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/fa/ - Fashion

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12645296 No.12645296 [Reply] [Original]

Real talk now, does your attitude towards fashion involve sex at all? Do you dress the way you do in the hopes of getting sex? Do you incorporate sexual themes and elements in the way you dress? Are there more and less fashionable ways of having sex? Are some attitudes towards sex inherently unstylish? Has your journey towards becoming effay influenced you views of sexuality?

>> No.12645300

you sound like a shit lay
i dont have time to worry about whether or not im effay when im fucking

>> No.12645306

i dress the way i want because i like it, if it makes me sexier thats just a bonus, i do have some sexy fashion ideas tho, but they seem to be things only a vampire could pull off >.>

>> No.12645328

You know the saying, everything done in this world is done for sex.

>> No.12645329

I dress the way I do because I am trying to meet an aesthetic standard I have for myself and also to be comfortable. Sex is boring and caring about it too much is lame

>> No.12645331

>Sex is boring
You're either really autistic or you've never had good sex. There's nothing less boring than a good fuck with power dynamics.

>> No.12645336
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I dress as Im feeling like, I know if I want i will get laid no matter how I dress

And about the sex, some times I made my partners to dress a certain way but I never dressed

>> No.12645345

I'm already in a good relationship with great sex. Apart from the occasional thrill of knowing I'm making someone want me, it has nothing to do with sex. I just like presenting myself well to others

Also sex is nice but not as great as everyone says it is

>> No.12645351

Abbey posts on /fa/.

>> No.12645355

I dress to avoid sex and other people's gaze. I dress covering all my body all the time except head and hands.

>> No.12645701
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>> No.12645708

I have no problem having sex no matter what I wear, so, no.

>> No.12645716

Maybe she could take the incentive?? Despite her being more attractive than me, I do actually feel for her tho. I never get hit on anywhere, and when I try to engage others, I think I come across as being too innocent and friendly bc I keep making friends but no one who really wants me. And I'm not blind to advances either, I'm really trying and have very low standards, but no bites so far.... Maybe one day.

>> No.12645717

Personally I have great difficulty having sex when i'm still wearing my pants and my penis isn't sticking out of it (and even when it is that feels uncomfortable).

>> No.12645731

are you a girl

>> No.12645937

I'm far more interested in fashion than I am in sex.

>> No.12645991


sadly good fucks are rare.

t. somebody who spent to much time fucking random girls.

>> No.12645992

Honestly I'm so disconnected with sex at this point of my life, I don't even think about sex I'm just thinking about progressing forward and looking cool while doing it

>> No.12646317

literally me

>> No.12646333

sadly this; I can honestly get laid pretty easily, just hate having one night stands and being rejected by people I try and pursue relationships with. So for me I'm far beyond caring about sex anymore.

>> No.12646900

It's 70% confidence and 30% looks.

>> No.12647161

Model + virgin here. Can confirm.

>> No.12647169

im 21 and still a virgin i dont give a fuck VIRGIN GANG

>> No.12647173

i dress unsexy as possible.

>> No.12647177

>tfw no vampire gf
Guess I'll have to settle for sloots that give hickeys

>> No.12647193

I feel you guys, engaging with others before realizing they're not what I thought they were, and then just befriending them instead. I have a ton of fun, but emotionally I'm a cold robot at this point

>> No.12647194

find the right one for you my dude

>> No.12647515

tfw no girl who likes to eat ass

>> No.12648240


>> No.12648247

Tbh I just hate the dark skinned man

>> No.12648310

Before, when i was a virgin i cared about every shallow thing to boost my chances to get laid.

After i got a gf and starting fucking regularly i stopped caring because i realised you don't need a body builder bod to fuck cute girls. These days my fashion isn't deep v cut shirts or jeans to show off muh glutes. That shit worked though, but so does wearing anything else as long as you pull it off.

>>12646900 has it

>> No.12648400


>> No.12648413

only a virgin would call someone else a virgin

>> No.12648443

Anon, I....

Shes probably cheating on you.

>> No.12648444

Confidence is very important but let's not go that far.

>> No.12648446

I dress well so that I get sex if that's what you mean

>> No.12648557

I understand you so well

>> No.12648564

There's an evolutionary sexual foundation to most human behavior.

