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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 97 KB, 500x750, 743265846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12523315 No.12523315 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12509670 #

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

New /thinspo/ tumblr:

>> No.12523320

Why do my cheeks become sunken in and I get facial folds when I get down to BMI 21.5?

How are skinny people have such normal faces?

>> No.12523321
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good thinspo for guys on this blog

>> No.12523324
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>> No.12523326

anybody know why myfitnesspal's servers never work? Ive tried signing in for a few weeks striaght. is there like an age restriction?

>> No.12523331
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>> No.12523341
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worked just fine for me

try deleting it and reinstalling

>> No.12523376
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Marcel Kittel, German cyclist

>> No.12523379
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>> No.12523386

i did, and i ment the website too.
And i dont know who eats that much calories a day. 800 is ideal

>> No.12523390
File: 1.08 MB, 720x738, IMG_20170608_134407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, it's me again.

>> No.12523402

myfitnesspal told me that im eating too little. then why am i still fat?

>> No.12523410
File: 96 KB, 744x607, 2a57eb84-e6a9-4610-8065-0d2b31eb7ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres picture

>> No.12523425

because that's still unhealthy restriction. ofc mfp is gonna tell you you're eating too little. how long have you been at it?

>> No.12523430

lol first time trying it

>> No.12523457

>tfw alcoholic
>need 1600 cal a day just to function
A-at least I beat coke, r-right?

>> No.12523502
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, 2017-01-29 16.11.05 HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reposting because old thread is a kill
How do you IFers keep away from food. I used to just wake up right before classes started but now its summer break and i'm home all day around deadly food.
How do you not eat until the evening
>pic unrelated

>> No.12523516
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>> No.12523522

i saw this post and meant to respond!

what i've been doing is drinking coffee in the morning to sedate my appetite a bit. Also leaving the house and walking around to kill a couple hours a day.

it's a bit of a struggle to make it to 4-6pm with out eating

but since my sleep schedule is so fucked by going to bed around 2-3am if im lucky i will wake up around noon

>> No.12523528

yeah. I've been trying to stay up later so i sleep in, but that really isnt a help if you just shorten the time before your fast instead of after. I dont know how those 2 days off 1 on people do it.

>> No.12523534

im gonna do my first line of coke on monday. is it really that bad for you?

>> No.12523582

What are some low calorie snacks I can eat? What I've been doing when I get hungry between meals I just eat bowls of salad with vinaigrette and it's about 40 calories, but I'm getting kinda bored of it.

>> No.12523587

tangerines r good. They're ~40 kcals a piece

>> No.12523637

Black coffee, tea, or water
Also you just get used to it, like everything your body adapts to it and you just won't be hungry

0% fat greek yogurt, quark, skyr, any mostly fibrous and watery fruits like apples, edamame

>> No.12523638

Do I have to do cardio to lose weight, or is calory deficit enough? Really wanna get thin legs and I feel cardio works them out.

>> No.12523642

You don't need cardio per se, but it's a welcome incorporation.

>> No.12523646

I've been munching on raisins alot lately. Not super healthy in large amounts but it's a lot better than candy/chips etc.

>> No.12523659

i love this

>> No.12523663

is this you? height?

>> No.12523689
File: 952 KB, 880x1920, a4b11eef1f1334bbfb5325d90c05b373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with parents
>garbage junk food everywhere
>grandma shoves food in my face all day
>resorts to getting fast food when I refuse whatever she cooks

I gotta get a job and move out already. Its damn near impossible to stick to a diet when there is so much temptation around me

>> No.12523716

Marcel is like 190 hardly thinspo

>> No.12523723

same thing happens to me even when im not even that low bmi. my cheeks are very high and wide and my face just looks gaunt. oh well fuck it.

>> No.12523725

snap peas

>> No.12523728

its not that im hungry its that i want to eat because food tastes good

>> No.12523729
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how did i do

>> No.12523731

Ask them to buy more healthy stuff, but that's more difficult with a family since everyone isn't on board. Since my mom is a vegetarian and I only with my mom it's easy to ask her to buy different kinds of foods.

>> No.12523732

It looks like you work out twice a week, but don't lift heavy. You're not thinspo or fit, just kind of in between.

>> No.12523735

what if i told u i deadlift 180kg

>> No.12523751

Do I need to lose my period before I'm considered thinspo?

>> No.12523755

you would also be a liar

>> No.12523765


>> No.12523774

What is an effay bmi? I'm only 167cm and male so I don't want to be too small, but I do want to trim down to 65kg at around 8% bf

>> No.12523777
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>> No.12523781


>> No.12523782


>> No.12523783

Thank you.
Yes. 5ft 11.

