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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 132 KB, 640x640, 1492642213633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12457825 No.12457825 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

New /thinspo/ tumblr:

>> No.12457831

damn who is she?

>> No.12457832
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how to achieve brat pitt mode

>> No.12457833
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>> No.12457851

Anastasia Shcheglova

>> No.12457858 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 422x342, WIN_20170510_21_59_55_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 6'0 and 79Kg, i had 93 and went to 79 and now ive just been eating shit, is it worth trying again and losing alot of weight? will i look better? Also im using a hat to hold my hair so i have my face free for my skin care stuff

>> No.12457865

Make up and lighting

>> No.12457866

skinnyfat male here. if i actually apply myself around how long will it take to achieve the tone thinspo look?

>> No.12457884

i mean that body shape
can it be done with just calisthenics?
if so how

>> No.12457886
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>> No.12457898


>> No.12457908
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The heaviest I've been was 50kg, when I went overseas to visit some relatives and they forced fed me food.
Anyone knows how to keep the mass?

>> No.12457909

yeah fuck that nevermind sorry for asking

>> No.12457917

You'll start seeing results within weeks if you take it seriously. Your metabolism isn't going to suddenly become amazing, so you should consider exercise and a better diet before you end up looking like a real dilapidated piece of shit.

>> No.12457936

Top Kek M8. You have zero mass

>> No.12457937


>> No.12457941
File: 866 KB, 1120x630, drink_gallery3.e79c68ca3ab4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have experience with stuff like soylent? seems like a good way to lose weight. I'd like to take two a day then have one whole meal, the idea appeals to me.

Could it help me get thin?

>> No.12457953

/fit/fag visiting and holy shit

just drink milkshakes with oats bananas and peanut butter. you can add shit you like.
it's easier to drink your calories than to eat them

>> No.12457989

That's a really bad idea. End of the day it isn't just about being thin or getting thin, it's staying thin. Buying a meal replacement will only work for as long as you keep buying it, if that. Just start running every day, work your way up to like 10km daily and that'll keep you thin far better than soylent

>> No.12457993

It will make you a tranny and give you tits

>> No.12457995
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I also like the idea of just doing it as a lifestyle thing, I already run 8k a day and do a ton of cardio.

It seems like an easy way to get a good amount of calories (which i don't normally get) without eating complete junk.

The former isn't an issue and the latter would be desired.

>> No.12458014

healthy fats

>> No.12458031
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>> No.12458045

Holy shit anon, I'm basically in the same situation as you

>asian male
>family keeps going on about how much of a skeleton I am

>> No.12458052
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>> No.12458114
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>> No.12458146
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tell me im fat pls

>> No.12458205
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i want to get into modeling. Ive always been skinny and tall. Even now im probably under the normal BMI without actually watching what i eat.

but frances new law about skinny models being illegal or w/e threw a spanner in my plan. how fucked am i?

>> No.12458209

you're ugly is all

>> No.12458238

depends if you live in france or not

>> No.12458245

I think I gave myself a panic attack while I was running today? Didn't have earbuds so I let my thoughts wander, ended up trying to count how many friends I'd invite to my birthday party, and that went nowhere good. I know I wasn't overexerting myself, too- I had to stop either way because my heart would be quiet for two seconds and then pump hard, and my throat was getting sharp pains. Even after, my heart felt sore when I inhaled and exhaled, and a little bit now. This was about a half an hour ago. Has anyone else experienced this? I thought for a moment I'd give myself I was going to give myself a heart attack because of the caffeine, adrenaline, and whatever the hell that was happening all at once

>> No.12458247

What about 'em, boi?

>> No.12458253

i dont. i live in a country where thin models dont seem to even be a thing.

>> No.12458263

>how to look good
>do nothing
>eat like a pig all day
>lift heavy weights
why isn't life fair

>> No.12458288


>> No.12458377

jewish trickery

>> No.12458391
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Alright, /fa/m, I need some advice.
I just spent a couple weeks getting really on top of my eating, and I looked great. Until...
>be me today
>be bloated and huge
>my brother is graduating Sunday and I want to look good in my dress
How do I slim down asap? I need to drop water and food weight pronto. What should I do over the next few days to get back to my normal physique?

>> No.12458416

>get down to a decent weight where I'm skin/bones
>immediately discover that I have shitty bone structure
fuck my life

>> No.12458420
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it's cheaper than what i normally eat

>> No.12458431


>> No.12458723

Any anons who frequently get really low moods have any good tips for dealing with food becoming one of the only remaining ways of feeling anything remotely good? I used to have really great self control, but now I've gained, like, 9 pounds and am starting to get skinny fat when I used to be super skinny.

>> No.12458731

i get incredibly self conscious about my super thin arms and legs, does anyone here actually wear shorts and t-shirts?

