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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 128 KB, 1200x1600, 498215d3bc26f9308503354cc3445019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12434617 No.12434617 [Reply] [Original]

Are scars /fa/

Post scar inspo

>> No.12434627

Whoa pic related is effay is fuck. Big boss core

>> No.12434656

Most of the time no. But those are the most badass scars I have ever seen. Become a super villain.

>> No.12434661 [DELETED] 

OP looks like a redditor with intentional scarification mod.

>> No.12434666

>shave beard
>go bald
>get /fit/ + /lit/
>become an international icon

>> No.12434667
File: 184 KB, 731x803, mensur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mensur scar where kind of effay in the first half of the XXth century in Germany, but that as more to do with were those scars came from.

>> No.12434672 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 225x225, imgres-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay check those

>> No.12434678 [DELETED] 

Worship satan?

>> No.12434706 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12434739
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>> No.12434741 [DELETED] 

kek wills it

>> No.12434751
File: 33 KB, 637x556, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf has a face scar that runs from the lip. she's a qt nd i love and respect her too much to ask what it's abt or anything. doesn't seem conscious of it nor makes an effort to hide it, i think that's effay

>> No.12434761

Why not just ask?

>> No.12434762


> respect her too much to ask what it's abt

Bro it's your gf and you're scared to ask jesus you must be a giant pussy

>> No.12434775

depends on the story behind the scar

>> No.12434779

don't want to be rude, people have replied to her photos asking and she has never replied, i'd prefer if someday she just opens up and tells me on her own if she wants too

>> No.12434781
File: 239 KB, 736x1015, 1c081c077de5a12f99f3f97029033844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting an eyebrow scar like this. Any tips on how to make it? When people ask i'll just say i fell or something so they won't know how autistic i am.

>> No.12434783

That's an excellent perspective to have

good job anon

>> No.12434786

don't be a fag

>> No.12434818

you are retarded my guy

>> No.12434822

i know m8, but fuck it

>> No.12434831

This is actually brilliant

>> No.12434836

I have that from getting hit in the face with a baseball bat when I was younger.

>> No.12434840

just shave it like all the chavs/rudebois used to do back in the 90's

>> No.12434841

what the fuck? Why the shit wouldn't you just ask?

>> No.12434849

sometimes I wish I was hit in my nose so I could get a rhinoplasty and not be a faggot for getting it.

>> No.12434860

lmao you most likely will not look good. I had a """"friend"""" in high school who shaved his eyebrow just like that (he was trying to look like hopsin lol he was white) and he looked fucking stupid. Don't give yourself a scar like that, don't give yourself a scar in general. It's a bad move and you'll most likely end up regretting it. I would suggest just first shaving it before even considering doing that.

Tom Hardy's scar doesn't look good because of the scar, it looks good because it's on Tom Hardy.

>> No.12434862

>thinking about getting a scar
you're retarded my dude

>> No.12434863

I slipped on a waxed gym floor and smashed my face into floor and got that. What is it about the split eyebrow that you like?

>> No.12434866

First off quit being such a pussy. Second off if you're really this insecure fucking break your nose yourself.

>> No.12434871
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>> No.12434929
File: 223 KB, 644x580, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to get a scar is not more retarded than wanting to get a tattoo.
Wanting it to look accidental, is like amnually distressing milsurp to look like a disater victim however.
Either you get a proper skin removal/ash rub scar mod, like you would get a tattoo or you engage in reckless behaviour until you naturally get one.
Second one will have the benefit of making new experiences and stories to tell to your friends.
Such reckless behaviour includes, german fencing, playing with wild animals, playing with fire, doing stupid parkour et caetera.

>> No.12434931
File: 392 KB, 654x727, Tw3_journal_olgierd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its a game character but effay if you ask me

>> No.12434942

Scars that are clearly from a dangerous situation and not disfiguring are /fa/.

Scars from acne or whatever aren't.

>> No.12434951

wow hello 2015

>> No.12434952

i'd hate to make her feel uncomfortable or sad and i'm not curious enough to justify even potentially making her feel bad. She never talks about it and so I know it's very personal, if she ever becomes comfortable enough w me to share it'd b cool if not i understand like i have secrets I intend to take to the grave

>> No.12434975

Is self harm /fa/? You can get a lot of scars from that.

