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12623583 No.12623583 [Reply] [Original]

Is the feeling of shame you get after masturbation effay?

>> No.12623590

Yes, very effay, OP.

>> No.12623858

Masturbation is never effay

>> No.12623863
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>shame you get after masturbation

Are you like 15yo?

>> No.12623865

Honestly if you don't feel even the slightest bit of shame after masturbating, you are a either a wizard tier virgin, or get pussy very infrequently. You have rationalized this immoral behavior, and thus no longer treat it as a last resort.

>> No.12623871

well mine is because I'm trans so I guess it's effay enough

>> No.12623873

you just get jaded

>> No.12623876

Fornication is worse than masturbation.

>> No.12623877
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Are modern women even worth the trouble?

>> No.12623879


No and I fucking hate it. Then you feel all lazy and shit after masturbating. Masturbating is not effay at all

>> No.12623884

People are supposed to get married in their teens and from there they grow because of the serious business of being a husband/wife and father/mother.
It was not the case that you achieved being "worth it" and then you were able to get married, we have it backwards.
Though an unspoiled virgin is generally superior to most 30-somethings today and that goes for both sexes.

>> No.12623886

>Then you feel all lazy
That's why I don't do it before exercising.

>shame you get after masturbation
I don't even get shame after the most depraved gay tier masturbating, when I am not feelign lazy, clean my colon and have fun with dildos and anus stretching.

>> No.12623888

I don't mean the act of masturbation itself. I mean post-masturbation shame. Is the REGRET effay, anon?

>> No.12623892

Post-masturbation shame is teenager tier, it will pass

>> No.12623896
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>Rationalizing masturbation

You've got to go back.

>> No.12623901


You know what, that can be pretty effay. You sit there all solemn and shit, hating everything with down cast eyes, and so you look like a man with history and mistakes.

The question is, why is there regret? Why do you feel like shit after?

>> No.12623903


>creep trying to rationalize why he doesn't feel guilty anymore after masturbating more than once a day all his fucking life

Get some game brah

>> No.12623906

What I do feel is cringy shame the day after meeting some bitch. Just wanna fall thru the ground. Shame.

>> No.12623947

The shame of behaving in a way that you usually don't when you're around women and realizing how fucking pathetic you are that you shill your own personality out for some pussy is the most effay feeling of all.

>> No.12623954

sex is overrated

>> No.12624175

>this is your brain under society's repression

>> No.12624181

It's call "not being a weakling religitard".

Sexuality is a perfectly fine, natural thing, only religitards and malfunctioning """""""""""ace""""""""""" people think sex is shameful.

>> No.12624183


Tell you what, imagine observing your life from a third person perspective.

Yeah you look pretty fucking retarded and stupid there beating your limp dick desperately to some mentally ill tranny. With an ugly expression on your face, constantly looking around you to see if anyone might be secretly looking. Yeah, you look real fucking stupid now don't you

>> No.12624192
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If you've ever been on a comedown after taking drugs then its basically the same thing. It's the rush of reality returning after you've intoxicated your brain enough to become aroused to something thats not there. suddenly your thoughts reduce to whats real, and its just you...

>> No.12624194

you seem overwhelmingly insecure

>> No.12624224

Face it Karl, atheism, anarcho, and apathy are out. Righteousness, conservatism, and virtue are in. Even jihadists stay true their their clauses and religions

>> No.12624230


>> No.12624251

Google nofap

>> No.12624268

Spoiler: Jihadists fuck goats, and conservative Catholic preachers rape children.

If you'd stop pretending sexuality is bad, Jihadists and Catholics would have sex with women like normal, non-degenerates.

>> No.12624288

masturbating to hardcore porn isn't healthy sexuality though, as the human sexual function just wasn't designed with porn in mind
it's very easy to get hooked on porn and start pursuing more and more degenerate stuff in order to achieve a stronger high

>> No.12624295

>wasn't designed with porn in mind
*or rather didn't evolve to handle porn

>> No.12624305

I'll give you that, hardcore porn addiction skews not only the perception of sexuality, but human physiology as well.

e.g. Most dudes (white AND black) in porn only having 7-8" dicks, but putting 4'8" petite women next to them to claim they've got an "11" MONSTUHCAWK",

>> No.12624312

>human sexual function just wasn't designed with porn in mind
Shit man how do we tell the devs to bugfix this?

>> No.12624317

maybe in another 10 000 years we'll evolve to stop finding porn appealing, but wwho knows how the world will look by then

>> No.12624331
File: 790 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-04-19-08-17-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude youre just fucking wrong. I'm assuming nobody here is jerking it without porno, that's the only way I can see it being okay. Seeing 100s of naked women on a black screen is NOT good for you, and its something that's only been available the past, what, 25 years?

No need to bash on religitards, they have a point. All the tech we are surrounded by is not natural, defininitley not what God had intended for us. Keep in mind that whenever you're looking at a screen, you're basically looking at a scrying mirror, used to get in touch with otherworldly beings I.e. demons. Also interesting that electrical circuit boards resemble the sigils used by people who try to get in contact with those beings

Is this what Hitchcock meant by having a black obelisk be the catalyst for evolution in 2001 a space Odyssey? Y'all really think Japan is the next stage in human development?

>> No.12624343

>They have a point

No they don't.

Yeah, porn addiction is a real problem.

Being a an anti-sex anti-tech luddite doesn't fix that problem, that's sticking your head in the ground like an ostrich and pretending you're fixing a problem.

>> No.12624351

Also a lot of porn addicts are religitards who get an additional rush from the "this is sinful" feeling.

>> No.12624353

the demon things is interesting
modern porn is basically the succubi of old

>> No.12624360
File: 165 KB, 486x512, 1285286484522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is this nofap meme??

