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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 50 KB, 450x450, gandy 463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12781701 No.12781701 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Demotivational thread
>Step 1: Take a selfie
>Step 2: Look at your face
>Step 3: Realize how asymmetrical your face is
>Step 4: Make two images from mirroring your halves in paint.net or whatever
>Step 5: God look at your fucking face you ugly homunculus, Jesus Christ you even have one attractive half and the other just wouldn't fucking play ball would it?
>Step 6: Good God don't actually post it you fucking uggo, did you want to ruin everyone else's day as well?

>> No.12781706

you sound like you have alot of issues dude, i hope you work those out somehow

>> No.12781707

i'm really hot

>> No.12781724

post a selfie :^)
>spoiler: mr "i'm really hot" won't post a selfie

>> No.12781732

the only asymmetrical aspect of my face is my lips, slightly slanted downwards on the left side
eyes are symmetrical, cheekbones, jaw, ears, etc etc
my dad just grew facial hair which covered it up pretty well, I'll probably do the same

>> No.12781737
File: 64 KB, 640x640, Elevator-Snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12781753

>Not front-on

>> No.12781761

>thinking that's him
>not reverse searching

>> No.12781769

just in case some uneducated insecure person steps into this thread:

>While symmetrical faces (leftmost image) are perceived to be attractive, completely symmetric faces (a and b) are disconcerting and are not perceived as normal.


>> No.12781771

what a bad idea for a thread. why would anyone want to do this

>> No.12781902

this board is literally 2nd place for narcissist general behind /soc/, it's healthy to take yourself down a notch every once in a while

>> No.12782791

When I admire my reflection in the mirror I feel like I could be a model. Pictures tell a different story

>> No.12782929
File: 19 KB, 313x326, 1501766304001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One eye is lower than the other eye. When I look at the mirror I dont notice but in pictures I look retarded.

>> No.12782931

>nose points to the right side
>one eye lower than the other

>> No.12782970
File: 878 KB, 1600x774, 1502907134308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here amigo

>> No.12783002

Same. You get used to it looking one way in a mirror, but then in pictures the asymmetry goes the other way as right and left are swapped, and suddenly you notice just how asymmetrical your face is. Good thing is, the people that know you are just as used to that as you are to your mirror reflection, so it isn't as noticeable to them as it is to you when you look at pictures of yourself

>> No.12783036
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 57b1fc0c6e0dc4ee39ce394d1267f87a--merrie-melodies-cartoon-birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my eyes and mouth aren't even on the same side of my head

>> No.12783247

Go back to r/incels or lookism you stupid faggot

>> No.12783293
File: 55 KB, 932x470, LaughingCouple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon asked me today why I didn't breast-feed leaving him less healthy and with a poor jawline with over-crowded mouth.
>He also asked me why I was so scared of pedos that I kept him inside until he was 15 instead of letting him climb trees and getting dirty, giving him a weak frame and poor immune system.
>And also he asked why I didn't encourage him to sleep on his back, so he wouldn't develop poor posture and an asymmetrical face.
>Oh, and why I fed him mostly carbs instead of fats and plenty of red meat which made him a soyboy with mantits.

>> No.12783314
File: 183 KB, 370x359, 1502212352071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a severe dust mite allergy since I was young but my parents never took me to the doctor even though I said I had trouble breathing during my sleep and had headaches waking up. That shit caused me to mouth breath all the time during my youth. Now I have a fucked up recessed jaw while my dad has a very defined jaw. I am not mad at him but but it still sucks.

>> No.12783320

I feel your pain. I would recommend getting tested for sleep apnea.