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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 955 KB, 3456x5184, 3wi03wt9cduy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12432922 No.12432922 [Reply] [Original]

Does dressing in streetwear help get qts? What clothes do grills like on guys?

>> No.12432945


just b urself and then kill urself for making this thread

>> No.12432952
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>> No.12432966
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>> No.12432971


>> No.12433355
File: 296 KB, 927x1216, YefnLpS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have good skin
>dont wear videogame tees and cargo pants
>dont talk about your fascist political views and generally be autistic
>make at least minimum wage
>congrats you have a gf

>> No.12433356

When you say streetwear do you mean dressing like a gay black rapper?

>> No.12433362

from my experience most girls dont give a fuck what guys wear so nope\ dno why niggas get on this board tryna get a gf

>> No.12433379

Women care about social status which is in part indicated by the clothes you wear.

Street wear indicates that you are a social parasite and probably still going through puberty.

>> No.12433384

I really really hate this video

>> No.12433387

>WILL 5,400lbs


>> No.12433388

In my country you have to wear hi-visibility clothing for most working-class jobs.
I don't know if it's my imagination but I'm pretty sure young women smile at me more and are friendlier when I'm wearing hi-vis than when I'm wearing good, casual fits.

>> No.12433390

*tips fedora*

>> No.12433392


>> No.12433402

checked and I have already done this but no gf. Maby I'm too pickey

>> No.12433480
File: 43 KB, 827x374, cher_believe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry

>> No.12433868



>> No.12433873

>have average skin
>don't wear videogame tees and cargo pants
>talk openly about my fascist political views
>still have gf

>> No.12433917

peacock effect, bright colours make you seem more dominant

>> No.12433920

Bullshit fat ass

>> No.12433936

>peacock effect

do not try and resurrect that autism here

>> No.12433980

Holy fuck I could only watch like 15 seconds

>> No.12433996

>wears high-waisted jeans to cover fridge body and no ass

Wish women would stop doing this.

>> No.12434002

Thanks alpha I was brainstorming about how to possibly approach this cutie, but with your mindset I'd be able to give her the neglect she deserves and desires

>> No.12434003


this truly. dress for yourself, girls don't care unless you wear something that will embarrass them.

>> No.12434007

>wearing low waisted jeans
Wish everyone would stop doing this.

>> No.12434044

Hey, it's fine to have bad taste in women.

>> No.12434053

street wear... I think looking cozy will score you more points honestly. Just wear a nice sweater and be thin.

>> No.12434122

fucking kek

>> No.12434130
File: 339 KB, 1067x1600, francisco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's all about the face you fucking cucks.

Fashion is a cope. Lachowski is wearing nothing special, just a green tee with jeans, but his face, height and frame is what gets the ladies. Plus, he's a Male Model too. And they're all usually good looking.

>> No.12434131
File: 1.96 MB, 3456x5184, P9V7z1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting it from behind

>> No.12434178




>> No.12434198

>great haircut
>well fitting, good quality shirt
You're not entirely wrong, but come on

>> No.12434469

wow that looks stoopid

>> No.12434486


>> No.12434488


>> No.12435229
File: 741 KB, 3424x2602, 4zayvsm5lquy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no titcow streetwear gf

>> No.12435240

left is qt

>> No.12435249

Fuck this feel, feels too bad

>> No.12435256

>tfw drowning in this type of pussy

>> No.12435259

>have good skin
>wear jeans, khaki or camo shorts, plain t-shirt
>make people laugh by talking 'ironically' about my fascist views
>in uni
>no gf
i think the shorts are the problem kek

>> No.12435683

Anon was right no ass

>> No.12435684

Kek'd what's your secret

>> No.12435686

I thought I was reading a success story and that there was still hope for me

>> No.12435687

his secret is that he lies on the internet

>> No.12435710

having seen the non-cropped one I almost feel bad for him lol
I would hate to have any attention from the internet

>> No.12435725

what am i looking at

>> No.12435922

Lol he's supposed be reaching for some soda pop?

>> No.12436006

kek yeah I think his friend left her bottle and he got it.

>> No.12436008


>> No.12436009

Stop trying to impress people and you'll probably find a girl friend

>> No.12436040
File: 2.42 MB, 3036x2571, 1490348336536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for saving some random person his fit.

Anyway, I like this look. Otherwise just something minimal. Streetwear is shit, makes you look retarded. Also I prefer rather tall and slender, long legs pls.