I can understand nofap before work out. But why nofap at any other time?

>> No.12624391

don't you want to have more energy and testosterone all the time?

>> No.12624404

Not masturbating at all isn't going to make you have SUPER TESTOSTERONE. That's pseudoscience/broscience AF

>> No.12624405

this thread is a fuck

>> No.12624411

it isn't if you masturbate once a week or once every two weeks
but if you do it everyday the difference is huge

>> No.12624415

masturbation is not effay

>> No.12624420


I don't feel any shame. its pretty fun. I don't see the need to shame it either.

some people get hooked on cheeseburgers. doesn't mean masturbation is gonna ruin my life.

set goals. if you want a gf/wife. set goals. stop pretending removing porn/masturbation is going to some how enrich your life.

>> No.12624424

>using sex for what God intended it to be used for is being anti-sex
have fun in hell

>> No.12624426

That's what I'm saying, man.

Banning it isn't going to do shit, it'll make it an underground thing.

And spoiler alert, underground porn is usually the fucked up shit >>12624288 complained about.

>> No.12624430

pretty obvious you've given up hope on impressing anyone, that's why you feel nothing about it

>> No.12624431


*Fertility cult leader who wanted his Good Little Followers to create as many Sentient STDs as possible.


>> No.12624465

>people are taking this post seriously even after he made it clear he was baiting by saying Hitchcock made 2001 A Space Odyssey

>> No.12624481

>pretty obvious you've given up hope on impressing anyone

who am I trying to impress. I enjoy porn. I jerk off at the end of the day. its like 10 min ?

the only problem I've had. is having 2 monitors. 1 porn is going while some hot jpeg is on the other screen. so when I'm fucking I find my mind wanting to look for that 2nd stimulant. if I limit my porn use to 1 jpeg. I find when it is time for sex I'm really excited.

if anything porn has been a learning tool of fun styles of fucking and whats possible. obviously not 3 way/ cucking / advanced bdsm. watch james deen or any HD passion porn and you know what I'm talking about.

people do have additions. it can be anything.

>> No.12624500

Sorry that was an honest mistake, I mix him and Kubrick up all the time. Also, you yards should note that I never said anything about shame. I'm not sitting up on some high horse I'm just saying its definitely not natural. As other anon said, any addiction is bad for you...still doesn't mean its okay

>> No.12624604
File: 32 KB, 447x456, 1500574825449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's must be a sissy american thing, you're all afraid of god, russia and your dicks. I swear it's a country made up of 8 year olds.

>> No.12624612

Masturbating implies you have no one to do it for you, makes you look and feel like a pathetic fuck. Your country is cucked if you feel nothing about it. For women it's fine since it's hard for them to orgasm at times, but for men it's just fucking pathetic and you may as well kill yourself

>> No.12624613

Very effay if your an attractive woman

>> No.12624614

This is why i no longer shit. Bodily functions are not effay and i feel the need to look cool all the time even when I'm alone.

>> No.12624616

Comedowns Can be pretty neat depending on the drug

>> No.12624625

Jesus there are a lot of weak-minded betamales on this board

>> No.12624638

>masturbating makes you an alpha male
>not a desperate virgin degenerate


>> No.12624647

If I were to feel shame after masturbation, wouldn't I then also feel shame after having meaningless sex?

I'm not saying masturbation in of itself is alpha, but to feel shame after doing something so insignificant means you're weak-minded.

>> No.12624650

>Hhhey guise I ttttotttally get pussay several times a dddday

Sure, buddy.

The only virgins are puritanical Christcucks (Remember: Jesus is the product of cuckoldry and Christians (especially in the South) have a higher divorce rate the nonreligious Americans.)

>> No.12624671
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 1500714894075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only virgins are puritanical Christcucks

>> No.12624688


I usually don't feel shameI usually feel like I could have spent my time a little better.

after sex I usually feel like I could have spent my time a whole lot better and usually start to dislike my partner imensly.

is that /fa/

>> No.12624719

I sense a bunch of ADHD faggots who take everything for granted and couldn't bear sitting still for one hour a week.

>> No.12626134

quality thread

>> No.12626348

How's it feel knowing you only have a couple weeks left of summer break

>> No.12626374

>immoral behaviour
Is this a christian thing ? Because I have never thought this is wrong, it's just a basic human need, and in my country (in asia) people never say about having these kind of feeling, unless you masturbate to something weird and degenerate.
It's more about sadness and lonely feeling.

>> No.12626657

No it isn't because masturbation makes your skin more oily and gross.

>> No.12626658

one of a kind silicone fantasy dicks from etsy are effay

>> No.12626667

Its a Muslim thing too, tip your fedora harder

>> No.12626729

I have sex ~8 times a week and I masturbate every other day or so. I both enjoy finding sexually satisfying porn, and don’t always want to go through the full mutual process of sex every time I’m horned up. The perception that masturbation is harmful or just caused by the inability to have sex is stupid. They’ve done studies, basically everyone masturbates, and there’s a complete absence of evidence that it’s harmful to anyone. In fact, people telling others that something that is literally a personal act that has no effect on anyone else is shameful causes a lot of emotional problems, and benefits no one

>> No.12626731

>falling for the positivism meme

>> No.12626734

Citation needed

>> No.12626741

I have a merge request ready with a few changes in the API, wish me luck

>> No.12626745

no that's not true
It's a sign of wisdom and intelligence to feel shame after doing something meaningless. I'd put it in the same vein of feeling dumb after watching reality TV or spending loads of money in the club when you couldve spent that time doing something more meaningful. if the sex is meaningless, why would you feel good about yourself after doing it? That wouldn't make sense to anyone with self worth

>> No.12626977

god I didnt know there were so many nofap retards on fa

>> No.12627359

quit porn