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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 450x328, stock-photo-woman-on-her-graduation-day-use-smart-phone-university-education-digital-technology-mobile-593907623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12590395 No.12590395 [Reply] [Original]

Who starting uni in September?
Where you going?
Meet some cute effay uni boys
I picked mine at random and I'm going to YSJ, is it as shit as I think?

>> No.12590650
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incoming freshman studying architecture

>> No.12590751
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Half of the reason why Im going is because of the location and on campus housing and its not out of state so I wont be ass raped by out of state tuition. Otherwise, fairly mediocre in most everything else. Id honestly be impressed if someone here posts a shittier university that they attend.

>> No.12590760 [DELETED] 
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the uiuc kidnapper was my physics 212 TA

>> No.12590762
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>> No.12590793
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starting my phd here this fall
anyone else going to Florida State?

>> No.12590802

>finished with my Bachelors
fuck I'm getting old

>> No.12590805


>> No.12590822

how fucking new

>> No.12590845

London School of Economics

>> No.12590856
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>> No.12590859

I want to be freshman again :(

>> No.12590861

fucking hypebeast uni

>> No.12590863


>> No.12590969
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Finishing up my masters, last semester and I'm getting the fuck out

>> No.12591018
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>inb4 rejected from harvard
is it effay?

>> No.12591040
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>finished uni 2 years ago
>promotions left and right
>can afford to buy only the best-end clothing
>all these poorfags college/uni kids

Feels good to be on top of the food chain

>> No.12591059
File: 25 KB, 376x262, media-3C8DF69C.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Political Science & Sociology. I'm in redneck hell

>> No.12591062

lol sociology in the Bible Belt, that must be weird af

>> No.12591063


>> No.12591064

>top of the food chain
>post on /fa/
pick one

>> No.12591068

the subtle racism is real. I'm taking an ethics class right now and im tired of people justifying their shitty uninformed opinions with the divine command theory, triggers my autism

>> No.12591081

UCSB freshman. who else

>> No.12591097
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Computer Engineering.

>> No.12591122
File: 34 KB, 300x296, Penn_State_University_seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming freshman studying mathematics and physics.

>> No.12591143
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Masters in Economics, moving to London for first time.

>> No.12591146

brit boys get in here

>> No.12591151
File: 251 KB, 1024x1024, University_of_Michigan_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophomore CompE reporting.

>> No.12591155

I did sociology at George mason before grad school, it's worse on the other end. As a cis gendered "white" (I'm mixed) male, I wasn't entitled to an opinion as I am pernamentally biased. There were like 90% women and everyone had green hair, transgenderism, and those crazy random sexualities we recently made up. It sucked.

>> No.12591273

Im a cis white as fuck male. Even though the area Im in isnt very diverse, I still feel like im just adding fuel to the fire every time I engage in discussion.

>> No.12591311
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I've been going to the University of Amsterdam for a few years now.

>> No.12591373

Yeah =/ kinda stunted my academic growth that major
It doesn't help we have all these dumb white boi's saying shit like "I live in DC, it's super diverse and I've never experience racism, it must not exist"

>> No.12591389

I'm so sorry.

>> No.12591402 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12591406
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Big up

>> No.12591463
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Going to my junior year at Michigan State University, gettin that Computer Science degree

>> No.12591510
File: 44 KB, 400x400, uoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey xP

>> No.12591529

Yo I might try get in through clearing if I don't get into Southampton

>> No.12591534


im doing cap, cya next year

>> No.12591538

What course & why did you pick Southampton over Bris?

>> No.12591544

am at uwe lmao

don't go to any of the triangle clubs they are absolute shit

>> No.12591546

which ones are the triangle clubs?
been to motion before which was insane but i feel like it's pretty mainstream

>> No.12591550

motion's p. sick but i only go on free rave nights
go to lakota, blue mountain n black swan
lakota is my fav i love everything about it

>> No.12591552

triangle are like mbargos, pams and lizard lounge which most uob students go to

>> No.12591559
File: 447 KB, 1041x797, UCLA_Bruins_script_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who UCLA here?

>> No.12591596

>subtle racism
Welcome to human nature, bucko
Though I wouldn't expect someone studying sociology to actually have any command over human psychology or evolution or anything that might actually be useful in analyzing populations

>> No.12591623

t. I took an intro soci class I know exactly what it is dur hur

>> No.12591630

you ok, bud?

>> No.12591661

more like
t. interacted with enough empty-headed sociologists to know they're all either blinded by ideology or hopelessly misguided

>> No.12591702

History and politics, dunno mate. League tables and dat.

But two of my best mates are going Bristol and no one I know is going Southampton so I might as well go Bristol. Plus my school gets like lowered entry grades or some shit

>> No.12591713

go for it, such a sick city

>> No.12591768

you sound like a faggot
get a real degree

>> No.12591773

Is geography a meme degree or is it actually worth something?

