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/fa/ - Fashion

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12791516 No.12791516 [Reply] [Original]

Does /fa/ work out?

>> No.12791564

if you don't seriously reconsider your life

>> No.12791566

duh i'm even working as gym manager

>> No.12791572
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There's no reason to not go to the gym at least 1-2x/week. Working out =/= instantly becoming a poorly dressed 6'3 240lb musclebeast meathead.

I'm a personal trainer, so I have to develop my physique for work, but I'd do it even if i didn't have to.

If this thread goes places, I'll post some fitness related fits. Starting with Rippetoe-core.

>> No.12791576

Yes of course I do

>> No.12791579

I stay active and exercise a lot, but i don't go to the gym and lift weights or use machines, that shit bores me to death.

>> No.12791587
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>no gallon of milk as an accessory

>> No.12791635

Yeah, but i don't need to go to a gym to lift heavy objects

>> No.12791760

i just run.

>> No.12791763

As soon as I finish losing my bodyfat I'm gonna go for slightly above ottermode.

>> No.12791780

Yes, but lifting is a meme.

>> No.12791943
File: 1.41 MB, 1041x615, Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-28 um 22.50.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started to do sports again after 3 years. I'm going swimming now. There's a pretty nice gym in there too. So first lifting and then swimming once a week. I'm trying to gain some weight and muscle and I'm feeling progress already!

>> No.12791950 [DELETED] 

what video is that from? i need to see sam's settis

>> No.12791955
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Sam rocking that redneck camo a year before dylann

>> No.12791961

i am a trailrunner. not the most effay sport but it's relaxing and rhythmic and /out/

>> No.12791974
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>tfw severe astmatic
>tfw no doctors could help
>tfw i can't into cardio sports so I just gym and occasionally climb

>> No.12792091

We all gonna make it brah.
I started working out today.I used to go to the gym 4/5 days a week for 6 months last year , II went with my father, but since he moved to a smaller town I lost the will to do it and am only now going back at it

>> No.12792283

4th strongest in Junior -74 kg weight class in Classic Bench press of Swedens national ranking.

>> No.12792493

do some fucking push ups and eat your fucking wheaties chump

>> No.12792498

>Mexican kid of Spaniard Jewish heritage
>145 lb
skateboarder and I can do 120 push ups in a row

>> No.12792507
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is that 1 plate with a belt??

>> No.12792811

Bro i have asthma and i still do cardio. I know guys in their 40s who have asthma and smoke and still do marathons. Keep trying to do cardio even if it hurts it will help you in the long run.

>> No.12792814

Nvm soory bout that. You should do some calisthenics then if you want some muscles

>> No.12792871

Started going to the gym three weeks, have fallen into quite a nice routine. Twice a week at the moment, but I'll be able to squeeze in another day soon in the future.

I'm looking to broader my shoulder and back muscles at the moment (not by heaps dont worry) so I do 2.5km on the rowing machine, lat pull downs, barbell and single rows. I'm not a small guy but I'm tall and lanky and I have trouble gaining weight so I figured if I'm gonna be tall and lanky I might as well make myself look closer to a swimmer or a rower than just a regular old beanpole.

>> No.12792882

If you want your muscles to grow at all, eat more food and more protein. Don't worry, if you're tall, you won't get fat, and if you work out now, it will be even harder for you to get fat anyway.

>> No.12793149

2 plate squat... kek

>> No.12793153

Am I the only one that does full body weight training?

Leg lifts

1000 reps a day

>> No.12793170
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Yeah but it's also Sam hyde

>> No.12793195

I train jiujitsu

>> No.12793201

yeah baby I know

>> No.12793219

>exercise supposedly gives you a mad endorphin rush
>tfw every time I exercise it just makes me feel sad as shit

before ya ask, i'm not working myself to collapse or anything like that, and i exercise regularly (two or three times a week) so its not like i never exercise then when i do i feel bad, it aint like that
i dunno what it is, i think i get depressed thinking about how unhappy i still am or i cant help but compare myself to the others at gym like i know its all slow and steady wins the race and i'll get there eventually but bleh what gives huh?

>> No.12793222

Yes 6 days a week

>> No.12793303
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>> No.12793330
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>> No.12793400
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i been at it for a while man but ill keep tryin ty for the positive vibes

>> No.12793409

you need to do it regularly for a while to really get a rush
also you need to push yourself a bit

>> No.12793413

So, you lift your mom?

>> No.12793467

Don't stop.

>> No.12793486

Of course I do.

That anecdote about working out is probably the only useful thing on the whole fucking sticky.

>> No.12793525
File: 216 KB, 1080x1081, 21879748_1011776695631117_589258431995576320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, 3 times a week.

>> No.12793533

Have you heard of leg day?

