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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 73 KB, 900x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12712863 No.12712863 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking sick of seeing all these thinspo threads. thinspo just idolizes an unhealthy lifestyle by glamorizing the malnourished. Not to mention the double standard it creates when it comes to "overweight" people. Thinspo fags are so quick to point out how unhealthy it is to be "overweight" while the body type they find to be "ideal" is skeleton tier, arguable a less healthy weight. Within the last few years there's been a more mainstream acceptance of plus-size models into the industry and i honestly wouldn't be surprised if being "overweight" or "obese" became the new standard for beauty and considered a more desirable and "fashionable" body type.
>inb4 "fat acceptance is bullshit"
you may not know this but back around the time of the renaissance a person was generally thought to be more attractive and prosperous if they were "overweight". The more "obese" they were the more desireable they were. it's absolutely asinine how unwoke and generally ignorant the world has become to the point where people find a person with more body fat to be "disgusting". All that being said, I'm creating this thread in protest of thinspo. post effay "overweight" men and women to show your support.

>> No.12712865
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>> No.12712868
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>> No.12712871
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>> No.12712872
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>> No.12712877
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>> No.12712882
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>> No.12712892

Kill yourselves you unhealthy fucks. Oh wait, what am I saying... you're doing it already! Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.12712895

lol a fat hipster

>> No.12712896

enjoy your diabetes

>> No.12712908
File: 7 KB, 155x177, concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12712918

But... all those people you posted are more than fat. They are obese. They are unhealthy. Anything above chubby for an extended period of time, isn't healthy.

>> No.12712919

I can't tell if this post is satire or the real deal, but I'm sick of seeing /thinspo/. I can't even tell if /thinspo/ is the real deal or satire, but I'm sick of seeing it nonetheless.

>> No.12712920

These are hilarious, keep posting.

>> No.12712922

fat acceptance will never be attractive or fashionable.

What is PC is never fashionable. What is the result of not caring about your body or how you look (getting fat) will also never become fashionable. Just look at neckbeards and people who wear functional hiking boots..it is never fa.

The only reason thin is fa to begin with is that it is so far from your disgusting fatness that people take comfort in it. If there were less fat people then maybe a healthy weight for models would become more mainstream, but never fat ones.

>> No.12712929
File: 67 KB, 900x900, royale with blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thread op, need more widespo on /fa/. anyone know where to cop pic related shirt? being looking for that exact shade for ages now

>> No.12712949

i kinda get where you're coming from.i understand being attracted to the aesthetic of thinspo but occasionally people post things on there that genuinely make me concerned.

>> No.12712961
File: 1.23 MB, 3162x2330, Blue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agree OP.

In another note, can someone please tell me if pic related is /fa/?

>> No.12712970

you forgot to breath in

>> No.12712993

Thin still looks better though. :-)

>> No.12713207

>honestly wouldn't be surprised if being "overweight" or "obese" became the new standard for beauty and considered a more desirable and "fashionable" body type.

Except that will never happen. There's a reason why looking thin is more appealing than being fat, and it's more than just clothes looking better on thin people. More than 70% of adults in the US are now considered overweight. 1/3 of the world is now overweight. This means that thin people are becoming more and more rare than fat people. There have been countless psychological studies that show that scarcity appeals to people. People are attracted to what is perceived as unattainable. It's the reason why green and grey eyes are typically referred to as beautiful. It's because it's exotic and uncommon. If everyone had green and grey eyes, it would lose a lot of its appeal. At the end of the day, people want what they can't have. Anyone can shove 10 big macs into their system everyday, but not everyone can be thin.

>> No.12713210

This is such an American opinion, gtfo please

>> No.12713229
File: 245 KB, 1380x1380, Fashion Either you get it or you don't..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post effay "overweight" men and women to show your support.

This is the only one I can think of.

>> No.12713463

Oh shit my bad, let me try again.
*breathes in*

>> No.12713537

tf is "thinspo"

thin inspiration?

>> No.12713555

Excessive weight is unhealthy. Being attracted to overweight individuals means your biological intuition to find a healthy mate is not functioning properly. Obviously, you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself if you're overweight, but you should be modivated to loose weight, and you sure as shit shouldn't be proud of your poor health.

>> No.12713563

hahahahaha fuck off fatty
being too thing might be unhealthy but at least it looks pretty good, being fat is just an indicator of laziness

>> No.12713568

shut up you fat piece of shit get the fuck off this board

>> No.12713571
File: 18 KB, 360x530, cd7634f6c31a82fbea3f7df529010d36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaahahaha here's your fatspo

>> No.12713572

put some flames on that bad boy and youre on your way to being effay

>> No.12713589
File: 359 KB, 1200x800, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Reason why slimmer or more toned bodies are preferred is just biology, it's the way most of the population perceives beauty. Of course they are outliers but the majority still hold this standard for beauty. The entire human population will never see obesity as attractive and that's just the way life works. You can either ignore them, change yourself or just bitch about it. /fa/ isn't your support group either, if you want a "Judgement free zone" Then just go somewhere else. /fa/ as a culture (If you can even call it that) just believes slimmer figures as more versatile, that's the reason why their perceived cooler/hotter. Fat body's just look bad in fashion because it forms a worse silhouette than a slim body. It's much harder to be versatile and looks plain bad when compared to a slimmer body. Fore instance, do you really think a stocky guy will look good in Julius and Rick Owens? there are some instances where fat guys look better than slimmer frames but that is rare.