>> No.12458737

When in public or with friends?
I used to hate wearing shorts and t-shirts in public but then I realised that nobody gives a fuck, and you'll be completely forgotten about within 5 minutes

>> No.12458740

anywhere really. i dont think ive worn a tshirt in public for like two years...
i guess i really just need to force myself to get over it huh

>> No.12458933

where is that?

>> No.12458951

pls love me

>> No.12459099
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Being thin is nice but I can't wear my chokers.

>> No.12459155

Off and on for last six months or so I've been using it, It's been pretty good. Keeps me from getting hangry and I don't have to worry about forgetting meals on busy days. I would mix it with strawberries or something though, it tastes fine but you'll probably get sick of it.
I went 3 weeks only eating it and it felt great. Would recommend for meal replacement.

>> No.12459161

anybody had any luck with water fasting?

>> No.12459180

is it fine to reset calories at midnight or only after you go to sleep?

>> No.12459208

just been told I'm anorexic because I like to stockpile food

that's the opposite of anorexia right?

>> No.12459324

any fast metabolism fags here?

>> No.12459331


ye man

>> No.12459333

any supplements or foods that lower metabolism?

>> No.12459347
File: 264 KB, 957x671, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any legitimate ways to get a stronger jawline like this?

>> No.12459353

work out

>> No.12459452

oh hey balt neighbour

>> No.12459513

some years ago i saw a nutritionist or w/e in hopes of gaining weight and becoming a /fit/ normie.
She just told me to always be eating and digesting and to drink those whey protein shakes that /fit/ uses after a workout

>> No.12459514

Yep, this. Work out, it will sharpen and fill out your facial features in a positive way.

I feel like he's packin' a jaw that his body can't handle

>> No.12459561 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 882x1176, validatemepls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I? I've lost a bit more since I took this but I look pretty much the same.

>> No.12459571


>> No.12459575


>> No.12459581

I want to make babies with you

>> No.12459583

What did they did to you schlong after operation was done?

>> No.12459584

you are hot but this level of attention seeking is fucking awful

>> No.12459585

you look amazing dw

>> No.12459590

literally posting nudes for peoples approval

take a look at your life please

>> No.12459592

>literally posting nudes for peoples approval

You're forgetting where you are

>> No.12459609

jelly. Found my new goal. Stats?

>> No.12459612

is she? this is the kind of body type that i need to see the face to tell if a person is hot

>> No.12459616

Right now I'm around 46.5kg, 168cm, but when this was taken I was probably closer to 48kg.

>> No.12459619

The real question is whether they were born a girl or boy

>> No.12459623

lower bodyfat, maxillomandibular surgery

>> No.12459631


You look great, you don't need to loose anymore weight. I'd aim for a little more definition in your abs, but that's because i like a bit of /fit/ in my /fa/. But this look is fine.

>> No.12459655
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should i get these 4summer or not? im skelly af but been hitting the gym lately

>> No.12459665

Damn anon. You look way better than I did with similar stats.

>> No.12459727
File: 83 KB, 476x476, tumblr_lqf4irLyQa1qegob8o1_r1_500-2794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the socks are cute, i like silly socks. sure the black sweater won't be too hot for summer?

>> No.12459731

w2c sweater?

>> No.12459732

maybe, but looking at his other photos he seems really thinspo

>> No.12459736
File: 493 KB, 1280x720, hamburgers-k-on-2-02-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work at mcdonalds, and one of the "perks" of being miserable about it every day is that i get 50% all food at mcdonalds.

any items on the mcdickhole menu that would be okay to eat while getting thinn?

it would save me money.

>> No.12459746


Fresh salads and the grilled chicken ( i don't know if they have grilled chicken it's been 7 years since I've set foot in a McDonalds) Stay away from the sodas or pies or coffees, anything with sugar in it don't eat it.

>> No.12459750

fake thom browne sweater kys

>> No.12459795


Probably egg white delight for breakfast, and the salads, but without the dressing. Just make sure you're not overeating and counting your intake.

Not sure if they still have them, but I used to eat there grilled chicken snackwraps without cheese or dressing.

>> No.12459830

for some reason just now i realized thinspo is on /fa/. how is this fashion related? we're not on /fit/ only because /fit/ is too concentrated on the "muscular" body type

>> No.12459861

Fashionable people are usually thin, and clothing looks better on skelly's

>> No.12459866

Hey guys, I am struggling really hard with my self steem. Are there any websites, instagram pages, tumblrs, or so that deal with self love without selling you the idea that being fat is acceptable? Maybe not related to body issues just self steem issues?

>> No.12459886

Instagram is the exact opposite place you want to go if you are having self esteem issues lmao

>> No.12459888

Go ninjamode and wear a dark drapey layered fit

>> No.12459891

I dont go there, it was just an example.