>> No.12591783

meme degree

>> No.12591809


I mostly shitpost for (You)s

>> No.12591850

Any suggestions? Also can you tell me what determines if a degree is real or not?

>> No.12591860

Whether it's a BSc or a BA

>> No.12591878

I have a degree in math that was a BA. Didn't get a BS cause I took Russian instead of chemistry. My degree don't real?

>> No.12591891
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university college

>> No.12591909

Fake degree

>> No.12591916

being consistently wrong is better than random I suppose

>> No.12591923
File: 96 KB, 719x504, emu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bio Junior at Eastern Michigan. I'm poor and I hate myself

>> No.12591930

man i would understand a bfa cause this is a fashion board but if you take a ba i can only assume you weren't smart enough to get into stem or you're trying to be a kike lawywer

>> No.12591941

Just finished undergrad at Oxford with shit grades. What a pathetic letdown of a student I was.

But underachieving at a prestigious uni ist effay, r-right?

>> No.12591944

from what i understand trump didnt do great at school so yeah good job :)

>> No.12591950
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>> No.12591964

Thanks man, he's
weirdly inspiring

Congrats bud, it's a great programme, I hear. Friend of mine (who did his BA with me but wasn't inept like me) got a fantastic supervisor for his End of year Thesis there

>> No.12591974

ha ha I almost went there

San Francisco State University is where I go
im a sophomore

>> No.12591976

Im starting here fall, too

>> No.12592017

Why not put some effort in and get accepted to a good school like CU

>> No.12592036
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Hail State! Majoring in computer science. Anyone else?

>> No.12592099

Couldnt afford

>> No.12592149

Lakota is probably one of the best clubs in UK.

>> No.12592153

Cheers, looking forward to it!

>> No.12592169

>BA in math
>at any other university than Oxbridge or Harvard
Yeah it's worthless

t. Mathfag

>> No.12592176

>Implying a BA in math at Harvard even comes close to a BA in math at MIT.

You have to go back.

>> No.12592250

I chose not to go there because its right by the city and I dont think my political views would be welcome. That and the school counselor program here is better. People were surprised I chose not to go to SDSU and instead to an irrelevant nobody school. I hate socal so much.
I hope youre an /out/doorsman so I have someone to relate to when their outdoor program starts in August. The amount of white women here is great, let alone the 2/3 girl to guy ratio. Also I heard its gonna smell like cow shit for a month in the whole county by the time the semester starts.

>> No.12592263

>liberal arts degree
>from a technical university
yeah nah my point still stands
if someone who went to MIT to study math chose to get a BA instead of a BS i seriously question their sanity

>> No.12593082
File: 251 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvard is ranked higher in math in QS. Harvard might not have as good applied sciences and engineering as its neighbor, but hard sciences and maths at the Big H are strong.

>> No.12593092

How was GM outside that sphere of dipshits?

>> No.12593200


>> No.12593215

Eh idk. I was only there a year. I only had to do 45 credits once I transferred from nova to graduate. 75% of the campus commutes, so it's literally dead on the weekends, but that might change this year. They're requiring freshman to live on campus. Lots of diversity, but most of it is segregated. All the brown people are either international or grew up locally together and went to the same mosques, temples and shit. They act like they're still in hs because they're with same ppl that they were with in hs. Most of the white people are from hick Virginia, Roanoke, va beach and the north shore. Lots and lots of working adults. GM is so cheap compared to the other schools near D.C., so lots of employers encourage their employees to take their continuing education there. Definitely has the feel of a strong up and coming University, you just won't get that classic University experience there. I'd only go if you want to graduate quickly like I did. I started nova at 16 and was out of mason by 18-19.

>> No.12593218

>graduating from U of Tsukuba in a few weeks
Don't know if my experiences in a Japanese university would translate to you guys, but I wish you all the best!

>> No.12593221

good post

>> No.12593231

Also, it's easy to get a good GPA there. If you're seriously considering grad school, mason would be good. I went to Georgetown right after my sociology degree for a masters in physiology at Georgetown

>> No.12593234

UoY here. Yes, YSJ is shit. At least you graduate in the Minster though.

>> No.12593240

I am actually military in korea and considering studying here. Much to my surprise gm has a campus here. Do you know anything about it?

>> No.12593245

Oh yeah, that opened up 2-3 years ago. The Korean government subsidized a bunch of it. Basically, for US universities, you spend your first two years taking a collection of general education requirements and the last two years taking courses in your chosen major of study. The mason Korea campus only has courses for the first two years, so if you were to go there, you'd have to finish at the main campus in Fairfax. They've got a decent size Korea community, but studying abroad in the US without money is a bitch. It's an expensive area around mason.

