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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 179 KB, 1252x1252, 1454197381119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12443836 No.12443836 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans dress like little kids?

>> No.12443844

Good question

>> No.12443849

Americans are immature in general. They take everything to the extreme whether it be their identity politics or their lifestyle. When I visited America a lot of the public were grossly overweight and their culture from what I picked up was uninviting and intense.

>> No.12443851

what do you wear in hot summer climate, cunt?

most of those are completely fine when it's hot out

>> No.12443874

Exactly. It's fucking hot here. I have to choose between bad fashion and heat stroke.

>> No.12443885

Euro guys who don't give a fuck about fashion dress like this, too. This depends more on the attitude rather than nationality.

>> No.12443961


Linen shirts
Cotton pants
Leather shoes

Go wear polyester somewhere else

>> No.12443976

I was gonna guess these were Australians...
You could say the same thing about any nationality though.

>> No.12444004

The shortest one is 6'2 kek

>> No.12444005


You could start off with shorter shorts

>> No.12444092

that would be gay, american men are not gay, except for the gay ones

>> No.12444287

>american men are not gay

Literately full of fags, when I visited America, CA I swear ever guy was a fag or had a camp accent. Plus your toughest men, the prisoners rape each other ahah xD

>> No.12444297

Linen wrinkles
Cotton doesnt dry fast enough
Leather shoes are too heavy

Why are you such a try hard?

>> No.12444300

The only guys I've seen dress like this are actual MtnDew-guzzling neckbeards

>> No.12444309

yeah that's generally accurate. what part of our great county did you visit?

>> No.12444329

jesus christ look at all those flat feet

>> No.12444382

They are past the age of giving any fucks and wear what's comfortable

>> No.12444423
File: 87 KB, 640x640, ag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys ready for some american girl vibes?

>> No.12444529

>uninviting and intense
only to the weak

>> No.12444829


>> No.12444914


because women make it so that they can.

those guys probably slay pussy.

it's mostly short azian effeminate men who dress well and are into fashion and they have trouble with women.

>> No.12445027
File: 35 KB, 317x471, 1453669682000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there so many of these girls

i fucking hate them

>> No.12445034

Those are the Gronkowskis, they're probably the dumbest family in America, they don't represent us all

>> No.12445047

Lack of taste is just part of Americana.

>> No.12445339

Shit genetics is all they've got

>> No.12445341

All look like friendly Chads who've slain more women than dollars your Ramones cost kek.

>> No.12445747

Nothing wrong with shorts and tees. OP means the gross ass basketball shorts, hideous shirts, baggy cargo shorts, and 3rd grade tier footwear

>> No.12445765
File: 44 KB, 137x364, eurotrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah unlike europeans, who definitely dress well

>> No.12445967

Fuckin A

>> No.12446005

Waitto piggus arr rook same

>> No.12446015
File: 46 KB, 453x592, 1361346117797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorts below the knee

>> No.12446028

too accurate

>> No.12446036

Is Ohio State really popular in America?

>> No.12446037

how else could you bro-adcast to all your bros that you arent a gay cock sucker fag. Anyone who wears shorts above the knee is obviously looking to get their ass slammed

Somehow? Idk how this makes sense to some people. Its like just a written fact to some people about fucking fabric length?

>> No.12446040

Okay I do want to get slammed in the ass by a muscular 6'2 tall American hunk but that's not the reason why I never wear shorts below the knee

Two things that are completely unrelated

>> No.12446047

I was in Columbus for a concert a few months ago, and saw maybe two people wearing obvious OSU shit.

This. How hard was that to take away from the post?

>> No.12446054

No, he just means basic college girls dress like this in general here. Replace the OSU stuff with any school, or regular clothes, and you have every basic white girl age 18-30

>> No.12446056

>European dressing the same way still looks 10 times better

truly best continent

>> No.12446082
File: 24 KB, 437x193, 2013aprICP-racismpart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the slope

>> No.12446084

Because American masculinity is trash

>> No.12446274
File: 59 KB, 473x750, e6c9d4d391750c5477449a9a0a21fba7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

europoors don't realize how hot and sunny it is in the usa

>> No.12446287

manlets raging hard

>> No.12446421

>ITT americans getting overly mad and just proving everyone else's point that americans are over the top and childish

>> No.12446427

I'd still rail all of them given the chance

>> No.12446429

>why are you such a try hard
do you know what board you're on?

>> No.12446435

It's a college in Ohio. Its the biggest college in the state and like most states the biggest college has the most fans or people who wear the apparel. I went to ohio state. I enjoyed the fuck out of it.

>> No.12446439

It's comfy and we don't give a fuck. We're all so affluent so we don't have to dress up and pretend like we are.

Why do Europeans spend so much on clothes, like a bunch of niggers wearing Gucci but not having proper plumbing

>> No.12447270

Why you hef to be mad

>> No.12447280
File: 424 KB, 2000x1290, gronk-gq-0616-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on the absolute pinnacle of masculinity

>> No.12447284
File: 245 KB, 1600x1024, gronk-gq-0616-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also effay as fuck

>> No.12447288


>what do you wear in hot summer climate, cunt?