>> No.12523784

It isn't that bad for you it's just easy to get addicted if you have consistent access

>> No.12523785

I'm a white male.
Wavy hair
Not so pretty: kinda 5\10

Do I have chances to get a gf?

>> No.12523787


>> No.12523790

lel i have literally the same 1rm deadlift with garbage form and look 5x better than you. Although, my arms are short as fuck so my leverages are much worse i suppose.

>> No.12523794

how much do u weigh

>> No.12523798
File: 85 KB, 521x616, meee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around 182lbs. Lowest ive gone is 167lbs. Im 6ft

Im not thinspo at all.

>tfw cant be a cute skinny boy who wears raf simons.

>> No.12523801

lookin good but im pulling the same 1rm at like 40 pounds lower body weight hehe

i need to eat more

>> No.12523807

yeah mang. I find that guys with longer arms get great leverages on the deadlift, which gives them good numbers on the deadlift, which gives them strong as fucc legs and spinal erecters and propels thier lower body lifts way ahead of bench or OHP.

eat to get ur upper body there mang. Then cut down to look aesthetic/thinspo/whatever.

>> No.12523818

what country you from? You look nordic but lighting tells me UK

>> No.12523823
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can you homos head over to /fit/

>> No.12523827


>> No.12523829

can i eat less than 1000 cals a day and still lose weight or are the soccer moms on the internet right when they say it damages my metabolism and makes me store fat (aka gain more weight)? thus far i've lost like 3 pounds in a week so its not like im dying or anything

>> No.12523857

they're poo poo heads
yes, you're fine.

>> No.12523911
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Do I have what it takes to thinmaxx?
Or should I gymcel and grow muscle instead?

>> No.12523921

could ask fit but would never get a serious reply

could i pack on muscle by not eating much and not gaining fat?

i used to be swole 90 kg but havent worked out for 3 years and is just really skinny now 6,2 and 70 kg maybe

i dont want to eat a lot of food and drink shakes and have lots of body fat again. it was tiresome and i see nothing wrong with my skinny frame

>> No.12523946

Oh Shit...

>> No.12523951


A whole 1kg watermelon has around 330 calories in it.

Eating a quarter of one would fill up even a normal person.

>> No.12523964

thanks, do you have any other good male inspo blog?

>> No.12523977
File: 40 KB, 323x412, 1497023306178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To any males who browse this thread: make it your goal to avoid looking like this kind of thin

>> No.12523982

isnt this just skinnyfat?

>> No.12523992

you aren't meant to be a skelly

>> No.12523995

do you guys wear slim jeans? my legs look like two sticks when wearing a more skinnier jeans which look ridiculous with a parka on

>> No.12524007

He, actually looks like trash! I wonder what he looked like before fasting or calorie restricting...

>> No.12524013

this one is a mix of aesthetic/fashion but occasionally has some male model thinspo


>> No.12524017

he's just ugly lol

>> No.12524038

why is his face so fat but the rest thin af

>> No.12524052

today i had 2 pieces of grilled chicken breast, a handful of broccoli and a small baked potato. is this alright or did i fuck up with the potato.

>> No.12524053

A regular sized potato has like 100-150 calories in it, so you're good as long as you didn't drown it in olive oil.

>> No.12524073

i did add a tablespoon of olive oil. fuck.

>> No.12524075
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You think that ugly bitch knows either?

>> No.12524079

It's just another 100-130 then. Not a huge deal

>> No.12524092


Because some people just naturally have big faces

He's also a tranny

>> No.12524099
File: 1.55 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170606_002850_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me rn, 18, 5"11, 52kg

>> No.12524111

your body shape doesn't really look great. you should just go ottermode or something.

>> No.12524169

Is he really? That might be why he doesn't have shoulders

>> No.12524202

>eat 1,200 cals
>tell my self it's fine ill just fast tomorrow
>give in by noon and eat something
>rest of the day downhill from there

rinse, cycle and repeat.

>> No.12524207

fasting is easy as fuck. just make sure before you fast that you hide your food/keep your food away from you, and don't even think about it. read a book, watch a movie, play vidya, do anything to take your mind off of food.

>> No.12524213

thank u :)

>> No.12524227

>skinnie jean

>> No.12524230

>referring to men and women as males and females
why is this so reliable for identifying /pol/ posters?

>> No.12524240

woman or gay? either way is shit, I mean you're hair, nice body though

>> No.12524256

sure being thin is aesthetic sometimes but is it really satisfying? don't you get tired of being weak and also all the girls thinking you're gross? I do, I don't even have to try to be thin.

>> No.12524276

i feel so good when my stomach feels empty. im addicted to it.

>> No.12524288
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I don't go on /pol/.

>> No.12524292


>> No.12524324

I always look pretty unhealthy when I'm losing weight. When I take a break and eat enough to maintain weight I look really good and finally get to enjoy my progress.

