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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 9 KB, 275x183, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12648716 No.12648716 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any guide on this?

>> No.12649038
File: 102 KB, 640x800, 1501470109604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12649322

How can she be that bad at smiling? I mean she's gonna look ugly no matter what, but she'd look a lot more presentable and less autistic if she just smiled naturally. She looks like a little kids who was told to "smile" for a picture and hasn't learned to just give natural smile yet. I wish I could contact her explain to her that she just needs to smile naturally.

>> No.12649380
File: 2.91 MB, 2499x2499, pixlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12649388

>275 x 183
Learn how to download a picture .

>> No.12649395


>> No.12649595


>> No.12649784


Some sort of nerve damage i think, makes facial muscles all whack

>> No.12649917
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1492819197928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can post inspo but only if you tell me what aesthetic you're going for because the proper expression is context dependent.

If you do not reply to this post, fuck you, your thread deserves to die.

>> No.12650917

post sad ppl

>> No.12650947

razor sharp edge

>> No.12651155

just look in a mirror

>> No.12651242
File: 66 KB, 850x1238, 1489377597994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're sad but see some faint silver lining
unfocused eyes beneath close eyelids with an unethusiastic smile, head drooped

>> No.12651252
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1488652902857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what that looks like in an animated incarnation

And, 2:20–4:03, is an inspirational track that should help evoke the expression

>> No.12651285
File: 312 KB, 701x467, 1488343097820 - keaton hensing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's more like 2:17–4:09

This expression betrays bitterness and discontent; it's clear the model is preoccupied with his thoughts, though not working through his troubles toward some productive conclusion, but rather contemplating his very feelings toward whatever misfortunes have befallen him. Either way, he is clearly not pleased.

>> No.12651291
File: 61 KB, 720x480, 1488343181979 - keaton henson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one evinces a chronic unhappiness. He's looking out but not seeing much of anything, his consciousness overlaid by his thoughts.

>> No.12651905

hahahahahah nah

>> No.12651931
File: 975 KB, 739x772, 1500979951741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the angry and pissed look. the look that make people feel as if you can outdebate them easily

>> No.12651935

just be kind

>> No.12652057


>> No.12652066
File: 29 KB, 612x360, mangum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12652068

>implying angry and pissed people are good at arguments using noesis

Wrong. The best lawyers are calm and confident.

>> No.12652090

well just post expressions for every day. I mean commuting, walking along the street and stuff. it may sound wierd but depressed face in this situations is my problem.

,,be happy inside and you'll look happy'' meme doesn't work to me. I just always look sad

>> No.12652164
File: 2.80 MB, 1080x1920, 1479313761786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well just post expressions for every day
>I just always look sad
How do you want to come across in public? As a happier person? As a more confident person? As a regular guy with nothing bothering him? There are ways to be precise in answering your question depending on how much more specific you can be.

pic related doesn't look like the happiest camper but that's remedied by opening your eyes wider, and subsequently raising the eyebrows a bit more, as if expectant for something, than usual, like he seems to do here.

>> No.12652177
File: 131 KB, 332x250, watch it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sanpaku eyes
>sometimes you can see the whites of my eyes both above and below my irises
>can make me look psychotic apparently

>> No.12652352
File: 33 KB, 600x886, 8949849849498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using japanese terminology

>> No.12652355

The term's widely used on here, buddy
It's a Chinese superstition anyways

>> No.12652475

I didn't read your post just because of that image you fag

>> No.12652645

>As a happier person?
>As a more confident person?
>As a regular guy with nothing bothering him?
I'd be thankful if you could describe each of these features. Looks like opening the eyes wider and raising the eyebrows actually works!

>> No.12652706
File: 820 KB, 1600x1180, Der BMW 328 dominiert den Motorsport in seiner Zeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pleased to oblige.

This picture shows two faces. The one on the left has an awkward expression you want to avoid, as he's smiling but hardly smiling; his mouth is almost straight, tightly pursed, and his eyebrows are furrowed. He looks uncomfortable.

