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12750198 No.12750198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I've been looking at single serve coffeemakers. Almost copped picrel cheap but well reviewed sunbeam, it was exactly what i was looking for. But then i kept looking at more alternatives just in case, and finally saw the BUNN MCU. I am about to cop the shit out of it. $217 cad shipped. Make me not do this.


>> No.12750200

Just say "french press" i'm gonna put a contract out on your ass.

>> No.12750202

say bialetti nigger, i dare you

it's a tired ass hipster device that's been faked to death and just a pain to make coffee and clean

>> No.12750224

They make better coffee tho

>> No.12750227

>I am about to cop the shit out of it. $217 cad shipped. Make me not do this.

You're on welfare retardo.

>> No.12750229


>> No.12750234

You don't need it

>> No.12750258

just buy Great Value Instant Coffee from Walmart and toss it a cup with some hot water from a kettle

>> No.12750262

French Press (come at me)
Hario V60
Chemex is a minimal instagram meme but I'm sure it makes nice coffee.

>> No.12750283

Aeropress is shit. It's made of ass-tier plastic that leaches into the coffee. Enjoy your cancer. French press is 100% functional and produces good coffee, I don't know why these niggerfaggots dislike it.

>> No.12750284

Wtf, Chemex and Hario are just expensive drop coffee setups.

>> No.12750295
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fuck it. cheaped out and copped this Hamilton Beach 48136 shit for $30 cad shipped

sigh. the BUNN just looked so cool, unpretentious, yet serious functional coffee device

>> No.12750298
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WTF, why not just buy a cone pour-over system?

Cheaper, lasts multiple lifetimes, takes up less space, more elegant, and all you actually need. Who the fuck buys an electric coffee maker for one person? They're meant for offices and hotel rooms.

>> No.12750307

nayrt but i drink like 4 cups of coffee in the morning to myself

>> No.12750313
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Amazing tasting coffee with simple device and doesn't take a ton of space like shit coffeemaker you have pictured

>> No.12750316


Also, these Moka pots

wtf, drinking 4 cups in the morning

disgusting, drink less shit watered down coffee pls

>> No.12750396
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Chemex or French press or Moka pot

Imo chemex w it's thick filters makes a really good pourover and it's super easy, you don't need a scale or anything like people say online

>> No.12750420

>ass-tier plastic that leaches into the coffee
The last few models are BPA free. I find the aeropress process too fidley though.

>> No.12750499
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gimmicky Pottery Barn tier gimmicks. at least the walmart dripper looks unpretentious, not tryhard, and tastes good.

the DUNN looks cool. but beyond my budget

>> No.12750524
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don't be such a fucking pleb CHRIST

>> No.12750537

hipster gimmick. tired sight for sore eyes. hard to operate and clean. you need a cup a joe quick you dont wanna deal with this bialetti shit

>> No.12750541

Get the ninja coffee maker, I've been using it for a year and a half and it's still making amazing tasting coffee

>> No.12750544
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>ninja coffee maker
looks like something from the Pottery Barn decor

I heard good thing about their blender tho.

>> No.12750545
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People tell me they really like the coffee all the time when they don't know it's this delicious thing.

>> No.12750546
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might as turkish coffee amirite

>> No.12750548

too phinicky process, can't walk away for a second. also only for gas stove

>> No.12750704

Look mate, if you don't have 7 minutes to make yourself an actual cup of coffee then you have problems needing consideration far beyond what a cheap drip machine will solve.

>> No.12750742

dude just stop giving him (you)s that's all he want because you guys keep giving him attention

>> No.12750792

French presses are great, but I would honestly get the cheapest one at Walmart or just use instant coffee.

>> No.12750819
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Just get a Hario, they're like $15-25

>put coffee in filter, slowly add water
>pour the liquid through the filter again after a few hours
>leave out for 12-24 hours, remove filter and place in fridge
>week's worth of cold brew coffee or coffee concentrate depending on desired strength

>> No.12750878
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the only answer

>> No.12750971

now we are getting somewheres

looks like those 1980s coffeemakers from goodwill

>> No.12750979 [DELETED] 

would cop if it had this in 1-cup version

i hate pouring from huge ass carafe to a mug a single serving and i dont make more than 1 at a time and keeping coffee on the burner is a shit

>> No.12750988
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cancelling this >>12750295

ordering THIS

>> No.12750998

>got the worst one
Oh igor

>> No.12751004
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love the way it looks, any mug can be used
but yeah, overpriced as fuck

>> No.12751038
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I was such a FUCKING IDIOT!