>> No.12524329
File: 3.36 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170609-214458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk inspo

>> No.12524412

how the fuch do u want us to answer to what you're asking if you don't post a pic of yourself?
do you even use your brian buddy

>> No.12524439

5'6 manlet here
I'm down to 105 lbs
Have I made it yet?

>> No.12524450

Not sure but either way I wanna smash

>> No.12524459

I would say so

>> No.12524461

Post pic

>> No.12524463

What are some techniques you do to stop yourself from going over your calories budget after you have reached it? I no the obvious answer is just don't eat it, but what are some things you do to avoid eating?

I know drinking water is one.

>> No.12524489

I write or play a game. Writing down my food journal and seeing I was within my limits is satisfying and encourages me not to ruin it. Do something that will take all of your attention.

If it's towards the end of the day I take a couple of melatonin and go to bed.

>> No.12524494
File: 145 KB, 716x1115, teen_swimmer_by_builtbytallsteve-d5k724l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder to never work out traps but double down on shoulders

>> No.12524495

black coffee with splenda if you need to sweeten it.

>> No.12524502

Intermittent Fasting.
Black Coffee.
Cup of hot water with ramen noodle seasoning.

>> No.12524513

>Cup of hot water with ramen noodle seasoning.
holy fuck this is so bad for you.
do not do this.

>> No.12524515
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meh I only use like half the packet

>> No.12524517

a much better alternative is to buy some healthy broth and drink that.

that way you get the benefit of extra vitamins (which you probably need if you're fasting), it tastes good, and you aren't killing yourself with massive sodium intake

>> No.12524643

Shit I just made myself another cup and added a little honey and sriracha sauce. It's incredible.

>> No.12524711

Alright I'll do it in the morning.
I asked some threads ago when I went down to 111 lbs and some responded saying 100 was ideal.

>> No.12524733

give it time

>> No.12524745

Plan out your meals. MFP makes this easy for me, especially with the per meal calorie limits.

Part of my morning routine is just figuring out what I'm going to eat that day and logging it. Right down to portions. I make sure I'm hitting my goals so that I'm eating enough, and space out my planned meals so that I'm not done my 1500 calories at 2pm.

It has helped me. I usually don't hit the limit until late in the evening.

>> No.12524764

Thoughts on Soy Milk? I enjoy cereal but it's a lot of calories and fat from the milk.

Special K + Soy Milk seems like a nice way to make cereal less heavy.

>> No.12524767

I love it. Enjoy!

>> No.12524771

I drink good karma flaxmilk. Its unsweetened though so it has 25 calories and very low sodium compared to other alternatives.

>> No.12525013


>> No.12525035

looks weird. But how would no traps improve the physique?

>> No.12525207

Are you russian or slav ?

>> No.12525218

I've done both and eating higher calories is better. Low calories makes your body look sloppy. I personally wont go under 1500 ever again

>> No.12525227
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how do I look?


>> No.12525231

also in the process of cutting more right now, sticking to under 1500 cal a day

>> No.12525272

It's really easy to do it for days losing all sense for time and money.

>> No.12525390

how the fuck do you do 1500 cal a day and work out? It's impossible for me. I can barely do 2k

>> No.12525397

will power

>> No.12525400

What do you eat?

>> No.12525423
File: 556 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_oqj776ACzP1t11r9qo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread derailed into /fit/izens trying to cope. Post inspo.

>> No.12525436

>Doesn't realize the carbs are from the noodles and not the seasoning packet
drink bleach

>> No.12525604
File: 479 KB, 1615x2121, IMG_20170610_092530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went out drinking yesterday and now back up to 106 lbs

>> No.12525609
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Different angle

>> No.12525688


>> No.12525717
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>> No.12525720
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>> No.12525962

>Here I am, sitting at home on the internet browsing through black and white pictures of skinny naked men

>> No.12525969

the best way to spend your day

>> No.12525981

Person made a simple mistake. No reason to fight rudeness with more rudeness. Have a nice day.

>> No.12526056

try the cashewmilk. 25 kcal a cup.

>> No.12526089

is hot sauce okay? just had some pieces of chicken breast with broccoli and a medium baked potato and used hot sauce as condiment.

>> No.12526139 [DELETED] 
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Not sure what body type i have desu

>> No.12526156

>want to keep losing weight
>gf wants me to gain instead
what do

I'm not even that skinny (20 BMI), so I don't see what the problem is

>> No.12526182

ditch her

>> No.12526186

u do u son

>> No.12526187
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>> No.12526292

so i've just tallied up all the calories i ate today and it came to around 1200
however i went for a bike ride and burned 541 kcal, so i'm left with 659 calories. so does that mean i've consumed 659 calories today because that seems really retarded, i've never counted calories or anything before

>> No.12526328

gains goblin

>> No.12526378
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>> No.12526386
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>> No.12526388
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>> No.12526389

what are some snack recommendations?