>> No.12593248
File: 22 KB, 284x284, sq-logo-pos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a grad student. Moving from London so I will have to adapt to small town life surrounded by poshos

>> No.12593250
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Wu Tang killah bees
>this fucking curriculum

>> No.12593252

Also, if you had money, you could do a year in Korea, a year in Italy, a year in Virginia and a year at oxford easily graduate. I'd probably do that for the experience if I had to go back. All your teachers at the Korean campus mason paid to move to Korea to teach so they'll be American.

>> No.12593258
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Holy fuck you guys must get no pussy bahaha

>> No.12593267
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Turned down Lincoln for Hull.(UK). Am I brain dead? Doing Comp sci btw. I havent even applied for accommodation yet. Dont think I will... Just gonna wing it and try to slip through the cracks at clearing. Wish me luck bros :'(

God this shit makes me depressed

>> No.12593269
File: 42 KB, 686x673, Elias-Bender-Rønnenfelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there many opportunities to meet cool UoY people or am i fugged

>> No.12593272

CU has an 84% acceptance rate and CSU has an 81% lol

>> No.12593273

>tfw know the GMU's president's daughter
>went to middle school with her
>she's attending harvard this fall
>total SJW, liberal, and unironically a lesbian

>> No.12593276

Lmao and you know Cabrera is probably conservative as fuck for the coch brothers to let him run mason.

>> No.12593310
File: 412 KB, 2946x826, bme_logo_nagy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is shit

>> No.12593419

>Solely focusing on getting pussy in college
>Not expecting to be a literal shit stain to society

Kill yourself, desu.

>> No.12593523

This post is kawaii

>> No.12593544
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reminder that being american is not effay

>> No.12593824
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boston is a big effay city

>> No.12593920
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Are you me but on the dark side

>> No.12593926

Love Boston
But not many /fa/ people on the street

>> No.12593936

boston isn't /fa at all my dude.

>> No.12594003

>the way people around me act is human nature

>> No.12594053
File: 20 KB, 620x176, IMG_6908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last year of my bachelors degree in tax economics

>> No.12594099

>opportunities to meet cool UoY people
You mean fags, eurotrash and chinese?


>> No.12594103
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Utrecht_University_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changing UvA for UU, who wants to make autistic fitpics with me?

>> No.12594123

she is qute AF

>> No.12594137

well technically its in the city and my opinions are tolerated but that's because I'm a good debater and know how to start with someone and work with one to agreeing with me I've had many a fun discussion its all good if you have the arguments and don't back down.

>> No.12594190

Foreign rich kids get the fuck out of my hometown. We don't want you, we don't need you.

>> No.12594225

Yeah, a lot of students from both unis go to the clubs. Mostly chads and stacies though, so you might best off hanging around Dusk or something. >>12594099
the only trash I see around york are white brits, you ain't fooling anyone

>> No.12594243

community college fag reporting in

>> No.12594252

let fucking do it

>> No.12594318

Are you serious or just memeing?

If you're serious we can swap IG or kik.

>> No.12594454

is there any kind of drug scene around York? been told its full of old people and christians

>> No.12594522

It is. I've basically given up on drugs, as all the weed I've smoked there has been super dry and hard, poorly rolled, and cut with tobacco at ratios like 2:8. I'm from a place where it's decriminalised so I'm used to pure, and far higher quality for less than half price. I don't do other drugs so I can't tell you much else, but it seems ketamine is pretty easy to find. Just ask your flatmates.

>> No.12594537

just after a lil xanax, where you from? seems like York attracts a lot of international students

>> No.12594553

you're kawaii

>> No.12594572

man east lansing fucking sucks, no one dresses well
msus campus is pretty fun to be on during football season though

>> No.12594671

on the dark side? I had an offer from cam too but actually ox is better for my discipline. Wot college are you going to?

>> No.12594727
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Northumbria (i'm too stupid for Newcastle)

>> No.12594799
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>> No.12594999
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where my dudes at?

>> No.12595012

Families rich,i'm rich, i'm a prick, don't care.

>> No.12595016

Fellow cali gangsta here. Whats good playa?

>> No.12595070
File: 1.06 MB, 3100x3615, Texas Tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my raiders at

>> No.12595117
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Most /fa/ campus in new york coming through.

Hail, men of Fordham hail.

>> No.12595130

Y'all motherfuckers need to stop picking such shit majors.

These are the majors you can do and actually contribute anything of meaning to society:
>comp sci

Everything else is pointless and a waste of your money and time. I'm tired of tax dollars funding shit unis and their shit students getting worthless degrees.

>> No.12595138

Oh and if you can't make it into any of those programs, then own up to the fact that you're probably just a brainlet and pick a nice trade to do or nursing.

>> No.12595168

my aunt teaches there!

