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12793417 No.12793417 [Reply] [Original]

I nopoo a just a meme?
Appearances aside, it sounds unhygienic as fuck.

>> No.12793434

I haven't used shampoo in around five years, and my hair looks and feels better than it ever did when I used shampoo. Water works fine enough.

>> No.12793436

No it isnt unhygenic. We evolved to have our hair take care of itself naturally. The most you need is maybe a good brush to distribute the oil.

>> No.12793437

What temperature. My instinct tells me boiling, and kill every living thing there. Nopooers seem to think you want to nurture that fauna, which I find disgusting.

>> No.12793441

Regular warm water. I don't understand what exactly you think happens if you don't use shampoo. It looks and feels like normal hair.

>> No.12793442

The sad thing about this is you actually think shit grows in your hair just because you take care of it the way it would naturally be taken care of. You think ancient peoples walked around with mushrooms growing on their head and their hair sticking to their skin or something? No they washed it in cold water and detangled it with their hands and their scalp took care of the rest because it wasnt being abused by shampoo and scalding water.

>> No.12793443
File: 257 KB, 857x1142, polish plait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oils and dead skin hang around for bacteria and acari (literal fucking spiders) to eat.

>> No.12793445

You're confusing no poo with not doing anything at all to your hair.

>> No.12793447

Yeah, no. It's pretty sad that you've been brainwashed into believing this and lack the critical thinking skill required to realize how much bullshit it is.

>> No.12793451

Except excess oils and dead skin get washed out of your hair by water. Last I checked there was no spiders in my hair.

>> No.12793452
File: 59 KB, 700x850, more polish plait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are.

>> No.12793457

That article literally says 70% of adults have those mites. I assume they're all avid shampoo users. The thing is that they dont affect you at all. Why are you basing your haircare decisions on fucking mites you cant even see and that you would have regardless of whether you did no poo or not.

>> No.12793461

Don't bother. He's not here to have an actual conversation or gain any insight. He just wants to troll.

>> No.12793469

This generation is sad. Why is every kid a germophobe now? Sissies.

>> No.12793470

When i had hair it was thick and greasy as fuck. I tried no shampoo for a week and looked like a homeless man with disgusting greasy hair. I could have cooked chips in it.

>> No.12793484
File: 78 KB, 736x489, f931f3f6dbe73b284ad715027cc47dd6--beaver-tails-beavers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right in that I don't have many arguments against it, other than it's gross.
I got memed into it years ago but stopped because I started going to the gym, using machines where hundreds of sweaty heads had been before, and "felt" the need to wash it. The shampoo was calling me even if visually it probably looked the same as before.

How do you feel about conditioner?

>> No.12793489

How do these people felt their hair like that?

>> No.12793490

No surprise that you didn't see any changes after a week for fucks sake. You have to actually commit to it not expect amazing hair after 1 week. How often were you shampooing?

>> No.12793496

I'm sorry that i have some pride in my appearance and didn't want to look disgustingly dirty. Some of us have jobs and people to meet. I showered every day and washed my hair every 2 days. It's all irrelevant now anyway, i buzz cut my hair every week.

>> No.12793498

You just seem like a germaphobe, sweat is water soluble so your thought process is unnecessary.

Conditioner is fine and actually might be necessary if you have long hair doing no poo. Because your hair can be a bit dry. The only thing is that you want to avoid silicone shit in them because that sticks to your hair and doesnt come out without shampoo, another trick by haircare companies to make you dependant on shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair looking good.

>> No.12793524

Ive been doing no-poo, but also just conditioning my hair, and it feels like its going well - looks/feels better than before (i think).

Question though - is me using conditioner every other day essentially the same as washing it? I mean it definitely feels cleaner after conditioning, and its not as greasy as if i went 'no-poo, no-conditioner'. So I guess conditioner still strips oil from hair?

>> No.12793561

It's probably just that you rinse your hair done what thoroughly with water after applying conditioner. Even if you don't shampoo you should thoroughly run your fingers through your hair/over your scalp as often or more often than you would shampoo. Conditioner also adds a little more oil and probably helps redistribute what's already there so it's gonna feel different. Just experiment with what makes your hair textured the way you like it

>> No.12793587

thanks bud

>> No.12793608

Betting 100 dollars that you are american

>> No.12793616

Is this a thread about being constipated?

>> No.12793626

Massage your head with peppermint oil solution if you're concerned about hygeine.

>> No.12793874

The trick to no shampoo is you still have to wash thoroughly with water regularly

>> No.12793902
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>tfw thin hair, possibly balding (for the last 15 years)
Should I do it? I've been using baby shampoos and being as gentle to my head as possible (tepid water, no pulling, no products, etc). Don't know if this would be an upgrade or a downgrade.
In case it wasn't obvious my goal is to gain some density and keep my hairline for a decade more or so.

>> No.12793911


I got horrible dandruff, to the point where I had to go the doctor because off the counter dandruff shampoo wasn't doing anything

>> No.12794145

baby shampoo is more damaging than normal shampoo, stop being dumb and research. But more importantly eat healthy and check your blood

>> No.12794151

i did nopoo for half a year and my hair looked better than ever. then i shaved my head, and as my hair started growing out, i started shampooing it, and now it gets really greasy if i don't. i tried nopoo again but didn't get the same results as the first time. don't know why. feelsbadman

>> No.12794182
File: 11 KB, 206x210, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can even get it in your eyes and swallow it. How can it be bad?

>> No.12794349
File: 65 KB, 990x764, Yes, 4chan is an American website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on an American website with over 50% of its userbase in America.

are you retarded

>> No.12794376

If you'd just look up the website you're posting as proof you'd know that's not the case anymore.