>> No.12526414
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>tfw barrel-chested so I can never truly be thinspo-tier

>> No.12526419

are you using mfp? I don't really trust their "net calories" thing, it just doesn't reflect how your body actually works. just assume you're still at that 1200 calorie mark. I dunno what kinda diet you're on but that's like everything I can have in a day on mine

>> No.12526429

post pics

>> No.12526432
File: 768 KB, 723x707, IMG_00888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I getting there bros? Lost 40kg so far

>> No.12526434

really bad quality so i can't really say much but you're looking alright. how many calories do you eat each day?

>> No.12526435
File: 23 KB, 540x920, received_1556370907716218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to roast me /fa/ggots

>> No.12526437

Yeah sorry I took it with an ipad zoomed in to get the largest overall shot of my body

like 300-400 calories, I also run 10km every 2nd day

>> No.12526439

start lifting

>> No.12526445
File: 367 KB, 550x412, HMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dieting seriously just limiting how many calories i can take in and cardio? can i eat whatever as long as i sit under 1000 calories a day?

>> No.12526450

Fundamentally, yest

Of course, if you want to more effectively lose weight and don't end up a skinny-fat saggy piece of shit, you would want to eat healthy. Also doing so will allow you to eat more in general because hey, why eat a tiny 200c chocolate bar when you can eat 1kg of fucking cauliflower for the same amount of calories

>> No.12526453

If someone gaves me one dollar for each time people told me that, I would have 320$...
> tfw 6 months and no results

>> No.12526457

im not on a diet
id like to start one but dont wanna lose weight just body fat to muscle im skinny but still pudgy, which is skinny fat i guess

>> No.12526458

you're just not cut out to be thin; don't worry, at least muscle still looks nice.

>> No.12526459

Fucking eat more then jesus christ

>> No.12526465

Daily reminder that you will lose weight FASTER and look BETTER if you don't fucking starve yourself like a retard

>> No.12526468


>> No.12526471

so i need to go past calories and lower my fat intake as well? about how many per day would u say? im 5"10 165 lbs / 178cm 75kg if that has any bearing

i-im a bit new to this

>> No.12526474

Does anyone have any experience with beta blockers? Does it increase appetite?

Not sure if I want to take them anyway, especially if it'll make me gain weight.

>> No.12526476

There is literally nothing wrong with eating fats, why so many people have a stigma against fats is literally just corporation marketing to those who have no idea about nutrition. Eating fat does not make you fat

Hate to be a /fit/ fag but you gotta read the sticky my friend


At your height/weight though, your BMR is sitting around 1800, which means if you wanna lose weight, you have to aim around eating 800-1300 calories a day

>> No.12526514

go keto and start lifting if you want muscle definition. if you bike regularly you should have pretty decent legs already so just do upper body work

>> No.12526544
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>> No.12526545
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>> No.12526612

thats a great window you got there.

>> No.12526616

I know i'll get used to it, it's not my first time, but sometimes I find myself bored and get mad anxious with nothing to do and first thing that comes to mind is eating something. Can't really smoke rn otherwise it'd be a walk in the park.

>> No.12526621
File: 2.40 MB, 3264x2448, 20170611_033426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should igor do? such shame

>> No.12526642

What's her tumblr?

>> No.12526645
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I don't know if you've realized this but you're just a floating hand

>> No.12526657

Shave your fucking arms you dirty ape

>> No.12526660


>> No.12526666

i kno the feel senpai, especially as a recovered skinnyfat, my thighs are still out of proportion.

>> No.12526667


>> No.12526668
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>> No.12526681
File: 2.50 MB, 2048x1365, 1488579314285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking food list is in DIRE need of updating. I'm gonna add some shit to it and post an updated version in a little while

>> No.12526688
File: 325 KB, 480x478, Screenshot_2017-06-10-23-22-38-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is her bmi and how do I look like her?

>> No.12526693

Have Type 1 Diabetes and don't take your insulin

>> No.12526696

Oh, yes please

>> No.12526718
File: 351 KB, 600x800, leggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my stomach bloating has been bad again
i'm going back down 2 <1000 cals a day because w h y n o t :^)

wish me lucc

>> No.12526721

you look like one of these dying african children with their distended bellies full of mud

>> No.12526724

yeah it's really gross i gotta stop eating quest bars and stuff
gonna take some diuretics i guess

>> No.12526734
File: 703 KB, 2448x3264, Image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i skelly-core?

160 lbs

>> No.12526744

You're joking. Lose 10 more pounds

>> No.12526746

>bmi 20

>> No.12526747

but i dont wanna

>> No.12526768

Okay then stay skinny fat.