>> No.12595181

Ive lived in Sonoma all my life so it shouldnt be much of a change

>> No.12595190
File: 25 KB, 778x86, Economics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna go here. kill me senpai

>> No.12595196

Fuck no.
This is school is 90% poorly dressed kids from the suburbs, 8% rich asians, and 2% thrift store bums. The campus itself however is amazing.
Do you have your own place or are you staying in the overpriced dorms?

>> No.12595301

going to Fordham at LC. pls link up i need fashionable friends, i'll even take the ram van up to you <3

>> No.12595318


>> No.12595387

Incoming freshman?

>> No.12595399
File: 31 KB, 416x416, st johns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone in annapolis?

>> No.12595406
File: 120 KB, 660x664, Seal_of_the_University_of_Alberta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This school is good but people here dress like shit

>> No.12595407
File: 126 KB, 640x480, teams%2F161%2Fiona-college-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm debating on a transfer from here but they have the exact major and internship I want and need for a future job. Is it a good idea or nah.

>inb4 asking for advice on a thai fishing forum

>> No.12595419
File: 226 KB, 3450x1114, Elon-University.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Along with 6000 other prep kids
Gonna be a freshman majoring in Accounting

>> No.12595433

I'm gonna be 26 and doing my post-bacc.

Feels old man

>> No.12595444

going into second year

>> No.12595451

so youre about to begin your first year? what dorm

>> No.12595530


>> No.12595534

Be my friend

>> No.12595631 [DELETED] 

Weird to see my school get posted here. I'm going for communications

>> No.12595636

Weird seeing KSU get posted anywhere. I'm going for PR

>> No.12595875


>> No.12596186

Just playing up the Oxbridge rivalry, but I have no clue desu as I'm only going here as a postgrad. I have a friend that went to Oxford as an UG, they rated it. Clare College for me. You?

>> No.12596359

>cute effay uni boys
op everyone

>> No.12596452
File: 69 KB, 569x388, IMG_2707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say effay

>> No.12596531


>> No.12596544

Awesome, how basic is campus?

>> No.12596697

Tbh if you're post-grad rather than under-grad you'll probably be able to avoid most of a the rich snotty "yah uni yah" types quite easy.

Especially if you end up studying at bod libraries rather than in a college libraries.
Most post-grad students I've met are pretty decent.

Though you'll be surrounded by posh undergrads in the city centre at all times and during open days you'll want to cry and shoot them/yourself and their rich pushy parents.

>> No.12596725
File: 4 KB, 225x225, utsc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Science

Campus is full of fashionable asians

>> No.12596796

what's your tuition post-aid, and are you in their classics program?
live relatively close, it's a great campus/location

>> No.12596835

Fuck goose amiright
also fuck this guy

>> No.12596837

right here bud

>> No.12596852

what year mane

>> No.12596956

>paying $10 at goose to drink yellow water and dance with ugly girls
Fuck all the bars. We live in NYC I have no idea why so many kids at Fordham don't go to real bars and clubs in the city.

>> No.12596965

I didn't know we had so many Rams on this Czech knitting forum.
>fuck this guy
He's not wrong, the people at our school don't dress well. Especially when compared to Columbia, NYU, Pratt etc.
Unless you consider vineyard vines and boat shoes effay for some strange, misguided reason.
t. sophomore

>> No.12596973
File: 6 KB, 343x147, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a comp sci maj w/ a minor in math boys

>> No.12596988

Depends on who you hang out with. Find a group, start a band, or get involved in greek life and you'll be fine. It's one of the fastest growing schools but this place is still very close-knit. Don't get me wrong though, that can totally be a good thing. Just find out where you fit and don't be afraid to branch out

>> No.12596994 [DELETED] 

I'm in Kennesaw too, for computer science. Right now they're working to make the admission more competitive for the next wave, which is good.

How effay is the campus, main and meritta?
And who's you're dealer?

>> No.12596997

I'm in Kennesaw too, for computer science. Right now they're working to make the admission more competitive for the next wave, which is good.

How effay is the campus, main and meritta?
And who's your dealer?

>> No.12597002
File: 16 KB, 128x126, 4_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't care
>Is posting his opinions on an image board to get responses

>> No.12597126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12597140
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Girls here can be decently effay, depending on their faculty. But after a while you have seen it all.

>> No.12597152
File: 16 KB, 290x130, Radboud-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12597159

Not true, Maastricht is full of really dull dressed people.

>> No.12597163

i just transferred out of there to UofA, fuck sfsu.

>> No.12597185
File: 48 KB, 400x400, ceb0ce43-ba5a-44cb-a783-bb90e7653dd2_UM40_CMYK_A_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. The smaller arts and culture oriented faculties can have some effay people.
But mostly they are dull. Especially at the Business and Med faculties.

All in all not a very creative bunch. Many uneffay Germans.
Not many interesting fashion stores either, manly mainstream richy boutiques.