>> No.12459899

Stay away from the dressing if eating salads. They have up to 500 calories of empty shit.

>> No.12459931

you´re the one to talk about fake when nothing about you is real

>> No.12459945

Kek. I was planning to wear a short, white, lacy dress. Couldn't be more opposite from ninjamode, I'm afraid. I like that look, but it's spring and I want to dress like it.

>> No.12459982

pretty sure i'm not on /soc/

>> No.12460051
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I'm 6'2" and down to 160lbs from 172lbs but all I've noticed is more vascular hands wrists feet and ankles. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.12460081

consume less sodium

>> No.12460097
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>> No.12460105

s??? get off 4chan

>> No.12460108
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What's a "skinnyfat" body?

>> No.12460110
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my diet is pretty much the same thing daily, but i consistently come up 230cal short. i like packaged foods because they make calorie counting easy.

any recommendations for a good snack in the 200cal range?

>> No.12460112

when you're not fat, but you're out of shape as fuck. so you got a nasty gut and man titties, by lanky skelly arms.

if you look like a sickly goblin you're skinnyfat.

>> No.12460117

Thank you anon, I'll cut back salt and add another 8oz to my daily water intake

>> No.12460120
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>> No.12460130 [DELETED] 
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tfw gained 10 lbs and more gyno

160 lbs @5'10

>> No.12460150


>> No.12460151

Best way to cut shit from diet? I seem to be surrounded by poison and can't stop eating it.

>> No.12460234

Do keto. You wont get cravings for bs and you will see its not worth breaking ketosis for a cookie or something.

>> No.12460249


Lurn2 self control

>> No.12460285
File: 77 KB, 640x917, 1311ee6489d32b883390595ceb0b4a2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c edgy thinspo gf

>> No.12460288

if you're not eating it, you're probably anorexic

>> No.12460295
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>> No.12460299
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>> No.12460302

yogurt, protein bars

>> No.12460303
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>> No.12460315

mental hospital

>> No.12460320
File: 90 KB, 400x300, klugman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've drank soylent for a while. it's heavy on the stomach so you should only drink one every once in a while to get nutrients. they're also fairly expensive as far as meal replacement drinks go so that's another reason to go through them slowly

i would highly recommend getting the cocoa flavor instead of nectar or original. original tastes like flour and nectar tastes like leftover milk and fruit loops. cocoa at least tastes somewhat like the real thing. and always drink them cold, they are much more tolerable that way

>> No.12460357

please be my bf

>> No.12460389

I mean, some people will just be naturally equipped with a nice features. Working out will definitely help though.

>> No.12460408

All the other meal replacers I've seen seem more expensive, any cheaper ones that come pre-made like Soylent that you would recommend?

$3.50 a bottle doesn't seem terrible, though, considering it's a meal. I spend that much on just like, some vitamin water.

>> No.12460414
File: 37 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nrew3nASZd1ts8fjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Soylent being high in fat and full of soy is not undesirable for me.

>> No.12460514

protein shakes/bars/candy/water/whateverthefuck

where the fuck do you live that doesn't sell endless varieties of protein products?

>> No.12460522

Hi everyone. I'm a shut in so losing weight is hard. My diet is improving but I don't think it's enough seeing as I barely burn calories in a day

What are exercises I can do at home that focus on weight loss? Keep in mind I have no equipment also. Thank you.

>> No.12460538

You could just walk. I take 40 minute walks everyday and that burns like 180 calories

>> No.12460570
File: 39 KB, 374x347, a5b887d8084366a7507370f5e6ed1e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably burn more than you think. start going for some short walks, and cutting back on your food.

get myfitnesspal for calorie counting, and consider a fitbit if motivation is something you are lacking in.

>> No.12460600

it's the only one i've had that didn't taste horrible (like boost). and like you said it's not so expensive so just order the cocao or a small amount of all the flavors to sample. i personally find the nectar disgustingly sweet

>> No.12460608

I have bad mood swings and I try to not keep much food in the house when my mood is low, because normally I don't have the energy to get more. You can also stock up on sugar free jello/peppermints, etc, so you get the satisfaction of eating something without as many calories.

>> No.12460615


such qts

>> No.12460618
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>> No.12460627

absolutely repulsive, aside from the veins above her vagoo

>> No.12460628
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>> No.12460633

why do they have to look like whores though?

