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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 902 KB, 1306x1108, Berghain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12634994 No.12634994 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get in /fa/

>> No.12634996


>> No.12634998

only wear black

>> No.12635054

I got in when I was 18 and I dressed like shit.

>> No.12635082

You have to look like you belong there. The bouncer, I don't remember his name, he isn't an asshole he's just good at profiling people. If you're a degenerate at heart, can listen to hard techno for a day without seeing the light of day, are at easy with faggots having buttsex near you, etc, then just dress like you would always dress to go out to a place like that.

No I didn't get it, it's not my kind of place but I know enough about it.

>> No.12635110
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be this guy

>> No.12635129

wear whatever you want just dont check your phone in the queue
theyre really not into people filming inside and a large part of turning people away is from them having smart phones on them because of the camera

>> No.12635140

don't be a fucking poser

>> No.12635266

If you have to ask, you probably don't deserve to get in.

>> No.12635365

I've been there a few years ago. Wasn't much to say. Lots of gay sex. Lots of drugs. Music was ok.

>> No.12635380
File: 12 KB, 236x356, davefromsheffield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become the screaming lord and/or Dave from Sheffield, but you can call yourself Ice, Ice Ice Baby.

>> No.12636159

> wear black from head to toe
> don't look Sven in the eyes
> don't smile , don't talk and don't look like hobo
> if possible don't go alone
> don't be jerk and don't ruin someones trip inside if you ever get it

>> No.12636161

I hate that there are so many faggots in techno scene, like the majority has that fucking bitch ass attitude

>> No.12636180

As a german i can say that berghain is highly overrated. If you're looking for an authentic underground techno/house rave experience you should visit smaller clubs.

>> No.12636238

Berghaim is a gay club fyi

>> No.12636252

Going there next month, any recommendations? I'm a degenerate so also thinking of trying kitkat

>> No.12636274
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dress like Antti Salonen, act like youre gay & mildly depressed

not german but def try radler & currywurst

>> No.12636381

>implying I have to act

>> No.12636401

>> if possible don't go alone
doesnt make any difference if you go alone or not just go on sundays during the day and dont look at your phone while waiting.

>> No.12636675

>> if possible don't go alone

>> don't look Sven in the eyes

>> don't smile

all objectively wrong. Also there are like 10 better clubs in Berlin.

>> No.12636721

you get in if he likes you, theres no ez guide

in general, works for all berlin clubs:
dont be too loud, annoying
dont overdress
be prepared to wait
know the lineup
know at least a bit of german
dont be upset if you dont get in

>> No.12636874


>> No.12636953

Tourists can stay at Berghain and Watergate :^)

>> No.12637130

Didn't even attempt Berghain but went to Suicide Circus which was great. Nice intimate club, easy to get in to as a foreigner (i'm english), great music, good atmosphere, no queuing up for hours.

Going to try Berghain in the future though, I think as long as you're actually going for the music, and not just to say you've been to the club, you shouldn't have to try too hard. From what I've heard the bouncers have a good idea/sense of who wants to be there for the right reason. Dress as you normally would I guess. If you aren't into techno, don't bother.

>> No.12637201

For the entire life /fa/: all black
For the new /fa/: all seinfeld

>> No.12637208

you have to look like you're ready to go elbow deep in some guy's arsehole

>> No.12637212

me and my mates went there at like 1am

we went in groups of twos, no queue - they got turned away and me and my mate got in, had a fucking great night, did my first pill and gurned my jaw off for the next 6 hours

>> No.12637213
File: 381 KB, 1200x800, robertjohnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you aren't into techno, don't bother.

this is exactly bergain's problem. Because too many people where this doesn't apply slip through for some reason. The club's reputation became its downfall in my opinion.

Best club in Germany is Robert Johnson tbhfäm

>> No.12637220

my Live at robert johnson 5 6 7 8 cps just came in the mail.

>> No.12637227

>goes to gayclub

>> No.12637268

i have never been to a club guys
how does buying drugs there look like?

>> No.12637275

>tfw going there every we

ffm is so boring but at least theres rj

>> No.12637286

they dont actually say no to a lot of ppl (maybe %5 get turned away?)

if you're worried, just dont go at peak hours when/they're at cap. I've never been rejected, but i also dont even bother trying if theres a huge line.

>> No.12637290
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Hot opinion incoming: Tresor is five times better

>> No.12637301

i moved to ffm a while back and i actually quite like it. It's not that big, but the public transport and the whole infrastructure is top notch. Robert is the best club in the area, but Tanzhaus, AMP and Silbergold are also quite nice at times. Also so many good museums.