>> No.12713634

Would put a ring on it.

>> No.12713643

its the most obvious bait ever, how could you fall for it. what happened to you people

>> No.12713654

Op is a fatfuck

>> No.12713657

/fa/ gets baited really easily based on what i've seen.

>> No.12713675

You got me triggered. Get fuct. Thinspo is it's own little world whose body goals are not shared across the board. HOWEVER fuck fatshion.

Beauty standards might change over time, but fat hasn't ever been widely viewed as beautiful. That chunky renaissance beauty would be called curvy or voluptuous by today's standards. The kind of fat we see daily didn't really exist then. They were only fat compared to the malnourished masses.

If anything, having a healthy/skinny physique will be put on a higher pedestal; as obesity rates rise among the lower class, being thin will become a greater status symbol just like being curvy was in the past. It means you have the money to eat well and the leisure time/dedication to exercise.

I think that fat around your heart is cutting the bloodflow to your brain.

>> No.12713681

Most /thinspo/ fucks are just a bunch of faggots with eating disorders, but (you) do sound really dumb, even if you're le trolle. People should find their own inner effay and take care of themselves both mentally AND physically, only then they will be truly beautiful. Starving yourself or overeating for looks makes no sense and serves no purpose at all.

>> No.12713683

I'm pretty positive you're right, but the pics he followed up in actually upset me. I couldn't help but bite. Like a fatty, I lost self control.>>12713654

>> No.12713893

An ectomorph is an ectormorph, I can live with that. But a starved out mesomorph or endomorph is just eh...
Starving oneself in sake of trendiness just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.12713903

Woah, so even pregnant women grow a beard these days.

>> No.12714046

this, despite the fact i think the thinspo aesthetic is pretty shitty, fat will never be desirable in a developed modern country because of this

>> No.12714050

its isn't biology its scarcity, see >>12713207

>> No.12714078

sux 2 b u
Threads have been around for years and since mods don't delete them they are allowed.
lol what's the problem

>> No.12714082


That's disgusting. Please stop shitposting

>> No.12714117

thinspo only works for girls

>> No.12714125

Youre right, Renaissance it was. Thats because food wasnt as abundant and it was a way to,show that you werent poor. Now being thin is a way of showing you have self control and arent a fast food eating peasant

>> No.12714129

Look at her fat fold by her pussy. Gunt city. Was thinking the same until i saw that random flab. Would be disgusting nude

>> No.12714501

it's also a way of showing suck my dong from the back

>> No.12714502

we are not accepting Aliss slander at this time

>> No.12714534

This makes sense to a point but not really, Humans want a healthy partner. You're telling me that when everyone becomes on average 6ft tall, that girls and guys are going to find 5,4 people more attractive? People don't find Midgets hot so your theory doesn't fully make sense.

>> No.12714545

gas the fats

>> No.12714547

I knew it was bait but that doesn't mean they are actual people that believe this. I like debating online t.bh.

>> No.12714559

No. When everyone is 6' chicks will want the guy who is 6'5"

>> No.12714565


>> No.12714573

Why if midgets are rare? You said yourself that scarcity is what makes people like skinny people over tubsters.

>> No.12714623

It wasn't me who said that. I think scarcity can play a role in desire, but it's not the driving factor. Tits and hips seem to be the universal and timeless standard for what men find attractive. Beauty standards for weight don't usually override that instinct. In other words, even in a culture that prefers more weight, once that weight starts obscuring the female form it is no longer desired. Even if you look at thinspo, most of the inspo is girls who manage to keep some semblance of womanhood despite being super thin.

As for what women find atttactive in men, did women ever find fatties more attractive?

>> No.12716252
File: 103 KB, 754x1158, 1498747525761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my favorite color.

>> No.12716379

the colour is electric blue

>> No.12716389

IDK man. These threads are pretty fun.
It's kinda like an inverse ">this is what fatties believe" thread.
We don't even have to wait for some guy to take the bait to start the bashing.

>> No.12716395

I'm overweight and i can tell you fat acceptance is bullshit, but so is malnourishment. Unless you live in a shit tier country with an epidemic of malnutrition, you should at least be a normal bmi. The truth is, being in a normal bmi with moderate muscle or being overweight with a lot of muscle is the only thing acceptable for males.

>> No.12716397

shut the fuck up you fat fuck