>> No.12460657

define looking like a whore

>> No.12460670

he did with all the posts he linked

>> No.12460681

so pretty young woman = whore? i'm not exactly sure what else is common

>> No.12460683
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spirals... everywhere

>> No.12460687
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>> No.12460694

part of being a women and being powerful is to exude sexiness and be shameless at the same time
if you can get people to want you because of this u demand control over them when u can twiddle them with your finger but keep your distance at the same time

its the same way with men unless you're beta as fuck. chads will exude sexiness and charm but the kicker is that the most attractive men to women are the ones that they will probably never have.

the weird thing is that men will want sex and will receive but men usually arent in the position to give sex whereas women can

>> No.12460702


Love how you didn't link any of the azns with bare legs exposed but the qts with jeans and baggy tops are whores :^)

>> No.12460707

wow what a fucking whore my dick is the width of her thigh gap tsk tsk

>> No.12460717

>tsk tsk

>> No.12460726

I just want a girl like Karen from Goodfellas who walks into the room like "I need a hit" and actually listens to me and is down for the ride :/

>> No.12460821

Can trannies be /thinspo/?

>> No.12460840

Is there an app that just tracks weight and shows a nice graph? I don't need food tracking.

>> No.12460866
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 1494465015956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, but...
are degenerate.

>> No.12460874


>> No.12460894

Happyscale on app store is the best

>> No.12460915

post body lets see how you're doing

>> No.12460934


If they're thin, yah.

Do you really need any more body image issues though? :/

>> No.12460936
File: 197 KB, 896x1200, body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I fix this?

>> No.12460949


this >>12460936

>> No.12460964

BDD comes with the territory

>> No.12460981

Jesus fuck. Do you do any sort of physical activity?

>> No.12460989

Nothing more disgusting than a guy with top surgery nipples

>> No.12461021


>> No.12461023

fill in the gaps with muscle and then cut

>> No.12461040

Suicide is more degenerate. Making the best of life despite it's anxieties is the only way I know how to live.

>> No.12461082

just do the real fa street child diet of only eating free food

>> No.12461120


>> No.12461144

Just eat your regular portions

>> No.12461219

"simple weight tracker"

>> No.12461224

microsoft excel

>> No.12461322


You could just make a graph, that might be fun.

>> No.12461389
File: 151 KB, 612x612, tumblr_o98pqiuOQA1ugjf1zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was quite happy about my weight and then today i ate:
-many pieces of bread with imitation butter
-avocado, cheese, and egg on toast x2
-wonton soup
-pot stickers
-tofu taco
-mushroom beef
lol bye

>> No.12461401


It's like you planned your binge tf

It's not the end of the world anon just burn it off to make up for it and start fresh

Also take a lax to shit out the food weight and drink a ton of water to help with bloating

>> No.12461420

Don't worry about it too much. Seriously. I did, and then it became a habit, in part because I let it stress me out so much. Now I'm trying to lose 9 pounds again.

>> No.12461453
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>> No.12461578

Libra for android

>> No.12461607

what do you think of ice cream fasting? eat only ice cream and fast
fasting ice cream doesnt hurt your throat

>> No.12461608

purging icee creamu i mean
my stomach hurts

>> No.12461611

Beautiful. Who is that?

>> No.12461630

Hey guys, skelly guy here. How can I get a bigger ass? I don't wanna be phat or anything, but my ass is seriously tiny, and a girl I am interested in seems to appreciate nice large muscular man ass.

>> No.12461640

interval farting

>> No.12461641

what would you do if you had to lose 150 lbs to be a normal weight, if killing yourself wasn't an option.

>> No.12461649
File: 132 KB, 1280x853, 1485604409615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lose it

>> No.12461650


>> No.12461656

eat less move more

>> No.12461657

What's the ideal weight of a 4'11 ft girl? Disgusting I know

>> No.12461668
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i'm 4'11 girl too, 90 seems like a good goal

>> No.12461705
File: 163 KB, 750x721, 1 OUT OF 3 SELF CHECKOUT LANES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow is my cheat day, but should i still do it?
I used to do it and regret it all the time.
Or should i just have like a chocolate bar as cheatday?
I need your wisdom

>> No.12461710

What movie is this from?

>> No.12461720
File: 249 KB, 965x1280, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys eat for breakfast? and is it possible to be keto and vegan?

>> No.12461722

make a fruit salad

>> No.12461728

Don't be so harsh on yourself, sweetie.

>> No.12461729

used to think cheat days are ok, but they aren't. the amount you have to pay for that later is just not worth it

>> No.12461763
File: 13 KB, 250x375, 204753498000202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the ideal /thinspo/ weight for a 6'1 girl?

Anyone have tallgirl /thinspo/? I just want to be a skeleton monster.

>> No.12461770

why do all anime drawings look dumb?
They look like theyre trying to deceive something but theyre too dumb to do so.
Is that cute?

>> No.12461774
File: 34 KB, 320x427, 578daca54b5e739b0e8e4dd4_57a3fd50591fc0890636264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk lol

>> No.12461781

Speak to a doctor

>> No.12461789
File: 70 KB, 640x619, 13267545_265665537117232_469190241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12461792

>tfw missed dinner for the past 4 days because of depression
at least it'll mean lost weight

>> No.12461812

You're still a man.