For a week this gorgeous old Philips 12 coffeemaker was sitting at the goodwill for $7 cad I kept eyeing it every time but thought it was missing a part, because the lid seemed misaligned with the drip hole. I thought it was missing some part, so I never took it and it was sitting there for over a week! But now I looked it up and turns out it was all good! I just had to rotate the damn thing! It was so beautiful goddamnit I could have copped it for $7 cad

>> No.12751062
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life is short

>> No.12751064

you're being fucking stupid if you think you need more than a bialetti device.

the capsule machines are jewish faggot inventions that make you pay more for much less and are coded so that you can't use anything else with it.

heck, I don't even have a coffee machine at the moment. you wanna know how I make coffee?
I got a sack full of coffee beans for free recently and since I don't have a grinder I grind them up myself by putting them in a plastic bag and hammering the shit out of those beans. then I use the right ratio/volume of water for all the coffee dust and boil it in a pan on the stove. after a few minutes, I just use a sieve and pour coffee back into my water cooker.

now I have absolutely delicious coffee that tastes as good if no better than the shitty meme capsules.

A coffee grinder as well as the bialetti thing would be nice though.

>> No.12751075

retarded faggot.
who the fuck are you? Jordan Schlansky?
then again, at least he was smart and charged Conan for his coffee machine. because that price is something you'd get to write it off as a business expense.

>> No.12751090

pssing every few minutes is not /fa/.

>> No.12751094

coffee doesn't make you do that all that much.
tea is much more likely to do that to you.

>> No.12751096


>> No.12751100

true story. my bladder doesn't lie, senpai.

t. coffee and tea drinker

>> No.12751118

They make nice simple devices that make good coffee though?

And they're not difficult to clean lol, I just open it and rinse with water and my fingers.

>> No.12751127



>> No.12751131

>And they're not difficult to clean lol, I just open it and rinse with water and my fingers.


meanwhile caspule meme machines:

>need to buy a separate set of cleaning tabs that dissolve and do that shit every other week so that the insides don't get clogged up with calcium from all the water.

>> No.12751156

aero press

>> No.12751169 [DELETED] 

gimmicky hipster shit

i like my dripper with steam pshhhhhh pshhhhh

>> No.12751172


i just love this dripping and steaming

>> No.12751174

If you like coffee sludge

>> No.12751177
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>> No.12751182

fuck you, ordered the cup-one for $377 cad
come at me
drumpf paid no taxes
life is short

>> No.12751189

Get a Chemex and a good electric kettle like bonavita.
Once you find the right temp for your preferred coffee and grind, it'll be divine.
French press sucks because you're drinking sludge.
Moke pot is ok but too much work, rather just get an actual espresso machine(baseline Gaggia Classic)

>> No.12751193

Oh, and get a good grinder. If you're just single serving, then get something like a Hario hand mill

>> No.12751195
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Pottery Barn hipster tier

>> No.12751204
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just coming to this thread to say fuck you OP. You're an idiot. you could have gone with French press and had great coffee with no effort, but you bought some fucking shitty machine that's not going to ever give good water distribution and is going to make your coffee taste significantly worse now. you took nobody's advice and made a stupid decision. French press coffee is going to have the best mouthfeel. it's going to be easy to cover and extract from every bean. I bet you're buying foreground gevalia from Wal-Mart or some shit too huh? or no, you're in the coffee lifestyle so you're going to buy whole bean Starbucks dark roast and grind it in your shitty spice grinder you stupid fuck. you also bought hershey unsweetened powder because either you're a trashy dumbfuck with a stupid diet, or it's some fucked up way to make coffee you picked up from your stupid parents. either way I hope you burn your tongue stupid faggot.

>> No.12751206

>Moke pot is ok but too much work
>too much work
Nigga you throw your shot it, toss it on the stove, and wait for the gurgle. The only way it could be less work is if they were dishwasher safe for clean up.

