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12506645 No.12506645 [Reply] [Original]

How can one dress to improve their chances of acquiring a quirky art major gf?

>> No.12506649

you dont want one.

>> No.12506652
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pic related

>> No.12506654

join a shitty band.

>> No.12506676

This. A majority of these girls are seriously damaged human beings. If they reciprocate attraction at all its probably a bad sign.

>> No.12506680

Yeah stay away, not worth it

>> No.12506740

my nig

>> No.12506747

"how to get girls" isn't fashion related

>> No.12507021
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cool thought but try reading the post again or delete your comment and gtfo

>> No.12507028
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Bernie Sanders T-Shirt and Communist Manifesto as an Accesory.

Personally, I dress like this to avoid these types entirely.

>> No.12507050


I have a scar on my upper arm from the last time I feel for this meme.

>> No.12507067

Be a twinky white guy with pouty lips and mac demarco clothes.

>> No.12507072
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>> No.12507101


dont date this kind of girl. she'll be a failure in school, and likely a failure after.

If you want to date an artist, date one who is actually a professional artist.

>> No.12507103

D O N ' T

These kinds of people are toxic, don't fall for the meme

>> No.12507104

I reccomend a theatre major. Especially tech.

They seem "more" stable than pure art in my personal experience. Not perfect, but at least manageable.

>> No.12507105


Damn this is so true. I dated this type of girl and broke up because of this.

>> No.12507112

We already had this thread. You receieved satisfactory answers last time.

>> No.12507116

Absolutely this. This was a fad like 3 years ago. These girls are shit tier and late adopters at this point (2017)

I had one of these for like over a half a year and it seriously sucked ass.

You don't understand what you want. Just stay in your league and find a cute girl who is into some of the stuff you like, isn't a pretentious shithead and has a functioning moral compass. You'll thank me later.

>> No.12507123

Yeah true, and these girls have more talent and drive, since their field actually requires hard work, instead of some pisspoor art shit that took like 3 days of minimal work to produce. That said, they aren't all perfect.

You're looking for women the wrong way, don't judge based off some bullshit like "artsyness" or whatever, just look for good personality traits and good conversation. That shit will take you way further than some skanky bitch who wears creepers and fishnets or whatever the fuck OP is looking for.

>> No.12507126
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Just dress up in Mac DeMarco Core. Thats what my art ex and all her friends dressed up like and they would always talk about how they enjoyed when other boys dressed like that. They were especially into cuffed shitty wash denim jeans and vans or converse. Also bright shirts like yellow and stuff.

>> No.12507192


Can confirm. Don't do it.

>> No.12507199
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Ok so if they're the plague, what clothes should OP NOT wear so he doesn't accidentally attract an art major gf?

>> No.12507219

big boy ones

>> No.12507247

I feel for you man. I used to have a cat but I don't anymore because of one of these human timebombs.

>> No.12507261

b-b-but these girls are realllly qt

>> No.12507280

Jesus. I wanna hear these stories. All my ex's just left me an emotionally hollow husk wandering through life. And never gave back some of my video games.

>> No.12507284

just jumping in this thread real quick to strongly agree with the people saying don't do it.
dated 2 of these types of girls over the past year or so and while "alternate" girls are still a little hot to me, i think i'm over it

>cute fits so you can stunt on others together
>maybe have patrician tastes (probably not)
>maybe get to know her cool circle of artsy friends too and benefit from that (probably not since they're pretentious pricks)

>"cool le quirky" personality will wear off on you and start to become obnoxious/nauseating in a matter of a couple weeks
>the over-the-top oh-my-anxiety attribute will leave you very mentally weathered and exhausted
>probably very shitty tastes, big meme fan, despite cool style saying otherwise
>probably really condescending because of her elitist attitude when it comes fashion
>may have one very excellent talent that wows you completely, but that is literally all she has going for her
>+all the not-so-fun parts that just come with a relationship

sex was okay to pretty good. not really worth it. either befriend or just hook up.
find yourself a new sincerity girl instead. that's what it's all about.

>> No.12507292


I have two different cigarette burn scars from two different girls.

>> No.12507296

Sounds kinda hot desu.

>> No.12507306


How can one dress to improve their chances of acquiring a well adjusted normal gf?

>> No.12507307

lure them in with heroin meth and crack

>> No.12507322


How to cop/where to look for Sincerity GF?

>> No.12507326

Jesus fuck, avoid them at all costs. I like drawing and painting as a hobby so I ended up taking a few art classes and experienced these people first hand. They're quite obnoxious, manipulative, and unstable so I'd suggest avoiding them at all costs. Not only that but they're all pretentious and just being around them is physically draining. I'm sorry but for "artsy" girls, they can't even make good art. It's quite awful.