>> No.12461821

Which is better for weight loss and maintenance?
Keto? Fasting?

>> No.12461830

Just eating well and doing cardio is the best, it might not be the fastest but it'll build a viable routine that you can use to stay thin.

>> No.12461836

killing myself was never an option, i couldn't bear leaving such an ugly corpse
105/150, better than halfway there a year in

>> No.12461852

Ok, you have a point.

>> No.12461859
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1447814217671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no qt thinspo gf

>> No.12461864

tfw the /thinspo/ gf of a /fit/ bf

>> No.12461869

Keto with 2 week long periods of fasting every three months has worked for me.

>> No.12461872
File: 368 KB, 422x750, tmp_28702-14866733988502039143351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else here had gamer abs? A line that forms across the abdomen from skin folding while you sit for an extended amount of time. I've literally always had one since i was 10 years old. I'm losing weight anyway but I'm wondering if at a certain point I won't have that problem anymore, even when I was only 110 lbs I still had it constantly and I'm insecure about it, hoping if i go lower than that It'll go away. I seem to get it even after sitting for only 10 minutes. Also working on my posture too because I know thats a big part of it.

>> No.12461873


>> No.12461890
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>> No.12461896

Looks nice but seems impractical and overly frivolous.

>> No.12461949

>there are people who's lives are so great that they can drop >s like it's nothing

>> No.12462030
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Do sugar free soft drinks end your fast?

>> No.12462036


>> No.12462043
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Depends on you, 2bh. For me, they make the cravings worse, generally. ESPECIALLY if I ate alone.

Now I consider "cheat" days eating out with people, even if I choose the healthiest thing on the menu (because who knows the actual calories in everything when you eat out considering sauces, cooking oils, etc).

>> No.12462046

>be cutting hella hard
>averaging 400-600 calories a day
>down to 206
>eat one meal yesterday for mother's birthday dinner
>way myself today

>> No.12462049

lmao that's not possible

>> No.12462055

I swear to fucking god it happened

>> No.12462081

>shut in
>losing weight is hard
stop eating play vidya u dont need to eat if you're not planning on moving ur ass

>> No.12462113

The native iOS heath app does that

>> No.12462120

Aspartame or whatever that shit is kicks you out of ketosis. Its definitely not zero calorie as the label says.

>> No.12462123

10lbs is not that much if you factor shit packed in your bowels, stomach contents, full bladder and water retention due to extra sodium.

>> No.12462197
File: 118 KB, 700x500, Fruit-Card-Fig-Dried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my sabotaging cunt of a mother gave me a package of dried figues and now I can't stop eating them. They are packed with SUGAR. is it at least good before workout? Each has like 10g of sugar.

>> No.12462200
File: 71 KB, 478x893, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already ate 10 just this morning. also 15 before bed last night

>> No.12462230
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thank u for the support and positivity :3

>> No.12462301

Ideal weight for 5'11 male?

>> No.12462309

To be /thinspo/, shoot for 135lbs. That's about the low end of what a healthy BMI would look like for you.

Go lower or higher depending on how you feel about your looks.

>> No.12462313

lol then im ok.
im 123lbs :)

>> No.12462316

water retention you stupid fucking whore

>> No.12462321

You're not fat but you are a fuck boi

>> No.12462322

Awesome! Post your body then, boi. Lets see how /thinspo/ you are? :)

>> No.12462339

Absolute bullshit. Sugar alcohols may kick you out of ketosis in large amounts, but common zero-cal sweeteners have no effect on ketosis or a fasted state.

>> No.12462349

I want to punch this stupid bitch

>> No.12462414


Did she fuck your bf?

>> No.12462467

Down from 190lbs to 171,7lbs hold me thinspo.
Took me ~1,5 month

>> No.12462475
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>> No.12462479

god it always sucks to remember that girls this attractive actually exist and actually have sex

i'm so detached from reality

>> No.12462480
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>> No.12462484
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>> No.12462487
File: 33 KB, 363x384, idontknowduhwutduhidontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using commas in place of periods
3rd werld nicker

>> No.12462491
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>> No.12462492
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>using commas in place of periods with imperial units
3rd worl kekklenig

>> No.12462497

side profile reasonable, front profile shows you don't have an hour-glass figure which suggests you are a man.

what is happening with your burly batton

dinkus is poking through pant leg

feet give away the fact that you are a pre-op tranny

samefag, but i actually agree....wtf

>> No.12462498

i dont know if thats you or not but the person in this picture is gross

>> No.12462542

interesting reactions

>> No.12462543

ideally nothing. I worked at a mcdicks until october of last year, so I've seen that shit firsthand. If you must get something, get the salads with chicken breast and italian dressing. the oatmeal in the mornings is ok too. Oh and no sugary drinks, obviously, especially the mcfrappes. The drink mix that they pour on the ground up ice has a shit ton of butter in it.

