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/fa/ - Fashion

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12745097 No.12745097 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck does it cost so much to be /effay/

>> No.12745100

man if i had full heda hair and money, i'd been a fucking GOD

>> No.12745103

You know, dude, it probably costs less than ever before. You can fast fashion your shit up and only spend good money on particular items to flash.
Then there's the fact standards are so low that people think you're dressed up when you put a long-sleeved shirt on.

>> No.12745104 [DELETED] 
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woulda been my vibe

>> No.12745105

Oh, another point: very large acceptance of second-hand clothing. Maybe not as much as in the 2000s but still pretty high, I'd say.

>> No.12745106

>pink wojack

>> No.12745108

Buy one pair of CP's and one pair of MMM's and ur set

But if ur a real effay god you'll save up

>> No.12745109
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>> No.12745112
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>tfw even if i had my dream wardrobe and fulfilled my unbelievably high expectations for myself I have no fucking friends to go out with

>> No.12745116

Young Brad vibe

>> No.12745217
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too close to home, if it makes you feel better i'd go out with you

>> No.12745274

>30 bucks for a tee
>50 bucks for pants
>60-150 for some kicks
It doesn't cost an awful lot. Unless you're some kind of west coast manchild you shouldn't feel the need to spend more.

>> No.12745278

how are you this far behind

are you 16

>> No.12745279
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That's Marlon Brando darling.

>> No.12745282

Half of /fa/ belongs on r/frugalmalefashion.
>hey guys I want [expensive item] but im a poorfag so are there any cheaper alteratives?

>> No.12745290

was going to say something along those lines, but was afraid i'd get called out as a sperg. If your family doesn't own a summer house don't buy fucking rick owens you stupid nerds.

>> No.12745315
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thanks, i appreciate that man. looking back at it i don't think i've ever had a genuine friend that wasn't a piece of shit to me.

>> No.12745332

CP's and MMM's defined this board and many others for years and will continue to define these websites for the rest of time

not sure why you needed to make such an unnecessary, unintelligent comment

>> No.12745339

avoid retails poorfag

>> No.12745341

>half of /fa/ belongs on r/frugalmalefashion
>knowing r/frugalmalefashion exists

>> No.12745379

Trying to get a good deal is at least a prudent, arguably maculine, behaviour. I much prefer those guys to the ones that are like:

>hey guys tell me where i can get this but not this
>(because i want to wear what other people are wearing but i MUST be a specialboi about it)

>> No.12745413


>> No.12745468

It doesn't
You can look good without spending like $300 on a single outfit (yet some people here even call that price as poorfag price), just stop listening to all the insecure retards who think you can only wear an article of clothing for one outfit and that you need some $500 converse that are just called something else and made by someone who happens to be popular.

>> No.12745478
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If you guys help me grow 5 inches I'll be your friend.

>> No.12745483

I only spent $150 on my custom converse

>> No.12745498

Thank you so much for telling me about uniqlo
I've finally found a reliable, inexpensive brand

>> No.12745508

I honestly don't really understand how items can go for multiple thousands of dollars either. I'm sure everyone's been in a mall and seen those really minimalist looking stores with just one guy in a suit working that only sell like 10 things each of those being multiple thousands of dollars. I'll admit that some of the stuff definitely looks nice and I'm sure the material is of perfect quality but I still can't imagine what exactly it is that bumps the price of a coat to $5000.

>> No.12745516

Even $300 is too much tbqh. I have about $20k in Yohji, CCP and rick but my go-to outfit is still
-white Uniqlo easy care slim shirt
-slim black Uniqlo jeans
-black merino Uniqlo sweater
-black Uniqlo socks
-white CP Aquiles low (easily replaceable in this context by stans)
Minus the CPs that's ~$100 on sale for the whole fit.
Full rick/full Yohji can look good but not that much better than a carefully curated "normie" outfit.
But we like the high fashion because its sometimes fun to do something, or in this case wear something, a bit out of the ordinary.
If you can get by resisting that urge, you can look very fashionable on a budget.

