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/fa/ - Fashion

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12708195 No.12708195 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12708208
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>> No.12708223
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>> No.12708224
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>> No.12708228
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>> No.12708229


>> No.12708232
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>> No.12708234
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>> No.12708238
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>> No.12708243
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are belt mounts effay

>> No.12708250
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>> No.12708255
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>> No.12708263
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Wow never seen an om-2 before. Pretty /fa/.

>> No.12708320
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These are great, too bad there's a $200 hipster tax on them and my pic

>> No.12708349
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nah just get a shoulder strap

you realize we have a photography board right?

nice choice

step aside, this is the GOAT p&s

>> No.12708352


>> No.12708354
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>> No.12708365

using this atm

>> No.12708377

How is it, i've heard super good things, but as some people mentioned, they're a little over priced. I have a nikon lite touch that i love, which has a really nice sharp lens but i'm not a huge fan of the zoom, would rather a fixed.

>> No.12708388
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I want to get this, just wish I knew how to develop film

digital cameras are too expensive

>> No.12708396

so is film, just over a longer period of time. i guess it comes down to weather you are willing to save or want to go paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.12708398
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Got this one. Asahi Pentax SP500. It is really cheap, but I loved the way it looks.

>> No.12708495
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which colorway should i cop? i like black, but i feel like the gray is timeless and generally more socially appealing

>> No.12708499

all black is nicer

>> No.12708674

I have one of these. I just buy the film and emulsion paper and develope it for free at my college

>> No.12708716
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you can't beat that

>> No.12708734

Is photography a fa hobby?

>> No.12708741

Very much lad

>> No.12708984

tfw i've dropped mine so much I have to tape the battery door shut

>> No.12709247
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I use a L35AF as my everyday P&S, and I get compliments from normies wherever I go.

>> No.12709251
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Just bought one of these used for twofiddy
Haven't really been in to photography before but wanted to get one for school and I don't own smartphone so just nice to have camera around otherwise.
I love that it looks so unassuming

>> No.12709395

Possibly the most, other than drawing or painting

>> No.12709398

Nikon P900 will always be the most effay and a prerequisite for any flat earthed worth his salt

>> No.12709416

I really like it. Best point and shoot that I have used, but the prices are really all over the place, just try to scout for a good deal.

>> No.12709582

I hope all of your fuckers are aware how utterly absurd and completely fucking stupid is by picking/comparing a functional device like a camera by looks.

>> No.12709719
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Got one of these off some lady for $3 at a garage sale.

>> No.12709744

Nice camera
I had one I got for $5 with three lens and a flash

I ended up selling it on ebay for $135

>> No.12709746
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>> No.12709772

almost as dumb as comparing cars by aesthetic. doesn't make it any less fun!

>> No.12710088
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one and only

>> No.12710146

Man i really want to get into photography but dont know where to start

>> No.12710156
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Medium format film hasselblads or...

>> No.12710160
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Black AE-1s.

>> No.12710185

>Learn how to operate a camera, learn the triad: shutter speed, ISO, and f-stop.
>Then learn how to *compose a shot*, use your phone and learn how to make your subject work for you, a person a scene, or an object. Look up the rule of thirds
>consider it like learning how to sketch; take exposures that highlight certain themes or are studies of a specific subject
>>geometric studies
>>architectural studies

Then buy your first camera. Don't be a faggot and buy film first if you want to take this hobby seriously, you will take hundreds of photos and only a few of them will be good shots at first. You will want to sort through your body of work on a computer and be able to take 1000s of photos. This is incredibly expensive and time consuming with film.

Finally learn to edit with your choice of photo editor (I use PS Lightroom). This is where your put the final polish on your photos. Learn to edit your photos and screw around with sliders until you understand what they do. Photoshop is quite advanced and I don't use that, but you can really make great looking photos with a full Adobe suite. Again, Lightroom for managing and editing basic aspects of RAW files (an editable image format), Photoshop for advanced stuff.

