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12500316 No.12500316 [Reply] [Original]

What do I tell my barber when I want him to shape up my beard like how those hispanic people do? Y'know, the shaved mustache and neckbeard and the shaped up hair on the cheeks and shit

>> No.12500319

you dont unless your gay

>> No.12500326

You mean a fade? You'll either look like a Leb or a jockstrap cowboy if you do.

>> No.12500336

I'm gay then

>> No.12500501


>> No.12500528

>shape up my beard like how those hispanic people do

>> No.12500541

who is she

>> No.12500563


>> No.12500574

Just say Hey amigo, asle shape up a minute barba comp los mexicanos por favor porque me gusta la verga en mi culo.

>> No.12500577

just bring a picture on your phone, best way for they to understand what you want

>> No.12500579

Stupid fat fingers.
Shape up a mi barba como

>> No.12500936

You choose

>> No.12501703

That's the thing, I can't find any pictures on google, but where I live in NY there's a fuckton of spanish niggas with nice shaped up beards and I want mine like that :/

>> No.12501709

>spanish niggas
Racists aren't allowed here. Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.12501723

how is that racist you fucking faggot god PLEASE kill yourself holy shit

>> No.12501728

>calling other people faggots
Hate speech is not okay

>> No.12501734

drop trip
end your life

>> No.12501741

No, I paid good money for this trip

>> No.12501933

youre talking about a lineup

>> No.12501961
File: 2.05 MB, 982x1196, Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 09.17.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW anons become so tired of tripposters they feel are shit that they make their own trip and act all non-channy.

>> No.12502312


>> No.12502317
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>> No.12502450

just tell them to clean it up

why the fuck wouldn't you be able to do it at home, anyway. I go to a hispanic place and they always feel the need to even it out

>> No.12502673

Just go to some young spic barber that does fades on Instagram