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12675669 No.12675669 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12664494
Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.12675684

I have to add some meat back into my diet for health reasons. What's the best lean meat that I can eat to stay /thinspo/? Also, is it true that I'll get sick if I don't slowly reintroduce it back into my diet in small amounts? I'm a male.

>> No.12675691

I would think that chicken, turkey, and other white meats would be best because they have the most protein and whatnot.

>> No.12675699


Are those typically considered lean? Should I avoid beef? I already know that I'm completely avoiding pork.

>> No.12675703

Google says they're lean meat. Just check how much of whatever you need is in them per calories. If you need iron, red meats may be the way to go. If you need protein, white meats would be better. It really depends.

>> No.12675704

How do I get lean as fuck? I'm on my sixth day of fasting.

>> No.12675706

Read the FAQ. Also stop fasting for god's sake before you die. A consistent, reasonable calorie defect with exercise is a healthier and much more maintainable way to lose weight.

>> No.12675709


Okay, thank you for the info. I need it mostly for the nutrients like iron, so I guess I'll just look at the calories and stuff. I'll probably stop eating beans since they make me feel bloated and just use meats as my primary protein source since I have to eat it anyway.

>> No.12675710


Not in so far as I've seen. Fasting is literally one of the healthiest things you can do.

>> No.12675751

Is 130Ibs too low for 6'2? Right now I'm at 145Ibs and I already look pretty sticc.

>> No.12675763

130lbs might be a bit too low. I'm male, 5'7 and 110lbs. I look like like a stick man

>> No.12675784

I'm 6' and I was only slightly lower in BMI and I felt great about myself but I did a full blood test and found I had some mild nutrient deficiencies. Although, that could have been from the weight loss. I've packed on a bit of muscle now and I'm getting back down to 125 or so, and I would do the same if I were you. 130 might be too low.

>> No.12675806

Thanks for the anwers, I think I will get down to 140 and then start a little training for muscle definition so I don't look like a total twig.

>> No.12675949
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New thread, feels really good man

>> No.12676028

is 5'11, 130lbs good, or do i need to keep pushing foward?

>> No.12676196

My goalweight is 140 at 5'11 so idk why you would go much more below 130

>> No.12676257
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, e1584654fb5f13bacbeaa4dacdce896f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything i can do to get a significantly thinner face in about 2 weeks. I know loosing weight in general would help but I specifically want to focus on my face.

>> No.12676285

No, you can not spot reduce fat, it goes off together with your overall bodyfat. if you have a moshy face in particular its because of you're genetics

>> No.12676294

what can i do about my headaches from fasting/IF

>> No.12676309


>> No.12676325

1. Start mewing.
2. Pray it works.
3. Re-adjust your expectations.
4. Come back in 5-10 years and tell us how it went.

>> No.12676361

Any advice on staying thin when you love whiskey/wine/ale?

I don't eat a whole lot but I drink quite a bit.

>> No.12676369

you're so lucky you look thin at 145, i'm 6'2" 145 but i still look fat :(

>> No.12676403
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so hungry

>> No.12676411

eat me qt

>> No.12676475
File: 875 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20170812_090315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i /thinspo/ yet

>> No.12676481

post qt outfit inspo for thinbois like myself

>> No.12676489

what's your height/weight?

>> No.12676494

5'8" 133.6 lbs

>> No.12676519
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>> No.12676547


>> No.12676579

Don't worry anon! I have always been a stick without muscles, I guess you are just stronger built.

>> No.12676602

fat fuck

>> No.12676621

T.T never get swole
This is a year after trying to lose muscle from excessive weightlifting

>> No.12676667

you actually fell for the fucking swole meme?

>> No.12676703
File: 185 KB, 515x750, 20170705_124941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me posting again
6' 139 pounds
183cm 55kg
Rate me /fa/ggots

>> No.12676706

get abs you're skinny for them to get marked easily.

>> No.12676707

Drink less. I like to alternate alcohol with water, keeps me hydrated and I drink less booze.

>> No.12676708

That requires effort
No thank you

>> No.12676726

I second this, getting abs and losing that bulge off your stomach would make you look a lot better.

>> No.12676753

im 6,2 and 125, ive never paid attention to what i eat but i wanna stay thin but bulk up a little. any tips?

>> No.12676831

Work out, get a lot of protein, eat more but not too much more. You should ask /fit/ though 2bh.

>> No.12676858

And also lack certain non-essential, health-impacting micros that can only be found in red meats

but you guys chose this life, not me, you can fuck your shit up all you want

literally retarded from not eating

just look at what creatine supplementation did to vegans, then realize that you don't even get the nutrition they did.

You weigh less than my physically active (still very skinny, poor diet) 14 year old self did, and I was shorter than you. I had also been sick that year due to a food poisoning that hospitalized me.

>> No.12676866

do any of you actually want to get laid

>> No.12676906

i already have my dude

>> No.12676913


>> No.12676924
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What is this?

This thread needs more inspo.

>> No.12676932

Skinny boys are fucking disgusting. What women would date that? Thinspo is for fucking girls not guys (unless gay).

>> No.12676945

I mean I love being /thin/ af but I gotta be somewhat strong and agile too at least to be better at protecting what I like. My 2 relationships for example. Thats why I do sit ups and push ups everyday. depends on a lot of things.

There might be people who prefer to not exercise and I understand that too. They do like that frame, me too but sometimes you got no much choice.

>> No.12676946

binged again

>> No.12676951

I'm bisexual. I date a skinny guy and a skinny girl. It's good looking/hot to us. Thats all you need to know.