Look at work no /p/ for inspo, but don't take it too seriously. You'll develop an eye for good photography soon enough.

>> No.12710285

Thank you my man!

>> No.12710331


My old man still has this with a set of lenses, flash, etc. Are they really that good?

>> No.12710360

holy shit anon F3 is God-tier probably nikon's last century best camera, /p/ circlejerk around this camera

watch these reviews and decide it

>> No.12710686


Neat. I'm still learning on my A6K, but I might give film a shot.

>> No.12710740

shit my mom had one of these
I always liked the look and feel

>> No.12710747

gotta say that film cameras end up being more expensive over time
unless you're really passionate about the aspects of shooting film, developing film, or how film photographs look, you'll probably spend less time and money in the long run and get more enjoyment from shooting digital

take a look at micro four thirds camera systems
they're something of a mid point between a point and shoot camera and a full dslr setup
reasonably priced as well
I have an Olympus OM-D M-10 that I really enjoy

>> No.12710901

I was so turned off after knowing that focusing and aperture in digital cameras are not done by lens and optics but by electronics.

>> No.12710974

What's your problem with that?
All the camera does is set the aperture at a given f-stop a fraction of a second before the photo is taken.
What's the advantage of having a manual aperture ring? Do you need that extra fraction of a stop adjustment level?
Also some Nikon dslr lenses have an f-stop ring.

Most digital consumer and mid-grade lenses these days are better than the corresponding film lenses.

>> No.12710989

>film m-leicas
>nikon f3 ...hp..titanium whatever
>contax t3
>kodak disposables

digital doesn't get hipster points

>> No.12710995

>/fa/ barely knows fashion
>/fa/ knows even less about cameras

Why not just rename this board to early 2010s wannnabe hipsters?

>> No.12711402

Will post a couple of vintage film cameras and then later hopefully if i get round to my dad's flat i'll post his vintage camera collection

>> No.12711424
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Pentax P30

>> No.12711427
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>> No.12711438

This is pretty good advice, but just so you know, photography starts off as an expensive hobby.
Be prepared to have up to £1000 if you want to a good camera you can keep for a few years. Thing is, once you start getting commissions, you pay back the camera's cost pretty quickly.
I've got a canon 70d (meme, i know) and I've already earned back the money I spent on it.
Use commission money to afford better lenses and other kit, like portable lighting or mirrors.
Also before you start buying kit, try to work out what type of subject matter you enjoy - landscape, architecture, portrait, street, people, macro, sport/adventure...and so on. The kit that will do you best differs based on this.
There should be some good guides online to help you choose a camera :) Torrent photography magazines as well for some extra help on taking better shots!
Have fun!

>> No.12711443

what a joke of a thread

>i-it's a FILM camera and it's OLD and BOXY and it looks RETRO
>so fucking effay!!

get a load of yourself you pretentious fuckers

have fun shooting shrubs on 35mm and thinking it's art because of the authentic film grain~~~

>> No.12711638

>Collecting is so lame
>let me insult those that do
>why does no-one talk to me???

>> No.12711648

yeah fuck off back to tumblr and share your art there

>> No.12712180

Oh enlightened one, would you be so kind as to share some of your knowledge with us mere mortals?

>> No.12712814

Leica M Series

>> No.12713024
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I use one of these, it's 13 years old now but it's the size of a disposable lighter so I can use it literally anywhere.

>> No.12713030

Anything that doesn't take the best quality is absurd to own. You can edit photos to look however you want. Why have outdated gear?

>> No.12713042

why not just use any camera that just so happens to work best for you?

that's almost never going to be a film camera I admit, but I do have a preference towards small sensor, older digital compacts as opposed to a massive, aps-c slr that's the size of a small car. they take far worse quality pictures but I don't really care too much

>> No.12713347

you can buy aps-c the size of compacts nowadays

>> No.12713373
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rate my workhorses

black for sure

>> No.12713771

yeah I have an aps-c compact but it's still nowhere near as 'compact' as an older camera