Why would you change the way you dress for other people though? Wear what you want, what you like.

>> No.12436043

Most people wearing hi-vis are just lowly tradespeople and labourers though?

People wearing workwear like that are looked down upon by everyone except other tradespeople, labourers and bogan/chav/hick women. (at least here in my country).

>> No.12436072

>have bad skin
>be turbo manlet autist
>make above avg wage
Why live senpai

>> No.12436075

>dressing for grillz
Why is this meme still a thing? It's just as dumb ass lifting for grillz.

>> No.12436077

Why is this so cringey? is it because they're trying super hard to look edgy?

>> No.12436087

It's the cigarette and cuffs(including the sleeves). It's obvious he was trying to appear careless, but you know he spent a lot of time making his outfit look edgy.

>> No.12436090

Ha you hit the nail on the head. "it took me so much effort to look this effortless"
it was probably super expensive to look that cheap too

>> No.12436121

man i would just like a guy who wears some simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans

all i see is guys wearing sweatpants halfway down, bulky sneakers and snapbacks with that sticker still on it jfc

i think i'm missing something here

>> No.12436125

There's different types of girls that like different things in guys. The sad reality however is that girls care far less about clothes on men but more about the status of said man. He has to be strong, handsome and wealthy.

>> No.12436131

I really wouldn't be looking for a strong and wealthy man though. And the most handsome ones are usually the biggest douchebags.

>> No.12436133

I've seen it myself though. I live with some absolute Chad. He doesn't dress well in the slightest, just does roids, has a massive jawline and a good job.

He does nothing but fucking girls.

>> No.12436137

Yeah but he fucks the retarded girls

>> No.12436291

>tfw i'm a 5"8 mulatto
>never been rejected by a girl
>only dated 8s and above
>made out with 7s
>ocasionally fucked 6s with nice bodies
>i'm a 7,5 at most
>wear well fitting mall tier shit
>less expensive clothes than all of you
>still pull the hotties

it single handedly is all about confidence. i'm also fit but dont think thats why. pls guys, they are just like us.. dont put them on a pedestal. muh dick literally doesnt react when i see a 10/10 now, its like i genuinely couldnt care less about girls and it seems like that attracts them.

>> No.12436323

post face

>> No.12436461

WOAH! DUDE! You must be SO COOL!

honestly get a life manlet

>> No.12436818
File: 59 KB, 600x450, 30a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never been rejected by a girl
>only date 8s and above
you lost me at 5" tall

>> No.12436860
File: 21 KB, 233x423, 1465566263087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're not even 7", you will NEVER have a female even breathe in your direction

me on the right

>> No.12436880

>don't be ugly
>don't be fat
>wear black pants and turtlenecks
>listen to p4k or /mu/core
>live near/go to artsy college

>> No.12436882

>pale skin and get spots a lot
>put on a bit of weight over uni
>wears gamer apparel which is subtle enough to not be cringey
>known to my friends as the nazi
>at uni which is a glorified NEET
>have a gf, also fucked her friend in a threesome with her

Why? Because I'm funny. And that's all you need.

>> No.12436884

do you live in 2005

>> No.12436885

haha kiss on your eye

>> No.12436978

>implying your gf doesn't look like Chris Chan

>> No.12436986

Maybe your girlfriend just has low self esteem

>> No.12437152

Girls only care about brand names, more expensive the better.

>> No.12437166


Even when you are in like seventh grade and girls don't know shit about clothes they will compliment you on some dumb sweater because they recognize the brand name from mall ads and commercials

>> No.12437178

I thought he was sniffing the chair.

>> No.12437183

Try 2012.

Normie fashion moves at a snail's pace.

>> No.12437248

I don't care too much about what guys wear specifically, as long as their outfit is put together well.
Although I do appreciate when men wear accessories and jewellery to add something different. Especially earrings!

>> No.12437260

Gotta fake it till u make it

>> No.12437412

girl don't really like smoking by the way, unless they also smoke.

>> No.12437543

>When ppl have Anti Trump opinions near me

>> No.12437584

>if you're not even 7"
>post pic of tall man

uhh, i think everyone is taller than 7 inches in this world, unless you have an extreme case of dwarfism

>> No.12437592

Its the truth though, if you wear a lot of neutrals people will think you're trying to just be one of the crowd and not that desirable alpha studmaster

>> No.12437599

shoutout to the guy who broke the silence

>> No.12437802

Are you retarded? A double prime is for inches you fucking idiot.