>> No.12507327

the gf store

>> No.12507328
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don't try hard to follow trends.
you can go full thrift, but don't go full internet demarco-core (unless you really really do like it a lot)
develop your own taste that shows off both your personal style and who you really are as a person.
lift weights if you're unsatisfied with your physique. smile and laugh often if you find you're into that.
drop all sense of irony, post-irony, elitism, and pretension, and become an actively kind person towards others
follow your passions, work on them, aspire, have ambition, goals, dreams even
seriously just be your (best) self.

i'm really drunk right now, but i firmly believe all of this information should be stickied

>> No.12507330

>drop all sense of irony, post-irony
>follow your passions
well fuck me I guess Im doomed to a life of mediocre partners

>> No.12507337
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>> No.12507340


please dont do this if you are ugly/average
im average and acting like this kept me a virgin until 19 because i thought it was cool to be mysterious and dark but in reality unless you have chad tier looks girls will find you creepy

>> No.12507345

what i mean from the 'drop irony' comment is that don't be an insufferable pretentious prick. the Internet's snark, memes, and overly-dry attitude leaks into a lot of people's personality and it's really unhealthy and off-putting. still be self aware, just don't try to be so elitist all the time.

and for the passions thing, just stretch your limbs, try everything out, and look towards your interests. don't freak too hard if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. you have plenty of more time than you think you do

>> No.12507351

I know what my passion is, its just my passion happens to be un-pursuable. Civics and history are garbage tier passions.
>don't be an insufferable pretentious prick. the Internet's snark, memes, and overly-dry attitude leaks into a lot of people's personality and it's really unhealthy
can confirm

>> No.12507382

become a fucking heroin junkie and play bass in a shitty what the fuck genre rehash band that is popular right now.

>> No.12507388

Dress like Mac demarco

>> No.12507764

this girls sister (deleted her insta ((tiny.snakes)) is much better looking

>> No.12507909


>> No.12507910

you've never fucked one or probably even talked to one past casual conversation

>> No.12507917

well-fitting tee shirts/button ups
good posture
derbies or some kind of sleek boots
well fitting trousers or jeans
healthy hair and skin

I have all of these now, and I get 8s and 9s try to talk to me all the time.

Most important is to leave all the "effay" internet bullshit and memes behind. Too much internet really fucks you up socially.

>> No.12507920

i have a cigarette burn scar from myself that one time i was really drunk
do drugs but never alcohol. fuck girls but never "art girls"

>> No.12508204

First post goddamn best post. OP this is not a road you want to go down. Especially considering how many other guys have gone down the same road if you catch my meaning. I'm a savannah ga native and grew up close to SCAD. When I got out of high school that was where I wanted to go to school. I've fucked dozens of those quirky art school chicks and every single one of them wasn't worth a relationship.

>> No.12508298

Solid replies. There is hope for /fa/ yet.

To add my 2 cents, these girls love Mac Demarco core, and the whole trash punk wave. Date these "artsy" girls at your own risk.

>> No.12508301

i got like 5 cig burns i gave myself
and a cross burned into my right shoulder

>> No.12508418


>> No.12508420

full rick

>> No.12508654

Oh good, so we know you're autistic

>> No.12508665

They're fucking nuts

>> No.12508667

be a chad that wears black craft cult, raised by wolves, and combat boots/white low tops, has stubble and tattoos, usually has a cap, lifts, loves horror movies and Morrisey, and listens to 80s hardcore/lofi hip hop/run the jewels

>> No.12508725

>Too much internet really fucks you up socially.

Yeah it does. I just don't know how to stop.

>> No.12508731

this so fucking much. I've dated a few and they're all shitty human beings.

>> No.12508891

Scene girls used to be hoes and crazy this is them now senpai

>> No.12508913

Find a local scene that you enjoy. Whether it be music or film or fucking video games or whatever.
Just get a bigass friend group that wants to go out and do shit all the time. That's what I did and I ended up meeting these girls.
Eventually I learned they weren't worth the trouble but I still have a ton of good friends who are there for me and have been really cool.
Just enjoy being young and go to first Friday events, festivals, local shows, whatever.
Any city bigger than like 100,000 people is gonna have shit to some degree, and if you don't have stuff like that, drive to the nearest big city and engage yourself in shit that looks interesting.
Look around on instagram. There is something to do literally every single night.

Gradually the awkwardness will disappear.

>> No.12509077

>just get a big ass friend group that wants to go out and do shit
Haha. Yeah...

>> No.12509277
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Dear lord you guys are a bunch of roleplaying fairy faggots.

