat and has been pretty satisfied with it for years

>> No.12797711

Now that's something I could buy, is that a "noragi"? Or what should I put in the etsy search bar?
Sorry I know nothing about this culture

>> No.12797713

noragi, hanten both work I think

>> No.12797720

not everyone has the time or the exposure you have to traditional asian vintage markets
absent that, they pay a premium on stuff like visvim.
the choice is either that or roll the dice on rak/etsy.

>> No.12797722

EVEN given that visvim retail is eye-popping and disturbing on a gut level given it's mostly regular clothing and you're paying for designs rather than a unique wearability or durability

>> No.12797734
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>> No.12797735

in the age of fast fashion, you're always paying for "just designs"
most people can't tell the difference between zara and slp. so what if the quality is shit. you can buy zara 10x over with what you pay for slp.
but people who buy high fashion are secretly signaling to like minded hobbyists.
people who can tell the difference will know and be impressed and that matters
why does it matter? you might as well ask why fashion itself matters. We're always signaling to someone.
If you lived on an deserted island with the climate of your choosing and unlimited supplies of any clothes you liked, you may go full yohji for a while but eventually you'd just converge on the most utilitarian fits

>> No.12797741
File: 39 KB, 570x570, t5vwct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use these keywords
Vintage Japanese Firefighter Noragi Jacket Kimono Shima Boro Aizome Sashiko Antique
was going to pick this one up for myself but I'll give it a miss
straw will probably tell you you're getting ripped off and maybe you are but I think it looks cool (notice the visvim shoes in the fit pic)

>> No.12797746

you do bring up an true point about paying for designs which is depressing
on that note i've been buying tons of milsurp to see if I can emulate legendary overpriced fashion items and it does work to a certain extent if you know what exactly to look for
Regarding the desert island scenario I would start out practical and stay practical if living/foraging was an issue! as should everyone else

>> No.12797748
File: 86 KB, 800x1000, 018FC40D-5CF3-4854-9E73-F5858B8CE10B-2289-000001FC2BEB5688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try those :^)

>> No.12797903

wondering if i can pull of that look...
how tall are you mate?
looking real good

>> No.12798004

5'7 only

>> No.12798676
File: 3.07 MB, 3888x3344, 1505112853112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12798680

Belt throws it off for me but besides that very nice

>> No.12798763

Did your father give you that belt on his deathbed?
Was his dying wish that you never take it off?
If this is a meme, I admire your commitment to the bit

>> No.12798785

lmao I only saved that from a waywt thread tho

>> No.12798793

Anyone has any idea wtc this tee(sweat he wears and pants?

>> No.12798801

there was this korean brand that did modern construction versions of traditional korean cothing, but i cannot for the life of me remember what it's called. i think the name had the letter "i" and "k" in the name maybe

any help

>> No.12798864

I always loved Japan and Japanese stuff but I do avoid wearing pieces like this out of japan simply because they don't work in other places, like seeing a black man in Brooklyn wearing a kimono, it looks out of place and stupid. And also now it became a trend to like Japan and Japanese stuff and it s even more embarrassing to wear this type of clothing outside Japan

>> No.12799191

t.triggerred mongrel cuck

>> No.12799481
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>> No.12799498

>cultural approciation is only allowed to other ethnic groups!

>> No.12799511


>> No.12799521

dude. wear whatever you want. are you familiar with the concept of "pulling it off"?
if you look good in something and you are confident in how you look, angry asian manlets gnashing their little teeth in impotent rage should pass beneath your notice.
it's entirely possible that in a few years, wearing clothes from other cultures will actually be illegal in some countries (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/un-cultural-appropriation-illegal_us_594073d3e4b0d3185485ba9a)) but for now they only way anyone can stop you is by shaming you.
the only way someone can shame you is if you let them and you will probably only let them if they value their opinion.
here's your chance. post a fit to show me why I should value your opinion enough to stop rocking my hakamas and noragis.
>spoiler: he won't
or maybe you really do lack the looks and confidence to pull it off, in which case go back to your acne jeans and bomber jackets or whatever

>> No.12800730


>> No.12801876
File: 445 KB, 1692x1500, 25651133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old thing but i bought this on etsy n the shirt from sou sou n the shoes from sou sou as well

>> No.12802150

in my opinion, this doesnt look too weaboo. I think if you wore something like an m65 over it or a hoodie underneath itd just look like a big comfy sweater

>> No.12802594
File: 23 KB, 570x380, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this for 45$ on etsy. Seems extremely weeb and not very /fa/ at all looking at it now.

>> No.12802598


maybe you can wear that if you're making sushi at home

and not even real sushi. like some shitty california roll.

>> No.12802743

I'm gonna get shit for this but anyone know of a decent rep for that sanjuro down jacket in OP?

>> No.12802987

why don't you post fit first fucking mongrel?
fucking subhuman Amerimutt

>> No.12803295

Why don't you simply look on the internet yourself?
This took me thirty seconds

>> No.12803298
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>does't post fit
imagine my surprise

>> No.12803303


>> No.12803308

the shoes ruin it. should have just gone with some vans

>> No.12803422

Thanks appreciate it.

>> No.12804659

will it tho