>> No.12526779


>> No.12526790
File: 2.04 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170608_154700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

>> No.12526795

stats, my guy?

>> No.12526798



>> No.12526803
File: 76 KB, 501x750, IMG_6519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip guys I feel off the wagon
Up to 118 :(
I really need to kick my soda and sugar habit

>> No.12526808

5"10, 51kg, Age 18

>> No.12526809

U tell me fatty ?

>> No.12526817


>> No.12526819
File: 51 KB, 540x531, 9876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw iktf

>> No.12526822

Thnx friend, I'm enjoying being thin whilst my metabolism lasts

>> No.12526827

Your physique resembles my 12 year old nephew's

>> No.12526838

do you eat whatever you want or do you follow a diet?

>> No.12526856

I hate to ask, but how can I go from skinny fat to just skinny? Im not AS skinny fat as I was say a year ago but now I just wanna be a cute thin boi. I already have a fairly thin physique there's just a bit of soft spots.
Could I achieve what I want from just cutting more cals, avoiding saturated fats etc. ?


>> No.12526863

>avoiding saturated fats
>wants to NOT be skinny fat

It amazes me sometimes how uneducated /thinspo/ is in nutrition

>> No.12526998

this one's really good imo

>> No.12527000
File: 15 KB, 367x367, 1478737124600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, revised food and drink list everybody

Will probably revise again if needed


>> No.12527002

>153g carb
enjoy shitty body comp and aging skin

>> No.12527012

Haha, thanks for educating me anon

>> No.12527026

im fucked.
i was so stressed about getting a frist job in my life that i started to eat compulsively. again. i gained 2 kilos and im afraid to look at my stomach.
i cant stop eating coz that job is physical mostly and i dont want to faint. i need money.
i dont know what to do. im depressed and maniac at the same time.

>> No.12527045

too late

>> No.12527068

50 kg at 182 cm
how much lower should i go?

>> No.12527096

pls be a fucking girl

>> No.12527120
File: 8 KB, 149x190, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better post those fucking calorie counts faggots

>> No.12527137

How do you guys keep up a metabolism with such low calorie intakes? I'm a 5'11 male and I try to hangout around 1300 but that's still really tough on me and I try to have a day every now and then where I hit 2000. It's been really difficult to maintain regular exercise and it's definitely showing.

>> No.12527140

i have bad news anon

>> No.12527151

You don't, you eventually get used to it

Try and drink a fair ton of black coffee or eat more frequently, as in, instead of having 3 staple meals, spread it out over the course of the day so your body is being fed regularly

Another thing you might try is days where you eat over your BMR to kind of kick-start your energy

>> No.12527160

This may be the worst one yet...

>> No.12527163

*Skinny fat-core

>> No.12527166

Is that club penguin for the DS?

>> No.12527226

>tfw I actually still own that game

>> No.12527228

Why is fasting considered healthy but anorexic behavior isn't? Is the fact that anorexic people don't know when to stop the only distinction?

>> No.12527245

Intermittent fasting is healthy

Fasting for prolonged periods is not, but anorexia is pretty much just body dismorphia, so a mental illness

>> No.12527252

even though 4chan has a lot of fucked up boards and generals, this one has to be the most mentally ill

>> No.12527262
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*tips hamburger*

>> No.12527269

are you saying the gentlelady in your picture is not a strong independent womyn? didn't you know curvy people can be healthy too? you misogynist pig

>> No.12527270

So when celebs and models promot intermittent fasting as a way to drop bodyfat and keep it low, what exactly does it mean? Not eating for 12 hours, then eating 1500kcal at once? Or not eating for 24 hours, then eating a meal in one go?

>> No.12527273

>you can be either overweight or underweight

>> No.12527275

If you're a man intermittent fasting helps to kick-start test production, ergo promote the preservation of lean muscle mass and the burning of fat. It also helps your body to clean or detox itself or some other shit, I can't remember

And no, there's literally no point in fasting if you're gonna binge a full days worth of calories in one fucking go, you haven't achieved anything, you've just waited an extra length of time before having your daily limit. What you're supposed to do is fast 2-4 days, then eat as normal

>> No.12527282

I've read this thing about testosterone being boosted by intermittent fasting, mostly by male models who have pretty good muscular structure. It would apparently lead to lower fat &, improve your facial hair and increase the proportion of muscle mass in your body.

But nobody ever tells me how long the periods between fasting and eating should be. Is it 2-4 days like you said? I can't go 4 days without eating, fuck that. Is it 24 hours to 2 days? Way more doable.

