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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 768x1152, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12781055 No.12781055 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ what do you think about bombers?

Personally I can't stand them. Not bait. Not shitposting. I simply can't understand the appeal. I thought this one would be an exception. It looks interesting. Tired it on 20 minutes ago and hated the fit. Tried going down sizes too. No good. Too boxy.

Bomber discussion/ bomber inspo thread. Post your bombers and opinions on bombers!

>> No.12781059



Bomber jackets date from a time when the average height was much lower, and pants were worn at/above true waist.

Bombers can be a solid option for manlets, but that is because manlets look like shit in real-people outerwear, not because bombers actually look good.

>> No.12781073

/fa is going to hate on bombers until they're no longer a trend because this board is too pretentious to discuss articles of clothing objectively, or at least attempt to since clothing is a subjective topic. That being said, I think they are reasonably versatile depending on how minimalist the design is. If you go for with incredibly baggy arms, the traditional zipper on the sleeve, and just an overall more causal fit, then it will be a lot more versatile for someone who is more or less into the streetwear aspect of fashion. I think because of the connotations behind streetwear as a whole, these types of bombers convey a much more immature look. However, if you get one that isn't overdone with zippers and is relatively slim fitting, then it can be more versatile in a more mature wardrobe. More mature meaning, more formal. I personally am not a fan. I think you can find better jackets that are more interesting and provide the same versatility.

>> No.12781086
File: 514 KB, 532x582, 1499528975190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally someone gets it. I'm 185 cm and have broad shoulders. I'm a big guy and you'd think something like this would be good on me.

I feel like a Russian fuccboi in these things.

>> No.12781087
File: 184 KB, 900x600, skinhead-bomber-jackets-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you posted is an abomination.

>> No.12781088
File: 1.03 MB, 2722x3629, 1503783992932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bombers are fucking effay
Here is the one I just got
I am in love with it

>> No.12781090


You shoes look like jizz.

>> No.12781098
File: 863 KB, 1717x2134, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like em, they're comfy

>> No.12781099
File: 12 KB, 259x194, Love_mummy_carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is cool. See, I want something like this. I just don't want to go too basic. I'd like something to POP.

I'm not super thin like these guys either. Not sure how it would look...

>> No.12781104

>Displaying soviet flag on 4chan

careful there lad

>> No.12781112


Agred, that guy probs gets in arguments at pubs about communism.

Do you fuck?

>> No.12781127

What about bombers on women?

>> No.12781143


I think that depends on what you look like. I like bombers on girls that short. Tall girls are look kind of wonky in them.

>> No.12781150

>hated the fit
it's h&m the fuck did you expect

>> No.12781152

this is some lovingly crafted bait right here.
the original image, I mean, not this repost.
the fat thighs, the shitty sneakers, nu-male hair, and the fact that the dude is a manlet should have been enough but what makes it art is the fucking soviet flag in the background.
now I don't care if it's there ironically or because he believes in it or because he's trolling but it really pulls the whole troll together into a symphony of bait

>> No.12781158
File: 36 KB, 680x385, 3ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah haha. thank goodness thats a troll right?

>> No.12781167

Suggestions please?

>> No.12781176

I love them, but then again I'm 6'3" 186lbs and /fit/

>> No.12781188

but are you /fa/???????????

>> No.12781195

KKA, Rick and Undercover make some really nice ones
KKA for simple high quality classic model with attention to detail
Rick for similar but more exaggerated take on it on pretty much whatever material you would ever want a bomber in
Undercover for more interesting and flashy designs, Vandalize collabs are classic for example

>> No.12781245
File: 83 KB, 1000x1334, 11698920_7918147_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Cheap jackets are shit, but you can say it about every fucking jacket then. From coat to parka to leather jackets. Bomber is first type of clothing like pants or jeans. Quality ones with interestign design are good and nice. H&M and ASOS are shitty no matter what, only good jacket in this price range is vintage M65 or Bundeswehr.
I can also add Our Legacym Juun J. and Dries Van Noten to a list of goat bombers. Though Undercover makes my favorite ones.

>> No.12781264
File: 156 KB, 451x387, 1506213751546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't compare price points like that you old money fuck boy.

Of course a 2000 euro designer jacket is going to be better. I don't think the majority of people on this board can afford that though. kys and put me in your will.

>> No.12781268

The guy just asked suggestions
I don't think it's really worth it to skimp on clothing budget especially when it comes to outerwear

>> No.12781280

I personally like to buy vintage coats/jackets at salvation army or goodwill. I pay an old lady to sew up and damages and they're good as new. They're quality pieces and you can get them for like 10 dollars.

>> No.12781283

pretty much everything I put on that that frame looks good on me, even if I'm not, the comments I usually hear is "you're so tall, nice, you workout, love your jawline, you're pretty"

>> No.12781336

You just look like a fucking mess

Kill yourself

>> No.12781621

>when the average height was much lower
except no, they became relevant in the mid 20th century, when the average US height was higher or at least equal to now
from what i know, hispanic and east/south asian immigrants have in fact brought down the average height in the US and the west in general

just because they don't fit you doesn't mean they're shit, it just means they don't suit your demographic

>> No.12781652

>except no, they became relevant in the mid 20th century, when the average US height was higher or at least equal to now

Def. not.
As you might imagine, malnutrition was extremely common during the world wars and the great depression.

In addition to which BOMBER crews who were given BOMBER jackets from which the garment takes it's godamn name were specifically chosen to be as small as possible, to try to reduce fuel costs and decrease the likelihood that a crew member would get hit while the aircraft was being vigorously machinegunned by enemy interceptors.

So to re-iterate, the bomber jacket is a manlet garment by design. Manlets are never /fa/, so bomber jackets are never /fa/. QED.

>> No.12781665

>In addition to which BOMBER crews who were given BOMBER jackets from which the garment takes it's godamn name were specifically chosen to be as small as possible, to try to reduce fuel costs and decrease the likelihood that a crew member would get hit while the aircraft was being vigorously machinegunned by enemy interceptors.

*also because you had to be really compact to fit into a gun blister.

**and as long as you are sending people to die at a rate of 50%, they may as well be manlets.

>> No.12782416
File: 178 KB, 308x246, face1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs you commie faggot
Heil Hitler

>> No.12782449

>the comments I usually hear is "you're so tall, nice, you workout, love your jawline, you're pretty"

You forgot "humble".