>> No.12676957


>not being bisex master race
Shaking my head.

>> No.12676968

I don't know what to do with you anymore...

>> No.12676982
File: 1.20 MB, 1274x2006, Screenshot_20170725-205238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you think I have to go till I'm /thin/?

currently 5'5 205

>> No.12677000

It depends on what you consider "thin." 111 lbs. would put you at a BMI of 18.5, which is borderline underweight and definitely thin but not skeleton.

>> No.12677007

you are almost there

>> No.12677009
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_6210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12677023

guy or girl?

>> No.12677034

troll or actual autism?

>> No.12677200

chicken and tuna

>> No.12677206

doesn't matter hot either way

>> No.12677213
File: 448 KB, 502x415, 20170806_112841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting rid of a lot of my old clothes. I found these shorts I used to wear when I was a 310 pound fat fuck. 165 pounds now.

>> No.12677222

how tall are you?
you still look pretty gross desu

>> No.12677225

looks like loose skin he'll probably have to have surgery for that. congrats >>12677213 on the weight loss, that's huge

>> No.12677248

I don't have loose skin, but I have stretch marks from being fat. They cleared up a lot, but they didn't go away completely after losing the weight.


>> No.12677366

best thing to do is not dwell on it and keep pushing forward. you'll make it anon.

>> No.12677591

I'm currently loosing weight, I am considered normal weight but I want to be thinner, does anyone have any tips for loosing weight from the chest/pecs?

>> No.12677614

Just keep losing weight, what else?

>> No.12677618

>tfw trying to thinspo but don't want to be a skeletal fuck
Being as underweight as >>12675669 is just gross man.

>> No.12677626

You obviously don't have to be that thin. Is that image too much? I don't want to scare people away from the thread.

>> No.12677686

The more weight I lose the more I start looking like being male instead of female.

>> No.12677981

Eat without salt, drink loads of water, chewingums. It won't do miracles though.

>> No.12678072
File: 3.31 MB, 2165x3448, 20170812_203514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't really consider myself "thin" anymore but have this. 6'2" 170lbs.

>> No.12678085
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Yeah it's too much tbqh

>> No.12678088
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 1496956268471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, the guy in the picture wouldn't be so skeletal if he exhaled and stood up straight.

Posting more thinspo anyway.

>> No.12678097
File: 914 KB, 2061x3000, cute2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looks a bit scary lmao

>> No.12678182

Im standing at 182 cm and im 64 - 65 Kg..
Am I fat?

>> No.12678193

Idk according to others but you are where i want to be stat wise. Do you have any pics? Id like to see what your body looks like

>> No.12678402
File: 62 KB, 640x754, tumblr_ouc0rf6Bz51v3meu2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to be thin, folks?

What was your heaviest weight? What was your lightest?

>> No.12678410
File: 154 KB, 609x693, tumblr_oumb52iIYQ1wsc9xso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To start it off for me, I think thin girls are lovely and I want to look like that. And I have the tallness and proportions for it, so it's a waste not to. The idea of wearing whatever I want and having it look good is also very important to me.

Used to be 235 lbs, no loose skin thankfully, I think because I lost most of the weight when I was really young, like 15. But it's been very slow since I hit 180 lbs and I gained that freshman 15 when I went off to college. But now I'm down to 165, though I will weigh myself in an hour or so to see if that changed.

>> No.12678415
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>> No.12678419
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>> No.12678430
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>> No.12678433
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>> No.12678434

I want to walk in the snow and not leave a footprint

>> No.12678442
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>> No.12678453


>I have the tallness and proportions for it, so it's a waste not to.
This. Also I'm pretty happy with my facial aesthetics so I want to take advantage of them.

>> No.12678463

Agreed, I have lucky genetics so being obese with them was just aggravating. Weight loss has made me realize I actually have a nice face under there. When I was fat my face just looked bloated.

>> No.12678477

>tfw shitty facial genetics AND obese

>> No.12678510

You say this, but anon, even the worst facial genetics are improved by losing weight. Take progress pics and you will be shocked when you reach your goal weight. I barely recognize old photos of me, partially because back then my face looked like it was sunken in pounds of fat.

>> No.12678517

I was bullied a lot in school for being fat. Now I'm seeing those same girls that bullied me putting on weight and it feels really good. But it would feel even better if they saw me slowly looking better while they slowly look worse. My highest weight was 140, at the start of this year. I'm at 120 now, my goal is 95.

>> No.12678546

ID on this girl? She's perfect

>> No.12678567

lol.ivi on insta

>> No.12678571
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What you guys eaten today?

Me: 1 egg and coffee.

>> No.12678578

I had two small breakfast sausages. I'm headed to the gym and will probably have two poaches eggs and some coffee when I get back.

>> No.12678585

which exercises you do? I like to ride a bike everyday

>> No.12678592

drink a shit ton of water, fucking tons of it

apart from that just lose weight overall and your face will improve too

>> No.12678593

I had 4 Toasts with Jelly, some fucking crackers and a Kiwi and Banana...
End me..I cant control myself.
Gonna go fucking jogging right now.

>> No.12678600

good luck, anon

>> No.12678636

500g of pudding
3 eggs

>> No.12678642

post stats faggot, you are not /fit/

>> No.12678649

No, it's pretty accurate and representative of the thread.

No fucking shit. Women have tits and ass. Tits and ass are made out of fat. None of you understand the human body yet you critique it like you think you do.