>> No.12597220

well that's reassuring. Do you go there?
Ha well I've already experienced pushy parents even at the postgrad open day, that was truly next level autism, his mum was making notes for him during a departmental talk

>> No.12597228

Planning on leaving my uni, thinking of going to a uni more focused on design/creative shit.

God, why did I make such a big mistake. Fuck.
Good luck on starting your new unis lads.

>> No.12597249
File: 78 KB, 190x240, Universityofsouthcarolinaseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophomore studying finance

>> No.12597460

Where you go

>> No.12597465

City University in uk

>> No.12597470

best city on earth

>> No.12597479
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>> No.12597543
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I'm starting my second year at community college so I can transfer to the closest state university. At this point I almost just want my bachelor's over with.

>> No.12597572

Mah Nigga. I'm a second year PhD student here.
Filled to the brim with feminists and dirty fucking hippies.
But I get paid to go here, so I can't complain too much.

>> No.12597596
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Yooo. Also thos obscenely /fa/ Asian exchange students you always see smoking cigs around campus.

What are you studying?

>> No.12597618


>> No.12597639

I'm an economics undergrad. :)

>> No.12597660

Welp. There's a distinct possibility you know me.

>> No.12597669

This is fairly accurate desu

>> No.12597679
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Uni is for losers who mindlessly follow what their parents and society dictate for them. Real niggas start popping xans and rapping on soundcloud for clout!! Real shit!

>> No.12597683
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Where my nz niggas at?
Studying finance/economics at AUT probably gonna transfer to Melbourne or Auckland depending on whether I can keep my grades up. Really don't want to graduate from this meme uni

>> No.12597700

/fa/ggots at my school? I hope I never run into you, god forbid I know you.

>> No.12597827

Probably lml.

>> No.12597920
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for animation

>> No.12597930
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I got rejected from GT rip... going to uga now for comp engineering and german dual degree

>> No.12597942

ayoo super senior here next year lets goooo

>> No.12598095

This discord isn't very active, but you guys should come hang.

>> No.12598152
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h-hey guys
>tfw while everyone elses' daddies can pay tuition i'm scraping by on financial aid and blind hope

>> No.12598155

i'm so sorry

>> No.12598346
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if any qt asian grills want to be my gf pls respond

great city but not /fa/ at all. northeastern seemed like a great school but I didn't really vibe with it when i visited, how do you like it?

>> No.12598367

I'll be starting there as well for grad school M. Arch, best of luck to you in undergrad and endure the weed-out period

>> No.12598556

a-are you a qt femanon?

>> No.12598627

i wish :(

You didn't happen to TA for Vamsi and Mehrene by any chance did you?

>> No.12598651

No. I did for Friedman though.

>> No.12598670

Picked 5 unis here in Russia. Hopefully I'll pass to those are in Moscow. Anyway my exams are low, so these unis are total shit

>> No.12598704
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Anyone else ?

>> No.12598710

What year

>> No.12598740

Word, you're not the guy I'm thinking of then, I never took a class with Friedman.

I'm sure we'll cross paths one day.

>> No.12598750

what course?

>> No.12598936

I'll be sure to beat your white asses

>> No.12599101

well, only '21

>> No.12599150
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starting here in the fall

I've spent a decent amount of time on campus and still never seen a good fit

>> No.12599178
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starting year 2. happy to advise any incoming students

>> No.12599191

eyyyy fuck this place. can't wait to transfer

>> No.12599201
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>A university named after a fucking toothpaste brand

Holy shit can it get any funnier

>> No.12599203

got a useless history degree with a concentration in east asia from a shit state school in connecticut. now im cutting my losses and starting a 2 year physical therapy assistant program.

dont follow your dreams if it costs $80,000+ and you get nothing out of it bois. if you are interested in a meme field, just research it on your own time. everything i learned in class i could have easily learned with a couple years of doing my own reading and research

>> No.12599216


uni isn't about the shit you learn

in this modern age almost all information is available online

you pay for connections and certifications/quality assurance

>> No.12599220

hull here
hull has sick comp sci resources for 3rd year but the city is as shitty as you'd expect, kind of comfy but the nightlife is limited and there's only 1 decent clothes shop i know of
can't honestly recommend it, but i spent my first year being a shut in and smoking weed all day
maybe see you in a few months ;)

>> No.12599232

connections and quality insurance are still not enough to make a 4 year specialized humanities degree worthwhile. the professors and clubs in most of these fields, especially history, cannot do shit to help you get your foot in the door. nobody cares about quality assurance or certification because any employer ever knows that you could scrape by in the most difficult history programs while being a total retard.

like i said, do no study meme fields because it is not worth your money. you will not earn connections or certifications which will land you a job. there are no jobs. study something that society actually needs or worm your way into something that doesn't require a degree. i see the smartest kids in my program experiencing crises because they're realizing how much time and money they wasted

>> No.12599253
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Is Atlanta effay?