On the other hand you have the right face which appears much more confident and comfortable. The smile is more of a smirk, which is manly in a way; it suggests amusement, which taken positively will communicate to the beholder that whatever they are doing is pleasing to him. The eyelids are tightened which also can help make you look happier or more inviting because our eyes tend to get more shut than open when we're laughing or on the verge of laughing.

So puffing up your bottom eyelid and narrowing your eyes a bit will help make you more confident or happy, in addition to mustering a smile, slight but still visible.

>> No.12652724
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, 1479499707548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that expression can be modified by adjusting the height of your eyes. As Guzma here demonstrates, by furrowing your eyebrow, i.e. pulling them downward, you can make yourself look more condescending and ill-intentioned, which produces a psychological effect conducive to intimidating, humiliating, and embittering enemies and steering away weak-willed people.

But this is just an aside.

>> No.12652760
File: 253 KB, 600x786, 1481061787419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This next one is a bit tricky. It's more on the regular guy with nothing bothering him side.

It consists of the slightest smile you can possibly angle, must be symmetric. Eyes have to be a bit lively, definitely not listless. Tighten your eyelids ever so slightly. Keep your eyebrows steady, raised slightly or at a neutral height.

Inhale, closing your eyes. Hold. Exhale, opening them, returning to this expression.

The mentality behind it is that life is decent at the moment, not necessarily great, but things will look up in the near future. It's contentment, as opposed to indifference.

A decent way to set the mood is to listen to the track here >>12651252 starting at 4:09–5:57.

Be chill, but not aimless, and definitely not lost.

>> No.12652774

isn't it just about face? I mean guy on the left looks good regarldess of the things you've just menioned. and thank you once more anon. that's literally the content /fa deserves

are there any books/arcticles on this topic?

>> No.12652778

that's goat
ty mate

>> No.12652779

Youre one of the most weeb autistic faggots

>> No.12652794
File: 3.80 MB, 5184x3456, roofcore2 - 1483798520797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next expression is actually /fa/, as demonstrated by good ol' Roofcore.

The feeling produced is one of respectability and fashionableness, but distance. His look is not friendly, but neither is it hostile. He's not down to talk, but he won't give you the cold shoulder if you speak to him.

It's an attitude of having better things to do in one's life, and putting themself first.

How he does this is the slight smile, tightened eyelids, but slightly raised eyebrows.

Throw this look on in conversation when you're in a casual conversation but expect a somewhat higher standard of communication, which includes keeping up with wit, being charming, and having intelligent things to say.

>> No.12652808
File: 132 KB, 515x517, 1488036496094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't it just about face?
not sure what you mean
>I mean guy on the left looks good regarldess of the things you've just menioned
handsome people are also capable of ugly expressions. being good looking what automatically make you /fa/, nor does being ugly necessarily disqualify you from being /fa/. Guy on the right could be wearing clown makeup and he'd still look /fa/, not because he's handsome though he is, but because the expression itself is golden.

I'm glad I can contribute to the community, as it helped me back when I was new. Unfortunate that trolls want it to stagnate into an unfunny shithole.

>> No.12652870
File: 2.41 MB, 2994x2775, roofcore-in-winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you appreciate it

Here's another image of Roofcore that I won't comment on other than to say I think this expression is also effay. It's an interesting contrast to the first image, and enigmatic, not instantly recognizable as any expression in particular.

You''l find after studying it as well as revisiting the oft hailed photos of actual Dylann Roof that /fa/ can lie outside the bounds of normal nomenclature and standards. You can't say for sure what these expressions are or what they convey, but something about them strikes you as effay.

>> No.12653146

Stoic, serious, sad face

>> No.12653155

Nigger:The Look

>> No.12653165

Must've taken a lot of thinking to come up with that one

>> No.12653182

I laughed so hard at this I got a cavity
You sir are a comedic genius LOL!