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/fa/ - Fashion

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12545603 No.12545603 [Reply] [Original]

has /fa/ been in decline?

>> No.12545614

/fa/ is basically the same as it ever was except for a void that used to be filled with dedicated regulars and/or tripfags that would shitpost and promote certain kinds of fit.

>> No.12545617


No more widespread interest for specific aesthetics and designers, just vague "how to look good?" questions, /pol/tard baiting, and the occasional azn circlejerk thread

>> No.12545635

/fa/ should be killed and replace it with /cl/ (clothes board).

>> No.12545640

/fa/ is trash its literally all fuccbois now

>> No.12545650

Yeah but it's nothing new. It's been in decline ever since it opened.

>> No.12545671

Yes. primarily due to r*dditors

>> No.12545857

This. The board has been getting progressively shittier over the past few years. I've been here since 2010 and I'd say it's high point was when there were a lot of threads dedicated to creating and defining certain aesthetics (like Lunarcore). Tripfags and dedicated users probably had a lot to do with those threads being successful.
The /pol/ shit is annoying too. Seems to have calmed down a little bit but is still present occasionally.

>> No.12545901

If you actually were around back then you'd know these threads always existed. Fa is always shit

>> No.12545928

Imagine how shit your lives must be when you're spending time in a place you think is trash

>> No.12545933

welcome to chans my friend, enjoy your stay

>> No.12545939

my precious board is turning shit and im a fucking manchild WAA WAA

stop fucking complaining you cunts and make some decent threads/posts

you're the reason this board is failing

>> No.12545947

The board died when casemods stopped posting.

>> No.12545950

i thought that was one of my x's for a second but then i remembered that she had nonexistent boobs

>> No.12545974

I come here to shitpost.The joke is on you thinking this is a fashion board.

>> No.12545977 [DELETED] 


some tripfags sort of influenced the general style in the board (e.g. goth ninja or lunarcore) a few other really new their shit and the shitposters were at least entertaining

>> No.12545991

Joke's on you my life is trash

>> No.12546026

This board is cancer, but I've learned how to sort through all the clutter and actually find threads that are meaningful.

But hey at least it's not boring like MFA.

>> No.12546049

no reddit is the reason why this board sucks

>> No.12546057

As much as i hate the tired "dae plebbit sucks" circlejerk i really do think the mass popularity of subs like r/streetwear and later its whitelist alienating a lot of its low effort posters to other boards has caused a huge negative impact on places like /fa/, malefashion, and ktt

>> No.12546386
File: 91 KB, 500x675, slayers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's more hypebeast/streetwear faggots here nowadays. It's definitely more noticable since the fashion designer threads on /fa/ are gone


check out /r/navyblazer, basically mfa prepfags on steroids

>> No.12546388


> /r/malefashion

Both places are as bad as /fa/, ktt is full of streetwear fags and /r/malefashion is full of people wearing all black that cant dress well

>> No.12546468

Everytime I lurk here it gets worse

>> No.12546486


anyone under 25 probably should be posting with more humility

>> No.12546491

sure buddy, whatever helps you cope

>> No.12546527
File: 99 KB, 360x269, therideneverends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine how shit your lives must be when you're spending time in /fa/ and you dont think this is trash

>> No.12546569

been here for a few years and it's been my favorite board other than /mu/, and I've found myself visiting/fa/ less and less. I still go on /mu/ almost every day and they're getting closer and closer to the shitter too. It could just be personal taste but I feel like this speaks volumes

>> No.12546577

>Been around since 2010
>complaining about things "now" that have always been here
I really, really don't believe you.

>> No.12546828

/fa/ has been shit ever since I've been coming here.
I didn't think it would be possible to have a whole board dedicated to fashion, and not a single person on the whole damn thing has anything that remotely resembles a fashion sense.

>> No.12546924

Theyre def as bad. Thats what i was saying. But really if youre actually secure and well educated in your fashion you shouldnt be using a board like that at all for anything more than casual entertainment

>> No.12546986

I for one welcome the decline of rick posters

>> No.12547004

it was always bottom of the barrel

>> No.12547009

MOAR of girl. Less of declining /fa/.

>> No.12547059

less rick dick sucking so imo thats an improvement

>> No.12547111
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But to go back to this pic...how do you best clothe jumbo breasteses?

>> No.12547116

This board has been shit since the day it was published.

>> No.12547186

the internet in general is in decline thanks to the most recent american presidential election

>> No.12547327

Waywt are a bunch of minors posting pictures of themselves with jeans a white t shirt and random sneakers asking if their fit is dope.

>> No.12547329

Breast reduction surgery.

>> No.12547336


>> No.12547338

nice trips and nice photoshop idiot, Christina Hendricks is like the female Ryan Gosling: above average but not unattainable looks, complemented by truly exceptional tailoring/aesthetic unity

anyways yea /fa/ sucks, see ya

>> No.12547895

yes, nothing to do with the last 50 years of globalism, degeneracy, and welfare moms

>> No.12547957

Go back to /pol/

>> No.12547970



I also enjoyed Sieg's shitposting.

>> No.12548061

Whos the grill op?

>> No.12549355

i miss poet. that guy was cool.

>> No.12549462
File: 1.31 MB, 1654x4119, biography-infographic-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda.. it seems as if every post is asking if "x" is /fa/..used to go here for inspo now its more of a bad habit.

>> No.12549588
File: 40 KB, 797x534, 6ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visit this board once a month
>See a Bape thread
>Palace thread
>ASSC thread
>Supreme thread
>Yeezy thread

What the fuck it wasn't like this before

>> No.12549595

>all these newfags mad that they joined /fa/ before people who knew what they were talking about said to join sufu

Wew. What's next, you're going to tell me you still use Grailed for buying clothes?

>> No.12549687

these are both dumb as fuck reasons