And people say you guys don't eat healthy- you ate TWO fruits! :^)

>> No.12678655

What you mean with fucking " you guys"
Im not some 200 pound blob

>> No.12678658

you fell for the swole-meme meme? Every single article of clothing looks better on a guy with some muscle than a skinnyfag bitch boy. Everything from a suit to a t shirt, shorts or pants look better on a more built frame. skinny is better than fat, but built destroys all of them.

bishes love built frames. That is as much a fact as they find more height more attractive.

>> No.12678676

This is true desu

>> No.12678758

ya but what if u don't like girls

>> No.12678791
File: 806 KB, 1936x2166, IMG_6108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no?

>> No.12678795


how is this even a fucking thread? being thin jesus you guys look like shit.

before I was 120lbs at 6'0. looked like shit

now 190lbs 6'0. and I look WAY better. and not bulky.

its not just being thin. its looking good.

>> No.12678808

ur hot

>> No.12678818

Weights (full body), cardio (usually running), and stretching.

>> No.12678982

you're fit but dyelaf wearning anything but underwear

>> No.12679009
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Ok the pic quality is shitty, but am i thin or am I getting fat?

>> No.12679063

Idk desu whats ur stats? You're definitely not /thinspo/, I'd guess maybe 16-17% bodyfat?

>> No.12679085

how the fuck could we possibly know if youve gained or lost weight based on one picture

>> No.12679181

Ahhh, fuck atta here dude...I'm a college sprinter I don't need the extra weight.

>> No.12679217

I want to be androgynous and wear whatever i want
SW 260/CW 193

>> No.12679218
File: 56 KB, 500x500, 56572fe1-539b-4f29-85f2-ef619e696199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting more like this. Progress pics or comparisons.

>> No.12679223

Lots of tea. And mineral water. Today is a fasting kind of day.
Maybe I'll have a bit of salmon around dinner.

>> No.12679254

I know they are made out of fat. The is that my body type has always been a bit male-ish to begin with. I have never had large boobs or a large ass, and now they are basically inexistent. My thighs have gotten a lot smaller as well of course, so now if I post a picture I am always thought to be some gay dude.

>> No.12679283
File: 140 KB, 1200x828, 1466019649760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no thinspo buddy

>> No.12679289

scrambled eggs, gonna have a baconator, spicy chicken sandwich, fries and a mango peach fruitea for dinner though

>> No.12679293

that's the fucking goal

>> No.12679320

He's not tho

>> No.12679322

What is everyone's thigh size?

I'm 46cm (18.1 inches) but still feel kind of fat.

>> No.12679327

Afraid to even measure. I can't even wear jeans and I'm not remotely fat. Someone who wanted to play sports should have occupied my body instead of me.

>> No.12679343

185cm and 20 inches at the thickest point, could be smaller

>> No.12679361

you are very very very far from thin

>> No.12679367 [DELETED] 


>> No.12679381


>> No.12679438
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50 cm, I should lose about another 3-4 kilos.

>> No.12679449


you looked hotter before. thin is not hot. its gross. what you lack is any muscle to hold that frame up.

you look frail and sick.

>> No.12679495

Fuck off back to /fit/, you utter mong.

>> No.12679511

world class sprinters are all jacked

>> No.12679517


139 pounds is 63kg not 55...

>> No.12679518

the goal is to work out and diet a lot, to look like you do neither?

>> No.12679522

Get a job.

>> No.12679534

Get a life.

>> No.12679538
File: 15 KB, 300x298, isupplements_2082_132414383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyone here who used to be skinny and felt that no matter what they did they'd always end up at the same weight? even with shakes and eating doughnuts and the shit I want everyday im still 176cm and hovering between 58-60kg

want to get to 65 of pure muscle someone help and give some life hack pls

pic related is goal

>> No.12679550

Stop starving yourself to fit in with your clique of nerds on the internet, as an adult male you shouldn't be under 28 pants size
Eat a burger

>> No.12679557

lol could be worse. same weight but 10cm taller you

>> No.12679581

Shut up, you don't know what your talking about.
First that wasn't me and also what?

>> No.12679582

6' tall. Mine are about 19.5/20 inches at the thickest part

>> No.12679598

Where the fuck do I buy trousers / slacks
nothing fits what the fuck

>> No.12679609

you can't just lose weight. that's fucking easy. you're doing half the real work.

I'm not saying lift to get bulky. but you need to atleast do some sort of body weight exercises.

>> No.12679617

I want to be thin so that I can wear clothes made for people my height without looking like a chubby pubescent blob.
5'1" heaviest was in bacl high school 155 lbs, lightest 125lbs. Currently back up at 134lbs, current goal 108lbs.

>> No.12679624

Watermelon and a bottles Starbucks mocha.

>> No.12679633

jesus fuck that im the same height but at 133 im still skinnyfat. u got it pretty good

>> No.12679846

How does sleeping affect weight exactly?

>> No.12679886

Does it really matter when you are female though? Who would even care

>> No.12679938

ASOS, H&M are good.

>> No.12679951

the goal is to look thin in clothes but not like a frail bitch without clothes, not too hard to understand right?

>> No.12679955

how much do you weigh?

>> No.12680089

Why does nothing fit? What is the issue?

>> No.12680124

Female, 173 cm, currently 55 kg.
Lowest: 52 kg. Heaviest: about 66 kg, I think?

Initial goal was 50 kg, but perhaps that is too low and I should go for 52 kg again. Not sure.

