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12756710 No.12756710 [Reply] [Original]

What did you do today, or, alternatively, what do you do on an average day?

>> No.12756772

I cut beasts into pieces and sell them.

>> No.12756774

I try to read a decent amount. I go to college. I listen to music, go to house shows and parties sometimes. I DJ on my campus radio station.

>> No.12756777

I do graphic design, ignore angry customer emails out of anxiety, shitpost, play Dark Souls for five or ten minutes before turning it off, get high because it's the only way I can give myself an appetite, and wait for something to shake this hollow snail shell of a life up at least a little bit

>> No.12756779

i sell drugs i bought off the deepweb to white kids from the suburbs for about double the market price

>> No.12756803

I go to my day job, get home and work on artwork/my meme page. So hungry. I can't wait to get paid.

>> No.12756808

>my meme page
Alright, time to go

>> No.12756810

I got a magazine article out of it so I might as well keep on going

>> No.12756815

What magazine

>> No.12756821

>wake up
>shit shower shave
>read on the bus on way to uni
>hang out with friends in the campus bar
>go to afternoon classes
>read on the bus home
>eat supper
>shitpost here, maybe smoke some pot
>go to bed

>> No.12756822


>> No.12756831

>wake up
>yeet on into the shower
>emerge a fresh looking cute boi
>go sell ski equipment
>go home
>smoke weed and draw because i like anime
>watch anime or hangout with gf
>remind myself life is a videogame and sleep

>> No.12756832

no way, link it

>> No.12756834

nigga this is awful

>> No.12756837


>> No.12756840

Thanks but a lot of people seem to enjoy it

>> No.12756841

>wake up before alarm due to fear/dread
>drive 45-60 minutes to college
>struggle to pay attention in class
>leave and go get lunch or do anything to occupy myself
>get back and struggle to pay attention to my afternoon class
>drive home (unless I have to go to my job at a pizza place)
>get home and avoid parents out of anxiety
>contemplate whether I should do my laundry or homework assignments first
>do neither
>struggle to fall asleep due to anxiety about not having done laundry or assignments
I hate my life currently. My college has a 70% dropout rate and I envy all of the people that could drop out.

>> No.12756850
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Pic related

>> No.12756854

"the joke is that there's no joke" is funny until it becomes clear that you just can't write jokes

>> No.12756859

A lot of it is weird to decipher. While much of the content is blatantly not a joke, the other % of it is definitely something that effort and thought went into. Plus I'm selling t shirts and friends with a dude from Juxtapoz now

>> No.12756866

You are heavily leaning on a multitude of crutches and you're only getting away with it because it's trendy right now. Adjust course and learn to be genuinely funny before this ship sails and you're left stranded on dipshit island. You'll only be able to burn that clip art catalog for warmth for so long

>> No.12756874

It's not trendy at all. It was never trendy when we started making it this way. If it's trendy we started that trend.

>> No.12756887

lmao sure thing buddy. you invented internet memes. youre oh so original

>> No.12756893

We did invent this format. Not memes obviously.

>> No.12756895
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>my 2000 follower instagram account that first posted on November 2016 was responsible for the ironic clip-art/low-res/stock photo/stretched text trend that has been going strong since at least 2012, most likely much earlier

>> No.12756898

you sound like a piece of shit, get a better life

>> No.12756903

We started out on Facebook btw

>> No.12756911
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>page started mid-2015

>> No.12756916

Welp that's my life

>> No.12756974

Wake up
Work 11-11 as a sea food chef 3 days a week
On days I don't have work I just get high and skate
Play in a band that plays shows most fridays

>> No.12756982

>wake up
>go to class (I'm a geology major with a paleontology focus)
>maybe work on my research(dinosaur related)
>go to rugby practice
>go to the gym to work out
>depending on the day work at the gym(I'm also an employee)

>> No.12757128

I'm trying

>> No.12757131
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>> No.12757427
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i work at a record store and i spend my days off shopping at other record stores

>addiction is a dangerous thing

>> No.12757450
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>enjoy fashion
>don't go out anywhere besides work where I wear a uniform

what a hell

>> No.12757483


>wake up
>2 pm
>have breakfast (or lunch w/e)
>end up making an omelette or a mozarella sandwich most of the time
>go to gym

if im working that day
>go to work as a cook in a simple restaurant
>have service staff be my guinea pigs
>be done with work, maybe drink with co workers, maybe go home
>come home, fart around on pc for a bit
>go to sleep

if im off
>go experiment with food, shitpost, play games, photography, general fashion shit
>consider and ultimately opt out of creating a youtube channel about cooking
>hang out with friends

all in all it's okay, but working in a simple family style restaurant in a touristic epicenter isn't really doing it for me.