>> No.12745532

I think that there are two main, often overlapping, purposes to fashion (I'm charitably, perhaps naively, leaving out a third which is simply to generically signal wealth to people in your social circle):
1) Looking good
2) Self expression
You don't *ever* need designer clothing to look good. There are *always* cheaper acceptable alternatives because there are many ways to "look good"
I think where fashion gets expensive is ok the "self expression" part because there aren't always acceptable alternatives to the way people wish to express themselves through their appearance.

>> No.12745533

You can shop for basics at h&m and save up for shoes that's it.

>> No.12745686

don't forget about the nipples.

>> No.12745776

no you don't
you probably don't even own any of those things you claim you did
you literally only own uniqlo stuff

>> No.12745789

it costs far less if you're /fit/, just get a gym membership

>> No.12745791

You can do things pretty damn cheap especially if you get stuff tailored.

>> No.12745834

>tfw fashion victim
>make roughly 500 (aud) a week for the last year and I always spend it straight away
>literally 0 good fits - i have several expensive jackets bought online that don't look good on me because i'm a manlet so i just wear hoodie/sweatshirt + jeans/trackpants and sneakers

>> No.12745965

you mean hair

>> No.12745989

How do I help you cope with the fact that there are people younger, richer, thinner, cooler and more attractive than you AND some of them are even on this board?
I could tell you that I'm 30, I didn't take out any studen loans in college and I've been making between $120k-$170k for the last 6 years so $20k of clothes is nbd, but that's a cop-out because there are trust fund kids on this board who are fresh out of high school and own vertu phones.
Don't let it bother you is the only advice I can give. It's a big world out there.

>> No.12746000

Because you don't live in a third world country, such as China or Brazil.
For 20$ you can buy your life in such countries.

>> No.12746005
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>> No.12746011

Igor, you're amazing just the way you are

>> No.12746337

i was talking about this website and sweater when i made this post.. it's fucking almost 500 jesus

>> No.12746342

Right looks kind like Hunter S Thompson. Honestly not that bad

>> No.12746345

jeez, he literally looks like nothing special without the hair. im balding im scared

>> No.12746355
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GTFO my thread you bald/balding fucks. why is /fa/ full of you guys?

>> No.12746357

it's the cheapest and most expensive time to be alive

>> No.12746362

don't go to (xe)ddit but that title seems right. but you hit the ail on the head. you can tell so many teens here pick normcore or any other shitty used thirdhand good to validate as style.

>> No.12746385

yeah man, prime teenage girls are just gushing over Hunter S. Thompson

fucking lol

>> No.12746453

it doesnt, you just dont know where to look

>calling margiela's replica army sneaker "MMM's"
back to /r/streetwear you go

>> No.12746568

>unable to provide factual evidence that you own claimed clothes
>btfo and goes on a ramble in attempt to somehow show validity
ur poor and ur trying to impress people on a chinese cake making forum

>> No.12746571

fashion victim pleb

go to thrift stores, deadstock sales, pop-up flee markets. stop being into boring expensive stuff and experiment with esoteric fits- thrifting costs little and has a huge variety if you know where to look.

>> No.12746625

>you are trying to impress
Who is "you"?
This is an anonymous forum. None of this, positive or negative gets back to me

>> No.12746632

You're right anon. My bad. I've never had money for nice clothes so your comments made me feel insecure.
Being a poorfag, I can't imagine the sort of luxuries you're describing. This enraged and confused me causing me to lash out.

>> No.12746645

>please pay for designer labels goy

>> No.12746707
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lol not me btw but I agree with his point about how silly it is to lie on an anonymous forum.
I'm this guy >>12741985
Not going to unpack all my shit because I don't care that much but here's this months haul and an $8k watch.
Assume this is all still an elaborate ruse.
You can't really believe that people with the means to do what I described don't exist.

>> No.12746708

>30 bucks for a tee

>> No.12746727
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lol poorfags btfo. I was in that vertu thread. Did anyone screencap it?