>> No.12751210

cocoa powder was for protein shakes. i was missing $5 to free shipping and needed more cocoa anyway

>> No.12751212
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>brb gotta filter away all those aromatic oils and antioxidants

>> No.12751214

I had a Bodum french press some years ago. I hated it. It looked so cheap and just fucking gross.
fuck french press.. i odnt care if its better coffee.

>> No.12751219

For the results. It's too much work

>> No.12751222

Enjoy your mud water

>> No.12751252

Jesus fuck Igor, stop buying a coffemaker and buy a fucking fridge and some fucking good taste, u mooron, we remenber how u backed the fuck out, now dont come and pretend u can taste the diference between coffe and ass crack sweat.

>> No.12751273

Actually a good comment.

Serious ansver: You'll want an immersion brewer and not a dripper. Immersion brewer's are way easier to brew good coffee with. Dripper's have a learning curve, before you get consistently good coffee, as well as needing more equipment to get more out of them. For immersion brewers, I recommend a Clever, or Aeropress.

The clever will give you the easiest, reliably good cup, and is easy clean up. It produces a very even coffee, but without the heavy body (sediment) of a french press.
The Aeropress will have a slightly bigger learning curve, but will also offer more experimentation, and brewing styles. It can also produce strong "espresso" (but not really) like cups, as well as lighter 3rd wave style coffee. The areopress has a bit more body than the clever.

Also get a scale that can weigh to tenths of a gram, and a thermometer. Use 6-7grams of coffee, per 100 ml of water and brewing temps of 90-96 degrees.

Get coffee ground for immersion brewing (coarser than filter).
The last big improvement is a grinder, and grinding fresh, but those cost quite a bit of money if you want anything decent. Mind you fresh is better than consistent. Hario skerton is an ok beginner's manual grinder, and wilfa is an ok electric grinder.

>> No.12751283

I usually go for a slightly lower temperature to avoid bitterness

>> No.12751288

Plastic is plastic. Just because it's BPA free doesn't mean drinking literal plastic every morning is anything but unhealthy.

>> No.12751289
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Effay: Getting the cheapest and least involved shitty coffee

Not-effay: Being some barista hipster like this fag >>12751273

>> No.12751292

I guess it depends on your recipe, but you can always any one different factor (tempt/ time/ grind size) to avoid over extraction. Also slurry temperature will decrease over brewing time.
That being said, I also prefer cooler temperatures, and longer slower extractions.

>> No.12751300

Go to IKEA, buy a glass french press. Don't use an espresso grind in your french press, fuccboi, you need it to be somewhat coarse.

Don't fuck with hipster bullshit like Chemex or these autistic pour-overs that are just $40 versions $2 of cone filter drip setups. Not only does paper filter coffee lack the flavor of french press, I believe you need special filters for the Chemex, and that's just stupid.

Give me one actual reason besides "I didn't see someone using it on Tumblr" why using a french press isn't the best solution. If you're drinking for cups in the morning, stop making faggot coffee. I used to work 18 hours a day and I didn't fuck around with four cups a day. You'll shit and piss yourself for hours doing that.

>> No.12751335

>life is short

that's nothing to be proud of. fuck you, dude.

>> No.12751340

>glass french press
You don't get it. It's fedora lounge tier. pottery barn style

>> No.12751347

you seem very angry about the way in which other people consme beverages

>> No.12751374

Now this guy moaning about hipster shit and pottery barn style and probably takes hes coffe with sugar, like the fucking mammys boy he is.

>> No.12751541

> Give me one actual reason besides "I didn't see someone using it on Tumblr" why using a french press isn't the best solution
The Aeropress produces less body and is not as strong but more flavorful. I like it better that way.
Chill dude

>> No.12751668

nespresso if you're rich or french press if yo'ure poor

>> No.12751679
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now I get why coffee is always shit outside of italy
pic related is the only way to get a decent coffee at home
mokka is trash compared to it but still acceptable

>> No.12751696

igor do you have anyone to talk to other than /fa/?

>> No.12751896

>hipster gimmick

Really? Every Italian household has had these for eternity.

t. Florentine

>> No.12752041

I do... kc bernd. but i'm banned a lot there lately

afk? no one

>> No.12752424

I can't believe people still drink coffee instead of just popping nodoz

Enjoy you're stained teeth and grandpa bladders, morans