As far as a partner goes, life is simpler if you share interests. In that sense, style can be a form of advertising taste. However, their are far more important traits I look for (and red flags I avoid) that trump mutual fashion sense.

If you're just talking sex, just like beauty, being really into fashionable can be alienating. To some it's a sign of confidence. To others it's silly or makes them feel inferior. I would say looks and charm > fashion sense any day.

I don't know what could make the act of fucking fa. Being really really good looking? I like a girl who will let me fuck it like I own it and has a filthy mouth. Owning shit and talking shit is fa.

>> No.12648613

What are some said red flags?

>> No.12648663


I used to think this. Then I realized muscled cut guys have more authentic, actually mutual sex with their partners. Now I am a lot more realistic about what KIND of sex people are having, and all those super hot girls with frumpy dudes with "good personalities" are not getting the good sex, it's not mutual, and it's more like relationship prostitution than mutual sexuality.

No amount of personally is going to make me care if a fat chick is sucking my dick. I don't even give a shit if she's a pro at it. It doesn't matter. I'm not into it, even if I cum. It's not the same, and this honestly should not surprise anyone.

Women experience the exact same thing. So why not put in some effort if you want the same in return?

>> No.12648694

Sometimes, sometimes not.
For example if I'm gonna go out with someone I like or with the intention of getting laid, I would probably consider something more generally accepted as ''sexy'', but it would have to be coordinated with my own idea of what looks good.
But more often than not I just want to look cool without thinking if someone would find it appealing.
Either way I feel like its mostly a matter of confidence mixed with a bit of how fit you are in general.

>> No.12648697

This was extremely dumb.

>> No.12648767

Is it true that your dick changes when you have sex and girls are subconsciously aware of it?

>> No.12648781 [DELETED] 

Dress /fa/ without a masculine personality and everyone will just assume you like cock

>> No.12648799

I belive that a guy who found himself in good fashion is going to be far more attractive than 99% of mans. Because he's doing this for himself, to look good for himself.

And it doesn't matter much if some people hate his style like 2/5 girls. The others 3 will absolutely love it. Same for a girl.

I believe this, and I hope to get to that point. (Disclamer, ofc you'll have to be average looking to begin with. At least. So much can be done now for this)

>> No.12648808

Shallow elitism lol

>> No.12648822
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>> No.12648823

my appearance says "I've accepted my virginity. your smirking doesn't even effect my AT field."

>> No.12648827

>No one gets me free shits :( sad

>> No.12648829


>> No.12648832

Am a fan of clothed sex, so the outfits gotta be good mang

>> No.12648847
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-31-12-19-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real talk now, does your attitude towards fashion involve sex at all?
Sometimes, I like to feel sexy so why not dress sexy, getting laid is just a bonus.
>you dress the way you do in the hopes of getting sex?
U mean that fucking is my only reason why I dress good? Um, nah, not really
>Do you incorporate sexual themes and elements in the way you dress?
Pretty often, but thats mostly at parties
Mostly chokers or other bdsm inspired stuff
>Are there more and less fashionable ways of having sex?
Obv scat isnt effay
Id say light bdsm, sensual and lingerie are nice
>Are some attitudes towards sex inherently unstylish?
Definitely, if ur only motivation is to have sex
Also forcing it on others, and being all around a douche about it
>Has your journey towards becoming effay influenced you views of sexuality?
sexuality influenced my style, not the other way around

>> No.12649010

Yes it becomes harder

>> No.12649015

This is very shallow and unbelievably stupid. Personality counts for a lot. Even if a girl isn't crazy attractive, if she's got spark in her that makes me genuinely interested, I'll go for her, and we'll both have a great time.

Just because you, personally, haven't experienced attraction to someone who doesn't make your dick stand to attention upon first inspection, doesn't mean that other people haven't. You're trying to speak truth from a place of ignorance and a lack of experience.

What I'm wondering is how you came to the realization that 'muscled cut guys have more authentic, actually mutual sex with their partners'. It sounds like the opposite of some of the weird delusion that's spewed over at r/incel/

>> No.12649030

Agree desu. I have realized that I base a lot of my attraction towards people in how they dress - because well fitting clothes can make people more attractive, and because your clothing is the first way that you tell a stranger what kind of person you are. I significantly prefer people with unique styles, even if their clothing isn't particularly well chosen, simply because it means they don't care to follow trends too closely, which implies that they may have eclectic taste in music or art or film, which I find an appealing characteristic in a potential partner.