>> No.12599260


>> No.12599263

nah ecsu lmao

>> No.12599266

You literally would have been better off going to Emory.

Also, how the fuck did you get rejected from GTech?

>> No.12599278

Are you going to back up your mental retardation or are you just going to meme?

>> No.12599303

damn dude glad you didnt start doing smack then

>> No.12599306


dont listen to this cunt >>12597572
you'll learn a lot and become woke and not a bitter human being, and eat like shit

>> No.12599329
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>that simultaneous debt from med school and living in NYC

just fucking kill me

>> No.12599331

nah but i have seen some wild shit in willimantic. what a shithole of a """"city""""

>> No.12599336


want to apply but CAD$45k is too much fucking money

(am an international)

>> No.12599490

the toothpaste was named after the uni bb

>> No.12599491

I'm so sorry. Better build up that cocaine tolerance

>> No.12599494

>mental retardation
I'm not the one going to State, bro. Anyone who stays in Mississippi for schooling (or, for some awful reason, thinks it's a good idea to GO there for schooling) will have to work their asses off to get out of the state again, and even then, they easily become a laughing-stock of the workplace. Just don't go.

>> No.12599502

2021. Coming in this year.

>> No.12599534
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>> No.12599931

Yeah, I'm going to be a senior. Great school, entertaining people. I'm on three different e-boards and rush committee for one of the fraternities. Could not be prouder of this great institution, even with all its quirks.

The food is lit as well.

>> No.12599949


>> No.12599953
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Any other /fa/ rebels? Class of 2021 reporting

>> No.12599964


>> No.12599966


you have genuinely dug your own grave

>> No.12599969

No, but do you go to State as well? What's your major? Also, is Kris an incoming freshman? I'll probably introduce myself to him seeing as how we're probably going to be taking the same classes.

>> No.12599973

Care to elaborate?

>> No.12599974

Business with a focus on marketing. So essentially marketing. You?

>> No.12599978

He's a guy I went to high school with. Majoring in engineering. There's also Blake, he's majoring in engineering as well. But no I'm not at State.

>> No.12599983

Vlad? Also, CompSci here.

>> No.12599985

No not Vlad. Nathan? Also are you in fast track?

>> No.12599986

What type of engineering? Funnily enough, the undergraduate coordinator of engineering said at orientation that "A lot of you just selected 'engineering' as your major...that is retarded."

Not specifically that, but he did kind of make fun of the people who picked such a vague major.

>> No.12599988

I don't even go to OleMiss, I just have a friend who does. Any chance that you happen to know Vlad?

>> No.12599992

Blake is doing chemical engineering, while Kris is doing computer engineering I believe. They're cool dudes tho.

>> No.12599993

>Knows the University of Mississippi well enough to call it "Ole Miss"

What aren't you telling us, you retard?

>> No.12599994

Sadly not. Is he /fa/?

>> No.12599995

What the fuck, I sat next to three computer engineers at orientation while they were calling majors. Are either Kris or Blake Asian?

>> No.12599999
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>> No.12600001

Nope. Black and white.

>> No.12600002

Nah, he's not. Not that I know of, at least. Vlad is a high tier normie, he dresses like a "cool christian" and you'd assume he was into fraternities if you looked at him.

Super nice and chill guy though.

>> No.12600007

Shit. Well, we probably went to different orientation dates. If I see any of them, I'll probably make friends with em. What are they like?

Also, which college did you decide to go to?

>> No.12600011

That's a damn shame. Maybe I'll make friends with him if I meet him. But I'm hoping to find some other /fa/ people , and I'm not talking about kids who stole mom's credit card to buy a Supreme shirt they saw quavo wearing either.

>> No.12600014
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I lived in Mississippi for a majority of my life before leaving the South in favor of literally anywhere else because Ala-Miss-Lou may as well be a remote Kazakhstani village in terms of not only /fa/ but also any form of opportunity. The colleges are traps. Go ANYWHERE else; There's a reason why people are leaving the area at record-highs.

>> No.12600021


I got rejected regular decision, deferred early action from GT. Also, Emory doesn't have engineering lol, and I don't like that school as much as I like GT and UGA.

>> No.12600024

I decided to attend Ole Miss. I'm the guy who posted the UM logo asking if there were other people going. But both are pretty chill. They're both into memes and science shit and vidya mainly. Are you from MS?

>> No.12600027

It's weird seeing most of the people on /fa/ here go to 4 year universities. On the/ fa/ facebook group, half the group was in community college lol

>> No.12600030

>Assuming people who go to MSSTATE are going to stay there for a jobs.

This was your first mistake, desu. Even a retard realizes that Mississippi is a shithole when it comes to employment opportunities. However, State's CompSci and Engineering programs are actually pretty decent, and you can't deny that no matter how badly you want to. If someone were going to MSState for anything other than STEM, I would pity them, but like I said, the STEM programs are legit.

