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/fa/ - Fashion

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12547452 No.12547452 [Reply] [Original]

>16bmi skeletal
>don't like girly clothes
what clothes do i wear to fix myself?

>> No.12547461
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How bout a noose, fuckin faggot

>> No.12547468

This is not the place for that sis.

Though I'm androgynous and look like akhenaten and dress in all sorts of fabrics that bellow and glide.

That's not a look many can pull off

>> No.12547471

if /fa/ isn't the place for finding inspo for how to dress i don't know where is

>> No.12547472

All black bodysuits, Jeans overalls

>> No.12547474

Have you ever seen a female bodybuilder? They look like men and have a crotch bulge because the gear they're on makes their clits grow.
If you look at a male bodybuilder they often look like their head is too small for their body. Small heads is one of the ways you can spot an FTM.

So, the absolute best way to pass for trannies, both MTF and FTM, is for them to roid up and become huge.

>> No.12547485

no idea if this post is a joke or not, but i'm imagining this in my head and actually don't hate it.

that said a bodysuit is probably a bad idea for me.

>> No.12547487

You already have a thread on /LGBT/ stop looking for attention where you will knowingly be ill received.

>> No.12547490

No joke, get some black tights, white T shirt and then a Polo sweater over

>> No.12547491

i really don't care if my thread on /fa/ is ill received, i know 4chan likes to shitpost about trannies it's not really my problem. i'm looking for different kind of advice from different boards.

trannies on /lgbt/ dress like shit. /fa/ might actually have ideas for fits that would work.

also you don't capitalize boards you fucking newfag.

>> No.12547508

i love how tights make my legs look but i wouldn't go out in public without wearing something that can cover them. i don't really do skirts/dresses, and tunics don't seem safe enough.

>> No.12547516

Do black skinny jeans then

>> No.12547524

that's what i do now, more often than not i'm wearing black skinny jeans with a tucked in white shirt. i like cardigans and pullovers but it's too summer out for that now.

>> No.12547533

Well you're already in the green then. Modern western human style

>> No.12547543

guess i'm just looking for something kind of interesting that can make my fits more than just how the average guy dresses.

like a subtle way to make outfits more feminine without just dressing like a girl, since women's fashion i mostly find quite ugly.

>> No.12547547

I've been coming on here for 8 years and quite frankly I don't take this place too seriously. The fact that you care about capitalization and getting fashion advice on this thread rather than show fits and recent purchases shows you rely on this website for more than I'd ever want to.

Enjoy being some cliche 4chan lanky-hon.

>> No.12547549
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Wear what you do now but throw in some splashes of feminine colors, like pink shirt or something

>> No.12547550

you clearly take it more seriously than me if you're that worried about the quality of my thread on /fa/.

more colour in general could work, pastels at least. my wardrobe looks like it's been sent through a gray scale filter.

>> No.12547551
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I heard it's hottest fashion in central Europe, too

>> No.12547552

What ever helps you sleep at night and keeps away the dysphoria.

>> No.12547560

how long until bape gives us a camo burka with a shark head?

a /fa/ thread i made isn't really going to have an effect on how well i sleep. it's 4am though, i'm gonna get to sleep pretty easily regardless.

for what it's worth i am sorry you have to deal with trannies on 4chan, i know it bothers you. but as it happens this isn't your safe space, and you're not on r/mfa. so we can discuss other things than men's fashion for men only.

>> No.12547562
File: 227 KB, 355x308, we both know it's bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>don't like girly clothes

not even memeing, but kys. you're gonna get driven to it eventually.

>> No.12547564

Learn how to greentext, dumb frogposter

>> No.12547566


>> No.12547575

I'm trans, you're just not in the place to be this rude yet so unpassable. Be humble and take the advice to the other board

>> No.12547584
File: 27 KB, 508x524, 3DPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm dumb because of 4chins autoformat

>> No.12547598

>I'm trans, you're just not in the place to be this rude yet so unpassable. Be humble and take the advice to the other board.
i mean, i just made a thread. you're the one who willingly came in it to start shitposting.

going to /lgbt/ for fashion advice is silly, 4chan has a board for that and it just so happens to be this one. i don't see why i should hide the fact that i'm trans at all times outside of /lgbt/. i'm not looking for tranny advice, i don't even know what that would be in this case. i'm looking for clothing ideas.

i don't really care if somebody posts a frog and says something mean about trannies.

get over yourself.

>> No.12547612

But you are walking around 4chan looking for tranny advice. It's literally the sole reason why you made this thread and the thread on /LGBT/ where apparently you're getting made fun of as we speak.

