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File: 177 KB, 760x400, 39-minoxidil-beard-32-weeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12494234 No.12494234 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you using minoxidil?

>> No.12494238

Coz I dont need beard. I have a jawline.

>> No.12494239

does it work on eyebrows? I mean, do you need to use it forever if you want to conserve those thick eyebrows or can I stop using it once i reach my goal?

>> No.12494242

t. anon unable to grow beard

>> No.12494243

I used it for about 1 month and had severe heart palpitations and chest pain. My skin also got really old looking and my pores got huge. There were some other crazy side effects. Like my nose started bleeding at week 1 and didn't stop until like 2 weeks after I stopped (same time it took for all the other side effects to dissipate).

Take it with a grain of salt cause I'm naturally really sensitive to medicine but be careful with that shit. Its a blood pressure drug originally. There were days my entire body side went numb i literally thought I was going to die.

It did thicken my beard up really well tho

>> No.12494246

you had a stroke

>> No.12494297

kek niggas on 4chan always with their horror stories to mix shit up

>> No.12494319

Doesn't it have alcohol in it that ages your face and then when you stop taking it you look old and ugly af? Otherwise, I totally would, my beard-growing capacity is fucking zilch

>> No.12494326

My family has cats. Minoxodil gets into them, builds up over time, poisons them.

>> No.12494330

Kek(, my ni[b][b]a stay woke)

>> No.12494331

I used it on my head (hairline and crown) and my skin got yellowy and flakey and stupid itchy. I had to quit just as I was getting good result. Feels bad

>> No.12494332

>old skin

I guess that makes sense but I tell you what I am 30 and still get acne. I put witch hazel on all the time and I think that's mostly alcohol. I don't think it has really aged my skin any. But maybe my greasiness and the alcohol only works out to normal levels of greasy.

>> No.12494353

Hate to break it to you retards but nothing makes hair that you lost grow back except a hair transplant.

>> No.12494371

minoxidil will give you chubby/puff face. im not going to gamble on that shit where minox isnt completely free from side effects

>here's all the pros
>must be true
>well here's the cons
>youre bullshitting fag

>> No.12494399

kek why'd you put on so much effort into that (You)?

>> No.12494424 [DELETED] 

because you're either a nigger or some white wigger trying to sound black. so go get lynched either way

>> No.12494458

BlAck man here. Can that shit fix this hairline or just help me grow a beard ?

Because most black males over the age of 25 can grow a fucking beard

>> No.12494529


>> No.12494547

t. nochin jawlet

>> No.12494551

does this shit work for mpb? im gettin freaked out by the top of my head feeling super thin

>> No.12494566

Yes, minoxidil, finasteride and Rogaine are the big three. I went to my doctor for a prescription for fin and its gonna be $75 for 1mg 60 count I believe. Shit is expensive.

>> No.12494598

just order it online

>> No.12494604

I'm brown so I don't want a beard. I will look like a terrorist. I can grow a beard and have done in the past. At the 3 months point, it starts to look quite full for me and that's when I start to look like a member of a terrorist organisation. Would rather be clean shaven

>> No.12494618

why the fuck would i want to take a drug that makes you grow a beard. that shit can't be good for you.

also wat kind of fucking quack would be willing to prescribe this drug lmao

>> No.12494624

look at this MD chiming in.

>> No.12494645

took this for like 6 months for hairline and it fucked up my face. premature aging saggier face and puffy face.

I noticed while looking in the mirror my face was looking fatter and then it was confirmed when one of my close friends told me I look older and face looked fatter.

off it now and hoping that my face recovers because fuck that shit

>> No.12494650


I'm gonna try homeopathy instead because I got a slightly visible scalp and just hair loss in the front due to stress and wrong nutrition and dermatitis which might have caused it years ago.

I think that minoxidil is a bit too much of a brutal ass sledgehammer method in a lot of cases.

>> No.12494680
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 568468735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga what the fuck

>> No.12494682

it's available over the counter because people who actually know things about drugs tested it and decided it was safe

>> No.12494736
File: 142 KB, 600x400, Changdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Why aren't you clean shaved?

>> No.12494857

you were taking coke m8

>> No.12494886

Used it for my beard a while and never saw any loss after stopping to use it. Some people do however experience that. I suppose trial would be the best way to know

>> No.12495208

shut up, idiot.
if you know nothing about the subject you have no right to be or even act appalled.

>> No.12495217


>> No.12495221
File: 63 KB, 608x424, tumblr_n6zt7iK29J1tshtppo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a muslim.

>> No.12496667


>> No.12496741


Sounds like the kind of medicine that will fuck with my testicles.

>> No.12496744

There's a reason it's called homeopathy and not medicine.

>> No.12496748


>seemingly alright black guy named trayvon
>sandnigger terrorist

no thanks.

>> No.12496751



George Zimmerman
J. Cole

>> No.12496760

thing is you've got to stay on that shit for the rest of your life

>> No.12496784

But I'm. Been using it for 1.5 years, not side effects besides dry skin when I started using it and "unwanted" hair all over the body.

>> No.12496811

>uses homeopathy

Why do people still fall for this shit

>> No.12496822


how about you both go die in a fire?
again, you talk about stuff you don't know anything about. homeopathy helped me years ago where allopathy failed horribly and I'm willing to try again and there is nothing in the whole wide world you can do about it. you probably never had any need for it in the first place and then you pass judgment. what gives?
you and your preconceived notions bullshit and uncalled for skepticism trash, fuck off.

>> No.12496823

I have solid beard genes.

I had to shave daily since I was 16. Luckily no chest/belly hair.

>> No.12496958
File: 133 KB, 311x366, dNVvntX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12496963

Wtf you're not supposed to drink it

>> No.12496966

this is same as being a vegan

>> No.12497788
File: 11 KB, 318x313, NOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12499088

why don't you just send a letter to santa? It'll do about as much help.

>> No.12499096

huh? this nigga just grew his hair out lol

>> No.12499101

gud dogz 4 da win

>> No.12499146

This happened to me too the extreme headaches the heart problems and even swollen lymph nodes and i had severe swelling especially in my legs. Thought i was gonna die. My guess is that its your body is trying to compensate for very low blood pressure and I realized my body had to get used to it. Stopped for a bit and took it again. Nothing happens when I take it now.