>> No.12680135

How the fuck do you guys do it

bit of history (feel free to skip this)
>skinny kid
>skinny teenager
>started college, got a car, started eating what I wanted instead of what was made for me
>went from (ballpark figures) 160lbs to 200lbs
>left college
>got a shitty retail job
>discovered drugs
>crash dieted to 160lbs
>left job because it became too demanding
>got a desk job that provided free lunches from KFC and Burger King (yes. FREE, the entire menu)
>went up to 280lbs in roughly 5 years
>lost job
>got depressed
>hit 320lbs

So over the past 12 months I made a pledge so sort my shit out. I found a job and started a sensible diet with the goal of hitting underweight class.
I don't know why I wanted to be underweight, I guess I was just so disgusted with myself that I wanted a safety buffer between my weight class and being overweight.
Anyway, 12 months on I'm now 140lbs, skinniest I've ever been I think. Only this doesn't seem sustainable (hence my opening question).
The past month has been a brutal cycle of near starvation for 6 days, then binging and purging at the end of the week. I'm just afraid of the scale going up instead of down like it has been doing consistently for the past year.

How do you live like this? I don't think I can.

>> No.12680159

Don't starve, binge and purge, especially if you're trying to maintain. Figure out your base metabolic rate and total daily energy expenditure then eat as much as that tells you, or so. You'd be surprised how much a sedentary human needs to eat in order to not lose weight. All this information can be found in the FAQ above or in the OP of any /fat/ thread on /fit/.

>> No.12680165

You need to find a diet maintainable for you so you don't flipflop between starving and binging like some bipolar maniac.Try eating 1500 or so calories a day until it becomes a strong habit. I suggest cutting out all sweets, junk food, and liquid calories. You want to get to the point where you legitimately don't want to eat those things. I've found that it's easiest to maintain a caloric deficit if I put off eating as long as possible into the day, like skipping breakfast and having a late lunch, because once I start eating it's harder to stop.

>> No.12680166

yes . you look frail and sick.

I've known many skinny women in my life. The super skinny look is gross. you look sick and frail. the rounded hunched over shoulders. danty arms that kinda hang there. its gross.

atleast do some push ups. strengthen your back to some degree.

its not attractive at all. you just look sick. especially with women people will think you are making yourself throw up.

>I like a little meat on my women
I'm not even that guy. I enjoy skinny women. but most "skinny" women just look sick and disgusting.

It's almost as bad as when girls just throw on tights/yoga pants and call it a day.

big boobs on fat women is just fat.
abs on a skinny guy doesn't count.
etc etc

>> No.12680185

I omitted some details, my post got too long and I forgot

I've been losing weight based on those numbers, I know them inside and out
I try to hit the minimums every day so that I'm not hungry enough to go crazy and binge, but that's easier said than done

If I'm not hungry in the moment, then I can't justify eating. It's only wasting calories.
Put yourself in my shoes. I've been fat, ridiculously fat for the past 10 years at least. I'm now not fat, I'm pretty skinny. I've drilled into my head that I have to lose weight, and I've been losing weight.
Maintenance isn't even on my mind, I need to lose more because I'm not happy. I need like a 10lb buffer between the border of underweight and normal weight.

Do I sound neurotic?
Every day for the past year has been a broken record of calories, calories, calories.

>> No.12680197

Why do you binge? Hunger, boredom, etc...?

>> No.12680224

That wasn't me btw haha. Do you have an example picture? I do push-ups, walk, ride my bike and swim sometimes... But I look even less healthy.

>> No.12680247

Stop the purging asap. You'll regret it forever

>> No.12680253

I don't mean to be rude, but do you really think it's that easy?
If you do then I envy you, a lot.

>> No.12680271

it's definitely not easy but it is simple. either you binge or you don't. it's a matter of what you want more and which is more important to you.

>> No.12680272

I purged for four years, basically each day, up to ten times a day. It's not easy to quit, at all. I was disgusted by it so much, still I could not stop. So I know. But I eventually was able to quit doing that and gain more control over the amounts I eat and stuff, I was so scared this would eventually kill me and I'd die and be found like that. But I'll always be reminded of it and it's not a nice thing. My teeth still hurt, even they look fine, they hurt like hell. My throat is very sore, even after months of quitting. But the worst thing is that my stomach seems to be fucked or something. I have a lot of issues standing basically any type of food, it makes me feel sick and miserable very often shortly after I eat something. I cannot enjoy food that is harder to digest anymore at all now, my body almost seems to be rejecting food. But not in a good "nice I'll lose weight now" way, but in a way where it makes you feel terrible because you have to eat anyway unless you're planning on dying and it stops me from doing activities all the time because I am afraid I'll become so sick again, so staying at home is easier. Please don't ruin your body.

>> No.12680442

Your metabolism fucks up if you dont sleep well.

>> No.12680496

Fuck off bishies are the master race.

>> No.12680548

started around 4pm with a fruit smoothie and plate full of white cheddar cheezits

had a granola bar later and a shit ton of chicken Alfredo pasta for dinner

this is actually the best i did all week which is sad

>> No.12680647
File: 70 KB, 500x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bingeing from time to time is good for blood sugar. Plus it helps you not go crazy. Just don't completely fall of the wagon. Take care and stay hidrated

>> No.12680649

Cute as fuck

>> No.12680652

how often would you say is "from time to time"? once a month?

>> No.12680750


Weird girls don't.

>> No.12680770

Half of a canary melon and basically mixed greens with herbs, tomato paste and tahini.

Yesterday I had a bag of chips, a large fry and like 6-800 calories of alcohol :-(

>> No.12680792
File: 169 KB, 1440x1080, running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good from couch to 5k training program /thinspo/? I want to feel confident enough about my body that I can go swimming.

