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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-04-09_05.00.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12457752 No.12457752 [Reply] [Original]

>dress nicely everyday (picrelated)
>wealthy, and drive a nice car.
>have a tag Heuer watch.
>shower everyday groom ect ect
>still a kissless handholdless virgin at 22 years old.

Explain /fa/

>> No.12457755

Shit social skill?

>> No.12457770

if that's how you dress i think most normal people would not approach you in any way

>> No.12457772

you look like a douche, you probably act like one.

>> No.12457775

generic, i avoid that exact look because it's uninspired and boring.

>> No.12457784

Why not? I thought people liked well dressed people.

>> No.12457787

Tag Heuer is exactly what I would expect an untouched virgin to own

>> No.12457788

no need for the question mark

>> No.12457793

daddys money aint cool

>> No.12457796

There's well dressed, there's overdressed and then there's douches who tries to be prep

>> No.12457803

they're afraid of you, you try too much

>> No.12457805
File: 8 KB, 213x237, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends my dude. Do you try to talk to females, go out to social events or clubs? Not just about the /fa/ lifestyle.

>> No.12457808

There's for yourself and then there's dressing to manipulate how people perceive you. You're lack of style shows it's the latter.

>> No.12457812

You look like "the rich kid" from any high school sitcom.

>> No.12457815
File: 235 KB, 527x600, elliot-rodger-photos-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like the next Elliot Rodger

>> No.12457820

this 100%>>12457815

hire a hooker before you shoot up any frat, anon

>> No.12457847
File: 800 KB, 2000x3000, 01-ro-sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somewhat attractive (7.5/10) and effay, grills approach me sometimes, but I'm too autistic to say more than a few words, sometimes I can't even keep eye contact. How do I stop this?

>> No.12457850
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-04-26_15.30.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll regret what you said.

>> No.12457875

just buzz and don't use meme humor irl

>> No.12457890


>> No.12457901

*Dressing for yourself then* Forgot to look it over before posting. Regardless, attitude is most of the reason, I guarantee it. Any jackass can throw on a jacket and shirt and think it's stylish. But something with a few accessorizes and color will show otherwise. Women are particularly good at spotting fakers.

>> No.12457928


People can spot a tryhard from a mile away and you definitely look like one. I'd avoid you at a party. Also, nobody owes you shit just because you think you've got money/style.

>> No.12457952

Sry senpai but i just get a psycho vibe from these pictures

>> No.12457962

you look like someone who thinks is the shit in everything you do. but you are only a faggot who is hated by everyone

>> No.12457971

you look like a creepy entitled white boy 0/10

>> No.12457987

Nice clothes don't make up for a lack of personality.

>> No.12457998

do people still ask you about the girl you raped behind a dumpster

>> No.12458023

You look fine desu, try some online dating friendo, finding bitches irl is hard

>> No.12458026

T. Pedro

>> No.12458038


>dress nicely

LOL I beg to differ.

>> No.12458044

Are you norwegian? Do I know you?

>> No.12458051

I'm American.

>> No.12458054

This is what I was going to post.

>> No.12458056

Ah I guess all pasty white boys look alike

>> No.12458058

I Should've known /fa/ wouldn't be able to appreciate true style. Keep wearing your dresses and dumb nig nog shoes made in China.

>> No.12458061
File: 21 KB, 111x150, 1494446705723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I guess smelly shitskins are all poor and dumb even online.

>> No.12458062

Somehow you look a little bit like father john misty.

>> No.12458076
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 17952952_1373494019377169_8099071902053439_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like you need a personality

As a 27 year old you would be ASTONISHED to know how many of your female friends and even crushes are still virgins. It's like being a republican when you're young.

Hide it from everyone

>> No.12458083
File: 368 KB, 1990x3920, IMG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your clothing doesn't mean shit, women want men with a great sense of personality.
This >>12457850 is not great.
I rather take those comments and laugh desu.
hell anon
>be me, 21
>spent high school with no fashion sense
>converses every day with matching shirt and jeans
>that's right, breaking a major /fa/ rule at the time
>I was a shy person with a stuttering problem but give no fucks
>I would go up to girls and many would find my stutter and shyness adorable.
>I cared for many of them and if they needed help or comfort. I'll be happy to oblige.
>Ending up dating 4 girls and having one real relationship climbing out of school.
>From that point, I wanted to change my style, not because to make girls think I'm god tier
>But to make myself feel good and see what clothing actually does suit me.
>my grandpa died and he left several of his vintage clothing, unused
>decide to rock his style in honor
>from their I still hang with many of my chick friends
> I always try to be nice and always understand their issues and what they are going through.
>I don't drive (live in NJ)
>middle-class anon
>not having the greatest family but we always manage to show love to each other.
>you don't need a lot to make someone like you
Maybe show a bit less hostility and women would be happy approaching you.

>> No.12458091

Barely any females in the U.S are virgins past freshman year of college. Only ones that are virgins are super religious and hideously deformed. The % of virgin females that are a 6/10 + and not super religious is probably around 3% at my age.

>> No.12458095

I'm telling you from personal experience they are out there. I have dated them.
These are the beautiful women you nevver see with a guy. I promise you they exist.