>> No.12527293

Medically speaking, for any changes or effects to happen to your body, it needs to be more than 2 days, but 4 being the max, because after that you'll go into starvation mode and just fuck your metabolism up. 1-2 days will have literally no effect, it simply isn't enough time for your body to adjust

Of course everyone is different, but if you're gonna fast, there's no point in half-assing it, you're just gonna starve yourself and make your life miserable for no reason, but trust me, you get used it. I used to fast for max 4 days all the times, hell, I went through a period for a month or 2 where I would only eat 3 days of the week

>> No.12527298

cant even see your collarbones you fat ass
lose 10-20 more pounds

>> No.12527299

I eat whatever I want generally but I'm not a complete slob and try not to eat too much sugary shit especially, and I eat a lot of fruit and drink a lot of water. I do bodyweight exercise every other day and have done for 2 years but no cardio which is why I'm not looking forward to my metabolism dropping when I get older :s

>> No.12527302

Did you see any gains? As in, did you notice an improvement in mental acuity/lower body fat percentage/improved facial hair/more masculine facial features?

Which are all byproducts of naturally increased testosterone.

If so, I might have to give it a try, because I currently look like a baby even at 21.

>> No.12527320
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>> No.12527356
File: 1.10 MB, 955x2046, 20170611_130859-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.80m / 5'11"
68kg / 150lbs

I want a cute twinky skinny boi body, is it even possible or have genetics fucked me over?
Should I continue loosing weight or just give up?
I feel like my upperbody muscle/ribcage/shoulders will prevent me from ever getting /cuteboy/ :(

>> No.12527362

you actually look okay, but you could definitely look better if you lost like 20 pounds

>> No.12527366

He would be 180/58kg then, which is borderline anorexic or anorexic.

>> No.12527368

just because he would be skinny doesn't mean he would be anorexic lmao

>> No.12527373

Anorexia is a mental not physical condition

>> No.12527378

fuuuck i just ate like 20 potato chips now i feel fat as fuck

im gonna just fast for the rest of the day and drink more water

>> No.12527386

Yes he would, because one of the medical symptoms of anorexia is a BMI under 18.5.

At the proposed weight (58kg) he would have a BMI of 17.9.

>> No.12527388

ok but anorexia is a mental illness like >>12527373
said. why do you even care though?

>> No.12527393

Because I was anorexic. I was 49kg at 177cm. I had to be hospitalized eventually. During my last few weeks before going for treatment, I basically ate nothing except apple slices and drank a few glasses of water per day.

My body was being starved of nutrients and I would likely have died if my parents didn't intervene.

Sure, it is mental, but trying to push this guy to go as low as 58kg while he is 180cm is bordering on dangerous. It's not a healthy weight for him to be at. It might be if he was muscular but that doesn't seem to be the case.

>> No.12527395

>wanna lose weight
>not really terrible at eating
>just really fucking love soda, aint gon lie

how do i get down to not being fat, im not trying to become skin and bones like everyone else itt but i could use less stomach and thighs. would just cutting fast food and soda from my diet suffice?

>> No.12527399

wtf is stopping you from drinking coke zero or coke light instead of the sugar bomb version?

>> No.12527400

>why do you even care though?
holy shit this general is full of anorexic teens

>> No.12527401

just quit drinking soda, stop buying it, stop thinking about it, and drink a lot of water.

>> No.12527409

>it tastes like shit, especially from fountain
>still likely to drink more of it since it doesnt curve sugar cravings thus eat more

think i'll just more lemon water m8

>> No.12527414

The point is someone's weight does not always mean anorexia, and tying weight to anorexia makes no sense since you can be perfectly healthy whilst being clinically underweight.

>> No.12527416

BMI is only inaccurate for bodybuilders. For a regular person, being at something like 16 BMI will likely lead to death.

>> No.12527425

I've been skinny my whole life, and used to be bmi 16.5 I know a lot of anorexia deniers claim they just have fast metabolisms but in my case I've never remotely tried to count calories or miss meals, and I've never had a doctor flag me up on my weight

>> No.12527440

This sounds dangerously close to when fat people say just being overweight doesn't mean you are unhealthy. I think everything is a gray area for sure, but if someone has a very low BMI they are statistically at risk for complications and at least need to have a detailed physical. So I basically agree with you and I'm just rambling

>> No.12527445
File: 79 KB, 771x481, 1482167563423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao curlbro
never worked shoulders a day in your life

>> No.12527450

That's my favorite taytay reaction :o)

>> No.12527452

Thanks for caring <3
I feel like I could get sucked into anorexia, I started my weightloss at 103kg and still have it in my mindset that I'm grossly fat, pretty sure thats not healthy.
Dropping to 58 seems scary low to me, but sometimes it's hard to realize what is a healty mindset and what is not, so thanks for looking out and caring.
Hope you're doing fine now :3

>> No.12527475

vitya eto ti? kak y4eba? %%:3%%

>> No.12527525

Have any pics? Im 177 cm at 54 kg and curious how that would look like.