Uhmm.... Something more effay? Contratry to popular belief, summer is a very /fa/ season.

>most of those are completely fine when it's hot out

No they are not and you should leave this board

>> No.12447289

>I have to choose between bad fashion and heat stroke.

Kek. Why not choose between bad fashion, good fashion and a heat stroke

>> No.12447290

not if you understand the difference in fabrics, cuts and styles
I wore a long sleeve jacket in 80+ F temperature. I also wear long sleeve dresses as well as jean pants in the summer.

>> No.12447297

>Anyone who wears shorts above the knee is obviously looking to get their ass slammed

Oh America, why do your people have to fulfill every single cliché

>> No.12447299


>> No.12447493

triggered mongrel subhuman Americuck lmao..Whats's next?I am a nigger,abdul?

>> No.12448067


Try that in 100 degree heat.

>t. Southern Californian

>> No.12448101


If you dont live in a blue zone youre NOT white.

>> No.12448177

>guess it was Australians
>picture has Rob Gronkowski
Come on man

>> No.12448180

What's so wrong with the Gronkowski's they seem pretty dope to hang with?

>> No.12448231

>leather shoes
>in the summer

Holy fuck, that sounds awful. Minnesota summers are too rough for that shit brah.

>> No.12448237
File: 100 KB, 500x640, solidus_clinton_by_dachevyman38-d662lgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? My ancestors came from a blue zones. Of course I'm white.

>> No.12448776

You don't live in a hot place if you think leather shoes and cotton pants are acceptable to trudge around all day in

>> No.12448787

I wear leather boots in high 40C heat no problem.

t. Australian

>> No.12449317

If you're not dressed well for the weather you will be seen as a fucking weirdo anyway. It's a lose-lose situation, dumb fuck.

>> No.12449343

id fuck all of them

>> No.12449432

RM Williams all day erry day

>> No.12449579

I live in Australia, I know for a fact that you can not look retarded while dressing for hot weather.

>> No.12449687

they are so displeasing to look at

>> No.12450030

why do I find this so comfy

>> No.12450069

i live in europe and i swear i've never seen a guy dressed like pic related

>> No.12450158

tfw when living in light blue blob in in southern sweden. just kill me there is no sun

>> No.12450226

>judging America based off of one state, let alone California
It is the most faggy, liberal and brown state there is

>> No.12450261

What exactly do you know about hot summer fucker?

I live 45°+ every summer.

>> No.12450840

Still doesn't explain why your prisoners rape each other like a bunch of fags

>> No.12450850

These could easily pass for Europeans.

>> No.12450854

Maybe in germany or scandivanian countries where 90% of the population is autistic. Doesn't happen in France of Italy though.

>> No.12450860

pants above the ankle

>> No.12450873


>> No.12450881

Especially those who suffer from midlife crisis and feel like they're 18 again.

>> No.12450896

>Cotton pants
>Leather shoes
lmao is this bait?

>> No.12450988

pants above the ankle

>> No.12451069

Yeah I hear the latest French fashion is wearing a truck of peace for a hat.

>> No.12451076
File: 275 KB, 768x820, yo_aleksi0606in_ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Class is for men.

>> No.12451082

I'm more amazed at how tall they look, they don't seem to be manlets... probably some kind of trick on perspective or something.

>> No.12451085
File: 67 KB, 500x500, linen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is linen?

No wonder you manchildren gotta wear shorts because they are made of polyester which doesn't breath at all.

>> No.12451086

>Cotton pants

>> No.12451091


walmart for clothes
subway or food

these are extremes but every company is aiming towards their business practices for efficiency while trying to disguise it through marketing.

>> No.12451137

cant donk the gronk

>> No.12451158


Are you severely autistic, 8 years old or a severely autistic 8 year old?

>linen wrinkles

Ok. Weird but sort of ok, if we're being very forgiving.

>Too heavy?

What the fuck

>Doesn't dry fast enough?

Have... Have you never, you know, done your laundry? Do you eat on paper plates because you don't want to wait for your dishes to dry?

>> No.12451174


German tourists and swedes from Dalarna or like, Gränna, perhaps, but the worst dressed scandinavians or germans usually look better than your average American. I'd love to see how an american teenager - judging by this place someone who sticks the tip of his dick out of his trouser's waistline everytime he is close to a woman - would handle being in Berlin or Stockholm. Copenhagen and Oslo as well. Hell, even the chavs of the UK dress well compared to the Average American Male.

>> No.12451236

>Not wearing linen shorts

>> No.12451238

I'm more pissed that there are cunts wearing shoes, and going barefoot in the same picture.

>> No.12451418


choose one

>> No.12451460

post an alternative faggot, instead of talking shit.

>> No.12451510

You guys are fucking PUSSIES, holy shit. I live in a part of Texas where it is routinely over 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer and I wear tailored black jeans and black leather western boots.
I hardly even sweat if I'm not out for over an hour. Dressing for comfort or whatever is so gay. Also I would get raped by mosquitos if I didn't have my legs covered.