>> No.12649118
File: 137 KB, 500x454, c0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely don't care enough about sex to incorporate anything sexual into my fits or motives. I dress to be put-together and aesthetically sound, not sexy.

>> No.12649171

is this >>12648823 you?

>> No.12649272

Only a gay dude would want a rimjob. If you're willing to kiss a girl after she eats your ass, you should kill yourself.

>> No.12650085

For women
>dyed hair
>tats everywhere
>black leggings almost if not everyday

>workwear in 2017
>problem glasses

>> No.12650240

is elliot rodger effay?

>> No.12650765


>> No.12650776

I find sex to be disgusting, so, no, I don't dress to attain sex.

>> No.12651067
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sucks to have a resting bitch face to be honest. If she smiled and approached people she would have better odds. unfortunately for a 6ft skelly with resting creep face like me, I have to deal with the same thing as her but without the dashing looks.

>> No.12651368


It's cool that you fuck fat chicks, you do you. Equally don't assume that everyone has the same physical standards, and in general the importance of mens physical appearance in our culture at large is seriously downplayed. That doesn't mean literally every guy needs to look like ryan gosling but leaner and more muscle definition will rarely hurt until you start getting into the extremes of either end of the spectrum.

Virtually any healthy weight woman is probably attractive in my eyes. What your typical incel would call at 4/10 or whatever, is probably more than enough to get me going physically provided she's not seriously overweight. So don't assume I'm talking about absurdly high beauty standards. Women are not a monoculture but they do typically tolerate a much broader range of "dateable" body types beyond their own personal preferences, but it's still negatively associated with sexual satisfaction. By and large they are self reporting having a lot of shitty unsatisfying sex. By and large they are reported as not being typically attracted to their partners. This is really not news or controversial stuff, whats a joke is assuming this is "just the way things are" instead of a result of our generally very out of shape population and most dudes being unprepared for having a sexualized identity or care about their appearance (especially to nearly the degree that women do).

I'm 32 and and not short on experience, a whole lot of it being a skinnyfat geek. And in the last 5/6 years of going from being a skinnyfat 4channer to 190lb lean musclenerd has been pretty eye opening. Everyone notices, people treat you very differently, women objectify you just like you do them. I swear I'm not any better at sex than I was at 24, hell I'm not even having any more of it, but women enjoy it more because physical attraction matters.

>> No.12651480
File: 61 KB, 526x472, 1495380215980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the people who replied to you are retarded naivetoddlers and that you are completely right

I'm a robot though.

>> No.12651509

groom a happy trail

>> No.12651605


>> No.12651878


>> No.12652239

Of course I dress to turn on women, it helps me to have the easy attitude that feels best.
can confirm, v similar experience.

My problem now is i have fucking neurotic ED that I blame on an early encounter. Giving up, getting pills.

>> No.12652245

>not being in a stable relationship for life

>> No.12652255

im an asexual desu

>> No.12652256

Honestly not at all. I don't give a fuck about having sex because honest it's overrated and the majority of people I see in the street really aren't very attractive or would want to impress. I dress purely how I personally like and how makes me happy. If others don't like how I dress they can go fuck themselves. I love fashion for what it is, the cut and fitting of the garment and the way it falls on the human form. It's an art form.

>> No.12652904


I don't have so much trouble with ED but Cialis is pretty great, helps your prostate and easy extra hard erections for 2 days are a plus.

>> No.12653519

I really want to attract a sexually submissive guy who is also totally normal and level-headed and not going to embarrass me in public. A friend of mine told me I'm looking for a wealthy/successful man who is relinquishing control in the bedroom, but will be on my level socially. My issue with this is I don't know if a successful man is going to be submissive enough for me.

I'm also 4'11 and look like a child, so this puts a dampener on my plans. I'm aware of the edge I have over other women, however, since I am a virgin, and I'm looking for one person to have a long-term relationship with. I agree this gives me a slight advantage, because I would be more loyal and reliable to a singular person. I also do like older guys but again, I need to be the one in control. I need to be the dominant person, especially in bed. But I feel like most older guys who want to be submissive to a young, short virgin are gonna be fucking weird socially, which would be totally fine with me if I'm not super conscious about social rules.