>> No.12527608

>that pubic hair


>> No.12527611

I'm 5'9" and 160. How low should I go?

>> No.12527676

Depends how you look like

>> No.12527698

I downloaded my fitness pal and I'm 5'10 135lbs and set the goal to 120lbs losing 2 pounds a week. It's telling em to consume 1,500 calories a day. This must be wrong, right?

>> No.12527702

5rm is 72.5kg strict

succ my dicc

>> No.12527705

Nah mate, you got it all wrong.

>> No.12527823

Anything under 1500 is considered as unhealthy.
I would recommend eating 1000 a day and IF if possible for fastest result.

>> No.12527861

currently eating about 900 at max.

>> No.12527873

If your metabolism is fucked up, you could be 180cm, 80kg and still not lose weight on 1500kcal a day.

That's why people suggest taking up running or at least jogging, to get your metabolism back on track.

>> No.12527904


>> No.12527972

fuck off back to tumblr slut

>> No.12528084
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Not him but stay jelly and pathetic

>> No.12528086

not thinspo but not bad

>> No.12528092

gross my guy

>> No.12528110

this is actually ugly af

>> No.12528119

what food do you miss the most /fa/

i miss bread

>> No.12528120

I misunderstand you people sometimes

>> No.12528149
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>> No.12528154

is a bmi of 18/19 actually healthy if you don't exercise?

>> No.12528157

This is OK
But something about his shoulders and arms, eww.

>> No.12528168

If you eat maintenance calories and healthy food then yeah?

>> No.12528171
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>> No.12528177

Better than being fat. Why wouldn't you exercise though?

>> No.12528202

takes too much time
hate sweaty clothes
gymbros piss me off

>> No.12528231
File: 56 KB, 400x300, indomie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ausfags will understand this feel

>> No.12528244

Wtf I know so many women at BMIs of 15-16 and without any health issues...

>> No.12528256

just because they aren't actively sick doesn't mean they're healthy

>> No.12528284

This morning I had whole grain sandiwch with a tablespoon of peanutbutter I just had oatmeal for dinner. is this ok?

>> No.12528302

You know you should probably slow down there m8. Loose skin isn't good for aesthetic.

>> No.12528303

you don't have to go to the gym to exercise. do simple bodyweight stuff at home and jog 3 at least 3 times per week

>> No.12528311

should i eat more? idk what to use for snacks.

>> No.12528385

How often do people here skip breakfast?

>> No.12528392

The hardest thing about being bmi 16 for me is I have to burn an extra 200-300 calories a day just so I can maintain my weight while still eating like a regular person (I eat 1800-1900). Bit of an overgeneralization to say underweight bmi = DEATH UR GONNA DIE . I feel a lot healthier now than when i was at bmi 21 and sedentary. Don't underestimate how helpful exercise is guys, you can be /thin/ and not feel like death.

>> No.12528395

Took a break and ate a pizza last night and this morning and now I feel like a brand new boy. It's great!
I really need to get more exercise though and not just rely on a calorie restriction.

>> No.12528430

you ok there mate?

>> No.12528515

WTF happened to the pictures in this thread all being girls?

>> No.12528538

what is the minimum amount of calories for a 6 foot man to survive on and not feel sick?

food costs a lot and i want more money for clothes

>> No.12528543

There's calorie calculators out there. I recommend you keep enough going so you can stay physically active.

>> No.12528558
File: 41 KB, 700x700, carte_d_or_affogato_spagnola_all_amarena_900_ml_6823359_9903_1273524_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be italian
> haven't eaten bread in months
> no regretto

instead lost to pic this month (but good bye craving)

>> No.12528580

They're not dying though is what I am saying.

>> No.12528582
File: 65 KB, 750x500, 1473222897283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hilarious how insecure and jealous you all are of Hannah. just because shes the only pretty girl here
and who has a life outside of 4chan, not to mention a talented and successful singer/songwriting career.

you dont need me to tell you how pathetic you are so buzz off

>> No.12528586
File: 372 KB, 1080x1350, Sharishaxd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best twitch stream grill coming through.