>> No.12509320



>> No.12509368

As a quirky art girl myself, idk man. Fuck just wear what you wanna wear and listen to a lot of lo-fi. Also, and this is important. Fucking die, no one should give shit about how u dress unless you dress like shit. Just don't dress like shit you shit

>> No.12509371


Quirky Art Major chicks are basically just attracted to Men That Are Easy To Manipulate.

All you have to do to get them is lavishly support their so-called career and never ask difficult questions.

Also as a general rule of thumb women confuse visual complexity with actual complexity, or at least pay attention to it in weird ways. Shoot for loud prints, avoid basics.

>> No.12509373

>>>12506645 (OP)
>Quirky Art Major chicks are basically just attracted to Men That Are Easy To Manipulate.
>All you have to do to get them is lavishly support their so-called career and never ask difficult questions.
>Also as a general rule of thumb women confuse visual complexity with actual complexity, or at least pay attention to it in weird ways. Shoot for loud prints, avoid basics.
*shoot self

>> No.12509378

i mean you can't say an entire group of people are shitty but yeah my experience with these types of girls has involved
1. awkward, contrived ironic detachment to the point that their emotions are completely impenetrable
2. cheating
3. bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle
4. mental illness

>> No.12509514
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The Rothko Chapel in Houston is a strange place, it is a reflection of your soul.

>> No.12509533
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this is what we needs

>> No.12509616
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>> No.12509652

I met a cute artsy girl there once. I was sitting on a bench outside drawing in a sketchbook and she just walked up to me and asked me for my number because she thought I was cute. It turned out she was 17 though so it was too weird for me, I was 22 at the time.

>> No.12509906

too true

>> No.12509913
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>It turned out she was 17 though so it was too weird for me, I was 22 at the time.

>> No.12509925


You can express your sexual desires with quirky art majors all day long (lord knows it isn't very hard) but think long and hard before entering a relationship with them.

Forewarning: The quirky art major comes in extroverted and introverted varieties. The introvert may try to isolate you from your friends and the extrovert may try to fuck all of them. Date across town, only visit spots with her that you're cool with never going to again (some will try to claim them just so you can't have it). Something about liberal arts majors makes them somewhat machiavellian.

The biggest red flags from my own personal experiences have been their past partners feeling/attempting suicide over them or themselves having suicidal tendencies. Also, when they tell you stories/secrets that they make you swear up and down to never repeat (you know you're being fed bullshit is when they make you swear, preemptively to never fact-check them).

>> No.12509942


>your friends

>> No.12509943

If a person doesn't have friends they are toxic to be around regardless of their gender.

>> No.12509952 [DELETED] 

Not always 100% true.

I'm very much friendless right now but i'm actually pretty chill and fun to be around. I'm just introverted and enjoy my privacy.

>> No.12510041

any examples?

>> No.12510061
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-05-23 23.22.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u want one, dont listen to other LOSERS
theyre fun to be around, but they have problems and might lie everynow and them cuz theyre fucked in the head
but its on u to teach them how to not be toxic and still stay quirky art major gf
art majors are some of the most open minded, fearless people ever
u might get hurt but u gotta try it

most of them are bi or pan or whatever
so u need to express ur femininity, dress in thrift only, doesnt need to be all black but u need some of the iconic pieces such as martens, get drugs, buy wine and drink it with her under a bridge (works every time), u must be an sjw and pretend to be vegan or at least vegetarian, pretend u have depression and be emotional, if u go to clubs only go to gay clubs

>> No.12510079

Isn't that at st thomas
Weird ass circle chapel

>> No.12510090
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>It turned out she was 17 though so it was too weird for me, I was 22 at the time.
You need to fucking die if you are implying what i think.

>> No.12510370

what's her insta then?

>> No.12510374

A trilby.

>> No.12510379

>theyre fun to be around
>you just have to fix them
>literally the whole line after that
>and the next one
Art girl detected. This a woman. This how a woman thinks.

>> No.12510526

Don't listen to these retards, art bitches go psycho when you upset them, she would have gotten your ass arrested eventually.

>> No.12510545

I've fucked so many of these art hoes, and they are worse than isis. Avoid OP

>> No.12510666

this is true beyond belief
>art major ex's ex bf attempted suicide
>art major ex tells me her secrets

they are shitty people.
and sluts.
OP, have fun with used tissue.

>> No.12510714

So fucking clingy dude. You will regret it.

>> No.12511063
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>pretend to be vegan/depressed
This. /thread

>> No.12511086

Pretty much this.
From personal experience some piercings and replacing thrift with local designers works wonders too.

>> No.12511096

5 years is a big difference at that age. I was a senior in college and she was a junior in high school. Too weird for me.

>> No.12511132
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>80s hardcore
>looks up

>> No.12511293

Should one opt for the vegan leather docs or is the apparent contradiction effay?