>> No.12437810

IF thats you, your outfit is trash.

>> No.12437817

whenever i wear my adidas windbreaker (its bloody nice brehs) i get talked to more my streetwear girls with caps and those sexy instagram pigtails i like

>> No.12437820

WTF are you wearing. Tube socks with rolled up skinny light wash denim? Watch doest match, belt looks out of place. Worst is the by far the socks!

>> No.12437881

how can you tell if those are tube socks when you can only see up to his ankle bone?

theyre literally white socks wtf lmao

those arent skinny jeans

belt is irrelevant it's optional anyway

and that's clearly someone else posting that guy's photo

>> No.12437988

Literally no girl is attracted to streetwear. You wear streetwear to look cool not to attractive.

>> No.12438066

>Face is pretty smooth and clear, just wear more long sleeve stuff for my shitty arms
>Gained a bit a weight, but not enough to be called chubby
>Never worn vidya tees/cargo pants
>Never get into political talking, generally act normal
>Have an internship, but I'm still in college and it's a pretty interesting/eye-opening job

>Have a 2 inch dick

That last point might have something to do with it.

>> No.12438077
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Every time

>> No.12438115
File: 138 KB, 1280x711, corrado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12432971 here

just wanted to make sure you guys didn't possibly miss out on a very important detail: at 1:41 you can see that the guy in the white t-shirt to the left of the poor girl (viewer's right) is startled. he has suddenly heard thunderous footsteps approaching. but when he turns he sees that it's just ginnie, coming over to comfort her friend. and he smiles. he smiles because he truly appreciates her compassion and bravery to help the situation

so many layers of tragedy in that video. i come back to it often

>> No.12438142

holy shit dude


>> No.12438235

irl idle animation.

>> No.12438294

shes so hot :(

>> No.12438341

You just need to bee:
> >6.40/10 FACE
> >1.65 cm tall
> Make good money.
Thats it. Fashion is just a secondurary thing

>> No.12438355

a socially retarded guy at a speedrunning convention got in the way of the projector iirc so he had some issues

>> No.12438360

Women don't care about fashion on men. It makes them look like fags and undesirable.

>> No.12438409
File: 727 KB, 737x769, 1381325601395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of God

>> No.12438418

why do people think this shit looks good. you look like a fucking dork with your shirt tucked in and pants rolled up. dirty ass shoes too you bum

>> No.12438421

Go talk to some girls in your silk flame shirt and fingerless gloves and see how that little theory works out for you.

>> No.12438531

>wearing silk and not superior polyester

>> No.12438539


when will they ever learn?

>> No.12438544

This looks like sc:bw pathing

>> No.12438554
File: 22 KB, 396x386, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just looked up what 1.65m is. meter midgets trying to pull one over on us towering yardbros


>> No.12438558

Fat chicks don't count. Anyone can pull fat chicks.

>> No.12438563

Then you'd have to be careful because people might think your flame shirt is actually on fire.

>> No.12438572
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>> No.12438624

a 10 to you is probably a 7 to me, spic

>> No.12438800
File: 11 KB, 480x360, chibi_adam_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the classic


>> No.12438820

ID on shoes?

>> No.12439083

i think that style is too aged. it just looks like youre wearing a costume post like 2008

>> No.12439086

>Most people wearing hi-vis are just lowly tradespeople and labourers though?

Top-tier tradie in Aus' can expect to make 70-100k per year.

That's not YUGE but it's not nothing either, particularly among 20-somethings where the grill is probably a student or an unemployed former-student and her classmates are the same.

>> No.12439087

The other thing about tradies in Aus' is they have a reputation for being strong and masculine where male yuppies are more effeminate and chinless than ever before.
These girls aren't getting to fuck Patrick Bateman, they are thirsty for men.

>> No.12439125

when you're high at Mcdonalds

>> No.12439307

Hit to a T.

Honestly, minimalism always works best.
And by minimalism, I mean actually knowing how to layer, not the WYAWT "AM I FA for wearing Stans, black jeans and a $25 White T"

Really, I think they only care about how you layer, because it looks like you put an effort.

>> No.12439491

what if it's summer?

>> No.12439732

Video games were a mistake

>> No.12439744

>thread is a combination of reddit reposts and completely unrelated /v/ shit
What the hell is this?