>> No.12681020

I've been at a plateau for 3 days /thinspo/ and it sucks since I've been doing so well!

>> No.12681037

It's gonna be a good day when you wake up and notice two or three Ibs gone. Happens to me every time when I get stuck for a few days!

>> No.12681139
File: 25 KB, 488x480, med_gallery_74261_6623_53570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be real right? It'd burn 500~ at most, no?

>> No.12681177
File: 48 KB, 432x604, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey skelly friends, how do i get self control? i start out every morning with the idea that i dont deserve food and i won't eat as im busy all day but the minute i get home from work (around 3-5) i break and eat everything in sight basically. what do ???? i used to have severe bulimia but i cant imagine going back to it any time soon so i'm just stuck here binge eating and gaining weight from it and continuously wanting to punch myself in the nose because of it. how to i not be lazy?? im??? ?

>> No.12681194

Throw out all the food in your house

>> No.12681215
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>> No.12681226

You don't eat breakfast or lunch, and you wonder why you're hungry at dinner time?

You should more, just put less on your plate. Not eating all day makes you eat more when you break the fast, thats my experience atleast.

>> No.12681262

Not eating anything is the stupidest thing you can do. Cause A- You'll be a brainless zombie without enough energy to climb the stairs and B- You'll be 99% more likely to binge. It has little to do with self control, its your body snapping cause you've starved it all day.

As long as you eat less than your daily recommended average (around 2500 for men and 2000 for women) you will loose weight more or less. So the smart thing to do is ration the food out evenly through your day to keep up energy and stop your body from going into panic mode.

Also drink water. No seriously LOTS. Fills you up, makes you pretty, keeps you alert. It even helps you loose weight. It's a godsend.

>> No.12681284

Like 125/126 or so.

>> No.12681340

I don't think I'm measuring in the right spot.
I'm at 17.25" in the middle of my thigh.

And I'm a bottom-heavy womanlet.

>> No.12681360

Of course not, literally 0% of the thinspo workouts are accurate with the given calories burnt. I see shit like this all the time, if it was that easy I would be at GW already

>> No.12681396


>> No.12681414

if you will actually commit to something the best way to burn fat would be to do keto diet for a month. Basically all you have to do is eat under 50g of carbs a day, other than that you don't have to do the bitch work of counting calories on the way in or out.

Carbs are what your body uses for immediate energy. When you don't have any in your system your body will burn fat reserves.

>> No.12681484

Thanks anon you are right...I'll be on my best behavior and won't let it get me down!

>> No.12681508

Which you are constantly replenishing by shovelling fat down your gullet. People who lose weight with keto are still just maintaining a caloric deficit, not to mention the fact that its unhealthy.

>inb4 what do you mean my magic bullet diet where we ban vegetables and whole grains and eat fried bacon slathered in butter with an oil-laden coffee on the side isn't healthy!!!

>> No.12681515
File: 12 KB, 633x758, fatnerves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are "Net Carbs" bullshit? Carbs - Fiber = Net Carbs...

>> No.12681751

fat isn't bad for you, you have just been conditioned by the sugar jew to believe it is. I stay under 50g carbs a day mainly by cutting out all snacks and all drinks besides water. I eat plenty of veggies. ground beef, chicken, fish is a natural diet that your body has been built for 1,000s years to run off of

>> No.12681835

Fasting is okay as long as you replace your electrolytes. Sodium, potassium calcium and magnesium.

Without those, your body can't hold on to water, and you just lose water weight

>> No.12682231

dude looks better than me at 5'8 120 :/

>> No.12682257

I don't understand jack shit about how fasting works and why it is so popular, someone explain it to this retard please

>> No.12682457

kys twats
wait you already are KEK

>> No.12682505

Lets say you have a bunch of binge food that you can't just throw away because the person you live with bought it and they'd notice.
Is it better just to have a binge day and eat it all, or try and space it out over several days?

>> No.12682546
File: 450 KB, 500x496, tumblr_ojkofeiScb1w0basyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space it out, and keep it out of sight as much as possible.

>> No.12682715

Could anyone give me a check on my bf? I honestly don't trust myself to judge myself. The navy bf thing says I'm only 13% bf but I don't believe that

>> No.12682720

As someone who did Keto for a year, this is complete bullshit. Humans lived off greens and grains, and meat was honestly a very small proportion of the "normal" human diet.

Eating all that fat w/o any exercise or even w/ exercise, will fuck you up and your arteries.

>> No.12682731

ok senpai so how do i not put the weight back on when i stop?

>> No.12682783

Absolute literal bullshit. Its not even close to reality

>> No.12682859

Don't eat as much. Your body can only make into fat what you put into your body

>> No.12682862
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Autismo level forgot to add picture

>> No.12682876

depends if you're going to purge it
makes sense to eat everything before doing so

if you space out a binge then it's not really a binge, is it?

>> No.12682879

figure out how to get rid of it

>> No.12682885

why, WHY do people hold keto in such high regard?
please explain it to me

is it the prospect of eating all the bacon and cheese you want?
is it because you read that keto = fat burning therefore nothing else = fat burning?
is it because you love having zero energy, brain fog and bad breath?

why is every quack and wannabe dietician touting the Atkins diet as some miracle cure-all for obesity and they have a moral imperative to share this goldmine of knowledge with as many people as they can so they can save the world

>> No.12682926

Is it worth the effort to do all these weird diets, counting calories each day, working out and all that stuff I see people posting here when you can just eat less? Seems pretty effective to me.