>> No.12451524
File: 295 KB, 311x416, bogogans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big baggy basketball shorts are distinctly Yank. Australians have really short shorts

>> No.12451563

America is the only country i've been to that prides itself on being uneducated and stupid.

Other countries I've visited in my life seem to have an intellectual zeitgeist that everyone sort of aspires to.

in America it's a race to the bottom

>> No.12451583

As an observational american, I can see your point. I never realise how childish we dress, Its LMAO funny.

>> No.12451594

collared shirts can be pretty comfy and classy

>> No.12451622

sieg why are you still here
everyone but you and tripsk have already left

>> No.12451636

Hard yakka m8

>> No.12451978

leaf poster

>> No.12452995

fuck I hope this is bait. Are you genuinely retarded or just gay? I hope you die of an inevitable heatstroke.

>> No.12453009


>> No.12453070

Their parents still dress them

>> No.12453114
File: 52 KB, 500x489, 8378b68b6607461e9c0942cffa229c83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not a geed fuck you know how to dress

>> No.12453130

Eastern Europeans still dress worse

>> No.12453134
File: 111 KB, 600x400, apr08_tx_cowboys_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're saying he died right after taking the pic?

>> No.12453164

this unironically looks good

>> No.12453243

This is 100% true.

>> No.12453251

>nationalism outside the 4th of July

>> No.12453257

literally nothing wrong with it

>> No.12453267

yeah then explain goshas popularity

>> No.12453280

Can anyone post a pic with a good shorts fit?

>> No.12453286

>be American
>have social anxiety
>never went out much
>start getting out much
>dickheads greet you with unfunny jokes
>everyone thinks they're comedians

I heard this behavior isn't common in other countries and that Americans are odd in out social interactions. Shit's ridiculous, I hate people who think they're funny but aren't leave comedy to the comedians.

>> No.12453595

It's banter, and if you can't handle watered down US banter then you'd never last in Australia or the UK.

>> No.12453636
File: 2.67 MB, 4608x3072, Thisgroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most basic of the basic

>> No.12453638

2nd from left in the top row is the best girl by the way

>> No.12453639
File: 2.02 MB, 4272x2848, IMG_2095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12453643
File: 101 KB, 612x612, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty much what everyone in new jersey looked like in high school

>> No.12453645
File: 933 KB, 840x582, 95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12453647
File: 2.76 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-03-29-14-26-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12453650

t. ass blasted Bills, Dolphins, Jets fan

>> No.12454292

It's a terrible attempt to combine country, streetwear, and "artsy" items. The fact that everything is 5 years behind trend and from Kohls, Walmart, or the mall makes it worse.

>> No.12454325

oh god

>> No.12454420

Those style of clothes are super common here in New Zealand
Europeans are well known here for dressing like faggots
I go on a bushwalk and everytime I see a yurocuck they are dressing in immaculate latest fashion and wearing completely impracticle clothes for bushwalks
They can't even enjoy nature without trying to appeal to mass consumerist culture

>> No.12454513

if u think american men DRESS like children wait til u speak to one

>> No.12454515
File: 17 KB, 216x251, 1445137393442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Northeasterners are literally Southern frat tier

>> No.12454516

ivy league prep doesnt actually exist

t. live five minutes away from harvard

>> No.12454521

>nationalism just on a single day because society tells you so
Gay as fuck

>> No.12454668

>It's banter, and if you can't handle watered down US banter then you'd never last in Australia or the UK.

you obviously don't get it though. i don't feel confident that you've lived in america. it's not banter in the U.S., it's just "i want you to fucking die". nothing but pure venom, like a direct challenge

>> No.12454680

says the low tier Anglo subhuman from irrevelant country

>> No.12454687

>all those shoes
I thought girls liked shopping for clothes that are more than 30$ a piece. What a joke.

>> No.12454702
File: 451 KB, 1198x895, average people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12454710

wtf is with the front girl's legs?

>> No.12454719
File: 151 KB, 927x582, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poortugal here
dunno about the adults but teenager boys/young adults nearly all dress like that in general.
I call them the "azeiteiro" look. Lit translated, "olive oil-er" look. why we call them that, I dunno (for the same reason we call faggots "pan-makers")

oh yeah, that and the Monster cap.

if it's not that, it's loose sporty sweatpants shoved down showing your asscrack.

girls are just the same though. they all look like Kylie Jenner and definitely not in a good way. I literally cannot differentiate most girls and I don't know if it's prosopagnosia or what. pic related is the quickest example i could find

of course, I'm speaking of this in general, I'm a retard who doesn't really go outside that much nor look at people around me much less socialize with them

poortugal in general from my experience is a bunch of sheep following whatever everyone else says/trends

/end banter

>> No.12454722

guy with bucket on head is most /fa/

>> No.12454731

>be european
>island gets so hot that color isn't even represented in this map


>> No.12454742

Oh no what a horrible curse!!!

>> No.12454788

Airports make one realize that the average middle-class person, regardless of nationality, dresses like a fucking "tool".