>> No.12439822

this pic is getting way too much shit for what it is

>> No.12439892

>i wish women would stop looking better

>> No.12439895

he's right ya know

>> No.12439927

2 inchds Erect or flaccid? I'm pretty sure girls don't care about flaccid length, ones that do go for black guys right? Is that the difference?

Or was Tarantino's film the hateful 8 meant to imply that the negro doesn't have bigger penises, its just a lie like the Lincoln letter in the film

>> No.12439930

He was in the right you know

>> No.12439936

Lol he could feel her coming

>> No.12439956

I don't get what's going on here.

>> No.12440000


>> No.12440056

The dude snuffed her chair after she stood up

Because autism

>> No.12440135

This fit is sick lmao

All these fucking redditors man, thanks/pol/ for bringing them here

>> No.12441031

Can someone redpill me on how to get nudez? Literally how do you transition from flirting with them, having them laugh, to sending dem pussy pics?

>> No.12441057

can i still get qt if i have bad skin? im good on all other points, and as a plus im tall.

>> No.12441062

What would be considered tall?
I'm like 5'8, please tell me that's at least average?
also what would be the ideal weight for that height?

>> No.12441067
File: 57 KB, 699x650, 1493703595280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, anything under 6' is manlet, that's the cutoff

>> No.12441068

I like the fit as well.

>> No.12441102

Assuming you are in the US 5'8 is on the lower end of average. And weight would be determined by body type but I'd say 150lbs based on /fa/ parameters.

>> No.12441119

5'9 manlet from the US here. I don't know about 5'8 being "lower end of average". At least where I'm from (upper midwest) dudes just tend to be like 6'0-6'3. I feel short where I'm from.


Outrageous, but I realize these are 4chan troll standards. I mean really isn't anything under 6'2 ideal master race technically manlet?

>> No.12441136

i didn't expect to want to watch this whole video but wow this is amazing. he IS in the right. this is sick

>> No.12441872

Holy shit

>> No.12441944

Depends on what your means to them.

Here in good old Toronto I know exactly what type of girls respond to different fits.

If I want streetwear whores I just wear palace and supreme when I walk into urban outfitters. Girls approach me most of the time and I'm not even kidding. I'm also 6"1, slim, and white. So if you aren't those then I truly am sorry.

I've been trying my luck with those super rich Chinese girls and it's worked out pretty well. All I have is one Gucci tiger sweater and throw it on top of full Uniqlo. I do okay but it's harder because they only like full on gaudy Off White faggots.

Personally, find a girl who is a qt and dresses sub par, impress her with your "style" and mould her look into what you want.

Trying to get my current gf into k fashion rn

>> No.12441964

Jesus does the echo ever get loud in your asshole? Cool story bro.

>> No.12441966

when will this /goofycore/-meme die the fuck out

>> No.12441993
File: 75 KB, 600x573, 1486326486398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patagonia with cuffed sleeves and blue jeans is the hipster version of streetwear. neck yourself for this post

>> No.12442043

>decent skin
>not a fascist
>not poor
>dress well
>tall, slim, intelligent, witty, artistically talented, above average dick
>crippling autistic insecurity so never assume girls are into me or ask them out

>> No.12442131

lol you're 19. That 'too cool 4 u' aloof shit won't work past 21.

>> No.12442132

This. Dudes are more likely to check out/compliment your stuff than women.

>> No.12442140

Just be like: "ayy let me see dem tits" of yes proceed if no say "wow okay" like they fucked up lol

>> No.12442182

>not a fascist

That's where youre fucking up you nerd. The brainwashing is working, your commie idols don't want you to reproduce

>> No.12442187

I'm killing myself

>> No.12442761

Anon I wanted you to know I followed your advice and it worked. Got this girl from tinder to send me some, so in a way...you were my first

>> No.12442829

Tall guys with acne are cute

>> No.12442845

Don't say that anon, you've never seen me.

>> No.12442847

He's right some people got their face shredded by puberty

>> No.12442852

youre willing to kiss someone with acne on the cheek?

i wouldnt tbqh

>> No.12442861

Just because you say you're a girl doesn't mean you have taste. men with acne are less attractive. You may have sex with them because you think it makes you special, defying society's beauty standards, but really it's because you don't think much of yourself, and started to find conventionally attractive guys (muscular, great hair, tall, clear skin, tanned, nice bone structure and white teeth) unattractive because you think you're out of their league. May as well pretend guys who would bone you are cute. Why not

>> No.12442864

id on the shoes?