Now I know I am probably not healthy at all, but beside that, do those other things ever make you healthier? Would the results be actually noticeable and justify all of that? Would they be truly visible? Do you actually feel a lot better, more energetic, or whatever?

>> No.12682949

Fuck, I'm gonna look like this because my ribcage and shoulders are huge

>> No.12683009

Mine says 13% too, female here tho, but that sounds like complete bs as well. I don't exercise. I am not even underweight.

>> No.12683076

What effect will an average 100% amount of sodium do on a low calorie diet? Will I be retaining too much water to see result?

>> No.12683086

cuz its easy to lose fat that way and fat people better able to adjust a severe diet change like keto

its a good diet to lose fat and weight fast but its almost a permanent diet decision

t former fatty

>> No.12683097
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Yeah I think is too much, maybe use an effay thinspo if you don't want to scare people from the thread.

>> No.12683366

/r9k/ here, an anon told me to find this thread. I'm 6ft and 113lbs. Where can I find "fitted" clothes that will work for me?

>> No.12683383

gross, get that shit outa here

>> No.12683424

more like 19-20
at 13 youd have abs n shit

>> No.12683494

found the fatty

>> No.12683694
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>> No.12683704


>> No.12683732

Fuck 'em, I'd toss it. My dad bought chocolate covered pretzels and didn't like the type of chocolate so he just left them in there, so I just fuckin' tossed em. He'd have left it in there for ages and my weakness is chocolate.

>> No.12683733

Anyone here try quitting caffeine? I know it's supposed to help with cravings, but I was finding it was fucking up my sleep even when I drank it early in the day. Since quitting I've been sleeping way better and I can't say I've been eating anymore than I did when I was drinking a bunch of coffee.

>> No.12683785

I've got a mild case of moobs due to drinking heavily 2 - 3 times a week, should I just do DNP to get rid of them? What are the chances i'd die?

>> No.12683808


>> No.12683822

Take vasoconstrictive drugs and cut waterweight

>> No.12683847

height and weight

>> No.12683904
File: 427 KB, 1280x1025, 1502521455979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay, don't beat yourself up about something that's already happened. Also like another anon said earlier, it's good to not be so strict all the time. Try and enjoy life even a tiny little bit instead of making yourself constantly anxious

>> No.12683908


>> No.12683987

get a better phone... its 2017 for fucks sake

>> No.12684021

>thinning hair
>huge nose
>lazy eye
>receding chin
>weak jaw
>acne, ugly red complexion (fucking Irish genetics)
>no cheekbones
No matter how skinny I am I will always be fucking ugly. Increasingly suicide feels like the only option.

>> No.12684043

Beauty is only part of the equation. Skinny is also good for health reasons. Easier on your joints, and eating less calories over a lifetime means a longer life and higher quality of life. Also you just look like you take care of yourself, unlike some slob who has all those traits but is fat.

Look, you get whatever genetic cards you have. All you can do is make the best of them. I guarantee you look better thin than fat.

>> No.12684047

Wear less t shirts.
Your arms are like 50 times browner than your torso.

>> No.12684054

why do you care though?

>> No.12684094

You measure the biggest (upper) part of the thigh always.

I'm 2.5 inches smaller in the middle part compared to the upper part.

>> No.12684112

it's better to learn self discipline. It will help you in every single aspect of life. It is not the world's responsibility to bend over backwards and coddle you from your weaknesses. You cannot throw out food someone else bought because you can't lack to control to not eat

>> No.12684122


because it works you fucktard. Everyone I know who has stuck to it including myself knows that it works. Of all the meme diets that come and go, aktins has been around for decades because....get this....it works.

>> No.12684124

Stop complaining and start eating like a man
>pure muscle
jesus christ, eat chicken breasts and oats and rice and beans constantly, when you aren't hungry for those things eat peanut butter and drink milk. Maybe some salmon thrown in the mix too. You can't cheat yourself to gains

>> No.12684155


I was always the fat kid after elementary school. My heaviest was around 220lbs around age 13. I'm now at 171lbs and dropping slowly but steadily. I just want to be the best version of myself that I can be, and since I can't see myself being a musclebro I want to get thin and qt and andro. I don't do it for girls though, just for myself. It doesn't help anyways, only personality does really.

My lightest weight was around 155lbs which I'm trying to get back at for the moment.

>> No.12684166


This odly made me feel better about my face. huh..thanks Anon

>> No.12684471

thinspo discord that is never gay at all

>> No.12684600

>invite invalid or expired
Really makes you think

>> No.12684623
File: 1.55 MB, 900x876, IMG_2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ended up losing 10 lbs in the past two weeks while transitioning to a vegan diet. my ass is p much gone now tho -- any advice on what exercises i should try

>> No.12684748

obv squats

>> No.12684771

Gotta get 4st 7lbs then

>> No.12684811

expires, never
really makes you think
try thos one tho

>> No.12684838

I've started cutting back my food, but I often get awful headaches or am so tired that I just sleep for hours. It's not even anything super restrictive, but not eating during work really gets to me.

I don't know if I should start snacking during work or not though, because I don't want to push up my calorie count any higher. I'm a fat fuck now, and I want to be moderately average by February, so I need to stick to this so I can start working on being properly /thin/ next year.

>> No.12684884
File: 818 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_osgsbfwJPV1wttknto3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your diet like? Are you eating healthy or just smaller amounts of shitty food?

Also you can always incorporate more exercise into your routine to compensate for adding more snacks.

>> No.12684905

I've been eating healthier for the last week or so (oatmeal for breakfast, salads/soups for dinner) but I don't think it's been long enough to tell a difference?