>> No.12462550
File: 78 KB, 245x245, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on water enhancers like Stur?

>> No.12462552

Equal parts physical exercise and not eating like shit every fucking day like I'm sure you do

>> No.12462564

I don't get it, I even look better without exercise and I eat like shit. How do people get like this?

>> No.12462624

vegan boi here.
i usually have oatmeal w/ some chia seed and rice milk, and a few dates.
if not than just raw fruit.
also yes, vegan and keto do mix, hell some dude named matt monarch did raw vegan keto.
just look into a few websites and tweak it to your needs.

>> No.12462660

How to reduce waist size?

Also anyone got any recommended meals or snacks?

>> No.12462672
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love ya

>> No.12462696

Also interested in this.

>> No.12462706

they're genetic vermin

>> No.12462710


Corset or shape wear if you're grills. Consider suicide if male

>> No.12462714
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bby <33

>> No.12462717 [DELETED] 

what was meant by this

>> No.12462721


Assuming the two people I replied to are female. I'm czech don't hurt me ;~;

>> No.12462725


Shut up, lard arse.

>> No.12462731

You first nigger

>> No.12462745

Shut up, actual lard arse,

>> No.12462755

I'm Dutch. Only our politics are third world.

>> No.12462758



>> No.12462779


>> No.12462802

i also like gatorade whey protein bars. i've only had the mint chocolate flavor but it's pretty good. a lot of protein/calories for the cost if that's desirable

>> No.12462811
File: 75 KB, 640x587, IMG_1916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10.5" and 120 pounds as a male

>> No.12462818

>How to reduce waist size?
give up and be ugly

>> No.12462824

If you're using commas you have to write your shit in kilos and centimetres as well you little dipshit, that's the fucking point.

>> No.12462826

Shite. Stick to generic water, it's GOAT.

>> No.12462831

That picture is retarded. Because Michaelangelo was such a devout capitalist.

>> No.12462836

hard work.

>> No.12462841

you do not want to be a skeleton at 6'1, honestly at that height you should just go amazonian and try to get real buff and then emasculate everyone.

>> No.12462843

water retention, also if you measured yourself on a different scale it might be off 5-10 pounds.

>> No.12462845

anyone else stuggle with eating all day/binge eating? I'm down about 20 pounds but i have finals this week and the stress eating is really starting to kick in....

>> No.12462848

That >>12462841 would be hot af. Seconding this.

>> No.12462853


I'm on a campus that's 60% female right now and the only ones that really stick out are the tall girls. it's funny because most don't even like being tall. IMO it's super attractive

>> No.12462867

I either eat way too much or way too little. I'm just going to blame my meds, easiest excuse.

>> No.12462877



>> No.12462897
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 3012959c22a7d69f720ca5e7b089101077ef41ba44add9cc73b436bd81d5e221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose 30 kgs
>too poor to buy new clothes
>still feel like shit


>> No.12462911

or maybe you're just still a fatty

>> No.12462921


If you can lose all that much weight then you can make other positive changes.


Why are you such surly twat?

>> No.12462930

haha nice

>> No.12462953

49 kg, 167 cm.
Caved in and consumed a lot of calories at McDonald's while out with friends. Feel so disgusted with myself since I ate about 2000 calories in one sitting.

>> No.12462955
File: 493 KB, 640x640, statue of david.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its Michelangelo you pleb

>> No.12462956

Just put the figs away... Out of sight, out of mind

>> No.12462959


eh, it happens. what i do is have a "what i can order when i do go out" list so i don't end up getting to much. i try to keep it to 1/3 of my daily intake so i can replace one of my meals with it.

>> No.12463022

Listen faggot.
I was trying to make it easier to understand for some people. Next time I'll write my shit down in stones and pebbles, and length measured by an elephant's tusk if I feel like it.

>> No.12463029

So I'm on Accutane now and I need to consume high-fat food for it to absorb better (and supposedly fatty acids also help with the joint pain).

How do I make sure to eat enough fat for the meds, but still stay under my calories? I've been trying to skip lunch and save calories for dinner.

Also, does anyone have some food & recipe suggestions? I'm allergic to nuts and Avocados are too expensive at the moment.

>> No.12463038
File: 332 KB, 1600x1422, 1404577346606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss food so much. I miss eating shitty junk food, meals with high calories, ice cream, chocolates, fried chicken, pastas, anything good really. Not that what I eat now is terrible and tasteless, I just miss my old regime

I'm lucky in the fact I can eat a lot of shit for a while (was eating whole tubs of ben and jerry's a day for a week) yet don't gain weight at all. Like wise though, unless I really put effort in, I can't lose weight either, hence having to cut out all the shitty food in my diet.