>> No.12637336
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I believe he means Jeffree Star-type glitterfags, not pic related

>> No.12637352

urgh i hate those two tryhards

>muh nazi symbolism

>> No.12637665

When waiting in queue, finger your ass little bit from time to time, but make it look like the most common thing everyone does

>> No.12637771

>West Germany Eagle
>Nazi symbolism
eeeeeennnnnddddd yyyyoooorrrr llllliiiiifffffeeeee

>> No.12637775


>> No.12637849
File: 116 KB, 544x635, 1500204552838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pill of what, you phumfucker?

>> No.12637854
File: 32 KB, 500x491, 1499651556461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like very illegal, dick4

>> No.12637876


i fucking hate techno and i've been at berghain multiple times. All did was to be friendly to the bouncer not act completely autistic like everyone in front of me in line did. Only time i enjoyed it was when i saw Prurient play there

>> No.12638006


>> No.12638007

herrensauna bois

>> No.12638022

went there, wore slim black jeans and a black tshirt. thought that would be enough. nope, its all next-level degens that get in.

>> No.12638160


what's degenerate about kitkat?

are you gay?

>> No.12638358

that sure is a sizzling hot opinion
sucks that it's closed
sometimes, my father will sit me down by the fire and tell me stories of this grandest of clubs

>> No.12638360

cosplay as van darkholme

>> No.12638604
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But anon, I was there like two weeks ago, it has reopened

>> No.12638662

Always buy beforehand.

>> No.12638686

what would be the reason to not be allowed to get in ?

>> No.12638704

If you're in a group of 2+ people

>> No.12638722

>not act completely autistic like everyone in front of me in line did
explain more on this

>> No.12638726

i don't get it. why ? it's a club, not a library. who actually goes to the club alone ? no one. i don't think normies are comfortable going anywhere alone

>> No.12638731

i don't really like social interactions, small talks and i can't make friends. is underground club a good start for me ? i mean i'm a /mu/tant, i can appreciate a good techno music

>> No.12638741

>don't look Sven in the eyes
it would be pretty hard to do considering he's not a doorman since years now

>> No.12638762

It might be, depending on what your expectations are. I'm usually pretty bad at meeting random people, but I got fucked up in Tresor a month ago and met a cool chick who was into the same obscure shit I'm into, was pretty fun.

>> No.12638783

>I got fucked up
explain. whenever i see that sentence, i translate it to extroverted shit like frat parties where you know everyone or can easily be friends with everyone

>> No.12638808

Oh no, nothing like that. I went alone and got drunk, that's pretty much it. Clubs are always better when you're drunk :^)

>> No.12638809

>gurned my jaw off for the next 6 hours
should be pretty clear

>> No.12638826

does meeting a cool chick feel regular to you ? or is it like "did i just meet a cool chick ? wow, fuck, what should i talk about next ?"

>> No.12638832
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Not at all, I'm pretty autistic when it comes to people. Funny story actually, she bumped into me and made me drop my drink, went full sorrysorrysorry mode, and offered to buy me another one. I was pretty buzzed by then, and we just kinda started talking. Alcohol is the cause and solution to all life's problems, after all.

>> No.12638988

Get in where?

>> No.12638994

Can anyone recommend some actually underground clubs in berlin? berghain obviously isnt underground anymore. im going to berlin for an undecided amount of time and I need somewhere to get down

>> No.12638999

Actually let me expand on this (same guy).

I'm looking for a club where I can just literally dance all fucking night with whoever else is there. Not looking to impress anyone, not even looking to hook up. I just wanna fucking dance. Where do I go?

>> No.12639002

It's not that hard, Ive gotten in multiple time in basic black tee and shorts.
Its all about how you carry yourself, don't be a poser and be confident/humble to the bouncers.

also don't go just so you can say you 'got in', because thats just fucking pointless

>> No.12639019

You get on a train or a bus to Offenbach and go here:

>> No.12639027

Berghain, seriously its very easy to stay more than 10 hours; Saturday night to Monday arvo is your best bet.

:// About Blank is also good for long stints

Griessmühle is alright too

Renate is also an option but i wouldn't rec it

(there are a lot more but there the big one off the top my head)

>> No.12639031

im gonna go and party like a degenerate for a few days in the fall, where do you guys recommend?

my only requirements are that it's in europe, easy to get drugs and the parties doesn't end too early

>> No.12639037

You need to be gay as fuck.