>> No.12435010

Get an eyebrow piercing and then pull it out

>> No.12435012
File: 63 KB, 500x500, BigBoss-MetalGearSolidV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep beard, grow it out a bit
>Get a ponytail
>Damage your eye and get an eyepatch
>Get a leather jacket
>If you want to go the extra mile cut your arm off and replace it with a prosthetic arm
>Punished "Effay" Snake

>> No.12435022

>TFW self harmed back when I was a teen for about a month and a half
>I had like 3 friends and was doing shitty in class, really a low point in of my life in general. My life was vidya and self hatred.
>Would do it when parents were gone/too busy to notice
>Someone in my school noticed it and tried to talk to me about it
>"Oh haha no I was taking care of my sister's cat, she hates me and ended up scratching my arm to hell and back"
>Worked because I had a few cuts from taking care of my sister's cat
>Stop doing it because I didn't like attention and did not want anyone else to notice/her to catch my lie
>It's healed pretty well, just a few dark lines on my arm I hide with a sports watch I got for Christmas

>> No.12435068

slam your head into a door, aim for your eyebrows while you do it

thank me later

>> No.12435092
File: 181 KB, 651x1050, 30e3f6d10f192dd52e48894fb718f153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scar is super effay

>> No.12436030

This thread reminds me of one I once saw on /b/, where some dumb kid was asking for advice on how to safely break his arm so he could get out of some school-related thing.

Even /b/ thought that was fucking stupid and told him so.

>> No.12436049

that's a big scar

>> No.12436055


>> No.12436163
File: 367 KB, 1920x1080, 14935921502771830566044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-harm is not /fa/ at all.

>> No.12436371

for you

>> No.12436407

For thee

>> No.12436578

f u c k

goddamn. what the fuck happened man?

you look really sick though dude, rock it. You're still pretty good-looking and you can work w the scars, shame it's the first thing people will notice though

>> No.12436586

>I'm thinking of getting an eyebrow scar
>I'm thinking of getting a scar

>> No.12436789

My Asian friend did that in highschool

>> No.12436801

Lol what a retard. I'd really love to have an excuse to wear an eyepatch but I for damn sure am not gonna go ripping my eye out anytime soon.

Does anybody have that .gif?

>> No.12436924

yeah you get it by slicing the entire length of the underside of your forearms vertically, it looks really /fa/ for sure i agree

>> No.12436929
File: 27 KB, 631x786, ollie-reed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12437054


>> No.12437363

Found from Google

>> No.12437431
File: 1.18 MB, 832x552, Screenshot_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12437518


>> No.12437788

jump through a window you dumb fucking moron

>> No.12437803

But /fit/ people aren't educated.

>> No.12437839

sup igor

>> No.12437913
File: 318 KB, 1068x1600, 1483340828489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always thought about scarring my face just for attention seeking purposes. I feel like if I just showed up to class one day with a giant fucking scar down my eye id be viewed completely different. Its a really drastic natural measure to appear more unique without looking like your trying to hard by bleaching hair or something. haven't done it yet because im afraid of fucking up and having a crooked scar
>angsty teenager

>> No.12437934
File: 349 KB, 350x233, 1493409515435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking of getting an eyebrow scar

Place an icepick on your table and slam your head into with as much force possible. Aim for the eyebrow area of course.

>> No.12437965
File: 88 KB, 500x614, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. weakling looking for excuses

>> No.12437969


Hängt doppelt, du pflichtpeinliche Dauerphritte

>> No.12438575

why the fuck did you same this shit op, you're not sneaky and you dont look that cool

>> No.12438584
File: 68 KB, 796x1004, sub_zero_by_keifus-d2y5qsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub zero has the hardest scar of all time

>> No.12438599

in that case just let it be then.

>> No.12438621
File: 21 KB, 380x300, scar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do forehead scars come off? In media scars are usually lower down on the face.

>> No.12438743

OP if this is a picture of you, please start going to the gym and grow out hair abit. Then dress as you like but in military colours. You may be the only one able to make a proper Big boss look work, you have to do it, you are chosen!

>> No.12438865
File: 859 KB, 2576x1932, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My neck

>> No.12439299

Get a buzzcut and look pissed off all the time

>> No.12439359

Just make up some cool story of how did you get them and yeah they are.

>> No.12439380

Nah, that's too last decade. Now you have to be kind of scruffy and look sad but determined.

>> No.12439382

She's going to fuck a black man and you are going to raise his child just because she resented how much of a pussy you are.

>> No.12439389

why you being the joker bro?

>> No.12439393

There was a study which suggested a man with facial scars will be considered more attractive to women than that same man without the scars.

Really doubt it works for acne scars, though.