In-state colleges are almost always a better option than out of state. However, my mom recently moved to Georgia a few months ago, so after my sophomore year, I am transferring to Georgia Tech.

>> No.12600034
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is my uni /fa/ approved

>> No.12600044
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what uca? canterbury?
going to do computer science here if i don't get the chance to defer this year.

>> No.12600045
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Since I was a fuck-off in high school, I'm going to be paying about half of my expenses out of pocket for my freshman year. That means I can't be as /fa/ as I want to, but no one expects freshmen to be fashionable anyway, so I'm not missing out on much in that regard.

Assuming I maintain a high GPA (and I will) for my freshman year, I'm going to be going to State my next three years for free. After getting a job my sophomore year and having money to spend however I want, pic related is an outfit I look forward to wearing.

Thoughts on it?

>> No.12600051

I approve. I think the black provides a slick and stylish canvas to work upon, and the jacket is what wraps it all up. Solid fit.

>> No.12600057

Have any grids or fits that encapsulate your fashion style? I feel like you and I would get along well if we went to the same school. I also dislike the hypebeasts who think popular brands = style.

>> No.12600058

Farnham. UCA is a great university though, definitely recommend.

>> No.12600059

>State's CompSci and Engineering programs are actually pretty decent
this is objectively wrong i dont even know how you get to this conclusion
>In-state colleges are almost always a better option than out of state
you can go practically anywhere in the north and get in for being from the south with an assload of financial aid if you have the slightest idea of what you're doing and be leaps and miles ahead of any education you would get from state with a new working environment with plenty of opportunity
maybe this shit works for you because you're the son of some southern industry baron but anyone else would run for the fuckin' hills (and, shocker, they are, as >>12600014 said)

>> No.12600069

You asian?

>> No.12600073

No grids on me. I'm mainly into vintage wear. Vintage graphics, windbreakers, military jackets, and 80's/90's style sneakers, mainly Nike and vans. For pants I'll usually wear skinny black denim or other skinny jeans. Not much of a hat guy or jewelry guy.

>> No.12600080
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>> No.12600103

I'm going to go ahead and assume you are majoring in political science and don't know shit about how STEM works.

>you can go practically anywhere in the north and get in for being from the south with an assload of financial aid if you have the slightest idea of what you're doing

Eh, not for me, I fucked off a bit in high school and didn't qualify for many scholarships. Not that I was unable to, but my mother never really punished me for slacking in school, so I played vidya games all day. The point is, State was the best option for me. I'm going to be attending my next three years for free.

>this is objectively wrong i dont even know how you get to this conclusion

Ranked #105 for best undergraduate engineering programs. In the top 100 public schools in the US. Top 25 for online graduate engineering programs. Mechanical Engineering program ranked 80th in US.

Like I said, it has a decent engineering standing. Especially considering how little your credentials matter in the CompSci industry, it's not a bad investment.

But enlighten me as to what sort of path you took after high school, anon. Which college did you go to and how much are you getting from them?

>> No.12600119

White. Very white.

>> No.12600151

>political science
molecular bio with compsci minor
>State was the best option for me
so i gathered
>Ranked #105 ... top 100 public schools ... Top 25 for online graduate engineering programs ... Mechanical Engineering program ranked 80th
i mean i guess it depends on your definition of "decent" but that spells "shit" to me
i fucked around in highschool and got into a private uni (thats in the top 50 of your lists) about an hour out of albany because i was from mississippi and got assloads of finaid so im paying about as much as I would at state since their scholarships are sad and their finaid is nonexistent. i've had a ball so far being as far away from that inbred heap as possible
i mean i guess i can't reason with you; you obviously have everything figured how you want. at least stop with the reddit spacing, though

>> No.12600171

uhh no honey i think you'll find the university was named after the toothpaste xD

>> No.12600179

oshit. I'll be there this year.

>> No.12600190

nono honey it was the school and then the toothpaste try again sweetie xDDDDDD

>> No.12600248

>goes to school in WA
>not going to WSU

>> No.12600252


I'm sorry bro

>> No.12600266

>got assloads of finaid so im paying about as much as I would at state since their scholarships are sad and their finaid is nonexistent.

How exactly are you receiving "assloads" of financial aid with no strong academic background to show for it? That seems absolutely implausible? Also, just because a school isn't within the top 50 doesn't mean it is "shit." Your school would be considered "shit" to a Caltech graduate.

>> No.12600276

starting my senior year here. join radio

>> No.12600283
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>> No.12600297

it's >>12600276
lmao y are there so many chos on /fa/
what do yall do on campus

>> No.12600316

Schools offer financial aid based off of demonstrated need, not academic background. Being from the south basically makes him a minority like the asians and indians that travel across the globe for free.