Maybe when I finally get to my goal i'll be able to eat shit again, within limits, but probably not.

>> No.12463048
File: 500 KB, 683x767, Saika_S206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same problem, brother

>tfw lose weight
>still skinny fat
>lose more weight
>still skinny fat

just fucking kill me desu

>> No.12463057

You can also just eat shitty food, but, less, you know? You're probably dying from the inside, but works as well.

>> No.12463059

how is it easier when you put commas though

>> No.12463060

I try to do this now if i'm 'forced' to have something bad, like going to a relative's house for their birthday and we all order a pizza. I'll just get the smallest one and have no breakfast that day or anything else. Seems to work on those kind of days

>> No.12463061

Imma give you some very basic advice, basically what you want to do is not just lose weight, because then you'll look like a saggy piece of shit, and not like a human being.
If you want to look better, feel better, be stronger and all that shit, you'll have to follow this list of steps:
1 - Eat better : Stop it with the junk food, no shit, try eating more protein
2 - Exercise : Really important, if you don't work out ( lifting weights, even if it's bodyweight) you won't get muscles, and if you don't do cardio (running, biking, etc, shit you can do at the treadmill side of the gym) you won't lose that extra fat.
- Go to a nutritionist, should probably be the first step, but you might prefer starting out slow or some of that shit, so whatever, if you're decided on changing your life, then do this first, if you maybe still want to be a fatass loser, then just consider it third.
Also listen to whatever the nutritionist tells you, you may have to eat more because of the workoing out, or you may have to eat less because of losing weight
- Sleep better : You aiint getting no muscle if you aint sleeping properly (preferably during the time period between 22:00 to 10:00) at least 8 hours to consider it a good night sleep
- No cheat days, you'll have to find pleasure in different plates, because eating what you used to will only set you back even more
- Once you look "decent" don't give up, you're probably 4 months in and decided you look fine, this is a lie and you know it, you look kinda average maybe, but not even that yet, keep on it.

For further information visit /fit/ and check out their fat people general, they always have one open and it's meant for people in your situation.

>> No.12463066
File: 5 KB, 138x182, 16832265_1317885304954964_7445911448942268507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typing in all lower case
doesn't make you cool lol bye go back to tumblr

>> No.12463069


Being smug about your 4chan syntax however...

>> No.12463072
File: 25 KB, 344x269, 1493246378625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is walking okay exercise?

I hate running (heavy asthmatic), can't ride a bike, haven't going swimming in years and can't afford the gym. I do a two hour walk day on day off and do calisthenics between those days, so each day i'm doing a workout of some kind

It's near 6 miles to where I walk, and 6 miles back, doing it at a fairly brisk pace as well. Lose 300 calories each time I do it, not much but it's enough to boost metabolism, I think?

>> No.12463080

Yes that is truly horrible I think you are going to die

>> No.12463096

eh, yeah i would say it is. but i would try to do it in a hilly area to really get those legs working.

>> No.12463100

I live in one of the most hilly areas in my country so that isn't much of an issue, thanks for the advice!

>> No.12463103

>can't ride a bike
but wait a minute... do you mean you cannot ride a bike because the asthmatic thingy, or you really cannot ride one at all?

>> No.12463107

never bothered to learn to ride one, never liked the idea of cycling nor was really interested in it as a kid like everyone else was (I learn to skate instead)

>> No.12463226

why not skating then? it sounds nice

>> No.12463231

Is this just a mental illness general or something? Are we gonna start linking to pro-anna and shit? Seriously, you should all get help.

>> No.12463235

Please see a nutritionist

>> No.12463266

I think I'm 5 feet tall (I haven't gotten measured in a while), most I'd be is 5'3". I usually weigh around 100 lbs, lately I've been pushing to 102 lol. What weight should I aim for to have skinnier legs and arms?

I would post a pic but I'm bloated as hell right now. I used to be on a sports team 3 years ago and I ate a crap ton, was varsity, benched 100 lbs and squatted 200 lbs and weight 115 lbs. I don't work out anymore but I still look muscular and it's annoying. Am girl.

Any help with just looking skinny instead of lean like I do rn?

>> No.12463295

wait, I'm not so sure because I'm used to metric measurements, but isn't that a pretty huge difference in length? or did I understand things wrong?

>> No.12463296

No :)

>> No.12463298

Do you mean a huge difference in height? Thing is I'm stupid as hell so I don't know. I MIGHT be 5'2". But it's important because I'm average weight if I'm 5'0" which I always thought I was, but underweight if I'm 5'1" or 5'2". I really need to measure myself lol.