>> No.12757493

Am I the only person here who works...

>get up
>let gf ride me for a bit
> walk to the business district with gf and get coffee and some veggies
>uber to downtown (car died)
>we each to go work
> have a beer
> sex then bed

>> No.12757519

Everyday used to be
>wake up at 5am
>got to work at 5.30 and finish at 12/2
>relax at home with a ciggie or two
>go for a 50-60km cycle, either velodrome or city loop
>come home and sleep at 9.30pm; or if i had night shift I would skip ride and work 3pm till 11.30pm

Now, back studying final year at uni
>Wake up at 7.30am on Monday and Wednesday, other days is whenever
>do my lab work or study until 3pm
>hang out with friends till 10-11pm
>sleep at 11/12pm

>> No.12757525

*if friends are busy, go for a ride instead

>> No.12757562

I used to have a pretty fashionable lifestyle I guess, but then I had to grow up. This was my average day a few years ago.

>Live in NYC area
>Wake up, shoot heroin because no doubt the 4 hours of sleep i got led to withdrawal setting in again
>Try to remember the last time I ate
>Chainsmoke at least a half pack of cigs while setting up a pickup for around mid day out on the island
>Get dressed
>Hit up my long island niggers to meet me on the north shore so we can skate & get fucked up.
>Usually end up at some trust fund kid house party in the hamptons by around midnight
>Spend night rolling/coked up with interesting wealthy people
>Sometimes get invited to cool events
>Sometimes go yachting
>Sell benzos to rich kids to support heroin habit
>Occasionally when I let myself come down enough to get my dick up, fuck some hipster hoes with rich daddies (rare occurrence)
>Trying to become a professional artist, am good but too flakey to ever make anything happen with it.

But now I just work a shit job for a lower middle class income living in a hick town, kicked my addictions.. occasionally play videogames. I think despite the fact that I probably would've ended up dead, that life was more worth living than this one. Kind of sucks.

>> No.12757587

you sound a lot like me desu...

>> No.12757595

It only gets worse after college, you're in for a rough time.

>> No.12757639

Link to your store?

>> No.12757749

>wake up and get ready
>volunteering on Tuesdays mornings
>teaching elementary kids on Mondays afternoons
>studio work
>teaching a class Monday nights
>homework when I get home
>sleep for a min 8 hours

>wake up
>work at a museum
>grocery-shopping and other errands

>> No.12757776
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I'm in limbo

I just left my job and class starts on the 27th. I live in the city and have no idea what to do. I just watch anime, play vidya and guitar all day. occasionally I'll ride my motorcycle around but I don't have anywhere to go. only really go outside to smoke a cigarette or get food. no friends because i have extreme anxiety

>no money either


>> No.12757796

Went to thundercat, nabbed some hipstershit donuts and am currently smashing a sandwich into my face, bouta go try the new Denver memedrink, kava.

>> No.12757929

do something with your life

>> No.12757953

> wake up
> work on novel
> try to eat three meals a day
> spend hours studying my face in the mirror
> save up government money to go out of the country and live an actual life
>make space in greentext to show that I don't fit in anywhere

>> No.12757962

L o n d o n?

>> No.12757996
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I was unemployed for a while after working at a museum and a bagel shop for a couple years.
Now I work at a comfy coffee shop on the river, and deliver newspapers by bike in a neighboring city.
I don't drive, most of what I do is by bike since I was a kid. I also unironically write poetry and short stories.
I'm very laid back and perhaps even boring, and I kind of like it that way. I don't even associate with the hipsters who like what I like. I keep to myself and a handful of friends I don't even associate with much.
I'm all about the comfy.

>> No.12758018

>wake up at 10 am
>give my cat some food and let him outside
>drink black coffee while smoking some cigs
>skincare routine
>go on 4chan to shitpost
>should actually be doing stuff for uni, will do later maybe

Normal day:
>wake up at 5 am
>drink some coffee, eat oatmeal while preparing for my next lecture
>shower, brush teeth, skincare routine, choose outfit for the day
>give kitty food, let him outside
>go to bus, smoke a cig
>read my notes from previous lectures while on bus
>be at uni, mostly until 5pm
>come home, let cat inside
>try to eat something, give kitty some food
>try to learn
>8 pm kickboxing every 2.day if not I go on 4chan to shitpost
>quickshower, skincare, etc.
>smoke, cuddle with my cat
>water my carnivorous plants, look if everything is ok with them

Dunno if effay at all but I am pretty happy.