>> No.12444105
File: 3.42 MB, 1920x1080, sofashionable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I recognized this belt thing when I saw it.

>> No.12444208

I live in a small town.

DESU any guy that wears clothing that fits properly and that he tried to make into a fit instead of just throwing on at random is doing better than most of the guys here and I'll notice he looks good.

Wearing a certain style usually indicates that your taste in other things like music and media is likely to be similar to other people who wear that style. You will do better with girls who like those things because they will know you have things in common.

>> No.12444326

Doc Martens 1460s

>> No.12445095

my nigga hakeem

>> No.12446075
File: 242 KB, 600x573, 1493847370609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chart seems to imply that normalfag basically means that one doesn't have a crippling mental illness, a trait that is not necessary for patricianship

>> No.12446107
File: 31 KB, 89x236, groutfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not effortless, but not expensive.

The shirt seems to not be made anymore, but probably retails for $25-$45, but is also probably a plentiful thrift item for ~$5

Reeboks similar to those retail for $85-$130, which is standard for shoes worn by most people that don't shop at walmart

The belt looks cheap, the socks generic

The jeans appear to be soft mom jean denim, which I don't see sold retail for men a lot anymore so, anecdotally, I'd say thrifted

I don't know much about watches, it could be hella expensive, but I find it unlikely given the rest of the ensemble that he would buy an expensive watch just for one outfit, so it's kinda moot.

I don't really care ultimately, but my autism was piqued by your claims of wardrobial affluence.

>> No.12446116

>know obscure Mac Demarco facts
>own Loveless on vinyl
>say that your dad will never accept you for being bi, but also never attempt to fuck dudes

>> No.12446129

I hope you dont want to attract that fat chick lmao

>> No.12446137

The average Male height in the US is 69.3", you are basically average

>> No.12446176 [DELETED] 

Streetwear is for niggers and white-trash scum


>> No.12446179

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.12446189

He looks like a retarded autistic cunt. How is this look considered stylish by normies?

>> No.12446197

According to the chart I'm not a normie but I would be if some of the tiles were rearranged

>> No.12446211

I'm merely stating facts

>> No.12446213

And revealing your aut- I mean power level in the process

>> No.12446517
File: 271 KB, 600x573, 1493847370609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a weird loser who spends most of my time by myself and am chronically academically unsuccessful and cant pay my rent and am an out of shape manlet with patchy facial hair, and I'm still 68% normie according to this. I must not be as weird as everyone has been telling me i am

>> No.12446520

I guess it's different in yuropoor bit in the states, we admire the working class. People romanticize the proletariat as humble and the backbone of America.

>> No.12446523

I think you're a little confused

>> No.12446525

I'm 5'7" and get laid.
Tall people don't really exist where I live anyways.

>> No.12446528

yeah I'm ready for the whole obviously thrifted clothes + hat with some random embroidery bs to die

We get it, you're in high school and take art classes.

>> No.12446529

Not that dude, but I'm only attracted to milfs, I'm 20, and have been dating them since I was 16. I'm naturally an asshole, and it works fine.

>> No.12446541
File: 92 KB, 600x573, normie bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I even allowed on this site anymore?

Also does it count if I turned down at least 5 sexual partners because I was in a committed relationship through almost all of college and have on multiple occasions turned down women at bars.

>> No.12446599
File: 440 KB, 601x572, sadface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12446937
File: 116 KB, 600x573, fuuuuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing similar clothes to the qt u like might get you to talk to a grills,

The clothes that grills like on guys varies, can you specify what type of grills you like?

i have many grills talk to me when i am with other people, because i have a very unique style/character , but grills don't just go up and talk to me because of my style

its all about your nonverbal communication paired with the theme of your fashion.

remember if you want to act confident, pretend you have lasers shooting out of your nipples and they fly onto peoples foreheads

if you want mainstream hipster grills, just dress like a nice bearded SWJ hipster, if you want a punk grills, probably go for dark tones/black, or go classic suit if you want upper class ladies.. . IDK, just dress for the kind of person you want to be

>> No.12446998

honestly if u get like a good 3 pairs of sneakers like asics, new balances, and vans old skools. some skinny jeans from h&m. and some tshirts from decent brands like stussy/10deep and a lot of basic shit from like polo or banana republic ur set. girls like to see you put effort into ur clothes but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to go all out

>> No.12447018

Where can I get tshirts with cute/'cool' graphics, like where a pocket would be, etc?

