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12588084 No.12588084 [Reply] [Original]

What should I bring with me since I'm travelling to LONDON?

>> No.12588106

A knife

>> No.12588117

enough money for a pint, so about £100

>> No.12588122

For real

Is it really that expensive?

>> No.12588125


A knife. Be careful tho. Their knife related laws are shit.

Umbrella or two. Not even joking.

>> No.12588141

It's south london, sutton is it safe? I don't want to end up fighting people if we go out at night

>> No.12588147

>Praise Allah t shirt
>100 bottles of moisturiser for the fucked up water
>An umbrella
>no tooth brush if you wanna get girls

>> No.12588156
File: 435 KB, 1000x750, 1879British.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All obviously not British or visited once. I'm actually from London born and raised i'll give you advise.

A pint is £3-£4 maximum don't pay anymore. London is pretty safe in most areas just like any major city stick to the tourist areas, just be streetwise and don't visit council states or any rough areas such as Brixton or Hackney. I actually lived in Sutton for a few years growing up, its very boring you wont get attacked there ahaha. What ever you do don't bring a knife with you, if you get searched by the Police you are royally fucked and will go to prison for having an offensive weapon.
On another note, don't visit London when you come to England its a shit hole. Visit the South of the UK such as Brighton or try places like Cambridge, Oxford they are much cleaner and gives you a better insight to REAL British culture and countryside. London doesn't represent English people at all its 60% foreigners and poor.

>> No.12588169

What's Birmingham like? Reading that that only 50 percent of the city is white scares me a little

>> No.12588173

Actually hun I am English xx

>> No.12588174

Avoid. If you want the true British experience you should stick to smaller cities and go to the countryside. The lake District is really nice

>> No.12588181

Birmingham is kinda like London, pretty in central areas but dark and dirty in outer skirts. I highly suggest Bath and Cambridge. Stunning, safe and conservative cities. Bath is Roman and Cambridge is Georgian era. Brighton, Cornwall, York and the Lake District and definitely worth a visit too.

>> No.12588191

yeah londoner here
the crime is vastly exaggerated and this is coming from a die hard white nationalist, only thing you have to worry about is the price of everything.

just go to central london, dress effay as all the LONDONERS will be (not the tourists except for chinks in rick owens or the continentals from fashionable countries like france/italy/spain/) and just walk around and enjoy the amazing architecture and stuff

then go to the lake district, wales or whatever to experience the countryside which is amazing. simple.

As per usual though keep your wits about you as it's a city of 8 million people. Around blacks never relax etc

Last thing i'd mention is that you need a contactless card or you can't use any of the buses or public transport, if you don't have one (for some reason people in the new world don't have this tech yet) then you can buy an oyster card which you top up to use public transport. Don't use uber or anything because it's a ripoff, public transport werks just fine

>> No.12588200

don't get on the central line in summer

>> No.12588351

if you look or sound foreign some lads are gonna want to scrap im afraid. part and parcel of being here

>> No.12588352
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Ignore London go to Bath or Cardiff or something

>> No.12588564

>He doesn't realize Bristol is the nicest city in the UK

>> No.12588574
File: 379 KB, 2244x2377, mOnvOJG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to mimic what this kid is doing
>can't do it with my right hand
>can do it easily with my left hand
>I'm right-handed

>> No.12588578

A thousand times this

>> No.12588768

I live in Birmingham so I'm sick of it but It's just full of tourists, Polish people or black people that look angry. Not too bad for shopping but the others are right about smaller towns; they're much better for a British experience.

>> No.12588813

why is this even a question to ask?
have you left the house before? or been to a city? it's like leaving the house and going to a city...

>> No.12588833

btw it's fucking hot here, keep that in mind

>> No.12589197

No it isn't, stop the "woah England's rough hehe" meme. You aren't gonna get beaten up unless you're really begging for it.

>> No.12589229

Ignore everyone's recommendations, come to Bradford for a truly experience

>> No.12589376

Keith, I swear to god...

>> No.12589380

I was in Exeter in Plymout, when i was working in the UK last summer, very nice cities, but You should visit the countryside and the seaside, its so beautifull.

>> No.12589893

Never been to England before

>> No.12590168

What do you mean you can't do it your right hand? It's a super simple gesture and you can't do it?