>> No.12758056

>wake up at 5pm
>eat dinner
>go to sleep at 6am
That's it

>> No.12758058


>> No.12758064
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for now

>> No.12758212



>> No.12758253

>wake up
>eat cinemon oats, whilst watching my subox
>pick outfit and bus into town, shop/skate
>Go to classes
>hang out with friends or gf, grab lunch
>if I have work go to work
>go home watch simpsons and play vidya
>feed cat
>cook dinner
>browse far and shop for a bit online
>cuddle with gf
>watch movie or bed

Not to be a cunt or anything but what do you guys do to enjoy life, all of these seem so lifeless

>> No.12758272

I honestly can't believe they wrote an article about a page with 22 hundred followers

>> No.12758300

37k on fb

>> No.12758305

Spend all money on rick and raf in beginning of month. Drink only water eat only bread and canned sardines. Live in shack, to buy more clothing.

>> No.12758308

I work four ten hour workdays so for those days I disassociate from the world and after getting off on the last day I meet up with friends for beer flights and catch up.
on my three off days I spend most of my free time either binging on Netflix/Crunchyroll/ect, drawing while stoned, or playing rhythm games. Then i'll get up go out and party when night hits.

>> No.12758353
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>> No.12758357

basically me

>> No.12758373
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When at uni:

>wake at around 7am
>usual hygiene, brekfast etc
>uni lasts from 8am to 11am-1pm depending on the day
>go to gym
>go to a reastaurant or cook something at home
>take a nap or dick around on the internet, vidya, drawing autistic shit etc
>go for a drink out to local bars or invite friends over to smoke weed in the evening

During weekdays/holidays:

>wake around noon
>eat lunch
>internet/vidya/more sleep
>in the evening hang out with gf/go out drinking

Im not an alcoholic I swear

>> No.12758379

>wake up
>contemplate suicide
>classes over
>get home/hang out with gf
>eat a bit
>study/listen to music
>go to bed
>fall asleep/look at the ceilling for two hours


>> No.12758396

I ran out of food two days ago and can't eat until tomorrow. You're in college and have a girlfriend. Shut the fuck up

>> No.12758398

>What did you do today
Went to the gym

>> No.12758406

I'm not saying I have it bad. I have it good, or at least better than most, but I'm not happy.

I'm sorry that you've got such problems.

>> No.12758409
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>woke up at 7am
>kinda hangover because I drank till 4am last night
>make myself a mug of coffee
>Jacobs instant
>I take a cold shower
>brush teeth
>wash face
>do abs and butt workout
>get dressed
>a shirt by Raf Simons
>Levi's 501 jeans
>my Doc Martens 1460 beaters
>bag by Thor Steinar
>all black
>go out
>buy pack of Chesterfield blue 100s altho I really wanna stop smoking
>go to a coffe shop on top of this building
>go hiking in a nearby forest
>after 3hrs in the woods I feel amazing
>phone a friend who is a bartender and go visit him at his workplace
>currently there
>haven't eaten all day
>might eat some fish stew when I get home tho

>> No.12758497

>wake up early
>read in my bed
>get ready
>bike to gym
>comeback to my place for shower and snack
>bike half an hour to uni
>courses and shit
>eat w/ friends
>courses and shit
>hang out bit with friends after uni
>go home
usual week day

>> No.12758524

It's friday, ya goon

>> No.12758528

how is going to college not doing something with your life? autist

>> No.12758529

How about your job/school?

>> No.12758536


This turned me on sexually

>> No.12758560
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Weird life. Mental health issues, so not fit for school or work atm. Have a steady amount of money to spend I get from the gov because of having cancer last year. Wake up whenever, fancy diet, taming tiny mouse I caught, gaming a little, town life, slutshaming girls on facebook, learning how to dj, browsing 4chan, raves on weekly basis, worrying about the future, spending too much money on wigs, clothes and alcohol. Anyone else got any ideas to waste my time and money on?

>> No.12758595

Order me a pizza cuz im hungry

>> No.12758608

This is me but without the gf

>> No.12758617

If ur willing to post adress sure

>> No.12758639

>wake up around 10
>go to class mon-tues
>do session work/studio work wed-fri
>hang with friends weekday nights
>play shows and hang with gf on weekends

I'm a happy guy

>> No.12758671

I have summer break in uni from august till october