Been noticing this more, but have only bought plain tees my whole life.

>> No.12447027

Go up the middle anon.

>> No.12447028

I think you're the one who's confused buddy. No one is calling you a spic.

>> No.12447309

Do I have to talk to girl first to get gf???

>> No.12447318

if there was no belt and the shirt sleeves weren't cuffed it'd look fine. also no cigarette

>> No.12447323

smoking is only cool for keith richards and ronnie wood.

>> No.12448761

Why would anybody date a girl that doesn't have low self esteem? Fucking casuals.

>> No.12448798

>not a fascist

Keking at your life. You'll never be /fa/.

>> No.12448812

I've done all these things and still have no gf. I make sure to never wear video game clothes in public or talk about how adolf hitler was the greatest man to ever live but girls still don't like me.

>> No.12448830

This is basically how farmers dress.

>> No.12448858

this is the only correct answer here thanks bye

>> No.12448861

and you'll never be loved by your parents so here we are

>> No.12448945

Hello! I'm a very lonely person and have never experienced anything romantic, so I spend a lot of time just fantasizing. I've never really had a chance to talk about all the kinds of things that a girl could do to melt my heart, so I'm glad to talk about it here. I know you only asked for one thing, but I have lots of things. I hope that's alright.

A few really nice things that really made me feel so in love have happened to me too, so I'll list those as well.

Things that have never happened to me that I'd really like from a girl:

Holding my hand tightly and not wanting to let go.
Giving me a very nice and romantically-charged hug.
Backing me against a wall and confessing to me.
Forcing me out of a conversation I was having, dragging me away, and then confessing to me.
Visiting my house.
Inviting me to their house.
Inviting me anywhere.
Writing me anything (like a poem or a little story!)
Asking me if they could add me on Steam so we can play video games together.
Demanding that I have lunch with them (but in a cute way!)
Petting my head.
Sitting on my lap.
Letting me sit on their lap.
Kissing me out of the blue.
Offering me a massage (non-sexual)
Offering me a massage (sexual)
Telling me that they don't want to go to prom, but that they want to spend time with me that day and inviting me to iHop.
Visiting me when I'm sick.
Asking me if I'm okay whenever I'm absent from class.
Not rejecting me when I ask them out.

Things that have actually happened to me and made me feel really good:

Putting a jacket over me when I'm asleep.
Asking me to write something for them.
Calling me over to take a picture with them and then hugging me for the picture.
Telling me that they'll miss me.
Baking cookies for me (though I'm pretty sure when this happened, the girl just happened to have some leftover cookies from when she gave some to other people).

>> No.12448948

This one probably made me feel the absolute best. I'm graduating high school (in America) pretty soon and have to leave the country to serve mandatory national service (in Singapore). A girl I have a crush on gave me a senior picture without me asking, wrote her name on the back with " good luck!", and kissed it. It was really sweet of her. I thought about maybe confessing to her before we graduate, but I decided nothing good's going to come out of it since I'm leaving the country and since she's really way out of my league. Still really nice, and I'll treasure that picture forever

>> No.12448959

I sincerely hope all of these things happen to you. Good luck, anon.

>> No.12449217

>thumbnail: pawg
>fullsize: trick of the shadows, actually flat

This ass is a mirage

>> No.12449225

non ononono no no no no
he had another coke near the girl but he didnt want to get it when she was sitting or he would have made it awkward

>> No.12449240

High waist anything is hot as fuck, you're right though

>> No.12449305

anon even though you might feel lonely now I am sure there is a person that will make you feel wonderful, and she/he is just around the corner. as long as you are happy and content with yourself, other people will love you for who you are - its not a cliche, its true

>> No.12449310

what if I'm a NEET shut-in

>> No.12450065

caveman looks effay as fuck shit

>> No.12450277
File: 31 KB, 960x532, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually know a girl like this that constantly makes up bullshit sad stories, she's actually mentally ill and lacks hygiene.

>> No.12450663

Clothes don't help

Work part time at smoothy bar while repeating your 2nd-4th year for the 2nd time in BA degree in non-classical music course with your main instrument being: guitar/bass/drum/korg/voice while living at your parents city centre rental pad flat.

The trick is to actually believe that your band is going to make it. You have to convince others that you are convinced that even if you don't make it, you wont care because you'll already be an accomplished successful basket weaver on the tourist trails in Machu Pichu, then proceed to invite to show them your basket/handywork, offer to weave her one for her rusty old single speed racer.

