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File: 886 KB, 1024x1024, 08233a37c1891207665e58deb7a11788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12457856 No.12457856 [Reply] [Original]

What would you think of someone using this?

>> No.12457867

that's genius, i need one of them, my blouses are always bunching up

>> No.12457877
File: 998 KB, 2178x3267, krekhPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would think the way his shirt fits looks really bad and uncomfortable.

>> No.12457881

thats a lot of bother for a small reward

>> No.12457882

I have a fupa so nty

>> No.12457885


>> No.12457891

No, a well fitting, tailored shirt will get you 90% there without use of these stupid gadgets.

>> No.12457911

My shirt rides up, so that the collar sags in the back

what do

>> No.12457914

A well fitting shirt will still ride and bunch up if you frequently sit up and down.

>> No.12457923

>wearing jeans as low as that with dress shirts
no fucking wonder

>> No.12458910

Former military. A guy I work with is former Navy and he said they had to wear them in their formal dress.

I think they're nifty and would buy some if I wore dress shirts often.

>> No.12459069
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_7238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear stirrup style shirt stays. These ones look pretty cool, may snag some.

>> No.12459120

I'm wearing a pair of Y shaped ones right now. They keep the shirt down and the socks up. Awesome.

BUT - they tend to slide towards the back part of my legs, and I've to be somewhat careful not to sit onto the plastic thingies for adjusting the strap length.

>> No.12459407

why don't they just make shirts with built in shirt stay straps... you could reinforce the parts where the straps are sown onto the shirt etc...

>> No.12459504


>> No.12459521

that's not the issue in the that photo tho
the pants and the shoes are pretty bad together

>> No.12460219

pants and shoes are the best part.

>> No.12460236

The pants and shoes work fine together. The problem is that he's followed this weird trend of cuffing his dressier pants himself, instead of getting them cuffed by his tailor, and the result looks terrible.

>> No.12460248

This invention is a solution looking for a problem, unless the problem is the idiocy of the populace or of high street retailers. Trouser rises have gotten shorter as have shirts, but people still cling to the idea that we should tuck in shrunken shirts to low-rise pants, and the whole venture doesn't come off because it wasn't intended to. Buy longer shirts, if the goal is to tuck them in. Buy pants with higher rises if you intend to tuck shirts into them. You don't need whatever this monstrosity is to keep your shirts tucked in.

>> No.12460250

gay, but gotta say its useful af.

>> No.12460263


>Those shoes
>No socks

Are you gay or something?

>> No.12460275

Just stop wearing low-rise trousers.

>> No.12460341
File: 27 KB, 342x342, 51yDVE0VV5L._SX342_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get pic related and enjoy never having to tuck in your shirt or having soggy socks ever again.

Been using them quite a bit and i dont even notice them (just like wearing contacts).

>> No.12460361
File: 1.23 MB, 1213x903, SeanConneryInGlenCheck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at Connery's pants here, they sit at the waist. Coupled with the fact that his old school shirt probably goes to his crotch, thats a shirt thats staying tucked. But more than that, look how flattering and effay his silhouette is. Womens trousers are high waisted, why aren't mens?


Problem is the vast majority of brands are low waisted, only grandpa tier fits are high rise. Nothing for the younger man.

>> No.12460365

>Womens trousers are high waisted, why aren't mens?
They are, you just don't know how to shop.

>> No.12460395


>> No.12460599

they aren't. they don't have a rise even close to what connery has in that photo. they usually sit way lower, just over the hip; not on your natural waist

>> No.12460606

I think that's a nice ass

>> No.12460617

I wear these when I wear my dress uniform (Military). It makes a huge difference in how good the uniform looks. I've never worn them outside of that but when you need to look sleek and wrinkle free I'd say they're worth it.

>> No.12460649

Yeah but it's still bunched up as fuck. It's a good casual look for the time, but you want that shit crisp for a formal setting.

>> No.12460684

fat manlet spic faggot

>> No.12461280

? why are you so angry, anon

>> No.12461366


nobody wants to see your hairy ankles faggot, buy some socks

>> No.12461538

It has to bunch up, unless your shirt is skin tight and you're using those devices of satan shirt stays. Wear a jacket and the bunched up part will remain unseen.

>> No.12461542

More and more people complain about low rises on their pants, so I guess the future is high-waisted and tucked in.

>> No.12461576
File: 48 KB, 684x1024, 1460994960-jerry-seinfeld-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It has to bunch up
THIS is how a shirt is supposed to fit a man. Besides, if the shirt bunches up "correctly", it won't bunch up any further. This excess fabric is sticking out of pants exactly to allow some movement.
How hard is it to understand?

>> No.12461609

>future is high-waisted and tucked in

and it will be glorious!

>> No.12461612

it's literally the hottest meme right now, will probably pass under a year

>> No.12462150

low waist is shit.

>never again

>> No.12462448

Im sure you trim your bikiney, hotboy

>> No.12462673

What if I'm a lanklet who already has long legs? I feel like high rise will make me look like I'm all legs.

>> No.12462680

post some info on where to go to get pants similar to this

>> No.12462701


>> No.12462746

Shirt stays have existed for a while

>> No.12463035

anyone else think this looks like some weird BDSM device?

>> No.12463596

i have the same problem

>> No.12463600

One must wear a jacket in a formal setting.

>> No.12463603

You can wear a slightly trimmer shirt than Connery is. That'll remove some of the bunching, but it'll never look like the shirts in a GQ spread (thank god).

>> No.12463605

You should still look balanced, unless you have no torso.

>> No.12463606

They've always been a solution looking for a problem. Notice how I didn't specify stays as being a new invention.

>> No.12463644

That they're a pussy. Nut snappers or bust.

>> No.12465294
File: 28 KB, 413x395, 1317049576351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12465360

actually wouldn't be bad for some events but to wear all the time (to work, job interview, etc) is a little gay

>> No.12465365

I'm not sure if I wanna be wearing these 8h a day 5 days a week.

>> No.12465373 [DELETED] 

I have a fupa so no thanks can we not meme this pls I rely on the perception that my gut could possibly just be my shirt

>> No.12465404


I've often wondered this. Like a little elastic tab with a button hole, and corresponding buttons on the pants.

>> No.12465411

thats what i just said... i mean to a formal event though it would be useful

>> No.12465465