>Using Caltech as a benchmark
They're like 40th in the nation, but even then once you get around 60th or so on the Startclass Rank (which I assume you guys are using? I really don't know) the quality starts to dwindle. The upper schools in America sort of hit a weird wall where they all have near-perfect scores, so applicants are taken by individuality and background most of the time. I guarantee you can get into an Ivy if you're a black southerner from anywhere but Jackson or New Orleans with an ACT of like 30 and a decent GPA on the sole principal of not being local.

>> No.12600376

>Schools offer financial aid based off of demonstrated need, not academic background. Being from the south basically makes him a minority like the asians and indians that travel across the globe for free.
I've literally never heard of this. I have a 33 ACT score, but a pretty shit GPA, and the only thing I was able to get was the full amount for the FAFSA (around $6000/yr). I have never heard of a student with a shitty academic background going to school virtually for free solely on financial aid.

>> No.12600869

Enjoy getting stabbed and robbed by Puerto Ricans and niggers.

>> No.12601252
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90% basic bitches and frat boys

>> No.12601336


Agree. Starting 2nd year. Legitimately contemplated transferring at several points. Only staying b/c my friends are aight and hopefully life will be ez mode after I graduate.

What are you studying?

>> No.12601360

Brookes has some sick archives. Ken Homm's wok is in there.

Didn't go but I've visited for some conferences they've hosted and the whole library area (headinton hill campus?) is really nice.

>> No.12601487

gonna be a senior. switched from bme to economics last year

>> No.12601504

I go to Reading, keep hearing about people overdosing and hanging themselves there. sounds pretty fa to me

>> No.12601530

hey man dont say that shit bout me, my dad has a lot of connections and he'll fuck you up

>> No.12601542

engineering sophomore here hmu

>> No.12601603
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Where my german bros at?

>> No.12601642

why the hell would you go to wsu

>> No.12601986

100% agree, I just went to orientation at the Lincoln Center campus and everyone was wearing cargo shorts and vineyards despite going to school in the middle of Manhattan.

>> No.12601988

I wish EL was more urban than suburban, but I'm liking State so far. Sophomore packaging major here

>> No.12601992

Quit this uni after 1.5 years because I wanted to kill myself every time I went there, have fun anon.

What are you going to study?

>> No.12602000


pretty much just getting a bachelor's so I can teach english in non-shithole countries

>> No.12602006

speak for yourself mate I got all my jobs from connections at college, even one which was outside of my field

then again realize that basically the only available jobs with a history degree is teaching history or working in a museum

>> No.12602009

deal with a lot of americans?

ive always wondered what goes on in msus illustrious packaging program

>> No.12602011
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who /leeds/ here?

>> No.12602019

its based on """""""need"""""""

I had a 3.9 GPA in high school, kept my GPA above 3.6 in my first two years of college, my ACT I don't remember exactly but it was at least 30. I never missed a fuckin day of school and found all my classes easy as shit.

0 dollars in financial aid to date, only thing I got was unsub loans which covered about half my tuition because my parents income was too high apparently (we fucking can't afford groceries half the time due to bills and debt). Luckily I got a few private scholarships to make up most of the difference.

FAFSA is a bunch of bullshit just like ever other part of the education system in this country

>> No.12602024

lots and lots of time spent in labs, professors who all have lots of professional experience, and the facilities to handle over 500 packaging undergrads.

>> No.12602032


>> No.12602042


>> No.12602043

You're not wrong

>> No.12602156

Transferring here in September
Know any good coffee spots?

>> No.12602213

Right here buddy.
First year? What department?

>> No.12602285

Because I didn't get into uw.....

>> No.12602292
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>ctrl+f "UCLAN"
>actually get a result halfway through typing
>mfw baited

>> No.12602295
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anyone else? coming in as freshman CS/math major

>> No.12602296

Wow, that's fucked up anon. I'm sorry for that, and yes, you're right. The EU education system is much better.

>> No.12602298

starting this year any advice?

>> No.12602338

old meme
I'm a senior here and it's ok. people suck tho

>> No.12602376
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Incoming freshman International Business major at ERC, UCSD

>> No.12602398
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>> No.12602438
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Thanks for the reply. Worst comes to worst Ill just remain a shut in. Doesnt sound any different to what it is now desu

>> No.12602442

/birmingham/ anyone?

>> No.12602783
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Coming there postrgrad for an LLM

Anyone else ?

>> No.12602828
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Where my Huskies at?

>> No.12602926

go bruins

>> No.12602961

unless you want to join a frat their parties are a waste of time. do your work, go to class, all the regular shit. if you don't like your major it's better to switch sooner than later. I fucked up my GPA learning shit I didn't care about and also being a lazy faggot. don't do that.

>> No.12603029

If you go to Victoria or Massey in Wellington hmu

>> No.12603066


>> No.12603568

yooooo same here

whats your kik homie?