>> No.12547618

I made the thread on /lgbt/ to see if there's anyone else out there doing similar, but like most tranny threads on /lgbt/ it's devolved into trannies yelling about how ugly other trannies are. Not sure what you mean by "being made fun of" because the thread is literally just derailed by someone posting pictures.

On the other hand though, I actually got some serious replies in this thread that gave me some ideas. You're really the only one shitposting and bitching.

get over yourself senpai

>> No.12547621
File: 100 KB, 400x400, IMG_5346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But actually do it though

>> No.12547623

I'm not bitching I'm just saying you clearly are making a tranny thread which is counter to what you said above.

But I'll also say without serious FFS you're just going to look like a gay guy.

Not bitching, giving critique which happens on a fashion board.

>> No.12547628

A tranny can't be over 6 foot

>> No.12547629

I haven't posted my face so "critique" on it is pretty pointless. I really don't get what has you so bothered. I made this thread looking for advice on andro fits for someone tall and skinny.

Not asking for HRT advice, not asking for surgery advice, etc. You just got hung up on the part where I'm trans, and you've decided to shitpost the thread.

>> No.12547630

Nice fashion discussion.
Go to bed or post pictures of outfits that interest you.

>> No.12547631

You posted it in the other thread but it's fashion, you won't pass with it until surgery. Otherwise just wear what's comfortable.

>> No.12547635

Already in bed famalam. Was planning on doing that but the threads just being shitposted immediately by one moron.

I didn't, lmao. Are you even reading the thread?

>> No.12547660

fuck off faggot

>> No.12547757

>Was planning on doing that but the threads just being shitposted immediately by one moron
Well, true. But we can't help much as we don't have much to go on.
Post some pics or your thoughts up till now and it'll be easier to help.

>> No.12547808

burn your clothes and neck yourself freak

normally i'd suggest donating your wardrobe to the local goodwill before offing yourself because i'm a pretty great guy and all but i don't want your autistic degeneracy to leave its mark on my earth

>> No.12547927

Are you trans because you want the associated victimhood and like the attention from being "sick," or did your sick brain turn you towards inflicting yourself with illness?

>> No.12547940

Judging by OP's replies in this thread I'm going to go with the former

>> No.12547950

Jeans and hoodies.
T-Shirts and Jeans.

>> No.12547951

this thread is a mental illness

>> No.12547976

Stockings / tights under a black pleated skirt

How well developed are your breasts?

Well developed = tight fitting sweater
Not so well developed = loose fitting sweater

You're 6'3 so no heels

Sneakers or flats and you're set!

>> No.12548017

Cool observations, but you misunderstand the reason why we want to transition in girls in the first place.

>> No.12548095

lol 6'3 just fucking end your life already

>> No.12548153

honestly it's just better for everyone if you don't leave the house

>> No.12548296

>fix myself

You're beyond repair, freak.

>> No.12548368

When you're a tall and thin woman, you have to be confident and own your look, try to stand out. Otherwise you'll just look awkward. You can't do casual and look good.

Skinny jeans with a light jacket is a easy go to look. Maxi length skirts/dresses are perfect for tall women.

In general, do everything you can to highlight your waist. Jackets with a shorter hemline, waist belts with any dress that isn't cut well to the waist.

Don't wear leggings without a top that covers your ass, don't wear crop tops unless it's with high waisted pants. Basically, do everything you can to make sure that your clothes don't look too small on you.

How do you want to dress? Tall and thin is a good place to be.

>> No.12548384

op if you havent been full bully yet try oversize, loose comfy cvlothign glhf

>> No.12548870

I'm still here, always here. I do love oversized pullovers and tucked in oversized t-shirts. It's hard finding stuff that's oversized length wise though, which is the most comfy for sweaters. I need to look for really long sweaters and stuff.

There's a lot here that's useful thanks. As for how I want to dress, I honestly have no idea. I know how I want to dress as a guy, but I haven't really put much thought into how adding the options for women's clothing changes it. Plus dressing around my body to try and come off female is unknown to me.

I'd say I dress kind of awkward and comfy. I like clothes that seem kind of vintage or out of vogue. I love my Mexico 66s, I have a vintage fleece Fila pullover that is great. Black skinnies or very faded ones. Cardigans. Etc. Probably comes off boring and kinda dadcore in person, but hey what can I do.

Realistically not much is likely to change. But the option of wearing women's clothes gives me a lot of choices I have not explored.