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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 69 KB, 900x579, Random_clothing_design_by_Saki_der_Engel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12562239 No.12562239 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start designing clothes, but i have no idea where to start. I've asked a designer i follow on Instagram but he basically told me to fuck off and learn by myself, because no one helped him. The thing is, i tried but im really fucking lost.

I have a few ideas in mind, but i dont know how to make them, or what i would need for it.

What software do i need?
Should i read any books or guides?
Are there any good youtube channels for this?
Am i a faggot and should i just give up because my ideas suck?

>> No.12562252

Do you know how to sew?
What are your ideas?

>> No.12562254

get sewing machine and serger
make some basic shit like t-shirts and take on projects that will teach you something about the real project you wanna do
work your way up

>> No.12562261

depends if you want to make them yourself, or just design and pay someone else to manufacture them. either way you need to get an understanding of the manufacturing process. start off with simpler stuff and work your way up. research how different pieces are made. look at the clothes in your wardrobe and appreciate how they're pieced together etc.

>> No.12562262


I don't

And mostly its just designs i've thought while i was bored that i doodled, the name for my brand, the logo, and my family is thinking of starting a small clothing factory, so if that happens i can make my own clothes without having to pay anyone

>> No.12562344

I'm currently learning how to draw so that I can get my concepts on paper easily. /ic/ is very good for this. You should try and become better too, right now these drawings aren't very good and the designs don't look good at all either, if you were better at drawing you could portray them closer to the way you actually imagine them.

Learn as much as you can, sit and study fashion as you would study for a test. Watch as many past runway shows you can. I don't believe in talented people, I believe in the people who do the work and after a while get good at it. Right now these designs are bad truthfully but with passion anyone can become very knowledgeable and skilled.

The designer you asked, while being a bitch, is right. Learning yourself is very good. Just keep consuming inspiration in every medium possible and developing your taste and knowledge. Movies, tumblr (lotta shit so follow the right accounts simply that arent shitty), runways, books, paintings, sculptures. Keep asking yourself questions about what makes the thing you're looking at look good, as in the silhouette, quality, details, colours etc etc etc (very many factors matter it's fun to realize new things that play a part in the greatness of something) so that you come to understand the qualities behind everything that makes it what it is

>> No.12562639
File: 171 KB, 374x373, wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got an idea which I'd love explore, as I'd get to use my experience in both 3D-modelling and sewing. I'll use a jacket in my example, just to make things simple to explain.
By using a 3D program, I'd like to import a game character whose clothing I think looks neat, then I'd Isolate e.g. the jacket of said game character from the rest of him/her/it. Now that I have a 3D model of the jacket character was wearing, I can create seams (in the 3D term) following the 3D garment's seams, then I'd tell the 3D software to unwrap my jacket on a 2D plain, where it's unwrapped by the seams I made. Now I should be left with a picture of a laid-out (unwrapped) front piece, back biece, and two armpieces that I can print out and use for reference when cutting material, and after sewing it all together I should end up with a jacket the game character was wearing. I think the hardest part would be to print it to a large paper. I guess I'd need to visit a printing company or some shit, as my printer's A3 papers won't be large enough lol

>> No.12562653

Way too intricate. Waste of effort.

>> No.12562696

The whole process is extremely easy and doesn't take much time. I do believe it's better fit for e.g. cosplay, though, but this is a board for fashion and not dress-up. I still think that by using this method of 3D-unwrapping I can create totally new ways of organising seams, which I then can print out to a paper.

>> No.12562701

Go ahead then. I don't believe in the idea though. Be wary of game characters not having the same proportions as real world people

>> No.12562743

I think what anons in this thread are trying to say is you can go through all this effort to essentially come out with a basic block that almost every pattern maker uses regardless. Why reinvent the wheel?

>> No.12562753


Autism as fuck

Go buy some Gucci or d&g and stfu

>> No.12562768
File: 45 KB, 501x747, hakama draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sewing is its own skill and is important, but the truly most important thing to know is pattern making. you can draw illustrations till the cows come home but if you don't know the process of how to convert a design into a 2D pattern that works in 3D it'll mean nothing. even if you dont end up doing your own pattern making having the understanding will make your designs function in reality, its unfortunate but fashion illustration really takes a back seat when you are working in industry, most designers skip it entirely and go straight to draping. there are thousands of books on it, i would recommend one of those super thick books that just has everything it, then you can adjusted the patterns and steps to whatever you end up designing, if you want to make clothes for yourself, go to the cheapest clothing shop you can find, by a t-shirt, button-shirt, jacket, pants and jeans all that fit you well take them home and unpick them. Trace around the pieces on butchers paper, true them with a ruler and make sure all the lines are straight, mark your seam allowances. Then you'll have a starting set of blocks to design on top of.

>> No.12563581

Yeah, you're probably right. I guess there really isn't that much to modify using standard clothing patterns.

>> No.12563583

Drawing isn't that important to be honest
It can help but the main idea is, if you are working alone, to help you realize what you are doing better. Depending on what kinda person you are, you might not need that.

>> No.12563591

>most designers skip it entirely and go straight to draping
that's not really true at all, if anything lot of designers these days just illustrate what they want, create mood boards and such and don't actually have any pattern making skills

>> No.12563601

Come to DIY, we have a few anons making stuff, and an anon in the last thread offered for help for pattern making.

>> No.12563683
File: 294 KB, 1024x1035, 1484024593196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but for me /ic/ is not good. They're all pretentious and just direct you back to the sticky for anything even though it doesn't cover everything.

What resources e.g. books, guides would you guys suggest for drawing clothing design and figures in modern clothing? I want to create shit and then eventually make it a reality e.g. the DIY projects I have in the planning . downloading inspo and such is something I've done for a while but only recently have I taken interest in drawing and I can't draw for shit so it seems quite bleak.

any advice any of you guys got?

>> No.12563686
File: 138 KB, 1500x2318, thom-brownes-illustration-book-celebrates-his-ss15-collection-body-image-1426176500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12563733
File: 34 KB, 420x470, 05C24641-C9CE-4358-BC98-711E3FE5E1C0-582-00000041E51C2F18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw d/ic/k so i can f e e l t h e f o r m
Start with simple, geometric designs like loose pants and basic shirts. Maybe try a hat or something just to learn how a two dimensional plane interacts with the three dimensional body. Then just go online and look at actual patterns and take note of relative proportions, for example arm holes are always lopsided toward the front. Buy a fuckton of muslin and jump facefirst into the deep end bro it's fun
>pic related, mod37 british battledress patterns

>> No.12563852

I can't imagine this ever working. 3D artists work in their medium to make clothes look good and animate well on the character a game. The seams and patterns are placed accordingly and don't have to contort to real life clothing beyond looking like it. The chance that you will end up with workable patterns is marginal at best. Try it by all means, but if you want to have an actual item of clothing at the end your energy is better spent taking a sewing and patternmaking class.

>> No.12563887

I'm sure you could do that but the real question is why you would go through the trouble when you can do the same with less effort and faster through the traditional route.