Girls have about 3-5 years to leave that phase from being 17-23 where if not pregnant with your baby already they will realize that the 35 year old who lives across the hall at your building is probably is paying the bills themselves (and is not just 10-15 years your senior with an office job and a 2:2 BA in music tech from a decade ago larping as an adult still in their parents city centre pad.)

I take it you have already read Big Sur and fear and loathing and can hold a 30 minute conversation about bob dylan (substitute Nikki sixx and Manson for a grunge/punk girl) tapering off into sixto Rodriguez before standing up and leaving commenting you have to go to band practice but you can join my fanpage to get in touch where your next 6 gigs at the same 3 bars are listed. If you are struggling to hold a conversation just go to your local HMV and pick up a few books. Don't worry anything on 'that' shelf will do.

Don't worry about actually being any good at an instrument or knowing your shit. Women who care about that sort of stuff are studying at actual music colleges and most certainly not hanging out at the entrance of urban outfitter waiting to be approached. Just look at them on your way in and ask them if they've been stood up on your way out. You know they'll be stood there next week.

>> No.12450677

ITT: no females posted ideal male fit pics

>> No.12450777

>"fascist views"
Turbo cuck detected. Ben Dover 4 Bernie

>> No.12450827
File: 93 KB, 600x573, 1493847370609a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even that "normal" or well adjusted. If you don't get bingo on this you are a social pariah and need to commit sudoku desu.

>> No.12450886

suicide test

>> No.12451354

honestly the good skin isnt even required as long as you have a decent looking face, but the rest is true.

if you can pull off a lil jewelry, youre set. a guy who is confident enough in his masculinity and isnt afraid to experiment with colors or cuts or weird combos (within reason!!) is already miles ahead of everyone else, even if he looks average.

>> No.12451365
File: 131 KB, 1080x1080, exdee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this maybe. the sunglasses and pink hair are a bit extra for my tastes but its simple, theres some color, the quality of the jacket/cargo pants is obviously pretty good and not some forever 21 stuff

>> No.12451374
File: 115 KB, 600x573, Normal Fag Bingo Myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man... Looks like the cat's out of the bag.

>> No.12451406

chibi deserves nothing but sympathy. people are just brutally mean to the poor guy

>> No.12451415
File: 267 KB, 600x573, Untitled1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before I started posting on /fa/ vs now

>> No.12451425

Jesus christ 25/25 and I don't consider myself a normie

This is just like a chart of having a fucking life you incels, the only ones on here excusable are yearlong relationship and sex in public place because some people aren't down with that shit

>> No.12451480

jesus fuck these 2 have got to be the most punchable bitches ive ever seen

>> No.12451526

not being autistic helps the most

>> No.12451551

stop posting this

>> No.12451568
File: 149 KB, 596x572, normalfag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i get a date for prom just to check that extra box??

>> No.12451578
File: 265 KB, 453x604, ggbbg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you basically grew up here :')

>> No.12451581

trip still hasn't earned her BA in like 6 years though

>> No.12451584
File: 452 KB, 914x539, Screen Shot 2017-05-07 at 10.29.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12451605

That's just a photo op. She hasn't walked yet or received the degree

>> No.12452406

5 inches and 8cm tall

fucking kek, when will these manlets learn.4

>> No.12452410

those jeans look awful

>> No.12452558

Lol as if having sex in a public place is normalfag and going to one metal concert with your fat friend is on a level with losing your virginity. This is more like "do you not have commitment issues or a mental illness" than "are you not a neckbeard"

>> No.12452692
File: 193 KB, 640x400, 1360467982274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it someday anon

>> No.12453250

I...is having pointy nipples /fa/
>asking for a friend

>> No.12453544

when it comes to longsleeve shirts, should I go a size up? I usually wear a medium, but it seems like a looser fit looks better with longsleeves.

>> No.12453560

:( i try to keep them covered at any chance i get

>> No.12453566
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"photo op"? everyone hates you sieg

>> No.12453758

> it single handedly is all about confidence.

why do people say this

>> No.12453819

Are you me? Aside from slim.but I'm working on that by hitting the gym and running everyday

>> No.12453826

Non-white "people" always think any girl they hit is 2 or 3 points higher than they actually are. Protip, you've probably slammed a 7 once and made out with a bunch of 5s, especially at that age.