>> No.12439415

>don't want to be rude

please find it in yourself to take the dick out of your ass

>> No.12439554
File: 132 KB, 1776x1004, scar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related mine.
guess how i got it

>> No.12439562

Is it retarded that I really want scars like these?

>> No.12439570


>> No.12439579

>so I could get a rhinoplasty and not be a faggot for getting it
The fact that you think like that is way faggier than getting a rhinoplasty without breaking your nose.

>> No.12439585

fell off your bike?

>> No.12439590


>> No.12439803

Thanks, anon!

>> No.12439899
File: 70 KB, 604x512, ukraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"thinking of getting a scar"

>> No.12439952

she was throatfucked by a bull, doesn't want to hurt your feelings so she doesn't tell you cause you could never compete

>> No.12439959
File: 398 KB, 1000x1279, 1491674508902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a long crescent-shaped scar under my eye from when a dog bit me on the face.
It's a nice conversation starter, usually tell people it's a mensur scar or I got hit by shrapnel.
Have been told it makes me look manly before,
but mostly by girlfriends so dunno if true.

Also have some smaller scars, but not as visible.

>> No.12439971


>> No.12440009

I got a scar like that from being hit in the head with a rock when I was younger, try that.

>> No.12440058


I could unironically see that being a fashion trend there

>> No.12440564
File: 119 KB, 716x520, 1455294113525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw acne scars

why did i have to get the bad kind of scar

>> No.12440774


>> No.12440980

not really

>> No.12441718

that looks like makeup desu

>> No.12441721

ur a sweet boyfriend anon
i have a scar on my forehead that is pretty noticeable which i'm self conscious of and my ex never asked about it which i appreciated

>> No.12441800

i have one from when a metal door hit me when i was a child

>> No.12441867

you sound like a good bf anon

>> No.12441953

hair cut accident?????

>> No.12441961

very un /fa/

>> No.12442047

IF you still have a dick scar is not a problem.

>> No.12442134
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 20170503_185015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barely noticeable scar on the side of my chin. I cut it on a bed frame when I was 2. effay as fuck

>> No.12442204

Don't give the fuccbois any ideas. The model in this season's Our Legacy photos has that

>> No.12442231
File: 973 KB, 300x196, 1480552171968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12442302

Let me guess, her father was a drinker

>> No.12443002

fucking meme

>> No.12443019

laying to much on one side

>> No.12443030

Don't you wanna know how she got those scars?
Maybe just say it in a joking way?

>> No.12443031

Always thought he looked like Beckham

>> No.12443476
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>> No.12443688
File: 366 KB, 600x600, Geralt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12443730

I've got a scar on my stomach, I've been thinking about getting /fit/ so it looks better.

>> No.12443746

op scars arent real, they are done with rigid collodion scarring make-up

>> No.12444621


i bet she did it herself

>> No.12444624


lmao guy is like 27 and dresses like a 18 year old who goes on hypebeast.com ..

>> No.12444700

Tell your gf to step up the writing on Kimmy Schmidt.

>> No.12444746
File: 222 KB, 400x326, Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at 10.35.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't a thing really, but i fucked with this through the eyebrow one I got in a car accident

>> No.12444802

i have a decent sized scar on my chin, but it's not effay at all.

i've had people ask about the big scar i have on my leg, and i mentioned the one on my chin, nobody noticed it, even after i showed them the exact spot.

>> No.12444805


this is incredibly hot

>> No.12444830

sucking dick

>> No.12444840

stretchmarks from neck fat?

>> No.12444856

i have a big scar on my wrist from having to get surgery it looks like shit honestly

>> No.12445127

Haha his eyebrow is still growing where the scar should be, it looks so fucking stupid
t. two scars in my brow

>> No.12445791

Now that's a guy

>> No.12445794

Underrated kek

>> No.12445800
File: 58 KB, 1120x625, C-C2J1XXgAE0gn6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gutted

>> No.12445802
File: 1.10 MB, 2856x2142, EBT5kG7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12445806

cant fucking see anything from thse shit pics. also do you live with your parents cause that mirror is straight out of 1972

>> No.12445812
File: 272 KB, 1596x900, IMAG5239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for got about my shoulder stabbening

>> No.12445814

fuck off igor

>> No.12445815


best movie makeup ever

>> No.12445816


suck my dick faggot

>> No.12445831

Who gutted you, Igor?
and why?

>> No.12445845

I have a scar like that, except it runs through the brow instead of across it. Now one side of my face constantly look surprised. It sucks man

>> No.12445847

Igor is a trans man, he had an abortion in his previous life