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/fa/ - Fashion

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12503019 No.12503019 [Reply] [Original]

w2c effay anime and Vidya graphic tees that don't look fucking autistic? Any help?

>> No.12503455

just enjoy anime and games without felling the need to show everyone that you are into it and btw all look autistic.

>> No.12503496

Vintage on ebay

>> No.12503518


>> No.12503526
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w2c this shirt

>> No.12504115

you will look autistic no matter what, just wear clothes for grown ups, you fucking weeb

>> No.12504326


>> No.12504428


>> No.12504435

listen to this senpai

>> No.12504460

This one of those rotate shirts you can buy every day or so sites?

>> No.12504469

Nah they just do drops every few months. Worth keeping an eye on though I find, had some pieces like this in the past https://www.instagram.com/p/BPtVbFojEXd/?taken-by=phntmsrc

>> No.12504475


Is /fa/ more about expressing yourself, or conformity? Choose only one.

>> No.12504480

hisashi eguchi stuff

>> No.12504574

Know where I could find a non autistic evangelion shirt?

>> No.12505102

I think this one's pretty nice http://www.shopwithasianstereotypes.com/2017/01/rei-20.html

or could try going on skreened or redbubble etc. and search evangelion then scour through the all the autistic shit

>> No.12505162

Know any good JoJo's non autismo ones too?

>> No.12505236

conformity, you gotta either dress like a softboy or wear full rick

>> No.12505299

I´ve never seen one in my entire life

>> No.12505301

it's about not being an autistic basement dwelling weeb with obsessions with non existent cartoon girls because you have never actually got anywhere with women before so you just gave up on life, or anything else along those lines
how well /fa/ actually does this is up for debate tho

>> No.12505329


>> No.12505337

There is only one acceptable reason to wear graphic tees. You're under 22 and you want to use it as a signal to help you score qts.
In which case some obscure animu or vidya is a bad choice.

>> No.12505377

you don't want to express yourself, you just want to show everyone that you like anime because in your head you think that makes you different and that you will be appreciated by the others "different" kids.

>> No.12505380

What if you have gotten with a woman and still given up?

>> No.12505400

oh and to answer to your question, expressing yourself it does not mean to wear shirts with your interests on it. If i like tomatoes I wont wear a shirt with them on it. Try to express your interest in a more creative way, if you like jjba then play with colors in your fits and so on.
/fa/ is about both conformity and expressing yourself, is it ok to experiment with different styles but also keep some rules in your fits. Anyone can throw some random clothes on him but it will look autistic, but if you make it look like you throw random stuff on you while following some "rules", an idea, some kind of pattern it might look amazing

>> No.12506052
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If you've got to wear something recent, then don't wear anything that looks like an anime shirt. Pic related

>> No.12506061
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Alternatively, make shirts yourself. Find a screenshot or manga page that looks effay and
put it on a shirt. Nobody's stopping you.

>> No.12506069
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>>12503518 or nightchannels anime shirts also work tho

>> No.12506075

What sites are the best, customink is shit
And how's the quality on them?

>> No.12506086
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Honestly planning on using a local printer.

There's one store on Etsy which will print anything though and the one shirt I did print turned out all right.
https://www.etsy.com /shop/ Customful

>> No.12506398

17 years ago

>> No.12506406

w2c NGE shirt

>> No.12506414


What's night channels quality like?

>> No.12507196

Redbubble any good?

>> No.12507595
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if you have the money and money to find this for sale online, go for this. it's a yohji collab with evangelions creators. i only found the shoes for sale online, but keep your eyes peeled

>> No.12507597

samefag, its meant to say money and time

>> No.12508096
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Don't. Don't don't. Theres nothing wrong with being a closet nerd/weeb that way you can at least have a shot with girls and hope once they discover it they like you enough not to leave u.

>> No.12508836

You'll never attract the Qt gamer/anime girl if you are a closet nerd
If you look like a Chad or worse some hypebeast in yeezys they won't even talk to you cuz they'll assume you have no common ground

>> No.12508843

How is wearing nerd culture apparel any different from streetcar Jordan's joggers long shirts and yeezys? Your basically wearing an outfit that screams I love hip hop culture and shit. You're wearing your interests.

Same with the Dad core look and the hipster look.

If you believe wearing anime related and game related clothes and showing your interests through your clothes is autistic you must concede that all styles are autistic because we all do it.

Even if you dress "fashionably" you're wearing the "I'm a fashion nerd" look for all the same reasons anyone would wear an anime t shirt

>> No.12508851

At the anime expo in LA?

>> No.12508880

wtf is the wow, /fa/ really is the worst fashion board

>> No.12508997

w2c time machine i wanna go back post y2k

>> No.12509126

Graphic tees suck dick. If you put something socially acceptable on your graphic tee it still sucks. You are making compound suck by putting something on it that is not worth advertising to other people.
For what purpose do you want to advertise that you are into anime? I'm not even going so far as to suggest you should feel bad about that interest - what is the utility of it?
You're going to get a job? You're going to get pussy? You're going to meet your new best friend?
If you've fallen for the "expressing yourself" meme stand back a moment and see how pointless that is.

>> No.12509149

>I'm too insecure to enjoy the things I enjoy and be myself
loving every laugh my lad

>> No.12509667

I wear mostly band tees and superhero tees I meet someone and they say cool shirt I like Ensiferum too its a great conversation starter and you meet cool people you would never otherwise meet if you were wearing a solid black shirt and chinos.
how is it any different than advertising some dumb brand like addidas on your clothes? that does literally nothing for you but make you look like a brand snob. noone goes up to some one and says cool addidas I like addidas too. but in my example I get a nice little conversation.

also graphic tees can be tastefully done

>> No.12509981
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Not insecurity it's best to try to lower autism levels as much as possible. I still enjoy all my chinese cartoons but I don't wear them on my shirt or blare Japanese music on my phone speakers in public

>> No.12509997

In all cases your clothing is communicating things to other people.
An Alice Cooper shirt and an Adidas shirt are the same way in that respect.
You're saying "I like Alice Cooper and I want to fuck chicks that like Alice Cooper" or you're saying "I'm kind of a sporty guy or wannabe sporty guy and I want to fuck sporty girls or wannabe sporty girls."
Anime is different than Alice Cooper and Adidas because you're going to have to wear really cringe, entry-level anime shirts or you're going to wear some shit no one cares about that is entirely pointless to wear.
In all three cases the shirts are both opening doors and closing them.
Not many people will look down on you for wearing Adidas.
Some people will look down on you for wearing Alice Cooper.
Lots of people will look down on you for wearing anime.

>> No.12510132

>https://www.etsy.com /shop/ Customful

>> No.12510611

why not? black people wear rappers on their shirts and blare rap music on their phone speakers or even with their backpackspeakers in public.

>> No.12510619

The people who would look down on you for wearing an anime shirt are not worthwhile people.
why would you look down on someone for having an interest that's different from yours unless you were an insecure faggot.

Also its only cringe because anime shirts tend to be more poorly designed than sport brand shirts or whatever.