>> No.12684916
File: 306 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_osgsbfwJPV1wttknto1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How early do you eat breakfast? I find that a later breakfast (11 AM - 1 PM ish) has me feeling better, I can last quite a while when I wake up on a cup of tea or coffee.

What kind of oatmeal do you eat? Steel cut is probably the best and instant is the worst, but still a decent choice.

What kind of dressing in the salad? What do you put in the salads? What kind of soups? Do you get enough protein? Take a multivitamin?

>> No.12684989

I usually eat at 4AM, and then I go until 3-4PM before I eat dinner.

I make steel cut oats with almond milk, a tablespoon of PB, and some strawberries.

For salad, the last one I had was a quinoa salad with roasted veggies and a tahini sauce style dressing. For soups I mostly just go with lentil soup or veggie soup.

I get enough protein but I don't take a multivitamin. Should I start?

>> No.12685057
File: 1004 KB, 1076x1337, tumblr_okjdevSTmZ1w2dsteo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good meal plan to me but I would see if you could push back breakfast a bit. Maybe 10 AM if you can at work?

I like multis because I need my iron supplements and I like omega-3 supplements but your diet sounds healthy.

>> No.12685078

I can probably do around 9, since that's when my break is. I'll try that for a week and see how I do.

>> No.12685097

they all work, eating less than you burn cannot not work
why don't I see the fruit juice diet every other post too then?
maybe that'll be the next one after keto and IF and paleo are all old news and not super cool any more

>> No.12685229

135ibs 6ft. help me am skeltal but have mild abs and look decent in clothes, what do?

>> No.12685257

I'm not seeing the problem.
Or are you just here to gloat?

>> No.12685261

im embracing the starving life after 4 years of eating like a fat fuck
im feeling fine

>> No.12685270

Is there an infographic or good compiled resource for thinspo?

>> No.12685271

Someone explain fasting pls. Still don't see any obvious benefits

>> No.12685274
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>> No.12685309

Suddenly experiencing signs of low blood pressure, vision goes away for up to a minute every time I try standing up after I sat down. I have not made any intentional changes to my eating habit or basically anything. How to fix? I already add salt to anything like crazy.

>> No.12685319

get a bloodtest. probly messed up vitimin levels. Sounds like low iron

>> No.12685339

Didn't even think of that. I am supposed to take iron supplements daily because the levels are always too low when I get my blood checked, but the last year or so I basically quit doing that because they were relatively expensive and I did not notice any difference. Now that was pretty dumb apparently.

>> No.12685340

I want to look like this

>> No.12685561

Drink extremely alcoholic beverages.

>> No.12685658

Decided to get skeltal aesthetics. 190lbs, 6'3, time to lose weight I guess.

Anyone got any good appetite surpressants? I am a hog when it comes to food, eating literally anything and everything. Tyvm.

Been considering black coffee and tea. What more? I like tuna for some reason, was grown up with tuna and macaroni, but I always eat like 2 cans and 2-3 full boatload plates of mac. Helb.

i need skeltal aesthetics

>> No.12685681

Your body burns calories every day just creating the energy to keep itself alive. You usually get this energy from food. When you overeat your body stores excess energy as fat.

If you stop eating the body still needs to get that energy from somewhere, so it turns to its own stored fat for energy.

>> No.12685729

getting up slower might also help. I have the same issue and it's nothing to ignore (I got it so bad one time I passed out and fell on the floor). just get up nice and slow, it'll give your body the second or two it needs to pump the blood up from your legs

and I'll second that anon on supplements. when you're on restricted calories it can be tough to hit micros to a sufficient degree. I started taking a daily multivitamin and it's worked wonders, maybe you can try that over pure iron supplements? good luck!

>> No.12685886

i want to die

>> No.12685892

get a trim lad

>> No.12686116

what's wrong though?

>> No.12686288

hey anons, i just came here to say that i'm fasting since yesterday again. tired of this 125 lbs bullshit, i'm going back to 100 no matter what.

i miss being slim and tiny. since i'm only 5'0 foot tall i think i look like a fat minion rn.

anyways wish me luck, i hope we all do okay.

>> No.12686292

5'9", 160 pounds. Used to be 200 a couple years ago. Losing most of the weight wasn't that hard, but I have like an extra 10-15 pounds that I haven't been able to get rid of easily. Calorie deficit no longer produces as consistent results, and is hard to maintain. What do???

>> No.12686302


>> No.12686425

Good job on losing that much fuckin weight

I know I wouldn't be able to do that if I wasn't naturally skinny

>> No.12686489

two veggies sandwiches
a bit of soymilk and muesli

>> No.12686492

squats, oats

>> No.12686496

nicotine gum

>> No.12686521
File: 606 KB, 590x514, ced5f1b85ad707d83c132e52c5b_prev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone want to log and share anon data on kcal & weight (and possibly macro or diet) from says september to december so that we can analyse them? such studies are nowhere to be found

>> No.12686603

me too sis. we can do this!!

>> No.12686605

Anyone go on any thinspo related sites that isn't mpa?

>> No.12686621

>What was your lightest?

5lbs 8oz

>> No.12686876


>> No.12686900

you don't see the potential weight loss from not consuming any calories?

>> No.12686913

How long are you supposed to not consume any calories?

>> No.12686921

I fucking hate being this thin

>> No.12686975

What vitamins do you take daily?

>> No.12687057

I really want to have a snack

>> No.12687068

don't do it anon!