>> No.12528588

who the fuck is hannah

and if it's pic related she's ugly as fuck and should go back to tumblr

>> No.12528591
File: 189 KB, 500x498, dcc6f3e29090a2b1363a72dabc3766ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12528593

>imagine being this mad on 4chan
im not even her, not even a girl either and i think shes pretty

>> No.12528602

good for u lol. not mad, just wondering why you felt the need to stormfront your waifu here. she hasn't even been mentioned once since the begining of this thread

>> No.12528617

shes not my waifu and im not trying to start shit either. i meant to post this in the last thread where a bunch of anons were attacking her but i didnt get the chance before it 404'd

>> No.12528649

> calling everyone itt pathetic because a couple of anons roasted your waifu
> im not trying to start shit or anything!!!

u sure mate

>> No.12528669
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>> No.12528671

there is always someone picking a fight, don't feed them ^^

>> No.12528673
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>> No.12528677
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>> No.12528681
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>> No.12528713
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>> No.12528720
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>> No.12528732

Lookin gd kid

>> No.12528778

i'm back on my bullshit /thinspo/
4days since i reduced drastically how much i eat
got terrified when my favorite jean didn't fit me anymore (36,don't the size is american :^)
really funny how quick it came to me to stop eating like pig
old habits truly die hard

>> No.12528816

yeah not exactly roasting since they were obviously jealous of her

and again, shes not my waifu. i just happened to remember her from an ig thread. checked out her bandcamp and she was surprisingly good at singing. i dont even follow her on ig either but its pathetic when anons try to bring down the few talented ppl here like her, out of spite

>> No.12528837

she's not going to have sex with you my dude

>> No.12528871
File: 381 KB, 170x170, 1407011170585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.12528912


This is exactly the type of attention she wants from this board

>> No.12529066

today i ate a baguette with brie
3 ice pops

feels bad man

>> No.12529092

i had a salad a few chips and like 3 slices of pizza, i didn't do good today either but at least i only gained like a pound

>> No.12529099

thanks for sharing anon, i feel a little less terrible. not sure how much i gained though but i am looking forward to having a nice ice coffee in the morning and shitting it all out. I will weigh my self after that

>> No.12529103

im looking forward to fasting or actually restricting tomorrow, i need to start counting my calories more often

>> No.12529142

4000 what the fuck did you do? Eat 10 Beef steaks

>> No.12529160

thx bb
you're posting a photo at one of my post-treatment weights tho... : ^ (((

>> No.12529266

no one?

>> No.12529355

Every day. Usually just a smoke, sometimes a coffee.

>> No.12529372
File: 800 KB, 1080x1070, IMG_20170612_101134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to eating below maintenance on my birthday, after a week of binging.

>> No.12529405






>> No.12529411


>> No.12529418

Hello :3

>> No.12529461

Anyone over 21 that still thinks thinspo is cool?

>> No.12529497

I am 22 and yes

>> No.12529518

happy belated birthday btw

>> No.12529525
File: 521 KB, 596x746, 1492290551865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just binged a whole week because your parents brought your fav take-out every day last week and grandma came to visit from another country...

Gonna fast today and cry myself to sleep ;-;

Also how do I get/stay this pale?
I have a naturally white skin but due to my work I have to be a lot outside. Is carrying an umberella around considerd /fa/ or cringe?

>> No.12529553

I love you, post this every thread so I make a habit please

>> No.12529584

another 22 and oh yeah

>> No.12529588

Does Splenda in coffee break a fast?

>> No.12529596

this. I honestly stopped drinking as much water once froggo got banned which is pretty sad

>> No.12529611

Why did froggo get banned thou? I left 4chan for some time after last summer and got pretty sad when I returned to not find him.

>> No.12529774

same shit happens to me. I live in a tropical place and every time i go outside it's like the sun is waiting to fuck my shit up. that's why i dont go outside.

>> No.12529776

23. it's not that its cool, its that its the only /fa/ aesthetic. It's cool too.

>> No.12529782

I also work outside and have developed tan lines from the shorts I have to wear. Most of the girls I work with who are concious about their skin carry umbrellas and they usually get compliments on them because they are cute designs. Don't let what people think of you stop you from having nice skin anon.

>> No.12529888

im 22 too..wtf

>> No.12529943
File: 34 KB, 460x307, IMG_8807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck anhedonia. i gained 14 lbs in under 5 months and i feel so fat at a bmi of 22.7 ........... i need to get down to at least 20.7 at 140 lbs

>> No.12529949
File: 52 KB, 471x471, tumblr_oaj7fp5ttb1vvrduho3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I know this feel. Having food be the last consistent source of any good feeling is the worst thing ever. I've picked up binge eating and heavily restricting the following day(s) to compensate. Good times

>> No.12530027

i feel so alone. i cant find anybody that relates

>> No.12530029
File: 690 KB, 1828x2735, 1481767193324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. The only people I feel like I can relate to anymore are strangers on the internet. Sometimes it feels like I'm less than human.

>> No.12530082

>fuck anhedonia
thats me too, hate these days

>> No.12530100

are soda crackers ok? lately i snack on 3 crackers a cup of black coffee with splenda

>> No.12530111

3 crackers is about 40-50kcal so if you're fasting, you're doing it wrong
they're otherwise ok but they have a lot of sodium

>> No.12530127

i cant take it

>> No.12530147

im not fasting just restricting in general