>> No.12639039

berlin or anything east of it

>> No.12639054

Me to a tee. Loved suicide circus and will be there next time in Berlin. Would like to try Berghain out though.

Obviously, but finding stuff in a new city where they don't speak your language can be tricky. Found stuff easy enough inside.

>> No.12639114

>eeeeeennnnnddddd yyyyoooorrrr llllliiiiifffffeeeee
this is not the wabsite for you, sweetie

>> No.12639115

summer techno festivals are the best time for this imo

>> No.12639201

i got in in november: i was wearing: high waisted jeans (cuffed), urban camo shirt (tucked), a leather choker, bomber jacket

>> No.12639317


>> No.12639396

It sucks that USA doesn't have clubs like Germany does.

>> No.12639400

There's Low End Theory

>> No.12639482

>german and kinda old
>must be nazi

>> No.12639485
File: 304 KB, 1280x853, trumproom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but what is the best club in Tokyo?

pic related

>> No.12639563

do you actually speak with bouncer or what?
how does this "meeting" look like?

>> No.12639650
File: 699 KB, 1417x945, sven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait 4 hours to have this guy tell you you aren't getting in

pretty brutal.

>> No.12639662

Yea cause you've dressed like a techno try hard.

>> No.12639664

You're supposed to go for the music, when they see you in huge groups they think you'll just fuck around and take selfies.

>> No.12639667

If you're a girl that's fair play, if a boy, then you've tried hard

>> No.12639668

quick info on berlin clubs (not actually from berlin though)
- try berghain at least once for the experience
- if you dont get in, walk to kater blau
- if line is too long or you don't get in, go to suicide circus (they take almost anyone)
- if you are old enough try sisyphos, but don't expect to get inside

remember you can try again a few hours later

>> No.12639671

He usually asks you your age and if you know the lineup for the night. You should speak some German to him so it looks like you aren't just going to say you've been.

>> No.12639673

ye brings out the 135 bpm techno heads i dig it

>> No.12639678

is quick chat acceptable? i know german and true(tm) techno scene

>> No.12639689

And they say face tattoos can't be /fa/

>> No.12639699

rotterdam, drugs obviously everywhere, maassilo, ferro dome, annabel are the three clubs i enjoyed, idk about parties ending early bc i don't usually stay past 5 anyway.

>> No.12639778

Yea he's a door man not an agony aunt bro, you should be fine cause you know German and just brush up on the lineup for the night. Also expect tos EE some weird people in there.

>> No.12639801

I wish I could club and dance

>> No.12639843

thanks man

>> No.12639871

But would the let me in if I don't speak German?

>> No.12639878
File: 2.72 MB, 5312x2988, 20170728_183932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i join /fa/?

>> No.12639884

Bigger faggot than 90% of people at berghain

>> No.12639912

why cant u

>> No.12640111

this was a good thread. clubbing should be a regular thread

>> No.12640520

They're popping up tho.

Pittsburgh is an up and coming spot for this; Hot Mass has become somewhat of mecca for the east coast. Easily the best club vibes I've experienced outside of Europe.

>> No.12640583

This. I really wish my dance looked good and effay. How to dance /fa/ ? Link me to videos or sets where the people dance effayly

>> No.12640587

any1 here go to the warehouse shows in LA? Would b nice to have some more nightlife buddies.

>> No.12640999
File: 782 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to tresor thanks to this one - best night ever. Pills helped. We got in by not giving a fuck (not in a bad way) I didn't even know I was at an quote unquote exclusive quote unquote club

>> No.12641001

i really want to go to these places but i don't do drugs and will never do one ever

>> No.12641007

>taking shots for ig on the way in
please refrain from doing that in the future ok thanks :)

>> No.12641009

tresor has been a horrible club for 20 years

>> No.12641021

It wasn't for ig - I took a pic of my gf on the way in, was told soon after that pics/videos aren't the done thing, and never took my phone out of my pocket again

>> No.12641158

dress like a faggot tourist you'll fit in just fine

>> No.12641199
File: 1.44 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This good enough ?

>> No.12641202

if you're a girl don't bother going alone. they never get in. essentially if you have to ask "how do i get in" you already lost

>> No.12641218

How do i start being one of those people who actually belong to the obscure techno scene ?

>> No.12641247

Techno is dead, turn back now

>> No.12641372

That's Glasgow underground you twat

>> No.12641386

Does everyone at berlin techno clubs do speed? Seems like that is it.