But it doesn't fucking matter how I dress because it's never going to happen, I'll never find the perfect guy for me (and also I'd have to be his perfect girl obviously) and I'm too suspicious about the internet to post this online and attach my face and name to it on a dating site or whatever. oh well guess I'll be a virgin forever lol

>> No.12653526

How old and where at? There's probably someone on this board that fits your criteria.

>> No.12653529


I wish, but no one on this site is in my part of the country. I've been on /b/ and /soc/ in the provincial/area code threads, just out of curiosity of who is around me, and I've yet to meet anyone in my province, despite it being an oil province (I'm in the maritimes, not Alberta)

>> No.12653589

All I can say is you might not know what you really want, you might meet someone who only meets some or even none of your criteria and fall in love with them because that's just how that happens. I guess what I'm saying is try to be open to anyone, even if they aren't what you're looking for.

>> No.12653666
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Pic related. It's not because women are shallow and have extremely high standards. The average men just doesn't put enough effort into his appearance.

>> No.12653680

Before I started to care about my clothes and appearance, I was slightly asexual. I didn't really give a fuck, but I wasn't a virgin either. Had 1 successful one night stand and that was pretty much it. When I got interested in fashion, I noticed that girls gave me more attention and I've been hooked on the feeling since. It's gotten me slot more laid and changed my attitude towards sex alot. I guess I enjoy being able to get paid more often, and what was once vanilla sex has become some kinky experimental hardcore fucking. I have also been able to explore my sexuality in a wider spectrum and it has made me the person I am today.

>> No.12653692

The last thing I want is a virgin. I gotta do all the work and get my sheets dry cleaned? F that.

Sex is all fantasy to you right now. You can only learn your preferences by doing. Hope you get laid soon. Good luck.

>> No.12653694

Trust issues. Resentment towards parents. Self obsessed. Anyone who ever says "Everyone is so dramatic. I can't take the drama." Any chica that says, "I don't have any girlfriends. Girls are bitches. I just get along with guys so much better."

>> No.12653714

Nah man if you're clean then it's actually quite hot to do with your gf
It feels very exciting in a wrong way at first, and is a nice addition to an "advanced" blowjob with some ass and balls involved if you're into that kind of stuff

>> No.12653769

I don't know why people are so focused on sex and sexuality when deep and meaningful relationships, either romantic or platonic, are much harder to come by. I could have sex with a new person every day of the week (no hyperbole, I'm an attractive bi guy living in NYC) but all I really want is to date someone.

>> No.12653798
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>TFW Christian fundamentalist
thanks for reminding me the world has gone to shit

>> No.12653916

It's always been shit.

>> No.12653933

real Lilithcore

>> No.12654239

This; I fit a good deal of your idealized vision, but it would probably make me a little uncomfortable to be that submissive to a Virgin. There are definitely successful guys out there who don't want to be the dominant one in the bedroom tho

>> No.12654458

dude might be a natural sub who has gone through motions of dom to fit in.
In that case, normal socially and also ready to be turned out by your hymen game.

>> No.12654483

>I'm also 4'11 and look like a child
damn if you were a sub id hit that

>> No.12654503

You are the common factor in all your bad lays.

>> No.12654553

I feel like as a man, it's harder to sexualize your body in an overt way. Like there aren't really things that are seen as "slutty" or "sexy" on a man, and usually when there are it's stuff that isn't related to sex at all such as a button up shirt with its sleeves rolled up.

On the other hand, a woman can show off her breasts or butt with her clothes while still conforming to societally agreed upon standards for what a woman should wear.

So as a man, I just kind of dress in what makes me feel attractive and what I find interesting and assume that it will be seen the same way by girls. Granted I have a gf but its always nice to get looks ;)

>> No.12655251


>> No.12655274

Bro we broke up a year ago.

>> No.12655291

I've never had my dick wet, but I dress well because I like it and being seen when dressed in fa is pleasing I guess

>> No.12655305
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It is something I consider with fits. I like to really focus on a clean sturdy silhouette, A little playful but clearly serious, and bold sense of purpose. That to me is what I consider "sexy" in a man.

>> No.12655358


>> No.12655373

>being this mad
Freaky bitches WILL eat yo ass without asking in the heat of the moment

>> No.12655375

Anyone else think there are a lot of people claiming asexuality? Do you think this is unique to fa, fashion in general, latent homosexuality, virginity, what?