>> No.12687080

Stress + too much extra time = eating too much

I'm struggling anon, I'm struggling.

>> No.12687082
File: 233 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_ogqxediVKN1u2dvkfo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave me a laugh.

>> No.12687084

Every time I get my blood checked everything basically seems wrong and my doctor prescribes me vitamin C, vitamin D, some other letters as well but I forgot, magnesium, iron supplements and other stuff regarding folic acid and sodium and things I have never even heard of. I can't even tell apart what all of it does anymore. At first I was a good boy and took all of it but I never noticed any difference, so eventually I always end up forgetting about it. Probably slowly dying from the inside as we speak.

>> No.12687091

What to do about food during dates? I have no appetite and hate food so I always eat less than the girl. Plus, the portions are so fucking big at restaurants that eating more than half of it makes me gag.

>> No.12687095
File: 60 KB, 412x351, ididitagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you want to be thin, folks?
Just to feel better about myself, at this point.

>What was your heaviest weight?

>What was your lightest?
Where I'm at now, 5'10" 145-lbs and completely stuck. I'm hungry all the time and it sucks.

>> No.12687099

I always felt taking girls to big heavy meals was a bad idea anyways. I like going to get some drinks and share some appetizers or something, just pick at stuff. Not to be lewd but most girls who want to fuck don't want to get absolutely stuffed either.

>> No.12687107

Haven't been to /fa/ in 4 years and I come by to see this. PSA, trying to be thin isn't /fa/-- being sub 100 lbs without exerting any effort is /fa/. Openly pining for ana buddies and shit? You should be ashamed. This is pathetic and almost all the grils posting in this thread are fats fapping to the notion of one day being able to see their collarbones I can't with this

>> No.12687124

tfw had the body of tyler durden in 2016

>> No.12687128

4 years ago /thinspo/ was here. I came to 4chan in '09 and /fa/ was already here and I think /thinspo/ came around 2010. It was much more pro-anorexia than it is now.

>> No.12687133

Have diagnosed ana, I tripped here while underage in 08 but I don't remember any ana buddy bs or like how to starve urself tumblr bs just like threads of bony bitches named Sasha

>> No.12687170

nice look, but try to tan some more in the sun without a shirt, and get a trim. it's starting to look a little shkrelicore.

>> No.12687171
File: 31 KB, 600x449, melissa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been around since as long as I can remember, in one form or another. Maybe called different things, but actually I remember thinspo going back pretty far.

>> No.12687172
File: 1.54 MB, 3648x2736, fa-2435tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an oldie, I wish my /fa/ folder was better organized as I'm sure I have more.

>> No.12687255
File: 202 KB, 1200x828, loool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is photoshopped tho

>> No.12687436

If you say so.

>> No.12688079
File: 570 KB, 1080x2076, Snapchat-1746007676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess I don't understand? Spent most of my life being self conscious about being skinny, now it seems like I was stupid and a lot of people like it? Is this just a thing here or are people actually attracted to thin men? Women I can understand ...

I'm 6'4" and 153 pounds, and I'd gain weight if could but I'm too lazy/ eat generally normal while being active-ish

>> No.12688102


When I was younger I was 110 lbs, and I always had women all over me. I decided to start working out and ended up with an average muscular body, and the women suddenly disappeared. Couldn't attract a single female with that body for some reason. I got bored of that and just got skinny again, and suddenly women are all over me again.

>> No.12688114

bit late but its too long on the sides and you could use wax/gel/mousse to style it better

>> No.12688126

You won't attract women because you're black.

>> No.12688162

anon what the fuck are you going on about >>12678072 looks hot as fuck and he's black
as long as he isn't aus ab levels of dark he's fine

>> No.12688172

You are literally the only person who thinks so, niggerlover.
He has a skinnyfat chest. And that gross nappy black people hair.

>> No.12688183

shoulda just cut mate. unfortunately being skinny has the same effect of being a fat fuck in the eyes of women. In addition to that people will respect you much more if you're built. if you're skinny you're seen as a weakling

>> No.12688243

you should really see a dentist about your teeth and fill any cavities you may have

>> No.12688251

don't do this. whenever I start eating carbs again after atkins, the weight comes back on immediately. calorie counting or macro counting > keto bc keto is unsustainable. You can't just avoid carbs all your life

>> No.12688256

honestly I always find I lose more weight if I just binge all at once rather than spreading it out. I would rather eat 4 brownies in one sitting than one every day for four days. That's just how my body works.

cutting caffeine does wonders for skin and dark eye circles.

>> No.12688331
File: 328 KB, 498x372, 1502948025613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like this. Always have. Its not good, chicks don't dig skinny at all and I want to fucking die.

>> No.12688345
File: 914 KB, 2560x1440, IMAG0128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took this earlier today, went from 180 in october to 130 now. goal is 120, male 5'6 (i know im a manlet but im trying)

>> No.12688622

I think he's hot anon, you should stop projecting

>> No.12688626

I binged 3k calories over the past two days :-/

What did you do!!!

>> No.12688829

How can i lose a good amount of weight in a month? Will walking every day and eating only one meal do anything? I'm desperate

>> No.12688849

Ignore this faggot.
If you really lost all that weight and barely have that much loose skin easily top 5% least amount of loose skin

>> No.12688856

You have a nice camera

>> No.12688890


>> No.12689144

Why do you all want to be emaciated? Get on down to /fit/ and start getting huge.

>> No.12689149

You obviously have a eating disorder if you have to ask this you concentration camp victim looking fuck.

>> No.12689158

Eat big, lift heavy, get huge,fuck pussy.