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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 665x499, deletedorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12647733 No.12647733 [Reply] [Original]

Going to be a college freshman this next semester, trying to get my room to look as little as a prison cell as possible.

What are some /fa/ posters? If you were going to college right now, which posters would you get?

>> No.12647752

fuck anon its not the posters that are gonna make your room not look like a prison cell
get some other furniture, plants, lamps and shit. All this plain wood and steel gives me anxiety

>> No.12647756
File: 127 KB, 343x483, deleteposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not my room, and I already plan on getting plants and a rug and stuff, but for now I'm just looking for posters.

Thinking about pic related, thoughts?

>> No.12647760

Don't try to hard or girls won't want to fuck you. The guys who got the most pussy on my floor had basically marked their territory like a dog, piss stained shit littering the floor. Its a sign that you're fun and get fucked up and don't have to work for pussy

>> No.12647762
File: 901 KB, 2555x1998, black_sunday_poster_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12647767

so you want me to just piss all over my floors

>> No.12647809
File: 2.76 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20170801_022232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah of course. I have this on my wall and i just keep putting up shit when i find something cool

>> No.12647833
File: 236 KB, 600x800, 23649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12647959
File: 1.04 MB, 1003x1200, C3eUKjVWcAAA059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marked their territory like a dog, piss stained shit littering the floor
Yeah don't listen to this guy, OP.
Walk into an ikea and get inspired by the set ups they have there.

>> No.12648009

posters are tacky as fuck

buy some plants and be done with it

>> No.12648058

your walls look like the walls of a 16 year old boy
I recommend going to a farmers market/outside art gallery and finding one or two interesting art pieces from starving artists, it can also double as a conversation piece if it's unique enough. (personally I have a dead tarantula in a frame on my wall with a few anatomy posters)

>> No.12648101

I'd say get a rug that's not too horrible that'll cover the nasty floor. Don't make it that nice so you could throw it out after you move out. Plants and all that doesn't work with every dorm.You may not have enough light / space for kind of plants you want. Wait until you're settled for that.

Dorms are shite but at least the one you've shown here isn't bunkbeds. Also neat, I had that FotC poster.

>> No.12648104

What plants should I get for indoor rooms and where to get them?

>> No.12648140

this person wasn't op, but i am also interested in this

>> No.12648171

Get christmas lights and a wireless outlet switch like the Etekcity one on Amazon.

Best investment you will make, since a good 90% of the dreariness of dorms is the harsh lighting. And they're good in nearly every situation when you don't need to read.

>> No.12648194

tarot cards aren't cool

>> No.12648216

>Dead tarantula and anatomy posters


>> No.12648218

This looks like shit. Frame what you like, it will look ten times better. Dont just hand stuff, trust me

>> No.12648229

Who the fuck cares what your dorm looks like you should not be doing anything in that room other than sleeping and fucking thots. You wanna know how to make a room not feel like a prison cell? Don't spend time in that room jesus christ

>college freshman bitch i want my room to look cute

why does the same irrelevant thread pop up every week

>> No.12648294

I feel like it's hard to do lights without making it look feminine
cry about it

>> No.12648330

If you're giving a shit about with your dorm looks like, you're going to do college way wrong.

Wanna know how to live the best years of your life? Stop giving a shit about stuff like that and go to class, get drunk, have sex, do drugs, and worry about what your room looks like when you graduate and get a job and have money to buy actual nice shit. Save your parents money.

>> No.12648343

bro forget the posters, get some fucking LED lights so you can set the mood. my roommate had names for all the different light settings such as Sad Blue, Spooky Jungle Green and Rape Dungeon Red

>> No.12648344

Follow this guys advice and you won't get laid. Be a fun person and fuck off with that ikea shit.

Want to really crush it? Cruise alleys and look for shit that recent grads left by the dumpsters. You'll find great shit and you'll look fun, not like a pansy with brand new furniture. It's weird especially for an 18 year old.

>> No.12648384
File: 13 KB, 178x240, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while i think this guy is like 90% meme, I think he has a point with the ikea furniture. ikea stuff looks lifeless to me a lot of the time.

>> No.12648390
File: 210 KB, 810x1080, 32ysq6qg1nry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this one framed on my wall

>> No.12648405

>save your parents money
>get drunk
>do drugs
Yeah bud, the drug fairy doesn't exist, a semester of cocain fueled sinning will burn up a shit ton of daddy's money, more than some room decor will anyway.

>> No.12648429

>best years of your life
Everything is subjective, clumsy child.

>> No.12649284

>all this degeneracy itt
OP join a fraternity or a sports team and stick to it like a religion. You will get access to chad contacts and the best parties. Also you can have a clean room without making it look like you're a neat freak. You just don't need to clean up every day.

>> No.12649294

just keep it clean and save money on food ffs.
who gives a fuck about decorating it. jfc this board is full of children

>> No.12649444
File: 116 KB, 356x500, 19937877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giallo films always have cool posters, so I'd look into that if I were you.




>> No.12649579
File: 13 KB, 312x351, Creepy Smile Emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a father rich enough to supply you with $200 a week for 32 weeks for cocaine

>> No.12649852


>please tell me how to reflect my unique personality with your poster suggestions...

>> No.12649903
File: 135 KB, 564x1284, IMG_1211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12649911

This. Join club rugby lad.