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12611831 No.12611831 [Reply] [Original]

who was the most effay president outside of their presidential clothing?

>> No.12611833
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>> No.12611843
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>> No.12611847
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>> No.12611849
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>> No.12611879

Simpler times............

>> No.12611881
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My votes on Kennedy

>> No.12611883
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>> No.12611892
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>> No.12611894
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>> No.12611901

It's a toss up between John Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ulysses Grant. Kennedy holds a more relative, modern edge but they were all /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.12611908

def not trump. If there's an antonym to the word 'fit' it's trump's wardrobes and body.

>> No.12611916

UGH those thighs, my knees are trembling

>> No.12611918
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>> No.12611927

Jesus not even trump is this bad.

>> No.12611952

I think it's easily JFK, but as >>12611901 pointed out he has the advantage of being modern and often photographed.

>> No.12611959
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>> No.12612049

obama was not even close to being effay. it was just blacks overhyping him for being black.

>> No.12612189

early 90s coke dealer core

>> No.12612270
File: 79 KB, 928x523, young_barack_obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

young nigga, i beg to differ
he may not have been the most effay but the man knew how to carry himself

>> No.12612275

I'd say he's moderately effay; he gets points for being tall and thin, he fits into plain clothing well

At least better than the t h i c c i e in office now

>> No.12612353
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>> No.12612355

white nigger ape

>> No.12612401
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id say jfk with regan being second

>> No.12612494


>> No.12612497

1. Kennedy
2. Obama
3. Clinton

>> No.12612499
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>> No.12612508

was this around the time when he had that botched hair transplant shit, no way he isn't wearing those horrible hats to hide his hair

>> No.12614073

He pulls of Dad-Core well because he's a fit and good looking guy

>> No.12614076

W r o n g

Obama slays dadcore. He's fit and actually not bad looking.

>> No.12614077

Kek, I didn't even read the rest of the thread. Glad someone else agrees about Barry and dadcore.

The patrician choice:

1. Kennedy
2. Bill Clinton
3. Roosevelt
4. Barry

>> No.12614105
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He was an avid golfer--many of which like to wear hats on the course. Those type of hats were pretty popular in the 80's too, so I'd suppose that he could've just, y'know, worn the hats because he liked wearing them.

However, it certainly could've also been to cover up his hairline, since many people who are balding like to do this. That doesn't stop someone from being effay though. Being effay is all about letting your clothing make a supporting statement as to who you are as an individual.

Let me point out that I think President Trump's political views are retarded, but I will say that Donald Trump was effay as fuck in the 80's. Why? He was the perfect poster-child for Reaganomics & the increase in discretionary income across the board--his clothing choices were an extension of that. He would wear a suit one day; but the next, he'd be wearing a hot pink hat with a simple button up & jeans while talking on a fat ass cell phone.

Many in the middle-class would see him doing this wild ass shit, and ask, "Wow, why isn't this fucker our president? He's the perfect example of why I voted for Reagan." That's also a reason why you saw him being asked on talk shows in the 80's volleying questions about running for president.

His effay look died along with Reaganomics, and on a separate note, I believe his presidency is the last statement the baby-boomers will make in regards to politics. It's their last fuck you to all of the generations that came after.

>> No.12614111

he won. dont have to cry so much, he will sit 8 years aswell.


>> No.12614114 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1420x946, wealldodumbshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I shouldn't be double-posting but I've gotta say that you're wrong on this one. He showed that an african american man can provide for his family and reach the top of the ladder, and his dad-core was on point in showing that he's conservative whenever it comes to family matters. That shit is really missing in America. No lie, he did fuck up by wearing that one brown suit though. It just makes his dad-core powers stronger though, because it shows that he probably relies on his wife/interns to go out and buy him shit that isn't levi jeans & new balance 990s.

>> No.12614153

I'm not crying about it, and he very well could win the next general election. After watching the democrats pool so much money into stopping him and the "grab em by the pussy" video not affecting his campaign, I really don't think he can be stopped. Unless the mass media can continue their current Russia disruption for the rest of his first term, and somehow link the president himself to the Russians. Which is highly unlikely. CNN and news agencies alike are pretty much enacting what many dems said after Trump won: disrupt, disrupt, disrupt.

He knows his re-election hinges on making sure the markets stay at all time highs, increasing jobs across the board, and keeping inflation at a minimum. Most of that is on the central bank, but the majority of the dumbshits who vote think the president is responsible. So it matters more than anything else, since he was elected as a "jobs president."

Everything else he can use to his advantage by calling out that it'll take years to fix the broken as fuck political process in America, and give examples as to how democrats have been actively attempting to disrupt from the beginning. Especially if the Russia shit continues to be a whole nothing-burger.

This has nothing to do with /fa/ though.

>> No.12614161
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bend the knee anon

>> No.12614168 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12614201

I guess it goes to show
There's still nothing more effay than beautiful smiles and beautiful friendship

>> No.12614222

Very cute post, anon

>> No.12614235
File: 105 KB, 1199x848, 1500348091964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He honestly looks pretty great in the cowboy hat

>> No.12614532

when it comes to bloated corpse-looking dudes, yes

>> No.12614574
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>> No.12614578

Does using an older camera instantly make whoever's in the photo effay?

>> No.12614598


>> No.12614601

>Damn them Duke boys

>> No.12614614 [DELETED] 


>> No.12614617

He dressed like yuppie trash. It's the equivalent of tacky hip-hop/douchebag taste of today. It's exactly what you would look like in the 80s if your purchases were to make sure people know you were rich yet modern. There's no style involved in wearing exactly what's current poorly.

Money can't buy taste, and a lot of these styles only look ok because they're now novel and retro

>> No.12614626

Come on. If someone came on here with Trump's hair (late 80s to now) and asked, "What do I do with this?" the answers would be, "Shave that shit desu." and "kys"

>> No.12614635
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>> No.12614849

triggered because i insulted your president, mad snowflake?

>> No.12614871

Keep thinking this. It's tacky today, but he knew his audience and dressed appropriately.

>> No.12614896
File: 133 KB, 900x599, (2004年)原中共中央总书记、国家主席江泽民视察南普陀寺%u3002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12614919

no us president is effay. at least the nazis and fascists had style

>> No.12614929

What the fuck are you doing Jiang