>> No.12463300


Bmi of 17 is the ideal on most women so I'd say 90Ibs is what you should aim for. I'm ana chan tho so my perception is probably skewed \_(ツ)_/

>> No.12463315

Ok. Lol thank you I'll still take it into consideration since I see myself at 100 lbs and still am not happy with it.

>> No.12463319


This is what that looks like btw if you were wondering


>> No.12463322

oh she looks so cute I'd love to look like that

my thighs still touch ;(

>> No.12463344

Female, 173 cm and about 54 kg currently (bmi of 18, if I recall correctly).

Initial goal was 50 kg, but people already tell me that I look too skinny. Though I think that is just an impression as a result of my body not having a very female build or something.

Would it be fine to try to get down to 50 kg?

>> No.12463364

>tfw no qt thinspo gf
my heart hurts, pls help

>> No.12463660
File: 119 KB, 516x868, IMG_22633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lift weights, progression is good but don't lift anything heavy enough to cause your form to break. perfect form @ lower weight > shit form @ higher weight.

you want a routine or some shit?

>> No.12463675

I forgot they did the other retarded system instead of the one I use for decimals

>> No.12463700

I just dumped mine. Girlfriends are annoying.

>> No.12463730

What kind of routine would you recommend to achieve your look

>> No.12463731

I'd say 50kg should be right around your limit. Go for it if you want, don't listen to other people, do it for yourself.

>> No.12463751

I'm actually following Julian Smith's "The Daily Pump" at the moment, but for the first year I followed Eric Helm's Hypertrophy routine which you can find here. forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=168193463

>> No.12463754



>> No.12463761

Not the guy you are replying to but thanks, i will look into it.

At what percentage of your one rep max do you do this?

>> No.12463815
File: 109 KB, 750x1024, 1482189733224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let another semester go by without approaching qts

REEEEE Why am I autistic?

>> No.12463861

Talk to girls online

>> No.12463882

imma say that your legs are probably as skinny as there gonna get, that is not a lot of weight and loosing more probably won't help that much.

>> No.12463886

if your in highschool it doesn't matter, if your in college drink a little to help open yourself up.

>> No.12463888

>if your

>> No.12463891

nigga it's early

>> No.12463909

don't you have to luck out on your bone structure to even be able to have thigh gap, or is that just a media meme?

>> No.12463924

It doesn't really burn any calories and I haven't skated in years. Also if you scrape your knees or elbows it really hurts :((((

>> No.12463937


recent research suggests the highest genetic risk factor comes from the father, which is exacerbated by parental age

>> No.12463958
File: 86 KB, 420x420, IMG_4386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many calories a day do people here aim for? I'm at 600 at the moment which works really well with exercise, but parents are catching on that i'm not eating as much so might have to bump it up to 1000

>> No.12463972

eh, for some people it's a lot more difficult to get one then others but everyone should be able to get one.

>> No.12464016

Takes a bit of practice but after a while you'll figure out what weight you can successfully hit the required rep range that the routine is asking of you. I don't even attempt 1RM anymore, never did really. Find a weight that's comfortable, how many reps can you get out? Keep going until you find a weight that's challenging to hit 8-12 reps (as an example, follow the rep ranges on the routine) and focus on progressing from there.

>> No.12464028

900 for now. Gonna get down to 125 or so and go up to 1000-1200 once I reach that since that'd be a bmi of about 17 for me.

>> No.12464130
File: 1.02 MB, 640x1136, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting rid of my belly fat right now


>> No.12464154


>> No.12464156


have a diet that is high in complex carbs and protein and low in fat
don't starve yourself while losing weight, your body will cannibalize the little muscle mass you have left and when you start gaining weight again you likely just add fat.
also work out and stay physically active

>> No.12464172

>still 6'2''
>still 160 ibs

At least I cut some bodyfat and improved other optical aspects.

>> No.12464348

>approaching qts
why do you want to do this?
are you even qt yourself?

>> No.12464357

Don't have a cheat day. It'll make your insulin spike and super hungry on the following days.

Just enjoy a little more of your healthy stuff on your "cheat" day

>> No.12464375
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 13248814_229580580757014_486546504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12462497 True but this is thinspo not trapspo

>> No.12464379
File: 40 KB, 640x640, 13167225_243799655979242_1593231578_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12464485

You're either trolling or a retard, if you want to take small steps, you'll get small results.

>> No.12464492

I'm 6'3 and shooting for 140 :/

It's hard to eat healthy when you have no money and your fat parents offer free food>>12464348

>> No.12464505

what website is that

>> No.12464525


>> No.12464671

you dress like a cunt

>> No.12464744

what's wrong with it, i think that look is very cool.

>> No.12464780

New thread:

>> No.12464964