>> No.12793538

I exercise almost everyday. I live across the street from a 24/7 gym so I have no excuse not to go.

>> No.12793540

You know he had to skip leg day

>> No.12793541

>Not wanting proportional legs
>Actually doing splits instead of full body

>> No.12793634

your hips are narrow compared to your shoulders, i think you can afford bigger legs without it being a detriment to your aesthetics

>> No.12793694

you need to be on roids, slow and steady doesn't win shit when everybody else is juicing

>> No.12793713

hit the gym all chest no legssss

>> No.12794471

most /fa/ workout routine?

>> No.12794802

this is the type of dumb question that I'm scared would get be laughed off /fit/ so that's why I'm gonna ask it here...

I want to gain weight and put on muscle, but I don't want to lose my aesthetic facial structure. If I start eating more I'm scared my face is gonna get fat, even if I'm working out at the same time. Is this a possibility? Or have I just got it wrong?

>> No.12794829

Fat /pol/ neckbeards ruined milk as an accessory.

>> No.12795203


Eat clean. Chicken, rice, and greens is a meme for a reason.

It's a valid concern, but honestly since I've started working out 5 days a week consistently, my already sharp as fuck jawline (when I was emaciated) is still there, and I even got cheekbones. Just lift, bro, you'll thank yourself.

>> No.12795302
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heh what good are those muscles if i do a surprise attack

>> No.12795552
File: 1.05 MB, 2895x2271, 20170930_115743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually guys i have 65 cm hips and don't skip leg days, lol. Just have a skinny and long calves, and can't do nothing with a such genetic. And by the way I dont give a fuck, don't want biggest legs and have trouble with finding big pants, especially when even now all regular fit pants and jeans fit on me like skinny:D And skinny jeans like a tights.

>> No.12795911

>year of 2000+0017
> Still a calvlet
Get those chicken legs out of my sight

>> No.12795943

What to do if you've ruined your legs?
Played soccer all my life and I have massive, thick thighs compared to the rest of my body. I went to the gym once with a friend and squatted 3 plates which isn't that good but it alarmed me as I'm weak everywhere else and I don't lift usually. How do I get those aesthetic slim legs again?

>> No.12796190

Serious question guys :

Does your hips get wider as you workout ?

I'm wondering because I started going to the gym a bit ago, with the aim to gain weight, and I want to know whether it will affect the way my pants lie on my waist. I have a few pairs that I used to wear oversized and never cared to have tailored. Now I'd like to have them shortened to be able to wear them without cuffing them, but I wonder if I should wait a few monthes before doing so since if my waist gets wider they'll sit higher on my hips which would fuck up their lenght.

My wild guess would be that legs can get a lot bigger but that the waist area does not grow much. Am I wrong ?

>> No.12796206
File: 86 KB, 750x937, 8288lMZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just a matter of body fat percentage. You can gain lean muscle mass without losing facial aesthetics. Just look at chris bumstead

>> No.12796217

This guy is extremely obviously on roids

>> No.12796218

Thicker core and bigger glutes (deadlifts and squats) will increase waist size.

>> No.12796252
File: 121 KB, 852x582, t9xBJva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I train in Muay Thai 3-4x a week. I could never stick to weightlifting because it was boring and the people at the gym were boring/basic. I have a lot more fun working out now.

>> No.12796254

Yes he is, theres no denying that. I know its a bit of an extreme example. But you can gain muscle mass without losing facial aesthetics.

>> No.12796272

I go to the gym 5 days a week, swim once a week and cycle every day.
Being fit feels good

>> No.12796273

nah he isnt in roids. I know him personally and he told me so

>> No.12796412

3 plates first time squatting

Fuck off you fraud

>> No.12796414


>> No.12796440
File: 507 KB, 576x595, weightloss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost around 8kg so far since started training a few months ago. Just posting this for anyone in the thread who is thinking about starting training. Do it, even though I still have a long way to go in terms of physique, I feel so much more confident in myself now. If you train hard and do your research you'll start seeing results within 2 months. We're all gonna make it brah.

>> No.12796455

Nice job dude keep it up

>> No.12796467

Not my first time but I don't squat regularly lol, and it was like 3 rep max. If you saw how thicc my thighs were you'd see how it's not that hard to conceive

>> No.12796483

cheers m8, plan to

>> No.12796498
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i'd say 99% eat cigarette ashes, get POZZED, and intentionally suffer radiation poisoning regularly to maintain a healthy /fa/esthetic sickly pale anorexic twink physique.

>> No.12796537


>> No.12796595

no you can't, you probably haven't done a decent form pushup in your whole life

>> No.12797076

>black shirt
>brown belt
come on man

>> No.12797313

nice package no homo

>> No.12797404

refrain from eating sodium as much as possible

>> No.12797415

nigger work your calves, you can at least make em decent