>> No.12458107

I swear I've seen this before

>> No.12458108

I'm not doubting their existence. It's just that they would be nearly impossible to find. Especially at a university.

>> No.12458120
File: 369 KB, 683x1024, Alexis-Ren--Lucas-Passmore-Photshoot-2014--24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially at a University! I'm speaking to a virgin girl RIGHT NOW that I didn't date because I was scared of it failing and people making fun of me for being an autist. Solid 8/10

I am living through you now. There are virgins there, some not even Christians. The ones you DON'T see at every party, that DON'T have a new boyfriend every week. The really beautiful ones that are perpetually single.

Think about it.

>> No.12458124


>> No.12458128


>> No.12458132

I already go on r9k daily. It's my most visited board.

>> No.12458134

who would have guessed

>> No.12458140

Look m8... ur Style would at least fit here in Europe. But that is not a positiv thing! Those things u have on would maybe looks good on me but I'm a bit older than u. Get an other haircut and more sun on ur skin. Try more streetwear and especially an other name dude... Ur still in a position to get things ends well!

>> No.12458141

go back and ask for fashion advice there
at least they won't try to help you get over that sick mentality of yours

>> No.12458154
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a virgin thread there. Wanna move the convo >>>/r9k/36922945

Can someone tell me if this shirt is too long/fits weird? I got an old navy shirt and cut the color off just to try the band collar style out.

>> No.12458165

you're trying too hard, if you relax your shit things will flow better. that's why you see normies wearing tees, shorts and vans getting more laid than you.
what you have its called the elliot rodger syndrome

>> No.12458167

Damn image rotation.

>> No.12458244

areyou the guy with the 2 series convertible that always post on /o/?

get something newer

>> No.12458255

he posted some weeks ago too

>> No.12458257

Lmao you look like some trashy nouveau riche brat who voted for Trump. No wonder pussy avoids you like you're chlamydia

>> No.12458258
File: 8 KB, 225x225, _storage_emulated_0_Pictures_Ostrichs_images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw held hands and kissed today
Feels good senpai

>> No.12458285


have you ever considered that your obsession with girls' "sexual pureness" may be the reason they instinctively avoid you

>> No.12458298

You probably lack personality.
2nd'ing this

>> No.12458300

yeah 95% of college age women i know would rather die than be with a guy who looks/acts like this. for good reason lol

>> No.12458323

pencil neck

pick up a weight you fucking wimp

>> No.12458343

You seem very weak minded
Like you inherited everything you own - everything from your mommy & daddy

>> No.12458477

It's a 3 series...and it's from 2012.

>> No.12458491
File: 33 KB, 363x384, idontknowduhwutduhidontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your shirt and glasses are on point
your tag heuey watch is a bit small for a wrist of your girth.

>> No.12458496

Have you tried asking a girl to join you on a date of any sort?

>> No.12458497

Elliot rodgers

>> No.12458500

your house looks like shit, you're not wealthy

>> No.12458502

>He hasn't taken the asexuality pill yet
Lmaoing at your life faggot.

>> No.12458537

Ah yes because you can judge how nice a house is by just a small picture of the wall. What's wrong with my wall?

>> No.12458540

I've asked 6 girls out in my life 3 in Hs and 3 so far in college...all said no. One actually said yes in HS but she told me she "couldn't go" the day before. Feelsbadman

>> No.12458568

Ask more girls. Ask girls you're not sure you want to date. Being in the presence of another human being without feeling the pressure is something that should become natural.

>> No.12458577

I can't speak to your socialization, but judging from your photos, you're a bit of a cardboard cutout. You just look like you exist to fill a demographic gap in a classroom.

Try being yourself - and if you are, then rest assured, you will find the puss you seek one day.

>> No.12459646

Seriously just be funny, guys think it's so hard or you have to dress nice but I used to dress like shit and had pretty big gut but I could get pussy just by making people laugh. Reference something topical, make up a funny story. Social skills are like 90% of your attraction

>> No.12459653

Force yourself to do it dude just break the habit, as far as talking goes just crack jokes

>> No.12460268

>I'm American
lmao.get fucked wannabe ''white''mongrel

>> No.12460286

maybe try toning it down a bit. Wear a sport jacket with an oxford shirt and some casual trousers like jeans of chinos instead. I can get away with it because I'm older and a lawyer, but maybe you can pull it. Also that watch is super tacky and you hair looks dry af.

>> No.12460313

You look like a rapist.

>> No.12460317

americans are pig people

>> No.12460369

Dress sense has little to do with attractiveness from experience, nor does fitness. Lost my virginity to qt at my most unfit period in over a year, dressed in jeans, convos and a lumberjack shirt. Alcohol helps tho. Just go to parties/clubs and don't be standoffish or incredibly autistic and you'll do fine

>> No.12460676

>help anons of /fa/ I am kissless handholdless virgin at 22 years old please explain
there you go

>> No.12460882
File: 7 KB, 480x360, creepychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creepy and off-putting post

>> No.12460889

your from either the south or the east coast. Try tinder and get some empero Armani shit as well as a good Parka as well as some wings horns military stuff. I feel you feel anon more than you know. Solidarity.

>> No.12460892

Get a new hairstyle.
Also if you want to seem more approachable, introduce some casual clothes into your wardrobe instead of dressing like a prick.