>> No.12641403

Butt sex is gross, it smells

>> No.12641407


>> No.12641416

Im a fag so would this be over kill
>leather choker
>fishnet long sleeve top
>nips done other with x's made out of electrical tape
>skinny black jeans

>> No.12641536

show up at 4 pm on a sunday like all of the real berliners do

dont worry about not knowing german, berlin is an incredibly international city anyway

dont look like a tryhard whos too afraid to dance, showing up in your middlebrow black clothes wont work

also, the average age inside is pushing more mid-late 20s, the doormen arent as likely to let in people who are young, which excludes most everyone on FA im sure

>> No.12641767

i'm a boi
also a girl complimented my fit
i'm not from ldn

>> No.12642377

Liquid Room

>> No.12642380

nah g they play good music again

>> No.12642396

>tfw live in Germany but all clubs in my city are fucking garbage

>> No.12642411

loll Dortmund vibes

>> No.12642415

Close. Aachen.
>people unironically go to Starfish

>> No.12642551

the truth is nobody has ever been

>> No.12642568

dam, Cologne has some proper nights if you're willing to make the trek

>> No.12642631

literally just walk in place and listen to the music

don't do any moves

when you get in the groove then you'll naturally start dancing

you have to wait a good hour to start really feeling it sometimes, it's like taking a drug, you have to be patient

>> No.12642636

here's something to activate your almonds

there's no scene and there never one

the confluence of people going to clubs has always been a big coincidence of necessity. a dance party is always just a big mess of disoriented and alienated people.

listen to moar dj sprinkles

>> No.12642639

that's the hot part

>> No.12642641

Yeah it's just rough logistically, and it's not cheap either.

>> No.12642642

whats inside

>> No.12642655


I just moved to Cologne, pls gimme a quick rundown

>> No.12642756

come to fluc in vienna

>> No.12642768

Gay people

>> No.12642813

Don't go with more than 2 other people, wear all black, act sober in line and know who the DJ is

>> No.12642876

use the door

>> No.12643135


>> No.12643160

>Come to /fa/
>Thinking about how cool everyone will look and see if I can get inspiration on how I wanna style
>Go to most recent WYWT thread
>Everyone dressed like shit

Why would anyone in their right mind browse /fa/ for any reason other than to find good online stores?

>> No.12643178

Anon, I'm from Florida but I'm thinking about going to la for a couple days at the end of August

Where can I go besides like, Low End Theory

>> No.12643814


>> No.12643818

share with us please

>> No.12643832


>> No.12643846

Tfw about to witness his techno gig in two weeks or so

>no feeling

>> No.12643858

No you can fuck off

>> No.12643863

I suppose if it got compliments it's good, you probably fit in with the crowd there.

>> No.12644048

>i don't think normies are comfortable going anywhere alone
that's the point. they try not to let normies in so techno autists can have their safe space

>> No.12644212

Can confirm

>> No.12644249

I thought its for sexual degenerates

>> No.12644253

Do you have a better chance of getting in if you're gay? Me and my bf wanna go, would some open affection help? we're both tall and sexy and he's a model if that also helps

>> No.12644275


>> No.12644283

just dont go to bootshaus

>> No.12644573

I'm being serious

>> No.12644576

End yourself

>> No.12645131

why do people keep acting like berghain is somehow this magical place?
just check out the yelp reviews and you'll know what's up lmao

>> No.12645160

it's still a legendary club and you'll have an amazing time if you don't go into it with any real expectations

I love how there are little bars tucked away in corners and a smoothie bar and the fact that you never know what you'll see when you turn down a hallway. It really does feel like anything can happen there.

>> No.12645162

yeah just amazing to buy a beer and have some guys suck each other off when you turn around haha i love the atmosphere it's magical

>> No.12645169

I guess you're kinda jaded?
I'm from a place where the scene is markedly different from Berlin. There are good clubs but the atmosphere and crowds are very different. Berghain was for me a place to experience something different and I had a great time.

>> No.12645309


Act sober in line, wear black, speak German, b gay and no groups over 3 ppl

>> No.12645310

o h m

>> No.12645313

Is this some sort of club? Looks like an abandoned building. My first thought was bring a crowbar.

>> No.12645402

why does every faggot from Pittsburg think their city has anything going for it

horrible, cultureless city

>> No.12646304
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty gr8

>> No.12646525

Been to farbfernseher and ritter butzke when I was there, stood in line for berghain but honestly I felt pretty uncomfortable.
How did I do?

>> No.12646564

well said anon

>> No.12646942

upload now please

>> No.12647381

okay. to where?

>> No.12647736