>> No.12655421

you haven't had enough sex (read:any) to know what you want in the bed room. for all you know when push comes to shove you'd like getting thrown around by someone bigger and stronger than you

>> No.12655425
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I think people come to terms with their circumstances, and eventually convince themselves they don't want anything different.

But what do I know? I literally dress my hardest to attract the opposite sex. I love sex, and I try really hard to be cool to get it.

To be honest, there is too much theory in this thread. Sex, attraction, relationships, a lot of the time gets obfuscated with statistics.

>> No.12655427

That shit is retarded.
It's just people trying to make an identity out of nothing.
It's like if people who don't smoke weed started defining themselves by that trait.

>> No.12655431

Is that you in the image?
I'm totally digging this

>> No.12655432

Canada is huge, what part?

>> No.12655436

Nooo, just some random inspo I picked off this site.

>> No.12655450

I'm only trying not to be too sexual. I am asexual myself and can't even recognize sexuality unless the other person is already naked and has a hardon. I like wearing for instance long shirts and jackets just with underwear or very short shorts that are not seen but it looks indecent for some. There are people who are commenting even on wearing a coat below the knee that way that only tights show. Like you are supposed to show that you have pants or shirt underneath.
I also like deep v-necks, fishnet fabric, velvet, very high platform heels, but I always combine that with something oversized and don't wear all it at once. But still, I only like those for form and fabric, it has nothing to do with sexuality.

>> No.12655459

Interesting theory. I still think asexuality is disproportionately claimed here than it is represented in society. Wonder why...

>> No.12655494

In a society where everyone smokes weed it absolutely would make sense. The same is with atheism, I grew up in an atheist country and don't really get it, but those born in a place where everyone is religious often need to define themselves as not believing in god.
Also, many asexuals think at first that they are gay or something is wrong with them, girls are supposed to "give" sex anyway and so on. It is easier just to have the label as with many things, because then you know who you are.

>> No.12655595

>It is easier just to have the label as with many things, because then you know who you are.
People shouldn't feel the need to use labels to "know what they are", that's just branding.
As a human being you're composed of more than a single individual traits, it's stupid to focus on one just to create some false sense of identity and security.

>> No.12655816

Labels are just words and words make it possible to understand each other. You can call absolutely any word identifying you a label.

For instance, people who have some physical or mental disease often relax after hearing the diagnosis even if there isn't actual "cure". They just know how to deal with their situation, for instance if they have autism, they can't really cure it but it helps to know why they don't belong.

>> No.12655846

I wish I wasn't so fucking scared of asking a girl out. I rarely get numbers but even then I cant seem to follow through.

>> No.12655891
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That makes no fucking sense.
Women are more selective in the current year than men. From a purely evolutionary scale men can have numerous partners and women can only have a few.
Monogamy is a man made invention that has been destroyed by the whores of feminism.

>> No.12655907


>> No.12655922


This my surprise you but your autism doesn't really translate well into real world social situations.

Like, maybe evopsyhic is very useful for modeling particular behaviors but human life and sexuality is actually way more complex than that?

Are you just angry you aren't attractive?

>> No.12656386

I love giving my bf a rimjob while I jack him off

>> No.12656484

On the same line of thought.
Identification means you can assert what will happen or not, it takes away unpredictability and all the "what if"s that come alongside the unknown.

>> No.12656617

Because women ARE more attractive than men. Swap the faces of average men and women and you can see that the face of an average man looks absolutely awful on a woman even when photoshopping beard and wearing makeup, while a man with a face of average woman looks like a pretty gay boy. You can also compare brothers and sisters, girls are always much more attractive, unless that girl inherited ugly genes and the boy the most pretty ones.

When those women were asked to rate, then they probably rated on absolute scale where women are around 3.5-4 and men around 2. That means, someone who is not interested in sex at all, only notices aesthetics, would rate them that way. Someone who is asexual or an alien. Women are just objectively more attractive, because beauty is what gets them a partner while for men beauty is not as important as status. That doesn't mean women don't find men attractive, they just don't rate them high on aesthetic scale based on the pictures only. Many women don't even like pretty boys and many pretty boys look very, very gay.

>> No.12656622

Being an absolute slut is part of being /fa/

>> No.12656977

>style can be a form of advertising taste
that's ALL it is